Academic literature on the topic 'Climate change pedagogies'
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Journal articles on the topic "Climate change pedagogies"
Bartlett, M’Lis, Jordan Larson, and Seneca Lee. "Environmental Justice Pedagogies and Self-Efficacy for Climate Action." Sustainability 14, no. 22 (November 14, 2022): 15086.
Full textTang, Kuok Ho Daniel. "Reflection of an Online Climate Change Course and Its Pedagogies: Retrospection and Prospect." Acta Pedagogia Asiana 2, no. 1 (August 23, 2022): 1–13.
Full textLiu, John Chung-En, and Andrew Szasz. "Now Is the Time to Add More Sociology of Climate Change to Our Introduction to Sociology Courses." Teaching Sociology 47, no. 4 (August 2, 2019): 273–83.
Full textHumphreys, David. "Pedagogies of Change: Rethinking the Role of the University During the Climate Emergency." International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability: Annual Review 15, no. 1 (2019): 53–70.
Full textAlQallaf, Noor, Dalia W. Elnagar, Sherif G. Aly, Khalil I. Elkhodary, and Rami Ghannam. "Empathy, Education, and Awareness: A VR Hackathon’s Approach to Tackling Climate Change." Sustainability 16, no. 6 (March 15, 2024): 2461.
Full textBowman, Benjamin, and Chloé Germaine. "Sustaining the old world, or imagining a new one? The transformative literacies of the climate strikes." Australian Journal of Environmental Education 38, no. 1 (February 18, 2022): 70–84.
Full textSuryati, Suryati, Dwi Pangga, Habibi Habibi, and Irham Azmi. "Digital Pedagogical Model Based on Climate Change Issues Integrated with Virtual Reality Technology to Enhance Students' Critical Thinking and Climate Change Awareness." International Journal of Ethnoscience and Technology in Education 2, no. 1 (January 1, 2025): 1.
Full textKiers, A. Haven, David de la Peña, and N. Claire Napawan. "Future Directions—Engaged Scholarship and the Climate Crisis." Land 9, no. 9 (August 29, 2020): 304.
Full textSzczepankiewicz, Elżbieta Izabela, Jan Fazlagić, and Windham Loopesko. "A Conceptual Model for Developing Climate Education in Sustainability Management Education System." Sustainability 13, no. 3 (January 25, 2021): 1241.
Full textTrott, Carlie D., and Andrea E. Weinberg. "Science Education for Sustainability: Strengthening Children’s Science Engagement through Climate Change Learning and Action." Sustainability 12, no. 16 (August 9, 2020): 6400.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Climate change pedagogies"
Kelly, Ute, and Rhys H. S. Kelly. "Becoming vulnerable in the era of climate change: Questions and dilemmas for a pedagogy of vulnerability." Information Age Publishing, 2019.
Full textThis chapter aims to be both an exploration and an example of (or an experiment with) a ‘pedagogy of vulnerability’. It reports and reflects on efforts to create spaces for co-inquiry with students, as attempts to both escape the limits of traditional pedagogic relationships and to create spaces and opportunities for deeper learning. We consider how or whether the central premise of a ‘pedagogy of vulnerability’ – that purposeful and selective acts self-disclosure by teachers can help build the conditions of trust and care needed for dialogue around emotionally and politically challenging topics – is borne out in our experience.
Sternäng, Li. "Ethical and normative reasoning on climate change : Conceptions and solutions among students in a Chinese context." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, 2011.
Full textAt the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.
Naunova, Kristina. "Education for Sustainable Development for Everyone: Massive Open Online Courses and global, climate literate, sustainable citizens." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, 2018.
Full textIgnell, Caroline. "Exploring changes of conceptions, values and beliefs concerning the environment : A longitudinal study of upper secondary school students in business and economics education." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, 2017.
Full textAt the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript.
Andersson, Mattias. "Medvetenheten om klimatfrågan bland elever i gymnasieskolan och vuxenutbildningen : En empirisk pilotstudie." Thesis, 2021.
Full textSyftet är att, i en pilotstudie, studera medvetenheten om klimatfrågan bland elever i gymnasieskolan och i vuxenutbildningen. Följande forskningsfrågor ställs: - Vilken medvetenhet om klimatfrågan har eleverna? - Vilka skillnader beträffande medvetenheten om klimatfrågan finns mellan män och kvinnor, elever vid vuxenutbildningen och gymnasieskolan samt elever på högskoleförberedande program och yrkesprogram? Medvetenhet om klimatfrågan konstrueras som ett begrepp bestående av ekologisk, social och ekonomisk dimension samt komponenterna kunskap, attityd och beteende. En enkät på Likert-skalan genomförs med 176 svar. Resultaten ger en varierad bild av elevernas medvetenhet om klimatfrågan. På den ekologiska dimensionen är kännedomen om Parisavtalet låg liksom medvetenheten om begreppen ekologiskt fotavtryck och livscykelanalys. Eleverna har däremot en god förståelse för skillnaden mellan klimat och väder; de har en positiv attityd till förnybar energi och är vana att avfallssortera. På den sociala dimensionen tycker eleverna att klimatfrågan ska vara en prioriterad fråga för skolan att undervisa i, medan det egna samhällsengagemanget i klimatfrågan i allmänhet är lågt. På den ekonomiska dimensionen visar eleverna god kännedom om ekologiska varumärkningar, men påverkas mer av priset än klimatpåverkan i sitt konsumtionsbeteende. Kvinnor har högre grad av medvetenhet i klimatfrågan än män; elever på vuxenutbildningen har högre grad av medvetenhet jämfört med eleverna i gymnasieskolan, och eleverna på högskoleförberedande program visar högre grad av medvetenhet än elever vid yrkesprogram. Återstående frågor är att undersöka betydelsen av ålder för medvetenhet om klimatfrågan bland eleverna i gymnasieskolan.
Books on the topic "Climate change pedagogies"
Cole, Mike. Climate Change the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Public Pedagogies. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textCole, Mike. Climate Change the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Public Pedagogies. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textYadav, Madhura. Responsible Pedagogies in Architecture: Combating Climate Change. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023.
Find full textClimate Change, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Public Pedagogies: The Case for Ecosocialism. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textCole, Mike. Climate Change, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Public Pedagogies: The Case for Ecosocialism. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textCole, Mike. Climate Change, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Public Pedagogies: The Case for Ecosocialism. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textCole, Mike. Climate Change, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Public Pedagogies. Routledge, 2020.
Full textWarden, Claire Helen. Green Teaching: Nature Pedagogies for Climate Change and Sustainability. Corwin Press, 2022.
Find full textWarden, Claire Helen. Green Teaching: Nature Pedagogies for Climate Change and Sustainability. Corwin Press, 2022.
Find full textCole, Mike. Climate Change, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Public Pedagogies: The Case for Ecosocialism. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Climate change pedagogies"
Hung, Chang Chew. "Pedagogies for successful implementation of CCE." In Climate Change Education, 100–116. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textJapanwala, Natasha. "Adaptation, Migration, Advocacy. A Climate Change Curriculum for Out-of-School Children in Badin, Sindh." In Education and Climate Change, 137–52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textRappleye, Jeremy, Hikaru Komatsu, and Iveta Silova. "Re-thinking Pedagogies for Climate Change Activism: Cognitive, Behaviorist, Technological, or Cultural?" In Handbook of Children and Youth Studies, 1145–63. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
Full textRappleye, Jeremy, Hikaru Komatsu, and Iveta Silova. "Re-thinking Pedagogies for Climate Change Activism: Cognitive, Behaviorist, Technological, or Cultural?" In Handbook of Children and Youth Studies, 1–19. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
Full textBlikstein, Paulo. "If We Could Start from Scratch, What Would Schools Look like in the Twenty-First Century? Rethinking Schools as a Locus for Social Change." In Makers at School, Educational Robotics and Innovative Learning Environments, 41–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textMartin, B. E., and P. G. Mahaffy. "Using Visualizations of the Science Behind Climate Change To Change the Climate of Science Teaching." In Pedagogic Roles of Animations and Simulations in Chemistry Courses, 411–40. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2013.
Full textSingh, J. P. "Pedagogies for Cultural Change." In The Oxford Handbook of International Studies Pedagogy, 3–19. Oxford University Press, 2024.
Full textNxumalo, Fikile, and Libby Berg. "Conversations on climate change pedagogies in a Central Texas kindergarten classroom." In Teaching Climate Change in the United States, 44–57. Routledge, 2020.
Full textBeach, Richard W., and Blaine E. Smith. "Using Digital Tools for Studying About and Addressing Climate Change." In Handbook of Research on Integrating Digital Technology With Literacy Pedagogies, 346–70. IGI Global, 2020.
Full textCole, Mike. "Introduction." In Climate Change, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Public Pedagogies, 1–10. Routledge, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Climate change pedagogies"
Alonso, Cristina Parreño. "The Deep Time Project on Climate Change." In 2021 ACSA Teachers Conference. ACSA Press, 2021.
Full textCampbell, Baylen, Brent Sturlaugson, Jeff Fugate, and Rebekah Radtke. "Climate Resilience through Community Resilience: A Model for Engaged Design from Coal Country." In 112th ACSA Annual Meeting. ACSA Press, 2024.
Full textSarkar, Sanchar. "Impact of Climate Change in Threshold Environments of India: A Pedagogical Framework for Experiential Learning." In 5th World Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 33. Eurasia Conferences, 2024.
Full textGamez, Jose L. S. "Urban Instrumentality: Pedagogy in an Era of Ecological Design Challenges." In 2018 ACSA International Conference. ACSA Press, 2018.
Full textSmith, Jennifer. "The Unsiloing. Design Theory + Praxis." In 2022 AIA/ACSA Intersections Research Conference. ACSA Press, 2022.
Full textSteinmuller, Antje. "Learning the Commons." In 2023 ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference, 130–36. ACSA Press, 2023.
Full textGhosn, Rania. "The Anthropocene Chamber: A Pedagogic Experiment in Climate Change Communication." In 108th Annual Meeting Proceedings. ACSA Press, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Climate change pedagogies"
Vaughter, Philip, Ying-Syuan (Elaine) Huang, and Jonghwi Park. Climate Change Displacement and the Right to Education in Small Island Developing States. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, July 2023.
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