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Zamzami, Mukhammad. "Revolusi al-Qu’ran Jamâl al-Bannâ sebagai Arah Baru Metodologi Studi Islam." MUTAWATIR 5, no. 1 (September 10, 2015): 20.

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Ontologically, Gamal al-Banna viewed that interpretation is the process to understand the Koran. Therefore he did the deconstruction of classical commentaries domination which is loaded with influences of the political uproar in the past Middle East. From such a deconstruction, he went to the reconstruction of the Koran within the concept of <em>Tat</em><em>wîr</em><em> al-Qur’ân</em>. There is a dimension of art that must be understood from the essence of Koran and should be permeated by all Muslims. For him, the Koran is an art book, and its largest or greatest miracle is language as a tool to understand the art found within it. The secret miracle rises from the musical reading of the Koran which could be a psychological approach, just by listening the reading. Through this stage of irfani, the Koran could be the media of human civilization revolution. In his concept, Gamal didn’t assert one method or restrict to a current science or method. He refused if one current method has a warranty as the only way to find the truth, because the Koran itself should not be restricted
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Rohman, Taufikur. "Kajian Tafsir di Indonesia." MUTAWATIR 2, no. 1 (September 9, 2015): 1.

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<p>Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world. It is of course also has a significant correlation with the need for a true understanding of the Koran as the main guideline in the life of a Muslim. This paper attempts to discuss the development of interpretation studies in Indonesia. However, because of the many works of commentary that exist in Indonesia, then this paper will explain in more detail in the full interpretation 30 chapters, while the commentaries that are thematic, and which only focus on certain papers will cover more briefly author so hopefully this study will cover the whole work of interpretation that exist in Indonesia comprehensively but solid content. The development of the interpretation of the Koran in Indonesia is somewhat different. Study commentary in the Arab world develop quickly and rapidly, because Arabic is the language, so they do not experience significant difficulties to understand the Koran. This is different to the Indonesian people whose native language is not Arabic<strong>.</strong></p>
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Jannah, Saadatul. "Metodologi Tafsir Khuluqun ‘Adzīm." MAGHZA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir 3, no. 1 (November 25, 2018): 27–44.

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Since the 16th century until the recent age, the study of exegesis is increasing significantly in Indonesia. This is marked by the spirit of producing commentaries from Indonesian scholars (pre-modern) such as works of Abd al-Raūf al-Sinkilī (Tarjumān al-Mustafīd), Syaikh Nawawī (Tafsir Marah Labīd) and Ahmad Sanusī (Tafsir al-Qurān al-Karīm), and modern era explicitly Quraish Shihab (Tafsir al-Misbah) and Didin Hafidhudddin (Tafsir al-Hijri). On the other hand, Quranic exegesis is magnetizing the modern society, academia, and the government. Two things are a sign that Indonesia necessitates developing new outlooks contained in the works of interpretation, so the view of Indonesian society to be more extensive and varied without being limited by one of his Indonesian commentators. Yunan Yusuf, one of the Indonesian Muslim philosopher, within Tafsir Khuluqun 'Adzīm endeavors coloring Indonesian elucidation by creating distinctive works that are an interpretation of the Koran from the short chapters (Madaniyah) to the extended chapters (Makiyah). This article discovers specifically the explanation of al-Mulk and depicts a qualitative method with the analytical comparative approach through the two references commentaries Indonesia Tafsir al-Azhar and al-Misbah. Yunan interprets the Koran critically and decisively with the color philosophy, and able to convey the message of the Qur'an through other verses in the Qur'an (munāsabah al-Qurān bi al-Qurān).
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Bahary, Ansor. "TAFSIR NUSANTARA: Studi kritis terhadap Marah Labid Nawawi al-Bantani." ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam 16, no. 2 (December 30, 2015): 176.

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The interpretation is an effort to understand, to explain the intent, knowing the content of the verses of the Koran. As a result of man's work is different from the Koran, there, the interpretation occurs experiencing developments of classical, medieval to the modern period and even contemporary. Diversity both in the method (manhaj / tariqah), style (nau '), as well as approaches (Alvan) used is unavoidable in a work of interpretation. Although there are also commentaries appear in modern times but its interpretation still follows the pattern of classical and medieval period as confirmed Nawawi al-Bantani in Muqaddimah (<em>Iqtida lil 'bi al-Salaf al-fi Tadwin' ilm</em>) commentary. Therefore, it is no exaggeration when Tafsir Al-Munir or Angry Labid regarded as a bridge between the traditional interpretation to modern times.
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Han, Muhamad Ibtissam, and Topikurohman. "PERKEMBANGAN CORAK PENAFSIRAN AL-QUR’AN DARI PERIODE KLASIK SAMPAI MODERN." Al Burhan: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu dan Pengembangan Budaya Al-Qur'an 20, no. 2 (October 28, 2020): 263–80.

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This article will explain the development of the style of interpretation of the Koran from the classical period to the modern period. The authors use the literature research model (literature study) by reading books on interpretations from scholars and commentaries of scholars. Broadly speaking, the Classical period has many agreed-upon models of interpretation based on tradition and many uses of Islamic sources also support the linguistic aspect. While in the modern period emerged against the Old traditions ranging from the use of israiliyat tradition, the authority of the prophet, linguistic to the combination of the tradition of Western positivism thinking that illustrates various interpretations in the modern period with the exchange of mystical concepts and primitive concepts, also helped realize the discussions that support religion drocal.
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Woo, Chang Wan, Jung Kyu Kim, Cynthia Nichols, and Lu Zheng. "International Sports Commentary Frame and Entertainment: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Commentary Differences in World Series Broadcasts." International Journal of Sport Communication 3, no. 2 (June 2010): 240–55.

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Numerous studies examining the portrayals of gender, race, and nationality in sports commentary have been conducted through the years; however, comparative analyses of commentaries from different countries have been rare. This study examined commentary from 3 different countries (the U.S., Chinese Taipei, and South Korea) during a Major League Baseball (MLB) World Series. An entertainment theory schema was adopted and the 3 countries were categorized based on dispositional relativity (affiliation) with MLB. Findings indicate that South Korean broadcasts, which had the lowest affiliation with MLB, were biased toward the Boston Red Sox and presented the most evaluative commentaries; U.S. commentaries were generally positive and contained the largest portion of informative comments; and Chinese commentaries were unbiased and also provided a large number of informative comments. This implies that sports games using the same visual images can be framed differently by commentators based on the disposition (affiliation) level of audiences.
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A.Latif, Hamdiah. "KESAKSIAN DUA PEREMPUAN DALAM AL-QURAN: STUDI KOMPARATIF KITAB TAFSIR." Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu'ashirah 15, no. 2 (December 31, 2018): 122.

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Among the interpretation problems of the Al-Qur’an which has broadly attracted the attention of the interpreters of the Al-Qur'an are related to the meaning of justice for the testimony of two women and one male in the Koran. Many exegesis books written (from the classical to the modern period) gave their own understanding and views which strengthened the superiority of men over women because of their weak memories, easy to forget and so on. Some of our other interpretations are of the view that this problem is something that is taken for granted without being able to be questioned, and what is more demanding is submission because it is considered as a part of the issue of worship (ta’abbudiy). This article examines various understandings of the commentaries (classical and modern) which discuss the understanding of the testimony of two women as found in the Qur'an. These problems are increasingly important, especially regarding the interpretation of the Al-Qur’an's view on the issue of gender equality which is increasingly discussed in the current contemporary times.
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Muhaimin, Abdul, and Mas’ulil Munawaroh. "PERSPEKTIF BARU METODE DAN ALIRAN TAFSIR IBN QAYYIM." Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist 2, no. 2 (October 14, 2019): 143–63.

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Qasam in the Koran shows the seriousness of Allah to convey material or strengthen arguments because of the lack of faith in the material delivered. This shows that knowing Qasam in the Qur'an is very urgent and it is not surprising if in the end Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah wrote a specific account explaining the Qasam in the Qur'an in his interpretation called “at-Tibyan fi Aqsamil Qur’an”. Therefore it is necessary to do a study to find out new perspectives of sources, methods and interpretations according to M. Ridlwan Nasir, thus adding insight into our study in the study of commentaries. The problem in this study is what sources, methods and interpretive flows are used in the tafsir “at-Tibyan fi Aqsamil Qur’an”. The results of the research that the research source used is bil Iqtiran (a combination of bil Ma'tsur and bil Ra'y), The method of the explanation uses the Bayan methodi , in terms of the breadth of the explanation using the Itnabi method , and seen from the goals & objectives of the verse interpreted using the Maudu'i method. While the flow / tendency, the flow Sufi, Lughawi, ‘Ilmi, and al-Fiqhi, but the most dominant flow is the Sufi.
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Matusov, Eugene. "A student’s and a teacher's right to freedom of education." Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal 8 (September 15, 2020): SF1—SF28.

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This conceptual essay, which opens the special issue, examines why a student’s right to freedom of education – the right for a student to define their own education – is so crucial for the education itself. Four diverse educational approaches are considered: training, closed socialization, open socialization, and critical examination, along with the Bakhtinian dialogic pedagogy to reveal the need for freedom of education within each of the approaches and the pedagogy. The eight aspects of the right to freedom are explicated. Three major objections against the right are considered and rebuked: 1) the Kantian paradox of autonomy and paternalism in education, 2) the paradox of learning and ignorance, and 3) fear of non-participation in education without coercion. The legitimate limitations of the right are discussed. Finally, the two major pathways to the right – radical and gradual – are analyzed. I sent the earlier draft of the paper to the Dialogic Pedagogy journal community, asking for critical commentaries. Many people submitted their critical commentaries involving their agreements, disagreements, associative readings, extensions, evaluations, and so on. My paper, their commentaries constitute this special, and my reply constitutes this special issue. Three people – David Kirshner, Belkacem TAIEB, and Jim Rietmulder – chose to provide commentaries on the margins. I included most of their comments on the margins as a new genre to promote a critical dialogue in our readers. Also, Belkacem TAIEB and Matthew Shumski submitted short commentaries that I included, below, at the end of this article as Appendix I and II. Jim Cresswell shared the manuscript with his undergraduate psychology students, and one student volunteered to add her commentary. Shelly Price-Jones shared it with her international undergraduate students studying English at a South Korean university. Twenty-one of them chose to provide a video reply. I selected a few of them that attracted my attention. Finally, I chose to address some of the issues brought in the presented critical commentaries either as my reply on the margins or at the end of this special issue. This should not be taken as “the final word” in the debate, but rather a dialogic response inviting other responses in the authors and in the audience.
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Davies, Gloria, and Gil-Soo Han. "Korean Cosmetic Surgery and Digital Publicity: Beauty by Korean Design." Media International Australia 141, no. 1 (November 2011): 146–56.

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This article examines the relationship between digital publicity and cosmetic surgery. While focused on South Korea, it also discusses China because of the conspicuous Chinese demand for Korean cosmetic surgery in recent years. In fact, China has become the largest export market for Korean cosmetic surgery. The analysis is based on the premise that there is a vital link between cosmetic surgery and digital technology in both these countries. We argue that the celebrity culture spawned by entertainment media has facilitated the normalisation of cosmetic surgery to the extent that it is commonly viewed, quite unproblematically, as a form of human physiological enhancement. The article examines the publicity surrounding cosmetic surgery (comprising media reports, advertisements and commentaries) to see how it is presented in the Korean media and on the internet. These findings are then considered in relation to the promotion of Korean cosmetic surgery in China.
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Park, Hyung Shin. "A Historical Study of John Ross’s Chinese Bible Commentaries and Their Korean Translations." 韓國敎會史學會誌 58 (May 1, 2021): 133–68.

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Jo MinHwan. "The Study on the Yul-Gok' Lao-Tzu commentaries 『SunEon』 and Korean Philosophical phase." JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA ll, no. 32 (December 2009): 45–74.

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Park, Sandra H. "A Reverend on Trial: Debating the Proper Place of Christianity in the North Korean Revolution." Journal of Korean Studies 25, no. 2 (October 1, 2020): 379–405.

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Abstract As the early North Korean state (1945–50) sought to groom “proper” revolutionary subjects, many Christian leaders publicly confronted the state. When Presbyterian minister Cho Ponghwan upset revolutionary sensibilities with political commentaries during an evangelical circuit around Hwanghae Province, the people’s courts tried him as a reactionary. This article draws on surviving court records in the North Korean Captured Documents collection to elucidate the pedagogic aims that the state invested into Cho’s trial. Instead of dismissing the people’s courtroom as revolutionary excess, I engage Cho’s trial as an intelligible debate over early North Korea’s secularizing project. Beyond discipline, I demonstrate that the state laboriously instructed Christians on embodying desire for the revolution and refraining from transgressing the state-drawn boundary between religion and politics. Yet, due to the instability of this boundary, the courts also used Cho’s trial to articulate and assert the state’s sole authority over defining and redefining this boundary as a way to manage the sacred in North Korean society. Reading along and against the state’s pen, this article excavates the North Korean people’s court as a crucial site for ironing out the state pedagogy on the reactionary and the sacred in a postcolonial, socialist revolution.
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Chen, D. L., J. Kim, and R. J. Mooney. "Training a Multilingual Sportscaster: Using Perceptual Context to Learn Language." Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 37 (March 26, 2010): 397–435.

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We present a novel framework for learning to interpret and generate language using only perceptual context as supervision. We demonstrate its capabilities by developing a system that learns to sportscast simulated robot soccer games in both English and Korean without any language-specific prior knowledge. Training employs only ambiguous supervision consisting of a stream of descriptive textual comments and a sequence of events extracted from the simulation trace. The system simultaneously establishes correspondences between individual comments and the events that they describe while building a translation model that supports both parsing and generation. We also present a novel algorithm for learning which events are worth describing. Human evaluations of the generated commentaries indicate they are of reasonable quality and in some cases even on par with those produced by humans for our limited domain.
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Bolotin, Naomi. "The generative study of second language acquisition. S. Flynn, G. Martohardjono, and W. O'Neil (Eds.). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1998. Pp. 366." Applied Psycholinguistics 23, no. 1 (March 2002): 155–59.

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This volume contains all 14 papers and three commentaries from the Recent Advances in the Generative Study of Second Language Acquisition Conference that was held in 1993 at MIT. Eleven of the papers address the acquisition of syntax. Of these, four focus on functional categories in second language (L2) acquisition. Vainikka and Young-Scholten propose that, although lexical categories or content phrases (NP, VP, AP, PP) transfer from the first language to the second, along with the headedness of those categories, functional categories or grammatical phrases (DP, IP, CP) do not. Using longitudinal data from Korean, Turkish, Italian, and Spanish learners of German, they suggest that learners begin by adopting a VP structure for the sentences in the L2 and then subsequently expand this into an underspecified finite phrase (FP), then an agreement phrase (AgrP), and finally a complementizer phrase (CP).
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Yoo, Heun-Woo. "Comparison of Korean, Chinese and Japanese Commentaries on Chapter of ‘to work on a different strand(攻乎異端)’ in Analects." Studies of Korean & Chinese Humanities 56 (September 30, 2017): 21–50.

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Vincze, Terez. "Showing the Complexity of the Simple – The Art-puzzle of Hong Sang-soo." Panoptikum, no. 22 (December 17, 2019): 173–88.

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Renowned South Korean film director, Hong Sang-soo, has shown deep interest in complex (or some might say: confusing) storytelling throughout his entire career. Since modernist art cinema has an affinity with unconventional narrative structures, it is not surprising that an auteur like Hong is attracted to complexity. What is interesting here is that Hong’s (often black and white) films are a kind of analogue answer to the challenges of digital culture, a modernist art cinema version of puzzle films and database narratives. The article analyses the very Hongian strategy of producing auteurist puzzle films by creating confusion on a perceptive and narrative level. Firstly, the article summarises how Hong’s unique film making practice not only provides significant (economic, artistic) independence and freedom to the author, but at the same time proves to be a structure that delivers high complexity at a low production cost. Secondly, the article analyses the puzzling techniques used by Hong that work on a perceptual level, and often turn his films into high level memory tests; and how these structures play a part in the “perceptual reeducation” of viewers while also serving as commentaries on cinematic representation. And finally, the article concludes with an analysis of the narrative techniques used by Hong to tell extremely simple stories about the eternal topic of “men want women” in a complex, confusing and compelling way.
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Lee, Mi-Ji. "Introduction to the Records on Goryeo Dynasty (918~1392) from Ito Togay’s Sankankiryaku (三韓紀畧, Brief History of Korea) in Korean with Commentaries." Journal for the Studies of Korean History 75 (May 31, 2019): 269–94.

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Danerek, Stefan. "CERPEN KORAN." Indonesia and the Malay World 41, no. 121 (November 2013): 418–38.

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Iskandar, Iskandar, and Muhammad Amirullah. "Pelaksanaan Dirasah Qur’aniyah sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Baca Al-Qur’an di Desa Tukamasea Kabupaten Maros." WAHATUL MUJTAMA': Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 1, no. 1 (May 5, 2020): 42–53.

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Tukamase Village is one of the villages where STIBA Makassar Community Service Program (KKN) III students are placed, in Bantimurung District, Maros Regency. All people of Tukamase village are Muslims of various ages, ranging from children to the elderly people, so the planned activity program was directed to people of various backgrounds. Among the programs formulated by STIBA Makassar Community Service Program (KKN) III students were programs of the Koran discourse. The purpose of this program was to enhance the competence and understanding of reading the Koran properly. The details of Koran discourse consisted of: (1) basic Koran learning at TKA/TPA; (2) dirosa; (3) enhancement of recitation; (4) discourse of history of the Prophet; (5) discourse of Koran interpretation; (6) language discourse (Arabic); (7) Koran donation. Most people of Tukamase before participating in the Koran discourse programs had minimum competence and quality of understanding Koran, such as being unable to read the Koran fluently, not understanding the rules of recitation, and even among participants were those who were illiterate in the Koran, and after participating in the activities in Koran discourse, people of Tukamase had developed in terms of competence and quality of understanding the Koran, especially in terms of pronunciation of the letters and reading the Koran according to the rules of recitation. In addition, Koran discourse program also provided a positive influence in fostering the intensity of Muslim community at Tukamase village’s interaction with the Koran.
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Sobur, Alex. "Membaca “Pojok” Koran." Mediator: Jurnal Komunikasi 9, no. 1 (June 10, 2008): 29–36.

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Werbner, Pnina. ""Sealing" the Koran." Cultural Dynamics 1, no. 1 (March 1988): 77–97.

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Pitoyo, Andri. "Ragam Kohesi Leksikal Pada Rubrik Pembaca Menulis Koran Jawa Pos." Efektor 8, no. 1 (June 9, 2021): 59–68.

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Penelitian ini menekankan pada deskripsi pemakaian (1) kohesi leksikal berupa repetisi pada rubrik Pembaca Menulis Koran Jawa Pos, (2) kohesi leksikal berupa sinonim pada rubrik Pembaca Menulis koran Jawa Pos, dan (3) kohesi leksikal berupa antonim pada rubrik Pembaca Menulis koran Jawa Pos. Koran merupakan sumber berita tertulis yang dapat dibaca setiap saat. Selain menyajikan berita yang terjadi di sekitar masyarakat, koran juga menjadi tempat untuk menuangkan aspirasi, salah satunya adalah rubrik Pembaca Menulis koran Jawa Pos edisi Mei dan Juni 2020.Wacana yang baik dan utuh mensyaratkan kalimat-kalimat yang kohesif baik secara gramatikal maupun leksikalnya. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah koran koran Jawa Pos bulan Mei dan Juni 2020 yang diambil secara random. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan rancangan analisis wacana kritis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam rubrik Pembaca Menulis koran Jawa Pos edisi Mei dan Juni 2020 terdapat repetisi, sinonim, dan antonim.
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Syahrul, Syahrul, and Mariatul Kibtiyah. "Problematika Pendidikan Anak Jalanan : (Studi Anak Penjual Koran di Kota Kupang)." Jurnal Basicedu 4, no. 4 (October 7, 2020): 1336–49.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang melatar belakangi adanya anak penjual koran di Kota Kupang, dan mengetahui bagaimana pendidikan anak penjual koran di Kota Kupang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah anak penjual koran di Kota Kupang. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, catatan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Data penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif deskriptif yang terdiri dari koleksi data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa, (1) ada beberapa faktor yang melatar belakangi munculnya anak penjual koran di Kota Kupang diantaranya adalah faktor ekonomi orangtua, faktor rendahnya pendidikan orangtua, faktor budaya masyarakat Timor, dan kemauan dari anak itu sendiri. (2) Pendidikan anak penjual koran di Kota Kupang terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu anak penjual koran yang masih sekolah dan anak penjual koran yang tidak sekolah. Anak penjual koran yang masih sekolah beranggapan bahwa pekerjaan sebagai penjual koran bukanlah menjadi penghalang bagi mereka untuk menempuh pendidikan, sedangkan anak penjual koran yang tidak sekolah dikarenakan faktor ekonomi yang tidak mendukung dan keegoisan orangtua.
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Wihartika, Doni. "HUBUNGAN KUALITAS PRODUK, HARGA, DISTRIBUSI DAN STRATEGI PROMOSI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN MEMBELI KORAN JUALBELI." JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi) 2, no. 2 (December 31, 2016): 51–57.

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ABSTRACTFormulation of the problemas follows: (1) Has product quality related with buying decision on Koran JualBeli? (2)Has price related with buying decision on Koran JualBeli? (3) Has distribution related with buying decision on Koran JualBeli? (4) Has promotion strategy related with buying decision on Koran JualBeli? (5) Are there relationships between product quality, price, distribution and promotion strategy of Koran JualBeliwith buying decision of Koran JualBeli? The place of research is in DTX which is located in Bogor, West Java. The result shows that the product (X1) and the promotion strategy (X4) are not partially correlated with the buying decision (Y), while the price (X2) and the distribution (X3) are partially correlated with the buying decision (Y). Keywords: Koran JualBeli, Buying Decision, Distribution, Promotion Strategy
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This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is research based onproblems that arise in the learning process. The basis of this class action research departs from the beginning of the study of learning the Koran in class, the results are discussed with the homeroom teacher, class and group of teachers to diagnose the situation in the classroom, then planned, and systematically reflect with various alternative actions to overcome the problems of students in order to improve and enhance the ability to read the Koran. While the purpose of this study is intended: first to find out whether the method of Jibril is an appropriate learning method in improving the ability to read Al Koran for students of takhassusul koran Darul Hikmah. And secondly, to find out whether the method of Jibril can improve the ability to read Al-Koran students tahsin children takhassusul koran institute Darul Hikmah. From this research it can be seen that the Jibril method is an appropriate learning method in improving the ability to read the Koran tahsin students children takhassusul koran institute darul hikmah, the Jibril method can improve the reading ability of the Koran tahsin students children of the superstitious koran darul hikmah.
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Fawaid, Ahmad. "Kaidah Mutarâdif al-Alfâz dalam al-Qur’an." MUTAWATIR 5, no. 1 (September 10, 2015): 142.

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Of the many topics sciences of the Koran, not a few students of the Koran are less attentive and ruled out a study of the issue of similarity of words (<em>tarâduf</em>) in the Koran. Whereas <em>tarâduf</em> is a phenomenon that occurs in Arabic, even did not rule contained in almost all languages on earth. As an Arabic text, whether the Koran cannot duck and dodge the fact <em>tarâduf</em> growing presence in the Arabic tradition? In other words, if the Koran also collects some words lexical meanings which have in common sense? Or whether every word that has the same meaning in the Koran cannot be equated entirely? Therefore, the wording in the Koran, in addition to having specificity in every meaning also has a different meaning to the other and the word has suitability in order. This article appeared before the readers to explain the words which have been considered to have the same meaning in the Koran from the perspective of linguistic science and the Koran.
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Montague, D. K. "Commentaries." Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 54, no. 5 (September 1, 1987): 430.

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Mackenzie, A. H. "Commentaries." Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 54, no. 5 (September 1, 1987): 430.

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Fingerman, Karen L. "Commentaries." Journal of Russian & East European Psychology 34, no. 5 (September 1996): 86–89.

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Kovac, Ivan. "Commentaries." Journal of Russian & East European Psychology 34, no. 5 (September 1996): 89–91.

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Larsen, Steen Folke. "Commentaries." Journal of Russian & East European Psychology 34, no. 5 (September 1996): 91–93.

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Brennan, Michael. "Commentaries." Illness, Crisis & Loss 19, no. 4 (October 2011): 379.

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Brennan, Michael. "Commentaries." Illness, Crisis & Loss 20, no. 1 (January 2012): 69.

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Brennan, Michael. "Commentaries." Illness, Crisis & Loss 20, no. 2 (April 2012): 183.

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Brennan, Michael. "Commentaries." Illness, Crisis & Loss 20, no. 4 (October 2012): 387–88.

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Gilbert, Tony. "Commentaries." Illness, Crisis & Loss 21, no. 3 (July 2013): 247.

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Hardy, Russell W. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 62, no. 2 (August 2004): 170.

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Young, Ronald F. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 62, no. 1 (July 2004): 40–41.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Laws, Edward R. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 62, no. 1 (July 2004): 41.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Dickey, Phillip. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 62, no. 5 (November 2004): 418.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Angevine, Peter D., and Paul C. McCormick. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 62, no. 5 (November 2004): 385–86.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Menezes, Arnold H. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 63, no. 2 (February 2005): 106.

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Pagni, Carlo A. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 63, no. 2 (February 2005): 106.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Welch, William C. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 63, no. 2 (February 2005): 99.

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Kalfas, Iain H. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 63, no. 2 (February 2005): 100.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Gobin, Y. Pierre. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 62, no. 5 (November 2004): 467.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Sindou, Marc. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 62, no. 5 (November 2004): 404.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Lindquist, Christer. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 62, no. 5 (November 2004): 444–45.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Gumprecht, Hartmut, and C. B. Lumenta. "Commentaries." Surgical Neurology 63, no. 2 (February 2005): 141.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
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