Academic literature on the topic 'Commerce extérieur – Droit – Tchad'
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Journal articles on the topic "Commerce extérieur – Droit – Tchad"
Tremon, Anne-christine. "Tribut." Anthropen, 2020.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Commerce extérieur – Droit – Tchad"
Mangaral, Banté. "Le Coton au Tchad : régime juridique de la production et des échanges extérieurs." Paris 1, 1986.
Full textGoni, Ousman Abakar. "Le Commerce extérieur du Tchad de 1960 à nos jours." Strasbourg, 2010.
Full textThis thesis examines the structures and developments in the field of Chad foreign trade since its independence, from 1960 to the present day. It looks at what amounts to an economic history spanning over a half-century. The geographical land-lock of the country, its position away from the seas, the weakness of its transport infrastructures, its political instability and the cross-border conflicts which it faces, cannot promote any attempt to foster external trade. Such trades are usually carried out informally, and thus an active contraband has come to take place which brings about instability in the country’s budget. Stockbreeders differ in their approach from sedentary farmers and from that of huge commercial enterprises. France, Germany, and generally, the European Economic Community, constitute valuable commercial partners for Chad, but recently there has been some developments in the relations that it entertains with its neighbouring countries such as Nigeria and Cameroun. Its relation with Libya is however, an uneasy one. Geographical realities do as often dictate on commercial exchanges. If cotton had been the main source of Chad exportation, petrol is now gaining in importance. Chad is the second world exporter of Arabic gum, an activity which has gone on increasing, as has been that of farmed fishing. This study demonstrates the development of the international climate, the role of the WTO, of the EEC and CEMAC and that of the World Bank. It distinguishes the various stages, the important dates and proposes a chronology consisting of four phases
Nasri, Yahya. "Les accords de commerce sud-sud." Paris 5, 1995.
Full textDo the south-south trade treaties establish an international trade law inherent to the third wold or no?. After analysis of the concerned conventions, we have noticed that the south hasn't succeed yet to elaborate its own law, as it was required in the previous decades. The south has adhered to the rules of the multilateral trade system and has strengthened them. However, it makes a considerable effort in order to adapt these rules to its economic position. Thus, specific rules have appeared, but which only affect marginal and no fundamental subjects
Madjiwei, Ngarlem Ngarguinam. "Le droit pratique des affaires au Tchad : quelle place pour le commerce informel?" Paris 1, 2010.
Full textTaverne, Philippe. "Les régions économiques spéciales chinoises à l'épreuve du droit OMC." Aix-Marseille 3, 2005.
Full textConfrontation of WTO free trade rules with interventionist policies implemented within the Chinese special economic areas not only shows compliance issues and control issues of the regions and their special regimes in the field of economic law but also the boundaries of WTO rules which scope is rather delimited. If liberal measures are in line with the purpose of WTO, they shall however comply with its rules, in particular national treatment and most favoured nation treatment. At the same time, the various incentives in force such as income tax concessions for foreign invested enterprises are actually subsidies within the meaning of WTO rules but they are scarcely prohibited. Nevertheless, WTO rules entitle Members of the Organization to apply countervailing measures which may finally play down the benefits of such policies for enterprises that are export oriented
Gelin, Evelyne. "Le droit du commerce international en URSS et en Yougoslavie lors de la transition de 1991 : étude comparée." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1994.
Full textThe URSS and Yugoslavia have altered their international trade law almost at the same time. Studying the transition of 1991 allows us to imagine what their foreign trade will be like in the future. The new system should be based on a new doctrine. In these two countries the motivations are roughly the same : economic interests appear to prevail over political goals. This can be seen in the structures of their international commerce themselves. As Yugoslavia after 1948, the URSS was led by economic motivations when it applied for admittance to the IMF or the GATT and ratified the Vienna convention. Thus there are risks of losing its independence. Numerous new rules were passed. Above all, the reforms consisted in allowing various categories of operators to have foreign trade activities. State monopoly was suppressed and its power of control was reduced. On this point also, Yugoslavia had undergone the same reforms far before the soviet union. We shall notice however that the international contract law did not need much change. It was quite similar in these two states and mostly in conformity with the Vienna convention stipulations. The Soviet union seems to have reproduced the Yugoslavian experience but it doesn't mean it has followed its pattern
Luff, David. "Le droit de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce: analyse critique :la prise en compte par le système de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce d'objectifs de nature non-commerciale." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2003.
Full textNgambi, Joseph. "La preuve dans le règlement des différends de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce." Paris 1, 2007.
Full textDebezy, Anne-Laure. "Le contrôle des exportations des biens et technologies à double usage dans le secteur aéronautique et spatial." Toulouse 1, 2009.
Full textFor peace and international security reasons, high technology supplier states are developing through the Wassenaar Arrangement a system of export controls for dual use (military and civil) goods and technologies, the principles of which are to be followed at a national level. The analysis of the regulations of the European Union and the United States shows the impact of these controls on security and trade. Since their creation, these systems have been balancing between the preservation of state interests and the protection of trade interests. Export controls are regarded as a constraint by world companies because they are an obstacle to free trade. Faced with increasing international competition, exporters want their exchanges to be simplified by the means of a reduction of the measures of control, and through the implementation of a certification of recipient companies of dual use products. However, this attempt to give responsabilities to companies may go against the security target of export controls, because it is likely to involve a loss of responsability in these states' areas. Thus, this study will examine the direction that export controls will take : althrough free trade seems to have been favoured until now, the new international financial and economic context may involve a new deal. As free-market principles seem to give way to more protectionist considerations, States are bound to invest more in the export controls of dual use goods, and use this formidable tool in order to boost their economy
Velilla, Philippe. "Les relations entre l'Union européenne et Israël : droit communautaire et droit des échanges internationaux : le cas du commerce agricole." Paris 1, 1999.
Full textBooks on the topic "Commerce extérieur – Droit – Tchad"
Canada. Bibliothèque du Parlement. Service de recherche. La Loi omnibus américaine de 1988 sur le commerce et la compétitivité: Ses conséquences pour le Canada. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1989.
Find full textJacquet, Jean-Michel. Droit du commerce international. Paris: Dalloz, 2007.
Find full textMadjiwei, Ngarlem Ngarguinam. Le droit pratique des affaires au Tchad: Quelle place pour le commerce informel? Villeneuve d'Ascq: ANRT, Atelier National de Reproduction des thèses, 2012.
Find full textTribunal canadien du commerce extérieur. Enquête de sauvegarde sur l'importation de certaines marchandises de l'acier. Ottawa, Ont: Tribunal canadien du commerce extérieur, 2002.
Find full textBakandeja-M, wa Mpungu. Le droit du commerce international: Les peurs justifiées de l'Afrique face à la mondialisation des marchés. Paris: De Boeck Université, 2001.
Find full textHaar, Jerry. Import marketing: A management guide to profitable operations. Lexington, Mass: Lexington Books, 1989.
Find full textCamara, Ismaël. Comprendre le GATT: Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Sainte-Foy, Qué: Éditions Le Griffon d'argile, 1990.
Find full textE, Upchurch Gregory, and American Bar Association. Section of Business Law., eds. Checkpoints in cyberspace: Best practices to avert liability in cross-border transactions. Chicago: ABA Section of Business Law, 2004.
Find full textCanada. Ministère des affaires étrangères et du commerce international. Mouvements transfrontaliers de gens d'affaires en vertu de l'Accord de libre-échange Nord-Américain (ALENA). Ottawa, Ont: Ministère des affaires étrangères et du commerce international, 1995.
Find full textPosner, Lauren. Unequal harvest : farmers' voices on international trade and the right to food =: Récoltes inégales : le commerce international et le droit à l'alimentation vus par les agriculteurs. Montréal, Qué: Rights & Democracy, International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development = Droits et démocratie, Centre international des droits de la personne et du développement démocratique, 2001.
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