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Deavers, Frances. "Modeling Risk for Sexually Transmitted Infections in Women in a Court-Ordered Substance Treatment Program." Master's thesis, University of Central Florida, 2014.

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Developing a comprehensive model of Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) risk factors and their inter-relationships is vital to improving methods of risk identification and treatment delivery. The CDC posed three general categories that may serve as a framework for such a model: sexual network, individual behavior, and social/ structural risk. None of the extant risk models incorporate measures from all three categories. Additionally, none of these models, generally focused on individual behavior, use medical data on infection as their outcome variable. This is problematic because the ultimate outcome of infection is also influenced by sexual network and social/ structural variables, in addition to individual behaviors. Therefore the current study aimed to develop a comprehensive model of risk incorporating sexual network, individual behavior, and social/ structural risk variables, using medical data on infection status as the outcome variable. The sample consisted of 506 women in a court-ordered substance treatment program. An Exploratory Factor Analysis provided preliminary evidence for a three factor model corresponding to the CDC framework. However, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis failed to confirm this model. Additionally, a logistic regression suggested that this model has limited clinical utility for this sample. Future studies may more conclusively determine the importance of various STI risk variables, the relationships between them, and whether they mirror the CDC theoretical framework. With rates of infection still high in the United States, and even increasing among women for certain STIs, this is a critical public health issue that should continue to be examined.
Clinical Psychology
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Tatu, Ofélia. "Processus de reconnaissance : de la prévention d'un risque psychosocial à la construction de la santé au travail." Thesis, Artois, 2015.

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La présente recherche étudie le rôle de la reconnaissance comme ressource et levier pour la construction de la santé et le développement des capacités des employés. Elle analyse également la place des ressources individuelles, collectives et organisationnelles dans le cadre des démarches de prévention des risques psychosociaux au travail et la contribution de la reconnaissance dans le processus de construction de la santé au travail. Dans le cadre de cette thèse nous avons analysé 16 démarches de prévention des risques psychosociaux, ainsi que des documents significatifs par rapport à notre problématique. Nous avons également réalisé 147 entretiens individuels et trois entretiens collectifs. Les résultats ont mis en évidence le fait que la reconnaissance joue un rôle important pour la santé et que les pratiques de reconnaissance doivent se matérialiser en lien avec quatre sources : l’institution, le collectif, l’activité de travail et l’autrui significatif. De plus, nos résultats ont mis en évidence une tridimensionnalité du concept de reconnaissance. Ainsi, cette thèse apporte une contribution théorique et pratique sur le thème de la reconnaissance au travail. Elle permet de préciser le cadre conceptuel et méthodologique à mobiliser pour analyser la reconnaissance et mettre en place de pratiques qui favorisent la santé
This research studies the role of recognition as a resource for health enhancement and for employees’ capability development. Furthermore, it analyses the role of individual, collective and organizational resources in preventing psychosocial risks in the workplace. This research discusses also the contribution of recognition in the process of occupational health enhancement. In the first study we analysed 16 programs of psychosocial risks prevention as well as important documents for this issue. For the second and the third study we interviewed 147 persons individually, and we conducted three focus group interviews. The results have shown that recognition plays an important role for health and that recognition practices must come from four sources: the organization, the work team, the work activity and the “significant others”. Our results have also shown that the concept of recognition has three main dimensions. Therefore, this research makes a theoretical and practical contribution to the issue of recognition in the workplace. It helps clarifying the conceptual and methodological framework needed to analyse recognition and implement actions that protect, enhance and promote employees’ health
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Educational Psychology
The present study investigated high risk behaviors in a population of college students through the use of a large, national quantitative data set and individual qualitative interviews. Since millions of students are enrolled in higher education, which often comes at a great financial cost and sacrifice to them and their families (Henretta, Wolf, Van Voorhis & Soldo, 2012), this is a particularly important population to study. Additionally, despite being a time of optimal health, adolescence is also a time of increased mortality, particularly as it relates to social morbidities (Resnick et al., 1997). While risk taking amongst college students manifests itself in many ways, the primary focus of this research will be on alcohol use, drug use and sexual behavior. Recent research in the field, including the composite measure of psychosocial maturity (Steinberg, Cauffman, Woolard, Graham & Banich, 2009a), the social neuroscience perspective (Steinberg, 2008) and current trends in alcohol use, drug use and sexual behaviors amongst college students were examined. The American College Health Association National College Health Assessment II (ACHA-NCHA II) provided statistically significant evidence that students who drink more (frequency and quantity) have lower overall GPAs, experience more negative consequences as a result of their drinking and experience more impediments to academic success. Students who live on campus, are members of Greek fraternities and sororities and/or are varsity athletes engage in higher levels of binge drinking than their peers. Additionally, students who drink more (frequency and quantity) engage in other risky behaviors (unprotected sex, NMPD use, etc.) at higher rates than their peers. Qualitative interviews with high achieving students who engaged in various levels of risk taking resulted in the explication of six distinct themes: defining and conceptualizing risk taking, decision making, painting a picture of individual risk taking, academic achievement, peer perceptions and influence, and achieving both (what allows a high risk student to also be high achieving). In addition to the above analyses, the present study also examines implications for practitioners and directions for future research.
Temple University--Theses
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Федчишин, Максим Олександрович. "ГІС-аналіз екологічних ризиків в результаті аварій на газо-нафтопроводах." Master's thesis, Київ, 2018.

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Магістерська дисертація складається зі вступу, п’яти розділів, висновку, переліку посилань з 26 найменувань, 4 додатки, і містить 19 рисунків, 35 таблиць. Повний обсяг магістерської дисертації складає 108 сторінки, з яких перелік посилань займає 3 сторінки, додатки – 16 сторінок. Актуальність теми. З точки зору безпеки трубопроводи мали хороший досвід у перевезенні небезпечних матеріалів, але зараз виникають декілька факторів, які дозволяють зробити висновок, що дотримання найкращих міжнародних стандартів трубопровідності може бути недостатнім для задоволення безпеки та екологічних очікувань суспільства. Основними чинниками, що ведуть до цього висновку, є: – трубопроводи зношуються, і записи показують, що ймовірність виникнення інцидентів на цих трубопроводах зростає; − трубопроводи працюють в районах, де щільність населення збільшилася. Недоліки трубопроводів, що містять деякі небезпечні матеріали, можуть становити серйозні ризики навіть з невеликих викидів. Враховуючи вищезазначене, Європейське співтовариство розробляє ініціативу з безпеки трубопроводів, яка, як очікується, вимагатиме демонстрації безпеки та стану трубопровідних систем у випадку безпеки. Для підвищення репрезентативності, змістовності та достатності інформації необхідно врахування більшої кількості початкових даних, інформації з різних джерел, а просторова прив'язка дозволяє зробити цю інформацію зручною для її сприйняття та використання при прийнятті рішення, саме цю задачу вирішуватиме розроблена система. Метою дослідження є створення методичної та алгоритмічної бази для ГІС-аналізу екологічних ризиків в результаті аварій на газо-нафтопроводах. Для досягнення поставленої задачі були сформульовані наступні завдання дослідження, що визначили логіку дослідження та його структуру: − проаналізувати критерії та показники екологічних ризиків аварій на трубопроводах; − проаналізувати сучасні інформаційні ГІС-технології в задачах моніторингу довкілля; − визначити розрахункові моделі оцінки екологічних ризиків в результаті аварій на газо-нафтопроводах; − спроектувати архітектуру системи ГІС-аналізу екологічних ризиків в результаті аварій на газо-нафтопроводах; − розробити програмне забезпечення для ГІС-аналізу екологічних ризиків в результаті аварій на газо-нафтопроводах. Об’єктом дослідження є інформаційні технології моніторингу довкілля. Предметом дослідження є інформаційні технології моніторингу екологічних ризиків. Методико-математичне забезпечення. Розв’язання поставлених задач виконувались з використанням наступних методико-математичних забезпечень: − індивідуальний ризик; − колективний ризик; − комплексні ризики; − збитки. Практичне значення одержаних результатів роботи полягає в розробці системи ГІС-аналізу екологічних ризиків в результаті аварій на газо-нафтопроводах, що спрощує роботу працівників міністерства надзвичайних ситуацій.
Master's thesis consists of an introduction, five sections, a conclusion, a list of references from 26 denominations, 4 appendices, and have 19 figures, 35 tables. The full volume of the master's thesis is ?? pages, 3 of which is list of references, ?? – appendices. Topicality. From the safety point of view, pipelines have had good experience in the transport of hazardous materials, but now there are several factors that can lead to the conclusion that compliance with the best international pipeline standards may not be sufficient to meet the security and environmental expectations of society. The main factors leading to this conclusion are: − pipelines are wearing out, and records show that the probability of incidents occurring on these pipelines is increasing; − pipelines operate in areas where population density has increased. Disadvantages of pipelines containing some hazardous materials can pose serious risks even with small emissions. Taking into account the above, the European Community is developing a pipelines' safety initiative, which is expected to require demonstration of the security and status of pipeline systems in the event of a safety concern. In order to increase the representativity, content and sufficiency of information, it is necessary to take into account more initial data, information from different sources, and spatial binding allows making this information convenient for its perception and use when making a decision, this task will be solved by the developed system. The aim of the research is creation of methodical and algorithmic basis for GIS analysis of environmental risks as a result of accidents on gas and oil pipelines. To accomplish the task, the following research objectives were formulated, which determined the logic of the research and its structure: − analyze the criteria and indicators of environmental risks of pipeline accidents; − to analyze modern information technology GIS in the tasks of environmental monitoring; − to determine the estimated models of environmental risk assessment as a result of accidents on gas and oil pipelines; − to design the architecture of the system of GIS analysis of environmental risks as a result of accidents on gas and oil pipelines; − to develop software for GIS analysis of environmental risks as a result of accidents on gas pipelines. The object of research is the information technology of environmental monitoring. The subject of research is an information technology for monitoring environmental risks. Methodological and mathematical support. The solving of defined tasks was performed using the following methodological and mathematical support: − Individual risk; − collective risk; − complex risks; − losses. The practical value of research the work is to develop a system of GIS analysis of environmental risks as a result of accidents on gas and oil pipelines, which simplifies the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
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Cuesta, Hillary Angelique. "Identifying Pathways to Disease Using Data Mining: Understanding the Combined Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Health Indicators of Diabetes Mellitus and Asthma among High-Risk Philadelphians." Master's thesis, Temple University Libraries, 2017.

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Introduction: Disadvantaged urban neighborhoods suffer disproportionate chronic illness burden related to social determinants of health. Studies have shown that socioeconomic characteristics and factors related to poor neighborhood conditions, such as physical inactivity and neighborhood disorder, to be associated with an increased risk of asthma and diabetes. Objectives: The primary aim of this study was to determine the hierarchy of individual and combined neighborhood health indicators that are predictive of asthma and diabetes in a population of high-risk Philadelphians, in order to make actionable recommendations that promote disease prevention. The secondary aim was to illustrate the relevance of using decision trees (data mining) to understand multilevel relationships among the predictors of complex health outcomes. Methods: Secondary data on individual health measures and neighborhood characteristics (N = 450) and vacant lot data (N = 676) was obtained from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. RapidMiner data science software was utilized to perform decision tree analyses, illustrating the levels of influence and patterns between individual and neighborhood characteristics predicting asthma and diabetes. Results: Individual- and neighborhood-level factors were intricately related and demonstrated significant trends of influence on the outcomes of asthma and diabetes. The decision trees created in this study had high specificity, accurately classifying the factors that are protective of each disease. Factors that emerged as influential across all decision trees were those involving non-demographic variables: hours outside, psychological distress, recreational walking, walk to work, social and physical disorder, and certain vacant lot characteristics (primarily lot trash). Understanding the complex relationships that exist between individual- and neighborhood-level factors are vital for creating disease prevention programs, particularly within low socioeconomic populations, who have limited access to other prevention resources Conclusion: Improved neighborhood-level conditions related to social and physical disorder were consistently found to be protective of both asthma and diabetes in this urban population. This study illustrates the practicality of applying machine learning techniques for understanding complex public health issues.
Temple University--Theses
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Gregório, Joana Catalina Mendes Moreira Saúde. "Life annuities and ruin." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2015.

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Mestrado em Ciências Actuariais
Este trabalho pretende combinar dois grandes tópicos num contexto atuarial: rendas contingentes sobre a vida humana e teoria da ruína, de forma a determinar a probabilidade de ruína financeira para carteiras de anuidades-vida. Duas principais perspetivas podem ser consideradas nesta situação: a dos indivíduos e a das seguradoras de vida, com aplicação de diferentes modelos. Limitações de tempo disponível e extensão do texto conduziram a que apenas a perspetiva das empresas fosse objeto de estudo, aplicando-se o modelo de risco individual clássico. Após uma extensiva revisão literária, os conceitos fundamentais sobre anuidades-vida e teoria da ruína são explicados e um caso de estudo é tratado. Primeiramente, os conceitos teóricos são desenvolvidos, de tal forma que um resultado, não encontrado na literatura, é obtido; segue-se a aplicação dos conceitos a uma carteira de riscos real. O problema a ser resolvido consiste em determinar se as reservas são suficientes para manter a probabilidade de ruína sob controlo, quando considerando tal carteira de anuidades-vida, dividida em grupos homogéneos. Dois procedimentos são seguidos: calcular as probabilidades de ruína, a partir de uma reserva inicial; e encontrar a melhor alocação das reservas iniciais pelos grupos de forma a maximizar as probabilidades de sobrevivência. Frostig e Denuit (2009) é a principal referência bibliográfica. Alguns resultados significativos são observados.
This work intends to combine two major topics under the actuarial framework: life annuities and ruin theory, as to determine the probability of financial ruin for life annuities' portfolios. Two main perspectives may be considered: the household's and the life insurance company's, for which different models apply. Time constraints and limitations on text length became the reason why only the company's perspective has been explored, using a classic individual risk model. After an extensive literature review the basics on life annuities and ruin theory are explained and a case study is toiled. Firstly, the theoretical framework is developed, with a useful result, not found in the literature, being obtained; and finally, the application follows. The problem to be solved consists broadly in studying whether reserves are high enough to keep the ruin probability under control, when considering a given insurer's portfolio of life annuities, divided into homogeneous groups. This is done in two different ways: computing the ruin probabilities, given the initial reserve; and finding the initial reserves' allocation amongst the groups that maximizes the survival probabilities. Frostig and Denuit (2009) is the main reference. Some significant results are observed.
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Mallon, Eamonn Bernard. "Individual assessments and collective decisions." Thesis, University of Bath, 2001.

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Ash, R. E. "Individual and collective identities in Tacitus' Histories." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1996.

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Locsei, Janos Tobias. "Individual and collective behaviour of swimming microorganisms." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2008.

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Marcoci, Alexandru. "Formal explorations in collective and individual rationality." Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 2017.

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This thesis addresses several questions regarding what rational agents ought to believe and how they ought to act. In the first part I begin by discussing how scientists contemplating several mutually exclusive theories, models or hypotheses can reach a rational decision regarding which one to endorse. In response to a recent argument that they cannot, I employ the tools of social choice theory to offer a ‘possibility result’ for rational theory choice. Then I utilize the tools of judgment aggregation to investigate how scientists from across fields can pool their expertise together. I identify an impossibility result threatening such a procedure and prove a possibility result which requires that some scientists sometimes waive their expertise over some propositions. In the second part I first discuss the existing justifications for a restricted principle of indifference that mandates that two agents whose experiences are subjectively indistinguishable should be indifferent with respect to their identities. I argue that all existing justifications rely on the same mistaken reasoning behind the ‘staying’ strategy in the Monty Hall problem. Secondly, I show this mistake is more widespread and I identify it in arguments purporting to show the failure of two reflection-like principles. In the third part I look at a recent argument that fair policy makers face a dilemma when trying to correct a biased distributive process. I show the dilemma only holds if the correction has to happen in one-shot. Finally, I look at how we ought to design public restrooms so that we reduce the discrimination faced by minority groups. I make the case for opening our public restrooms to all genders.
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Moncure, Katherine Parker. "Inverted Quarantine: Individual Response to Collective Fear." Oberlin College Honors Theses / OhioLINK, 2016.

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Saranchuk, Andrew. "Aboriginal and treaty rights : collective or individual rights? /." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Mirebrahimi, Seyedmeghdad. "Interacting stochastic systems with individual and collective reinforcement." Thesis, Poitiers, 2019.

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L'urne de Polya est l'exemple typique de processus stochastique avec renforcement. La limite presque sûre (p.s.) en temps existe, est aléatoire et non dégénérée. L'urne de Friedman est une généralisation naturelle dont la limite (proportion asymptotique en temps) n'est plus aléatoire. De nombreux modèles aléatoires sont fondés sur des processus de renforcement comme pour la conception d'essais cliniques au design adaptatif, en économie, ou pour des algorithmes stochastiques à des fins d'optimisation ou d'estimation non paramétrique. Dans ce mémoire, inspirés par de nombreux articles récents, nous introduisons une nouvelle famille de systèmes (finis) de processus de renforcement où l'interaction se traduit par un phénomène de renforcement collectif additif, de type champ moyen. Les deux taux de renforcement (l'un spécifique à chaque composante, l'autre collectif et commun à toutes les composantes) sont possiblement différents. Nous prouvons deux types de résultats mathématiques. Différents régimes de paramètres doivent être considérés : type de la règle (brièvement, Polya/Friedman), taux du renforcement. Nous prouvons l'existence d'une limite p.s. coommune à toutes les composantes du système (synchronisation). La nature de la limite (aléatoire/déterministe) est étudiée en fonction du régime de paramètres. Nous étudions également les fluctuations en prouvant des théorèmes centraux de la limite. Les changements d'échelle varient en fonction du régime considéré. Différentes vitesses de convergence sont ainsi établies
The Polya urn is the paradigmatic example of a reinforced stochastic process. It leads to a random (non degenerated) almost sure (a.s.) time-limit.The Friedman urn is a natural generalization whose a.s. time-limit is not random anymore. Many stochastic models for applications are based on reinforced processes, like urns with their use in adaptive design for clinical trials or economy, stochastic algorithms with their use in non parametric estimation or optimisation. In this work, in the stream of previous recent works, we introduce a new family of (finite) systems of reinforced stochastic processes, interacting through an additional collective reinforcement of mean field type. The two reinforcement rules strengths (one componentwise, one collective) are tuned through (possibly) different rates. In the case the reinforcement rates are like 1/n, these reinforcements are of Polya or Friedman type as in urn contexts and may thus lead to limits which may be random or not. We state two kind of mathematical results. Different parameter regimes needs to be considered: type of reinforcement rule (Polya/Friedman), strength of the reinforcement. We study the time-asymptotics and prove that a.s. convergence always holds. Moreover all the components share the same time-limit (synchronization). The nature of the limit (random/deterministic) according to the parameters' regime is considered. We then study fluctuations by proving central limit theorems. Scaling coefficients vary according to the regime considered. This gives insights into the different rates of convergence
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Higginbotham, Rebecca Fritchley. "The individual and the collective : an Atlanta urban suburb." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1988.

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Alsalam, Marisa. "Fashion Branding: Strategies for Individual and Collective Brand Engagement." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2013.

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In the fashion industry, brands must engage consumers based on their method of consumption. The different methods of consumption are represented by four constructs, which depend on whether the consumption is individual or collective. Individual consumption can either be based on a brand or on a relationship with a brand ambassador. Collective consumption, on the other hand, involves people consuming in a social context. In this case, the focus can either be on the brand or on an activity (the brand is secondary). This study confirmed the existence of these constructs in the fashion industry by analyzing data from interviews, observation, forums, and secondary sources. This research led to the discovery of strategies brands can use to engage consumers within each of these constructs. When targeting individual consumers who are focused on a brand, companies can use quality, consistency and brand image as ways to build brand loyalty. When engaging individual consumers who have a relationship with a brand ambassador, brands must utilize strategies based on communication, authenticity, and knowledge. Brands can engage consumers who consume collectively, based on a brand, by implementing strategies that focus on social differentiation, narratives, entry points and exclusivity. Finally, fashion brands can connect with consumers that collectively consume based on an activity through marketing itself as a resource, building social affiliations, and providing a platform for this consumption.
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Priya, Patil G. "Community contextual and environmental determinants of HIV risk in Rakai District, Uganda community risk-environments, individual seroconversion risk, and individual perception of risk /." Available to US Hopkins community, 2003.

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Jin, Jessica. "Corrosive Culture and the Individual." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2016.

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This project explores the delicate balance between individual identity and collective identity as both formal and informal constructs. It narrates the struggle of defining one’s personal identity amidst the powerful social and cultural forces that attempt to prescribe norms and values. In response to this tension between individual values and cultural norms, this work asks: When faced with corrosive cultures, how does the individual shield him or herself from the powerful and often subconscious social power that acts upon us? How can this experience be better understood and navigated?
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Carro, Patiño Adrián. "Individual-based models of collective dynamics in socio-economic systems." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2016.

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The main purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of how complex collective behaviors emerge in social and economic systems. To this end, we use a combination of mathematical analysis and computational simulations along the lines of the agent- or individual-based modeling paradigm. In particular, we focus on three main topics: opinion dynamics, herding behavior in financial markets, and language competition. Opinion dynamics models focus on the processes of opinion formation within a society consisting of an ensemble of interacting individuals with diverse opinions. One of the main problems addressed by these models is whether these processes of opinion formation will eventually lead to the emergence of a consensus within the society or to the fragmentation of its constituent individuals into different opinion groups. We are interested here in situations where the particular issue under consideration allows for opinions to vary continuously, and thus opinions are modeled as real variables. In particular, we focus on a model consisting of two mechanisms or rules for the evolution of the agents' opinions: a mechanism of social influence, by which two interacting agents reach a compromise at the midpoint opinion, and a mechanism of homophily, by which two agents do only interact if their opinion difference is less than a given threshold value. In this context, we study the influence of the initial distribution of opinions in the asymptotic solution of the model. Financial time series are characterized by a number of stylized facts or non-Gaussian statistical regularities found across a wide range of markets, assets and time periods, such as volatility clustering or fat-tailed distributions of returns. A growing number of contributions based on heterogeneous interacting agents have interpreted these stylized facts as the macroscopic outcome of the diversity among the economic actors, and the interplay and connections between them. In particular, we focus here on a stochastic model of information transmission in financial markets based on a competition between pairwise copying interactions between market agents (herding behavior) and random changes of state (idiosyncratic behavior). On the one hand, we develop a generalization of this herding model accounting for the arrival of information from external sources, and study the influence of this incoming information on the market. On the other hand, we study a network-embedded version of the herding model and focus on the influence of the underlying topology of interactions on the asymptotic behavior of the system. Language competition models address the dynamics of language use in multilingual social systems due to social interactions. The main goal of these models is to distinguish between the interaction mechanisms that lead to the coexistence of different languages and those leading to the extinction of all but one of them. While traditionally conceptualized as a property of the speaker, it has been recently proposed that the use of a language can be more clearly described as a feature of the relationship between two speakers ---a link state--- than as an attribute of the speakers themselves ---a node state---. Inspired by this link-state perspective, we first develop a coevolving model that couples a majority rule dynamics of link states with the evolution of the network topology due to random rewiring of links in a local minority. Finally, we develop a model where the coupled dynamics of language use, as a property of the links between speakers, and language preference, as a property of the speakers themselves, are considered in a fixed network topology.
El propósito principal de esta tesis es el de contribuir a la comprensión del modo en el que comportamientos colectivos complejos emergen en sistemas sociales y económicos. En particular, nos centramos en tres temas principales: dinámica de opiniones, comportamiento gregario en mercados financieros y competición lingüística. Los modelos de dinámica de opiniones se centran en los procesos de formación de opiniones en el seno de una sociedad compuesta por un conjunto de individuos en interacción y con opiniones diversas. Uno de los principales problemas abordados por estos modelos es el de determinar si estos procesos de formación de opiniones llevan a la emergencia de un consenso en la sociedad, o si llevan a la segregación de los individuos en diferentes grupos. Nos interesamos aquí por situaciones en las que el asunto que se discute permite la existencia de un contínuo de opiniones y por tanto las opiniones pueden ser modeladas como variables reales. En particular, nos centramos en un modelo consistente en dos mecanismos para la evolución de las opiniones: un mecanismo de influencia social, por el cual dos agentes interaccionantes llegan a un compromiso en el punto medio entre sus opiniones, y un mecanismo de homofilia, por el cual dos agentes interaccionan únicamente si la diferencia entre sus opiniones es inferior a un cierto umbral. En este contexto, estudiamos la influencia de la distribución inicial de opiniones. Las series temporales financieras están caracterizadas por una serie de hechos estilizados o regularidades estadísticas no gaussianas observadas en un amplio rango de mercados, activos y períodos temporales, como el agrupamiento de la volatilidad o las distribuciones de retornos con colas pesadas. Un número creciente de contribuciones basadas en agentes heterogéneos en interacción han venido a ofrecer una interpretación de estos hechos estilizados como el resultado emergente de la diversidad entre actores económicos y de las interacciones y conexiones entre ellos. En particular, nos centramos aquí en un modelo estocástico de transmisión de información en mercados financieros basado en una competición entre interacciones de copia a pares entre agentes de mercado (comportamiento gregario) y cambios de estado aleatorios (comportamiento idiosincrático). Por un lado, desarrollamos una generalización de este modelo de comportamiento gregario para tener en cuenta la llegada de información desde fuentes externas y estudiamos la influencia de esta información entrante en el mercado. Por otro lado, estudiamos una versión en red del modelo de comportamiento gregario y nos centramos en la influencia de la topología subyacente en el comportamiento asintótico del sistema. Los modelos de competición lingüística abordan la dinámica del uso de lenguas en sistemas sociales multilingües debida a interacciones sociales. El principal objetivo de estos modelos es el de diferenciar entre aquellos mecanismos de interacción que llevan a la coexistencia de diferentes lenguas y aquellos que llevan a la extinción de todas menos una. Aunque tradicionalmente se ha conceptualizado como una propiedad del hablante, recientemente se ha propuesto que el uso de una lengua puede ser más claramente descrito como una propiedad de la relación entre dos hablantes ---un estado del enlace--- que como una propiedad de los hablantes ---un estado del nodo---. Inspirados por esta perspectiva, desarrollamos primero un modelo de coevolución que acopla una dinámica de estados en los enlaces basada en una regla de mayoría con la evolución de la topología de la red debida al re-enlace aleatorio de enlaces en una minoría local. Finalmente, desarrollamos un modelo en el que las dinámicas acopladas de uso de la lengua, como propiedad de los enlaces entre hablantes, y preferencia lingüística, como propiedad de los hablantes mismos, son consideradas en una topología de red fija.
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Batto, Nathan Frank. "Meshing motivations individual and collective action in the Taiwanese legislature /." Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 2006.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2007.
Title from first page of PDF file (viewed January 12, 2007). Available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 198-209).
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Viégas, Fernanda Bertini 1971. "Revealing individual and collective pasts : visualizations of online social archives." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2005.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 118-125).
As mediated communication becomes an increasingly central part of everyday life, people have started going online to conduct business, to get emotional support, to find communities of interest, and to look for potential romantic partners. Most of these social activities take place primarily through the exchange of conversational texts that, over time, accrue into vast archives. As valuable as these collections of documents may be for our comprehension of the online social world, they are usually cumbersome, impenetrable records of the past. This thesis posits that history visualization- the visualization of people's past presence and activities in mediated environments- helps users make better sense of the online social spaces they inhabit and the relationships they maintain. Here, a progressive series of experimental visualizations explores different ways in which history may enhance social legibility. The projects visualize the history of people's activities in four different environments: a graphical chat room, a wiki site, Usenet newsgroups, and email. History and the persistent nature of online communication are the common threads connecting these projects. Evaluation of these tools shows that history visualizations can be utilized in a variety of ways, ranging from aids for quicker impression formation and mirrors for self-reflection, to catalysts for storytelling and artifacts for posterity.
by Fernanda Bertini Viégas.
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Klein, Olivier, Sabrina Pierucci, Cynthie Marchal, Alejandra Alarcón-Henríquez, and Laurent Licata. "“It had to happen”: Individual memory biases and collective memory." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2012.

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For the purpose of the study we varied the outcome of a sequence of ambiguous behaviors performed by an imaginary individual during World War II. Compared to a control condition where no outcome was presented, this person either ended up saving Jews (heroic behavior) or denouncing Jews to the Gestapo (cowardly behavior). After one week, behavioral antecedents that were consistent with the outcome were likely to be recalled and communicated. Results suggest a tendency  towards forming extreme impressions of the target, depending on the outcome. These extreme impressions in turn guide the recall and evaluations of predictability, and also impact on communication about these episodes and thereby on the formation of collective memory.
Para el estudio se varió el resultado final de una secuencia ambigua de conductas realizadas por una persona ficticia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Después de la secuencia ambigua de acciones, en una condición control no se producía ninguna consecuencia, en otra condición de heroísmo la persona salvaba la vida de Judíos y en otra condición de cobardía los denunciaba a la Gestapo. Los antecedentes congruentes con la conducta final se recordaron y comunicaron más una semana después. Esto sugiere una tendencia a inferir juicios extremos a partir de la conducta final del personaje, que a su vez influyen en el recuerdo en relación al nivel de previsibilidad de la conducta del personaje, e influyen en la comunicación sobre el hecho y la memoria colectiva.
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Jolles, Jolle Wolter. "Animal personality and the social context : the role of boldness and sociability variation in schooling fish." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2016.

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Throughout the animal kingdom, individuals often differ consistently from one another in how they cope with their environment. In particular, consistent behavioural variation, known as animal personality, is a substantial driver of a range of important ecological and evolutionary processes. As most animal species are social for at least part of their lives and group living is common, a crucial link between personality and the social context may be expected. In this thesis I systematically investigate this link, using three-spined stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as my model system. I begin by showing that fish vary consistently in their boldness and sociability, with only boldness being positively linked to food intake for fish at rest. This finding provides support for evolutionary theory that links personality variation to life-history strategies, and lays the basis for work related to the social context. I continue by investigating how the social context may modulate personality variation and show that short contact with a social group may have carry-over effects and obfuscate personality expression when individuals are alone. Next, I observed fish in different pairs over time and found that social experience from both the current as well as previous social contexts are integrated in the risk-taking and leadership decisions of individuals but also depends on their boldness type. This result provides support for the importance of social feedback in the expression of personality differences. I go on to demonstrate that, in a pair, bolder fish have lower social attraction, with positive effects on individual’s leadership but negative effects on social coordination. Finally, by detailed tracking of the collective movements and group foraging of free-swimming shoals, I reveal boldness and sociability have complementary driving effects of on social structure, collective behaviour, and group functioning. Furthermore, I show that in turn the group composition determines the performance of individual personality types, providing a potential adaptive explanation for the maintenance of personality variation. Taken together, these studies provide an integrated account of animal personality and the social context and highlight the presence of a feedback loop between them, with personality variation being a key driver of collective behaviour and group functioning but also strongly affected and potentially maintained by it.
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Gellerbring, Emma. "Identity Through Art : Kids exploration of individual identity within the collective." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Arkitekthögskolan vid Umeå universitet, 2013.

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Thurlow, Katherine. "Female Collaborators and Resisters in Vichy France: Individual Memory, Collective Image." Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2013.

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Women in Vichy and Nazi Occupied France often found themselves facing situations in which their societal gender roles greatly influenced not only the choices that they made but also how their actions were perceived within society. Many women acted as either collaborators, resisters, or both to maintain their livelihood. How they were perceived was based in large part by how they fit into their prescribed social roles, in particular that of the self-sacrificing mother. Women who participated on both sides were often following their social expectations and obligations. Following the decline of Vichy and the end of the Occupation, however, there was an immense shift in perception that determined what a good mother was. During the Vichy regime, collaboration with both the regime was highly encouraged and expected. Thus, women collaborating during the Vichy regime were praised, only to be condemned after the occupation. Women who resisted Vichy and the Nazis were scorned, only to be glorified after. It is clear that women in both of these categories had similar motivations, but a drastic shift in public opinion made these women appear in a different light. There were only slight differences that separated many of the women who were judged based on how they adhered to their female roles within society, whether that society be under Vichy or after its decline, often without considering the difficult situations that women lived in.
Arts and Humanities
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Kim, Ok-Kyeong. "K-3 mathematics teacher professional development from individual and collective perspectives /." free to MU campus, to others for purchase, 2002.

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Kronk, Denise H. "The concept of collective versus individual punishment in the Old Testament." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1994.

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Koutsikouri, Dina. "Individual and collective success : the social dynamics of multidisciplinary design teamwork." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2010.

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Effective team working across disciplines is essential to solve the technological and managerial problems associated with construction projects. However, while it is widely accepted that this method of working is critical to the achievement organisational goals, it is a poorly understood process. Generic best practice recipes on how to improve team work in collaborative projects appears to have had limited impact on performance. Unless the realities of implementing and managing such joint endeavours are conceptualised and articulated in a manner that reflects the actual processes and patterns of behaviour, multi-disciplinary team working will remain a poorly understood working model. The goal of this work was to develop a conceptual framework that visualises the real success factors of multi-disciplinary working so that practitioners can apply a new understanding of predictable processes and patterns of behaviours to improve collaborative project outcomes. To achieve this, the project started with an exploration of critical success factors in multi-disciplinary design projects, encompassing extensive interviewing, workshops and a survey followed by a grounded theory (GT) study of collaborative working in six multi-disciplinary design projects. The switch to GT methodology offered possibilities to further probe into the dynamics of multi-disciplinary team working from the perspective of the team members. The findings show that team working in multi-disciplinary design projects can be explained through the social process of informalising. Informalising refers to the strategies practitioners use to cope with the multiple pressures and unforeseen demands that pervade the collaborative design environments. It portrays the relevance of managing of expectations and value-judging to remain effective and efficient in the face of change and uncertainty. These are critical factors that influence the project trajectory and experience of those involved. Alongside these results the work also demonstrates the importance of so called super soft factors such as shared values, creativity and innovation and passion and enthusiasm to achieve positive project outcomes. Overall, recognising that the process of informalising forms an essential part of cultivating collaboration, and hence getting the work done, more attention should be given to understand such activity in today s turbulent and transient project organisations. Knowledge and understanding of this form of emergent and improvisational strategy may enable managers to predict and control patterns of behaviour inherent in the management of collaborative design projects, and positively influence project outcomes in terms of perceived value and profit.
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Gardner, Ian William. "NIMBY : network or social movement? : individual and collective opposition to windfarms." Thesis, Bangor University, 2014.

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This thesis is a mixed methods study of individual and collective anti-wind energy activism in the UK, USA and Europe. A ‘grounded theory’ approach was taken to the generation of theoretical material in that research questions evolved as the research progressed and no ‘a priori’ hypotheses were proposed. However, the initial aims of the research were: to assess the applicability of the ‘NIMBY’ label; to investigate the extent of the anti-wind activist network and to judge whether the phenomenon could legitimately be described as a ‘social movement’. The research involved two types of quantitative analysis: Social Network Analysis of hyperlink and real world network data; and an assessment of the strength of Place Attachment for anti-wind energy activists. Qualitative analysis of semi-structured interview and biographical data was also used to gain an understanding of the characteristics of leading anti-wind activists: their similarities, differences, motivations, underpinning ideologies and biographical trajectories. The thesis frames the development and deployment of wind energy as a strategic response of advanced capitalism to geopolitical factors and historic energy crises. New forms of energy generate new relations of production and externalities which impact on localities and class interests. For onshore wind energy, these particularly (but not exclusively) affect elements of the rural middle class who have deeply entrenched views of the ‘pastoral ideal’. A conceptual model is developed to show how the expansion of industrial wind energy presents instrumental and ideological challenges to this ideal, and to identities. As a consequence individual and collective protests take place. These are sufficiently organised, connected, purposive and large-scale as to qualify as a social movement. The thesis contributes to Social Movement and Social Network theory by combining quantitative and qualitative methods to better understand anti-wind activism.
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Wheeler, Laura. "Wind Turbine Collective and Individual Pitch Control Using Quantitative Feedback Theory." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2017.

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Cassidy, Adrian Francis. "The LLP risk model : an individual risk prediction model for lung cancer." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2007.

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Background: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. Within the framework of the Liverpool Lung Project (LLP), population-based case-control and prospective cohort studies are in progress to identify molecular and epidemiological risk factors and define populations and individuals most at risk of developing the disease. An accurate, objective lung cancer risk prediction model could help healthcare professionals assess patients' risks and improve the decisions about preventive interventions or surveillance. This thesis uses a model-based approach to estimate the probability that an individual, with a specified combination of risk factors, will develop lung cancer within a 5-year period. Methods: 579 lung cancer cases and 1157 age- and gender-matched population-based controls were recruited between 1998 and 2005 and thus, were available for these analyses. A standardised questionnaire collected detailed information on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, medical history, family history of cancer, tobacco smoking and lifetime occupational history. As a flfSt step in the development of a risk prediction model, the case-control data were analysed to identify significant lung cancer risk factors and subsequently fitted into multivariate conditional logistic regression models. The fmal multivariate model was combined with age-standardised lung cancer incidence data to calculate absolute risk estimates. Results: Significant risk factors identified included smoking duration (p
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McBride, Michelle L. "Individual and familial risk factors for adolescent psychopathy." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Lee, Boram. "Risk perceptions and financial decisions of individual investors." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2013.

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Standard finance theory portrays investors as rational utility maximisers. Persisting market anomalies and observed investor practice, however, have led to widespread recognition that the fundamental axioms of rationality are often violated. In response to the limitations inherent in standard theory, the Behavioural Finance approach relaxes the rationality assumption and takes account of psychological influences on individuals’ decision-making processes. Adopting the behavioural approach, this thesis, which includes two empirical studies, examines why, and to what extent, investors depart from rational or optimal investment practices. The thesis examines the effect of Myopic Loss Aversion (MLA) suggested by Benartzi and Thaler (1995) as a response to the Equity Premium Puzzle highlighted by Mehra and Prescott (1985). While previous studies are almost exclusively based on experiments in a laboratory setting, this approach provides more compelling empirical evidence by investigating the effects of MLA on real individual investors’ portfolio allocations through the use of the Dutch National Bank Household Survey. For the first time, the concept of MLA is identified through the interaction of two separate effects, firstly, individuals’ myopia, reflected in portfolio evaluation and rebalancing frequencies, and secondly, loss aversion. The thesis finds that individuals who are less affected by MLA invest more in risky financial assets. Further, individuals who are less myopic increase their share of risky assets invested in their financial portfolios over time, although this is unrelated to their loss aversion. These findings support the prediction of MLA theory that short investment horizons and high loss aversion lead to a significantly lower share of risky investments. In summary, the high equity premium can be explained by the notion of MLA. If individuals evaluate their investment performance over the long-term, they perceive much smaller risks relative to stockholding returns; consequently, they will be prepared to accept smaller equity premiums. The findings suggest possible interventions by policy makers and investment advisors to encourage individuals to remain in the stock market, such as providing long-term investment instruments, or restricting evaluation frequency to the annual reporting of investment performance. In response to the stockholding puzzle (Haliassos and Bertaut, 1995), this thesis also investigates individuals’ stock market returns expectations and their varying levels of risk aversion. Previous studies find that individuals’ heterogeneous stock market expectations determine variations in their stockholdings. The thesis accounts for the effect of risk aversion on stock market expectations, as well as on stockholding decisions. Additionally, the causality issue as between individuals’ expectations and stockholding status is controlled. The thesis finds that more risk averse individuals hold lower stock market expectations, and that the stock market return expectations of more risk averse individuals affect their stock market participation decisions negatively. The portfolio allocation decisions of individuals who already hold stocks are only affected by their expectations, with risk aversion being no longer significant. The thesis argues that persistent risk aversion effects cause individuals to hold pessimistic views of stock market returns, thus contributing to the enduring stockholding puzzle. The thesis reinforces existing perceptions that individuals in the real world may not make fully rational decisions due to their judgments which are based on heuristics and affected by cognitive biases. Individual investors often fail to maximise their utility given their preferences and constraints. Consequently, this thesis draws attention to the possible role of institutions, policy makers, and financial advisory bodies in providing effective interventions and guidelines to improve individuals’ financial decisions.
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Ayanian, Arin H. "Understanding collective action in repressive contexts : the role of perceived risk in shaping collective action intentions." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2017.

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The aim of the present research is to advance a general predictive model of the social psychological processes underlying collective action in contexts where collective action is met with significant repression by the authorities. The model integrates the recent advancements in the collective action literature and examines the unique predictive role of anger and fear (emotional pathway), political, identity consolidation and participative efficacies (instrumental pathway), politicised identification (identity pathway) as well as moral obligation, over and above past participation. Moreover, the research investigates how perceived risk, due to government sanctions, shapes these antecedents and the willingness to engage in collective action. Five survey studies (Studies 1 to 5) test this model in various repressive contexts (i.e., Egypt, Hong Kong, Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey). In addition, one experimental study (Study 6) examines the causal relation between perceived risk and (a) the antecedents of collective action and (b) the action intentions in a British sample. The results confirm the intensifying role of perceived risk, whereby it indirectly spurs further resistance through shaping the antecedents of collective action. The results also suggest that protesters are intrinsically motivated to engage in collective action when placed under risk. Specifically, although not motivated by political efficacy, protesters are strategic as they are motivated by the likelihood to consolidate the identity of their protest movement and the likelihood of their own participation to incrementally contribute to achieving the desired goals. Moreover, they are emotional, politicised and dutiful as their outrage towards how the authorities treat the protesters, their identification with their protest movement, as well as their sense of moral responsibility encourage them to take action despite the risks.
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Nilsson, P. Magnus. "Between the collective and the individual : the role of the sports arena." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995.

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Starnini, Michele. "Time-varying networks approach to social dynamics : from individual to collective behavior." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014.

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The data revolution experienced by social science has revealed complex patterns of interactions in human dynamics, such as the heterogeneity and burstiness of social contacts. The recently uncovered temporal dimension of social interactions calls for a renewed effort in analysis and modeling of empirical time-varying networks. This thesis contributes to pursue this program, through a twofold track: The modeling of dynamical social systems and the study of the impact of temporally evolving substrates on dynamical processes running on top of them. Firstly, we introduce some basic concepts and definition of time-varying networks formalism, and we present and analyze some empirical data of face-to-face interactions, discussing their main statistical properties, such as the bursty dynamics of social interactions. The main body of the exposition is then split into two parts. In the first part we focus on the modeling of social dynamics, with a twofold aim: reproduction of empirical data properties and analytic treatment of the models considered. We present and discuss the behavior of a simple model able to replicate the main statistical properties of empirical face-to-face interactions, at different levels of aggregation, such as individual, group and collective scales. The model considers individuals involved in a social gathering as performing a random walk in space, and it is based on the concept of social "attractiveness": socially attractive people (due to their status or role in the gathering) are more likely to make people stop around them, so they start to interact. We also devote attention to the analytic study of the activitydriven model, a model aimed to capture the relation between the dynamics of time-varying networks and the topological properties of their corresponding aggregated social networks. Through a mapping to the hidden variable model, we obtained analytic expressions for both topological properties of the time-integrated networks and connectivity properties of the evolving network, as a function of the integration time and the form of the activity potential. In the second part of the thesis we study the behavior of diffusive processes taking place on temporal networks, constituted by empirical face-to-face interactions data.We first consider random walks, and thanks to different randomization strategies we introduced, we are able to single out the crucial role of temporal correlations in slowing down the random walk exploration. Then we address spreading dynamics, focusing on the case of a simple SI model taking place on temporal networks, complemented by the study of the impact of different immunization strategies on the infection outbreak. We tackle in particular the effect of the length of the temporal window used to gather information in order to design the immunization strategy, finding that a limited amount of information of the contact patterns is sufficient to identify the individuals to immunize so as to maximize the effect of the vaccination protocol. Our work opens interesting perspectives for further research, in particular regarding the possibility to extend the time-varying networks approach to multiplex systems, composed of several layers of interrelated networks, in which the same individuals interact between them on different layers. Empirical analysis of multiplex networks is still in its infancy, indeed, while the data mining of large, social, multi-layered systems is mature to be exploited, calling for an effort in analysis and modeling. Our understanding of the impact of the temporal dimension of networked structures on the behavior of dynamical processes running on top of them can be applied to more complex multi-layered systems, with particular attention to the effect of temporal correlation between the layers in the diffusion dynamics.
La revolució de dades en ciències socials ha revelat els complexos patrons de les interaccions en la dinàmica humana, com ara l'heterogeneïtat i la burstiness dels contactes socials. La dimensió temporal recentment descoberta en les interaccions socials demana un esforç renovat en l'anàlisi i la modelització de xarxes empíriques de variables en el temps. Aquesta tesi contribueix a aquest programa, a través d'un doble recorregut: la modelització dels sistemes socials dinàmics i l'estudi de l'impacte de substrats temporalment variables en els processos dinàmics que es desenvolupen sobre ells. En primer lloc, hem introduït els conceptes bàsics i definicions del formalisme de les xarxes de variables en el temps, i presentem i analitzem algunes dades empíriques de les interaccions humanes de proximitat, discutint les seves principals propietats estadístiques. El cos principal de l'exposició es divideix llavors en dues parts. A la primera part ens centrem en els models de dinàmica social, amb un doble objectiu: la reproducció de les propietats de dades empíriques i el tractament analític dels models considerats. Hem presentat i discutit el comportament d'un model simple capaç de replicar les principals propietats estadístiques de les interaccions empíriques cara a cara, a diferents nivells d'agregació: individuals, grupals i d'escala col·lectiva. El model considera els individus que participen en un context social com si realitzaran una caminada a l'atzar en l'espai, i es basa en el concepte de "atractivitat social": persones socialment atractives tenen més probabilitat de que la gent que els envolta interactuï amb ells. Ens hem ocupat també de l'estudi analític del model "activity driven", destinat a capturar la relació entre la dinàmica de les xarxes variables en el temps i les propietats de les seves corresponents xarxes socials agregats. A través d'un mapeig amb el formalisme de variables ocultes, hem obtingut expressions analítiques per a les propietats topològiques de les xarxes integrades en el temps i les propietats de connectivitat de la xarxa en evolució, en funció del temps d'integració i de la forma del potencial d'activitat. A la segona part de la tesi hem estudiat el comportament dels processos difusius sobre xarxes temporals constituïdes per les dades empíriques de interaccions humanes. Primer considerem el procés de "random walk", o camí aleatori, i gràcies a les diferents estratègies de randomització que hem introduït, podem destacar el paper crucial de la correlacions temporals en alentir l'exploració del camí aleatori. Després hem dirigit la nostra atenció a la difusió d'epidèmies, centrant-nos en el cas d'un simple model SI que es desenvolupa a les xarxes temporals, complementat amb l'estudi de l'impacte de diferents estratègies d'immunització sobre la difusió de la infecció. Abordem, en particular, l'efecte de la longitud de la finestra temporal utilitzada per reunir informació per tal de dissenyar l'estratègia d'immunització, sobre l'eficàcia de la mateixa vacunació, descobrint que una quantitat limitada d'informació és suficient per maximitzar l'efecte del protocol de vacunació. El nostre treball obre interessants perspectives per a futures investigacions, en particular pel que fa a la possibilitat d'ampliar el formalisme de xarxes de temps variable a sistemes múltiplex, compostos de diverses capes de xarxes interrelacionades, en la qual els mateixos individus interactuen entre ells en diferents capes. L'anàlisi empírica de les xarxes múltiplex és encara en la seva infantesa, de fet, mentre que la mineria de dades de grans sistemes socials, de diverses capes, és madur per ser explotat, demanant un esforç en l'anàlisi i modelització. La nostra comprensió de l'impacte de la dimensió temporal de les xarxes sobre els processos dinàmics que es desenvolupen sobre ells es pot aplicar a sistemes més complexos de múltiples capes, estudiant l'efecte de la correlació temporal entre les capes en la dinàmica de difusió.
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Nasu, Masako [Verfasser]. "From Individual to Collective : Virginia Woolf’s Developing Concept of Consciousness / Masako Nasu." Bern : Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2017.

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Garcia, Marquez Josefina. "Explorations on collective order for individual identity--an alternative approach for housing." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987.

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Thesis (M. Arch.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1987.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 71).
This thesis is an exploration on generative collective order as establishing a physical built framework for individual identity. The emphasis on the collective stems from the premise that while incremental building may be integrative at the level of the dwelling, it may not be so at the urban level. This study proposes an alternative approach to the meeting of the scales in which the relative values and freedoms at th e various levels can be maintained under conditions of transformation. A series of observations and analysis of the vernacular settlement La Pastora are done to understand the principles present at several scales in a context where variety follows rules that are legible and reproducible. The site is analyzed with respect to its immediate context. The context is representative of three systems based on approaches to building at the urban and dwelling levels. The design for the site develops a built framework that maintains the transferable principles present in the context generating variations and aggregations that are associative to individual identity.
by Josefina Garcia Marquez.
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Barone-Chapman, Maryann. "Pregnant pause : delayed motherhood and its connection to individual and collective complexes." Thesis, Cardiff University, 2016.

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This research views the problem of delayed motherhood as a complexity of time: firstly, within the life trajectory of the child/adolescent/young woman/mid-life adult, and secondly, in relation to inherited factors that came before her entry into this life, threatening to continue after it. The thesis argues, from an advocacy perspective, for a period of mid-life that we could call a Pregnant Pause, which, as the research demonstrates, points to an early rupture in nurturing and relating. The research follows 8 women who have become pregnant in mid life. Using interviews, dream diaries and the Word Association Test, the thesis identifies those factors within personal, cultural and collective complexes influencing onset of late procreative desire. These are discussed in relation to causation and teleological continua. The empirical work yielded data rich in presentations of difficulties with the maternal parent, while the paternal parent remained marginalized. In parallel, the presence of a male sibling was found to have a significant effect on how women unconsciously organized their lives into two parts, “first Adam, then Eve”, insofar as identities around work and the maternal were concerned. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the interconnection between the individuating woman and the culture in which she is born, arguing that delayed motherhood is both an act of rebellion and redemption. Identification of a Pregnant Pause within these life trajectories clarifies three phases of delayed motherhood: before a baby, desperate for a baby, and after the baby. The implications of this research are discussed in parallel as dissociation from trauma, facing into earlier trauma with renewed determination, and transformations inspired by the Trickster archetype. The implications of this research range from, how not to raise a daughter, through to raising awareness on how the mother-daughter relationship impacts delayed motherhood and thus society, ultimately to address the need to re-imagine a national health service that values the personal and social impact on women who have lived their lives in two parts. This research aims to serve women who have no other means of redeeming their lost years except to find support for a reproductive identity through the NHS.
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Delmotte, Blaise. "Modeling and Simulation of Individual and Collective Swimming Mechanisms in Active Suspensions." Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2015.

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We have all witnessed the flocking of starlings in the sky and the schools of fish that form in the ocean. This kind of organization of living creatures is not limited to those that we see, but also occurs for those that we don’t : swimming microorganisms. Suspen- sions of micro-swimmers exhibit a rich dynamics. Their behaviors can play an important role in the survival of the group, its development, the balance between species, their trophic strategies and even animal fertility. They can form coherent structures due to collective motion, mix the surrounding fluid or modify its rheological properties. Such diversity results from the complex interplay between swimming strategies, physiological processes, chemical reactions and hydrodynamic interactions. Fluid Mechanics is there- fore essential to understand and master the mechanisms involved in these phenomena. While experimental studies bring out new findings and, sometimes, provide physical ex- planations, modeling remains essential. Yet, including an accurate description of the micro-swimmers in a suspension containing thousands (nay millions) individuals, requires considering a wide range of coupled scales (from one micron 10^−6m to several millimeters 10^−3m). What happens on large scales depends on sophisticated mechanisms occurring two or three orders of magnitude below. Therefore, the multiscale modeling of such phenomena is still a major challenge for the state-of-the-art numerical methods. This thesis aims at providing a contribution in that direction. In a first part, we will show that reproducing swimming mechanisms at the scale of the micro-swimmer can be achieved with various models spanning different levels of complexity. We will then present our developments to incorporate these models in an efficient framework for large scale simulations. We will show how to simultaneously account for the Brownian motion of the smallest particles (10^−6m). Our code reproduces known results from the literature with the same accuracy, but at lower cost and at larger scales, thus bridging a gap between particle-based models, experiments and continuum formulations from kinetic theory. Using the capabilities afforded by our method, we eventually address two open problems in the experimental literature : the origins of orientational correla- tions between interacting self-propelled micro-droplets and the mechanisms at play in the nonlinear enhancement of Brownian particle diffusion in active suspensions.
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Denis, Andrew Martin Paul. "Collective and individual rationality : some episodes in the history of economic thought." Thesis, City, University of London, 2001.

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This thesis argues for the fundamental importance of the opposition between holistic and reductionistic world-views in economics. Both reductionism and holism may nevertheless underpin laissez-faire policy prescriptions. Scrutiny of the nature of the articulation between micro and macro levels in the writings of economists suggests that invisible hand theories play a key role in reconciling reductionist policy prescriptions with a holistic world. An examination of the prisoners' dilemma in game theory and Arrow's impossibility theorem in social choice theory sets the scene. The prisoners' dilemma epitomises the collective irrationality coordination problems lead to. The source of the dilemma is identified as the combination of interdependence in content and independence in form of the decision making process. Arrovian impossibility has been perceived as challenging traditional views of the relationship between micro and macro levels in economics. Conservative arguments against the possibility in principle of a social welfare function are criticised here as depending on an illicit dualism. The thesis then reviews the standpoints of Smith, Hayek and Keynes. For Smith, the social desirability of individual self-seeking activity is ensured by the 'invisible hand' of a god who has moulded us so to behave, that the quantity of happiness in the world is always maximised. Hayek seeks to re-establish the invisible hand in a secular age, replacing the agency of a deity with an evolutionary mechanism. Hayek's evolutionary theory, criticised here as being based on the exploded notion of group selection, cannot underpin the desirability of spontaneous outcomes. I conclude by arguing that Keynes shares the holistic approach of Smith and Hayek, but without their reliance on invisible hand mechanisms. If spontaneous processes cannot be relied upon to generate desirable social outcomes then we have to take responsibility for achieving this ourselves by establishing the appropriate institutional framework to eliminate macroeconomic prisoners' dilemmas.
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Hawkins, Kristina Jean. "Perceived Risk of Victimization: Individual and Contextual Effects Revisited." NCSU, 2006.

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The purpose of the current analysis is to look at both individual and contextual predictors of perceived risk of victimization. Specifically, the present work builds directly on the contributions of Rountree and Land (1996) and goes beyond their work in several ways. The current work includes additional census tract measures and redefines a key concept index. Drawing upon routine activity theory, social disorganization theory, and social disorder theory, the current analysis includes individual, neighborhood, and census tract level predictors of perceived risk. Data collected on neighborhood characteristics and crime rates in Seattle, Washington in 1990 are used. Using a multi-stage sampling design, 5,302 individuals were surveyed. Multinomial logistic regression is used in this analysis. General support is found for routine activity theory, social disorganization theory, and social disorder theory. Most notable, however, support is found for including census tract level measures. Suggestions for future research are discussed.
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Greene, Adam. "Group and individual decision-making in project risk management." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2002.

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This research has shown how the nature of the construction project has become increasingly complex and has highlighted how project management decision-making has been supplemented with the use of risk management strategies. Subsequently the use of risk management strategies in construction project execution has had some of its weaknesses exposed, namely the failure of such strategies to consider the role of the individual within the risk management process. Consequently this research has undertaken an investigation to ascertain and understand the nature and impact of individual decision-makers upon the decision-making process. The attributes of and influences upon individual decision-making, risk and uncertainty perceptions and preferences have been explored and discussed in some detail. From those the `risk prism', a metaphor for the perception and preference of risk and uncertainty, was developed to explore the manner in which these decision-making attributes function. An investigation was undertaken to replicate the `risky shift' phenomenon in decisionmaking groups populated by construction project management professionals. The results of this investigation ascertained the influence of the group environment upon construction management decision makers, namely that individuals were influenced to accept greater uncertainty in a group decision environment. Subsequently a case study investigation of an organisations attempt to introduce a new risk management strategy was undertaken from which an enhanced understanding of the group discussion and decision-making environment was ascertained. As a result of these investigations an improved risk management process was developed and is presented within this dissertation.
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Lampi, Elina. "Individual preferences, choices, and risk perceptions - survey based evidence /." Göteborg : University of Gothenburg, 2008.

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Santos, Monteiro Paulo. "Essays on uninsurable individual risk and heterogeneity in macroeconomics." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2008.

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This thesis examines empirical and theoretical issues related to the role of uninsurable individual risk and heterogeneity in macroeconomics. The thesis includes four chapters. The first chapter uses data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to test full risk-sharing among North American households. The second chapter is a short essay where I use simulated data to show how the method applied in the previous chapter can be used to distinguish between partial risk sharing and imperfect credit markets. The third chapter develops a heterogeneous agent dynamic general equilibrium model which jointly models aggregate saving and employment. Finally, the fourth chapter investigates empirically the ability of financial market incompleteness to help explaining the equity premium puzzle. The central motivation throughout this dissertation is the recognition that the interaction between cross-sectional volatility and aggregate volatility is of fundamental importance to understand the way we should model macroeconomic aggregates such as aggregate consumption, asset prices and business cycle fluctuations.

Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion

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Iglesias, Pinedo Wilman Javier. "Intra-household inequality in Brazil: using a collective model to evaluate individual poverty." Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2016.

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
A distribuição dos recursos nos domicílios é importante para a compreensão do bem-estar material de seus integrantes e para a formulação de políticas redistributivas. Apesar da aparente importância da dimensão intrafamiliar da desigualdade, muito pouco tem sido feito para entender o quanto dos recursos do domicílio são apropriados pelos indivíduos que o compõem, e assim, tentar avaliar a pobreza individual. De fato, a avaliação da pobreza e da desigualdade, muitas vezes, assume uma distribuição igualitária dos recursos entre os membros do agregado familiar. Além disso, as medidas de pobreza não apenas negligenciam a distribuição dos recursos dentro dos domicílios, mas também os ganhos decorrentes do consumo conjunto. No entanto, a parcela de recursos domésticos dedicados a cada membro da família é difícil de identificar porque o consumo é medido ao nível do domicílio e os bens podem certamente ser compartilhados. Esta pesquisa tentou analisar o grau de desigualdade dentro das famílias e sua contribuição para os níveis de pobreza no contexto brasileiro. Em particular, estimou-se o processo de alocação de recursos e as economias de escala nos domicílios do Brasil usando um modelo coletivo de consumo das famílias. Mais especificamente, tentou-se analisar as parcelas de recursos de crianças e adultos e a relação com as economias de escala decorrentes do consumo conjunto e o processo de barganha dos pais, a fim de calcular uma medida direta da pobreza individual para o Brasil. A identificação da parcela de recursos dos membros do agregado familiar requer, além da observação de bens específicos dos adultos, a estimativa conjunta de curvas de Engel para domicílios de casais e solteiros. Esta estratégia de identificação difere do método tradicional de Rothbarth na medida em que é compatível com as economias de escala, bem como com o processo de barganha parental. A base de dados utilizada foi a Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares do Brasil (POF 2008-2009). Os principais resultados forneceram evidência de desigualdade e economias de escala dentro dos domicílios brasileiros, o que nos leva à rejeição do modelo unitário de consumo e da abordagem tradicional de Rothbarth no caso do Brasil, respectivamente. Os resultados também mostraram que a parcela dos gastos totais dos homens é ligeiramente maior do que as parcelas das mulheres para quase todas as estruturas familiares consideradas no presente trabalho. Por sua vez, a magnitude das parcelas das crianças, interpretadas como o custo dos filhos para os pais, é comparativamente menor. Outros resultados também mostraram como os recursos destinados a cada membro variam de acordo com o tamanho e a estrutura da família, e, em particular, como as medidas tradicionais de pobreza tendem a superestimar a incidência da pobreza infantil. Além disso, encontrou-se que a parcela de recursos dedicada às crianças aumenta com o número de crianças, mas a parcela média por cada criança tende a diminuir. Por outro lado, verificou-se que as economias de escala dos adultos são grandes e afetam as medidas de pobreza. Especificamente, a pobreza entre adultos é menor porque os pais são altamente compensados pelas economias de escala decorrentes do consumo conjunto. Apesar de os filhos comandarem uma parcela de recursos razoavelmente grande do agregado familiar, tal parcela não é suficiente para evitar que eles tenham taxas mais elevadas de pobreza do que os seus pais. Além disso, foi encontrado que as mães parecem contribuir com mais recursos para os filhos do que os pais, e por outro lado, não foram encontradas diferenças de gênero, mas sim diferenças etárias nas parcelas de recursos entre as crianças. Ainda, os resultados fornecem evidências indicando que o poder de barganha das mulheres dentro da família melhora com a idade, nível de educação e a participação no mercado de trabalho. No geral, a principal conclusão é que a desigualdade intrafamiliar é significativa. Uma consequência importante disso é que as medidas tradicionais per capita de pobreza, que, por construção, ignoram a desigualdade intrafamiliar, apresentam uma imagem enganosa da pobreza, em especial para as crianças. Finalmente, essas estimativas são importantes para as intervenções de políticas redistributivas, porque constituem medidas mais precisas do bem-estar material relativo dos brasileiros em domicílios de diversas composições. Igualmente, o fato de que é plausível medir as parcelas de recursos de cada membro das famílias é um passo muito útil para medir a pobreza individual e, assim, informar de forma mais precisa aos formuladores de políticas que estão focados na redução da pobreza.
The distribution of resources within households is crucial to the understanding of its members’ material well-being and for the design of redistributive policies. Although the apparent importance of the intra-household dimension of inequality, very little research has focused on how much of the family resources are dedicated to each member, and thereby attempting to assess individual poverty. In fact, the assessment of poverty and inequality often assumes an equal distribution of resources among household members. Moreover, poverty measures not only neglect the distribution of resources within families, but also the gains from joint consumption. However, the share of household resources devoted to each family member is hard to identify, because consumption is measured at the household level and goods can indeed be shared. This research attempted to analyze the extent of inequality within households and its contribution to levels of poverty in the Brazilian context. In particular, we estimated the process of resources allocation and economies of scale in households from Brazil using a collective model of household consumption. More specifically, we attempted to analyze the resource shares of children and adults in relation with the scale economies of joint consumption and the parental bargaining in order to calculate a direct measure of individual poverty for Brazil. The identification of the household member’s resource share requires the observation of adult-specific goods and a joint estimation on couples and singles. This identification strategy differs from the traditional Rothbarth method, in that it is compatible with economies of scale as well as with parents’ bargaining. The database used was Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF 2008-2009). The main results provide evidence of inequality and economies of scale within Brazilian households, which leads us to the rejection of the unitary model and the traditional Rothbarth approach for Brazil, respectively. Our findings also showed that men’s share of total expenditures is slightly larger than women's shares for almost all the family structures considered here. The magnitude of children’s shares, interpreted as the cost of children for the parents, is in turn comparatively smaller. We also showed how resources devoted to each household member vary by family size and structure, and we find that, particularly, standard poverty measures tend to overstate the incidence of child poverty. Furthermore, we found that the share of resources devoted to children rises with the number of children, but the average share per child tends to decrease. On the other hand, we found that adult's scale economies are large and affect poverty measures. Specifically, adult poverty is smaller because parents are highly compensated by the scale economies due to joint consumption. Despite that the children command a reasonably large share of household resources, such share is not enough to avoid having higher rates of poverty than their parents. In addition, we found that mothers seem to contribute more resources than fathers to children, and we do not find evidence of gender but age differences in children’s resource shares. Also, results provide evidence indicating that women’s bargaining power within the household improves with their age, level of education and participation in the labor market. Overall, our main finding is that there is substantial intra-household inequality. One important consequence of this is that standard per-capita poverty measures, which by construction ignore intra-household inequality, present a misleading picture of poverty, particularly for children. Finally, our estimates are important for redistributive policy interventions, because they constitute more accurate measures of the relative material welfare of Brazilians in households of varying composition. Furthermore, the fact that it is plausible to measure of each member’s resource shares within households is a very useful step in measuring individual poverty, and thus informing in a more precise way to policy makers which are focused on poverty alleviation.
Sem Lattes
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Burkhauser, Mary A. "Exploring Teachers’ Collective and Individual Adaptations to an Evidence-Based Summer Literacy Program." Thesis, Harvard University, 2016.

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While the field of educational research has produced an enormous amount of literature relevant for improving teaching and, ultimately, student achievement, the field has been less successful at producing deep and lasting instructional change at scale. In this dissertation, I present three papers that explore an approach to program implementation that attempts to cultivate conditions to support scale by involving teachers in a process of collaborative inquiry around an evidence-based program called READS for Summer Learning (READS). While many have called for implementation approaches that give educators an opportunity to make adaptations, few studies have examined the ways in which teachers respond to such an approach, including: the process that teachers go through as they are making their adaptation decisions, the kinds of adaptations they make, and the ways in which participation in such an approach may affect their perceptions of the program. In this thesis, I begin to address these gaps. Together, the papers in this dissertation explore how teachers at three high-poverty schools in one urban district responded when given opportunities—both as individuals and as teams—to make structured adaptations to READS. In the first study, I focus on individual teachers’ enactments of READS in their classrooms. The purpose of this study was to explore individual teachers’ fidelity to and adaptations of the core component of READS in which teachers have the most responsibility—teaching the READS lessons. In the second study, I consider the adaptation decisions that grade-level teams arrived at through a collaborative inquiry process. In my third study, I use interview data, collected after the implementation of the school-based components of READS (including the lessons) but before the end of the summer, to explore teachers’ expectations of the program’s effectiveness for their students and the basis for these expectations. Taken together, these studies provide insight into what success might look like when it comes to giving teachers greater autonomy over the implementation of evidence-based programs, as well as how researchers and school leaders might support these kinds of efforts.
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Farine, Damien R. "Emergent social structure and collective behaviour from individual decision-making in wild birds." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013.

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Social behaviour is shaped by complex relationships between evolutionary and ecological processes interacting at different scales. Benefits gained from social associations can range from predator dilution to collective sensing, but little is known about how these can be influenced by social structure and phenotypic composition. In this thesis, I investigated how individual decision-making affects phenotypic social structure, and how this mediates social behaviour through emergent properties of collective group behaviour. First, using mixed-species flocks as a model system, I showed individual tits (Paridae, chapter 2) and thornbills (Acanthizae, chapter 3) varied significantly in their social positions. Within-species variation in network position was as large as between-species variation, sug- gesting that prescribing functional roles at the species level may not sufficiently account for potential differences in fitness operating at the individual level. Rather, this suggested that structure may be driven by phenotypic traits, underpinning network structure (chapter 4). Next, I used an extensive data set of foraging records to explore factors determining the composition, of flocks of great tits (Parus major, chapter 5). For example, assortment by dispersal phenotype (immigration status) was the result of spatial disaggregation, and I showed that this may facilitate social selection for breeding territories (chapter 6). Finally, I investigated how decision-making shaped mixed-species social structure. I found that tits used a common strategy for managing pressures of predation and starvation by shifting from exploration to exploitation at different times of the day (chapter 7). I then found that a very simple interaction rule successfully replicated mixed-species group structure (chapter 8). Strikingly, the same rule was applied to both conspecifics and het- erospecifics, potentially playing an important role in the maintenance of flock structure. Through experimental manipulation of ecological conditions, I found that heightened per- ceived predation resulted in stronger social attraction overall, whereas increased competition led to a reduction in attraction to conspecifics (chapter 9). Simulations suggested this could be one potential mechanism underpinning fission-fusion dynamics in these species. Together, the results in this thesis form a framework linking social behaviour to individ- ual fitness where natural selection is shaped by the social environment. This approach may prove useful for testing whether following common social rules reduces variance in benefits accrued by individuals, and how within-species variation in social behaviour can impact emergent properties of groups.
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Woods, Richard David. "Collective responses to acoustic threat information in jackdaws." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2016.

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Navigating the physical world may present only a small fraction of the challenges faced by social animals. Sociality brings with it numerous benefits, including access to important information that may have otherwise been harder to come by. However, almost every aspect of these apparent benefits may also entail additional cognitive challenges, including how to interpret signals from conspecifics, who to attend to, and how to incorporate knowledge about signallers when deciding how to respond. One approach to understanding the cognitive abilities associated with social function is to investigate social species that take part in potentially costly group behaviours, where individual decisions must be made in a social context. In this thesis I explore how jackdaws (Corvus monedula), a highly sociable corvid species, use acoustic information to coordinate collective anti-predator responses. In Chapter Two I showed using playback experiments that the magnitude of collective responses to anti-predator recruitment calls known as “scolding” calls depends on the identity of the caller, with larger responses to familiar colony members than unfamiliar individuals. In Chapter Three I then used habituation-dishabituation experiments to show that this vocal discrimination operates at the level of the individual, with jackdaws discriminating between the calls of different conspecifics, regardless of their level of familiarity. In Chapter Four, I examined whether aspects of call structure conveyed information about threat levels. Here, I found that high rates of scolding calls were associated with elevated threats, and playback experiments suggested that this information might result in larger group responses. The finding that jackdaws are capable of mediating their response to alarm calls based on the identity of the individual caller, and on structural variation in call production, raised the question of whether jackdaws employed similar forms discrimination between acoustic cues made by predators in their environment. I investigated this in Chapter Five, using playback experiments to show that jackdaws responded not only to the vocalisations of resident predators, but that this ability extended to novel predators, and that responsiveness was mediated by the phase of the breeding season in which predators were heard. Together, these findings provide insights in to how discrimination among acoustic cues can mediate group behaviour in species that respond collectively to threats.
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Dinc, Ozge. "Impact Of Personality Traits And Risk Attitude On Individual Response To Risk: An Experimental Evidence." Thesis, METU, 2012.

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The present study aims to contribute to insurance sector by investigating the risk reduction mechanisms: self-insurance, self-protection, and market insurance. First, individual valuations/demands for these mechanisms in fire and earthquake events are analyzed through conducting an experiment to 78 students from Middle East Technical University In addition, the effects of risk attitude, personality traits, and demographic variables (that are measured through using a questionnaire) on valuations to these precautionary actions&rsquo
are examined. The findings show that, consistent with the theory, self-insurance and market insurance are substitutes to each other
contrary to the theory, self-protection and market insurance are not complements, they are also substitutes to each other. Further, individuals prefer self-protection and self-insurance to market insurance for both fire and earthquake events. Lastly, individual investment attitude is found to affect the valuations of these three risk reduction mechanisms positively concluding that people perceive these mechanisms as an investment tool.
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Gaylord, Jan Elizabeth. "Typologies of sexual risk taking : profiling high-risk individuals on sexual, relational and individual variables /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2000.

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