Academic literature on the topic 'CIM-11'

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Journal articles on the topic "CIM-11"


Pull, Charles B. "DSM-5 et CIM-11." Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique 172, no. 8 (October 2014): 677–80.

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Stona, A. C., C. Kogan, J. Keeley, S. Evans, and G. Reed. "Étude de terrain sur les troubles de l’alimentation et des conduites alimentaires dans le cadre du développement de la CIM 11." European Psychiatry 29, S3 (November 2014): 568.

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ContexteDans le cadre du développement de la classification internationale des maladies (CIM-11), les groupes de travail ont développé des propositions avec pour objectif d’améliorer l’utilité clinique de la classification. Ces propositions sont testées via la plateforme internet « Réseau Mondial de Pratique Clinique (RMPC) » permettant de conduire à des études cliniques électroniques dans les langues officielles de l’OMS, dont le français. Cette étude s’intéresse aux catégories diagnostiques des troubles de l’alimentation et des conduites alimentaires (TCA). Des nouveaux diagnostics ont été proposés tels que le trouble d’hyperphagie et le trouble d’évitement et de restriction de l’apport alimentaire.Objectifs– évaluer l’impact des changements spécifiques des TCA entre la CIM-10 et la CIM-11 auprès des membres francophones du RMPC ;– évaluer la validité, l’utilité clinique des nouvelles propositions et l’accord inter-juges des participants.MéthodeÉtude mixte, internationale, conduite par internet auprès des membres francophones du RMPC.PopulationMembres du RMPC maîtrisant le français (environ 1000 professionnels) et exerçant une activité clinique.DéroulementLa population cible recevra un email d’invitation. Les participants seront amenés à lire deux vignettes puis à poser des diagnostics et à répondre à des questions complémentaires, en se basant sur la CIM-10 ou la CIM-11 qu’ils auront reçu de façon aléatoire.OutilsLes vignettes représenteront des cas cliniques réels et reflèteront les changements spécifiques entre la CIM-10 et la CIM-11. Elles seront ainsi présentées par pair (8 pairs possibles).AnalyseComparaisons :– interparticipants portant sur l’utilisation du système diagnostique (10 ou 11) et l’attribution du diagnostic en fonction des changements spécifiques ;– intra-participant sur l’évaluation des pairs de vignettes.Résultats attendusCette étude doit permettre d’évaluer les nouvelles propositions CIM en français, en tenant compte des spécificités culturelles et linguistiques de la francophonie.
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Fei, Kailun, Yundi Zhang, Yiting Dong, Liman Liman, Yiqi Li, Wenjing Yang, Jie Wang, and Zhijie Wang. "Real-world burden and treatments of chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression among patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer: A retrospective real-world study in China." Journal of Clinical Oncology 42, no. 16_suppl (June 1, 2024): e20102-e20102.

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e20102 Background: Chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression (CIM) is the major dose-limiting and severe complication for chemotherapy, particularly etoposide plus platinum-based therapy (EP), in patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC). CIM adversely affects patient quality of life and imposes substantial economic burden. In China, there’s a scarcity of related studies, especially in large cohort. This study aims to summarize the burden and treatments of CIM in ES-SCLC patients using a nationally representative real-world database. Methods: Data were derived from 53 hospitals across 28 provinces, as part of the National Cancer Center (NCC) database. ES-SCLC patients receiving EP between 2018.1.1 and 2022.12.31 were included. CIM events, namely chemotherapy induced neutropenia (CIN), thrombocytopenia (CIT), and anemia (CRA) were identified based on laboratory tests and graded according to Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 5. Incidence, treatments and impact on hospitalization cost of CIM were described. Results: 7,505 patients were included, with an average age of 61.2 years (SD = 9.02) and an average of 5.0 chemotherapy cycles (SD = 2.01). The overall incidence of CIM was 91.95%, with grade 3-4 CIM occurring in 25.09% patients. Incidence of CIN, CIT, and CRA, were 44.74%, 39.20%, and 86.48%, respectively, with febrile neutropenia at 0.72%. Among patients with CIN, 90.89% patients used granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), and 90.56% used it prophylactically. Among patients with CIT, 17.47% used recombinant human thrombopoietin (rhTPO) and 25.49% used recombinant human interleukin-11 (rhIL-11). Among patients with CRA, 10.26% used erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA). Occurrence of grade 1-2 CIM and grade 3-4 CIM may increase 9.37% and 32.36% hospitalization cost per chemotherapy cycle, respectively (¥23,316.3 vs ¥21,318.2, ¥28,217.0 vs ¥21,318.2), compared to patients without any CIM. Conclusions: Incidence of CIM is notably high among ES-SCLC patients receiving EP, and treatments like G-CSF, rhTPO, rhIL-11 and ESA are widely used. Occurrence of CIM critically escalates hospitalization cost. Innovations to protect bone marrow from chemotherapy-induced damage are promising to alleviate the burden and benefit quality of life for ES-SCLC patients.[Table: see text]
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Bozinovic, I., and S. Guéant. "Conduite d'une étude d'impact de la transition CIM-10 vers CIM-11 et projet de déploiement." Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health 72 (March 2024): 202222.

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Wolfson, A. H., M. F. Brady, R. S. Mannel, Y. Lee, R. J. Futoran, D. Cohn, O. B. Ioffe, and T. F. Rocereto. "A Gynecologic Oncology Group randomized trial of whole abdominal irradiation (WAI) vs cisplatin-ifosfamide+mesna (CIM) in optimally debulked stage I-IV carcinosarcoma (CS) of the uterus." Journal of Clinical Oncology 24, no. 18_suppl (June 20, 2006): 5001.

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5001 Background: Besides initial surgery, there has been no established consensus regarding adjunctive therapy for optimally debulked patients with uterine CS. This study was designed to compare progression-free interval (PFI), overall survival (OS), toxicity, and failure patterns using WAI vs CIM chemotherapy for this uncommon group of female malignancies. Methods: Patients with stage I-IV disease, ≤ 1 cm residual tumor, and no extra-abdominal involvement were randomly assigned to either WAI (approximately 30 Gy followed by pelvic boost) or cisplatin 20 mg/m2/d × 4, ifosfamide 1.5 g/m2/d × 4 and mesna 120 mg/m2 loading dose, then 1.5 g/m2/d × 24 h, repeated q 3 weeks × 3 cycles. Results: 224 patients were enrolled, of whom 207 (WAI = 105; CIM = 102) were eligible. Patient demographics and characteristics were similar between arms. FIGO stage (both arms) was: I = 64 (31%); II = 26 (12%); III = 93 (45%); IV = 24 (11%). GI toxicity ≥ grade 2 occurred frequently and similarly (31%, both arms). CIM was associated with more ≥ grade 3 anemia (11% vs 1%) and neurotoxicity (9% vs 0%) compared to WAI. Two deaths were attributed to RT-induced hepatitis. Sites of first recurrence in WAI vs CIM among the 97 (47%) patients who relapsed were: vagina, 4 vs 10; pelvis, 12 vs 12; abdomen, 23 vs 14; lung, 13 vs 13; other, 13 vs 9. The estimated probability of recurring within 5 years is 55% (WAI) and 49% (CIM). Adjusting for stage, the recurrence rate was 28.5% lower for CIM patients relative to WAI patients (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.715, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.474–1.077, p = 0.108, 2-tail test). The estimated death rate for CIM is 32.8% lower relative to WAI (HR: 0.672, 95% CI: 0.458–.986, p = 0.042). Conclusion: Compared to WAI, adjuvant CIM reduces the recurrence rate and significantly prolongs OS in optimally debulked uterine CS patients; however, due to a high relapse rate and poor OS, the imperative for new adjuvant therapies remains. No significant financial relationships to disclose.
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Walji, N., A. Zachariah, C. Yap, S. A. Hussain, C. J. Poole, A. El-Modir, R. Ganesan, and I. N. Fernando. "Carboplatin, ifosfamide, and mesna (CIM) for the treatment of gynecological carcinosarcoma." Journal of Clinical Oncology 27, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2009): e16539-e16539.

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e16539 Background: A GOG trial comparing cisplatin/ifosfamide/mesna chemotherapy versus whole abdominal irradiation for FIGO stages I-IV carcinosarcoma (CS) showed an estimated median survival (MS) of 50 months for chemotherapy but high toxicity. This study investigates the efficacy and tolerability of a novel regimen using carboplatin AUC 5, ifosfamide 3 g/m2 and mesna 1 g/m2 (CIM) in both the adjuvant and metastatic setting. Methods: Retrospective analysis of women with CS treated from May 1997-May 2007 with CIM (group 1) versus other chemotherapy regimens (group 2). Toxicity was graded according to the Common Toxicity Criteria and MS estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results: Of 51 eligible women (median age 71 years) 35 (69%) had stage 3 or 4 disease. 35/51 (69%) received chemotherapy; 2 with stage 1c disease received pelvic radiotherapy (pRT) alone whilst the remaining 14 were unfit for any treatment. Median follow-up for the treated patients is 45 months. 11/35 patients (31%) received CIM as first-line chemotherapy. Other regimens included: carboplatin (n = 14); carboplatin/paclitaxel (n = 3); carboplatin/epirubicin (n = 3); carboplatin/doxorubicin (n = 2); doxorubicin/ifosfamide (n = 1); cisplatin/ifosfamide (n = 1). 20/35 (57%) received adjuvant chemotherapy (AC) of which 8 received CIM; 11/20 patients also received adjuvant pRT. MS in the CIM AC group is 54.7 months compared to 37.4 months for other regimens. 3/8 patients (37.5%) in the CIM arm developed recurrent disease compared to 9/12 (75%) for other regimens. 4/16 patients received CIM as first- or second-line palliative chemotherapy. All patients responded of whom 2 achieved clinical and radiological complete response (CR). One woman subsequently relapsed and achieved a second CR with CIM. MS for all chemotherapy-treated patients is 54.7 months (group 1) versus 20.6 months (group 2) (p = 0.07). No patients in group 1 experienced any grade 3/4 toxicity and all patients completed the prescribed treatment. There were 2 unexpected treatment-related deaths in group 2, one of whom received carboplatin/paclitaxel and the other carboplatin/epirubicin. Conclusions: CIM appears to be efficacious and well tolerated in the treatment of CS and merits further investigation in clinical trials. No significant financial relationships to disclose.
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Yu, Qing-Qing, Heng Zhang, Yujin Guo, Baoqin Han, and Pei Jiang. "The Intestinal Redox System and Its Significance in Chemotherapy-Induced Intestinal Mucositis." Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2022 (May 9, 2022): 1–29.

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Chemotherapy-induced intestinal mucositis (CIM) is a significant dose-limiting adverse reaction brought on by the cancer treatment. Multiple studies reported that reactive oxygen species (ROS) is rapidly produced during the initial stages of chemotherapy, when the drugs elicit direct damage to intestinal mucosal cells, which, in turn, results in necrosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, and ROS production. However, the mechanism behind the intestinal redox system-based induction of intestinal mucosal injury and necrosis of CIM is still undetermined. In this article, we summarized relevant information regarding the intestinal redox system, including the composition and regulation of redox enzymes, ROS generation, and its regulation in the intestine. We innovatively proposed the intestinal redox “Tai Chi” theory and revealed its significance in the pathogenesis of CIM. We also conducted an extensive review of the English language-based literatures involving oxidative stress (OS) and its involvement in the pathological mechanisms of CIM. From the date of inception till July 31, 2021, 51 related articles were selected. Based on our analysis of these articles, only five chemotherapeutic drugs, namely, MTX, 5-FU, cisplatin, CPT-11, and oxaliplatin were shown to trigger the ROS-based pathological mechanisms of CIM. We also discussed the redox system-mediated modulation of CIM pathogenesis via elaboration of the relationship between chemotherapeutic drugs and the redox system. It is our belief that this overview of the intestinal redox system and its role in CIM pathogenesis will greatly enhance research direction and improve CIM management in the future.
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Chams, Cyril, Ana Borda De Agua Reis, Chantal Berna, and Marc R. Suter. "Douleurs chroniques liées au cancer : physiopathologie et classification CIM-11." Revue Médicale Suisse 18, no. 787 (2022): 1259–63.

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Lorette, Adrien, and Juan-Pablo Lucchelli. "Présentation de la nouvelle Classification internationale des maladies (CIM-11)." L'information psychiatrique 98, no. 6 (July 1, 2022): 426–34.

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Moeglin, Clotilde, and Othman Sentissi. "Appel à participation pour le développement de la CIM-11." Revue Médicale Suisse 10, no. 421 (2014): 626.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "CIM-11"


Peraud, Berthelot William. "Trouble de stress post-traumatique et trouble de stress post-traumatique complexe chez les personnes LGBTQIA+ : prévalences et facteurs associés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Contexte : les personnes LGBTQIA+ représentent 9% de la population (IPSOS, 2023). Sous le sigle LGBTQIA+ se regroupent des personnes aux profils variés au regard de leur orientation sexuelle, de leur identité de genre, de leurs caractéristiques anatomiques, ou plus largement de leur rapport à la norme hétérosexuelle et cisgenre. Les personnes LGBTQIA+ constituent une population vulnérable, notamment en termes de santé physique et psychologique. Fréquemment exposées de manière chronique, dès l’enfance, à des violences de nature interpersonnelle, pouvant parfois impliquer les figures d’attachement, les personnes LGBTQIA+ réunissent les principaux facteurs de risque de développement d’un Trouble de Stress Post-Traumatique (TSPT) ou d’un Trouble de Stress Post-Traumatique Complexe (TSPT-C). Méthode : le premier article établit la traduction et la validation transculturelle de l’International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ ; Cloitre et al., 2018), un auto-questionnaire permettant d’évaluer les symptômes de TSPT et TSPT-C selon les critères de la Onzième Classification Internationale des Maladies (CIM-11). Le second article est une revue systématique de la littérature visant à recenser les prévalences de TSPT et de TSPT-C chez les personnes LGBTQIA+ et à identifier les facteurs associés aux symptômes de TSPT et de TSPT-C. Le troisième article présente les résultats d’une étude empirique menée en France en population générale adulte comprenant des personnes LGBTQIA+, visant à comparer l’exposition aux violences (discriminations, évènements potentiellement traumatiques), leurs répercussions traumatiques (TSPT, TSPT-C) et à explorer les facteurs pouvant influencer la symptomatologie. Résultats : le travail de traduction et validation transculturelle a rendu disponible une version française de l’ITQ valide et présentant une structure factorielle équivalente à la version originale. L’outil montre une validité convergente et divergente satisfaisantes, ainsi qu’une bonne stabilité dans le temps (Peraud et al., 2022). La revue systématique de la littérature portant sur 60 articles a permis de relever des prévalences de TSPT extrêmement élevées chez les personnes LGBTQIA+. Certains groupes apparaissent comme particulièrement vulnérables, notamment les personnes bisexuelles (10,3-35,7% TSPT) et les personnes transgenres (36,8-64,3% TSPT). Les facteurs associés aux symptômes se situent à des niveaux multiples : individuel, interpersonnel, organisationnel, communautaire et politique (Peraud et al., en révision). L’étude empirique menée en France sur un échantillon de 2175 personnes a montré des taux d’exposition aux violences particulièrement élevés chez les personnes LGBTQIA+ en comparaison des personnes cisgenres hétérosexuelles. Cela se traduit par des prévalences de TSPT et de TSPT-C élevées, en particulier chez les personnes transgenres et de la diversité de genre (10-14% TSPT ; 12-32% TSPT-C ; 25-46% prévalence cumulée) et les personnes pansexuelles (11,6% TSPT ; 28 ;4% TSPT-C ; 40% prévalence cumulée) (Peraud et al., en préparation). Les analyses de régressions hiérarchiques montrent que de nombreux facteurs participent à la symptomatologie de TSPT et TSPT-C (e.g., dissociation, caractéristiques des violences, fonctionnement familial, coping). Certains facteurs semblent plus spécifiques à la population LGBTQIA+ (e.g., discriminations, violences en lien avec l’identité LGBTQIA+, revenus, âge) (Peraud et al., en préparation). Discussion : les résultats de cette recherche doctorale soulignent que l’exposition aux violences chez les personnes LGBTQIA+ relève d’un enjeu de santé publique. Il apparaît aujourd’hui essentiel de soutenir les actions déjà existantes et de proposer de nouveaux dispositifs de prévention et de soin auprès de ces personnes. Cela ne peut pas exister sans une volonté institutionnelle et politique ancrée dans la lutte contre les inégalités
Context: LGBTQIA+ individuals make up 9% of the population (IPSOS, 2023). The LGBTQIA+ acronym encompasses people with diverse profiles regarding their sexual orientation, gender identity, anatomical characteristics, or, more broadly, their relationship to heterosexual and cisgender norms. LGBTQIA+ individuals constitute a vulnerable population, particularly concerning physical and psychological health. Frequently subjected to chronic interpersonal violence, wich can begin as childhood and involving attachment figures, LGBTQIA+ individuals share the main risk factors for developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Method: the first article establishes the translation and cross-cultural validation of the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ; Cloitre et al., 2018), a self-report questionnaire that assesses PTSD and C-PTSD symptoms according to the criteria of the Eleventh International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). The second article is a systematic literature review aimed at collecting prevalence data on PTSD and C-PTSD in LGBTQIA+ individuals and identifying factors associated with PTSD and C-PTSD symptoms. The third article is a standardized study conducted in France among the general adult population, including LGBTQIA+ individuals, to compare exposure to violence, its traumatic impacts (PTSD, C-PTSD), and explore factors that may influence traumatic symptoms. Results: the translation and cross-cultural validation process produced a validated French version of the ITQ, demonstrating a factorial structure equivalent to the original version. The tool shows satisfactory convergent and divergent validity, as well as good temporal stability (Peraud et al., 2022). The systematic literature review, based on 60 articles, revealed extremely high PTSD prevalence rates among LGBTQIA+ individuals. Certain groups appear particularly vulnerable, notably bisexual individuals (10.3-35.7% PTSD) and transgender individuals (36.8-64.3% PTSD). The factors associated with symptoms exist at multiple levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and political (Peraud et al., under review). The empirical study conducted in France on a sample of 2175 individuals showed significantly higher rates of violence exposure among LGBTQIA+ individuals compared to cisgender heterosexual individuals. This is reflected in elevated PTSD and C-PTSD prevalence, particularly among transgender and gender-diverse individuals (10-14% PTSD; 12-32% C-PTSD; 25-46% cumulative prevalence) and pansexual individuals (11.6% PTSD; 28.4% C-PTSD; 40% cumulative prevalence) (Peraud et al., in preparation). Hierarchical regression analyses indicate that various factors contribute to PTSD and C-PTSD symptomatology (e.g., dissociation, characteristics of violence, family functioning, coping). Some factors appear more specific to the LGBTQIA+ population (e.g., discrimination, violence related to LGBTQIA+ identity, income, age) (Peraud et al., in preparation) Discussion: the results of this doctoral research emphasize that considering exposure to violence in LGBTQIA+ individuals is a public health issue. It is now essential to support existing actions and propose new prevention and care measures for the benefit of these individuals. Such efforts cannot exist without institutional and political commitment rooted in the fight against inequality
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Books on the topic "CIM-11"


E, Hall Allan, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Metal Mining Division., and Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. General Meeting, eds. Sulphide dust explosions: Proceedings of the special session held at the CIM Annual General Meeting, Edmonton, May 11, 1988. Montréal: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1989.

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1986, Hannover-Messe Industrie. Initiativen für die Fabrik mit Zukunft: Internationales Symposium im Rahmen der Hannover-Messe-Industrie '86 10. und 11. April 1986. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1986.

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Götz, Hentschke, Germany. Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie. Projektträger "Arbeit & Technik.", Axiom Berlin GmbH, Fachtagung "Gestaltungskonzepte für Arbeit und Technik im Werkzeugmaschinenbau" (1990 : Magdeburg, Germany), and Fachtagung "Arbeitsorientierte Gestaltung Vernetzter Systeme--CIM-Strategien" (1990 : Chemnitz, Germany), eds. Betriebe im Umbruch: Zur Gestaltung von Arbeit, Organisation und Technik in Unternehmen der neuen Bundesländer ; [Fachtagung "Gestaltungskonzepte für Arbeit und Technik im Werkzeugmaschinenbau" am 26. bis 28. November 1990 im Congress Center Magdeburg und Fachtagung "Arbeitsorientierte Gestaltung Vernetzter Systeme--CIM-Strategien" am 11. bis 13. Dezember 1990 im FORUM Chemnitz]. Leipzig: Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 1992.

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Cim - Paper 11 Managing Marketing Perfor. BPP Professional Education, 2006.

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BPP. Cim Diploma - Paper 11: Strategic Marketing Management - Planning and Control (CIM Study Text). BPP Publishing Ltd, 2001.

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Staff, BPP Learning Media. CIM 11 Marketing Leadership and Planning: Study Text. BPP Learning Media, 2012.

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CIM Diploma - Paper 11: Strategic Marketing Management - Planning and Control: Study Text (2002) (CIM Study Text: Diploma). BPP Business Education Ltd, 2002.

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CIM Paper 11 - Strategic Marketing Management (Planning and Control): Exam Dates - 12-00, 06-01: Study Text (2000) (CIM Study Text: Diploma). BPP Business Education Ltd, 2000.

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CIM Diploma - Paper 11: Strategic Marketing Management - Planning and Control: Practice and Revision Kit (2002). BPP Business Education Ltd, 2002.

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CIM Paper 11 - Diploma: Strategic Marketing Management (Planning and Control): Exam Dates - 12-99, 06-00: Study Text (1999). BPP Business Education Ltd, 1999.

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Book chapters on the topic "CIM-11"


Maercker, A., and A. Perkonigg. "CIM-10, CIM-11 et DSM-5." In Les Troubles Lies Aux Traumatismes et Aux Facteurs de Stress, 197–217. Elsevier, 2018.

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Bouvard, Martine, Dominique SERVANT, and Jérôme Rossier. "Outils d’évaluation des troubles de la personnalité de la CIM-11." In Questionnaires et échelles D'évaluation de la Personnalité, 179–90. Elsevier, 2024.

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Gysi, Jan. "Chapitre 3. Les troubles dissociatifs dans la CIM-11 : un changement de paradigme dans l’histoire de la psychiatrie." In Évaluer et prendre en charge le trouble dissociatif de l'identité, 31–50. Dunod, 2022.

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"G." In The CIM Marketing Dictionary, 133–40. Routledge, 2012.

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"Management, Leadership and Establishing Teams." In CIM Coursebook: Managing Marketing, 73–116. Routledge, 2010.

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"Strategy Formulation." In CIM Revision Cards Marketing in Practice, 17. Routledge, 2012.

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"Unit 7 Media." In CIM Coursebook 05/06 Marketing Communications, 174–87. Routledge, 2012.

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"Unit 8 The marketing mix: service and customer care." In CIM Coursebook 03/04 Marketing Fundamentals, 228–56. Routledge, 2013.

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"Introduction." In CIM Coursebook 03/04 Marketing Communications, 160–64. Routledge, 2013.

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"Unit 8 Evaluating communications effectiveness." In CIM Coursebook 08/09 Marketing Communications, 202–15. Routledge, 2012.

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Conference papers on the topic "CIM-11"


Waight, J. "Evolution of the Common Information Model (CIM) PSCE-11." In 2011 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE). IEEE, 2011.

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Springer, Selwyn, D. (Sid) Sadal, and Alex Turta. "Statistical Review of the Performance of Some Horizontal Wells Drilled in IOR/EOR Projects and Gas Pools in the WCSB." In SPE/CIM Eighth One-Day Conference on Horizontal Well Technology. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2001.

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Dunn, R., D. Yu, M. Tiss, D. Murphy, and D. Hahn. "Production Enhancement of Prolific, Extended Reach Gas Lift Oil Wells: Case History of Systematic Problem Resolution." In SPE/CIM Seventh One-Day Conference on Horizontal Well Technology. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1999.

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Santos, Fabricia Ferreira Dos, Lucas Adrial Tavares Santos, Savyo Nunes De Oliveira, Irinaldo Diniz Basílio Júnior, and Valdemir Da Costa Silva. "AVALIAÇÃO DO PERFIL DE QUALIDADE E A ATIVIDADE ANTIMICROBIANA DE EXTRATOS DA PRÓPOLIS VERMELHA COMERCIALIZADOS EM ALAGOAS." In III Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências Farmacêuticas On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2022.

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Introdução: A própolis vermelha (PV) é um produto natural de composição química complexa e exclusiva produzida por abelhas Apis mellífera. O crescente uso popular do extrato de própolis vermelha ocorre devido suas propriedades biológicas e tem gerado a comercialização do extrato de maneira irregular. Objetivos: Objetivou-se nesse trabalho avaliar o perfil de qualidade e a atividade antimicrobiana de extratos da PV comercializados em Alagoas. Material e métodos: Os extratos foram obtidos em estabelecimentos comerciais de Maceió e denominados como: PV (A, B, C, D e E). O controle de qualidade foi realizado quanto aos aspectos organolépticos, teor de sólidos solúveis, fenóis e flavonoides totais. A atividade antioxidante foi avaliada pelo método DPPH. A atividade antimicrobiana foi realizada através da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM). Resultados: Os resultados revelam que os extratos tinham coloração e aroma similar. Apenas o extrato PVE apresentou teor de extrato seco acima de 11% de acordo com o Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). O extrato PVB revelou o maior teor de compostos fenólicos com 210,4 ± 2,4 mgEAG. g-1. Já o extrato PVC apresentou maior índice de flavonoides totais com 118,2 ± 4,2 mgEQ; g-1. Quando avaliado a atividade antioxidante destaca-se a PVC com maior capacidade de inibir o radical DPPH (87,8 ± 2,9 %). Os extratos PVC, PVD e PVE, apresentaram menor CIM (15,625 µg/mL) frente a E. coli e S. aureus. Conclusão: Diante do exposto, somente o extrato PVE foi satisfatório de acordo com o MAPA. Os demais extratos foram satisfatórios após ajuste de concentração, demonstrando a necessidade de maior controle de qualidade na comercialização.
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Vick, Michael, Trent Young, Matthew Kelly, Steven Tuttle, and Katherine Hinnant. "A Simple Recuperated Ceramic Microturbine: Design Concept, Cycle Analysis, and Recuperator Component Prototype Tests." In ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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Ceramic recuperators could enable microturbines to achieve higher fuel efficiency and specific power. Challenges include finding a suitable ceramic fabrication process, minimizing stray heat transfer and gas leakage, mitigating thermal stress, and joining the ceramic parts to neighboring metal components. This paper describes engine and recuperator design concepts intended to address these obstacles. The engine is sized to produce twelve kilowatts of shaft power, and it has a reverse-flow compressor and turbine. Motivations for this layout are to balance axial thrust forces on the rotor assembly; to minimize gas leakage along the rotating shaft; to reduce heat transfer to the compressor diffuser; to enable the use of a simple, single-can combustor; and to provide room for lightweight ceramic insulation surrounding all hot section components. The recuperator is an annular, radial counterflow heat exchanger with the can combustor at the center. It is assembled from segmented wafers made by ceramic injection molding (CIM). These are housed in a pressure vessel to load the walls mainly in compression, and are joined together by flexible adhesives in the cool areas to accommodate thermal expansion. A representative wafer stack was built by laser-cutting, laminating, and sintering tapecast ceramic material. The prototype was tested at temperatures up to 675°C, and the results were used to validate analytical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, which were then used to estimate the effectiveness of the actual design. Turbomachinery efficiencies were also calculated using CFD, and allowances were made for additional losses like bearing friction and gas leakage. Based on these component performance estimates, a cycle model indicates the engine could achieve a net fuel-to-electrical efficiency of 21%, at a core weight including the recuperator of 11 kg, or about 1 kg/kW electric output.
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Noguchi, Aline Hissae, and Yumi Yamawaki. "Do BIM ao CIM: a tecnologia no desenvolvimento de projetos urbanos em Curitiba-PR." In II Simpósio Nacional de Gestão e Engenharia Urbana. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2019.

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Bonin, Joel Cezar, Madalena Pereira da Silva, and Nílvia Luzia Grutzmacher. "SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT: A LOOK AT THE MUNICIPALITIES OF VIDEIRA AND CAÇADOR-SC AND CITIES IN MEXICO, IN THE LIGHT OF HANS JONAS' RESPONSIBILITY PRINCIPLE." In I Congresso Internacional Multidisciplinar (I CIM). New Science Publishers, 2024.

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Solid waste management is one of the main challenges facing contemporary cities, intensified by population growth, excessive consumption and uncontrolled industrialization. The selective collection of recyclable materials stands out as a crucial public policy to promote sustainability, reduce environmental impacts and conserve natural resources. This study compares selective collection practices in the municipalities of Videira and Caçador, in the Midwest of Santa Catarina, with emphasis on the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), with reference cities in Mexico, such as Cozumel (Quintana Roo) and Salinas Victoria (Nuevo León), evaluating the public policies implemented and their respective results. These municipalities, both in Brazil and Mexico, have similar demographic characteristics, facilitating a comparative analysis of solid waste management practices. Furthermore, the philosophical perspective of Hans Jonas is incorporated, as the research also explores the need for an ethics of responsibility in solid waste management, highlighting the importance of considering the long-term consequences of human actions on the environment and future generations. Furthermore, this work is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 and 12, which aim to promote sustainable cities and communities and ensure sustainable patterns of production and consumption, respectively. Thus, the analysis of selective collection policies in Videira and Caçador and in the Mexican cities of Cozumel and Salinas Victoria was conducted in light of a bibliographic, interpretative, and qualitative approach.
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Diodato, Jonailce Oliveira, Vinícius de Oliveira Ribeiro, Marjolly Priscilla Bais Shinzato, Nelison Ferreira Correa, and Laércio Alves de Carvalho. "SURVEY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION ACTIONS IN SOLID WASTE IN THE STATE OF MATO GROSSO DO SUL." In I Congresso Internacional Multidisciplinar (I CIM). New Science Publishers, 2024.

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This study encompasses the survey of environmental education actions focused on themes related to solid waste in the 79 municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul, considering the implementation of policies by the National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP) and the Sustainable Development Goals. (SDG). With data from 2019 and 2020, provided by the Ecological ICMS and the State System of Environmental Education Information (SISEA), the research aims to diagnose the gaps and successes of waste management practices in the state. The methodology involved the documentary analysis of data on selective collection infrastructure, awareness campaigns, and environmental education programs in each municipality. The results revealed that 33 municipalities (41.8%) did not present effective environmental education actions. In contrast, cities like Campo Grande, Amambai, Maracaju, and Taquarussu stand out for their structured selective collection, presence of voluntary delivery points (VDP), and especially for their continued environmental education that reach different target audiences, involving various social groups in sustainable practices and the formation of sustainable citizens. The study points out that the lack of actions in municipalities with large populations, such as Anastácio and Ribas do Rio Pardo, exacerbates environmental and public health problems, due to the irregular disposal of waste, which contributes to the emergence of small dumps along roadsides and riparian forests. The absence of these initiatives limits sustainable development and the achievement of the SDG targets, such as SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). The results of this evaluation emphasize the need to expand technical and financial support policies for municipalities with less activity, encouraging partnerships and strengthening solid waste management infrastructure. It is suggested that the state government create incentive and training programs to expand environmental education, consolidating Mato Grosso do Sul as a model of ecological responsibility and alignment with the SDGs.
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Bueno, Cristiane, Sheyla Mara Baptista Serra, José Carlos Paliari, and Rochele Amorim Ribeiro. "Diagnóstico do potencial BIM no curso de Engenharia Civil da UFSCar." In V ENCONTRO NACIONAL SOBRE O ENSINO DE BIM. ANTAC, 2023.

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Atualmente, no Brasil, existem muitos esforços voltados à introdução da Modelagem da Informação da Construção (BIM) na esfera pública, por meio da Estratégia Nacional de Disseminação do BIM, que visa disseminar o BIM e suas potencialidades, estruturando o setor público para a adoção do BIM, criando condições para investimento público e privado, incentivo ao treinamento, atos normativos para contratação pública, desenvolvimento de normas técnicas e desenvolvimento da Plataforma e Biblioteca Nacional BIM. Em consonância com esse movimento, a mudança no projeto pedagógico do Curso de Graduação em Engenharia Civil da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, que entrou em vigor no início de 2019, inclui disciplinas obrigatórias de BIM e disciplinas optativas para uso avançado da plataforma, não apenas no contexto da construção civil, mas também no que diz respeito à abordagem do City Information Modelling (CIM). Busca-se agora, o desenvolvimento de um diagnóstico mais amplo e aprofundado das possibilidades de aplicação do BIM de forma integrada e transversal no maior número possível de disciplinas constituintes do projeto pedagógico, de forma a potencializar a integração mais robusta da metodologia BIM no ensino de Engenharia Civil na UFSCar. A iniciativa também tem em vista a nova atualização do projeto pedagógico do curso, prevista para 2024. Para diagnóstico das potencialidades de inserção do BIM na Matriz Curricular do Curso de Engenharia Civil da UFSCar foi proposto o método e aplicada a ferramenta de diagnóstico desenvolvida por Checcucci (2004), Rodrigues e Lima (2017) e Andrade (2018), dentro da iniciativa Células BIM, (GT-TIC ANTAC). O conjunto das áreas que o compõem e caracterizam o curso de Engenharia Civil da UFSCar contribui para desenvolver habilidades necessárias à uma formação mais abrangente e integrada aos campos que requerem a transversalidade do conhecimento. A Resolução CNE/CES n° 11/2002, no seu Artigo 6º, estabelece que “todo o curso de Engenharia, independentemente de sua modalidade, deve possuir em seu currículo um núcleo de conteúdos básicos, um núcleo de conteúdos profissionalizantes e um núcleo de conteúdos específicos que caracterizem a modalidade”. No Curso de Engenharia Civil, estes núcleos estão presentes de forma integrada. O núcleo de Formação Básica está concentrado na primeira metade da formação do aluno, conferindo as condições fundamentais para o desenvolvimento dos conteúdos integrantes nas fases subsequentes representadas pelos núcleos de Formação Profissionalizante e o de Formação Específica. De forma geral, é possível notar, de forma percentual, uma ampliação das potencialidades de inserção da metodologia BIM nas atividades curriculares à medida que ocorrem as transições do curso do núcleo básico para o profissionalizante, e finalmente para o núcleo de formação específica. A proporção de disciplinas com interfaces possíveis e claras se ampliam claramente com o decorrer do curso. Entende-se que, no núcleo básico, em que, na formação em engenharia, há uma grande participação de disciplinas de ciências exatas puras, a possibilidade de se vislumbrar interfaces com BIM seja mais limitada. Essas interfaces se ampliam de forma mais clara e ostensiva à medida que os núcleos profissionalizante e específico passam a dominar a matriz, devido ao grande número de disciplinas de projetos das mais variadas especialidades inerentes à Engenharia Civil, para as quais, a interface e possiblidades de aplicação conceitual e prática da metodologia BIM se fazem mais claras. A análise do currículo do curso de Engenharia Civil da UFSCar mostrou que, dentre as disciplinas obrigatórias e optativas oferecidas, apenas 35% não apresentaram nenhuma interface com a metodologia BIM, 29% apresentaram interface possível, a depender da abordagem dada aos conteúdos, métodos e processos aplicados pela disciplina, e 36% apresentaram interface clara, ou seja, possiblidades claras de inserção da metodologia BIM no ensino. Foi possível notar uma ampliação das potencialidades de inserção da metodologia BIM nas atividades curricular à medida que ocorrem as transições do curso do núcleo básico para o profissionalizante, e finalmente para o núcleo de formação específica. A proporção de disciplinar com interfaces possíveis e claras se ampliam claramente com o decorrer do curso. No núcleo de aprofundamento, constituído por disciplinas optativas de diversas áreas, possivelmente devido ao caráter aplicado das disciplinas oferecidas, observou-se uma maior flexibilidade dos conteúdos, permitindo a observação de oportunidades de abordagem da metodologia BIM. Além disso, nesse núcleo, o preenchimento das matrizes foi mais robusto, ou seja, foram observadas possibilidades mais ostensivas de abordagem das diferentes nuances conceituais e prática propostas pelo instrumento de avaliação. Diante de tal diagnóstico, pode-se concluir que o curso, em sua atual forma, apresenta oportunidades claras de inserção integrada da metodologia BIM, em suas diferentes formas. Abordagens conceituais podem ser aplicadas a disciplinas com tal caráter, e diante do grande número de disciplinas de projeto de diferentes especialidades, pode-se observar um terreno fértil para o desenvolvimento de diferentes habilidades práticas, pelo uso integrado de plataformas BIM.
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