Academic literature on the topic 'Clauses sociales et environnementales'
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Journal articles on the topic "Clauses sociales et environnementales"
Quairel, Françoise, and Marie-Noëlle Auberger. "La diffusion de la RSE par la relation fournisseurs." Revue internationale P.M.E. 20, no. 3-4 (February 16, 2012): 69–94.
Full textZacharie, Arnaud. "Mondialiser les normes sociales et environnementales." Projet 353, no. 4 (2016): 43.
Full textCollectif inter-associatif. "Agir ensemble face aux crises sociales et environnementales !" Les Cahiers du Développement Social Urbain N° 77, no. 1 (July 5, 2023): 42–45.
Full textMarchal, Virginie. "Le nexus inégalités sociales-inégalités environnementales : bilan et perspectives." Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement N° 79, no. 3 (2015): 14.
Full textPascal Aka, KOFFI Blaise. "Éducation Relative À L’Environnement Dans Les Établissements Secondaires Publics Du District D’Abidjan." International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 39, no. 2 (July 23, 2023): 165.
Full textBARTHES, Angela. "Evolution des éducations environnementales au prisme des finalités sociales égalitaires." Revue Education, Santé, Sociétés, Volume 9, Numéro 2 (May 31, 2023): 147–64.
Full textDeom, Diane, and Pierre Nihoul. "Les marchés publics : concurrence, transparence et neutralité." Colloque : L'État en marche, transparence et reddition de comptes 36, no. 4 (October 31, 2014): 801–29.
Full textPetitjean, Florian, Alice Guyon, Christine Belhomme, Isabelle Célestin-Lhopiteau, Fabienne Cournarie, Grégory Ninot, Laurence Verneuil, et al. "Médecine et Santé Intégratives : arguments physiopathologiques, contexte et perspectives sociales, sociétales et environnementales." Hegel N° 2, no. 2 (June 8, 2023): 101–5.
Full textCrosemarie, Pierrette. "Inégalités environnementales et sociales : identifier les urgences, créer des dynamiques." Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement N° 79, no. 3 (2015): 26.
Full textChauveau, Gérard. "Éducation prioritaire et/ou priorité à la pédagogie." Diversité 144, no. 1 (2006): 95–104.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Clauses sociales et environnementales"
Charouli, Angeliki. "Les considérations sociales et environnementales dans la passation des marchés publics." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 1, 2013.
Full textAs a fundamental driving force of public economy, public procurement has traditionally been an area of diverse and often competing interests. Such contradictory interests are the efficiency of budgetary management and transparency in public life within national legal systems, free competition and open access of financial stakeholders in award procedures within the European regulatory framework. At the same time, the instrumentalisation of public procurement in order to serve political goals not directly linked to it has triggered considerable debate. The attempt of conciliation of social and environmental considerations with the financial requirements of public procurement law aims at enhancing this legal and financial instrument. The role and the legal means for the integration of social and environmental considerations in public procurement, which serve general interest purposes and overriding European law objectives, have not yet been clarified. The regulatory interventions of the Member States, on the one hand, and the harmonization attempts of the European Union, on the other, create a constantly changing political climate. In that context, the role of social and environmental policies is redefined both within the framework of primary objectives of public procurement law, as well as outside this regulatory framework which is used as a policy tool in this context
Charouli, Angeliki. "Les considérations sociales et environnementales dans la passation des marchés publics." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.
Full textDorca, Sébastien. "Les normes environnementales et sociales dans le commerce international." Toulouse 1, 2005.
Full textThe upsurge of international trade has triggered increasing unequalities in revenus between and inside countries. It has also created more important pressures on environment. This thesis aims at questionning the interest of introducing social and environment standards to correct social economical and environmental problems created by the increase of international trade. Such standards are in fact necessary to fight the unbalance inherent in globalization that can put at risk by this unbalance. Despite their initial cost, these standards generate economic benefits since they increase firm productivity thanks to the innovation. They also enable firms to catch markets shares where quality, environmental and social considerations are a key element in competitivity. They also favour clear strategies lowering incertainty. They imply macroeconomic advantages for countries. Moreover, social and environmental standards may back and dynamise international trade. But the advantages of social and environmental norms are conditionned by institutional aspects. As the implementation of social environment standards prevention-precaution principles and the polluter-payer system which are basic to such standards must be adapted to the economical situation. Then, social and environment standards must be examinated through cost-benefits analysis. Last but not least these standards have to be constraining what implies institutional reforms, since internationally countries do not seem to be capable of implementing such norms. So, the international institutional system must be reformed by creating a World Environment Organisation and by increasing the power of International Labor Organisation
El, Arbi Ahmed Salem. "Etalement urbain et inégalités sociales et environnementales : cas de Nouadhibou - Mauritanie." Thesis, Le Mans, 2013.
Full textFurther to the consequences of important periods of drought (1960s, 1970 and 1980), thenomadic / rural world was emptied of his inhabitants who came suddenly to settle down in thelarge Mauritanian urban centers. These socio-spatial changes transformed deeply theMauritanian society, consisting of Arabic speakers (Arab-Berber called Bîdhanes and thefreed people or ex-slaves called Haratines) and African languages speakers (Fulanis, Wolofs,Soninké and Bambara). In terms of town planning and availability of basic social services, thecities of the country were not prepared for a successful inclusion of the new migrants. As aconsequence, the expansion of the Mauritanian cities was characterized by a fast developmentand by striking socio-spatial disparities. The Mauritanian coast counts only two cities:Nouakchott (capital of the country) and Nouadhibou (the economic capital) which underwentmore anthropological pressure than the other cities in the country, because they offer moreemployment opportunities and access to urban services. Our main hypothesis is that the socialinequality to the lands’ access is at the origin of the uncontrolled urban growth ofNouadhibou. What is the reaction of the populations in front of the uneven access to the landsof Nouadhibou? What are the social and environmental inequalities produced by the processof Nouadhibou’s urban growth? Who lived mainly in the unplanned (“spontaneous”) districtsand the suburbs of Nouadhibou? Our approach consists in tracking the urban evolution ofNouadhibou to measure and characterize the scale of its urban growth, identify its causes aswell as the social and environmental inequalities which are associated to it. We used firstlysatellite pictures and mathematical analyses to measure the urban growth. Then we hadinterviews with families living in various urban zones of the city, based on two approaches,quantitative (160 households) and qualitative (15 households). We created a databasecontaining indicators that measure the undergone disparities, and described the daily real-lifeexperience of the inhabitants. The collected data were analyzed with Shinx V5 software andused for the realization of about ten thematic maps on Map Info.The results of our study show that the social inequalities of access to the urban lands, via theprocess of allocation, are striking in Nouadhibou. Only 93 lands were attributed between 1975and 1984 in spite of increased needs in housing (at the beginning of 1980s, half of thehabitations were spontaneous). Between 1990 and 2002, 92,96 % of the granted lands wereattributed by competent authorities, often in strange and opaque conditions. The genesis of thespontaneous districts (Kebba) reflects the forces of opposition created by the inhabitants toface this type of social inequality. The process of land regularization of the spontaneousdistricts (started in 1985), consisting in rehousing the inhabitants in new urban zones, led toan excessive urban growth. Realization of the urban infrastructures did not follow the processof growing, which is at the origin of social (problem of transport and access to schools, lackof pharmacies…) and environmental inequalities (difficulty of access to the drinkable waterand to electricity, absence of garbage’s collection services…), especially in suburbs.Haratines, who lived previously in the extremities of the Moorish nomadic camps, represent62 % (of our sample) of the spontaneous districts inhabitants and 73 % of the familiesconsulted in the new suburbs of El Weva, where the urban growth of Nouadhibou occurredduring the last years
Casal, Aimée. "Usines d'assainissement des eaux et phénomène Nimby : les conditions environnementales, sociales et individuelles de l'acceptabilité." Paris 5, 2006.
Full textThe Nimby or Not In My Back Yard is a phenomenon that is commonly observed in the vincinity of new facilities that one recognizes as serving the public interest, but does not wish to see set up near one's home. This research consisted ub updating the environmental, social and individual condtions of the Nimby pheonomen with specific regard to waste water purification plants. The two sites, located in the suburbs of Paris, differ with regard to environmental and population charactersitics, and to the state of advance of each project. 106 esidents were questionned in situ, using a semi open-ended questionnaire and mental maps. Main results show the effect of envrionmental variables (proximity and view on the plant), of social variables (impact of communication), and of individual variables (personnal stress factors and sociodemographic characteristics)) on the aceeptability of rejection of the plant
Bachar, Keira. "L'intégration des dimensions environnementales et sociales dans les pratiques urbaines en Algérie : enjeux et perspectives." Thesis, Le Mans, 2015.
Full textSince 2001, the notion of sustainable development becomes one of the essential reference table in new political orientations and legislative framework in Algeria. Many urban improvement projects, housing and equipments, as well as important projects are launched, seeming to prove that the will of public authorities to improve living conditions of citizens isreal. However, the question remains as to the relevance and the coherence of choices, particulary regarding urban planning and built frame management, with the objectives of sustainable development witch taking into account not only the economic dimension, but also environmental and social ones. This work proposes, based on the observation of three cities contexts representing the three major geographical areas of the country (the coast, the highlands and the Sahara) to highlight the conditions of elaboration and production of urban planning in Algeria, particularly through two research areas: - The first one concerns harmonization between urban and natural environments, by analyzing the citie from its ecological situation, angle of understanding and study not really explored, which could provide opportunities for innovation and improvement in urban development. – The second one advocates research of housing and urban planning process including broader view ofmeaning for the term social, which can overtake standard model of housing for deprived social group, and move towards a concept improving the recognition of aspirations and social specifities of populations by promoting notions such as well-being, quality of lived spaces, or residential satisfaction
Saib, Mahdi-Salim. "Construction d'une méthode de caractérisation des inégalités territoriales, environnementales et sociales de santé." Thesis, Amiens, 2015.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is to explore spatial indicator crossing-analysis techniques in order to characterize the accumulation and the interrelations of the territorial, environmental and social health (TESHI).This analysis implies to set up integrated approaches based on data representativeness, techniques adapted to specificities of aggregated data, and relevant modeling of the characterized phenomena. A specific aspect of this work is the development of a tool allowing the integration of spatial phenomena at different levels (local, regional and loco-regional). In this project, a pilot study is presented on the Picardy region. The tool has been tested for the analysis of TESHI, thus validating the methodology feasibility and the adaptation of approaches implemented while providing additional keys of interpretation to the relative limits of direct appropriation of the results by the managers
Doyon, Luc. "La variabilité technologique et morphométrique des pointes de projectile aurignaciennes en matière osseuse : implications cognitives, sociales et environnementales." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017.
Full textDuring the second half of MIS3 (ca. 41-29 kyr BP), for the first time in the history of humankind, prehistoric artisansscattered across Europe integrated a variety of osseous materials – ivory, bone, and antler – into their technologicalstrategies in order to manufacture Aurignacian projectile points. These armatures can be categorized into “split-based”and “massive-based” types. Despite their relative standardization, the observed variability of the forms and dimensions ofthese implements requires further investigation. The aim of the present study is to gain a better understanding of the technologicalorganization favoured by these prehistoric artisans, and to improve our knowledge about the dispersal of Homosapiens populations in Europe. Geometric morphometric analysis is adapted to the study of 547 Aurignacian osseousprojectile points recovered from 49 European sites located between the Atlantic and the Carpathian Mountains. This approachallowed the identification of eight volumetric templates used by Aurignacian artisans during the manufacture ofsplit-based points. Two volumetric templates were identified for massive-based points, one of which includes a numberof variants. Spatial and chronological distribution of these templates indicates that, contrary to the dominant hypothesis,Aurignacian projectile points do not represent a proxy for the dispersal of Homo sapiens into Europe. It is argued that amore parsimonious interpretation is to consider them as a signal of the development of innovative socioeconomic strategiesby groups already present on the continent and linked to one another. This innovation corresponds to an adaptivetechnological solution for prehistoric groups engaged in increased mobility. The subsequent adoption of this innovationat a continental scale can be linked to the Campanian Eruption. Finally, the change in types, i.e., the replacement of splitbasedpoints by massive-based points, suggests that an important transformation occurred in the technological strategiesimplemented by earlier and later Aurignacians even though they favoured a similar mobility pattern. Split-based pointsare likely the products of a technological strategy associated with curation of these objects, while massive-based points areconsistent with the implementation of an expedient strategy
Hinnewinkel, Christelle. "La montagne convoitée : contribution à l'étude des dynamiques environnementales et sociales dans les Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu, Inde)." Bordeaux 3, 2003.
Full textThe land use of the Nilgiri Plateau in South of India has been totally changed since last century. When population wasn't large, the communities shared the land according to their activities : only the lands near the villages were cultivated. The others were grassland for buffaloes or under forest. Since the coloniale time, the area development (english vegetable and tea plantations) has caused immigration from the plain. At the same time, reservoirs were built in order to stock water for the agriculture in plain. The development schemes try to match up the area development with the need to preserve water ressources
Achour, Sofia. "Luttes sociales et environnementales à l’épreuve du numérique : une analyse comparative du discours autour de 4 controverses françaises et marocaines." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2019.
Full textThe 21st century gave birth to the information society, which is built on new communication tools that promote online exchanges that are mainly based on the Internet. These exchanges have become increasingly hard to analyse since many users including scientists, experts and laymen could appropriate any claim to defend their interests. Social network users disrupt the decision making process, leading to new forms of controversy. The following paper aims to study disruptive environmental practices and issues by analysing different media discourses. The objective of this research is to focus on public issues, by highlighting changes in communication practices in the digital era by analysing four case studies. These comparisons allowed us to understand the origin of environmental controversies such as strong citizens involvement in public debates, increasing newspapers propaganda, rising global awareness and unethical communication campaigns
Books on the topic "Clauses sociales et environnementales"
Tschopp, Françoise. Le travail social à la recherche de nouveaux paradigmes: Inégalités sociales et environnementales. Genève: Ies, 2013.
Find full texteditor, Bertoncello Frédérique, Braemer Frank editor, and Association pour la promotion et la diffusion des connaissances archéologiques (France), eds. Variabilités environnementales, mutations sociales: Nature, intensités, échelles et temporalités des changements : actes des rencontres, 20-22 octobre 2011. Antibes: Éditions APDCA, 2012.
Find full textPinaud, Xavier. L'intégration de considérations sociales et environnementales dans les marchés publics: Mémoire de DEA droit de l'environnement et de l'urbanisme, année universitaire 2001-2002, faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Limoges, CRIDEAU-CNRS-INRA. Limoges: Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2003.
Find full textBarbour, Courtney. Hello Alabama: A one shot disaster. Carrboro, NC: Courtney Barbour, 2009.
Find full textCaillaud, Sabine, Virginie Bonnot, and Ewa Drozda-Senkowska, eds. Menaces sociales et environnementales : repenser la société des risques. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017.
Full textMichael, Keating, Programme canadien des changements à l'échelle du globe, and Traduit par Didier Holtzwarth, eds. Le Canada et l'état de la planète: Les tendances sociales, économiques et environnementales qui façonnent notre existence. Sainte-Foy: Éditions MultiMondes, 1997.
Find full textNormes Environnementales Et Sociales, Certification Et Labellisation Des Cultures Commerciales (Documents De La Fao Sur Les Produits De Base Et Le Commerce). Food & Agriculture Org, 2004.
Find full textOrganisation for economic co-operation and development. Conf?Rences De L'Ocde Int?Grer Les Transports Dans La Ville: R?Concilier Les Dimensions ?Conomiques, Sociales Et Environnementales. OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation & Dev, 2000.
Find full textCulture, Development and Petroleum: An Ethnography of the High North. Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
Find full textBrowning, Larry, Jan-Oddvar Sornes, and Jan Terje Henriksen. Culture, Development and Petroleum: An Ethnography of the High North. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Clauses sociales et environnementales"
Blanc, Guillaume, Élise Demeulenaere, and Wolf Feuerhahn. "Les sciences humaines et sociales aux prises avec l’environnement." In Humanités environnementales, 7–18. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2017.
Full textLarrère, Catherine. "Innovations technologiques et inégalités sociales et environnementales." In Environnement et santé, 39–51. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2020.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Les nouvelles luttes sociales et environnementales, 219–22. Vuibert, 2015.
Full textDieuzaide, Philippe. "Focus n° 1. La communication de combat au cinéma." In Les nouvelles luttes sociales et environnementales, 65–70. Vuibert, 2015.
Full textRoebroeck, Élodie, and Serge Guimond. "Idéologies politiques, menaces collectives et préjugés." In Menaces sociales et environnementales : repenser la société des risques, 99–112. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017.
Full textBonelli, Laurent. "Entrepreneurs de cause et construction sociale des menaces." In Menaces sociales et environnementales : repenser la société des risques, 43–55. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017.
Full textBuchs, Céline, and Fabrizio Butera. "Travailler en duos coopératifs : entre soutien et menace." In Menaces sociales et environnementales : repenser la société des risques, 169–79. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017.
Full textLeyens, Jacques Philippe. "Préface." In Menaces sociales et environnementales : repenser la société des risques, 7–10. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017.
Full textDrozda-Senkowska, Ewa, Sabine Caillaud, and Virginie Bonnot. "Introduction." In Menaces sociales et environnementales : repenser la société des risques, 13–16. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017.
Full textJodelet, Denise. "Les menaces : passer du mot au concept." In Menaces sociales et environnementales : repenser la société des risques, 17–30. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Clauses sociales et environnementales"
Chirilov, Ionela. "Tendances dans le domaine de l'entrepreneuriat social en Europe." In Simpozion stiintific al tinerilor cercetatori, editia 20. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2023.
Full textBondì, Antonino. "Penser la maintenance : outil conceptuel ou pratique et poétique de la coexistence ?" In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textReports on the topic "Clauses sociales et environnementales"
Fontecave, Marc, and Candel Sébastien. Quelles perspectives énergétiques pour la biomasse ? Académie des sciences, January 2024.
Full textUrgence et opportunité: Confronter les crises liées à la santé, au climat et à la biodiversité en développant la reconnaissance et la protection des droits fonciers et des moyens de subsistance des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales. Rights and Resources Initiative, September 2020.
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