Academic literature on the topic 'Circuits électroniques – Fiabilité – Simulation par ordinateur'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Circuits électroniques – Fiabilité – Simulation par ordinateur"
Alexandrescu, Marian-Dan. "Outils pour la simulation des fautes transitoires." Grenoble INPG, 2007.
Full textSingle Events (SE) are produced by the interaction of charged particles with the transistors of a microelectronic circuit. These perturbations may alter the functioning of the circuit and cause logic faults and errors. As the sensitivity of circuits increases for each technological evolution, specific tools are needed for the design of hardened circuits. This thesis aims at furthering the comprehension of the phenomena and proposes EDA tools to help the analysis of these problems in today's ICs. We have developed methodologies for the characterization of the cells from the standard library and tools for accelerated fault simulation and probabilistic analysis of single events. The results provided by these tools allow the designer to correctly evaluate the sensitivity of his design and select the most adequate methods to improve the reliability of ICs
Belhenini, Soufyane. "Etude de structures de composants micro-électroniques innovants (3D) : caractérisation, modélisation et fiabilité des démonstrateurs 3D sous sollicitations mécaniques et thermomécaniques." Thesis, Tours, 2013.
Full textThis work establishes a contribution in an important European project mentioned 3DICE (3D Integration of Chips using Embedding technologies). The mechanical and thermomechanical reliability of 3D microelectronic components are studied by employing standardized tests and numerical modeling. The board level drop test and thermal cycling reliability tests are selected for this study. Failures analysis has been used to complete the experimental study. The mechanical properties of elements constituting the microelectronic components were characterized using DMA, tensile test and nanoindentation. Bibliographical researches have been done in order to complete the materials properties data. Numerical simulations using submodeling technique were carried out using a transient dynamic model to simulate the drop test and a thermomechanical model for the thermal cycling test. Numerical results were employing in the design optimization of 3D components and the life prediction using a fatigue model
Ayoub, Kamel. "Représentation analytique des briques de base, miroirs et différentiels en technologie duale unipolaire et bipolaire." Toulouse, INPT, 2000.
Full textPerez, Renaud. "Contribution à la définition des spécifications d'un outil d'aide à la conception automatique de systèmes électroniques intégrés robustes." Montpellier 2, 2004.
Full textRaiff, Bertrand. "Définition et conception d'un simulateur de circuits analogiques non linéaires à modèles par zones et ordres variables." Toulouse, INPT, 1992.
Full textGarci, Maroua. "Simulation multi-physiques de circuits intégrés pour la fiabilité." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016.
Full textThis thesis was carried out under the theme of the microelectronics Integrated Circuits Reliability. The aim of our work was to develop a multi-physics simulation tool for the design of reliable integrated circuits. This tool has the following innovative features : • (i) The integration in a standard microelectronics design environment, such as the Cadence® environment ;• (ii) The possibility of efficient simulation, over long periods, of analog CMOS circuits taking into account the aging henomenon ; • (iii) The simulation of multiple physical behaviours of ICs (electrical-thermalmechanical) coupled in the same environment using the direct simulation method. This work was carried out through three main stages detailed in the three parts of this Manuscript
Egot, Stéphane. "Intégration des équipements électroniques dans la modélisation de l'architecture électrique des véhicules automobiles : application à la prédiction de compatibilité électromagnétique dans les phases amont de la conception." Lille 1, 2005.
Full textThis thesis deals with the elaboration and the evaluation of an integration methodology of electronic equipment in the EMC modeling of the electrical architecture in the early design phase of a vehicle. The proposed approach is based on dissociating the equipment modeling into two complementary parts involving the car manufacturer and the elctronic supplier. The feasibility of this modeling technique primarily required ton characterize the interaction between the equipment and the car body. Besides, the different factors having an influence on the validity of the model were examined as well as its needed level of precision. The latter issue was considered by taking into account the globality of the system, especially the variability brought by the random bundling of the cable harness. Finally the proposed method was evaluated by comparing statistical measurement and simulation results obtained on a realistic electronic sub-system
Karray, Mohamed. "Contribution à la modélisation hiérarchique de systèmes opto-électroniques à base de VHD-AMS." Paris, ENST, 2004.
Full textIn a technological context in which the integration degree in micro and optoelectronic circuits increases more and more, it becomes necessary for the designers to get complete simulation tools, in order to study not only the behavior of different constitutive elements of sub-systems that they design, but also to evaluate global performances of the system. This thesis work concerns the design of opto-electronic component models, by using VHDL-AMS language. This language is very convenient for multi-domain modelling : electronics, optics, thermics or mechanics. It gives also the capability to get models at different abstraction levels in the system. Our work is a part of SHAMAN project. Its objective is to model every component of an opto-electronic system with the conditions of high speed, short distance, and strong thermal and mechanical interactions. The methodology used is hierarchical, combining top-down and bottom-up design flow in order to get optimal solutions about performances, cost and design time, and by re-using virtual components following intellectual property rules (IP)
Zhu, Feiyi. "Etude de la fiabilité des composants soumis à des stress électriques conduits." Rouen, 2015.
Full textAccurate method of reliability qualification is required to meet the needs of the electronic embedded components and systems. It was found that the undesirable effects as OVS (Over-current and overvoltage) part of EOS (Electrical Overstress) remains unknown for electronics engineers. So far, these effects are not yet classified in the reliability test standards of electronic components. As a corollary, relevant test method and model need to be developed in order to improve the electronic components reliability against these types of aggression. The main objective of the present PhD thesis which was conducted in IRSEEM and involved in the SESAMES project (Study for Electrical overstress Standardization And Measuring Equipment Set-up) is to improve the knowledge of component models subjected to conducted electrical stress whose characteristics is classified in the “Electrical Overstress” (EOS) family. To understand the mechanism of electronic components degradation during and after pulsed EOS, a test bench was developed. The EOS test platform operation was described including the implementation of the pulsed EOS signals generation approach based on the Matlab and LabVIEW programming. For different EOS waveforms, after description of the experimental test set-up, the EOS test results were presented and discussed. To meet the needs of SESAME project industrial partners, two different electronic components were tested and studied. It acts as a Zener diode and the TDA8007 CMOS integrated circuits. Hypotheses have been formulated on the reasons for the degradation suffered by these components during EOS stress. Based on the failure analyses on the components subjected to EOS generated by the developed test bench under SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and FIB (Focused Ion Beam), results have been presented and interpreted to understand the mechanism of degradation. This failure analysis enables to locate and understand the failure sources and the reliability state of the tested components. To predict the components reliability during and after EOS, it is important to use an electrical model that can be integrated into electrical simulation tools. A methodology enabling the identification of a diode electrical model during and after EOS is established. Based on this methodology, a thermo-electrical model was described in VHDL-AMS (VHSIC Hardware Description Language - Analog and Mixed Systems). Simulation results comparing with experimental results were presented. The model was validated experimentally and by SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) simulations. The developed model can be used in the future for the prediction of EOS effects
Marcon, Didier. "Étude de faisabilité d'un processeur matériel spécialisé pour la simulation concurrente de fautes." Montpellier 2, 1986.
Full textBooks on the topic "Circuits électroniques – Fiabilité – Simulation par ordinateur"
Krenz, Jerrold H. Electronic Concepts: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press, 2000.
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