Academic literature on the topic 'Cinéma et poésie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Cinéma et poésie"
Berne, Marie. "Autoportrait du scientifique en artiste." Mnemosyne, no. 6 (October 15, 2018): 15.
Full textBouchard, Vincent. "Transmettre l’expérience d’une rencontre : le cas du cinéma léger synchrone." Transmettre, no. 5 (August 10, 2011): 81–97.
Full textBertozzi, Marco. "Un cinéma blessé : Pasolini et le mythe de la ville intacte." Cinémas 27, no. 1 (September 25, 2017): 41–55.
Full textAbadi, Sou, and Daniel Delanoë. "Dans l’œil de Sou Abadi : la poésie et l’humour dans le cinéma iranien." L'Autre Volume 22, no. 2 (September 1, 2021): 138–48.
Full textAlbert, Claude. "Poésie et réalité, le sens caché de L’Oumigmag de Pierre Perrault." Cinémas 5, no. 3 (February 28, 2011): 101–14.
Full textBertrand, Karine. "L’inuktitut et le corps-vocal dans le cinéma inuk : la décolonisation par le poème cinématographique." TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies 10, no. 1 (September 20, 2018): 29–44.
Full textAndréo, Benjamin. "Vers une viropoétique: cinéma de la crise et (dé)limite du poétique dans Le Testament d'Orphée." Nottingham French Studies 53, no. 3 (December 2014): 359–74.
Full textGambier, Yves. "Dussol, Vincent et Şerban, Adriana, dir. (2018) : Poésie-Traduction-Cinéma/Poetry-Translation-Cinema. Limoges : Éditions Lambert-Lucas, 358 p." Meta: Journal des traducteurs 65, no. 1 (2020): 275.
Full textMelançon, Benoît. "Écrire Maurice Richard. Culture savante, culture populaire, culture sportive." Globe 9, no. 2 (February 16, 2011): 109–35.
Full textBertrand, Denis, and Veronica Estay Stange. "Transversalité du sens et relations interartistiques : l’héritage greimassien." Semiotica 2017, no. 219 (November 27, 2017): 315–33.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Cinéma et poésie"
Weyl, Daniel. "Théorie critique et pratiques expérimentales du texte : poésie, litterature, cinéma." Paris 8, 1989.
Full textTo mature the concept of text as an aesthetical production not reducible to the semantical representation, we will postulate two functionnings of language. A) semantical and stable (of which communication comes from). B) semiotical and latent (of which signifyance comes from). The principle of the last one is displacement, that we have widened to the double plan of th signified (metonymical or antonymical association) and the signifying (anamorphosis), each one endowed with a specifical dynamism, which is powered by some tendancy of the subject : refusal of the ignorance in language mistake, censorship of the personal taboo in freudian slip, etc. That tendancy is belonging to the structure of the lack of knowledge, of which we give a semiological definition and not a psychological one, endeavouring to allow for modern epistemological requisites. Then we will attemp to establish that the text semiotic powering is the general taboo - not limited to sex -, able to bring about the so called aesthetical emotion when it semiotically expands into complex and latent network of associated taboos, providing a high seductio- nal semantical plan mediates it
Perrais, Agnès. "Lyrisme et politique en cinéma : Duras, Garrel, Godard, années 1970-1980." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017.
Full textThis dissertation articulates the concept of lyricism and a political approach of the real in cinema. In order to study more specifically the issues of « poetry cinema », it proposes a reading of the literary theory of lyricism through a critique of the conceptual polarization of subjectivity. Starting with a study of the interdependence of poetics and politics in Hölderlin, Rimbaud and the Surrealists’ works, I put forward the notion of « objective lyricism » to understand how film can move away from the discursive paradigm of activism and forge a critical evaluation of political issues by way of their esthetics. By analyzing a number of films by Marguerite Duras, Philippe Garrel et Jean-Luc Godard, all made in the years just after 1968, when activism receded, I show how their formal legacies influenced the depiction of politics by withdrawing the narrative structure to the profit of a logic of sensation. Furthermore, I intend to demonstrate how in Marguerite Duras’ films political subjectivation is achieved by a lyrical voice rooted in a radical thinking of negativity. If the resurgence of a romantic legacy and of the cryptic side of surrealism in Philippe Garrel’s films lead to an experiential approach of politics, the re-actualization of the surrealist theory of the image-as-interaction and Rimbaud’s principles of the subject’s decentering push Jean-Luc Godard to a dialectization of lyricism, articulating a sensitive positivity to an objectifying critique
Pisanelli, Flaviano. "Une écriture dissidente : les dernières productions de Pier Paolo Pasolini." Paris 3, 2007.
Full textThis thesis, entitled A Dissident Writing: Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Last Works, aims to make an in-depth analysis of the dissident nature and character of Pasolini’s works of the 1970’s. Through a semantic and lexicographic investigation – and by employing the method of « concordance » – this work undertakes, in the first part, the study of the poetic language that Pasolini uses in the collection Trasumanar e organizzar (1971), by emphasizing the innovative form and structure which the poet creates through the notion of umorismo and the elaboration of anti-lyrical poetics. This part is followed by an analysis of the posthumous novel Petrolio (1992) and of the film Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975). In an attempt to elucidate, on the one hand, the literary, dissident impact and significance of Petrolio, and on the other hand to understand the cruelty of the film language in Salò, as well as the physical and psychological violence that the filmmaker brings to the screen, this analysis emphasizes the close relationship between the literary and film discourse in Pasolini’s work. The last part of the thesis takes into account a group of texts that Pasolini dedicates to the causes of the crisis of Italian neorealist literature, as well as to his reflections on the notions of writing, language (written and film) and form, which lead the poet-filmmaker to confront certain of Roland Barthes’ works (Writing Degree Zero and The Empire of Signs). Finally, a study of Scritti corsari explains the cultural and ideological position of Pasolini, in relation to the historical events of the 1970’s and to the political, social and cultural violence of the “new power” of the consumer society
Kassel, Elena von. "Poésie et sciences sociales, sources du documentaire anglais des années 1930-1950 : l'exemple de Humphrey Jennings." Paris 10, 2003.
Full textThe introduction focuses on Humphrey Jennings' (1907-1950) accomplishments, and what studies have been done on him, and how he is relatively unknown in France. The first part evokes Jennings' life, his literary and artistic engagements, including the crucial roles he played in the British surrealist movement, the founding of Mass Observation and his compilation on the Industrial Revolution, Pandaemonium. The second part is about Jennings the filmmaker. It begins with a short history of the British documentary film movement and Jennings' first films. With the outbreak of the Second World War, Jennings devoted himself to making propaganda films. Drawing from British tradition, these poetic documentaries had a profound effect on civilians and raised their moral. Today, they remain the most moving and true accounts of that time. Detailed analysis of these films follow. Jennings died accidentally in 1950. But his work is underrated. Some critics even believing his reputation to depend solely on the exceptional circumstances of the war. This thesis assumes the total of Jennings' work as poet, painter and filmmaker in order to establish his place as major artist of the twentieth century
Marcoux, Pascale. "De la pellicule à la plume : poésie et geste documentaire dans Bâtons à message. Tshissinuatshitakana de Joséphine Bacon." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2015.
Full textTudesque, Andrée. "Marcel Pagnol : aspects bucoliques, poétiques et classiques de son oeuvre." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Full textAbstractThe notoriety of Marcel Pagnol is no longer to be attested to, but it is clear academics do not generally show any consideration for him. This magician of words, this storyteller heir to the Provencal oral tradition, plays as a virtuose with speech, and his creation is the result of literary interferences. The different perspectives of the work of Marcel Pagnol, which has its source in his classical training, have determined this research, which focuses on analysis of some of his writings. Thus, this aims at recognizing his symbolic capital and contribution to literature. The classicism that permeates the education he received has guided all his literary, theatrical and cinematographic achievements; consequently, it determined his reception because the character of his work, enriched by the ancient heritage and the Provençal cultural patrimony, is to have reached universality. This thesis focuses on aspects of his creations, which reflect not only his education, but especially the ability of the author to use different genres such as the pastoral and its ramifications, which range from poetry to novel and to theater, then to film with which he will maintain close and complementary relations. Influenced by Music, Latin and Provençal culture, Marcel Pagnol diverged from the beaten track of literature of his time, by putting his creative originality at the service of poetry, prose, theater and film
Fiant, Antony. "Otar iosseliani : tel un demiurge a la surface du film." Caen, 2000.
Full textKim, Hye-shin. "La poéticité cinématographique et l'acte de création à partir de Mauvais sang de Leos Carax et d'Arthur Rimbaud : réflexion sur une conjonction artistique entre le poète et le cinéaste, entre la poésie, la littérature et le cinéma." Paris 3, 2005.
Full textThis thesis is not intended to practice an already established theory. It is born from an inquiry about some new conjunctions, so far little explored, “between” the act of creation and the creative reception, “between” traditional interpretation of the logos and the perceptual observation of the opsis, and “between” ‘poeticity' pertaining to the images for the eyes and a quest for an analytical device targeting the particularity of cinematographic images. We have made our central question of a non-conventional, de-estheticizing, creative goal, which seeks to recover the vital force pertaining to the poetico-cinematographic images among others and protect it. For this purpose, we turned to Rimbaud's poetry and Carax's cinema. To come by an analysis suitable for their unique creative style of exalting the poetic power of the image, we suggest three analytic steps: emotion, perception, and creation/interpretation. By means of this, we'd like to understand concretely how a new world is created, one made of other images bursting out of “Me” onto the surface of the ‘screen' (unexplored extent beyond the psychological “me”) – and of magical forces that belong to them. In this unknown space, the immediate possession of those jubilant moments and then, their loss, their wandering, and their failure, are all equally original
Shi, Xin. "Le style poétique au cinéma : recherche en poétique à travers la réalisation du documentaire-fiction "Shangai, Nostalgie"." Paris 1, 2009.
Full textMaritchik, Youlia. "Les formes hybrides de l' écriture dans le roman contemporain : le verbal et le visuel dans les oeuvres de M. Duras." Paris 8, 2007.
Full textDuras’s fictional texts and films have got problematical status among literary and cinematographic critics. To investigate writer’s work we should examine the rapport text/film and analyse visual aspects of literature. We also pay special attention to the concept of “hybridité” invented by literary critics. It is used to characterize Duras’s texts by means of such notions as “cinematographic” and “poetico-narrative” writing. Duras’s writing rejects all visual and poetic techniques, composes, and produces her own criteria of analysis. One of M. Duras’s main concerns was to create images which would liberate the spectator’s imagination. That is why the visual in her works has rhythmical, prosodical nature: the words have unlimited possibilities of proliferating mental images. Poetical force of Durassian texts is in the critical power of the language, of the discourse, in their poeticity. That is why “Le Navire Night” can be regarded as a poem (poème) in A. Meschonnic’s sense of the term, which supposes inventiveness, verbal “activity” of the texts, and personal ethics of creation
Books on the topic "Cinéma et poésie"
Gilles, Rof, and Allard Ariane, eds. Marseille culture[s]: Arts visuels, musique, danse, théâtre, architecture, cinéma, photographie, littérature et poésie. Paris: HC éditions, 2012.
Find full textThe American poet at the movies: A critical history. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Cinéma et poésie"
Cohen, Nadja. "Le cinéma, « seul successeur possible » du livre poétique dans les années 1910 et 1920 ?" In La poésie délivrée, 499–509. Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2017.
Full textWerly, Patrick. "Penser un « cinéma de poésie » à partir de Pasolini et de Bonnefoy." In Littérature comparée et correspondance des arts, 337–51. Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2014.
Full textLévy, Marie-Françoise, and Marie-Noële Sicard. "Création, expérimentations artistiques et transmission sous Jean d’Arcy (théâtre, poésie, cinéma)." In Jean d’Arcy, 83–99. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2014.
Full textKopeleva, Galina. "La civilisation française dans le cadre des événements culturels étudiants à l’Institut de la culture d’État de Saint-Pétersbourg." In Quelles compétences en langues, littératures et cultures étrangères ?, 41–50. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full text"Bibliographie et filmographie." In Jouer sa vie en jouant aux échecs. Essai sur la symbolique du jeu d’échecs dans la littérature, l’art, la poésie et le cinéma, 77–78. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2021.
Full text"La folie et la sérénité." In Jouer sa vie en jouant aux échecs. Essai sur la symbolique du jeu d’échecs dans la littérature, l’art, la poésie et le cinéma, 13–34. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2021.
Full text"L’absolu." In Jouer sa vie en jouant aux échecs. Essai sur la symbolique du jeu d’échecs dans la littérature, l’art, la poésie et le cinéma, 65–76. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2021.
Full text"Front Matter." In Jouer sa vie en jouant aux échecs. Essai sur la symbolique du jeu d’échecs dans la littérature, l’art, la poésie et le cinéma, I—VIII. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2021.
Full text"Notes." In Jouer sa vie en jouant aux échecs. Essai sur la symbolique du jeu d’échecs dans la littérature, l’art, la poésie et le cinéma, 79–82. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2021.
Full text"Les mobiles du crime." In Jouer sa vie en jouant aux échecs. Essai sur la symbolique du jeu d’échecs dans la littérature, l’art, la poésie et le cinéma, 35–64. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2021.
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