Academic literature on the topic 'Cognitives process'
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Journal articles on the topic "Cognitives process"
Kurniawati, Destriana, Ahmad Fauzi, Rini Budiharti, and Fairusy F. Haryani. "Experimental Discovery Learning Model and TPACK-based Problem-Based Learning Supported Media Moodle Reviewed from Student Process Science Skills." Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA 9, no. 10 (October 25, 2023): 8526–32.
Full textVetiana, Gautama Veri, and Alfy Mamduh Nuruddin. "Al-Ikhtibaar Limahaarat al-Qira'ah Fii Ta'liim al-Lughat al-'Arabiyyat." Tsaqofiya : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab 3, no. 1 (January 31, 2021): 92–104.
Full textBelleau, Hélène. "L'hébergement institutionnel d'un parent âgé ayant des pertes cognitives." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 26, no. 4 (2007): 329–41.
Full textGamoneda Lanza, Amelia. "Desaprendizaje e inestabilidad. Perspectivas para una teoría cognitiva de la lectura poética." Signa: Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica 28 (June 28, 2019): 105.
Full textTareva, Elena, Elena Porshneva, and Indira Abdulmianova. "The Didactics Of Ffl At The Crossroads Of Cognitive Linguistics And Discursive Language." Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie-Foreign Language Teaching 48, no. 3 (June 15, 2021): 241–54.
Full textMcAskill, Ashley. "Approche atypique avec Les Muses de Montréal: radicaliser la place des artistes handicapés au Québec." Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 6, no. 2 (June 28, 2017): 132.
Full textArdhoyo, Novalia Agung Wardjito, Sunarto Sunarto, and Hifni Alifahmi. "Penerapan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Dalam Komunikasi Pemasaran Pada Era New Wave Marketing." Jurnal Pustaka Komunikasi 6, no. 2 (September 30, 2023): 294–308.
Full textMuñoz-Catalán, M. Cinta, Nuria Climent, José Carrillo, and Luis Carlos Contreras. "<p>Cognitive processes associated with the professional development of the mathematics teacher</p>." PNA. Revista de Investigación en Didáctica de la Matemática 4, no. 3 (March 1, 2010): 87–97.
Full textAl Bloushi, Bashayer Jassim, and Anwar Al Shuraiaan. "Product Approach and Process Approach and Their Significance to Teaching Writing in TESOL and How They are Utilized in ELT Classes." International Journal of English Language Teaching 12, no. 3 (March 15, 2024): 7–22.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Cognitives process"
Puechbroussou, Benjamin. "Psychologie positive et processus cognitifs dans le traitement de la dépression." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.
Full textThis thesis explores the cognitive processes that underlie the effectiveness of positive psychology interventions in the treatment of major depressive disorder. To achieve this, four studies were conducted to identify these processes and understand how they contribute to the reduction of depressive symptoms. The first study compared the effectiveness of two one-week training programs based on behavioral activation and positive psychology. Participants were divided into two groups: one received a behavioral activation training program based on positive psychology, while the other received a behavioral activation training program based on physical activity. The results showed a significant reduction in depressive symptoms in both groups, but without a difference between the two groups. This suggests that the effectiveness of the training may depend on factors other than the underlying theory. The second study tested the effect of a protocol targeting associative memory networks and autobiographical memory accessibility. Participants were divided into two groups: one received a training program focused on recalling positive memories, while the other received a control training program. The results showed a significant reduction in depressive symptoms and an increase in autobiographical memory accessibility in the experimental group. This suggests that recalling positive memories may be an effective way to reduce depressive symptoms. The third study evaluated the effect of a protocol for recalling positive memories based on exercises inspired by Ericksonian hypnosis. Participants were divided into two groups: one received a daily one-week training program focused on recalling positive memories, while the other received a relaxation training program. The results showed a significant reduction in depressive symptoms and an increase in autobiographical memory accessibility in the experimental group. This suggests that recalling positive memories may be an effective way to reduce depressive symptoms and improve autobiographical memory. The fourth study measured the effect of a daily gratitude journaling program. Participants were divided into two groups: one received a gratitude journal, while the other received a control journal. The results showed a significant reduction in depressive symptoms and an increase in autobiographical memory accessibility in the experimental group. This suggests that practicing gratitude may be an effective way to reduce depressive symptoms and improve autobiographical memory. In the conclusion of our thesis, we compare the effectiveness of these different protocols in both between-group and within-group analyses. We then discuss the experimental and clinical implications of these findings. Finally, we propose a clinical illustration of the different training programs presented in these studies. If our work has allowed us to begin enriching the reflection and understanding of certain mechanisms of action of positive psychology training programs, which appear to explain a significant part of their effectiveness, it also highlights the primary need for researchers and clinicians to conduct in-depth research and reflection on the processes involved in the therapies they propose to their patients. The current research on the processes underlying differences within psychology is, indeed, of great importance, as this scientific approach contributes to a more enlightened practice of this discipline, by attempting to unite science and conscience even more closely
Infurchia, Claudia. "La mémoire entre neurosciences cognitives et psychanalyse : les destins de la perception." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2010.
Full textThe study of memory, regarding how it works and its disorders, between cognitive neuroscience and psychoanalysis, added to the intermediate link of developmental psychology, enables to read elements which start to resonance one with another and also offers composite material helping to enhance both these disciplins. This doesn’t mean making an amalgam of concepts from different origins, but to grasp how the analogies between these concepts can create a new approach in order to understand the process of representation and consequently to understand the process of memory. To enter the field of memory disorders, this study follows two red lines, the dislocation of the perception-conscience system as being the signature of psychic phenomena dominated by a perceptual priming and emotion as the process ending up in thing representations. These are the signs of the ego being born in primary temporality, a necessity for the future capacity to remember which is a cerebral process appearing later. From the psychological point of view, cerebral maturity is not solely required in order to produce recollections, their entry into the field of consciousness requires the possibility of acceptance of affect, gathering that the representation of affect has been produced. Working hypothesis are entwined with three clinical cases. They are grounded on the need for the empathic presence of the primary maternal object in the initial states of the psyche, in order to underline the work of the process of representation and, consequently, those of the memory process. On the contrary, if it is missing when the child is distressed, there is a risk of interference with the representation process and the risk of producing a memory in the grip of emotional stasis
Lhuillier, Antoine. "Bundling : une technique de réduction d'occultation par agrégation visuelle et son application à l'étude de la maladie d'Alzheimer." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017.
Full textDense and complex data visualizations suffer from occluded items, which hinders insight retrieval. This is especially the case for very large graph or trails set. To address cluttering issues, several techniques propose to visually simplify the representation, often meeting scalability and computational speed limits. Among them, bundling techniques provide a visual simplification of node-link diagrams by spatially grouping similar items. This thesis strives to bridge the gap between the technical complexity of bundling techniques and the end-point user. The first aim of this thesis was to improve the understanding of graph and trail bundling techniques as a clutter reduction method for node-link diagrams of large data-set. To do so, we created a data-based taxonomy that organizes bundling methods on the type of data they work on. From this thorough review and based on a formal definition of path bundling, we propose a unified framework that describes the typical steps of bundling algorithms in terms of high-level operations and show how existing methods classes implement these steps. In addition, we propose a description of tasks that bundling aims to address and demonstrate them through a wide set of applications. Although many techniques exist, handling large data-sets and selectively bundling paths based on attributes is still a challenge. To answer the scalability and computational speed issues of bundling techniques, we propose a new technique which improves both. For this, we shift the bundling process from the image to the spectral space, thereby increasing computational limits. We address the later by proposing a streaming scheme allowing bundling of extremely large data-sets. Finally, as an application domain, we studied how bundling can be used as an efficient visualization technique for societal health challenges. In the context of a national study on Alzheimer disease, we focused our research on the analysis of the mental representation of geographical space for elderly people. We show that using bundling to compare the cognitive maps of dement and non-dement subjects helped neuro-psychologist to formulate new hypotheses on the evolution of Alzheimer disease. These new hypotheses led us to discover a potential marker of the disease years before the actual diagnosis
Canto, Cristina. "Descendência japonesa e o bom desempenho em matemática: uma reflexão sobre as causas." Universidade de São Paulo, 2008.
Full textThe good performance of Japanese descendents in mathematics is not new to most of the people. Nevertheless, the interpretations about the causes of this result can be divergent. We start this research in order to demystify some conceptions about this theme. To base this intention, at first we looked for a collection of statistical data that characterized our starting point, we fell back upon the data banks of institutions responsible for the entrance examinations of the two largest public universities in the country USP and UNESP (FUVEST and VUNESP, respectively). Such collection widely confirmed the initial sensation regarding the differentiated performance of the Japanese descendents. From this, we started the search for the reasons that could justify the facts observed. Our hypothesis was that the cultural factors involved would be decisive in the interpretation of such collection. Even having such perspective as starting point, we moved through varied territories where the discussion about the genetic or innate characteristics was present, building arguments that justified the initial hypothesis. In such search, Keith Devlin and his book The Math Gene performed a fundamental role. Having as base the facts presented in this book, we will also realize that it is not the question to disregard the innate biological capacities but to understand that in the case of the mathematics learning, such capacities are present in all human beings, in an analogue way to what occurs with the competence to learn the mother tongue. Turning to the discussion about the culture influence on the cognitive process, we tried to understand the way how the cultural elements influence the valorization of the education, promoting, specifically, the relationship between students and the mathematics. In their school life in Japan, or overseas, as the case of the Japanese descendents who live in Brazil the students educated according to such principles develop feelings and favorable affective relations with the school, revealing a great influence of the culture in the personal upbringing. In the history of Japan, we searched the way how certain factors, as the geographical fragility and the scarce natural resources were important elements that contributed to valorization of the education. In the specific case of the Nipo-Brazilian descendents, we can apprehend that some original cultural elements, such respect to the hierarchy, the debt ethics, the religious disposition which strongly appear in the constitution of the Japanese being, despite changed by the assimilation of characteristic traits of the Brazilian culture, they still present important remnants from their descendents. As a complement, a new factor appears strongly as motivation of the Japanese descendent students, in Brazil: the search of economic ascension, and consequently, professional, by means of education make these students act with much devotion on this project of life. Such feelings stimulate the students in the sense of value the effort, the will, the dedication when facing the natural difficulties found in his school life. We concluded our study with the expectative of having shown clearly the decisive weight of cultural elements in the interpretation of the differentiated results obtained among us by the Japanese descendents.
Seki, Hélio Yasuki. "Um estudo interdisciplinar da maturidade corporativa para adoção de projetos tecnologicamente viáveis." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2009.
Full textThe term maturity is used in psychology, sociology, biology, technology and other areas of human knowledge. However, a definition related to contemporary needs, in terms of paradigm ruptures that move in the intersections from the Knowledge Age to the Awareness Age, is the focus of this research. In contemporary times, the thinking being , whose thinking ability makes them different from other beings, becomes the main agent to be researched. Consequently, we tried to reach what this research called Corporate Maturity. Departing from the result that was presented in the surveys carried out by the Project Management Institute PMI (an international non-profit entity pioneer in the congregation of professionals of areas related to project management), that there were high levels of failure in technologically feasible projects we tried to find out the relationship between maturity and failure . The immaturity of the thinking being has been defined as the catalyst of the failure experienced by the organizations. Through an interdisciplinary approach, an emerging theory based on the Grounded Theory methodology is suggested, a research methodology over the qualitative paradigm, known as empirical data founded theory. Data were extracted from field work in multiple cases and through the software NVIVO, which consolidated their categorization and saturation and permitted the outlining of a possible emerging theory. Hopefully this paper will help new ones to come up, considering the retraction of the failure rate in the adoption of technologically feasible projects.
O termo maturidade é utilizado na psicologia, na sociologia, na biologia, na tecnologia e outras áreas do conhecimento humano. Entretanto, uma definição atinente às necessidades contemporâneas, no que diz respeito ao rompimento dos paradigmas que trafegam nas intersecções da era do conhecimento para a era da consciência, é o foco desta pesquisa. No contemporâneo, o "ser pensante", cuja capacidade de pensar o diferencia de outros seres, torna-se o principal agente a ser pesquisado. Por conseguinte, procurou-se chegar ao que esta pesquisa denomina maturidade Corporativa. Partindo-se do fator altos índices de insucesso em projetos tecnologicamente viáveis apresentadas nas pesquisas realizadas pelo Project Management Institute - PMI, entidade internacional sem fins lucrativos e pioneiros na congregação de profissionais de áreas relacionadas à gerência de projetos, buscou-se a relação entre a maturidade e insucesso . Definiu-se a "imaturidade" do ser pensante, como o catalisador do insucesso experimentado pelas organizações. Por meio de uma abordagem interdisciplinar, sugere-se uma teoria emergente baseada no método Grounded Theory, um método de pesquisa sob o paradigma qualitativo, conhecida como teoria fundamentada em dados empíricos. Os dados foram extraídos de pesquisa de campo em casos múltiplos e, através do software NVIVO, o qual alicerçou a categorização e a saturação dos mesmos que permitiu o delineamento de uma possível teoria emergente. Espera-se que, com esta pesquisa, novas venham a surgir, tendo em vista a retração do índice de insucesso na adoção de projetos tecnologicamente viáveis
Lacombe, Octavio. "Diagramas digitais: pensamento e gênese da arquitetura mediada por tecnologias numéricas." Universidade de São Paulo, 2006.
Full textThe thesis intend to understand the mediation of the numerical technologies on architectural procedures (thought and gênesis). It supposes that the digital support as a virtual and interactive space for design is resulting of a gradual evolution of these technologies undergoing through the continuous flux of cultural transformations. It locates at the XX century second half the emergence of a new racionality based on the terms relation, system and organization replacing the modern concepts of function, structure and order. Diagrammatic thought, analogy and the experimental and dialogical priom (material/procedure), enable the recognition of a machinic architeture.
Batista, ?lvaro da Costa. "Aus?ncia do pai ao longo do desenvolvimento ontogen?tico e indicadores de desconto de futuro: uma contribui??o da psicologia evolucionista." Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2010.
Full textCoordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior
The new Evolutionary Psychology (E. P.) paradigm has been trying to understand how the human beings make their decisions over time regarding the most diverse variables, always bearing in mind that such a cognitive process is due to a complex natural selection process that occurred millions of years ago. One of the main topics discussed by this new paradigm is the issue of parental investment, i.e., the care the parents provide to an offspring at the expense of the investment into a new one. The present work sought to integrate these two topics, trying to understand how some variables modulate the process of decision making in a sample of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte state. It was investigated the hypothesis that the presence of both parents, along the individual development, could signal a more favorable environment, providing clues to the individual that he could assume a competitive position at the socio-biological market. His decisions, therefore, could be guided by long-term investments with aims to obtain more robust rewards. On the contrary, those who has suffered for some moment the absence of one the parents could develop theirselves in a not so competitive way, starting to choose immediate benefits - but lesser ones -, since the future would be less predictable due to their worse development conditions. This study involved 152 individuals from three higher education institutions, one of them being public and the others being private ones. In the results found, there was no difference between children of coupled parents and children of deceased or divorced parents concerning discount rates. The levels of hopelessness did not affect the discount rates of children of single parents when compared to children of coupled parents. Not having one of the parents because of divorce made the child to tend to present lower scores in the domain of social relations of WHOQOL - Bref, whilst the absence of the father by death made the scores lower in the domain of environment. The results indicate that loosing one of the parents along the development influences the individual's quality of life perception, but the measurement method of future discounting rates by means of financial choices is not sensitive to this variation
O novo paradigma da Psicologia Evolucionista (P.E.) vem tentando compreender como os seres humanos tomam suas decis?es ao longo do tempo levando em conta as mais diversas vari?veis, tendo sempre em mente que tal processo cognitivo ? tribut?rio de um complexo processo de sele??o natural ocorrido nos milh?es de anos que se passaram. Um dos principais temas discutidos por este novo paradigma ? a quest?o do investimento parental, ou seja, o cuidado fornecido pelos pais a uma prole ?s custas do investimento em outra. O presente trabalho buscou integrar esses dois temas, tentando compreender como algumas vari?veis modulam o processo de tomada de decis?es de uma amostra do munic?pio de Natal, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Investigou-se a hip?tese de que a presen?a de ambos os pais, ao longo de desenvolvimento individual, poderia sinalizar um ambiente mais favor?vel, fornecendo ao sujeito pistas de que ele pode assumir uma posi??o competitiva no mercado s?cio-biol?gico. Suas decis?es, portanto, poderiam ser pautadas pelo investimento de longo prazo com vistas ? obten??o de recompensas mais robustas. Ao contr?rio, aquele que em algum momento sofreu a aus?ncia de um dos pais poderia se desenvolver de modo n?o t?o competitivo, passando a escolher benef?cios imediatos, por?m menores, uma vez que o futuro lhe seria menos previs?vel devido ?s suas piores condi??es de desenvolvimento. Neste estudo participaram 152 sujeitos oriundos de tr?s Institui??es de Ensino Superior, sendo uma p?blica e duas privadas. Pelos resultados encontrados n?o houve diferen?a entre filhos de pais unidos e filhos de pais separados ou falecidos no que concerne ?s taxas de desconto. Os n?veis de desesperan?a tamb?m n?o influenciaram as taxas de desconto dos filhos de pais separados nem dos filhos de pais falecidos, quando comparados aos filhos de pais unidos. N?o ter um dos pais por motivo de separa??o fez com que o filho tendesse a apresentar escores mais baixos no dom?nio das rela??es sociais do WHOQOL Bref e quando o pai estava ausente por motivo de falecimento os escores foram mais baixos no dom?nio de meio ambiente. Os resultados indicam que perder um dos pais ao longo do desenvolvimento influencia a percep??o de qualidade de vida do sujeito, mas o m?todo de mensura??o de taxa de desconto de futuro por meio de escolhas financeiras n?o ? sens?vel a essa varia??o
González-André, María del Carmen. "Del cos viscut al cos representat. Correlació entre acció, representació i cognició." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2020.
Full textLa psicomotricidad se ha ido construyendo, desde las aportaciones de la medicina y la neuropsicología, como una disciplina que busca crear un entorno adecuado para atender a los niños dentro de un espacio que favorece el acompañamiento de su itinerario madurativo desde la vivencia de su cuerpo y desde el movimiento. Con independencia de las líneas de abordaje y del campo concreto de actuación, son muchas y muy variadas las contribuciones a partir de las que se ha ido construyendo esta disciplina (Lapierre (1977); Aucouturier (1977); Muniáin (1977) ; Le Bouch (1984); Franco (1993); Berruezo (2000); Arnaiz et al., (2001); Serrabona (2002); Martínez-Mínguez et al., (2017)). Por su vinculación a esta Tesis, hemos creído necesario centrarnos en las aportaciones de Lapierre y Aucouturier (1985). Estos autores han destacado la importancia del acompañamiento y la consideración de la dimensión afectiva y fantasmática del niño en las sesiones de psicomotricidad, proporcionando, de esta manera, un dispositivo mediante el cual el adulto articula estrategias pedagógicas respecto a esta intervención en el ámbito educativo. Sin embargo, es la obra de Aucouturier (2004) la que nos ha servido como marco específico de nuestro trabajo. Efectivamente, es en la Práctica Psicomotriz de Aucoutourier (PPA) que se ha situado nuestra investigación. Concretamente, hemos querido explorar la correlación existente entre la fase de representación, entendida como el momento en el que se movilizan las emociones y los afectos, y la mejora de los procesos cognitivos en niños de tres años. Por otro lado, el doble papel de la autora (como psicomotricista y como investigadora) nos hizo optar por el paradigma ecológico para la investigación sobre la propia práctica, en un intento de explorar los efectos reales de la práctica educativa tal como sucede en la sala de psicomotricidad. Así, se optó por situar la investigación en el centro dónde ejercía como psicomotricista la autora (una escuela concertada del centro de Barcelona). Más concretamente, el programa de psicomotricidad del nivel de P3 durante el curso 2017 hasta 2018 fue el escenario donde se aplicó un diseño cuasiexperimental en el que cada uno de los tres grupos clase (A, B y C) se constituyó como grupo experimental independiente, según el criterio que se explica más adelante. A partir de aquí, al inicio del curso (y haciendo funciones de pre-test) se pasó la Batería Cognitiva del Test de Merrill-Palmer, que se repitió (como post-test) al final del periodo docente. Durante las diecinueve semanas que separar estos dos momentos, se desarrolló el programa de intervención, que consistía en la aplicación del programa de psicomotricidad para los tres grupos. Este programa se desarrolló de manera idéntica, con la excepción de la frecuencia con la que se llevó a cabo la fase de representación: 0%, 50% y 100% a los grupos A, B y C respectivamente. De manera paralela y para poder disponer de datos cualitativos, se llevó a cabo una bitácora de representaciones en la que se recogió y se organizaron todos los productos realizados durante las fases de representación. Igualmente, y para tener constancia del desarrollo de las sesiones y los incidentes críticos que pudieran haberse generado, se elaboró un diario de sesiones. Los resultados obtenidos mediante los diferentes instrumentos parecen indicar que una frecuencia del 100% en la realización de la representación en las sesiones de psicomotricidad, ha tenido efectos positivos, tanto sobre buena parte de los procesos cognitivos, como sobre la calidad de las representaciones hechas y el su grado de correspondencia con la realidad.
Psychomotricity has been built, from the contributions of medicine and neuropsychology, as a discipline that seeks to create a suitable environment to care for children within a space that favors the accompaniment of their journey of maturity from the experience of their body and movement. Independently of the lines of approach and the specific field of action, there are many and very varied contributions from which this discipline has been built (Lapierre (1977); Aucouturier (1977); Muniáin (1977) ; Le Bouch (1984); Franco (1993); Berruezo (2000); Arnaiz et al., (2001); Serrabona (2002); Martínez-Minguez et al., (2017)). Because of their link to this Thesis, we have thought necessary to focus on the contributions of Lapierre and Aucouturier (1985). These authors have highlighted the importance of accompaniment and the consideration of the affective and phantasmatic dimension of the child in psychomotricity sessions, providing, in this way, a device through which the adult articulates pedagogical strategies with respect to this intervention in the educational field. However, it is the work of Aucouturier (2004) that has served as the specific framework for our work. Indeed, it is in Aucoutourier’s Psychomotor Practice (PPA) that our research has been situated. Specifically, we wanted to explore the correlation between the representation phase, understood as the moment when emotions and affects are mobilised, and the improvement of cognitive processes in three-year-old children. On the other hand, the author’s double role (as a psychomotorist and as a researcher) made us opt for the ecological paradigm for researching practice itself, in an attempt to explore the real effects of educational practice as it happens in the psychomotor room. Thus, we chose to situate the research in the centre where the author worked as a psychomotricist (a state-subsidised school in the centre of Barcelona). More specifically, the psychomotricity programme at P3 level during the 2017 to 2018 academic year was the setting where a quasi-experimental design was applied in which each of the three class groups (A, B and C) was constituted as an independent experimental group, according to the criteria explained below. From here, at the beginning of the course (and doing pre-test functions) the Cognitive Battery of the Merrill-Palmer Test was passed, which was repeated (as a post-test) at the end of the teaching period. During the nineteen weeks that separate these two moments, the intervention programme was developed, which consisted of the application of the Psychomotricity programme for the three groups. This programme was developed in an identical way, with the exception of the frequency with which the representation phase was carried out: 0%, 50% and 100% to groups A, B and C respectively. In parallel and in order to have qualitative data, a representation log was carried out in which all the products made during the representation phases were collected and organized. Likewise, and in order to have a record of the development of the sessions and the critical incidents that may have been generated, a session diary was drawn up. The results obtained by means of the different instruments seem to indicate that a frequency of 100% in the performance of the representation in the psychomotricity sessions has had positive effects, both on a good part of the cognitive processes, as well as on the quality of the representations made and their degree of correspondence with reality.
Lucena, Edzana Roberta Ferreira da Cunha Vieira. "Análise da relação entre a capacidade cognitiva e a ocorrência dos vieses cognitivos da representatividade no julgamento." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UnB, 2015.
Full textSubmitted by Albânia Cézar de Melo ( on 2015-04-30T16:04:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_EdzanaRobertaFerreiraCunhaVieiraLucena.pdf: 3168079 bytes, checksum: 58face1b469339d13ab9268a91dd2d21 (MD5)
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Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-21T13:48:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_EdzanaRobertaFerreiraCunhaVieiraLucena.pdf: 3168079 bytes, checksum: 58face1b469339d13ab9268a91dd2d21 (MD5)
Esta pesquisa tem como o objetivo investigar a influência da capacidade cognitiva na incidência dos vieses cognitivos gerados pela heurística da representatividade. Em função desse alcance, foi realizado um estudo do tipo levantamento, por meio de um questionário, com um total de 43 questões, o qual contou com uma amostra válida de 1.064 respondentes, entre estudantes de graduação em Ciências Contábeis e contabilistas, dos quais 52,7% são do sexo do masculino, 48,3% possuem graduação completa, especialização, mestrado ou doutorado e 70% residem na região Nordeste do Brasil. Como resultado tem-se que 38,1% dos respondentes apresentam uma baixa capacidade cognitiva, 42,5% demonstram média capacidade cognitiva e 19,2% apresentam alta capacidade cognitiva. Quanto à sensibilidade dos participantes aos vieses cognitivos (quais sejam: insensibilidade à taxa base, insensibilidade ao tamanho da amostra, chance de equívocos, equívocos na regressão, ilusão de validade e insensibilidade à previsibilidade), identificou-se que, para mais de 60% da amostra, há incidência de todos esses vieses no processo de julgamento e tomada de decisão e que a capacidade cognitiva influencia apenas na incidência dos vieses insensibilidade à taxa base e ilusão de validade. Em se tratando da provável interferência decorrente dos diferentes níveis de instrução em que se situam os sujeitos pesquisados, atestou-se essa implicação pela variação de médias relativas aos vieses insensibilidade à taxa base e insensibilidade ao tamanho da amostra. Registro mais incisivo faz-se em relação à diferença de gênero, que, por si só, não impactou de maneira significativa apenas nas médias do viés insensibilidade à previsibilidade. A região do país influenciou diferentemente os vieses insensibilidade à taxa base e ilusão de validade. Foi encontrada diferença entre as médias do viés insensibilidade à taxa base e ilusão de validade nos grupos com baixa, média e alta capacidade cognitiva, indicando que quanto menor a capacidade cognitiva, maior a sensibilidade do respondente ao viés, corroborando o referencial teórico.
This research has as objective to investigate the influence of the cognitive ability in the incidence of the cognitive biases generated by the heuristic of representativeness. To achieve it, a study of the survey type was conducted through a questionnaire with a total of 43 questions, which featured a valid sample of 1064 respondents, among undergraduate students in Accounting and accountants, of which 52.7 % male, 48.3% have an undergraduate degree, specialization, master’s or doctoral degree and 70% live in Northeastern Brazil. As a result it considers that 405 (38.1%) respondents have a low cognitive ability, 452 (42.5%) have average cognitive ability and 207 (19.2%) have high cognitive ability. As for the sensitivity of the participants to the cognitive biases insensitivity to base rate, insensitivity to sample size, misconceptions of chance, misconceptions of regression, illusion of validity and insensitivity to predictability, it was identified that for more than 60% of the sample, there is an incidence of all in the judgment and making process. The cognitive ability influence only in the incidence of biases insensitivity to base rate and illusion of validity. In terms of the different levels of education of the respondents, it was verified a difference of averages in biases insensitivity to base rate and insensitivity to sample size in the different levels of education. Gender didn’t impact significantly only in biases insensitivity to predictability. The region of the country influenced differently to biases insensitivity to base rate and illusion of validity. It was found a difference between the biases insensitivity to base rate and illusion of validity in the groups with low, average and high cognitive ability, indicating that the lower the cognitive ability, the greater the sensitivity of the bias respondent, confirming the theoretical framework.
Kliegl, Reinhold, Ulrich Mayr, and R. T. Krampe. "Process dissociations in cognitive aging." Universität Potsdam, 1995.
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