Journal articles on the topic 'Climate declaration'
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Fujita, Reiko. "Nuclear associations sign climate declaration." Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan 57, no. 10 (2015): 682.
Full textTanabe, Shin‐ichi. "Climate emergency declaration and best paper awards." Japan Architectural Review 3, no. 1 (December 17, 2019): 3–4.
Full textNetwork, Micah. "Declaration on Creation Stewardship and Climate Change." International Bulletin of Missionary Research 33, no. 4 (October 2009): 182–84.
Full textNair, Gireesh, Åke Fransson, and Thomas Olofsson. "Perspectives of building professionals on the use of LCA tools in Swedish climate declaration." E3S Web of Conferences 246 (2021): 13004.
Full textDunn, Mary Lee. "System Change—Not Climate Change: A People's Declaration from Klimaforum09." NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy 20, no. 3 (October 13, 2010): 387–95.
Full textBatchelor, Daud Abdulfattah. "The Islamic Declaration on Climate Change ( Istanbul , 18 August 2015 )." Islam and Civilisational Renewal 6, no. 4 (October 2015): 584–85.
Full textAbdellah, Antar. "The Islamic Declaration on Global climate change; An Ideological Discourse Analysis." Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences 1, no. 2 (November 3, 2020): 77–93.
Full textRamanathan, Veerabhadran, Jonathan Samet, Maria Neira, and Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo. "Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Health: A Declaration from the Vatican." Annals of the American Thoracic Society 15, no. 9 (September 2018): 1027–29.
Full textLawlor, Rob, and Helen Morley. "Climate Change and Professional Responsibility: A Declaration of Helsinki for Engineers." Science and Engineering Ethics 23, no. 5 (March 9, 2017): 1431–52.
Full textKübler, Knut. "German Industry's Declaration on Climate Protection: A Voluntary Commitment or a Congratulatory Self-Assurance?" Energy & Environment 9, no. 5 (August 1998): 499–507.
Full textSawkar, R. H., and Poddar Rajendra. "Global water meet: Dharwad declaration 2016 on climate change, water and agriculture." Journal of the Geological Society of India 89, no. 1 (January 2017): 108.
Full textCámara-Leret, Rodrigo, Andre Schuiteman, Timothy Utteridge, Gemma Bramley, Richard Deverell, Larry A. Fisher, Jonathan McLeod, et al. "The Manokwari Declaration: Challenges ahead in conserving 70% of Tanah Papua’s forests." Forest and Society 3, no. 1 (April 7, 2019): 148.
Full textBellquist, Lyall, Vienna Saccomanno, Brice X. Semmens, Mary Gleason, and Jono Wilson. "The rise in climate change-induced federal fishery disasters in the United States." PeerJ 9 (April 22, 2021): e11186.
Full textYi, Sang Wook. "UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change - Implications and Issues -." Journal of Human Studies 39 (July 31, 2019): 77–100.
Full textEtzel, Ruth A., Jie Ding, Stella M. Gil, David Githanga, Jeffrey Goldhagen, Alok Gupta, Raúl Mercer, et al. "Pediatric societies’ declaration on responding to the impact of climate change on children." Journal of Climate Change and Health 4 (October 2021): 100038.
Full textKolobov, R. Yu, and Ya B. Ditsevich. "The Activity of International Non-governmental Organizations as a Premise for the Development of Lake Baikal Legal Protection." Siberian Law Herald 2 (2021): 120–24.
Full textSucharda, Peter, and Mark Gimson. "City of Hamilton Signs Climate Change Emergency Declaration, Reduces Energy Consumption in Water System." Journal - American Water Works Association 112, no. 11 (November 2020): 22–30.
Full textShukla, J., R. Hagedorn, M. Miller, T. N. Palmer, B. Hoskins, J. Kinter, J. Marotzke, and J. Slingo. "Strategies: Revolution in Climate Prediction is Both Necessary and Possible: A Declaration at the World Modelling Summit for Climate Prediction." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90, no. 2 (February 2009): 175–78.
Full textMead, Sarah, and Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh. "Recent Developments in International Climate Change Law." International Community Law Review 23, no. 2-3 (June 29, 2021): 294–309.
Full textChuchalin, A. G. "UNESCO: bioethical initiatives in 2019." Terapevticheskii arkhiv 92, no. 3 (April 27, 2020): 4–6.
Full textMacVane Phipps, Fiona. "Global health for the 21st century and beyond." International Journal of Health Governance 21, no. 4 (December 5, 2016): 263–67.
Full textAtapattu, Sumudu. "Climate change and displacement: protecting ‘climate refugees’ within a framework of justice and human rights." Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 11, no. 1 (March 24, 2020): 86–113.
Full textDavies, Kirsten, Sam Adelman, Anna Grear, Catherine Iorns Magallanes, Tom Kerns, and S. Ravi Rajan. "The Declaration on Human Rights and Climate Change: a new legal tool for global policy change." Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 8, no. 2 (September 2017): 217–53.
Full textBergkamp, Lucas. "The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: A Risk Regulation Perspective." European Journal of Risk Regulation 7, no. 1 (March 2016): 35–41.
Full textGarcia, Rita, and Fausto Freire. "Carbon footprint of particleboard: a comparison between ISO/TS 14067, GHG Protocol, PAS 2050 and Climate Declaration." Journal of Cleaner Production 66 (March 2014): 199–209.
Full textArcher, Frank, Caroline Spencer, Dudley McArdle, and Suresh Pokharel. "Analysis of Disaster Related International Consensus Frameworks 2015-2017: Implications for WADEM." Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 34, s1 (May 2019): s77.
Full textAgeyo, Joe, and Idah Gatwiri Muchunku. "Beyond the Right of Access: A Critique of the Legalist Approach to Dissemination of Climate Change Information in Kenya." Sustainability 12, no. 6 (March 24, 2020): 2530.
Full textMukherjee, Vivek, and Faizan Mustafa. "Climate Change and Right to Development." Management and Economics Research Journal 5 (2019): 1.
Full textMedici, C. R., C. H. Vestergaard, D. Hadzi-Pavlovic, P. Munk-Jørgensen, and G. Parker. "The impact of climate on risk of mania." European Psychiatry 33, S1 (March 2016): S74.
Full textRiekkinen, Mariya. "Sociocultural Rights and the Media: International Developments 2017." European Yearbook of Minority Issues Online 16, no. 1 (April 1, 2019): 29–62.
Full textSandover, Rebecca, Alice Moseley, and Patrick Devine-Wright. "Contrasting Views of Citizens’ Assemblies: Stakeholder Perceptions of Public Deliberation on Climate Change." Politics and Governance 9, no. 2 (April 28, 2021): 76–86.
Full textSchuck-Zöller, Susanne, Jörg Cortekar, and Daniela Jacob. "Evaluating co-creation of knowledge: from quality criteria and indicators to methods." Advances in Science and Research 14 (November 3, 2017): 305–12.
Full textShroff, Kersi B. "The British Constitution and the Movement for a Modern Bill of Rights." International Journal of Legal Information 15, no. 3-4 (August 1987): 99–108.
Full textChan, Te-En, Ya-Hui Chan, and Shu-Ping Lin. "A causal model of the declaration intention of banks for suspected money-laundering transactions based on organizational commitment perspective." Journal of Money Laundering Control 23, no. 2 (April 10, 2020): 403–25.
Full textMahany, Mollie J., and Mark E. Keim. "Challenges and Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation Among Pacific Island Nations." Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 6, no. 4 (December 2012): 415–23.
Full textConstantina, Cloconi, Evridiki Papastavrou, and Andreas Charalambous. "Cancer nurses’ perceptions of ethical climate in Greece and Cyprus." Nursing Ethics 26, no. 6 (May 7, 2018): 1805–21.
Full textKOVALEV, YURI. "FIVE YEARS OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT: THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF THE GLOBAL CLIMATE TREATY." History and modern perspectives 3, no. 1 (February 28, 2020): 20–29.
Full textAli, Saleem H. "Reconciling Islamic Ethics, Fossil Fuel Dependence, and Climate Change in the Middle East." Review of Middle East Studies 50, no. 2 (August 2016): 172–78.
Full textLangford, Malcolm. "Lost in Transformation? The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals." Ethics & International Affairs 30, no. 2 (2016): 167–76.
Full textGiacomini, Giada. "Free prior and informed consent in the Green Climate Fund: the implementation of a project in the Datém del Marañón, Peru." REVISTA CUHSO 30, no. 1 (July 23, 2020): 102–25.
Full textLüdemann, Lynn, Jens Sumpf, Markus Golder, and Marcus Bona. "Research in Sustainability of Chain Conveyor Systems." innoTRAC Journal 1 (December 3, 2020): 83–94.
Full textAscorra, Paula, Claudia Carrasco Aguilar, Verónica López, and Macarena Morales. "Políticas de convivencia escolar en tiempos de rendición de cuentas." education policy analysis archives 27 (April 1, 2019): 31.
Full textSparks, Leigh. "Towns, High Streets and Resilience in Scotland: A Question for Policy?" Sustainability 13, no. 10 (May 18, 2021): 5631.
Full textMohanty, Susmita. "Could future COP talks help to de-junk near-earth space?" Soundings 78, no. 78 (August 1, 2021): 81–85.
Full textMangunjaya, Fachruddin Majeri, and Gugah Praharawati. "Fatwas on Boosting Environmental Conservation in Indonesia." Religions 10, no. 10 (October 12, 2019): 570.
Full textDlamini, D. V., S. G. Dlamini, D. Akelrele, and Q. Jele. "The Influence of Price and Non-Price Factors on Acreage Response of Maize in Eswatini." Journal of Agriculture and Crops, no. 53 (March 10, 2019): 38–42.
Full textNgwakwe, Collins C., and Fulufhelo G. Netswera. "The corporate response to the socially responsible investment (SRI) index of the Johannesburg stock exchange (JSE)." Corporate Ownership and Control 12, no. 1 (2014): 399–405.
Full textBindereif, Stefan G., Felix Rüll, Peter Kolb, Lucas Köberle, Holger Willms, Simon Steidele, Stephan Schwarzinger, and Gerhard Gebauer. "Impact of Global Climate Change on the European Barley Market Requires Novel Multi-Method Approaches to Preserve Crop Quality and Authenticity." Foods 10, no. 7 (July 8, 2021): 1592.
Full textPérez de las Heras, Beatriz. "Introduction." Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, no. 62 (April 2, 2020): 25–29.
Full textDirgantara, Pradipta. "Local Community Participation in the Implementation of REDD+: The Case of Meru Betiri National Park." Jurnal Hubungan Internasional 9, no. 2 (January 13, 2021): 112–27.
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