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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Clauses adverbiales'

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Tahar, Chloé. "La négation explétive : des impératifs aux connecteurs : approche diachronique et formelle." Thesis, Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2022.

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La négation explétive est un marqueur de négation non-canonique dont la distribution est limitée, à travers les langues, à un certain ensemble de prédicats : verbes d’attitude appréhensive ('craindre'), connecteurs exceptifs ('à moins que') et prospectifs ('avant que'), clauses comparatives ('moins/plus que’). En synchronie, il s'avère difficile de déterminer (i) quelle propriété formelle les prédicats dans la portée desquels la négation explétive apparaît ont en commun et (ii) à quel type de dépendance syntaxique et sémantique au prédicat de la clause matrice elle participe. Cette thèse examine ces questions dans une perspective comparative et diachronique
Expletive negation is a non-canonical negation marker whose distribution is limited, across languages, to a certain set of predicates: apprehensive attitude verbs (‘fear’) exceptive (‘unless’) and prospective connectives (‘before’), comparative clauses (‘more/ less than’). In synchrony, it proves difficult to determine (i) which formal property the heterogeneous set of predicates in the scope of which expletive negation occurs have in common and (ii) which kind of syntactic and semantic dependency to the matrix clause predicate it is involved in. This dissertation investigates those questions from a comparative and diachronic perspective
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Säll, El Kebich Amina. "Adverbial ing-clauses and non-ing initial adverbials in medical translation." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk (SPR), 2020.

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This study investigates how non-ing initial adverbials and adverbial ing-clauses regardless of position are translated from English to Swedish in a medical text. It discusses what different kinds of positions and forms they take in the translation. The primary source is a medical text that is translated wherein the non-ing initial adverbials and adverbial ing-clauses are identified and categorized, and solutions are discussed. The results show that most non-ing initial adverbials keep their form, but are changed in some cases because of stylistic preferences. The most common form of the non-ing initial adverbials is prepositional phrases that mostly also are translated as prepositional phrases. The adverbial ing-clauses, regardless of position, change their form in all cases in the translation and the most common correspondence is subordination. Both non-ing initial adverbials and adverbial ingclauses keep their position in most cases, but are sometimes moved due to stylistic preferences.
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Görman, Anna. "The long and the short of it : the translation of non-finite adverbial clauses and ly-adverbials." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk (SPR), 2020.

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This study investigates the translation of non-finite supplementive clauses and one-word adverbials with a suffix of -ly in an English non-fiction text of academic prose and its Swedish target text. The results show that the non-finite supplementive clauses often are translated into either a new main clause, a coordinated clause or a subordinate clause, where the latter in a majority of cases involves the use of explicitation. The main clause strategy proved the most frequently used, indicating a possible connection between choice of translation strategy and source text sentence length. The ly-adverbials show a clear tendency for translation into one-word open-class adverbials in Swedish, most frequently with a suffix of -t. Clear differences were found between the investigated adverbial structures regarding movement; the supplementive clauses retain their source text positions in a vast majority of cases whereas the ly-adverbials show a higher frequency of movement, most commonly from their original source text position to sentence-final position in the target text. Other factors proven to impact the choice of translation strategies are compliance with Swedish preference regarding adverbial placement (in turn dependent on the type, grammatical structure and length of the adverbial as well as the register of the source text), the clarity and readability of the target text as well as style and level of formality.
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Long, Michelle Anne. "Adverbial and argument-doubling clauses in Cree." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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McGarry, Theresa, and J. Mwinyelle. "Adverbial Clauses and Gender in English and Spanish." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2014.

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Wong, May Lai-Yin. "Adverbial clauses in Mandarin Chinese : a corpus-based study." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2005.

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Clark, Jessica Celeste. "Automated Identification of Adverbial Clauses in Child Language Samples." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2009.

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Brown, Brittany Cheree. "Automated Identification of Adverbial Clauses in Child Language Samples." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2013.

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Adverbial clauses are grammatical constructions that are of relevance in both typical language development and impaired language development. In recent years, computer software has been used to assist in the automated analysis of clinical language samples. This software has attempted to accurately identify adverbial clauses with limited success. The present study investigated the accuracy of software for the automated identification of adverbial clauses. Two separate collections of language samples were used. One collection included 10 children with language impairment, with ages ranging from 7;6 to 11;1 (years;months), 10 age-matched peers,and 10 language-matched peers. A second collection contained 30 children ranging from 2;6 to 7;11 in age, with none considered to have language or speech impairments. Language sample utterances were manually coded for the presence of adverbial clauses (both finite and non-finite). Samples were then automatically tagged using the computer software. Results were tabulated and compared for accuracy. ANOVA revealed differences in frequencies of so-adverbial clauses whereas ANACOVA revealed differences in frequencies of both types of finite adverbial clauses. None of the structures were significantly correlated with age; however, frequencies of both types of finite adverbial clauses were correlated with mean length of utterance. Kappa levels revealed that agreement between manual and automated coding was high on both types of finite adverbial clauses.
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Johansson, Caroline. "Adverbial clauses in translation : Translation of finite and non-finite (-ing, -ed and to-infinitive) adverbial clauses from English to Swedish in popular science." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk (SPR), 2020.

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This study investigates adverbial clauses in a translation of a popular science text from English to Swedish. The clauses investigated are both finite and non-finite adverbial clauses. The non-finite adverbial clauses are ing-clauses (present participle), ed-clauses (past participle) and to-infinitive clauses. The results show that finite adverbial clauses are directly transferred with a very high frequency. For the adverbial ing-clauses, translation into finite clauses was the most common correspondence, whereas the frequency of direct transfer was very low due to their semantically indeterminate structure and limited productive correspondences in Swedish. For the adverbial edclauses, the most frequent translation correspondence is also finite clauses with subordination being the dominant one. This was followed by the past participle, showing a higher direct transfer than for adverbial ing-clauses, partly due to expressions with an idiomatic character. The adverbial to-infinitive clauses are the only clauses that kept their infinitive construction in the majority of the cases which seems to be due to the less ambiguous meaning, followed by adverbial finite clauses. In summary, for all adverbial clauses except for adverbial to-infinitive clause, a finite clause construction is the most common translation correspondence. For the ing- and ed-clauses explicitation was briefly investigated. They both showed a degree of explicitation. This was higher for the ing-clauses which were rendered as relative clauses. The ed-clauses showed one occurrence of explicitation into an adverbial subordinated clause.
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McGarry, Theresa, and Kelsey Kiser. "Adverbial Clauses and Speaker and Interlocutor Gender in Shakespeare’s Plays." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2017.

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This study draws on previous findings regarding adverbial clauses in relation to speaker and interlocutor gender in a corpus of current actual speaker data. Our aim is to examine those same relations in a corpus of Shakespeare’s comedies and histories. Mondorf (2004) investigated four types of adverbial clauses in a corpus of modern speech and found that the women used more causal, conditional and purpose clauses than the men, while the men used more concessive clauses. Mondorf’s explanation for this difference is that women use the three clause types that mitigate the speaker’s commitment to the truth of the proposition, while men tend to use more concessives, which strengthen the commitment. She also found that in mixed-gender conversations these trends were generally intensified. However, other analyses have indicated that these patterns do not hold across contexts. Much more research is called for to understand the localized relations among adverbial clause usage, speaker gender and context in particular settings. One question to pursue is whether we can see gendered patterns of adverbial usage in historical varieties of English. Accordingly, in this study we analyse dialogue in Shakespeare’s plays to ascertain whether Mondorf’s findings can be extrapolated to the language of these fictional speakers. The results indicate that Shakespeare generally does not use the adverbial clauses to portray the gender of the characters in ways similar to those of actual, modern speakers. Only small differences are found, regarding purpose clauses in the histories and conditional clauses in the comedies. The analysis indicates that female and male characters speak very similarly with regard to syntax, and adverbial clauses contribute to the construction of characters in very localized contexts.
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Vesterinen, Rainer. "Subordinação Adverbial : um estudo cognitivo sobre o infinitivo, o clítico SE e as formas verbais finitas em proposições adverbiais do Português Europeu." Doctoral thesis, Stockholm University, Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, 2006.

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The aim of this study is to analyse the variation between infinitive and finite verb adverbial clauses in European Portuguese. In order to understand this variation, three central questions are raised: (1) What determines the use of the uninflected vs. the inflected infinitive in same-subject adverbial clauses? (2) What does the pronoun SE signal in these adverbial clauses? (3) What difference is there between the use of the inflected infinitives vs. finite verbs in different subject adverbial clauses?

Earlier investigations about these three questions are discussed. One conclusion of this review is that former research almost exclusively has been conducted from a traditional or formalistic point of view that has given priority to structural descriptions instead of semantic or conceptual explanations. In contrast to this, the present study endeavours to examine these issues from a cognitive linguistic perspective.

It is claimed that the use of the inflected infinitive in adverbial same-subject clauses may be explained by contextual factors which create a cognitive need to highlight the subject of the adverbial clause. Further, an analysis about how the grammatical micro-context can determine the interpretation of the clitic pronoun SE as a marker for a generic trajector is conducted. It is also argued that the difference between infinitive and finite adverbial clauses can bee explained by means of theories of subjectification and mental spaces.

The conclusion is drawn that a cognitive approach to grammar can, indeed, shed light on the issues considered. In particular, it is shown that different adverbial constructions can express different conceptual meaning. In the light of this fact, other issues concerned with finite and infinite verb forms are raised.

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Alshammari, Ahmad Radi H. "The syntax of temporal and conditional adverbial clauses in Najdi Arabic." Thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018.

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This thesis investigates the syntax of temporal and conditional adverbial clauses in Najdi Arabic (NA, henceforth). It essentially brings several pieces of empirical evidence that such clauses maintain the peripheral vs. central dichotomy which has been attested in some other (un)related languages (see, mainly, Haegeman 2003, 2004, 2006, and subsequent works). This means that conditional adverbial clauses are sub-classified into peripheral conditional adverbial clauses and central conditional adverbial clauses. The same classification is applied to temporal adverbial clauses, i.e. peripheral temporal adverbial clauses and central temporal adverbial clauses. The study also furnishes empirical evidence that the two types of clauses (peripheral vs. central) are at odds over their external syntax (i.e. the adjunction site within the accompanying main clause) and their internal syntax (with particular focus on their CP structure). The study shows that NA peripheral adverbial clauses (both temporal and conditional) are 'less' integrated with the accompanying main clause. They are adjoined to the CP of the accompanying clause; hence they do not fall within the syntactic domain of several operators of the accompanying main clause. As for the inner structure of NA peripheral adverbial clauses, the study shows that such clauses obtain a richer CP inner structure; no functional phrases within the CP layer are truncated. I mainly dwell on the observation that movement to the left periphery of NA peripheral adverbial clauses is allowed. The only exception is that such clauses lack the upper Topic Phrase. On the other hand, NA central adverbial clauses (both temporal and conditional) are 'much' integrated with the accompanying main clause. They are adjoined to the vP/VP/TP layers of the accompanying clause. This indicates that such clauses fall within the domain of several operators of the accompanying main clause. Such a type of clauses does not, e.g., have their independent temporal anchoring. As for the inner structure of NA central adverbial clauses, the current thesis argues that such clauses have a truncated CP structure in that functional phrases of Topic Phrase and Focus Phrase are truncated. The lack of such phrases gives consequently rise to the observation that no topicalization nor focalization is permitted in such clauses. As for why such clauses begin with a verb (i.e. the VSO word order is the only option allowed), the study argues that the lexical verb undergoes a head movement to adjoin to the head of Finiteness Phrase (FinP; cf. Rizzi 1997). The study argues the head of FinP has no Edge Feature (EPP), something that results in that no element such as subject or object is permitted to move to Spec,FinP.
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McGarry, Theresa, and J. Mwinyelle. "Adverbial Clause Usage and Gender in English, Spanish, and French." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2016.

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This study examines adverbial clause usage by women and men in three contexts: (1) single-gender and mixed-gender meetings of a US social club, (2) single-gender and mixed gender dyads speaking Ecuadorean Spanish, and (3) French speakers in informal interviews. The English results generally support past findings that women tend to use adverbial clauses to weaken their expressed commitments to the propositions they express, while men tend to use more of the clauses that strengthen the expressed commitments. However, the situation affects the specific clause types used, and the English results are not replicated in the Spanish or French data.
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Almeida, Maria Joana Soares. "Orações adverbiais temporais: desenvolvimento linguístico e construção de texto narrativo." Master's thesis, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Escola Superior de Saúde, 2013.

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Desenvolvimento linguístico e construção de texto narrativo Dissertação de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Perturbações da Linguagem na Criança. Área de Especialização em Educação e Ensino da Língua
Este estudo tem como objetivo averiguar a utilização que os alunos fazem das orações adverbiais temporais, mais especificamente, verificar quais os conetores que os alunos usam em tarefas de produção escrita e qual o conhecimento que os alunos têm das propriedades temporais e aspetuais dos diferentes conetores e da seleção de tempo/modo. As investigações realizadas demonstram-nos qual o conhecimento linguístico esperado no final de cada ciclo relativamente ao conhecimento da sequência temporal e ao conhecimento de estruturas utilizadas no texto narrativo, uma vez que este é o tipo de texto mais precocemente utlizado pelos alunos, sendo um dos primeiros géneros a surgir no desenvolvimento da linguagem oral. A literatura aponta ainda uma ligação inequívoca entre a produção oral e a produção escrita (Franco, M.; Gil, T. e Reis, M. (2003); Sim-Sim (1997)). Desta forma, é esperado que os conetores que os alunos mais cedo começam por pronunciar sejam aqueles a que os alunos mais recorrem nas suas produções narrativas. Foi objetivo deste trabalho compreender qual o conhecimento de conjunções e locuções conjuncionais temporais que os alunos revelavam e qual o uso que delas faziam numa prova de escrita de texto narrativo com uma instrução escrita tradicional, numa prova de escrita de texto narrativo a partir de uma sequência de imagens e numa prova que testava o conhecimento das propriedades de diferentes conjunções e locuções conjuncionais temporais, através de tarefas de seleção, transformação e completamento. Embora a literatura demonstre que, de entre os vários tipos de frases subordinadas, as adverbiais não são encontradas nos primeiros estádios de desenvolvimento, “emergindo muito gradualmente” (Gonçalves et al.., 2011: 38), é omissa no que diz respeito à utilização destes conetores em diferentes ciclos. Testaram-se 115 crianças: 51 alunos de 4º ano e 64 alunos de 6º ano. Para a prova de seleção-completamento-transformação, testaram-se também 20 adultos, com o propósito de obter dados que dessem informação sobre a fiabilidade da prova e sobre o conhecimento adulto das propriedades de seleção e sobre as propriedades temporais e aspetuais dos conetores. O estudo mostra uma nítida tendência para que as crianças aumentem as suas competências escritas e formais relativamente à utilização dos conetores e domínio das restrições temporais e aspetuais ao longo dos anos de escolaridade. Embora não se 7 tenham verificado diferenças significativas entre os anos de escolaridade estudados no que diz respeito ao tipo de conectores utilizados em ambos os textos narrativos e aos erros encontrados, encontraram-se diferenças, no teste de conhecimento linguístico, no domínio que os alunos possuem sobre alguns aspetos da estrutura das orações adverbiais temporais. Isto sugere que, embora os alunos não utilizem todos os conectores adverbiais temporais identificados para este estudo, demonstram globalmente um conhecimento eficiente sobre a sua utilização. A área em que se verificaram mais dificuldades foi no uso da forma verbal adequada de forma a respeitar a concordância temporal entre oração principal e oração subordinada.
Abstract: The goal of this study will be not only to investigate student’s usage of temporal adverbial clauses, more specifically, to ascertain which temporal conjunctions they apply in written production tasks, but also their knowledge about temporal and aspectual characteristics of different temporal conjunctions and tense selection. Investigation carried out in this area reveals narrative text as the earliest one in children’s production and one of the first production genres in development of spoken language. It shows the expected linguistic comprehension by the end of 1st cycle (aged 9/10) and 2nd cycle (aged 12/13) of basic school; the knowledge of temporal sequence and use of narratives structures. Literature reveals, as well, the existence of a straight connection between spoken language production and written production (Franco, M.; Gil, T. e Reis, M. (2003); Sim Sim (1997)). Based on this evidence, it is expected that the earlier temporal conjunctions used by children in spoken language will be the first they will use in their written productions. The aim of our study is to acknowledge how students (in the end of 1st and 2nd cycle) use, understand and manipulate temporal conjunctions trough different tasks: - a written narrative text task with a traditional instruction; - a written narrative text task from a sequence of images - a test designed to identify the knowledge of different temporal conjunctions trough different tasks: selection task; transformation task and a completion task. Although the literature reports that adverbial subordinate clauses are not found in earlier development stages “emerging very gradually” (Gonçalves et al.., 2011: 38), there are no research data concerning the usage of different temporal conjunctions by school children of different grades. In this study, we tested 115 children: 51 students in the end of 1st cycle and 64 students in the end of 2nd cycle of basic school. In order to control for its reliability, the test on the knowledge of different properties of temporal subordinate clauses was also applied to a control group composed by 20 adults. These answers were compared with the ones given by children in order to establish adults’ knowledge about these structures. This study has shown that children’s knowledge about temporal adverbial clauses develops during their school education. There is not only development of their written 9 skills in what concerns the temporal conjunctions, but also their knowledge of temporal and aspectual constraints improves. Despite the fact that the differences in the type of conjunction used were not significant between different school years, there were significant differences between groups in what concerns the frequency of temporal clauses used and the knowledge of temporal and aspectual properties of the conjunctions in the formal task. This suggests that, although students do not use all the temporal conjunctions identified for this study, they globally demonstrate an efficient knowledge about their usage. The domain where they were less successful was at usage of the correct verbal tense in order to establish tense concordance between the subordinate clause and the main clause.
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Kikusawa, Namiko. "The subjunctive mood in Late Middle English adverbial clauses : the interaction of form and function." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2017.

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This thesis focuses on the history of the inflexional subjunctive and its functional substitutes in Late Middle English. To explore why and how the inflexional subjunctive declined in the history of English language, I analysed 2653 examples of three adverbial clauses introduced by if (1882 examples), though (305 examples) and lest (466 examples). Using a corpus-based approach, this thesis argues that linguistic change in subjunctive constructions did not happen suddenly but rather gradually, and the way it changed was varied , and that different constructions changed at different speeds in different environments. It is well known that the inflexional subjunctive declined in the history of English, mainly because of inflexional loss. Strangely however this topic has been comparatively neglected in the scholarly literature, especially with regard to the Middle English period, probably due to the limitations of data and also because study of this development requires very cumbersome textual research. This thesis has derived and analysed the data from three large corpora in the public domain: the Middle English Grammar Corpus (MEG-C for short), the Innsbruck Computer Archive of Machine-Readable English Texts (ICAMET for short), and some selected texts from The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, part of the Middle English Compendium that also includes the Middle English Dictionary. The data were analysed from three perspectives: 1) clausal type, 2) dialect, and 3) textual genre. The basic methodology for the research was to analyse the examples one by one, with special attention being paid to the peculiarities of each text. In addition, this thesis draw on some complementary – indeed overlapping -- linguistic theories for further discussion: 1) Biber’s multi-dimensional theory, 2) Ogura and Wang’s (1994) S-curve or ‘diffusion’ theory, 3) Kretzchmar’s (2009) linguistics of speech, and 4) Halliday’s (1987) notion of language as a dynamic open system. To summarise the outcomes of this thesis: 1) On variation between clausal types, it was shown that the distributional tendencies of verb types (sub, ind, mod) are different between the three adverbial clauses under consideration. 2) On variation between dialects, it has been shown that the northern area, i.e. the so-called Great Scandinavian Belt, displays an especially high comparative ratio of the inflexional subjunctive construction compared to the other areas. This thesis suggests that this result was caused by the influence of Norse, relating the finding to the argument of Samuels (1989) that the present tense -es ending in the northern dialect was introduced by the influence of the Scandinavians. 3) On variation between genres, those labelled Science, Documents and Religion display relatively high ratio of the inflexional subjunctive, while Letter, Romance and History show relatively low ratio of the inflexional subjunctive. This results are explained by Biber’s multi-dimensional theory, which shows that the inflexional subjunctive can be related to the factors ‘informational’, ‘non-narrative’, ‘persuasive’ and ‘abstract’. 4) Lastly, on the inflexional subjunctive in Late Middle English, this thesis concludes that 1) the change did not happen suddenly but gradually, and 2) the way language changes varies. Thus the inflexional subjunctive did not disappear suddenly from England, and there was a time lag among the clausal types, dialects and genres, which can be related to Ogura and Wang’s S-curve (“diffusion”) theory and Kretzchmars’s view of “linguistic continuum”. This thesis has shown that the issues with regard to the inflexional subjunctive are quite complex, so that research in this area requires not only textual analysis but also theoretical analysis, considering both intra- and extra- linguistic factors.
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Scot, Sky. "An Investigation Concerning the Base-Generation of Four Old English Conjunct and Disjunct Adverbials within the Structure of Old English Clauses." Thesis, Stockholm University, Stockholm University, Stockholm University, Stockholm University, 2009.

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This paper is concerned with an investigation of four Old English adverbials with respect to where they are base-generated within the substructure of clauses which serve as examples of Old English prose. There are three structures in which base-generation of clausal constituents is deemed to occur: the CP, the IP, and the VP. Function and derivational movement are the governing factors which regulate the possibility of base-generation occurring within a particular structure. The movements undergone by clausal constituents, from their places of origin within the ‘underlying structures’ to their syntactic realization in the ‘surface structures’ of Old English clauses, are founded upon the model outlined in Johannesson (2009a) which is based on the tenets of Government and Binding theory. As there are no native speakers of Old English, the functions of these adverbials within their clausal environments are determined by their Modern English interpretations. Due to time and space constraints, four Old English adverbials were analysed within the context of one-hundred and twenty clauses which were extracted from The Dictionary of Old English Corpus (2004). Cases deemed to be ambiguous are addressed and classified separately; only one such case was encountered in the course of this study.

The results should exhibit proof that base-generation of the four Old English conjunct and disjunct adverbials investigated occurs within one of the aforementioned structures. Note that any conclusions drawn are based upon Modern English translations and that the results pertain to the genre of Old English prose.


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Skaf, Roula. "Le morphème d= en araméen-syriaque : étude d’une polyfonctionalité à plusieurs échelles syntaxiques." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015.

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Le fonctionnement du morphème polyfonctionnel d= en syriaque des Évangiles de la Peshiṭta est décrit morphosyn-taxiquement et dans une perspective typologique, en synchronie et par comparaison, pour certains points, avec d’autres versions et avec d’autres langues sémitiques. Ancien démonstratif en proto-sémitique, d= est un relateur à plusieurs niveaux syntaxiques : support de détermination, marqueur des relations génitivales et relatives, introducteur de complétives et adverbiales. Un critère syntaxique distingue sémantiquement les syntagmes génitivaux aliénables et inaliénable même si cette distinction tend à s’estomper, à des degrés différents selon les catégories sémantiques d’inaliénables, termes de parentés et parties du corps. Si les structures syntaxiques sont semblables pour les relatives restrictives et les non-restrictives, il est impossible de relativiser ces dernières pour les relatives objet, dative et adjointe. La stratégie à trou syntaxique constitue la stratégie primaire dans la hiérarchie d’accessibilité, et toutes les fonctions de la tête dans la matrice, sauf l’objet de comparaison, sont relativisables.Les fonctions de complémenteur de d= sont plus larges qu’en sémitique ancien. d= s’emploie avec 12 des 14 types de prédicats de la classification typologique de Noonan au lieu de 3 en sémitique ancien. Le syriaque est conforme à la hiérarchie implicationnelle, Complement Deranking-Argument Hierarchy. Le critère syntaxique de saturation de la valence verbale et des critères sémantiques et contextuels permettent de distinguer les adverbiales des complétives. Lorsque d= forme des locutions conjonctives avec des prépositions ou des adverbes, la polysémie des valeurs est désambigüisée grâce au contexte, à l’exception de la conjonction monosémique temporelle mo d=. Dans le discours rapporté, le discours Reproduit est majoritairement introduit sans d=, alors qu’il l’est avec d= pour le discours Reformulé. Le grec n’a eu aucune influence sur son utilisation
The behaviour of the polyfunctional morpheme d= in the Syriac language of the Gospels of the Peshiṭta is described in a typological perspective, in synchrony and in comparison, for some properties, with other varieties of Syriac and with other Semitic languages. d=, a former demonstrative in Proto-Semitic, is a relator at various syntactic levels: a determination place-holder, a genitival and relative marker, an introducer of completive and adverbial clauses.Chapter 1 introduces the topic of the study and the theoretical framework and chapter 2 discusses the state of art.Chapter 3 is dedicated to the study of the genitive phrase. We discovered that a syntactic criterion allows to distinguish semantically between alienable and inalienable phrases, to different degrees according to the semantic categories of the inalienable set, i.e. kinship and body part terms.In chapter 4, we showed that even though syntactic structures are similar for restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses, it is impossible to relativize the latter for object, dative and adjoint relatives clauses. The syntactic gap strategy constitutes the primary strategy in the accessibility hierarchy and all the functions of the head in the main clause, except the object of comparison, are relativizable.Chapter 5 deals with the functions of d= as a complementizer and an introducer of adverbial clauses. The complementizer uses are wider than in Old Semitic. d= is employed with 12 of the 14 types of predicates of Noonan's typological classification as against 3 in Old Semitic. Syriac conforms to the implicational hierarchy named Complement Deranking-Argument Hierarchy. For adverbial clauses, the syntactic criterion of saturation of the verbal valency as well as semantic and contextual criteria permit to distinguish adverbial clauses from complement clauses. When d= forms conjunctive locutions with prepositions or adverbs, the polysemy of values is disambiguated thanks to the context. Only the conjunction mo d= is monosemous (with a temporal meaning).In the last chapter (chap. 6) on reported speech, we showed that direct reported speech is mostly introduced without d=, whereas it is always the case for indirect speech. Greek did not have any influence on the use of d=
Il funzionamento del morfema polifunzionale d= del siriaco nei Vangeli della Peshiṭta è descritto in una prospettiva tipologica, in sincronia e attraverso la comparazione, in alcuni punti, con altre versioni e con altre lingue semitiche. Tale morfema deriva dal pronome dimostrativo proto-semitico *ḏV e funge da relatore in diversi livelli sintattici: supporto di determinazione, indicatore delle relazioni genitivali e relative, introduttore delle proposizioni completive e avverbiali. Il capitolo 1 introduce la problematica della ricerca e dell’ambito teorico; il capitolo 2 presenta uno stato dell’arte sull’argomento.Il capitolo 3 è consacrato allo studio del sintagma genitivale. Un criterio sintattico ha permesso di distinguere semanticamente i sintagmi genitivali alienabili e inalienabili, anche se questa distinzione tende ad attenuarsi, in diversi punti, secondo le categorie semantiche d’inalienabile, termini di parentela e parti del corpo.Nel capitolo 4 abbiamo mostrato che, se da una parte le strutture sintattiche sono simili per le relative restrittive e le non-restrittive, dall’altra è impossibile relativizzare le ultime per le relative complemento oggetto, complemento di termine e complemento circostanziale. La strategia con gap sintattico è la strategia primaria nella gerarchia d’accessibilità e tutte le funzioni della testa nella proposizione matrice, tranne l’oggetto della comparazione, sono relativizzabili.Il capitolo 5 tratta le funzioni di d= come complementatore e introduttore di proposizioni avverbiali. Gli impieghi del complementatore sono più ampi rispetto al semitico più antico. Il morfema d= si impiega infatti per 12 dei 14 tipi di predicato della classificazione tipologica di Noonan invece dei 3 del semitico più antico. Il siriaco è conforme alla gerarchia implicativa, Complement Deranking-Argument Hierarchy. Per le proposizioni avverbiali, il criterio sintattico di saturazione della valenza verbale e dei criteri semantici e contestuali permettono di distinguere le avverbiali dalle completive.Quando d= forma delle locuzioni congiuntive con delle preposizioni o degli avverbi, la polisemia dei valori è disambiguato grazie al contesto, fatta eccezione della congiunzione monosemica temporale mo d=Nell’ultimo capitolo, sul discorso indiretto, mostriamo che il discorso “riprodotto” è introdotto senza d= nella maggior parte dei casi, mentre si usa d= nel discorso “riformulato”. Il greco non ha alcuna influenza sul suo utilizzo
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Dantas, Antônio Ademilton Pinheiro. "Estudo da movimentação ocular de alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental durante a leitura de sentenças coordenadas sindéticas adversativas e subordinadas adverbiais concessivas." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFC, 2016.

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DANTAS, Antônio Ademilton Pinheiro. Estudo da movimentação ocular de alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental durante a leitura de sentenças coordenadas sindéticas adversativas e subordinadas adverbiais concessivas. 2016. 123f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, Fortaleza (CE), 2016.
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Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-29T11:04:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_aapdantas.pdf: 835786 bytes, checksum: 509e2d0fc3f2db5def0afd69b3f5f751 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016
Investigates if the cost of the processing of coordinate clauses is higher than the cost of the processing of subordinate clauses in a group of 9th grade students. In Engelkamp and Rummer (2002) and Rummer, Engelkamp and Konieczny (2003), it was observed that the processing of subordinate clauses is less costly than the coordinate ones in tasks of memorization, as suggested that the displacement of the subordinate clause influences the costs of the processing. Such results were confronted with the exercise of teaching subordinate conjunctions to 9th graders, which ended up with the proposal of this research. The expectation is that the students would have more difficulties in reading subordinate clauses due to the lack of knowledge of the logical relation served by the conjunction. Given the variability of the logical relations and the lack of time for the execution of this research, we could investigate only the relations of opposition and concession. To do so, three experiments of eye tracking were developed: (i) the first one investigated the cost of reading processing of subordinate clause displacement; (ii) the second one compared the reading process of coordinate and subordinate clauses; (iii) and the third one observed the importance of four different conjunctions in coordinate clauses. Twenty-four experimental items, made up of conditions, were created, which contemplated, all together, the three experiments listed above: four subordinate clauses, two without and two with displacement, which used the conjunctions “embora” (although) and “ainda que” (even if); four coordinate clauses, which used the conjunctions “entretanto” (however), “mas” (but), “no entanto” (yet) and “e” (and). A question of control of attention followed all clauses. Forty-two 9th graders and forty proficient adult readers participated in the experiment. The observed measurements were the total time of reading of the complete clauses, and the time of the first reading in the complete sentence/clause. For experiment one (subordinate displacement), measuring the first reading, an interaction between group and displacement was found (F=4,06, p = 0.04), besides the main effect for displacement (p<0.001), but group effect was not observed. For total time measurement, only main group effect was found (p<0.001). For the study of the processing of the coordinate and subordinate clauses (experiment two), main group effects were found for the first reading and the total reading time (p=0.04 e p<0.001). In the study of coordinate conjunctions, we observed an important difference for each conjunction in the first reading (p=0.006), but not in the total time of reading. There was significant difference in the total time of reading for the group (p<0.001). The results suggest that the group of students read in a different way and more slowly than the adult group, but this measurement is nor sensitive to coordinate and subordinate clauses. However, the displacement of the subordinate clause to the front position of the sentence generates a higher cost of processing for the students, suggesting that the school learning of this topic is relevant for the coating of the information in the subordinate clause. For the study of the conjunctions, it was observed that the first reading is sensitive to the length of the conjunction, because the conjunction “e” (and) has a time of processing faster in the total time of the reading, which is quite different from the conjunction “mas” (but), which shows clear adversative relationship given its frequency of use.
Investiga o custo de processamento de sentenças coordenadas e de sentenças subordinadas em um grupo de estudantes do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental (EF). Em Engelkamp e Rummer (2002) e Rummer, Engelkamp e Konieczny (2003), observou-se que o processamento de sentenças subordinadas é menos custoso do que o de sentenças coordenadas em tarefas de memorização. Os resultados de Rummer, Engelkamp e Konieczny (2003) também sugeriram que o deslocamento da sentença subordinada interfere nos custos de processamento. Tais achados entram em confronto com impressões do autor derivadas do exercício da prática docente de ensino de conjunções subordinadas ao 9º ano do EF, o que culminou para a proposição desta pesquisa. Foram elaborados experimentos cuja previsão era a de que os estudantes teriam mais dificuldade de ler sentenças subordinadas, uma dificuldade decorrente do pouco conhecimento da relação lógica veiculada pelas conjunções. Dada a variabilidade das relações lógicas e o escasso tempo de execução desta pesquisa, foram investigadas aqui apenas as relações de oposição e concessão. Para tanto, foram propostos três experimentos de rastreamento ocular. O primeiro investigou o custo de processamento de leitura da estrutura subordinada deslocada; o segundo comparou o custo de processamento de leitura de sentenças coordenadas e subordinadas; e o terceiro observou o peso de quatro diferentes conjunções em orações coordenadas. Foram produzidos 24 itens experimentais, compostos de condições, que contemplavam em conjunto os três experimentos supracitados: quatro orações subordinadas, sendo duas sem e duas com deslocamento, que faziam uso das conjunções “embora” e “ainda que”; quatro orações coordenadas, que faziam uso das conjunções “entretanto”, “mas”, “no entanto” e “e”. Seguia-se a todas as frases uma pergunta de controle de atenção. Participaram dos experimentos 42 estudantes do 9º ano do EF e 40 adultos leitores proficientes. As medidas observadas foram o tempo total de leitura nas sentenças completas e o tempo de primeira leitura na sentença/período completo. Para o experimento 1 (deslocamento da subordinada), na medida de primeira leitura, encontrou-se uma interação entre grupo e deslocamento (F = 4,06, p = 0.04), além de efeito principal para deslocamento (p < 0.001), mas não houve efeito de grupo. Para a medida de tempo total, foi encontrado apenas efeito principal de grupo (p < 0.001). Para o estudo do processamento da coordenação e subordinação (experimento 2), foram encontrados efeitos principais de grupo para a primeira leitura e o tempo total de leitura (p = 0.04 e p < 0.001). E no estudo das conjunções coordenativas, observou-se diferença significativa para cada conjunção na primeira leitura (p = 0.006), mas não no tempo total de leitura. Houve diferença significativa no tempo total de leitura para o grupo (p < 0.001). Os resultados sugerem que o grupo de estudantes lê de modo diferente e mais lentamente do que o grupo de adultos, mas essa medida não é sensível às sentenças coordenadas e subordinadas. Já o deslocamento da subordinada para a posição inicial da sentença gera maior custo de processamento para os estudantes, sugerindo que a aprendizagem escolar deste tema tem relevância para o encapsulamento da informação do período subordinado. Para o estudo das conjunções, observou-se que a primeira leitura é sensível ao tamanho da conjunção, pois a conjunção “e” tem um tempo de processamento mais rápido no tempo total de leitura, diferenciando-se da conjunção “mas”, que apresenta relação adversativa explícita dada sua frequência de uso.
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Megitt, Marie. "“When top coals are partially covered with ash, pour evenly over grill.” : A study of clause-initial adverbials and ellipsis in recipes." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk (SPR), 2019.

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This paper focuses on two aspects of the recipe minilect: clause-initial adverbials and object and determiner ellipsis in the translation from English into Swedish. The aim of the study is to find general tendencies on how clause-initial adverbials are translated and how this affects the information structure. In addition, the occurrence of object and determiner ellipsis in translations is studied, to see if there are differences between English and Swedish. Based on a theoretical background by Hasselgård (1997) the translation of clause-initial adverbials is identified and structured, according to Hasselgård’s (1997) model of word order correspondence. The structures are then studied quantitatively, through different examples in English and Swedish, and with regards to Lindquist’s (1989) definition of adverbial placement. The theoretical background for the study on object and determiner ellipsis is mainly based on the work by Nordman (1994), Hultman (2003) and Biber et al (1999). The occurrence of ellipsis is identified and then studied quantitatively. The results show that different kinds of word order restrictions govern the translation of clause-initial adverbials and that changes in adverbial placement can affect the information structure. The occurrence of object ellipsis is somewhat higher in the present study than in the analyzed parallel texts, possibly due to influence from the ST. Due to Swedish rules on definiteness, there is a low occurrence of determiner ellipsis in the TT.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Dantas, Antonio Ademilton Pinheiro. "Estudo da movimentaÃÃo ocular de alunos do 9Â ano do ensino fundamental durante a leitura de sentenÃas coordenadas sindÃticas adversativas e subordinadas adverbiais concessivas." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2016.

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nÃo hÃ
Investiga o custo de processamento de sentenÃas coordenadas e de sentenÃas subordinadas em um grupo de estudantes do 9 ano do Ensino Fundamental (EF). Em Engelkamp e Rummer (2002) e Rummer, Engelkamp e Konieczny (2003), observou-se que o processamento de sentenÃas subordinadas à menos custoso do que o de sentenÃas coordenadas em tarefas de memorizaÃÃo. Os resultados de Rummer, Engelkamp e Konieczny (2003) tambÃm sugeriram que o deslocamento da sentenÃa subordinada interfere nos custos de processamento. Tais achados entram em confronto com impressÃes do autor derivadas do exercÃcio da prÃtica docente de ensino de conjunÃÃes subordinadas ao 9 ano do EF, o que culminou para a proposiÃÃo desta pesquisa. Foram elaborados experimentos cuja previsÃo era a de que os estudantes teriam mais dificuldade de ler sentenÃas subordinadas, uma dificuldade decorrente do pouco conhecimento da relaÃÃo lÃgica veiculada pelas conjunÃÃes. Dada a variabilidade das relaÃÃes lÃgicas e o escasso tempo de execuÃÃo desta pesquisa, foram investigadas aqui apenas as relaÃÃes de oposiÃÃo e concessÃo. Para tanto, foram propostos trÃs experimentos de rastreamento ocular. O primeiro investigou o custo de processamento de leitura da estrutura subordinada deslocada; o segundo comparou o custo de processamento de leitura de sentenÃas coordenadas e subordinadas; e o terceiro observou o peso de quatro diferentes conjunÃÃes em oraÃÃes coordenadas. Foram produzidos 24 itens experimentais, compostos de condiÃÃes, que contemplavam em conjunto os trÃs experimentos supracitados: quatro oraÃÃes subordinadas, sendo duas sem e duas com deslocamento, que faziam uso das conjunÃÃes âemboraâ e âainda queâ; quatro oraÃÃes coordenadas, que faziam uso das conjunÃÃes âentretantoâ, âmasâ, âno entantoâ e âeâ. Seguia-se a todas as frases uma pergunta de controle de atenÃÃo. Participaram dos experimentos 42 estudantes do 9 ano do EF e 40 adultos leitores proficientes. As medidas observadas foram o tempo total de leitura nas sentenÃas completas e o tempo de primeira leitura na sentenÃa/perÃodo completo. Para o experimento 1 (deslocamento da subordinada), na medida de primeira leitura, encontrou-se uma interaÃÃo entre grupo e deslocamento (F = 4,06, p = 0.04), alÃm de efeito principal para deslocamento (p < 0.001), mas nÃo houve efeito de grupo. Para a medida de tempo total, foi encontrado apenas efeito principal de grupo (p < 0.001). Para o estudo do processamento da coordenaÃÃo e subordinaÃÃo (experimento 2), foram encontrados efeitos principais de grupo para a primeira leitura e o tempo total de leitura (p = 0.04 e p < 0.001). E no estudo das conjunÃÃes coordenativas, observou-se diferenÃa significativa para cada conjunÃÃo na primeira leitura (p = 0.006), mas nÃo no tempo total de leitura. Houve diferenÃa significativa no tempo total de leitura para o grupo (p < 0.001). Os resultados sugerem que o grupo de estudantes là de modo diferente e mais lentamente do que o grupo de adultos, mas essa medida nÃo à sensÃvel Ãs sentenÃas coordenadas e subordinadas. Jà o deslocamento da subordinada para a posiÃÃo inicial da sentenÃa gera maior custo de processamento para os estudantes, sugerindo que a aprendizagem escolar deste tema tem relevÃncia para o encapsulamento da informaÃÃo do perÃodo subordinado. Para o estudo das conjunÃÃes, observou-se que a primeira leitura à sensÃvel ao tamanho da conjunÃÃo, pois a conjunÃÃo âeâ tem um tempo de processamento mais rÃpido no tempo total de leitura, diferenciando-se da conjunÃÃo âmasâ, que apresenta relaÃÃo adversativa explÃcita dada sua frequÃncia de uso.
Investigates if the cost of the processing of coordinate clauses is higher than the cost of the processing of subordinate clauses in a group of 9th grade students. In Engelkamp and Rummer (2002) and Rummer, Engelkamp and Konieczny (2003), it was observed that the processing of subordinate clauses is less costly than the coordinate ones in tasks of memorization, as suggested that the displacement of the subordinate clause influences the costs of the processing. Such results were confronted with the exercise of teaching subordinate conjunctions to 9th graders, which ended up with the proposal of this research. The expectation is that the students would have more difficulties in reading subordinate clauses due to the lack of knowledge of the logical relation served by the conjunction. Given the variability of the logical relations and the lack of time for the execution of this research, we could investigate only the relations of opposition and concession. To do so, three experiments of eye tracking were developed: (i) the first one investigated the cost of reading processing of subordinate clause displacement; (ii) the second one compared the reading process of coordinate and subordinate clauses; (iii) and the third one observed the importance of four different conjunctions in coordinate clauses. Twenty-four experimental items, made up of conditions, were created, which contemplated, all together, the three experiments listed above: four subordinate clauses, two without and two with displacement, which used the conjunctions âemboraâ (although) and âainda queâ (even if); four coordinate clauses, which used the conjunctions âentretantoâ (however), âmasâ (but), âno entantoâ (yet) and âeâ (and). A question of control of attention followed all clauses. Forty-two 9th graders and forty proficient adult readers participated in the experiment. The observed measurements were the total time of reading of the complete clauses, and the time of the first reading in the complete sentence/clause. For experiment one (subordinate displacement), measuring the first reading, an interaction between group and displacement was found (F=4,06, p = 0.04), besides the main effect for displacement (p<0.001), but group effect was not observed. For total time measurement, only main group effect was found (p<0.001). For the study of the processing of the coordinate and subordinate clauses (experiment two), main group effects were found for the first reading and the total reading time (p=0.04 e p<0.001). In the study of coordinate conjunctions, we observed an important difference for each conjunction in the first reading (p=0.006), but not in the total time of reading. There was significant difference in the total time of reading for the group (p<0.001). The results suggest that the group of students read in a different way and more slowly than the adult group, but this measurement is nor sensitive to coordinate and subordinate clauses. However, the displacement of the subordinate clause to the front position of the sentence generates a higher cost of processing for the students, suggesting that the school learning of this topic is relevant for the coating of the information in the subordinate clause. For the study of the conjunctions, it was observed that the first reading is sensitive to the length of the conjunction, because the conjunction âeâ (and) has a time of processing faster in the total time of the reading, which is quite different from the conjunction âmasâ (but), which shows clear adversative relationship given its frequency of use.
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Cavaguti, Ana Paula. "As locuções conjuntivas dado que, desde que e uma vez que no PB: condicionalidade-causalidade." Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2013.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:25:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5291.pdf: 1691147 bytes, checksum: 6237019159d4f6ec433bc53b411ea868 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-18
Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos
In this research, we propose the synchronic study of adverbial clauses initiated by conjunctions dado que, desde que and uma vez que in written Brazilian Portuguese. Considering that these conjunctions may express causality and conditionality, the distinction between the interpretation of causal clauses and conditional clauses is not only a result of syntactic features but also of semantic and pragmatic ones. The analysis is based on the Functionalist Theory, in the terms of Dik (1989), Hengeveld (1998), Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008), Sweetser (1990), among others, and this study provides, through a detailed description of these conjuctions at the discourse level, characteristics of dado que, desde que and uma vez que in their effective use. The corpus of this research is composed by written texts, which were collected at the Corpus do Português, available at: The features considered in this analysis were: (i) the order of the causal and the conditional clauses in relation to the main clause, (ii) the verbal tenses correlations, (iii) the semantic parameters (type of entity; factuality; presupposition and time dependence) proposed by Hengeveld (1998), (iv) levels and layers of analysis, according to Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008), and (v) domains of use of Sweetser (1990). This research aims at showing how a natural language user 'acts', so that his/her verbal interaction is successful in face of his/her communicative intentions. This study also provides linguistic subsidies for the automatic treatment of language.
Neste trabalho, propõe-se o estudo sincrônico das orações adverbiais iniciadas pelas locuções conjuntivas dado que, desde que e por uma vez que no português escrito do Brasil. Considerando que essas locuções conjuntivas podem expressar as relações de causalidade e de condicionalidade, a distinção entre uma interpretação e outra não é resultado apenas de fatores sintáticos mas também de fatores de natureza semântica e pragmática. Baseada em pressupostos teóricos funcionalistas como os de Dik (1989), Hengeveld (1998), Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008), Sweetser (1990), entre outros, esta pesquisa fornece, por meio de uma descrição detalhada do comportamento funcional dessas locuções no nível discursivo, as características de dado que, desde que e de uma vez que em contextos reais de uso. Com base nas ocorrências fornecidas por textos escritos, obtidas no Corpus do Português, disponível em: , examinam-se fatores como: (i) a ordem frasal dominante da oração causal/condicional em relação à oração-núcleo; (ii) as correlações modotemporais; (iii) os parâmetros semânticos (tipo de entidade; factualidade; pressuposição e dependência temporal) propostos por Hengeveld (1998); (iv) níveis e camadas de Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008), e (v) os domínios de Sweetser (1990). Esta pesquisa procura demonstrar como o usuário de uma língua natural opera de modo que a interação verbal seja bem sucedida conforme suas intenções comunicativas e ainda fornece subsídios linguísticos para o tratamento automático da linguagem.
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Ribeiro, Cleide Bezerra. "ArticulaÃÃo HipotÃlica adverbial e argumentaÃÃo: uma anÃlise do uso das oraÃÃes concessivas em artigos de opiniÃo e editoriais." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2006.

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O presente trabalho investiga o uso da articulaÃÃo hipotÃtica adverbial concessiva na construÃÃo da argumentaÃÃo. Com base nos pressupostos funcionalistas, analisamos, de um modo integrado, os aspectos sintÃticos, textual-semÃnticos e textual-discursivos associados ao uso da oraÃÃo concessiva na construÃÃo da argumentaÃÃo em artigos de opiniÃo e editoriais. Verificamos que os aspectos sintÃticos da articulaÃÃo da oraÃÃo concessiva estÃo relacionados aos aspectos pragmÃticos. Dessa forma, a posiÃÃo da oraÃÃo concessiva (anteposiÃÃo, posposiÃÃo e intercalaÃÃo) reflete a maneira como o falante decide organizar seu discurso em virtude do propÃsito comunicativo; portanto, està ligada Ãs funÃÃes discursivas a que se presta. Assim, verificamos que, nos artigos de opiniÃo e editoriais, a diferenÃa na freqÃÃncia do uso da anteposiÃÃo e da posposiÃÃo nÃo foi significativa. Em nossa investigaÃÃo, alguns conectores tendem a introduzir oraÃÃes concessivas antepostas à o caso de apesar de e por mais/menos que, enquanto outros tendem a introduzir oraÃÃes concessivas pospostas à o caso de mesmo que. A conjunÃÃo embora apareceu, no corpus em anÃlise, com a mesma freqÃÃncia em oraÃÃes antepostas e pospostas. Quanto aos aspectos textual-semÃnticos, percebemos que, da articulaÃÃo das oraÃÃes ditas concessivas, alÃm da inferÃncia de concessÃo, emergem tambÃm outras inferÃncias, tais como condiÃÃo e inclusÃo. A partir de uma anÃlise pautada nos domÃnios de interpretaÃÃo propostos por Sweetser (1999), constatamos que, nos gÃneros em estudo, a maioria das ocorrÃncias permite leitura no domÃnio epistÃmico, mas hà um nÃmero significativo de ocorrÃncias com a possibilidade de leitura no domÃnio de conteÃdo, provavelmente porque os gÃneros jornalÃsticos abordam acontecimentos, fatos sociais. Com relaÃÃo ao tipo de oraÃÃo concessiva, verificamos que, no corpus em anÃlise, predominam as do tipo factual. Ao investigarmos os aspectos textual-discursivos, percebemos que, de uma maneira geral, as oraÃÃes concessivas sÃo usadas como fundo da oraÃÃo nuclear e que, quando pospostas, geralmente constituem uma avaliaÃÃo ou um adendo à oraÃÃo nuclear; enquanto as antepostas e as intercaladas funcionam como tÃpico/guia para a informaÃÃo nÃcleo ou como fator de coesÃo discursiva. Quanto ao papel argumentativo da oraÃÃo concessiva em artigos de opiniÃo e editoriais, percebemos que esta representa uma relevante estratÃgia por meio da qual o autor, pressupondo uma objeÃÃo por parte do leitor, declara que tal objeÃÃo nÃo impedirà nem modificarà o conteÃdo expresso na oraÃÃo nuclear
The aim of this work is to investigate the usage of concessive hypotatic clauses involved in the construction of argumentation. Based on functional theories, we analyzed the syntactic aspects, the textual-discursive aspects and the textual-semantic aspects that are associated to the usage of the concessive subordinate clause involved in the construction of argumentation in newspaper articles and editorials. We observed that the syntactic aspects of concessive subordinate clause are related to the pragmatic aspects. Thus the concessive subordinate clause position (before or after main clause or embedded clause) shows the way a speaker decides to organize her utterance due to communication purposes; hence it is connected to discursive functions. We observed that in newspaper articles and editorials, the concessive clause position before or after main clause is not relevant. Our investigation shows that few conjunctions tend to introduce concessive subordinate clause before main clause, for instance apesar de and por mais/menos que, whereas other concessive conjunctions tend to introduce subordinate clause after main clause, for example mesmo que. In the corpus, the conjunction embora is as frequent in concessive clauses before main clause as in concessive clauses after main clauses. As regards the textual-semantic aspects, we observed, besides the concessive inferences, other inferences such as condition and inclusion inferences. In an analysis based on the interpretation domains proposed by Sweetser (1999), we found, in newspaper articles and editorials, that the greater number of examples allows an interpretation in the epistemic domain, but there is a meaningful number of examples that lead to a possible interpretation in the content domain, probably this is due to the fact that newspapers genres are related to social happenings and facts. Regarding concessive clause types we observed, in the corpus analyzed, that the factual concessive clauses predominate. When we verified the textual-discursive aspects, we observed, that concessive subordinate clauses are used as main clause background and when they are placed after main clause they often represent an evaluation or an addendum to main clause, whereas concessive clause before main clause and embedded concessive clause work as a topic to a nuclear information or as a way to attain discursive cohesion. As regards the argumentative role of concessive clause in newspaper articles and editorials, we observed concessive subordinate clause represents an important strategy; through concessive clause, the author presupposes an objection on the part of the reader and he declares that the objection does not hinder the content expressed in the main clause
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Marchand, Karell. "Essai de typologie des stratégies de subordination à travers différentes langues australiennes et papoues." Thesis, Paris, EPHE, 2015.

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Cette thèse propose une étude des différentes stratégies mises en place pour former des propositions subordonnées dans les langues australiennes et papoues. Ces deux groupes de langues, rarement présents dans les études typologiques sur le sujet, présentent certaines constructions morphosyntaxiques peu fréquentes dans les langues du monde. Cette étude se base sur une dizaine de langues : quatre langues australiennes (le nyangumarta, le martuthunira, le wambaya et le kayardild) et six langues papoues (le maybrat, le yimas, le manambu, le mian, l'amele et le hua). Après une brève présentation grammaticale de ces langues, la thèse analyse six types de stratégies de subordination pour en déterminer les fonctions et les types d'emploi : la subordination sans marque, avec une conjonction, avec le marquage casuel, avec une forme verbale spécifique, avec un système de "switch-reference" et par la relativisation. Un dernier chapitre s'intéresse au cas particulier de la complémentation des verbes de perception. Cette thèse a pour but d'illustrer le fonctionnement de ces langues dans le domaine de la subordination, mais également, dans une dimension typologique, de montrer comment ces langues peuvent aider à repenser les théories linguistiques générales
This thesis propose a study of different strategies to construct subordinate clauses in Australian and Papuan languages. These two language groups, rarely found in typological studies on the subject, show some unusual morphosyntactic constructions. This study is based on ten languages: four Australian languages (Nyangumarta, Martuthunira, Wambaya and Kayardild), and six Papuan languages (Maybrat, Yimas, Manambu, Mian, Amele and Hua). Following a brief grammatical overview of these languages, the thesis examine six types of subordinate clause strategies to identify their functions and uses: subordinate clauses without segmental marking, with a conjunction, with case marking, with a specific verbal form, with a switch-reference system and with the relativization strategy. The last chapter is focused on the specific situation of complementation strategies with perception verbs. This thesis aims to illustrate how subordinate clauses function in those languages, but it also aims to show how these languages may help to re-examine general linguistic theories
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Rönnqvist, Hanna. "From left to right and back again : The distribution of dependent clauses in the Hindukush." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Avdelningen för allmän språkvetenskap, 2014.

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In complex clause constructions, the dependent clause can either precede or succeed the main clause. In a study on a selection of Indo-Aryan languages spoken on the Indian subcontinent (Hook 1987), a gradual transition between pre- and postposing languages was found, when moving from the southeast to the northwest in the area. In their relative vicinity in the Hindukush area, a sub-group of Indo-Aryan languages are spoken, commonly known by the tentative term “Dardic”. These languages are said to mainly have the dependent clause preceding the main clause (left-branching), and that this feature is shared by the neighbouring languages. This would mean a breach with the continuum described by Hook. In the present comparative study on the Dardic languages spoken in northern Pakistan, complex clauses of adverbial and complement types were studied in an attempt to confirm this proposition. The languages were found to have two competing branching structures where the indigenous, dominating left-branching structure possibly is being challenged by an imported right branching pattern, especially in complement clauses, possibly due to Persian or Urdu influence. A similar transition between more left-branching languages towards languages with a higher degree of right branching structures were found when moving from east to west in the geographical area studied.
I underordnande satskonstruktioner kan bisatsen antingen föregå eller följa på huvudsatsen. I en studie på ett urval indoariska språk som talas på den indiska subkontinenten (Hook 1987) fann man en gradvis skiftning mellan språk med bisatsen till vänster om huvudsatsen (vänsterställda), via språk som tillät båda placeringar av bisatsen, till språk som enbart hade bisatsen till höger om huvudsatsen (högerställda). Detta när man rörde sig från sydöstra Indien i riktning mot nordväst. I Hindukush-området, inte allt för långt ifrån denna region, talas en undergrupp av indoariska språk som länge gått under den provisoriska termen ”dardiska” språk. Om dessa språk har det hävdats att de har bisatsen till vänster om huvudsatsen, ett drag som också ska delas med närliggande språk i området. Om detta stämmer skulle det innebära en brytning av det kontinuum Hook beskrev. I denna jämförande studie på några indo-ariska språk som talas i norra Pakistan studerades underordnade adverbiala och nominala bisatser i ett försök att utreda om dessa verkligen är vänsterställda. Språken befanns ha två konkurrerande placeringsmönster där en inhemsk och starkt dominerande vänsterställd struktur eventuellt håller på att utmanas av en importerad högerställd struktur, särskilt i nominala objektsatser, som möjligen kommit in i språken via inflytande från persiska eller urdu. Ett kontinuum liknande Hooks mellan språk med primärt vänsterställda bisatser till språk med en allt högre andel högerställda bisatser hittades i en rörelse från öst till väst i området.
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Bezerra, Cleide Alves Ribeiro. "Articulação hipotálica adverbial e argumentação: uma análise do uso das orações concessivas em artigos de opinião e editoriais.", 2006.

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BEZERRA, Cleide Alves Ribeiro. Articulação hipotálica adverbial e argumentação: uma análise do uso das orações concessivas em artigos de opinião e editoriais. 2006. 110f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguistica) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernaculas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza-CE, 2006.
Submitted by nazareno mesquita ( on 2012-07-01T14:23:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_diss_CARBezerra.pdf: 666272 bytes, checksum: 5bd43ad1c6799cb58744f9478e868c34 (MD5)
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Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-25T16:51:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_diss_CARBezerra.pdf: 666272 bytes, checksum: 5bd43ad1c6799cb58744f9478e868c34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006
The aim of this work is to investigate the usage of concessive hypotatic clauses involved in the construction of argumentation. Based on functional theories, we analyzed the syntactic aspects, the textual-discursive aspects and the textual-semantic aspects that are associated to the usage of the concessive subordinate clause involved in the construction of argumentation in newspaper articles and editorials. We observed that the syntactic aspects of concessive subordinate clause are related to the pragmatic aspects. Thus the concessive subordinate clause position (before or after main clause or embedded clause) shows the way a speaker decides to organize her utterance due to communication purposes; hence it is connected to discursive functions. We observed that in newspaper articles and editorials, the concessive clause position before or after main clause is not relevant. Our investigation shows that few conjunctions tend to introduce concessive subordinate clause before main clause, for instance apesar de and por mais/menos que, whereas other concessive conjunctions tend to introduce subordinate clause after main clause, for example mesmo que. In the corpus, the conjunction embora is as frequent in concessive clauses before main clause as in concessive clauses after main clauses. As regards the textual-semantic aspects, we observed, besides the concessive inferences, other inferences such as condition and inclusion inferences. In an analysis based on the interpretation domains proposed by Sweetser (1999), we found, in newspaper articles and editorials, that the greater number of examples allows an interpretation in the epistemic domain, but there is a meaningful number of examples that lead to a possible interpretation in the content domain, probably this is due to the fact that newspapers genres are related to social happenings and facts. Regarding concessive clause types we observed, in the corpus analyzed, that the factual concessive clauses predominate. When we verified the textual-discursive aspects, we observed, that concessive subordinate clauses are used as main clause background and when they are placed after main clause they often represent an evaluation or an addendum to main clause, whereas concessive clause before main clause and embedded concessive clause work as a topic to a nuclear information or as a way to attain discursive cohesion. As regards the argumentative role of concessive clause in newspaper articles and editorials, we observed concessive subordinate clause represents an important strategy; through concessive clause, the author presupposes an objection on the part of the reader and he declares that the objection does not hinder the content expressed in the main clause.
O presente trabalho investiga o uso da articulação hipotática adverbial concessiva na construção da argumentação. Com base nos pressupostos funcionalistas, analisamos, de um modo integrado, os aspectos sintáticos, textual-semânticos e textual-discursivos associados ao uso da oração concessiva na construção da argumentação em artigos de opinião e editoriais. Verificamos que os aspectos sintáticos da articulação da oração concessiva estão relacionados aos aspectos pragmáticos. Dessa forma, a posição da oração concessiva (anteposição, posposição e intercalação) reflete a maneira como o falante decide organizar seu discurso em virtude do propósito comunicativo; portanto, está ligada às funções discursivas a que se presta. Assim, verificamos que, nos artigos de opinião e editoriais, a diferença na freqüência do uso da anteposição e da posposição não foi significativa. Em nossa investigação, alguns conectores tendem a introduzir orações concessivas antepostas é o caso de apesar de e por mais/menos que, enquanto outros tendem a introduzir orações concessivas pospostas é o caso de mesmo que. A conjunção embora apareceu, no corpus em análise, com a mesma freqüência em orações antepostas e pospostas. Quanto aos aspectos textual-semânticos, percebemos que, da articulação das orações ditas concessivas, além da inferência de concessão, emergem também outras inferências, tais como condição e inclusão. A partir de uma análise pautada nos domínios de interpretação propostos por Sweetser (1999), constatamos que, nos gêneros em estudo, a maioria das ocorrências permite leitura no domínio epistêmico, mas há um número significativo de ocorrências com a possibilidade de leitura no domínio de conteúdo, provavelmente porque os gêneros jornalísticos abordam acontecimentos, fatos sociais. Com relação ao tipo de oração concessiva, verificamos que, no corpus em análise, predominam as do tipo factual. Ao investigarmos os aspectos textual-discursivos, percebemos que, de uma maneira geral, as orações concessivas são usadas como fundo da oração nuclear e que, quando pospostas, geralmente constituem uma avaliação ou um adendo à oração nuclear; enquanto as antepostas e as intercaladas funcionam como tópico/guia para a informação núcleo ou como fator de coesão discursiva. Quanto ao papel argumentativo da oração concessiva em artigos de opinião e editoriais, percebemos que esta representa uma relevante estratégia por meio da qual o autor, pressupondo uma objeção por parte do leitor, declara que tal objeção não impedirá nem modificará o conteúdo expresso na oração nuclear.
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Davis, Karen. "Comprehension of Science Text by African American Fifth and Sixth Grade Students: The Effects of a Metalinguistic Approach." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2014.

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Scientific literacy has been at the forefront of science education reform for the past 20 years, particularly for students from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) backgrounds (Lee et. al., 2005; Pearson, Moje & Greenleaf, 2010). The ability to extract meaning from text is an important skill. Yet many students struggle with effectively comprehending what they read, particularly in content areas of science, math and history. According to the National Assessment Educational Progress (NAEP, 2013) report, adolescents are not acquiring advanced literacy skills needed to succeed in the workplace and academic setting. Literacy experts have called for the use of disciplinary literacy approaches to engage learners with the content in ways that mirror what scientists, historians and mathematicians do to gain understanding in their disciplines (Moje, 2006; Shanahan & Shanahan, 2008). Although disciplinary literacy instruction is promising, there is limited empirical research on the effectiveness of discipline-specific literacy approaches. The present study examined the effects of a metalinguistic approach on the comprehension of science text among African American 5 and 6th grade students. The focus of the instructional protocol was to explicitly teach adverbial clauses and assist students to unpack adverbial clauses through the use of a graphic organizer. The process of unpacking complex sentences aimed to facilitate comprehension of science text by engaging the participants in analysis and discussion of the meaning obtained from the adverbial clauses. This study employed an experimental single-case multiple-probe across participants design. Visual Analysis (VA) and the Improvement Rate Difference (IRD) were used to analyze the data. The results of VA and IRD indicated that all participants demonstrated progress between baseline and treatment phases. Overall, the results of the investigation suggest that it is possible for 5th and 6th grade African American students to benefit from instruction that closely analyzes language. Clinical implications and future research directions are discussed.
Education and Human Performance
Education; Communication Sciences and Disorders Track
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Martinez, Mira Maria Isabel. "Mood simplification : adverbial clauses in heritage Spanish /." 2006.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-07, Section: A, page: 2555. Adviser: Anna Maria Escobar. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 239-265) Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning.
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"Temporal Adverbial Clause Positioning and Dyslexia." Master's thesis, 2020.

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abstract: Temporal adverbial clauses are present in many forms of writing. These clauses can impact the complexity of a sentence. Sentence complexity can have some effect on how readers with a diagnosed reading disability, such as dyslexia, process language. This study incorporated Hawkins’ (1994) theories about Early Immediate Constituency into a self-paced reading task designed to evaluate whether or not temporal adverbial clause positioning caused the main clause of the sentence to become more difficult to understand. Hawkins theorized that main clauses appearing at the beginning of a sentence would create an environment where a reader could reach sentence comprehension faster (CITE). The experiment used software called Linger to present the self-paced reading task. Eight participants – four with dyslexia and four without – volunteered to read sentence items from a college level textbook that had temporal adverbial clauses appearing before and after the main clause of sentences. Statistical significance in the findings show that participants read sentences more quickly when the temporal adverbial clause appeared before the main clause; however, more research is required to determine the difference between sentences fronted by adverbial clauses and sentences fronted by main clauses.
Masters Thesis Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 2020
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Antomo, Mailin Ines. "Abhängige Sätze in einem fragebasierten Diskursmodell." Doctoral thesis, 2013.

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Huei-ju, Shih. "Grounding in Adverbial Clauses in High School Students' English Narrative Compositions." 2002.

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Shih, Huei-ju, and 石惠如. "Grounding in Adverbial Clauses in High School Students' English Narrative Compositions." Thesis, 2003.

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Abstract This present study examines how Taiwanese senior high school students manipulate the grounding information of adverbial clauses in their English narrative compositions. With the hypothesis that the notion of grounding can be taught, but is received rare concern in Taiwan, we conducted the current experiment. The effect of treatment instruction on overall writing proficiency, the use of overall adverbial clauses, and the use of adverbial clauses in different categories were examined. Four third grade classes of Chang-Yi Senior High School (CYSHS) in Taichung, Taiwan, totaling 157 students, participated in the study. Two of the classes with the researcher as the English teacher formed the experimental group. The other two classes with another English teacher constituted the control group. Students in each group were further assigned to three proficiency levels based on their performance on the pretest concerning the overall writing proficiency. Both of the two research groups were asked to recall the plot of a film and put it in the written form as the pretest. The experimental group successively received a six-week treatment instruction right after the pretest. A posttest concerning the recalling of another film was then administrated to determine and compare the effect of the treatment on the improvement of overall writing qualities and grounding in adverbial clauses, particularly in temporal, causal, and concessive categories. The subordinators employed by the subjects were also under exploration. All the collected data were specifically given a quantitative analysis first, computing the overall frequency of the accurate number of adverbial clauses based on the criteria that preposed adverbial clauses carry given information and postposed adverbial clauses bear new information. Then two of these subjects from each proficiency level in the experimental group were randomly selected to compare their different performances before and after the treatment instruction. A total number of twelve samples were selected for a qualitative analysis. Errors involving the ill-grounded adverbial clauses were signaled out for discussion and possible revisions were suggested. The results indicate that the experimental group improved in overall writing proficiency and grounding adverbial clauses. An in-depth exploration on the effect of instruction on different categories of adverbial clauses showed that the subjects benefited a lot in temporal, causal and concessive clauses. On the other hand, in terms of the performance of students at different proficiency levels in the experimental group, the HI level significantly outperformed the LOW level in the use of overall adverbial clauses and in temporal and causal clauses as well. The findings also indicate that the success in grounding adverbial clauses contributes to the coherence of the overall writing quality. The study also suggests some activities in helping foster the students the abilities in manipulating the grounding information in adverbial clauses.
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Le, Roux J. C. "A grammatical analysis of the Tswana adverbial." Thesis, 2007.

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Adverbial constructions are a problematic subject in Tswana grammatical studies. Traditionally termed descriptives, it is not clear what the defining features of this category are. It is also a very vast category. There seems to be many different structures functioning as adverbials in Tswana, including particles, words, prepositional phrases and clauses. Tswana grammars in general often have little to say about the syntax of adverbials, in respect of, for instance, the propensity of Tswana adverbials for multiple occurrences in the same clause and the range of possible positions of Tswana adverbials in clause structure. Because of the vastness of the adverbial category we only deal with adverbials as elements of clause structure. A typical feature of adverbials is the considerable mobility they enjoy in relation to other elements in clause structure which affects their grammatical and semantic status in relation to such elements. By distinguishing different categories of adverbials, in clause structure it becomes clear that the same structural element may function within different adverbial categories. This necessitates a definition of adverbials which is based on their specific semantic functions within clause structure. The study is divided into five chapters. When dealing with the adverbial as a clause element in Tswana, we realise that it is not sufficiently described. The first two chapters therefore serve as an introduction to central theoretical issues where some relevant research is critically examined and related to the present study. In the next chapter, that is Chapter 3, we establish formal and semantic frameworks for the classification and descriptive treatment of adverbials in Tswana. In Chapter 4 we implement the structural, syntactic and semantic properties as well as the features adverbials have as modifiers to make a functional classification of adverbials in clause structure. The classification of adverbials as adjuncts, subjuncts, disjuncts and conjuncts from A Comprehensive grammar of the English language by Quirk, et al. (1985) (CGEL) is taken as the basis for this classification. Chapter 5 presents the overall conclusions and implications of the study.
African Languages
D.litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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Wang, Yu-Fang, and 王萸芳. "The Information Sequences of Adverbial Clauses in Chinese Spoken and Written Discourse." Thesis, 1996.

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The research reported here is intended as a contribution to an understandingof the adverbial clauses, used by speakers in spontaneous communication.This study, following Ford''s model for analyzing the adverbial clauses in herEnglish conversation corpus (1993), aims at investigating adverbial clausesin spoken Mandarin conversations on the basis of quantitative analysis. Thereare four-hour conversationdatabase in this dissertation research, consistingof 19 texts. The adverbial clauses in the database were categorized into (i)preposed clauses to their modified material across continuing intona- tion,(ii) postposed clauses to their modified material across continuing intonation, and (iii) postposed clauses to their modified material across final intona-tion (rising question intonation or final intonation). After an inspection ofthe data, the findings suggest that thetemporal, conditional, and concessiveclauses are favored to occur before their modified material, but the causalclauses, after their associated material. Causals appear as separated, intona-tionally disconnected units far more often than do temporals, conditionals,andconcessives. The data also show that causal clauses are fundamentally differ-ent from temporal, conditional, and concessive onesin their use. Especiallythe final causals appear to serve a quitedifferent function, being more in thenature of coordinate clauses rather than subordinate ones, which comment on acause, relevant to the preceding clause. This is related to the type of infor-mation they ususally introduce. Causal conjunctions usually introduce back-grund, support, and motivation for their associated material, while temporaland conditional clauses are prototypically discourse linking and framing intheir function--the former dealing with time and the latter involving hypo-theticality. On the whole, my data support Ford''s claim that initial adverbialclauses form pivotal points in the development of talk and present explicitbackground for material that follows; on the other hand, the adverbial clausesappearing after their associated clause only complete a unit of informationwithout creating discourse- level links or shifts.In contrast, when placedafter its associated material but in continuous intonation, an adverbialclause only presents new information elaborating the associated clause. Yet,different from the former, whose continuing intonation signals that there ismore to come and the present utterance is still in progress, the adverbialclauses following final intonation, though emerging through conjunctions asextensions of previous units, also represent separate and intonationally dis-connected units. Finally a comparison of the placement of adverbial clauseswith respect to their modified material between spoken and written data re- veals that final causals in the spoken data outnumber ones in the writtendata. We suggest that the preference for causals occurring after theirmodified material in conversation results from the interactional need.
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Mašková, Martina. "Anglické participiální polovětné konstrukce a jejich české překladové protějšky." Master's thesis, 2013.

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The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse and describe the Czech translation counterparts of English present- and perfect-participial clauses which function as postmodifiers and adverbials. Although there is a formal counterpart of the English participle - the transgressive - this form is considered very marked and archaic in Czech. Therefore, based on an analysis of 210 sentences excerpted from three American works of contemporary fiction, the thesis describes the recurrent patterns used in the translation of the forms in question. The analysis confirmed the findings of previous studies that while English prefers nominal and verbo- nominal means of expressions, Czech relies rather on verbal expression. The majority of the translation counterparts are divergent correspondences, above all finite clauses connected paratactically to the counterpart of the matrix clause. Although the translation of a participle by a finite verb form is more explicit, the coordinative relation makes it possible to retain the semantic indeterminacy of the relation between the clauses which is specific for participial constructions. Key words: participle, participial clause, transgressive, postmodifier, adverbial, translation counterparts
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Chen, Shu-Chin, and 陳書勤. "Textual Enhancement, Input Flood, and Traditional Instruction on Students’ Learning and Noticing: A Study on the English Adverbial Participle Clause Construction." Thesis, 2016.

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This quasi-experimental study aimed to investigate the effects of textual enhancement (TE), input flood (IF), and traditional instruction (TI) on Taiwanese vocational high school students’ learning and noticing of the English adverbial participle clause construction. One hundred and thirteen third-year national vocational high school students from three intact classes in central Taiwan were randomly assigned to the TE, IF, or TI group. Each group received their respective instruction for four 50-minute class periods in five days. At the beginning of the first and the last class period, a highlighting activity was conducted for the three groups to collect the noticing data. Before and after the treatment sessions, a grammar test used as the pretest and the posttest consisting of a production and a comprehension section was administered to all the participants. Three results were as follows. First, both TE and TI made significant improvement on the students’ overall learning, production, and comprehension of the target construction, while IF did not. Second, there were significant differences among the three groups in production, comprehension and overall performance with the TI group outperforming the TE and IF groups, but there was no difference between the TE and the IF group. Third, the TE group noticed significantly more target structures than the IF and TI groups. The findings suggest that though not superior to TI, TE facilitates the learning and noticing of the target construction and TE could therefore be used in Taiwan EFL classrooms as an alternative or a supplement to grammar instruction.
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Scholzová, Dagmar. "Překladové protějšky anglických postmodifikátorů." Master's thesis, 2013.

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The aim of this thesis is to compare the use of postmodifiers in an English source text and its Czech translation. 200 English postmodifiers are contrasted against their 200 Czech translation equivalents. These samples were excerpted from randomly chosen parts of four bilingual books written by British and American authors and translated by native speakers of Czech. 50 English samples and their translations were excerpted from each book. The 400 occurrences of postmodifiers and their equivalents are analyzed from a syntactico-semantic point of view, the aim being to determine the constancy of the syntactic functions of English postmodifiers in translation, as well as the constancy of their realization forms. The theoretical background part will present and compare postmodification and its realization forms in English and in Czech. The actual analysis of all 400 samples will examine both the frequency of individual postmodifier types in English, and the convergent and divergent realization forms of these in the Czech translation. Special heed will be paid to divergences arisen through different language facts, such as English non-finite verb forms or Czech case endings that enable nominal postmodification without a preposition. An attempt will be made to classify the non-postmodifying translation...
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Vašková, Petra. "Srovnávací studie překladu českého lexému "aby" do angličtiny v paralelních česko-anglických textech." Master's thesis, 2012.

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The present study focuses on functions and English translation counterparts of the Czech lexeme aby. It is a relatively frequent word in the Czech language which is described as a subordinating conjunction expressing purpose, effect, manner, and also as a particle with a number of discourse functions. The current description, however, does not seem complete and this study therefore aims to analyse its use in more detail. Lexicographic and grammatical sources served as a basis for the classification of aby as a conjunction and as a particle. After an analysis of 200 examples it soon became evident that this listing is not complete and the use of aby is more complex than originally expected. The present paper thus treats all the functions of aby and also exemplifies each of them using extracted corpus data. In the study, aby in its conjunction and particle use is firstly treated separately to analyse each of them in more depth. This analysis, consequently, provides basis to point out their common features as well as their differences. The English translational counterparts are another point of interest in the study, in particular, their adequacy, regularity, and lexicalization.
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Krejčová, Irena. "Užití čárky v anglickém souvětí: Analýza konvencí a stylových specifik čárky v odborném textu." Master's thesis, 2020.

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The present thesis analyses the use of the clausal comma in academic prose. The aim of this diploma thesis is to examine the hypothesis of relative inconsistency in the use of the comma in a multiple sentence formed by a native speaker of English. In Modern English, the descriptive approach prevails and therefore it is assumed that the comma usage varies. The factors that affect or, by interacting with other factors, contribute to the inclusion or the omission of the comma in a sentence are the length of the clause in both compound and complex sentences, the position of the clause in a sentence as well as the syntactic function of the adverbial clause in a complex sentence. The coordinate clauses are studied in terms of the presence and absence of the subject in the second conjoined clause and the semantic tightness of both clauses. Based on an analysis of 200 two-clause sentences (both compound sentences and complex sentences comprised of the matrix clause and an adverbial clause) excerpted from linguistic articles written by native speakers of English, the thesis categorises the sentences according to the dependency relation between the clauses, evaluates the frequency of the inclusion of the comma against its omission, and describes the potential factors that influenced the comma usage. The...
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Coufalová, Adéla. "Vybraná sponová slovesa a jejich adjektivní doplnění v současné psané a mluvené angličtině." Master's thesis, 2019.

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The present thesis studies the copular verbs and their co-occurrence with adjectival complements in contemporary written and spoken English. The theoretical part of this work first describes the copular verbs in terms of their types and types of complements they take. A corpus-based approach to copular verbs follows. A part of the theory also provides an overview of the terminology that is used with copular verbs. The work consists of two parts: the theoretical part which introduces the topic and describes the features of both the principal copula be and other copular verbs and the analytical part which analyses written language data excerpted from the Araneum Anglicum corpus and spoken language data from the Spoken BNC2014 corpus. The analytical part focuses on the following seven verbs: feel, look, seem, remain, become, go and get and their adjectival complements. These adjectives are then analysed in terms of their frequency and collocability with the verbs. The collocate lists of all verbs are then compared between the two corpora. Finally, the analysis also attempts to categorize the adjectives semantically. The analysis also focuses on adverbs which occur in these constructions and which function is to modify the adjectives. The results of the analytical part are summarized in the conclusion.
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