Academic literature on the topic 'Cognition – Foetus'
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Journal articles on the topic "Cognition – Foetus"
C P, Kirthika, Siva T, Rajeswaran R, Kalpana R, and Yuvaraj Maria Francis. "Morphology and Morphometry of Foetal Corpus Callosum Using MRI – A Retrospective Study." Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 14, no. 02 (June 30, 2021): 663–69.
Full textProchnow, Annette, Soly Erlandsson, Volker Hesse, and Kathleen Wermke. "Does a ‘musical’ mother tongue influence cry melodies? A comparative study of Swedish and German newborns." Musicae Scientiae 23, no. 2 (October 27, 2017): 143–56.
Full textKarmiloff-Smith, Annette. "Annotation: The Extraordinary Cognitive Journey from Foetus through Infancy." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 36, no. 8 (November 1995): 1293–313.
Full textParkinson, Samantha, and Sara McLean. "Social Development in Children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders." Children Australia 38, no. 3 (August 16, 2013): 124–28.
Full textTaylor, Rachael M., Michelle L. Blumfield, Lee M. Ashton, Alexis J. Hure, Roger Smith, Nick Buckley, Karen Drysdale, and Clare E. Collins. "Macronutrient Intake in Pregnancy and Child Cognitive and Behavioural Outcomes." Children 8, no. 5 (May 20, 2021): 425.
Full textKorol, Donna L., and Samantha L. Pisani. "Estrogens and cognition: Friends or foes?" Hormones and Behavior 74 (August 2015): 105–15.
Full textRubini, Eleonora, Inge M. M. Baijens, Alex Horánszky, Sam Schoenmakers, Kevin D. Sinclair, Melinda Zana, András Dinnyés, Régine P. M. Steegers-Theunissen, and Melek Rousian. "Maternal One-Carbon Metabolism during the Periconceptional Period and Human Foetal Brain Growth: A Systematic Review." Genes 12, no. 10 (October 17, 2021): 1634.
Full textCantacorps, Lídia, Silvia Alfonso-Loeches, Consuelo Guerri, and Olga Valverde. "Long-term epigenetic changes in offspring mice exposed to alcohol during gestation and lactation." Journal of Psychopharmacology 33, no. 12 (June 18, 2019): 1562–72.
Full textAgni, Megha Bhat Agni, Pramukh Subrahmanya Hegde, Praveen Rai, and Damodara Gowda K. M. "Does the intrauterine condition dictate chronic metabolic disorders in the adult life?" Biomedicine 42, no. 2 (May 1, 2022): 199–202.
Full textVanston, Claire M., and Neil V. Watson. "Selective and persistent effect of foetal sex on cognition in pregnant women." NeuroReport 16, no. 7 (May 2005): 779–82.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Cognition – Foetus"
Gomel, Pauline. "Les traces de la vie fœtale : l'expérience in utero et son devenir après la naissance." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Amiens, 2021.
Full textThis research aims to study the remnants of prenatal experience after birth and their clinical expression in early development and in autistic symptoms. The thesis is divided in two parts following a chronological order. The first part is a literature review of the prenatal experience. We also present new theoretical considerations about in utero life, in line with the perspective of phenomenology. In the second part, we discuss the role of its remnants in the early onset of infantile psychological development. According to our hypothesis, imprints of the prenatal experience are created at birth. These imprints guide the newborn baby in finding complementary forms of foetal experiences in the postnatal world. While a healthy baby will search for those extensions through its mother's care, an autistic baby will create sensorial substitutes of the prenatal life by itself. Finally, we explore three situations of adults with autism, who display a clinical form of regression to a foetal state of existence
Ahmed, Eman Ahmed Sayed. "Modélisation constructive des systèmes à événements discrets. Application aux organismes artificiels." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2020.
Full textHumans can internally sense their muscles. They can also recognize their environment with its objects and are able to navigate through it easily to reach them. How these abilities are gained and interact each other is still an open question in biology. Our aim is to help biologists to understand how a human is able to build his cognitive map and make goal-directed movements. The origin of human capabilities goes back to the fetus stage. We present a theoretical model of the development of the cognitive map of a fetus human from his sensorimotor system. The model integrates the proprioceptions of body limbs and perceptions from the environment and how these cooperate to build a cognitive map, which in turn, is essential for making goal-directed movements to reach different objects in the surrounding environment. We propose a new clustering algorithm called “Frequency-based-means”; which is used to get the proprioceptions and the perceptions that form the association map. Hidden Markov Models are used to model movement learning and production
Auyeung, Bonnie. "Foetal testosterone, cognitive sex differences and autistic traits." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2008.
Full textBromley, Rebecca Louise. "Foetal exposure to antiepileptic drugs: cognitive outcomes in the child." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2009.
Full textCantacorps, Centellas Lídia 1991. "Effects of maternal binge alcohol consumption on emotional, cognitive and addictive behaviour in mice." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019.
Full textEl consum maternal d’alcohol en afartament durant l’embaràs pot resultar perjudicial per al fetus en desenvolupament, donant lloc a una àmplia gamma de discapacitats físiques i mentals conegudes com a trastorns de l’espectre alcohòlic fetal que persisteixen al llarg de la vida i estan associades a un major risc de desenvolupar trastorns d’ús de substàncies en el futur. En aquesta tesi hem tractat d’avaluar els efectes de l’exposició prenatal i postnatal a l’alcohol en la conducta cognitiva, emocional, motora i addictiva en ratolins i els mecanismes moleculars subjacents a aquests. Les femelles de ratolins C57BL/6 embarassades van ser sotmeses a un procediment per modelar el consum d’alcohol en afartament durant la gestació o bé, al llarg dels períodes de gestació i lactància. A continuació es va avaluar el comportament de la descendència masculina a l’edat adulta. S’ha observat que l’exposició d’alcohol en afartament durant el desenvolupament cerebral indueix dèficits cognitius, augment de l’ansietat, alteracions de coordinació motora i de l’activitat locomotora en funció de l’edat. Els efectes del comportament estan associats a un increment de la senyalització proinflamatòria, gliosi, mort neuronal, deteriorament de la mielina i modificacions epigenètiques en el còrtex prefrontal i l’hipocamp, així com també alteracions en la connectivitat de la xarxa neuronal. El tractament de curcumina alleuja l’ansietat i les disfuncions cognitives, i restableix la neuroinflamació induïda per l’alcohol. A més, els ratolins exposats a l’alcohol durant la gestació i la lactància mostren una major susceptibilitat a la ingesta posterior d’alcohol i cocaïna en comparació amb els seus homòlegs. Els anàlisis moleculars de l’escorça prefrontal i de l’estriat d’aquests animals suggereixen la presència d’alteracions en l’excitabilitat glutamatèrgica en el sistema de recompensa mesocorticolimbic després de la recaiguda induïda per cocaïna. En conjunt, els nostres resultats indiquen que el consum maternal d’alcohol en afartament provoca alteracions moleculars en el cervell de la descendència com a mecanisme subjacent a les alteracions relatives al comportament persistents.
Full textMarche, Kevin. "Effets psychocomportementaux de l’alcoolisation fœtale : modulation pharmacologique et comportementale." Thesis, Lille 2, 2011.
Full textThe term Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) defines the set of foetal alcohol-induced alterations. The variability of FASD phenotypes may be due to the complex teratogenic effects of alcohol, and implies the use of multiple animal models to study them. In light of these models, the effects of alcohol on an immature brain have been shown to induce four major behavioural alterations: (i) attention and locomotion, (ii) learning and memory, (iii) Stress, anxiety and depression, (iv) drug sensitivity. Our work has focused on the consequences of foetal alcoholization to induce psycho-behavioural effects and their modulation. Using two rodent models of early alcohol exposure (by pre- and post-natal or neonatal alcoholization) we modulated the effects of alcohol by pharmacological or behavioural approaches. First, this work has allowed us to observe that early (pre-and post-natal) alcohol-exposed rats have a hyperactivity disorder combined with an attention deficit during puberty. Secondly we observed an improvement in those disorders treated by a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors agonist. Thirdly, we tried to accentuate the effects of alcohol on an immature brain. We showed that the use of an amphetamine treatment during puberty on rats under a pre-and post-natal alcoholic treatment, as well as disruption of the circadian rhythm in adulthood on rats under a neonatal alcoholic treatment, induced a memory disorder. The two main conclusions of this work are: (i) the ability to model some FASD symptoms in the rat; (ii) the modulation of these early alcohol effects that can be reversed or aggravated
Books on the topic "Cognition – Foetus"
Roger, Lécuyer, ed. Le développement du nourrisson: Du cerveau au milieu social et du foetus au jeune enfant. Paris: Dunod, 2004.
Find full textParncutt, Richard. Prenatal development and the phylogeny and ontogeny of music. Edited by Susan Hallam, Ian Cross, and Michael Thaut. Oxford University Press, 2012.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Cognition – Foetus"
e Pinho, Jorge Almeida. "Translators and Publishers: Friends or Foes?" In Rereading Schleiermacher: Translation, Cognition and Culture, 185–95. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
Full textBeyleveld, Deryck. "Human Cognitive Vulnerability and the Moral Status of the Human Embryo and Foetus." In The Contingent Nature of Life, 83–88. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2008.
Full textNäätänen, Risto, Teija Kujala, and Gregory Light. "Developmental disorders." In The Mismatch Negativity, 67–104. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full text"Some aspects of the foetal sound environment." In Perception And Cognition Of Music, 92–110. Psychology Press, 2004.
Full textKawczyński, Filip. "Meaning Holism and Contextualism[s]: Friends or Foes?" In Context Dependence in Language, Action, and Cognition, 21–40. De Gruyter, 2021.
Full textSekaran, Mahendra, and Sandip Sen. "Learning with friends and foes." In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 800–805. Routledge, 2019.
Full textTalisse, Robert B. "The Polarization Dynamic." In Sustaining Democracy, 68–104. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textWeich, Scott, and Martin Prince. "Cohort studies." In Practical Psychiatric Epidemiology, 155–76. Oxford University Press, 2003.
Full textReports on the topic "Cognition – Foetus"
Mothers’ prenatal BMI is linked with foetal brain connectivity. ACAMH, December 2020.
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