Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Commerce – Vietnam – Études comparatives'
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Do, Ngoc My. "Les déterminants des choix de canaux de distribution de biens de grande consommation : une analyse comparée franco-vietnamienne." Nantes, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002NANT4001.
Full textThe thesis approachs factors that influence the choice of distribution channels of convenience goods in vietnamese economy, acoording to models of countries with modern distribution systems, especially France. It underscores a new approach of distribution channels in the economy of Vietnam. The purpose of this work is to elaborate a relevant pattern process for the vietnamese national market and to put a decision tool at the disposal of the leaders of manufacturing and import firms of convenience goods in Vietnam. Thus, this research work tackles the various problematicals linked to the choices of channels, and to the criteria of choice. The comparison of two different contexts allows to define three priorities in the modernization of the distribution system in Vietnam : the organization and the development of the best conditions for the creation of modern distribution channels, revalorising current channel process ; the development of assistance tools for decision-making, favouring determination of commercial objectives ; the emergency of creating trade regulations, in a lasting and stable framework, applicable to the process of distribution in Vietnam
Nguyen, Thi-Hai-Van. "De la construction à l'application du droit de la propriété intellectuelle : l'exemple du droit des marques au Vietnam : regards comparatifs sur les expériences française et vietnamienne." Toulouse 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOU10017.
Full textThe recognition and the implementation of the protection of the intellectual property rights in Vietnam become more and more complex, especially after the Bilateral Trade Agreement with the United States comes into effect and Viet Nam's accession to WTO and to the TRIPS. The newly-formed and weakness of the current legal system risk to compromise the obligation to international conventions relating to the protection of the Intellectual Property rights committed by Vietnam. As well, the priority given to the improvement of institutions was carried out in parallel with legislative reform, without neglecting the enforcement of the protection of the Intellectual property rights by means of administration and judicial. References from the French's intellectual property rights legal system that conform to demands of the TRIPS Component of the WTO, will provide rich informations to fill in the gaps and to come up with solutions for issues in the IPR of Vietnamese's legal system under construction. The comparative method allows taking into consideration specific demands of the situation from a country like Vietnam, and to choose among the possible options, one that best reflect the legal tradition of the country as well as most respect the social-economic interests of Vietnam. Therefore, the research in the frame of this thesis may contribute, even modestly, in the creation of a modern theory of the Intellectual property rights in Vietnam
Nguyen, Thi Thu Van. "Les conditions du divorce en droit vietnamien : comparaison avec le droit francais." Paris 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA020015.
Full textHo, Xuan Dung. "La responsabilité pénale des personnes morales : étude comparative entre le droit français et le droit vietnamien." Toulouse 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOU10041.
Full textAlthough the criminal liability of legal person is widely introduced in the world, it is in project in Vietnam. So, this thesis, basing on the comparative law research, aims to present to the Vietnamese legislator a model of the criminal liability of legal person, which is adaptable to the national legal system. Because Vietnam is a member country of the Francophone Community, the French legislation is usually an appropriate reference for the legislative reforms in this domain in Vietnam. In this context, the thesis analyzes not only the French legislative experience in application of the criminal liability of legal person, but also the Vietnamese legal reasoning system, which helps to identify the difficulties related to the French model transplantation into Vietnam. The thesis is open for the further research on applicability of the criminal liability of legal persons when this liability will be adopted in Vietnam
Nguyen, Thi Thu Van. "Le divorce et la séparation de corps en droit vietnamien, comparaison avec le droit français." Paris 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA020026.
Full textPortas, Louise. "Les pratiques corruptrices dans les échanges économiques internationaux : étude comparative France-Vietnam." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU10005/document.
Full textCorruption is an ancient and common phenomenon unanimously condemned. It is considered as a real plague undermining all societies’ values, rule of States and is a danger for worldwide economy. But the term of corruption is actually employed to a complex, multifaceted and scalable phenomenon. In practice, it offers as many forms and behaviours as situations where it can be realised. Therefore, this study was first devoted to define the notion of corruption. Contrary to the common language, this term is employed here in its legal meaning. As a consequence, corruption is defined in this study as the crime, or more especially, the several specific crimes incriminated in analysed legal systems. But this study also reveals that the fight against corruption shall not be limited to these specific crimes. Other behaviours, beforehand and afterwards the phenomenon must be incriminated and severely condemned. In other words, to fight against corruption it is fundamental to combat all corruption practices. The choice was, next, to make a comparative study between French and Vietnamese law. The economic links between the two States are very strong such as their legislative disparities, in particular regarding the incrimination of corruption crimes. Vietnam, as a transiting country, knows a very fast economic development. But the country is not at the same level than France regarding criminal law. Contrary to France, Vietnam keeps a very classic vision of corruption crimes and doesn’t perceive its multifaceted aspect. Nevertheless, because of international commercial exchanges’ intensification, fraudulent collusions inevitably appear between the two States. De facto, they must face up these new forms of corruption, alone or together
Farouk, Weshahi Ahmed. "Le droit face à l'objectif de sécurité du paiement dans le commerce électronique : étude comparative franco-égyptienne." Aix-Marseille 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004AIX32020.
Full textThe specificity of the information and communication technologies has called for the creation of its own set of rules The French legislator, contrarily to the Egyptian, adopted some legal rules whose goal is to envelope the new technologies of information and communication in order to accentuate the confidence in the numeric economy. The objective of this study is to search, by means of the law, an establishment of a considerable level of security to the on line payment in electronic commerce. Thus, the first part is dedicated to the security of the instruments used in the on line payment in the electronic commerce. These instruments can be classified as classic instrument (the bank card) and revolutionary instruments (the electronic money). In the second part, we are interested by the security of the on line payment operation. Considering the internationalisation of the Internet network, the determination of the applicable law to the payment operation is a decisive element for the establishment of the legal security of this operation in the electronic commerce. In addition, the Internet network is world wide opened, which necessitates the utilisation of the electronic signatures as well as the cryptography in order to establish the determinative effect of documents exchanged during transactions, preserve the confidentiality of these exchanges, assure the identification of the parties and guarantee the non- repudiation of the electronic exchange
Nguyen, Thai Cuong. "L'accès aux médicaments et les droits de propriété intellectuelle (comparaison en droit français et droit vietnamien)." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TOU10011/document.
Full textAccess to medication plays a dual role in the balance of interests between the monopoly created by intellectual property law and the protection of public health. Intellectual property law contributes three mechanisms to support access to medication: compulsory license, parallel importation and generic drugs. Furthermore, competition law grants another supplementary method to insure access to medication by insuring a fair competition. However, these mechanisms were not enough to guarantee equitable access to medication because developing countries have met other obstacles in multi laterals agreements. Access to medication has to be reformed in light of the bias presented by intellectual property law
Nguyen, Marie. "Le modèle français du partenariat public-privé : enjeux et conséquences pour le Vietnam." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016TOU10009/document.
Full textThe public-private partnership, (PPP) introduced in Vietnam in the nineties’ as BOT (Build, Operate, Transfert), has become the main interest of the government’s economic policy. The analysis and comparative approach of the English and French PPP’s model allows, firstly, tackling matters, so far neglected by the government: science of law, social, cultural and political aspect of law. This approach allows then, including the PPP within the framework of public action reform: the French and English PPP experiences could attract the attention of Vietnamese government in the use of this model. Two matters of Vietnamese law environment could be improving: firstly, the qualities of French continental law system could contribute to clarify ant to rationalize Vietnamese law, particularly private property and contract law. The French public law provides information to though about the foundation of public property law and public contracts law in Vietnam. The paradox of the Vietnamese transition politic raises the problem to find out about a compromise between social cohesion and competition necessary for the PPP development in network industries. The French state control and its public service model seem to be a brake on the development of economy. Meanwhile, this model could suggest reflections for the research of a state intervention in Vietnam, in particularly, the management of state owned enterprises and public service outsourcing
Kuyven, Luiz Fernando. "La responsabilité précontractuelle dans le commerce international : fondements et règles applicables dans une perspective d'harmonisation." Strasbourg, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010STRA4006.
Full textThis thesis offers a contribution to the harmonization of the precontractual liability at international level, through the proposal of a single foundation and appropriate rules. It analysis the solutions adopted by several national legal systems, the lessons of international commercial practice, the original developments introduced by the doctrinal initiatives of harmonization of contractual law and the new EU regulations affecting this subject
Taoufiki, Rachid. "Les usages devant l'arbitre du commerce international en droit comparé." Perpignan, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PERP0636.
Full textIn principle, jurisdiction is reserved to the State's courts. Nevertheless, the contracting parties are able, if they some express will, grant this competence to arbitration justice. The arbitrator will have therefore for mission to settle the disagreement, but to the difference of the State's judge, it does not return the justice in the name of a State, nor in the framework of a national lawful system. Therefore, when he decides on the question of the applicable right, the arbitrator enjoys a wide liberty. Thus, it can attribute competence to the State's rules or to the usages of the international commerce. The question that puts itself is to know if this liberty of which enjoys the arbitrator remains limited by the reference of the parties to the applicable right, or if she exercises herself even in case of designation absence by the parties of the applicable right
Le, Ve Quoc. "Les règles de formation des SARL et des SA en droit comparé français et vietnamien." Rennes 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009REN1G017.
Full textOur thesis studies the rules of formation of the SARL and the SA, the most important part of company law of any country, in our view. These rules govern the whole economy of a country. The economy can only develop if its investment and market policy meets the needs of the practice. The rules of formation of company are divided into two parts : substantive conditions (part one) and formal conditions (part two). Comparative law shows that both French and Vietnamese legal systems have weaknesses and strengths. However we believe that the French law is established by contrat, which is an essential legal basis for regulating creation and functioning of companies. Such a theory is not get mentioned in the Vietnamese law
Licari, François-Xavier. "La protection du distributeur intégré en droit français et allemand : une contribution à l'étude de la compensation du déséquilibre contractuel dans les contrats de concession et de franchise commerciales." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000STR30023.
Full textThis work aims at identifying and analysing the different institutions of contract law and of commercial law, which compensate or could compensate the imbalance of powers and values that characterizes this kind of contractual relation. The thesis deals with the questions of misrepresentatian, unfair clauses, certainty of price, but also with the importance of the principle of good faith and fair dealing (article 1134, al. 3 C. Civ. : § 242 BGB). The role of the rules of the commercial agency in unifying the "statute" of the tied distributorship is developped too
Trinh, Ngoc Huy. "L'influence de la culture nationale sur la politique de rémunération des entreprises multinationales : une comparaison Vietnam-Europe." Toulouse 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOU10074.
Full textThis research concerns the influence of national culture on the remuneration practices of European multinational enterprises in Vietnam. It is built on the G Hofstede's theoretical model of national culture (1980, 2001) in order to try to help leaders of multinational enterprises (MNEs) have a compensation policy in the international context. We also try to measure the employee satisfaction level with regard to the remuneration. By adopting a qualitative approach, an empirical study was conducted with a sample of 307 CEO of these MNEs from seven different European countries and 893 employees working in these 39 MNEs. The result demonstrates that there is an influence of the dimensions of power distance, individualism/collectivism and uncertainty avoidance on the remuneration policy. The effects of the other two dimensions (masculinity/feminity and long-term orientation) are still indicative. Moreover, our results also show that there is high level of employee satisfaction with regard to the remuneration if the compensation policy is built on the adaptation to the Vietnamese culture context. In conclusion, these results emphasize the importance of adapting national culture in compensation policy making in an international environment
Yang, Caixia. "La validité de la convention d'arbitrage dans le commerce international : étude comparative." Paris 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA020021.
Full textNguyen, Van Quân. "La protection du patrimoine historique et esthétique face à la mondialisation : l'exemple de la France et du Vietnam." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TOU10071/document.
Full textThe heritage, which often leads to the notion of legacy transfer, is the result of a series of choices made upon the definition that a society or a group of people want to give themselves. Expressing both that identifies and differentiates it from other groups or societies, heritage involves some interpretation or even reconstruction of the past based on present issues. This way of conceiving heritage is directly tied to a past that is socially and historically constructed: invented in the West during the modern era, it was then extended to other societies. This extension of the concept of heritage seen as such is supported by the intensification of exchanges that characterizes the new global context for the past century. Indeed, in a context of globalization marked by the acceleration of international exchanges and the questioning of some traditional institutional frameworks, the heritage sector experiences a number of changes in both forms of its management and its valuation. Given the role of heritage on national identity and its increasing impact on the economy, heritage policy always plays an important role in the cultural policy of the State. Facing a world without borders, the state’s heritage policy undergoes significant changes. The considerable changes of the globalized world as we know do require new measures to protect, conserve and enhance the cultural heritage
Vigneron, Sophie. "Étude comparative des ventes aux enchères publiques mobilières : France et Angleterre." Nancy 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004NAN20001.
Full textTorbey, Karim. "Les contrats de franchise et de management à l'épreuve du droit des sociétés : étude de droit français et de droit libanais." Paris 2, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA020020.
Full textAckad, Magued. "Le contrat de franchise en Egypte : étude comparée de droit français et égyptien." Montpellier 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001MON10042.
Full textBu, Abbas Ali. "Le Contrat de franchise en droit français et en droit koweïtien." Strasbourg, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010STRA4008.
Full textFranchising is a contract which is binding two legally independent persons in the purpose of collaboration, the franchiser giving to the franchisee his distinguished signs and know-how with a payment in return and the commitment of the franchisee to use them according to a uniform commercial technique. Franchising is the repetition of a commercial success beforehand experimented by the franchiser. The implementation of the franchising contract involves the application of an anthology of rights such as contract law, competition law, trademark law and others distinguished signs law. The franchiser must communicate to the franchisee all the precontractual informations imposed by the law. The franchiser and the franchisee have mutual bonds. Franchising takes consequences both towards the execution of the contract and towards its extinction. This thesis carries out a comparative analysis of the franchising contract between the French and the Kuwaiti law
Chendeb, Rabih. "La formation du contrat de consommation, étude de droit comparé." Paris 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA020005.
Full textNaimi-Charbonnier, Marine. "La formation et l'exécution du contrat électronique." Paris 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA020056.
Full textHotait, Mazen. "Protection du consommateur dans les contrats conclus sur Internet." Paris 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA020038.
Full textChikhi, Kamal. "Le droit et l'informatique : manifestation et remèdes : étude comparative entre les législations des pays du Magreb et de l'Union européenne." Perpignan, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PERP0729.
Full textThere one day which passes without that we hear about Internet? Internet is a phenomenon of company (society). Internet is a new media. On the technical plan: it is the fleuron of the new information technologies. On the economic plan: it is the sign of the new economy and the globalization. On the social plan: two billion web pages, and more than two hundred million Internet users. Figures are exceeded before the end of their reading. The expansion of the net upsets not only the production of the knowledge, but exchanges also the legal rules. It is the objective to which we hope to contribute modestly with this study. " The developments relative to this subject appeared according to the following structure: In a first part(party), we bent over the e-commerce (definitions, reality, problems put by this new mode of business, meeting of the wills, assent, proof) As for the second part(party), we dedicated him(it), As for the second part(party), we dedicated him(it), completely, on examination of computer crime (malpractices, problems, application). La understanding of the functioning of internet and its history, seems necessary to encircle well the subject, and a study on the presence of the net on the market of the States of the Maghreb seems compulsory to see the dimension of the phenomenon. We dedicated a preliminary part (party) to the functioning and the inventory of fixtures. The countries of the Maghreb do not suffer from a gap in the law but from a legal lack, the State is invited to find solutions and to take advantage of the experience (experiment) of the countries which are exceeded to us to find solutions of the new legal and practical obstacles which put the internet. .
Fallah, Mohammad Reza. "Étude comparative entre le droit français et le droit iranien sur les dispositions concernant la formation des contrats applicables au commerce électronique." Strasbourg, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009STRA4007.
Full textContracts which are prevalent within the e-commerce industry carry two specificities of international importance, that of being, on the one hand, entered into over remote distances and that, on the other hand, of presenting themselves without necessarily any material support, is that of being virtual. These specificities raise a number of issues. First, one is faced with the substantive and procedural validity and effectiveness of contracts within private international law, which further impacts on evidential matters. Secondly, the protection of consumers as regulated by consumer laws has to be looked into. While the author has analysed these issues from a theoretical angle, built upon a comparative study of both French and Iranian positive laws, which have been amended in view towards rendering them applicable to the virtual world and namely that of the Internet, he draws heavily on passed problems which have been experienced from a practical point of view. The meticulous study of the subject has led to the overall conclusion that electronic commerce contracts can respond satisfactorily to the general regulatory requirements as imposed by both French and Iranian civil laws
Trabelsi, Riadh. "Contrats d'affaires et fonds de commerce dans le monde électronique : étude de droit comparé français et tunisien." Grenoble 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008GRE21004.
Full textAn electronic store can fill up all the conditions of fixity and permanence to conclude business contracts. Therefore, it constitutes an appropriate support for the selling of goods and services. In fact, the legal institution of "fonds de commerce" can be adopted to give a legal existence to this new economic reality, despite of its electronic character. Thanks to the idea of "legal universality", the business contracts can constitute an important element of the "fonds de commerce". It reflects with the other elements of the "fonds de commerce" the wealth of this particular institution of the French law
Le, Thi-Muoi. "L'influence des différences culturelles sur la négociation commerciale franco-vietnamienne dans le contexte socioculturel du Vietnam." Grenoble 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002GRE21008.
Full textMadjiwei, Ngarlem Ngarguinam. "Le droit pratique des affaires au Tchad : quelle place pour le commerce informel?" Paris 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA010271.
Full textBui, Minh Hong. "Les régimes matrimoniaux, étude de droit comparé français et vietnamien." Rennes 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012REN1G029.
Full textMatrimonial regime, under French law and Vietnamese law, is a very important part of the family law. It regulates the financial reports of spouses and protects the legitimate interests of each member of the family as well as the third party members. Both French and Vietnamese laws adopt community property as matrimonial law. This similarity between the two systems of law reflects a cultural analogy between the two countries. However, many differences can also be found between them. Vietnamese law maintains the legal regime as the only matrimonial regime applicable to all married couples. In contrast, French law establishes the diversity of matrimonial regimes. On the one hand, it establishes the principle of freedom of the marriage contract between the spouses that allows them to maintain a private property, the legal regime applies only to spouses who do not have marriage contract. On the other hand, it establishes the basic regime regulating primary conditions for the household maintenance and the education of children for which the rules are applied to all spouses, regardless of their matrimonial regime. The study and comparison of matrimonial regime under French and Vietnamese law shows the similarities and differences between the two systems, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each of them. More importantly, this study establishes fundamental proposals for law reform in Vietnam in the direction of recognizing of the diversity of matrimonial regimes
Anfossi-Divol, Joan. "L' usage et l'enregistrement, éléments essentiels de l'harmonisation du droit des marques : une approche comparative des droits franco-communautaire et des Etats-Unis d'Amérique." Paris 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA010272.
Full textPaulmann, Steffen. "Wirksamkeit von Haftungsausschlüssen und -begrenzungen im deutsch-französischen Warengeschäftsverkehr." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004STR30005.
Full text(Cotutelle de thése franco-allemande/German language/summary in French:30 p. ) The present work deals with the questions of conflict of laws alter German and French private internationallaw, including the question of applicability of the UNIDROIT Principles as weil as the Principles of European Contract Law of the LANDO commission. Principle interest then is given to the different modes alter German and French law conceming the control of a contract's validity and especially of its restricting or excluding remedy clauses. Furthermore, it is discussed how the national rules of validity control should be construed with respect to a contract having an international context and especially when being govemed by the Vienna Convention of international sales in goods. Finally, the mechanism of validity control after the UNIRDROIT and LANDO Principles is examined, as weil as their possible influence on the interpretation of national rules being applied to international commercial contracts
Mankabadi, Dina El. "La protection du consommateur et l'instauration de la confiance dans le commerce électronique : (Etude comparée France-Egypte)." Montpellier 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009MON10008.
Full textKhadem, Razavi Ghassem. "Le nouveau cadre juridique des ventes en ligne : étude comparative franco-iranienne." Aix-Marseille 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AIX32009.
Full textParvin, Mohammad-Reza. "Les aspects juridiques de la brevetabilité des inventions biotechnologiques : comparaison internationale." Paris 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA020040.
Full textHoang, Mai Khanh. "Les pratiques éducatives parentales et l'autonomie de l'enfant : étude comparative France - Viêt-Nam." Paris 10, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA100073.
Full textThe objective of this research consists in studying the educational practices of Vietnamese parents in relation with the child's autonomy, then in comparing the educational practices of the Vietnamese parents with those of the French parents. The Vietnamese parents describe their practices like cordial, encouraging the child's autonomy, rather than authoritarian, punitive. The results show the influence of the independent variables (sociocultural level, parent's and child's identity) on the educational practices. The results show the impact of the specificities cultural and social on the parental educational practices in France and in Vietnam, also the similar tendencies in the parental practices of the two cultural groups. This study reveals that, whatever the sociocultural context, the acquisition of the child's autonomy develops well in a cordial family atmosphere with implied parents
Jouidi, Driss. "L'exploitation commerciale du navire affrété en droit français et comparé." Nantes, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994NANT4005.
Full textThe operating of commercial chartered ships in french and comparative law this is an indepth analysis of the widespread changes occuring in the running of chartred commercial shipping contracts. Despite the uniformity of these contracts numerous vaque clauses in charter parties affect the interpretation and application of the shipping contracts. As a result, the many difficultes require the frequent modification of the charter parties, and the considerations during the negociations often go begond the purely economie. The operating of commercial shipping contracts also suffers from a confusion regarding the person responsible for the third party, especially when many people are closed linked to the shipping operation. This confusion results from either the absence of one responsible person. Or to the existence of several people who can be held responsible for the carrier. An effort to the normalize the operating of commercial shipping contracts would reduce the ambiguity and incoherence of certain charter party clauses, and would significanty improve their exploitation
Huong, Tran Kieu Dung. "Les documents d'urbanisme au Vietnam comparaison avec la France." Bordeaux 4, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BOR40019.
Full textStudying urban planning documents is an indispensable factor in order to comprehend the urban planning in Vietnam. Throught analyzing four principal instruments, such as : Territorial construction and development plan (SACT), Master plan (SD), Detailed development plan (PAD), Rural construction and development plan (PACR), we have found that the urban planning documents obviously reflect the authority's policies and the strategies in the urbanization process in Vietnam. This thesis studies the role of urban planning documents, its characteristics, and the separation of competencies ; its effects arise in the creation of the mentioned documents. The approach reposes on comparative methods in order to evaluate the tendency of these documents either in Vietnam or France and propose recommendations to reform the Vietnam urban planning system
Ngo, Quoc Chien. "Le contrat de franchise : étude comparative (droit français et droit vietnamien)." Thesis, Tours, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TOUR1004/document.
Full textFranchising is based on the exploitation by a franchisee of a clientele associated with the franchisor’s trademark. The common interest of both parties in operating a class of customers justifies their mutual obligations: the franchisee mobilizes financial and human resources while the franchisor brings intangible assets. The implementation of a common work also justifies collaboration and mutual trust among the parties during the carrying out of the agreement.Beside their common interest, each of the franchisor and the franchisees has proper interests. Therefore, it is not astonishing to find that every party tries to obtain the best advantage at the lowest cost.The comparative approach of the relationship between the franchisor and franchised in light of their respective interests, under French Law and Vietnamese Law, is enriching. It enables to go thoroughly into the legal aspects of franchising under two legal systems which, in spite of their difference, have many common points
Chen, Tzung-wen. "Industrial innovation and innovation community : studies on the semiconductor industry in Taiwan and the vaccine industry in France." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008IEPP0004.
Full textThe concept of "innovation system" has acquired a dominating position in the field of innovation research since the 1990s. However, this perspective can not explain why in the same context some industrial innovations can succeed and others do not. Mainly based on formal organizations, the concept of innovation system does not take into account the notion of power and ignores the effect of conflict that plays an important role in industrial innovation. The cases of the semiconductor foundry and the IC design sectors in Taiwan presented in the first part of the thesis, as well as the cases of vaccines such as BCG, Mutagrip, Hevac B, Prevenar and Gardasil in the French vaccine industry which constitute the second part of the thesis, demonstrate the significance of sociological factors in the history of each industrial innovation. The industrial innovation is a collective action that goes beyond the organizational boundaries and goes against the actual order. But it is not without discipline. Between the formal structure and the freedom of innovators, there is a form of collective action which meets the interests of actors for the achievement of an industrial innovation. These actions, according to the thesis, were constituent of an innovation community. It is a local order established by key players of each innovation, taking advantage of their powers in the system of formal organizations, pursuing opportunities to mobilize the necessary resources for innovation activities. The thesis therefore propose a bottom-up model of industrial innovation, based on the action rather than the actor, which can help overcome the problems faced by the innovation system in explaining industrial innovation
Laffoucrière, François. "La résolution des conflits d'usage en mer : Le cas des obstacles à la circulation des navires de commerce en Manche : Bilan et perspectives : Étude de droit français et de droit anglais." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA010300.
Full textTébili, Zézé Odette. "Les marques de l'Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) : étude comparée des droits français, communautaire, africain." Toulouse 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TOU10059.
Full textTran, Le Dang Phuong. "La protection des marques : étude de droit comparé Europe et Vietnam." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015GREAD002.
Full textAs part of ongoing business activities, to successfully compete in the Vietnam market in particular and the global market in general, companies need to obtain unique products, styles and remarkable features to stand out. In order to do this, in reality, many companies have invested more in research, the creation and development of merchandise trademarks. However, in conducting commercial activities, companies who are conducting legitimate activities often find their property rights violated by various trade marks in many complex shapes. Most of the trademark violations is deliberate, which, in another words, the subject knowingly performs the act of infringement with the knowledge that its trademark is similar or confusing for consumers in order to profit from the sale of goods or services. The causes of the above situation that can be derived from the building and manging trademark in Vietnam is a relatively new area for many companies. Not all owners considers their trademarks as intangible goods and, therefore, has not prepared the necessary conditions legally to consolidate and develop their trademarks. In terms of objectivity, Vietnam's specialized legal system does not conform to the regulations that establish the right of ownership and the regulations that identify acts of violation. Registration procedures of industrial property rights are overloaded and complex; the waiting time for the delivery of trademark ownership protection certificate is very long and passes through several stages of review. On the other hand, the penalty for industrial ownership in Vietnam is not complete and detailed of the implementation of penalty is not clear, and the foundation of the laws are not satisfactory
Trong khuôn khổ hoạt động thương mại đang phát triển tại Việt Nam, quốc gia được tác giả lựachọn nghiên cứu so sánh những quy định pháp luật với Châu Âu, các doanh nghiệp rất cần đưacác sản phẩm, dịch vụ mới, như các sản phẩm thể hiện tính sáng tạo vào giao lưu thương mại dướinhãn hiệu có thể thu hút khách hàng và tạo sự trung thành trước tiên là khách hàng trong nước,sau đó định hướng thu hút khách hàng nước ngoài. Nhãn hiệu là dấu hiệu thu hút khách hàng (vídụ như nhãn hiệu Coca-Cola, được biết đến rộng rãi trên thế giới với những sản phẩm nước uốngkhông có cồn ; hay như nhãn hiệu nổi tiếng Apple, dành chỉ những sản phẩm như máy vi tính,điện thoại và các ứng dụng cho các thiết bị trên). Nhãn hiệu, đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc raquyết định mua hàng của người tiêu dùng nhất là đối với những sản phẩm mới, có giá trị rất caonên doanh nghiệp phải đầu tư xây dựng, phát triển để có thể thu hút được sự quan tâm của kháchhàng, nhất là việc làm cho khách hàng liên tưởng đến sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ của họ. Do nhãnhiệu tạo sự trung thành từ khách hàng và có giá trị tài sản cao nên là mục tiêu để bên thứ ba mongmuốn chiếm đoạt, bằng việc nhái nhãn hiệu, làm giả nhãn hiệu nhằm gây nhầm lẫn cho kháchhàng, thu lợi bất chính. Chính vì thế, trong hoạt động kinh doanh cần có những quy định pháp luậtđủ mạnh để ngăn chặn tình trạng vi phạm quyền sở hữu nhãn hiệu, có như thế chủ sở hữu mới cóthể an tâm đầu đầu tư phát triển nhãn hiệu, đồng thời có thể thu hút được những nhà đầu tư nướcngoài, vì có khung pháp lý đủ mạnh để bảo vệ quyền sở hữu nhãn hiệu của họ. Việt Nam đã gianhập nền kinh tế thế giới, do vậy các nhà lập pháp cấn phải xây dựng hệ thống pháp luật và cácbiện pháp để bảo vệ quyền sở hữu trí tuệ nói chung và quyền sở hữu nhãn hiệu nói riêng. Đây lànhiệm vụ phát triển kinh tế nhưng cũng đồng thời thực hiện các cam kết quốc tế mà Việt Nam đãgia nhập. Luận án tập trung nghiên cứu hệ thống pháp luật Việt Nam trong bảo hộ quyền sở hữu nhãn hiệu, từ đó chỉ ra những điểm chưa phù hợp với các công ước quốc tế, như các thủ tục xác lập quyền sở hữu nhãn hiệu còn nhiều mâu thuẫn, cơ quan cấp giấy chứng nhận sở hữu nhãn hiệu là cơ quan hành chính nhưng cũng đồng thời là cơ quan giải quyết các khiếu nại và tranh chấp phát sinh về nhãn hiệu ; chưa có khái nhiệm chuẩn về hành vi nhái nhãn hiệu, và việc xử lý hành vi xâm phạm nhãn hiệu được áp dụng bằng cả ba hình thức chế tài như : hành chính, dân sự, và hình sự với mức chế tài còn nhẹ chưa mang đủ tính răng đe và ngăn chặn những hành vi tương tự xuất hiện trong tương lai, mức bồi thường chưa tương xứng với thiệt hại mà chủ sở hữu nhãn hiệu phải gánh chịu. Luận án giới thiệu kinh nghiệm của một số quốc gia Châu Âu trong việc bảo hộ nhãn hiệu hang hoá, từ đó làm cơ sở cho việc đề xuất những giải pháp nhằm hoàn thiện hệ thống pháp luật Việt Nam, trước nhất phù hợp với các công ước quốc tế, từ đó có thể khuyến khích các doanh nghiệp Việt Nam mạnh dạn tham gia thị trường thế giới và có thể thu hút được những nhà đầu tư nước ngoài
Renou-Saillard, Marie-Annick. "Amérique et Europe dans le destin de Porto au XVIIIe sìècle : ou le trafic maritime de Porto d'après les balances de commerce : 1796-1822." Paris 10, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA100010.
Full textSocher, Ulrich. "La face cachée de l'autonomie : management et performance des équipes autonomes dans deux alumineries, en France et au Canada (Québec)." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000IEPP0014.
Full textFeng, Shujie. "L' intégration du droit de l'OMC touchant à la propriété intellectuelle dans l'ordre juridique interne : étude comparée franco-chinoise concernant le droit des brevets." Paris 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA010268.
Full textDang, Minh Tuan. "Contribution à l'importation de la justice constitutionnelle au Vietnam à la lumière des expériences de la Thaïlande et de la Corée du Sud." Bordeaux 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010BOR40032.
Full textContrary to other Asian countries in which constitutional courts are responsible for reviewing constitutionality, Vietnam has entrusted this task to its National Assembly. The search for a new judicial review system capable of enforcing the Vietnamese Constitution is being considered in the light of experiences stemming from the adaptation of judicial review in Thailand and South Korea. These are as much factors for the failure as for the success of the adaptation of judicial review in those countries which show themselves useful for thinking over the possibility of transposing constitutional review to Vietnam: the influence of a foreign legal system, cultural factors, political contexts of those countries which have adopted constitutional review and the nature of the system adopted. As in Thailand and South Korea, Constitutionalism is a recent phenomenon in Vietnam. Thanks to constitutional transition, efforts have been made to implement significant economic and political reforms allowing the emergence of the idea of the rule of law. Vietnam has begun to recognize the importance of judicial review as the essence of modern Constitutionalism. The establishment of judicial review faces obstacles, but some prospects are also opening up there now
Reifegerste, Stephan. "Pour une obligation de minimiser le dommage." Paris 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA010261.
Full textArtigas, Alvaro. "Intérêts économiques et institutionnalisation du commerce extérieur : une comparaison Russie Brésil du rôle des groupes d’intérêts industriels sidérurgiques et textiles." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012IEPP0004.
Full textThis dissertation analyzes the transformations of public action in terms of foreign trade in two emerging countries, Brazil and Russia, since the beginning of the transition to democracy and market economy in 1990 and until the year 2006. By doing so, the analysis gives a central place in the representation of interests, and changing preferences of industry players during the period. Two fundamental questions guide this research: the evolution of a participating policy reforms promoted by free-market regulation of world trade, the genesis and development of foreign trade policies during the period, to explain the effects related to the introduction and institutionalization of a series of new policy instruments within the scope of this policy. This dissertation presents three results: from an analytical perspective the necessity to combine an analysis determined the change (continuity vs. Break), with an analysis that allows to account for basic nuances and complexity of the reconstruction process at work; from an empirical perspective, the dissertation shows the emergence and consolidation of an autonomous public sector in action in each of these states. Finally, this dissertation stresses the importance for emerging countries of new forms of public action that reflect local rules of world trade. These transformations are characterized by a gradual de-politicization of decision-making as much as by a changing role of institutions in charge of trade policy, where the ability to steer social interaction takes precedence over other modes of regulation
Cret, Benoît. "L'émergence des accréditations : origine et efficacité d'un label." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007IEPP0028.
Full textStudents cannot “try” or “experiment” degree curricula in order to choose the best of them. Henceforth their choice cannot rest on experience, repetition and comparison. The accreditation agencies aim at helping them equipping them with distinctive “labels”, thus helping them make their choice. The “labels” would then help reduce the uncertainty on the quality of the services that are exchanged within the market. The subject of the PhD deals with the creation and the increasing role played by the three main accreditation agencies within Europe : AACSB (the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), EQUIS (the European Quality Improvement System) and AMBA (the Association for MBAs). The main problem may be formulated as follows : how could these agencies gain legitimacy so swiftly ? The research distinguishes two main questions : -The one that deals with the genesis of the accreditation agencies, - And the one that deals with their persistence and their efficiency. First we highlight and compare the so-called diversity of the expansion of the three agencies. Then we focus on the the impact of the three accreditation processes within three French “Grandes Écoles” and three English Business Schools. This will lead us to explore the notion of trust (within the accreditation agencies, the accreditation process and the accreditation themselves). Finally, the “labels” will be considered as a collective form of classification that will enable us to deal with the problems of genesis and efficiency
Maur, Jean-Christophe. "L'effet des législations antidumping sur le comportement des producteurs." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999IEPP0010.
Full textThis research undertakes the analysis of the effects of antidumping on firm behavior. Theoritical, empirical and factual works are realised. The study of antidumping borrows heavily from 10 theory. This is understandable since antidumping complaints are often brought by oligopolists. We stress in particular the incitation created by the threat of antidumping and injury factors. Theory shows us that collusion and capture of the legislation are possible outcomes. As often with imperfect competition results depend on the structure of the market and overall effects may be counter-intuitive we show e. G that in the presence of adverse selection leading to dumping behavior, antidumping will lower the average quality of products offered. In an emperical study furthers the theorical part, we first look at the investigation against Korean drams, a reminder of the proceeding against japanese drams. However, the outcome appears different this time; we believe that an explanation lies in the opportunistic behavior of the plaintiff. The memories memories industry was sensitive to the complaint, which the event study econometric analysis we conduct thereafter confirms. In a second empirical work, we propose to undertake the study of the diffusion of some cases across user countries which we name "echo". After having defined the concept of "echo", we make a census of it and conclude to its high frequency. We offer three explanations: the strategy of multunational on several markets, imitation with positive externalities and cascading protection from one country to another