Books on the topic 'Collaborative discourse'
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Shepherd, Jennifer Dorothy. Storytelling in conversational discourse: A collaborative model. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1998.
Find full textC, Armstrong Jeannette, ed. The Native creative process: A collaborative discourse. Penticton, B.C: Theytus Books, 1991.
Find full textHybrid voices and collaborative change: Contextualising positive discourse analysis. New York: Routledge, 2012.
Find full textWilson, E. J. Peer group discourse and collaborative learning in the primary school. Norwich: University of East Anglia, 1990.
Find full textCollaborating towards coherence: Lexical cohesion in English discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2003.
Find full textStauber, Roni. Collaboration with the Nazis: Public discourse after the Holocaust. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2010.
Find full textDascălu, Mihai. Analyzing Discourse and Text Complexity for Learning and Collaborating. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textCollaboration in intercultural discourse: Examples from a multicultural Australian workplace. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1996.
Find full textBrioni, Simone, and Shirin Ramzanali Fazel. Scrivere di Islam. Venice: Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2020.
Full textConese, Claudio, ed. Sixth International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2017.
Full textChirac, Jacques. Discours et messages de Jacques Chirac: Maire de Paris, premier ministre, président de la République : en hommage aux juifs de France, victimes de la collaboration de l'Etat français de Vichy avec l'occupant allemand. Paris: L'Association Les fils et filles des déportés juifs de France, 1998.
Find full textChirac, Jacques. Discours et messages de Jacques Chirac, maire de Paris, premier ministre, président de la République, en hommage aux juifs de France victimes de la collaboration de l'Etat français de Vichy avec l'occupant allemand, en hommage au CRIF et aux justes de France et en mémoire de la Shoah. 6th ed. Paris: Fils et filles des déportés juifs de France, 2005.
Find full textUniversité Victor Segalen-Bordeaux 2. GERAS. Groupe d'étude et de recherche en anglais de spécialité. La langue, le discours et la culture en anglais du droit: [Actes du colloque organisé à Paris en 2004 dans le cadre des activités du GERAS, groupe d'étude et de recherche en anglais de spécialité, de l'université Victor Segalen-Bordeaux 2, avec la collaboration du CERLAC, centre de recherche en langues de spécialité et cultures, de l'université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne]. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2005.
Find full textArmstrong, Jeannette, Douglas J. Cardinal, and Greg Young-Ing. The Native Creative Process: A Collaborative Discourse. Theytus Books, 2002.
Find full textArmstrong, Jeannette. The Native Creative Process: A Collaborative Discourse. Theytus Books, 1992.
Find full textBartlett, Tom. Hybrid Voices and Collaborative Change: Contextualising Positive Discourse Analysis. Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
Find full textAltshuler, Daniel. Events, States and Times: A Collaborative Essay on Narrative Discourse in English. De Gruyter, Inc., 2016.
Find full textAustin, Stephen William. Collaborative narrative discourse in children's writing at Key Stage One. 1997.
Find full textMeade, Michelle L., Celia B. Harris, Penny Van Bergen, John Sutton, and Amanda J. Barnier, eds. Collaborative Remembering. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textDorval, Bruce, and David J. Bearison. Collaborative Cognition: Children Negotiating Ways of Knowing (Advances in Discourse Processes). Ablex Publishing, 2001.
Find full textMcVittie, Chris, and Andy McKinlay. Collaborative Processes in Neuropsychological Interviews. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textCollaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Find full textRichards, Keith. Language and Professional Identity: Aspects of Collaborative Interaction (Palgrave Studies in Professional and Oganizational Discourse). Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Find full textCollaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers (Cambridge Language Teaching Library). Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Find full textMahoney, Dennis F. Heidelberg, Dresden, Berlin, Vienna. Edited by Paul Hamilton. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textStauber, Roni. Collaboration with the Nazis: Public Discourse after the Holocaust. Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
Find full textRoni, Stauber, ed. Collaboration with the Nazis: Public discourse after the Holocaust. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2010.
Find full textFranco, Barbara. Decentralizing Culture. Edited by Paula Hamilton and James B. Gardner. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textYoung, Lisa D. Promoting social collaboration: The impact of information visualization on community discourse. 2004.
Find full textYoung, Lisa D. Promoting social collaboration: The impact of information visualization on community discourse. 2004.
Find full textEtty, John. Graphic Satire in the Soviet Union. University Press of Mississippi, 2019.
Full textTanskanen, Sanna-Kaisa. Collaborating towards Coherence: Lexical cohesion in English discourse (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series). John Benjamins Publishing Co, 2006.
Find full textWhittier, Nancy. Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textLewis, David Charles. European unity and the discourse of collaboration: France and francophone Belgium: 1938-1945. 1996.
Find full textBridgett, Rob. Contextualizing Game Audio Aesthetics. Edited by John Richardson, Claudia Gorbman, and Carol Vernallis. Oxford University Press, 2013.
Full textBeeston, Alix. Torn, Burned, and Yet Dancing. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textBarker, J. Craig. In Praise of a Self-Contained Regime. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textLanguage and Professional Identity: Aspects of Collaborative Interaction (Palgrave Studies in Professional and Organizational Discource). Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Find full textBishop, Ryan, and Sunil Manghani, eds. Seeing Degree Zero. Edinburgh University Press, 2019.
Full text(Editor), Denis Mieville, and Alain Berrendonner (Editor), eds. Logique, discours et pensee: Melanges offerts a Jean-Blaise Grize. Avec la collaboration de Christiane Tripet (Sciences pour la communication. Vol. 52). 2nd ed. Peter Lang Publishing, 1999.
Find full textCasserly, Christina. An observational study of collaboration and peer discourse generated by pairs of students at the computer. 2004.
Find full textWomen, Writing and the Iraqi Ba'thist State: Contending Discourses of Resistance and Collaboration, 1968-2003. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
Find full textDascălu, Mihai. Analyzing Discourse and Text Complexity for Learning and Collaborating: A Cognitive Approach Based on Natural Language Processing. Springer, 2016.
Find full textVolgogradskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ pedagogicheskiĭ universitet. Nauchno-issledovatelʹskai͡a︡ laboratorii͡a︡ "I͡A︡zyk i lichnostʹ"., ed. I͡A︡zykovai͡a︡ lichnostʹ.: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Volgograd: Peremena, 2000.
Find full textHawkins, Michael C. Semi-Civilized. Cornell University Press, 2020.
Full textHamilton, Paul, ed. The Oxford Handbook of European Romanticism. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full text(Editor), Curtis Jay Bonk, and Kira S. King (Editor), eds. Electronic Collaborators: Learner-centered Technologies for Literacy, Apprenticeship, and Discourse. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998.
Find full textJay, Bonk Curtis, and King Kira S, eds. Electronic collaborators: Learner-centered technologies for literacy, apprenticeship, and discourse. Mahwah, N.J: L. Erlbuam Associates, 1998.
Find full textMarin, Reva. Outside and Inside. University Press of Mississippi, 2020.
Full textMot et parties du discours. / Word and Word Classes. / Wort und Wortarten. Avec la collaboration de A. Martinet, R.H. Robins, W.P. Schmid. Peeters, 1986.
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