Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Coefficient Of Friction (COF)'
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Cardoso, Ana Paula Domingos. "Aços galvanizados com aplicação de pós-tratamento para melhoria da estampabilidade em processos de conformação na indústria automobilística." Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, 2013. http://tede.udesc.br/handle/handle/1651.
Full textCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The present work aims to develop and characterize galvanized steels with chemical post-treatment application, which provides to the metal forming improvement properties. The main reason for this development is related with the fact that the most of zinc coatings problems are related with their sensitivity for abrasion wear during forming process. In view of these difficulties, related with coating steel forming, the Arcelormittal group has been developing Pos-Treatment solutions known as NIT (New Treatment Innorganic) and Pre-phosphate with the main function to promote the improvement of forming properties in deep stamping process through the lubricating properties. The propose solutions was applied over the standard steels known as IF, and galvanized with GI and GA zinc coatings. The forming improvement were evaluated through wear tests by plane friction and pin on disc tribometer, with aim to determine the friction coefficient behaviour for these materials in front of contacts pressure (MPa) application and distance (m). In addition, cracking potential analysis was done through Erichsen and weight loss methods to evaluate the powdering failure possibility. The post-treatment microstructure was evaluated through MEV and FEG-EDS analysis. As a complement study was simulated remobility tests to reproduce one step of the automotive process that can be negative influenced by post treatment application waste on the strip after forming and was evaluated the material corrosion potential in humidity tests cycles
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de desenvolver e caracterizar aços galvanizados com aplicação de pós-tratamento químico, que visam proporcionar ao metal melhoria de conformabilidade. A justificativa principal deste estudo esta no fato de que o principal problema de revestimentos à base de zinco vêm a ser a sua sensibilidade ao processo de desgaste por abrasão, podendo danificar tanto a peça revestida, como as ferramentas das prensas de estampagem, principalmente no processamento de peças críticas voltados para aplicações da indústria automotiva. Diante destas dificuldades, o grupo ArcelorMittal tem desenvolvido a aplicação de soluções de pós-tratamento do tipo NIT (New Innorganic Treatment) e pré-fosfato , com a função de promover ao aço galvanizado, melhoria de conformabilidade e , através da propriedade de lubrificação, durante processos de estampagem de peças de alta criticidade. As soluções propostas foram aplicadas sobre os aços convencionais do tipo IF, galvanizados com revestimento base Zn denominados GI e GA. Os ganhos de conformação foram avaliados por ensaios de desgaste realizados em tribômetros de fricção planar e pino sobre disco, a fim de avaliar o comportamento do coeficiente de atrito destes materiais diante da aplicação de determinadas pressões de contato (MPa) e distância percorrida (m). Além disto, foram realizados ensaios de avaliação de potencial de fratura do material através de testes em prensa de embutimento Erichsen e Perda de Massa, método este que visa avaliar a possibilidade de ocorrência de fragilizações por Powdering. Com intuito de conhecer a microestrutura dos filmes de póstratamento depositados sobre o aço revestido foram realizadas análises metalográficas via MEV e FEG-EDS. Como complemento ao trabalho foram realizados ensaios de remobilidade dos filmes aplicados, simulações de uma das etapas de processos da indústria automotiva que podem vir a sofrer influência do pós-tratamento após estampagem do material e avaliação do potencial de corrosão em ciclos de câmara úmida.
Paes, Eliel dos Santos. "Ultra baixo coeficiente de atrito no deslizamento de Si3N4-Al2O3. Efeitos da força aplicada, velocidade de deslizamento e temperatura do ensaio." Universidade de São Paulo, 2012. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3151/tde-16112012-115902/.
Full textTribological tests were conducted in a ball on disk setup, using water as lubricant. Were used a silicon nitride ball and alumina disk. The tests were conducted to investigate the effects of sliding speed, applied load and temperature on friction coefficient. The silicon nitride balls and alumina disks were characterized by determining density, Vickers hardness, elastic modulus and fracture toughness. The tests were conducted with initial roughness on the disk surface of 352 nm. The ultra low friction coefficient regime (ULFC, μ < 0.01) was reached after a running-in period of approximately one hour and the friction coefficient remains in the range of μ = 0.008 a μ = 0.002 during this steady state regime. The results showed that this sliding system has hydrodynamic characteristics, because the friction coefficient decreased with increasing of the sliding speed. With an smooth variation of the applied load the system remained in the ULFC regime, when the applied load varied from 54 N up to 94 N. At temperatures below or equal to 11°C the system did not reach the ULFC regime and the final friction coefficient was the order of hundredths. We observed the ULFC phenomenon at temperatures of 30 and 40°C. However, at these temperatures, the water viscosity is low and should not allow the system to reach the ULFC regime. The data analysis allowed infer that during the ULFC regime the system slides with a mixed lubrication regime, hydrodynamic plus limitrofe, the first due to water film and the second due to the hydrated layer formed on the ceramics surfaces. The results showed a influences of temperature in the ceramics wear. The results of the worn volume allowed to observe that during the tests alumina suffers less wear than the silicon nitride, and the ceramics wear increases with increasing temperature.
Ogata, Paulo Henrique. "Compósitos ferro-grafita para componentes de motores com propriedades tribológicas melhoradas." Universidade de São Paulo, 2014. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3133/tde-16112015-155422/.
Full textThe constant search for engines with higher energy efficiency requires the development of new materials or manufacturing innovations on the routes of existing materials. In the present work, heat treatment routs were investigated to minimize wear originated at the contact between metallic bodies into components subjected to high contact pressures in lubricated regime. Microstructural modification from heat treatments yielded relatively hard martensitic matrix with a fine dispersion of spherical graphite nodules, which act as solid lubricants. The study was based on two cast iron (gray and white) undergoing treatments of soaking (austenitizing) followed by quenching in oil and tempering at different times. Dilatometry tests were performed on both materials to study the kinetics of secondary graphitization under different heat treatment conditions. Mechanical properties were evaluated from Vickers hardness of the thermally treated samples. Samples of gray cast iron and white modified by heat treatments were tested in sliding wear test, in order to assess the influence of changes in the surface friction coefficient.
Balarini, Junior Roberto. "Ultra baixo coeficiente de atrito no deslizamento de Si3N4 Al2O3 em água: estudo ab initio do running-in." Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013. http://repositorio.ufes.br/handle/10/6236.
Full textEste trabalho é uma investigação tribológica envolvendo o par cerâmico composto por esferas de nitreto de silício (Si3N4) deslizando contra discos de óxido de alumínio (Al2O3) em água. No total, dez ensaios foram conduzidos com a intenção de reproduzir o fenômeno de Ultra Baixo Coeficiente de Atrito (UBCA) em laboratório, o qual é caracterizado pela obtenção de valores de coeficiente de atrito (μ) da ordem dos milésimos (μ < 0,01) no regime estacionário. Uma vez alcançado os valores de UBCA, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o de investigar o período de running-in, através de uma série de análises em relação ao comportamento do coeficiente de atrito durante o regime transitório, incluindo correlações com algumas variáveis, como rugosidade superficial, erros de batimento axial, íons formados durante o deslizamento e desgaste das cerâmicas. Para isto, as curvas de coeficiente de atrito por tempo foram expandidas para intervalos de tempos pré-determinados e o comportamento de μ em cada um destes intervalos foi investigado e comparado entre os ensaios realizados, sendo que o caráter oscilatório do coeficiente de atrito foi inserido nas análises do período transitório. Em geral, foi comprovado que maiores valores de rugosidade superficial resultaram em maiores períodos de running-in e que existe uma tendência de aumento de desgaste com o aumento do tempo de transição. Para todos os ensaios, a taxa de desgaste das esferas de Si3N4 foi superior à dos discos de Al2O3. Em adição, através de comparações entre a medida da soma das rugosidades das superfícies desgastadas com a espessura mínima do filme lubrificante, este trabalho confirma a hipótese de que é necessário um regime de lubrificação misto (hidrodinâmico e limítrofe) para a obtenção do regime de UBCA, sendo que, para a eficácia do modo de lubrificação esperado, estima-se que é necessário concentrações de íons de silício (Si) superiores a 1,3 mg/l, aproximadamente. Esta quantidade de íons Si é supostamente a mínima necessária para a formação de uma camada de sílica adequada para conferir a parcela de lubrificação limítrofe necessária para a obtenção do regime de UBCA
This work is a tribological investigation involving the ceramic pair composed by balls of silicon nitride (Si3N4) sliding against disks of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) under water. A total of ten tests were conducted in order to reproduce the phenomenon of Ultra Low Friction Coefficient (ULFC) in laboratory, which is characterized by obtaining values of friction coefficient (μ) below of 0,01 in the steady state. Once reached these values, the main objective of this study was to investigate the running-in period by a series of analyses in relation to the behavior of the friction coefficient during the running-in period, including correlations with some variables such as surface roughness, axial parallelism errors, ions formed during the sliding and wear of samples. For this reason, the curves of friction coefficient versus time were expanded for some predetermined intervals and the behavior of μ for each one of these intervals was investigated and compared between themselves, and the oscillatory behavior of the friction coefficient was inserted into the analysis of the running-in period. In general, it was concluded that higher values of surface roughness resulted in longer periods of running-in and that there is a trend of increasing wear with increasing time of transition. For all tests, the wear rate of the silicon nitride balls was higher than alumina disks. In addition, by comparing the measure of the sum of the roughness of the worn surfaces with minimum thickness of the lubricant film, the present work confirms the hypothesis that it is necessary a mixed lubrication (hydrodynamic combined with boundary) to obtain the regime of ULFC and for effective lubrication expected mode it is estimated that is required an ions concentration of silicon (Si) higher than 1.3 mg/l approximately. This amount of ions Si is supposed to be the minimum necessary for the formation of a silica layer enable to confer the boundary lubrication participation for obtaining the ULFC
Grzeskiewicz, Ronald. "Effect of hydrogen on the coefficient of friction of iron." Thesis, This resource online, 1988. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-04122010-083727/.
Full textDorton, David W. "Experimental evaluation of effective friction coefficient for liquid ring seals." Thesis, This resource online, 1991. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-08042009-040326/.
Full textLång, Marcus. "Static Friction in Slip Critical Bolt Joints : Coefficient of Friction in Steel, Aluminium and ED Coated Steel." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-55223.
Full textPeterson, Eric W. "Tire-Road Friction Coefficient Estimation Using a Multi-scale, Physics-based Model." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/51148.
Full textMaster of Science
Oliver, William B. "An experimental investigation of the static coefficient of friction for sheetpile interlocks." Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/104522.
Full textKoubek, Radek, and Karolina Dedicova. "Friction of wood on steel." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för byggteknik (BY), 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-35094.
Full textPažítková, Monika. "Tření v tvářecích procesech." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2020. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-416430.
Full textMonk, Stuart. "The role of friction coefficient on launch conditions in high-loft angle golf clubs." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2005. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.433489.
Full textKoller, Anton W. "The friction coefficient of soft contact lens surfaces in relation to comfort and performance." Thesis, City University London, 2014. http://openaccess.city.ac.uk/13791/.
Full textКриворучко, Дмитро Володимирович, Дмитрий Владимирович Криворучко, Dmytro Volodymyrovych Kryvoruchko, and О. А. Залога. "К вопросу об экспериментальном определении коэффициента трения." Thesis, Издательство СумГУ, 2008. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6409.
Full textAshaju, D. I. "Experimental and theoretical analysis of coefficient of friction and redundant deformation in tube sinking process." Thesis, City University London, 1988. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.382795.
Full textAl-Kawaz, Ammar. "Development and rheological analysis of a surface polymer nanocomposite anti-friction." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015STRAE025/document.
Full textThe goal of this thesis is the identification of couplings (nanoparticles / matrix poly (methyl methacrylate) PMMA) which ensure PMMA surface rigidity while maintaining maximum transparency. The choice fell on three types of carbonaceous nanoparticles: Few layer graphene (FLG), graphene oxide (GO) and carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). A first part describes the preparation and functionalization of these three types of nanoparticles to provide a better dispersion in the matrix. Two methods were used to prepare nanocomposite materials: bulk polymerization and solution blending. A second part presents the characterization of the mechanical properties of these coatings in three stages: volume, surface and thin layer coating (15-20μm). The main results show that nanocomposites made delay the onset of plasticity compared with pure PMMA, even at a low percentage, and help to limit the effects of surface scratches. The small percentage of reinforcement keeps the transparency and the more the thickness decreases the more the rate of reinforcement can increase without degrading the mechanical properties of the coating. Moreover, nanoparticles chosen as the polymer matrix of reinforcing agents prove to be very good candidates for reduction in friction compared to a plasticizer such Erucamide
Satam, Sayali S. "Optimization of Wet Friction Systems Based on Rheological, Adsorption, Lubricant and Friction Material Characterization." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1503358825451407.
Full textAretusini, Stefano. "Frictional processes of clay-rich gouges at seismic slip rates." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2018. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/frictional-processes-of-clayrich-gouges-at-seismic-slip-rates(1d6fca4a-86d2-4139-a431-f1e24d8ede8a).html.
Full textHan, Han. "Determination of Flow Stress and Coefficient of Friction for Extruded Anisotropic Materials under Cold Forming Conditions." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Production Engineering, 2002. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-1498.
Full textThe work material in metal working operations always showssome kind of anisotropy. In order to simplify the theoreticalanalysis, especially considering bulk deformation processes,anisotropy is usually neglected and the material is assumed tobe isotropic. On the other hand, the analysis that consideredthe influence of anisotropy seldom incorporates the influenceof friction. For predicting the material flow during plasticdeformation and for predicting the final material properties ofthe product, adequate descriptions of both flow stress curvesand coefficients of friction have to be developed.
In the present work a number of experimental methods fordetermining the anisotropy have been utilized and compared:Yield loci, strain ratios (R-values) and establishing flowstress-curves in different directions. The results show thatthe yield loci measurements are weak in predicting anisotropywhen the material strain hardening is different in differentdirections. It is concluded that also the strain ration(R-value) measurements are unreliable for describinganisotropy. The most trustable and useful results were foundfrom multi-direction determinations of the flow stresses.
Three typical cases of ring upsetting conditions wereanalyzed by theory (3D-FEM) and experiments:
An anisotropic ring, oriented 900 to the axis ofrotational symmetrical anisotropy. The friction coefficientwas the same in all directions
An isotropic ring. The friction coefficient was differentin different directions
An anisotropic ring oriented 00 to the axis of rotationalsymmetrical anisotropy. The friction coefficient was the samein all directions
The cases 1) and 2) reveal that the influence of anisotropyon the ring deformation is quite similar to that obtained bychanging the frictional condition. The case 3) exposes that ifthe material flow caused by anisotropy is incorrectly referredto friction, the possible error of the friction coefficient canbe as high as 80% for a pronounced anisotropic material. Amodified two-specimen method (MTSM) has been establishedaccording to an inverse method. Experiments were carried ascylinder upsetting. Here both ordinary cylinders were used aswell as so-called Rastegaev specimen. Also plane straincompression tests were utilized. The results show that MTSM isable to evaluate the validity of a selected mathematical modelwhen both the friction coefficient and the flow stress areunknown for a certain process. MTSM can also be used toestimate the friction coefficient and flow stress provided thatthe selected mathematical model is adequate.
Key words:Anisotropy, friction coefficient, flowstress, modified two-specimen method and FE-analysis
Kleiner, Ana Francisca Rozin 1982. "The required coefficient of friction in normal and pathological gait : friction and gait = Coeficiente de atrito requerido na marcha normal e patológica: atrito e marcha." [s.n.], 2015. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/274676.
Full textTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Física
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T22:40:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kleiner_AnaFranciscaRozin_D.pdf: 1293444 bytes, checksum: dc07b2f9d69243f1fd5d0086d2731560 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015
Resumo: O objetivo principal desta tese foi analisar o coeficiente de atrito requerido (RCOF) na marcha de idosos, pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) e com doença de Parkinson (DP). Esta tese contém seis capítulos. No Primeiro Capítulo a revisão de literatura sobre Tribologia (o estudo do atrito) e RCOF na marcha é apresentada. Atrito é a resistência ao movimento durante o deslizar ou girar que acontece quando um corpo sólido se move tangencialmente sobre outro corpo com o qual esta em contato. Na marcha, o RCOF é o atrito requerido entre o sapato e o chão para realizar vários tipos de atividades. O Segundo Capítulo discute a metodologia para calcular o RCOF baseada nas forças de reação do solo (FRS). Para calcular o RCOF os dados de FRS durante a marcha são adquiridos. Para isso, o participante é instruído a andar descalço em sua velocidade preferida ao longo de uma passarela, sob a qual duas plataformas de força estão embutidas no chão da sala de coleta de dados. Após coletados, os dados de GRF são normalizados pelo peso corporal do sujeito e em função da percentagem da fase de suporte. Em seguida, o RCOF é calculado como a razão entre as componentes horizontais de FRS (resultante das FRS lateral e antero-posterior) e a FRS vertical. Com esta metodologia foram realizados os estudos apresentados nos Terceito, Quarto, Quinto e Sexto Capítulos desta tese. No Terceiro e no Quarto Capítulos são apresentadas investigações os efeitos de diferentes superfícies no RCOF durante a marcha normal e patológica. Para isso, o participante foi orientado a caminhar sobre as seguintes superfícies: 1) piso vinílico (HOV); 2) carpete; 3) revestimento vinílico (HTV); 4) mista (a primeira parte da passarela foi coberta por HOV e a segunda por HTV). Todas as quatro superfícies apresentavam coeficiente de atrito estático seguro (que varia 0,44-0,55) e são amplamente utilizadas em residências e instalações públicas. Os principais resultados destes estudos foram: na marcha descalça indivíduos saudáveis apresentaram diferenças no RCOF entre os tipos de superfície nas fases de contato inicial e apoio terminal. Além disso, o RCOF na marcha dos pacientes com AVC foi alterada na fase apoio terminal devido as quatro superfícies testadas. No Quinto e no Sexto Capítulos, a análise da curva do RCOF em pacientes com AVC e DP foi apresentada, respectivamente. O RCOF dos pacientes com AVC e DP apresentaram padrões diferentes aos do grupo controle. Em pacientes com AVC o contato inicial, a fase de rolamento e o apoio terminal são as fases mais críticas para a incidência de quedas. Os pacientes com DP apresentaram valores RCOF mais baixos durante o contato inicial e a fase de apoio terminal em comparação com o grupo controle. Estas análises representam a primeira tentativa de explorar as características da curva RCOF durante a análise da marcha; além disso, esta variável também pode ser utilizada na predição da queda dos pacientes com AVC e DP
Abstract: The main goal of this thesis was to analyze the required coefficient of friction (RCOF) on elderly, stroke and parkinsonian gait. This thesis is presented in six chapters. In the First Chapter the literature review of Tribology (the study of friction) and the RCOF during the gait are presented. Friction is the resistance to motion during sliding or rolling that is experienced when a solid body moves tangentially over another with which it is in contact. During the gait, the RCOF is the friction required at the shoe and floor interface to support different types of human activities. The Second Chapter discusses the methodology to calculate the RCOF based on the ground reaction forces (GRF). To calculate the RCOF the GRF data during the participant¿s gait analysis is acquired. For this the participant is ask to walk barefoot, at his or her selected speed, along a pathway, beneath which two force platforms embedded in the data collection room floor. After this the GRF data is normalized by the subject¿s body weight and it is expressed as a function of the percentage of the support phase. Then, the instantaneous RCOF is calculated as the ratio between the shear of the horizontal GRF components (resultant of lateral and anterior posterior GRF) and the vertical GRF. With this methodology the studies presented in the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth chapters were design. The Third and the Fourth chapters the studies about the effects of flooring in RCOF during normal and pathological gait were discussed. For this, the participant was oriented to walk on the following flooring: 1) homogeneous vinyl (HOV); 2) carpet; 3) heterogeneous vinyl (HTV); 4) mixed (the first half part of the pathway were covered by HOV and the second by HTV). All the four surfaces presented safe static coefficient of friction (ranging from 0.44-0.55) and they are widely used in residences and public facilities. The main results of these studies were: in healthy subjects¿ barefoot gait, there were differences in the RCOF among the flooring types in the heel contact and toe-off phases. Moreover, the RCOF of stroke patients was altered on the toe off phase due to the four flooring tested. In the fifth and sixth chapters, studies about the instantaneous RCOF curve analysis in patients with Stroke and PD were presented respectively. The RCOF of patients with stroke and PD exhibited patterns that were different than those of the healthy subjects. In patients with stroke the initial contact, the mid stance and the terminal stance seem to be critical phases for the incidence of slips. The patients with PD performed lower RCOF values during the loading response and terminal stance phases in comparison with the control group. These analyses represent the first attempt to explore the RCOF curve parameters during the gait analysis; moreover, its might be used in the prediction of the real fall propensity of patients with stroke and PD
Biodinamica do Movimento e Esporte
Doutora em Educação Física
Full textMasilela, Sipho Rudolph. "Assessment of the friction behaviour of selected base oils under oscillatory sliding conditions." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/67797.
Full textDissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2018.
Chemical Engineering
Costa, Argemiro Luis de Aragão. "Caracterização do comportamento vibracional do sistema pneu-suspensão e sua correlação com o desgaste irregular verificado em pneus dianteiros de veículos comerciais." Universidade de São Paulo, 2007. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18135/tde-03082007-083351/.
Full textThe tire tribological behavior is analyzed. The friction coefficient of rubbers is presented, and its inherent modeling difficulties regarding the operational condition dependence during measurements are discussed. The influence of the pavement roughness and the advances in friction modeling are presented. A predictive methodology to evaluate the tread wear using finite element method and the concept of frictional energy was used. Camber, lateral forces and slip angles are taken into account as boundary conditions for the tire simulations in steady state. The vibrational interaction between tire and suspension concerning irregular wear on front axle truck tires was investigated. A multibody bus model with flexible front axle was used for modal analysis purposes. A time-frequency methodology was applied to identify modal vibrations of the tire and suspension assemblage. A new simulation model for the tire wear was proposed intending to analyze the whole vehicle with under the finite element method. Sensitivity analysis of the vehicle suspension setup and operational conditions of components was suggested. Stochastic analysis of tire specification is recommended to optimize the tire-suspension system.
Wolf, Juraj. "Analýza koeficientu tření obtokového ventilu turbodmychadla." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2019. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-402560.
Full textGhosh, Amrita. "Naviers-Stokes equations with Navier boundary condition." Thesis, Pau, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PAUU3021/document.
Full textMy PhD thesis title is "Navier-Stokes equations with Navier boundary condition" where I have considered the motion of an incompressible, viscous, Newtonian fluid in a bounded do- main in R3. The fluid flow is described by the well-known Navier-Stokes equations, given by thefollowing system 1 )t − L1u + (u ⋅ ∇)u + ∇n = 0, div u = 01u ⋅ n = 0, 2[(IDu)n]r + aur = 0 in Q × (0, T )on Γ × (0, T ) (0.1) 11lu(0) = u0 in Qin a bounded domain Q ⊂ R3 with boundary Γ, possibly not connected, of class C1,1. The initialvelocity u0 and the (scalar) friction coefficient a are given functions. The unit outward normal and tangent vectors on Γ are denoted by n and r respectively and IDu = 1 (∇u + ∇uT ) is the rate of strain tensor. The functions u and n describe respectively the velocity2 and the pressure of a fluid in Q satisfying the boundary condition (0.1.2).This boundary condition, first proposed by H. Navier in 1823, has been studied extensively in recent years, among many reasons due to its contrast with the no-slip Dirichlet boundary condition: it offers more freedom and are likely to provide a physically acceptable solution at least to some of the paradoxical phenomenons, resulting from the no-slip condition, for example, D’Alembert’s paradox or no-collision paradox.My PhD work consists of three parts. primarily I have discussed the Lp -theory of well-posedness of the problem (0.1), in particular existence, uniqueness of weak and strong solutions in W 1,p (Q) and W 2,p (Q) for all p ∈ (1, ∞) considering minimal regularity on the friction coefficienta. Here a is a function, not merely a constant which reflects various properties of the fluid and/or of the boundary. Moreover, I have deduced estimates showing explicitly the dependence of u on a which enables us to analyze the behavior of the solution with respect to the friction coefficient.Using this fact that the solutions are bounded with respect to a, we have shown the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with Navier boundary condition converges strongly to a solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with Dirichlet boundary condition corresponding to the sameinitial data in the energy space as a → ∞. The similar results have also been deduced for thestationary case.The last chapter is concerned with estimates for a Laplace-Robin problem: the following second order elliptic operator in divergence form in a bounded domain Q ⊂ Rn of class C1, withthe Robin boundary condition has been considered1div(A∇)u = divf + F in Q, 11 )u + u = f ⋅ n + g on Γ. (0.2) 2The coefficient matrix A is symmetric and belongs to V MO(R3). Also a is a function belonging to some Lq -space. Apart from proving existence, uniqueness of weak and strong solutions, we obtain the bound on u, uniform in a for a sufficiently large, in the Lp -norm. We have separately studied the two cases: the interior estimate and the boundary estimate to make the main idea clear in the simple set up
Prausa, Jeffrey Nathaniel. "Heat Transfer Coefficient and Adiabatic Effectiveness Measurements for an Internal Turbine Vane Cooling Feature." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/76790.
Full textMaster of Science
Kinsella, Mary E. "Ejection forces and static friction coefficients for rapid tooled injection mold inserts." Connect to this title online, 2004. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1092660338.
Full textTitle from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xvi, 206 p.; also includes graphics (some col.). Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-173). Available online via OhioLINK's ETD Center
Svedberg, Ida, and Christopher Holmqvist. "Analys av friktionskoefficient och sättningsgrad i gummipackningar : Analysis of the friction coefficient and setting ratio of rubber gaskets." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för teknik, TEK, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-19412.
Full textThis degree project was located at SwePart Transmission AB in Liatorp. The company manufactures gears and do also provide total solutions for gearing. SwePart Transmission AB has noticed problems with leakage in the division plane in their gearboxes. The company has premonitions that the structure is subject to sliding in the division plane where the gasket is placed. To prevent sliding it’s required that the friction coefficient between the gasket and division plane and the preload of the fasteners is known at the design stage. The gaskets friction coefficient is currently uncertain and has been checked. This was done by tests in which we placed the gasket in a friction joint and then made measurements in a tensile testing machine. With the obtained measurement values we could mathematically obtain a new coefficient of friction. The tests were performed with three different surface finishes in the joint to see if it had any effect on the friction coefficient. After the tests, we could see a difference in coefficient of friction between different surface finishes on the contact surfaces to the gasket. We could also see a difference in coefficient of friction of oiled and dry surface. The joints capability of sliding is determined by the preload in the screws that is dramatically reduced if large settings occur. It’s known that settings will occur, but the extent is unknown. Since the gasket is the softest part in the bolted joint, it will dominate the joints setting behavior. In our tests we have measured the amount of settings caused by the gasket as a function of time. The test was made by sandwiching a gasket with a certain load. After that the change in thickness was measured during 25 minutes. This test was performed because the company had received complains from customers concerning preload losses in the screws after an unknown time in use. The preload losses can be traced to settings in the gasket. According the measurements from the test, there are no major settings in our test joint, which can be explained by the difference in contact area between our test and the “real” design. This report will concern the setting rate and friction coefficient of rubber gaskets where tests and underlying theories will be presented. The test has been developed and performed with help of expertise form Linnaeus University.
Lim, Wei Jun. "Frictional Properties of Carbon-Carbon Composites and Their Relation to Fiber Architecture and Microstructure." OpenSIUC, 2016. https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/theses/2055.
Full textLin, Zhan-Jun. "Design of a Tribometer to Study Friction inThreaded Fastener Interfaces." Thesis, KTH, Maskinkonstruktion (Inst.), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-281707.
Full textSkruv och mutter tillhör bland de vanligaste medlen att binda ihop två ytor med varandra då det är ett billigt och enkelt sätt att uppnå det önskade resultatet. Det är viktigt att rätt klämkraft uppnås i skruvförbandet, vid för låg/hög klämkraft är risken för haveri i konstruktionen stor. Därför är att uppnå korrekt klämkraft i ett skruvförband alltid målet i en åtdragningsprocess. Skruvdragare som drar åt med ett förinställt moment (torque control) är för tillfället det vanligaste verktyget på marknaden för att uppnå rätt klämkraft. Klämkraften som uppstår vid åtdragning av ett skruvförband med ett sådant verktyg är i största del beroende på friktionskraften i skruvförbandet för korrekt moment. Endast en liten del av momentet som påverkar skruven övergår till effektivt fasthållande moment i skruvförbandet, det mesta momentet går åt för att övervinna friktionen mellan skruv och mutter. Friktionskoefficitenten håller sig inte konstant vid ett åtdragande moment utan beror på flera faktorer såsom åtdragningshastighet, profilhastighet, åtdragningstid och vilket material skruvförbandet är gjort av bland annat. Eftersom friktionskoeffiecienten ständigt ändrar sig leder detta till ett fel då man ska uppskatta klämkraften mellan två ytor. Detta examensarbete ämnar till att bygga en tribometer som är kapabel till att fungera vid olika hastigheter och kraftförhållanden som korresponderar till olika åtdragningsprocesser. Ett koncept på en ny pin-on-disc tribometer föreslås och hastighets samt kraftprofiler skapas genom ett closed-loop reglertekniksystem i ett linjärt ställdon och motorn. Testriggen konstruerades och flertalet utvärderingstester utfördes.
Lee, Hyunwook. "A Polynomial Chaos Approach for Stochastic Modeling of Dynamic Wheel-Rail Friction." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/77195.
Full textPh. D.
Thiyagarajan, Kamesh. "Conceptual development of brake friction estimation strategies." Thesis, KTH, Fordonsdynamik, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-285677.
Full textDetta examensarbete studerar strategier för skattning av bromsfriktion. Friktionen mellan bromsskivan och bromsbeläggen är inte konstant under bromsförloppet och det är denna som genererar bromsmomentet för varje hjul. I detta arbete så antas att förändringen i bromsmoment mellan begärd och uppnått endast är på grund av varierande bromsfriktion mellan bromsbelägg och bromsskiva. Arbetet presenterar tre olika sätt att skatta bromsfriktionen genom användning av två kända skattningsmetoder, Uncented Kalman Filter och Moving Horizon Estimation. Ingående värden till skattningsmetoderna fås från en fordonsmodell som är byggd med hjälp av hjulbalansekvationer. Skattningsmetoderna har justerats så att de minimerar skattningsfelet i nominella fall och de är testade för robusthet genom en bred analys där känsligheten hos metoderna testas genom en flora av potentiella systemparametrar och gränsvärden. Genom hela analysen så uppnår de utvecklade skattningsmetoderna bromsfriktionsvärden med acceptabla felnivåer. Detta arbete öppnar upp för möjligheter för vidare analyser där de utvecklade metoderna kan användas.
Figueiredo, Tiago Petermann. "Effect of lubricant propertieson the friction coefficient under different temperatures, speeds and loads using a ball-on-disc test." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3151/tde-16032017-102949/.
Full textO presente estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de propriedades dos lubrificantes sobre o coeficiente de atrito. Para tanto foram testados três lubrificantes diferentes (dois sintéticos e um mineral), que são utilizados em transmissões automotivas. Os experimentos foram conduzidos utilizando um sistema tribológico denominado \"ball-on-disc\". Os discos foram fabricados com as mesmas propriedades mecânicas das engrenagens de transmissão, já as esferas foram fabricadas com aço SAE 52100. Os parâmetros de teste foram definidos com base na análise dinâmica conduzida utilizando o software \"ISOCAD\", que leva em conta a geometria da engrenagem e a dinâmica do veículo (força aplicada e velocidade) durante os ensaios tribológicos. Para definir os parâmetros de temperatura, foram utilizadas as mesmas temperaturas encontradas durante o ensaio de economia de combustível padronizado. Experimentos foram realizados em duas condições de lubrificação diferentes: i) fornecimento limitado de lubrificante, ou \"Starved\" e ii) condição de lubrificação imersa, ou \"Fully flooded\". Depois dos parâmetros definidos, foi possível calcular a espessura de filme de óleo, de forma a definir o regime de lubrificação alcançado em cada condição. Lubrificação mista e limítrofe foi obtida todas as condições de testes. Os resultados mostraram a relação entre a velocidade e o filme de óleo específico usando uma formulação de Khonsari e Masjedi (2014), que leva em conta o efeito da rugosidade da superfície e baseia-se na formulação de Downson e Higginson (1981). A análise química do lubrificante mostrou que existe uma relação entre o coeficiente de atrito e os aditivos utilizados nos lubrificantes. Estes resultados também mostram o desempenho dos lubrificantes em diferentes temperaturas, velocidades e cargas. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos para um lubrificante sintético.
Punna, Harshitha. "Impact of stiffness and damping capacity using two different rubbers on friction coefficient and noise levels of brake materials." OpenSIUC, 2020. https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/theses/2773.
Full textRizzo, Giuseppe, Antonino Bonanno, Giorgio Paolo Massarotti, Luca Pastorello, Mariarosa Raimondo, Federico Veronesi, and Magda Blosi. "Energy efficiency improvement by the application of nanostructured coatings on axial piston pump slippers." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2016. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-200187.
Full textCummings, Patrick. "Modeling the Locked-Wheel Skid Tester to Determine the Effect of Pavement Roughness on the International Friction Index." Scholar Commons, 2010. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/1604.
Full textFreitas, Ana Carolina Carneiro de. "Forças, momentos e coeficiente de atrito em teste de três pontos e em teste de resistência ao deslizamento com braquetes autoligáveis e fios 0.014\" utilizando um novo dispositivo." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/23/23140/tde-24052016-154250/.
Full textThe main objective of the study is to compare the three-bracket bending test with the resistance to sliding test using a new device that performs simultaneous measurement of coefficient of friction, the forces and moments on the anchor brackets and deactivation force in misaligned bracket, exercised by orthodontic wires. Secondary objectives were to develop the device and compare, in the three-bracket bending test: (i) the influence, on the physical quantities and on the kinetic friction coefficient, of the variation of the symmetry in the inter-bracket distance, of the type of anchor bracket (canine or 2nd premolar), of displacement (3 or 5mm) and misalignment (buccal or lingual) of the central bracket, and of the wire and bracket brand; (ii) the three ways to calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction; (iii) the 10 cycles, for buccal or lingual, to see if they are similar or not. Self-ligating brackets were used (teeth 13, 14 and 15) and wires 0.014 \'\' NiTi and CuNiTi of Aditek and Ormco brands. The resistance to sliding test was conducted on the lingual misalignment, on both displacements and on symmetrical configuration. The three-bracket bending test was held at the lingual and vestibular misalignment, at both displacements and at the symmetrical and asymmetrical configuration. Through ANOVA, were compared, between the two types of tests: (A) the quantities and the coefficient of friction and (B) the coefficient of friction generated only in the second premolar bracket. Using the same statistical test were compared, in three-bracket bending test: (A) in symmetrical configuration, the quantities and the coefficient of friction arising from the variation in the wire and bracket brands, displacement, misalignment and the type of bracket; (B) the quantities and the coefficient of friction generated by the symmetric and asymmetric configuration; (C) the values of the three ways of calculating friction coefficient; and (D) the quantities and the coefficient of friction encountered in 10 cycles. Results: (A) most of the values of the quantities and the coefficient of friction generated by the two types of test were statistically different; (B) the 2nd premolar bracket showed different friction coefficient values between the two types of test; (C) in the symmetrical configuration, the variables were statistically significant in the most of cases for quantities and the friction coefficient; (D) was found difference between symmetric and asymmetric configuration; (E) the friction coefficient based on both normal forces and frictional force was closer to the clinical reality and was sensitive to variations in the geometry of the wire-bracket relationship; and (F) the 10 cycles for lingual were similar in 70% of cases and the 10 cycles for buccal desalignment were different in 57% of cases. Conclusions: The three-bracket bending test is different from the resistance to sliding test; the variation of geometric configurations and wire and bracket brands may influence the values of the quantities and the coefficient of kinetic friction; the 10 cycles for lingual were more similar to each other than the 10 cycles for buccal.
Hutama, Chapin. "Effect of Inclusion of Nanofibers on Rolling Resistance and Friction of Silicone Rubber." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1556118372072796.
Full textSandu, Sebastian. "Developing a power dissipation model for planetary roller screws." Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSEI096.
Full textRoller screws are highly efficient rotation-translation converters used in a variety of industries. Despite its numerous advantages, the mechanism remains complex and rather difficult to understand. The main goal of this thesis is to quantify the amount of power dissipated by standard and inverted roller screws, which is an important result for any study related to efficiency or temperature distribution. Furthermore, it is used as a design criterion in choosing optimal parameters for a given application. Due to the limited amount of available research and the restrictive assumptions made in current literature, this memoir starts with a basic geometric analysis of the mechanism and attempts to generalize threaded surface equations for different types of profiles and backlash conditions. The contact point locations can then be deduced using a very fast Newton-Raphson algorithm. This information is crucial for any subsequent force analysis. Classic Hertzian equations are then adapted to slightly conforming contacts in order to calculate the shape, size and orientation of the roller-screw and roller-nut contact ellipses. It is shown that the principal directions of curvature obtained here by differential geometry are different from the ones assumed by previous research. Next, the mechanism kinematics is investigated using a stationary model, which relates the steady-state movement of all the different components and allows a simplified calculation of the sliding velocity field at any point within the contact areas. The local motion proves to be a combination of spin and uniform sliding. The model is set to have only one degree of freedom in the form of a slip ratio, which depends on lubrication conditions and force balance equations. An experimental setup is designed to measure this ratio and thus allow comparison to numerical values, as well as the few analytical models available in the literature. Results show that measurements are very close to ideal operating conditions, which makes lubricant properties and friction coefficients the most influential parameters in the little room available for kinematic improvement. Finally, a numerical force model is developed, which calculates the power dissipated during the steady-state regime. The iterative algorithm first determines the value of the slip ratio reached during stationary equilibrium and then uses the result to deduce the other kinematic and dynamic unknowns involved. A parametric study is conducted to identify the important factors in efficiency and power dissipation, as well as their relative influence
Tertuliano, Iramar da Silva. "Textura superficial: efeito sobre o desempenho de óleos aditivados e não aditivados em ensaios alternados." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3151/tde-10082017-164633/.
Full textThis work was conducted by experimental tests in order to evaluate the effect of surface texture on fully formulated oil and base-oil performance. In these tests, the materials were related to the piston ring and cylinder, in which surfaces were sanded, grounded and textured by laser. In addition, the tests were carried out by reciprocating movement and boundary conditions. A coefficient of friction study in reciprocating tests was performed, showing that peak-to-peak methodology does not represent properly the tribosystem efficiency. Burr was generated around the dimples (made by laser surface texturing), in which were removed by sanded process. The results showed that sanded process increased the peak radius and decreased the peak height. The results considering the base oil showed oxide formation on the surface in all the cases, occurring low variation of friction coefficient in the system. On the other hand, in the fully formulated oil results, the dimples had no influence on MoS2 formation; however, it was possible to see a strong relation with the radius and average height of the asperities.
Furmann, Denis. "Studium vlivu složení synoviální kapaliny na tření kloubní chrupavky." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2019. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-399378.
Full textZhang, Yuanyuan. "Friction prediction for rough surfaces in an elastohydrodynamically lubricated contact." Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSEI063.
Full textThe friction of interfacial surfaces greatly influences the performance of mechanical elements. Friction has been investigated experimentally inmost studies. In this work, the friction is predicted by means of numerical simulation under an elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) rough contact condition. The classical Multigrid technique performs well in limiting computing time and memory requirements. However, the coarse grid choice has an important influence on code robustness and code efficiency to solve the rough problem. In the first part of this work, a coarse grid construction method proposed by Alcouffe et al. is implemented in the current time-independent EHL Multi-Grid code. Then this modified solver is extended to transient cases to solve the rough contact problem. The friction curve is usually depicted as a function of “lambda ratio”, the ratio of oil film thickness to root-mean-square of the surface roughness. However this parameter is less suitable to plot friction variations under high pressure conditions (piezoviscous elastic regime). In the second part of this work, the friction coefficient is computed using themodified EHL code for many operating conditions as well as surface waviness parameters. Simulation results show that there is no single friction curve when the old parameter "lambda ratio" used. Based on the Amplitude Reduction Theory, a new scaling parameter depends on operating condition and waviness parameters is found, which can give a unified friction curve for high pressure situation. For more complex rough surfaces, a power spectral density (PSD) based method is proposed to predict friction variations in the third part of this work. The artificial surface roughness is employed to test the rapid prediction method firstly. Good agreement is found between the full numerical simulation and this rapid prediction. Then the rapid prediction method is applied to analyze the friction variation of measured surface roughness. Both the new scaling parameter and the friction increase predicted by the PSD method show good engineering accuracy for practical use
Wahlström, Jens. "Towards a simulation methodology for predictionof airborne wear particles from disc brakes." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Machine Design (Div.), 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-11044.
Full textDuring braking, both the rotor and the pads in disc brakes are worn. Since disc brakes are not sealed, some of the wear particles generated can become airborne. Several studies have found an association between adverse health effects and the concentration of particles in the atmosphere, so it is of interest to improve our knowledge of the airborne wear particles generated by disc brakes. However, in field tests it is difficult to distinguish these particles from others in the surrounding environment, so it may be preferable to use laboratory test stands and/or simulation models to study the amount of airborne wear particles generated.
This thesis deals with a simulation methodology for prediction of airborne wear particles from disc brakes and three experimental methods for testing disc brake materials with focus on airborne wear particles. The four appended papers discuss the possibility to both measure and predict the number and size distribution of airborne wear particles that originate from the pad to rotor contact. The objective is to develop a simulation methodology that predicts the number and size distribution of airborne wear particles from disc brakes.
Paper A describes how a modified pin-on-disc machine was used to study airborne wear particles originating from different disc brake materials. The results indicate that the test setup can be used to measure and rank the number concentration and size distribution of the airborne wear particles generated.
Paper B describes a disc brake assembly test stand for measurements of airborne wear particles from disc brakes. The results indicate that the test setup can be used to measure the number concentration and size distribution of airborne wear particles generated from disc brake materials. The results also indicate a promising ability to rank different pad/rotor material combinations with respect to the number concentration of airborne wear particles.
Paper C compares measurements made in passenger car field tests with measurements made in a disc brake assembly test stand and in a pin-on-disc machine. A promising correlation between the three different test methods is found.
Paper D presents a simulation methodology for predicting the number and size distribution of airborne wear particles using finite element analysis (FEA). The simulated number distribution is compared with experimental measurements at component level. The result indicates that the proposed methodology may be used to predict the number concentration and size distribution of airborne particles generated in the pad-to-rotor contact.
Wahlström, Jens. "Towards a simulation methodology for prediction of airborne wear particles from disc brakes." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Maskinkonstruktion (Avd.), 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-11044.
Full textLi, Zhonglin. "Tribological, Kinetic and Thermal Characteristics of Copper Chemical Mechanical Planarization." Diss., Tucson, Arizona : University of Arizona, 2005. http://etd.library.arizona.edu/etd/GetFileServlet?file=file:///data1/pdf/etd/azu%5Fetd%5F1378%5F1%5Fm.pdf&type=application/pdf.
Full textDavis, Thomas Wayne. "The Effects of Age on Stress and The Biomechanics of Slips and Falls." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/44316.
Full textMaster of Science
Falk, Kerstin. "The molecular origin of fast fluid transport in carbon nanotubes : theoretical and molecular dynamics study of liquid/solid friction in graphitic nanopores." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LYO10167/document.
Full textWithin the scope of this thesis, a theoretical study of liquid flow in graphitic nanopores was performed. More precisely, a combination of numerical simulations and analytic approach was used to establish the special properties of carbon nanotubes for fluid transport: Molecular dynamics flow simulations of different liquids in carbon nanotubes exhibited flow velocities that are 1-3 orders of magnitude higher than predicted from the continuum hydrodynamics framework and the no-slip boundary condition. These results support previous experiments performed by several groups reporting exceptionally high flow rates for water in carbon nanotube membranes. The reason for this important flow enhancement with respect to the expectation was so far unclear. In this work, a careful investigation of the water/graphite friction coefficient which we identified as the crucial parameter for fast liquid transport in the considered systems was carried out. In simulations, the friction coefficient was found to be very sensitive to wall curvature: friction is independent of confinement for water between at graphene walls with zero curvature, while it increases with increasing negative curvature (water at the outside of the tube), and it decreases with increasing positive curvature (water inside the tube), eventually leading to quasi frictionless flow for water in a single file configuration in the smallest tubes. A similar behaviour was moreover found with several other liquids, such as alcohol, alcane and OMCTS. urthermore, a theoretical approximate expression for the friction coefficient is presented which predicts qualitatively and semi-quantitatively its curvature dependent behavior. Moreover, a deeper analysis of the simulations according to the proposed theoretical description shed light on the physical mechanisms at the origin of the ultra low liquid/solid friction in carbon nanotubes. In fine, it is due to their perfectly ordered molecular structure and their atomically smooth surface that carbon nanotubes are quasi-perfect liquid conductors compared to other membrane pores like, for example, nanochannels in amorphous silica. The newly gained understanding constitutes an important validation that carbon nanotubes operate as fast transporters of various liquids which makes them a promising option for different applications like energy conversion or filtration on the molecular level
Залога, О. А. "Прогнозирование деформационной составляющей коэффициента трения при резании." Thesis, Издательство СумГУ, 2010. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13343.
Full textGrégoire, Isaac. "Analyse du coefficient de frottement sur les contacts lubrifiés et impact sur le grippage : Application aux transmissions par engrenages aéronautiques." Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSEI100.
Full textThe development of new technologies, which allow innovative manufacturing processes, as well as the use of new materials and lubricants have led to an overall improvement of mechanical systems efficiency and reliability. However some failures, like scuffing, remain difficult to understand since they depend on many related parameters such as the lubrication regime, the contact temperature and the friction coefficient. Scuffing is a critical damage that appears suddenly and which is characterised by local welds and scratches between the sliding surfaces. It can lead to complete destruction of the mechanical system. This phenomenon is in general related to poor heat dissipation and overheating resulting in high contact temperature. Numerous studies were conducted in order to establish a scuffing criterion based on energetic approach. But none of them is unanimously recognized by the scientific community. The first part of this study consisted in characterizing the frictional behaviour of a given couple of lubricant and material thanks to the use of a twin-disc machine. In a second part, a thermal modelling of this test bench has been realised using the thermal network methodology. Correlations between analytical formulas and experimental measurements allowed to establish a friction law relating contact conditions and disc bulk temperature. It has also been demonstrated that the disc bulk temperature could be considerably different from the lubricant injection temperature depending on the operating conditions. This result allows a new interpretation of existing scuffing criteria, which for most of them consider the disc temperature to equal the oil temperature. Despite this analysis, the scuffing experiments performed reveal that accounting solely for the contact temperature is not sufficient to establish a reliable scuffing criterion
Kelly, Michael J. "Simplified Model for Rubber Friction to Study the Effect of Direct and Indirect DMA Test Results." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2021. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1627592247173898.
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