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Kulshrestha, Umesh C. Lead banks in India. New Delhi: Radha Publications, 1990.

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Ray, Partha. Commercial Banks and monetary policy in India. New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2008.

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Kunjukunju, Benson. Commercial banks in India: Growth, challenges, and strategies. New Delhi: New Century Publications, 2008.

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Rohmetra, Neelu. Human resource development in commercial banks in India. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate, 1998.

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Sooden, Meenakshi. Regional disparities of commercial banking in India. Delhi: Kanishka Pub. House, 1992.

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Choudhury, Saswati. Intra regional disparity in North East India: Commercial banks. Guwahati: Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development, 2004.

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Choudhury, Saswati. Intra regional disparity in North East India: Commercial banks. Guwahati: Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development, 2004.

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Basu, Chitta Ranjan. Commercial banking in the planned economy of India. New Delhi, India: Mittal Publications, 1991.

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Liability structure of Indian commercial banks. New Delhi: Northern Book Centre, 2010.

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Chhipa, M. L. Commercial banking development in India: A study in regional disparity. Jaipur, India: Printwell Publishers, 1987.

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Banks, Reserve Bank of India High-Level Committee on Agricultural Credit through Commercial. Report of the High-Level Committee on Agricultural Credit through Commercial Banks. Mumbai: Reserve Bank of India, 1998.

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Nachane, D. M. Capital adequacy requirements and the behaviour of commercial banks in India: An analytical and empirical study. Mumbai: Dept. of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India, 2000.

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Tripathi, Asha Ram. Bank financing of industries in India. Delhi, India: Tiwari Publications, 1991.

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Calcutta, Law Research Institute, ed. Indian banking: Crime and security in Indian banks. New Delhi: Ashish Pub. House, 1991.

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Institute for Social and Economic Change, ed. Liberalisation and efficiency of Indian commercial banks: A stochastic frontier analysis. Bangalore: Institute for Social and Economic Change, 2006.

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Kumar, Kewal. Institutional financing of Indian agriculture: With special reference to commercial banks. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications, 1987.

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P, Mahesh H., and Institute for Social and Economic Change, eds. Banking sector reforms and NPA: A study of Indian commercial banks. Bangalore: Institute for Social and Economic Change, 2010.

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Bharat's how to borrow from banks & financial institutions: With special chapters on State Bank of India, micro finance and financial inclusion, private equity and venture capital, bank credit and sick units including CDR. 3rd ed. New Delhi: Bharat Law House, 2010.

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Mehta, Basant. The organisation and working of lead bank scheme in India. Allahabad, India: Vohra Publishers & Distributors, 1989.

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India, Export-Import Bank of, ed. Exchange rate regimes of less developed countries: The case of India. [Bombay]: India Book House, 1994.

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Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad., ed. Substitution of trade credit for bank credit: Empirical study of financing behaviour of Indian manufacturing companies using panel data. Ahmedabad: Indian Institute of Management, 2004.

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India, State Bank of, Export-Import Bank of India, General Insurance Corporation of India., and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade., eds. Trade in services: The Uruguay Round & after. New Delhi: Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, 1994.

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Bankforening, Norske, ed. Commercial banks in Norway. Oslo: Norwegian Bankers' Association, 1992.

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Martin, McCauley, and Central European Business Information Services., eds. Russia's leading commercial banks. Seattle, WA: Central European Business Information Services, 1994.

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Association, Norwegian Bankers', ed. Commercial banks in Norway. Oslo: Norwegian Bankers' Association, 1986.

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Reed, Edward Wilson. Commercial banking. 4th ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1989.

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Emekekwue, Patrick E. Commercial banking. Kinshasa, Zaire: African Bureau of Educational Sciences, 1994.

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Abrol, Prem Nath. Commercial banking. Delhi, India: Anmol Publications, 1987.

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Pandey, Rama Nand. Commercial banks and rural development. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications, 1989.

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Narasaiah, M. Lakshmi. Commercial Banks and agricultural finance. New Delhi: Sonali Publications, 2009.

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Narasaiah, M. Lakshmi. Commercial Banks and agricultural finance. New Delhi: Sonali Publications, 2009.

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Narasaiah, M. Lakshmi. Commercial Banks and agricultural finance. New Delhi: Sonali Publications, 2009.

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Prywes, Menahem. Risk facing U.S. commercial banks. Washington, DC: International Economic Analysis and Prospects, International Economics Dept., World Bank, 1990.

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Özler, Sule. Have commercial banks ignored history? Washington, DC (1818 H St., NW, Washington 20433): International Economics Dept., World Bank, 1991.

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Narasaiah, M. Lakshmi. Commercial Banks and agricultural finance. New Delhi: Sonali Publications, 2009.

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Ozler, Sule. Have commercial banks ignored history? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1992.

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Barnett, Robert E. Commercial banking. Washington, D.C: The Association, 1995.

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Rahmatullah. Islamic banks in India: Directory. Bombay: All India Council of Muslim Economic Upliftment, 1992.

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Khan, Muhammad Jameel. Flow of commercial banks agricultural credit. Lahore, Pakistan: Punjab Economic Research Institute, 1986.

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Christopher, James, and Smith Clifford W, eds. Studies in financial institutions: Commercial banks. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.

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Non-performing assets in commercial banks. New Delhi: Regal Publications, 2007.

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Ikhide, Sylvanus I. Efficiency of commercial banks in Namibia. Windhoek, Namibia: Bank of Namibia, Research Dept., 2000.

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International Federation of Accountants. International Auditing Practices Committee. The audit of international commercial banks. New York: International Federation of Accountants, 1990.

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Anitha, H. S. Entrepreneurship development: Role of commercial banks. Jaipur: Mangal Deep Publications, 2003.

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Anitha, H. S. Entrepreneurship development: Role of commercial banks. Jaipur: Mangal Deep Publications, 2003.

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Machiraju, H. R. Modern commercial banking. 2nd ed. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, 2008.

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Arora, Kaushal K. Development banking in India. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 1992.

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Barnett, Robert E. Commercial banking. Washington, D.C: American Bankers Association, 1991.

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Hwa, Ng Kah, ed. Commercial banking in Singapore. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1996.

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Negi, Balbir Singh. Economic & commercial geography of India. Meerut: Kedar Nath Ram Nath, 1991.

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