Academic literature on the topic 'Class'

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Journal articles on the topic "Class"


del Riego, Alissa. "The Class Counsel Draft Gender Gap: An Analysis of Class Counsel Applicants." Michigan Journal of Gender & Law, no. 31.1 (2024): 51.

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This Article accomplishes three important and distinct objectives. First, it provides an updated window into the class counsel gender gap. Second, and most critically, it analyzes a to date unexamined data point—MDL class counsel applications. And third, based on its analysis of the data gathered, it demonstrates: (1) female class counsel application rates are correlated with appointment rates and (2) gender equal class counsel applicants’ success rate, suggesting courts are not discriminating against female class counsel applicants. Instead, the class counsel gender gap appears to be a product of the class counsel draft gender gap. To narrow the gap, more women must apply to represent class members. But female candidates must be qualified and meet Rule 23(g)’s adequacy requirements, and they cannot easily attain the experience and financial resources required under the Rule without the class counsel bar’s investment and endorsement. In the recent past, the bar has been motivated by courts’ vocal efforts to appoint diverse candidates, but with courts’ diversity efforts in Constitutional jeopardy, the bar’s incentives to train, retain, and sponsor female candidates will likely decrease. It is up to the class counsel bar now to recognize, as several courts have, the many benefits gender-diverse representation affords class members and class counsel, whose ultimate financial success is tied to the success of the class.
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Marcus, Aaron. "Culture class vs. culture clash." Interactions 9, no. 3 (May 2002): 25–28.

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Schipani, Cindy, and Terry Dworkin. "Class Action Litigation after Dukes: In Search of a Remedy for Gender Discrimination in Employment." University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, no. 46.4 (2013): 1249.

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In this Article we argue for substantial reforms to our system of combating workplace gender discrimination in light of the Supreme Court's ruling in Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes. To help counter discrimination victims' decreasing access to the courts, our proposals call for a narrow construction of the holding of Dukes. At the same time, agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) can better use their regulatory authority to address gender discrimination. Further, regulatory agencies, arbitrators, and courts can mandate mentoring programs to assist employees in overcoming the effects of discrimination and provide a potential pathway for career success.
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Suominen, Anniina, Tiina Pusa, Minna Suoniemi, Eljas Suvanto, and Elina Julin. "Infernal learning and the class clash." Research in Arts and Education 2021, no. 1 (February 1, 2021): 132–59.

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Shrestha, Rosha. "Association of Anterior and Posterior occlusal planes with skeletal class I, class II and class III malocclusion." Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research 11, no. 08 (August 30, 2023): 57–63.

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Introduction: The occlusal plane is a very vital in stomatognathic system and the association between anterior occlusal planes and posterior occlusal plane plays an important role during orthodontic treatments. Methods: Lateral cephalometric radiographs of 270 adult patients of the different classes of malocclusion were used. Several angular measurements were measured and compared among all study groups to evaluate the existence of relationship between AOP and POP with skeletal and vertical patterns. Results: The skeletal patterns showed a significant difference in anterior occlusal plane angle relative to both SN plane and FH plane among all classes of malocclusion (p-value =0.001**) having a steeper inclined plane in Class II and flat inclined plane in Class III. POP in relation to FH plane and SN plane showed lowest angle in skeletal Class III and highest in Skeletal Class I patients. Conclusion: The occlusal planes were found to have an impact on the jaw base where the variation in its angulation of different occlusal planes had affected both sagittal and vertical facial patterns. AOP relative to SN and FH were steeper in Class II and flat in Class III, while the POP relative to FH showed the same value in Classes II and III. Keywords: Anterior occlusal plane, Posterior occlusal plane, Malocclusion, Skeletal patterns, Vertical pattern, Lateral cephalometric radiograph.
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Bluestein, Howard B. "CLASS for Class." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 74, no. 9 (September 1993): 1697–702.<1697:cfc>;2.

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McKinnon, Christopher. "Dual-Class Capital Structures: A Legal, Theoretical & Empirical Buy-Side Analysis." Michigan Business & Entrepreneurial Law Review, no. 5.1 (2015): 81.

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“The advantage of a dual-class share structure is that it protects entrepreneurial management from the demands of ordinary shareholders. The disadvantage of a dual-class share structure is that it protects entrepreneurial management from the demands of shareholders.” Issuing dual classes of stock has become hotly debated since two major events transpired in 2014: (1) Facebook acquired WhatsApp for $19 billion and (2) Alibaba chose to list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) instead of the Hong Kong Exchange. Because dual-class managers, like those at Facebook and Alibaba, retain a controlling voting block, their decisions are immune from activist investors or others who disagree with corporate actions. This protection allowed Mark Zuckerberg to acquire WhatsApp at an enormous price that stockholders may have resisted, and it is why Alibaba chose to list on the NYSE even though its stockholders may have found the Hong Kong Exchange to be a more natural fit. This Comment seeks to determine whether the one-man decisional structures at Facebook and Alibaba—accomplished through dual classes of stock—allow such managers to undertake, what the market perceives to be, value-destroying transactions more often than their single-class counterparts.
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Croon, Marcel. "Latent class analysis with ordered latent classe." British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 43, no. 2 (November 1990): 171–92.

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Helmbold, Lois Rita, and Janet Zandy. "Class Actions, Class Reactions." Women's Review of Books 13, no. 2 (November 1995): 23.

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Reay *, Diane. "Thinking class, making class." British Journal of Sociology of Education 26, no. 1 (January 2005): 139–43.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Class"


Piotto, Débora Cristina. "Retrato de um (des)encontro : camadas médias na escola pública." Universidade de São Paulo, 2002.

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A pesquisa partiu da seguinte pergunta: quais as repercussões sobre a situação escolar das crianças das camadas populares do aumento das camadas médias na escola pública? Para respondê-la realizamos um estudo etnográfico em uma escola do município de Ribeirão Preto na qual esse fenômeno estava presente. Foram realizadas observações em sala de aula e em outros espaços da escola, além de entrevistas com diretores, orientadores, professores, pais e alunos. Os resultados da pesquisa de campo foram surpreendentes, pois revelaram que a relação entre usuários de camadas médias e a escola pública é muito mais complexa do que supúnhamos. Levadas por dificuldades econômicas, algumas famílias das camadas médias transferem os filhos da rede particular para a pública. Numa tentativa de pôr a escola pública em moldes que não afetem o seu prestígio, alguns pais participam da APM e do Conselho de Escola. Imersos no preconceito social contra os pobres, desejam excluir alunos pobres vistos como mais ameaçadores. Mas a equipe dirigente e o corpo docente não permitem, utilizando a defesa de tais alunos como forma de se contrapor aos pais na disputa pelo poder que se instala. Diante desta resistência, os pais deixam de participar de tais órgãos, mas procuram exercer pressão direta no fazer dos professores. As crianças, imersas neste universo de conflito e preconceito, reproduzem a discriminação na relação com os colegas.
The research has arisen from the following question: \"what are the repercussions on lower class children due to the increase of middle class students in public schools?\" In order to answer that question, we have carried out an ethnological study in a school in the city of Ribeirão Preto where this phenomena was evident. Not only observations (inside the classroom and in other areas in the school) were made, but also interviews with directors, advisers, teachers, parents and pupils. The results of the field research were stunning since they show that the relation between students from the middle class and the public school is much more complex than we would imagine. Due to economic problems, some families, which belong to the middle class, transfer their children from private schools to public ones. Some parents end up joining an APM (an association of parents and teachers) and the School Council so that they can \"control\" the public school in such a way that it does not affect their prestige. As parents are immersed in social prejudice against the poor, they want to exclude poor students once they are seen as the most threatening ones. However, the directors and the teaching faculty do not allow that to happen - they defend poor students as a way of opposing to parents in the fight for power. Having to face this opposition, parents normally give up taking part of school groups but, on the other hand, they put pressure on what teachers are doing. The children, immersed in this universe of conflict and prejudice, propagate discrimination in the relation with their colleagues.
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Soler, i. Gibert Odí. "Approximation in the Zygmund Class and Distortion under Inner Functions." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2020.

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En aquest treball es tracten dos problemes. El primer és un problema d’aproximació en la classe de Zygmund per funcions del subespai I_1(BMO), que és l’espai de funcions contínues amb derivada a BMO en el sentit de les distribucions. Considerem la distància definida per la semi-norma de Zygmund. En el Capítol 1, donada una funció f de la classe de Zygmund en la recta real amb suport compacte, trobem una estimació de la seva distància al subespai I_1(BMO). A més, aquest resultat s’expressa en termes de les segones diferències de f, que defineixen la seva semi-norma de Zygmund. Com a corol·lari, obtenim una caracterització de la clausura de l’espai I_1(BMO) en aquesta semi-norma. Els mètodes presentats en aquesta primera part no es poden aplicar al cas de la classe de Zygmund a l’espai euclidià de dimensió n>1. Tanmateix, presentem un resultat anàleg per mesures de Zygmund en dimensió n>=1. En aquest cas, el subespai que considerem és el de mesures absolutament contínues amb derivada de Radon-Nykodim en l’espai BMO. En el Capítol 2, considerem l’espai de funcions amb continuïtat Hölder de paràmetre 0=1. Per 0En este trabajo se tratan dos problemas. El primero es un problema de aproximación en la clase de Zygmund por funciones del subespacio I_1(BMO), que es el espacio de funciones continuas con derivada en BMO en el sentido de las distribuciones. Consideramos la distancia definida por la semi-norma de Zygmund. En el Capítulo 1, dada una función f de la clase de Zygmund en la recta real con soporte compacto, encontramos una estimación de su distancia al subespacio I_1(BMO). Además, este resultado se expresa mediante las segundas diferencias de f, que definen su semi-norma de Zygmund. Como corolario, obtenemos una caracterización de la clausura del espacio I_1(BMO) en esta semi-norma. Los métodos presentados en esta primera parte no son aplicables al caso de la clase de Zygmund en el espacio euclidiano de dimensión n>1. No obstante, presentamos un resultado análogo para medidas de Zygmund en dimensión n>=1. En este caso, el subespacio que consideramos es el de medidas absolutamente continuas con derivada de Radon-Nykodim en el espacio BMO. En el Capítulo 2, consideramos el espacio de funciones continuas Hölder de parámetro 0=1. Para 0In this work we deal with two different problems. The first one is an approximation problem in the Zygmund class by functions in the subspace I_1(BMO), which is the space of continuous functions with derivative in BMO in the sense of distributions. We consider the distance defined by the Zygmund semi-norm. In Chapter 1, given a function f in the Zygmund class in the real line with compact support, we find an estimate of its distance to the subspace I_1(BMO). In addition, this result is expressed in terms of the second differences of f, which define its Zygmund semi-norm. As a corollary, we obtain a characterisation of the closure of I_1(BMO) in this semi-norm. The methods presented in this first part are not applicable to the Zygmund class in the euclidean space of dimension n>1. However, we present an analogous result for Zygmund measures in dimension n>=1. In this case, the subspace that we consider is the space of absolutely continuous measures with Radon-Nykodim derivative in BMO. In Chapter 2, we consider the space of Hölder continuous functions with parameter 0=1. For 0
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Ribeiro, Luiz Vicente Fonseca. "Análise de classe e pobreza no Brasil." Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), 2011.

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FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais
Esta dissertação consiste em uma revisão de literatura acerca das abordagens de diferentes perspectivas sobre o fenômeno da pobreza. Está na agenda da discussão teórica e metodológica o objetivo de estabelecer outra forma de definir e mensurar o fenômeno da pobreza. Para isso foi preciso vencer proposições das demais perspectivas e suas respectivas abordagens. A Perspectiva Econômica, com a abordagem através da dimensão da renda, a Perspectiva Sociológica com base no estruturalismo marxista ortodoxo e também aquela racionalidade culturalista que foca sua abordagem no conceito de subculturas de classe e máadaptação, a Perspectiva de Amartya Sen e sua dimensão cognitiva focada em seu conceito de capacidades. O objetivo foi o de propor uma estratégia analítica que focaliza o que determina os resultados materiais obtidos pelas pessoas em uma economia de corte capitalista. O realismo crítico foi adotado como suporte meteórico de toda a pesquisa. A hipótese foi de que um modelo de classes bem construído responde melhor aos dilemas presentes no amplo campo do tema escolhido porque este tipo de perspectiva encontra respostas que estão arraigadas na estrutura do mundo e ao colocar-se em primeiro plano o tema geral da pobreza, a classe detém uma importância explicativa primordial porque o aspecto material é o único fator ao qual pode-se atribuir uma primazia causal. As privações geradas pela exclusão de ativos em um sistema capitalista não são simplesmente um infeliz subproduto da busca do lucro capitalista, eles são uma condição necessária para esta persecução.
This dissertation is a literature review of approaches from different perspectives on the phenomenon of poverty. Theoretical and methodological discussions are on the agenda of economists and sociologists in order to establish another way of defining and measuring the phenomenon of poverty. For this proposition was necessary to overcome the remaining areas and their approaches. The Economic Perspective and the approach through the income paradigm, the Sociological Perspective on the basis of orthodox Marxist structuralism and also that his culturalist rationality approach that focuses on the concept of subcultures of class and poor adjustment, as Amartya Sen and his concept of capabilities. The objective was to propose an analytical strategy that focuses on determining the substantive results obtained by people in a capitalist economy. Critical realism has been adopted as metateoric support of the research. The hypothesis was that a class model better respond to the dilemmas present in the broad field of the theme chosen. This perspective finds answers that are embedded in the structure of the world and place itself in the foreground of the general topic of poverty. The class holds a primordial explicative importance because the material aspect is the only factor that can be assigned as a asymmetric cause. The deprivations created by the exclusion of assets in a capitalist system are not simply an unfortunate byproduct of the capitalist pursuit of profit, they are a necessary condition for this pursuit.
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Sánchez, Romera Alfonso. "The middle class in contemporary urban china: construction, practices and representations." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Traducció i Estudis Interculturals, 2020.

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Aquesta investigació té com a objectiu analitzar el fenomen social de la classe mitjana xinesa, posant atenció especial en la construcció social de la identitat mitjançant l’anàlisi de les pràctiques i representacions socials a la Xina urbana contemporània. L’estudi consisteix en l’anàlisi d’entrevistes semiestructurades mantingudes a Beijing entre l’any 2017 i l’any 2018, del discurs oficial de la classe mitjana xinesa a partir de les esmenes a la Constitució de la República Popular de la Xina (RPX) i dels textos i discursos dels líders de l’Estat-partit i, finalment, del contingut dels articles sobre classe mitjana publicats a Renmin wang (People’s Daily online) —el portaveu del Comitè Central del Partit Comunista Xinès— des de principis del segle XXI. Per això, l’etnografia no es centra únicament en proporcionar un exemple categòric de la construcció d’una identitat de classe mitjana a Beijing, sinó que també explora el camp social de la Xina urbana contemporània com a espai multidimensional de mobilitat social, de noves pràctiques i representacions socials —és a dir, de nous estils de vida. Tot i que s’ha emprat un esquema conceptual associat a l’obra de Pierre Bourdieu, alguns resultats obtinguts qüestionen la seva conceptualització de “classe real” i la seva formulació sobre les condicions homogènies d’existència de classe i la seva capacitat de generar pràctiques socials similars. El model de Bourdieu permet descobrir una sèrie de característiques definidores que indiquen que la formació dels grups de classes mitjanes a la RPX constitueix principalment un fenomen de reproducció social en comptes d’un procés de formació de classe. D’altra banda, el resultat d’aquesta recerca determina de quina manera la tesi de la “cleavage society” o l’anomenada cristal·lització de classes rau principalment en el consum —és a dir, el capital econòmic—, i no tant en una identitat ‘de classe’ reconeixedora o ‘classe real’. La migració interna a la RPX és una forma de consum d’un determinat estil de vida, una pràctica suzhi (‘de qualitat’) i una manera de construir-se com a subjecte de classe mitjana, civilitzat i modern. Tanmateix, a la Xina urbana es construeix progressivament una identitat de classe mitjana no només amb pràctiques de consum, sinó també amb l’experiència de participar en noves activitats al barri basada en principis oberts, públics i solidaris, i també en accions col·lectives contra la vulneració dels seus drets com a propietaris. Així doncs, aquesta investigació mostra la validesa i la configuració del concepte de classe —juntament amb els de racialització, gènere i sexualitat— per a produir una representació precisa de la institucionalització, legitimació i reproducció tant de la desigualtat com del privilegi a les societats contemporànies.
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el fenómeno de la clase media china, poniendo especial énfasis en la construcción social de la identidad mediante el análisis de las prácticas y representaciones sociales en China urbana contemporánea. Se utiliza una metodología mixta que incluye el análisis de entrevistas semiestructuradas llevadas a cabo en Beijing entre 2017 y 2018, el discurso oficial de la clase media china a través de las enmiendas a la Constitución de la República Popular de China (RPC) y de textos y discursos de los líderes del Estado-partido y, finalmente, del contenido de los artículos sobre clase media publicados en Renmin wang (Diario del Pueblo en Línea) —portavoz oficial del Comité Central del Partido Comunista Chino— desde principios del siglo XXI. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio no es brindar únicamente un ejemplo categórico de la construcción social de la identidad en la clase media, sino explorar también el campo social de China urbana contemporánea como espacio multidimensional de movilidad social, de nuevas prácticas y representaciones sociales —es decir, de nuevos estilos de vida. Aunque estas observaciones parten del esquema conceptual propuesto por Pierre Bourdieu, los resultados obtenidos cuestionan su conceptualización de la ’clase real’ y su formulación respecto a las condiciones homogéneas de existencia de las clases y su capacidad generadora de prácticas sociales similares. El modelo de Bourdieu permite descubrir una serie de características definidoras que indican que la formación de los grupos de clases medias en la RPC constituye principalmente un fenómeno de reproducción social en lugar de un proceso de formación de clase. Por otra parte, el resultado de esta investigación determina de qué manera la tesis de la ‘cleavage society’ o cristalización de clases se fundamenta principalmente en el consumo —es decir, el capital económico—, y no tanto en una identidad de ‘clase’ reconocible o ‘clase real’. La migración interna en la RPC es una forma de consumo de un determinado estilo de vida, una práctica suzhi (‘de calidad’) y una manera de construirse como sujeto de clase media, civilizado y moderno. Además, en las ciudades chinas se construye progresivamente una identidad de clase media no solo con prácticas de consumo, sino también con la experiencia de participar en nuevas actividades vecinales basadas en principios abiertos, públicos y solidarios, y en acciones colectivas contra la vulneración de sus derechos como propietarios. Así, esta investigación muestra la validez y la configuración del concepto de clase —junto a los de etnicidad, género y sexualidad— para producir una representación precisa de la institucionalización, legitimación y reproducción tanto de la desigualdad como del privilegio en las sociedades contemporáneas
This research aims to explore the social phenomenon of the Chinese middle class, with particular focus on the social construction of identity by analysing social practices and representations in contemporary urban China. The study is framed in the analysis of semi-structured interviews collected in Beijing between 2017 and 2018, the official discourse of the Chinese middle class through the amendments to the Chinese Constitution, the main texts and speeches of the Party-state leaders and, finally, the content of articles on middle class published on Renmin Wang (People’s Daily online) —the mouthpiece of Central Committee of the Communist Party of China— since the early 21st century. Therefore, the aim of this research is not only to provide a categorical example of the social construction of identity within Beijing’s middle class, but also to explore the social field in Contemporary urban China as a multidimensional space of social mobility, new social practices and representations —that is, new lifestyles. While these observations have been derived by employing a conceptual schema associated with the work of Pierre Bourdieu, some results obtained question his conceptualization of “real class” and his formulation on homogeneous conditions of class as homogeneous systems of dispositions capable of generating similar practices. As a result, this study has discovered a number of defining characteristics that indicate that the formation of the middle-classes groups in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) constitutes a social reproduction phenomenon rather than a class formation process. Moreover, the findings of the case study undertaken in Beijing are also supportive of the thesis of a cleavage society or the so-called class crystallization is maintained primarily through consumption —that is, economic capital—, but not through a recognizable ‘class’ identity or ‘real class’. Also, this study has shown that domestic migration in the PRC is also a form of lifestyle consumption, a suzhi (‘quality’) practice and a way to fashion oneself as a middle-class, civilized and modern subject. However, a middle-class identity is progressively constructed in urban China not only through consumption practices but also through the experience of participating in new activities in their neighbourhood life based on principles of openness, publicity and solidarity, and also in collective action against violation of their private-property rights as homeowners. Besides, the research revealed the validity and the configuration of the concept of class —together with racialization, gender and sexuality— to produce an accurate representation of the institutionalization, legitimatization and reproduction of both inequality and privilege in contemporary societies.
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Vallières, Daniel. "Class invariants." Thesis, McGill University, 2005. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=98509.

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In this thesis, we present numerical examples of class invariants constructed by DeShalit-Goren in [14]. These class invariants are an attempt to generalize the classical theory of elliptic units. The hope is that a better understanding of these class invariants would lead to other cases of Stark's conjectures expressing the value of derivatives of Artin L-functions at s = 0 in term of a regulator of linear forms in logarithms of S-units.
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Bondalapati, Kavitha. "Class scheduler." Virtual Press, 1996.

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The purpose of this thesis is to study the development process and final applications of class scheduling systems. This study helped in listing the additional features required to build a better system for class scheduling. Thus a system, Class Scheduler, is developed using Visual Basic as a front-end application which meets the class scheduling requirements including the functions of querying, generating reports and checking for constraints. Versions of class scheduling had been developed using Visual C++ in 1995 and using COBOL in 1983. A comparison of the development process and the resultant systems is made in this thesis.
Department of Computer Science
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Braga, Mariluci. "Virtual Class." Florianópolis, SC, 2002.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.
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Este trabalho aborda o modelo de ensino Virtual Class que possui um ambiente tridimensional e que utiliza tecnologias baseadas na Realidade Virtual. Foram enfatizadas questões técnicas e teóricas no desenvolvimento e uso deste ambiente. Esta discussão é apoiada em dados de projetos já concluídos ou em desenvolvimento, ilustrando o levantamento das pesquisas realizadas nesta área. O projeto Virtual Class foi desenvolvido com base numa análise sobre a simulação aplicada à educação nas suas diversas vertentes. A evolução tecnológica permite sua utilização em inúmeras áreas. O Virtual Class modela um ambiente comum para usuário levando em consideração o conhecimento prévio que o usuário tem sobre o mesmo. Esse fator facilita a interação do usuário com o mundo virtual. O usuário encontra no Virtual Class, por exemplo, uma academia de ginástica. Neste ambiente, o usuário pode realizar experiências que não seriam possíveis de realizar numa academia no mundo real. Ele pode experimentar por exemplo, fazer um trabalho em um aparelho com uma carga muito acima do que realmente consegue suportar e assim visualizar de forma virtual o que pode vir a acontecer com o seu organismo (músculos, articulações, etc) se tivesse realizado a mesma experiência no mundo real.
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Lapré, Claude. "The social construction of the middle class, class identification and class images of young Canadians." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Wu, Qiong Lei Pui-Wa. "Class extraction and classification accuracy in latent class models." [University Park, Pa.] : Pennsylvania State University, 2009.

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Yokura, Shoji, and yokura@sci kagoshima-u. ac jp. "Verdier--Riemann--Roch for Chern Class and Milnor Class." ESI preprints, 2000.

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Books on the topic "Class"


Aronowitz, Stanley, and Michael J. Roberts, eds. Class. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Holgersson, Ulrika. Class. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2016.: Routledge, 2016.

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Edgell, Stephen. Class. London: Routledge, 1993.

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Patrick, Joyce, ed. Class. Oxford, U.K: Oxford University Press, 1995.

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Edgell, Stephen. Class. London: Taylor & Francis Inc, 2002.

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H.G. Wells Short Story Competition (2015), ed. Class. Folkestone, Kent: St Ursin Press, 2015.

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DeGiorgi, Giacomo. Class size and class heterogeneity. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010.

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DeGiorgi, Giacomo. Class size and class heterogeneity. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010.

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1955-, Kuhn Rick, and O'Lincoln Tom, eds. Class & class conflict in Australia. Melbourne: Longman, 1996.

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Pat, Mahony, and Zmroczek Christine, eds. Class matters: 'working-class' women's perspectives on social class. London: Taylor & Francis, 1997.

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Book chapters on the topic "Class"


Roberts, Michael J. "Representing the Working Class." In Class, 1–22. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Roberts, Michael J. "Jukebox Blowin’ a Fuse." In Class, 111–24. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Cutler, Jonathan. "Labor's Time." In Class, 125–39. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Moore, Ryan M. "The Unmaking of the English Working Class." In Class, 141–50. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Aronowitz, Stanley, and William DiFazio. "The Jobless Future." In Class, 151–63. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Kelley, Robin D. G. "Shiftless of the World Unite!" In Class, 165–70. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Roberts, Michael J. "Occupy the Hammock." In Class, 171–90. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Aronowitz, Stanley. "The Vanishing Middle." In Class, 191–203. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Rosenzweig, Roy. "The Struggle Over the Saloon." In Class, 205–19. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Kracauer, Siegfried. "The Salaried Masses." In Class, 221–27. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.

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Conference papers on the topic "Class"


Ashe, Glenn. "Classification Society Rules For Naval Engineering Systems." In Safety Regulations & Naval Class. RINA, 2002.

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Pattison, Nick, and Simon Loyns. "The VT Shipbuilding Approach To Safety Case." In Safety Regulations & Naval Class. RINA, 2002.

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Pomeroy, R. V. "Lloyd’s Register’s Approach To Naval Ship Classification." In Safety Regulations & Naval Class. RINA, 2002.

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Mechanicos, Michael, David Page, Patrick Byrne, and Graham Durant-Law. "The Future Royal Australian Navy Regulatory System." In Safety Regulations & Naval Class. RINA, 2002.

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McFarlane, Gary, John Lord, Robert Milligan, and Simon Sykes. "Technical Regulation, Certification and Classification of The Anzac Ships." In Safety Regulations & Naval Class. RINA, 2002.

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Petersen, Lorenz. "Classification of Naval Ships." In Safety Regulations & Naval Class. RINA, 2002.

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Lindemann, Kare. "Safety objectives In HSC Code As Reflected In DNV Navy Rules." In Safety Regulations & Naval Class. RINA, 2002.

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MacDonald, Gordon, and Andrew Potts. "Applicabilty and Perceived Benefits of Safety Case To Ran For Management of Ran Fleet and of Each Asset." In Safety Regulations & Naval Class. RINA, 2002.

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Chalmers, David. "Safety Management and Regulation of Submarines – A Personal View." In Safety Regulations & Naval Class. RINA, 2002.

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Guild, Rear Admiral Nigel. "Smart Safety – The Royal Navy Safety Vision." In Safety Regulations & Naval Class. RINA, 2002.

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Reports on the topic "Class"


De Giorgi, Giacomo, Michele Pellizzari, and William Gui Woolston. Class Size and Class Heterogeneity. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, September 2010.

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Hughes, III, H. Grady, and Michael R. James. MCNP6 Class. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2014.

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Dover, Carson, Brian Willoughby, and Jason Carroll. Porn gets classy: A latent class analysis of pornography users. Peeref, July 2023.

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Dolan, Daniel H. The ThermalDiffusion class. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2014.

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Author, Not Given. Reliability of safety class versus nonsafety class piping. Final report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 1985.

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Wu, J. Control Class Summaries and Control Class IV from April 1990. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 1991.

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Vesely, Charles John-Paul, Benjamin S. Fuchs, and Chuck W. Booten. Diesel Fueled SOFC for Class 7/Class 8 On-Highway Truck Auxiliary Power. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2010.

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Datta, Sandip, and Geeta Kingdon. Class Size and Learning: Has India Spent Too Much on Reducing Class Size? Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), January 2021.

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This paper examines the efficacy of class-size reductions as a strategy to improve pupils’ learning outcomes in India. It uses a credible identification strategy to address the endogeneity of class-size, by relating the difference in a student’s achievement score across subjects to the difference in his/her class size across subjects. Pupil fixed effects estimation shows a relationship between class size and student achievement which is roughly flat or non-decreasing for a large range of class sizes from 27 to 51, with a negative effect on learning outcomes occurring only after class size increases beyond 51 pupils. The class-size effect varies by gender and by subject-stream. The fact that up to a class-size of roughly 40 in science subjects and roughly 50 in non-science subjects, there is no reduction in pupil learning as class size increases, implies that there is no learning gain from reducing class size below 40 in science and below 50 in non-science. This has important policy implications for pupil teacher ratios (PTRs) and thus for teacher appointments in India, based on considerations of cost-effectiveness. When generalised, our findings suggest that India experienced a value-subtraction from spending on reducing class-sizes, and that the US$3.6 billion it spent in 2017-18 on the salaries of 0.4 million new teachers appointed between 2010 and 2017 was wasteful spending rather than an investment in improving learning. We show that India could save US$ 19.4 billion (Rupees 1,45,000 crore in Indian currency) per annum by increasing PTR from its current 22.8 to 40, without any reduction in pupil learning.
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Hecht, H., A. T. Tai, and K. S. Tso. Class 1E digital systems studies. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1993.

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Campbell, Daniel Leigh, Charles Adam Ferguson, Julio P. Marchiondo, and David Michael Sais. Commercial Electronic Part Class Definitions. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2020.

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