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Stutchbury, R. Results of a 1989 survey of first-year geoscience classes at Australian tertiary institutions. Sydney, N.S.W: Earth Resources Foundation, University of Sydney, 1990.
Find full textKatchadourian, Heraut A. Careerism and intellectualism among college students. SanFrancisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985.
Find full textS, Maline Mindi, and United States. Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Office of Research, eds. Academic dishonesty among college students. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Office of Research, 1993.
Find full textMaramark, Sheilah. Academic dishonesty among college students. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Office of Research, 1993.
Find full textMaramark, Sheilah. Academic dishonesty among college students. Washington, D.C: U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Office of Research, 1993.
Find full textMorioka, Kōji. Nihon Roshia gakusei ishiki chōsa hōkokusho. Suita-shi: Kansai Daigaku Keizai Seiji Kenkyūjo, 1998.
Find full textLuiz Teixeira do Vale Pereira. Anota aí!: Pequenas crônicas sobre grandes questões da vida escolar. 3rd ed. Florianópolis, SC: Editora UFSC, 2013.
Find full textSawczuk, Wiktor. Wartości preferowane przez studentów w okresie transformacji ustrojowej. Olsztyn: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, 2000.
Find full textFurugaki, Kōichi. Seinen no seikatsu, kachikan ni kansuru chōsa (dai 2-ji): Daigakusei o chūshin to shite. Chiba-ken Chiba-shi: Chiba Kenritsu Hoken Iryō Daigaku Kenkō Kagakubu Eiyō Gakka Furugaki Kōichi Kenkyūshitsu, 2014.
Find full textSchindler, Götz. Studentische Einstellungen und Studienverhalten. München: Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung, 1994.
Find full textCollege life through the eyes of students. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2009.
Find full textIlʹin, I. V. Rossiĭskoe studenchestvo na rubezhe XX-XXI vekov: Transformat︠s︡i︠a︡ sistemy t︠s︡ennosteĭ : sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Moskva: INION RAN, 2012.
Find full textBhushan, L. I. Casteism: A socio-psychological study of college students. New Delhi: Classical Pub. Co., 1996.
Find full textBhushan, L. I. Casteism: A socio-psychological study of college students. New Delhi: Classical Pub. Co., 1996.
Find full textFrye, Richard. Survey of non-returning students. Bellingham, Wash: Office of Institutional Assessment and Testing, Western Washington University, 2001.
Find full textLeón, Ramón. El país de los extraños: Una encuesta sobre actitudes raciales en universitarios de Lima Metropolitana. [Lima]: Universidad Ricardo Palma, Fondo Editorial, 1998.
Find full textSarḥān, Maḥmūd Saʻūd Qaẓẓām. al- Ṣirāʻ al-qīmī ladá al-shabāb al-Arabī. ʻAmmān: Wizārat al-Thaqāfah, 1994.
Find full textVon der Tugend zur Freiheit: Studentische Mentalitäten an deutschen Universitäten 1740-1800. Hildesheim: Olms, 1995.
Find full textAmmar, Abdul Fattah. Die Araber und die westliche Kultur: Psychoanalytische Überlegungen am Beispiel der libanesischen Hochschulausbildung. Köln: Böhlau, 1991.
Find full textSopuch, Kazimierz. Postawy studentów wobec życia i wybór wartości. Gdańsk: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 1994.
Find full textCentre, India Habitat. Voices of the young: Towards Habitat Young Visionary Award, 2005. New Delhi: India Habitat Centre, 2004.
Find full textLeón, Ramón. El país de los extraños: Una encuesta sobre actitudes raciales en universitarios de Lima Metropolitana. [Lima]: Universidad Ricardo Palma, Fondo Editorial, 1998.
Find full textAbraham, Ansley A. Racial issues on campus: How students view them. Atlanta, Ga: Southern Regional Education Board, 1990.
Find full textGraycar, Adam. Racism and the tertiary student experience in Australia: Policy discussion paper. Canberra, ACT: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 2010.
Find full textDer Studienfachwechsel: Eine Längsschnittanalyse der Interaktionsstruktur von Bedingungen des Studienverlaufs. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1991.
Find full textRandel, Jim. The skinny on college success. Bellingham, Wash: School Speciality Inc., 2010.
Find full textMúltiplas vozes: Racismo e anti-racismo na perspectiva de universitários de São Paulo. Salvador, BA: EDUFBA, 2008.
Find full textCollege men and masculinities: Theory, research, and implications for practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010.
Find full textRichardson, Mary F. Identity in the Jamaican context: Personality and attitudes of tertiary students. Mona, Kingston, Jamaica: Faculty of Education, University of the West Indies, Mona, 1992.
Find full textWohnen als Student: Intentionales Handeln und strukturelle Erziehung. Tübingen: Schwäbische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987.
Find full textMizokami, Shinʾichi. Gendai daigakuseiron: Yunibāshiti burū no kaze ni yureru. Tōkyō: Nihon Hōsō Shuppan Kyōkai, 2004.
Find full textOwino, Philip O. The socio economic impact of HIV/AIDS among Kenyatta University students: Baseline survey, 2006. Nairobi: Published by Kenyatta University, HIV/AIDS Control Unit, 2006.
Find full textYu, Hyŏn-suk. Han'guk taehaksaeng ŭi haksŭp kwajŏng punsŏk yŏn'gu. Sŏul-si: Han'guk Kyoyuk Kaebarwŏn, 2010.
Find full textOstrowska, Urszula. Studenci wobec godności: Między nieodzownością a kontestacją. Kraków: "Impuls", 2004.
Find full textFont, Francesc Bosch. La transició de l'educació al mercat de treball: L'opinió dels joves de Catalunya. Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 1991.
Find full textGroup, Harwood, and Charles F. Kettering Foundation, eds. College students talk politics. Dayton, Ohio: The Foundation, 1993.
Find full textRemembering School: Mapping Continuities in Power, Subjectivity, and Emotion in Stories of School Life. Peter Lang Publishing, 2003.
Find full textTurner, Robert W. Attitudes of college students toward developmentally disabled peers. 1986.
Find full textJoyce, Beverly A. "First-generation" college students: A study of college choice. 1987.
Find full textMansour, Ibrahim Al. Modernization and social change in Saudi Arabia : a study of attitudes and behavior of university students in Riyadh. 1989.
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