Books on the topic 'Church buildings – Kentucky – Designs and plans'

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Turner, Fred H. Building plans: For medium/large churches. Nashville, Tenn. (127 9th Ave. N., Nashville 37234): Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1991.

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Nicholson, Gary. Building momentum. Nashville, Tenn: Lifeway Press, 2010.

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Dunk, Thomas von der. Pantheon voor Apeldoorn: De plannen voor de bouw van een simultaankerk op het Loo onder Lodewijk Napoleon. Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2001.

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Chiavoni, Emanuela. Il disegno di oratori romani: Rilievo e analisi di alcuni tra i più significativi oratori di Roma. Roma: Gangemi, 2008.

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Vidal, Javier Ortega. El Escorial: Dibujo y lenguaje clásico. [Madrid: Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoración de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V], 2000.

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Gibbons, Robin. House of God: House of the people of God. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2006.

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Heathcote, Edwin. Church builders. Chichester: Academy Editions, 1997.

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Scricco, Francesco. Tipo, forma e struttura nelle architetture di Bernardo Antonio Vittone: Le chiese a pianta centrale delle "Istruzioni diverse". Roma: Gangemi editore, 2014.

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Martínez, Jaime Vega. Arquitectura religiosa en Santiago de Querétaro: Siglo XVII. Querétaro: Archivo Histórico del Estado, 1997.

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Romero, Esperanza Ramírez. Arquitectura religiosa en Morelia. Morelia, Mich., México: Instituto Michoacano de Cultura, 1994.

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Nobile, Marco Rosario, Salvatore Rizzo, and Domenica Sutera. Ecclesia triumphans: Architetture del Barocco siciliano attraverso i disegni di progetto : XVII-XVIII secolo : catalogo della mostra, Caltanissetta, 10 dicembre 2009-10 gennaio 2010. Palermo: Caracol, 2009.

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Lagerlöf, Erland. Levide kyrka. [Stockholm]: Riksantikvarieämbetet, 1996.

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Jiménez, Alfonso. Cartografía de la montaña hueca: Notas sobre los planos históricos de la Catedral de Sevilla. [Sevilla]: Cabildo Metropolitano de la Catedral de Sevilla, 1997.

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Sdegno, Alberto. Geometrie romane a Venezia: Il disegno del Convento palladiano della Carità. Venezia: Cafoscarina, 2005.

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Hawksmoor, Nicholas. Nicholas Hawksmoor: London churches. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2015.

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Giles, Richard. Re-pitching the tent: Re-ordering the church building for worshipand mission in the new millennium. Norwich: The Canterbury Press Norwich, 1996.

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Giles, Richard. Re-pitching the tent: Re-ordering the church building for worship and mission. Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2004.

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Giles, Richard. Re-pitching the tent: Re-ordering the church building for worship and mission in the new millennium. Norwich: Canterbury Press Norwich, 1997.

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Giles, Richard. Re-pitching the tent: Re-ordering the church building for worship and mission. Collegeville, Minn: The Liturgical Press, 1999.

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Giles, Richard. Re-pitching the tent: Re-ordering the church building for worship and mission. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2004.

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Giles, Richard. Re-pitching the tent: Re-ordering the church building for worship and mission. Norwich: Canterbury Press, 1999.

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Tchalenko, Georges. Eglises syriennes à bêma: Texte. Paris: P. Geuthner, 1990.

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Pennick, Nigel. The sacred art of geometry: Temples of the Phoenix. Cambridge: Spirtual Arts & Crafts Publishing, 2005.

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Tchalenko, Georges. Eglises syriennes à bêma. Paris: Librairie orientaliste P. Geuthner, 1990.

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Kimminus-Schneider, Claudia. Das Lippstädter Marienstift: Baugeschichtliche Untersuchung eines westfälischen Kanonissenstiftes des ausgehenden 12. Jahrhunderts. Bonn: R. Habelt, 1995.

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Cigola, Michela. L'abbazia benedettina di Montecassino: La storia attraverso le testimonianze grafiche di rilievo e di progetto. Cassino (Fr) [i.e. Frosinone, Italy]: F. Ciolfi, 2005.

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Botta, Mario. Chiesa a Seriate: Centro pastorale Giovanni XXIII. Milano: Skira, 2004.

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Downes, Kerry. Sir Christopher Wren: The designs for St. Paul's Cathedral. London: Trefoil, 1987.

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Biscop, Jean-Luc. Deir Déhès, monastère d'Antiochène: Étude architecturale. Beyrouth: Institut français d'archéologie du Proche-Orient, 1997.

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Pede, Maria Anna Di. L'abbazia di Montepiano: Un'architettura vallombrosana sull'Appennino pratese. Reggello (Firenze): Firenze libri, 2006.

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Pede, Maria Anna Di. L'abbazia di Montepiano: Un'architettura vallombrosana sull'Appennino pratese. Reggello (Firenze): Firenze libri, 2006.

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Büsing-Kolbe, Andrea. Der Architekt Rudolf Kolbe: Harmonie von Bau und Landschaft. Dresden: Elbhang-Kurier-Verlag, 2010.

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Purdy, M. T. Churches and chapels: A design and development guide. Oxford: Butterworth Architecture, 1991.

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Burry, Mark. Sagrada Familia s. XXI: Gaudí ara/ahora/now. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 2008.

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Archivio storico diocesano di Lucca. Disegnare Lucca: Terrilogi di chiese e monasteri nell'Archivio storico diocesano (secoli XVI-XVIII). Lucca: Maria Pacini Fazzi editore, 2014.

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Valentini, Giuseppe. Il Duomo di Milano: Una disputa medievale sul modello del tempio. Milano: NED, 1990.

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Rüffer, Jens. Die Kathedrale von Santiago de Compostela (1075-1211): Eine Quellenstudie. Freiburg i. Br: Rombach, 2010.

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Morales, Lydia Espinosa. Capilla del Señor de la Misericordia. Monterrey, N.L: Fondo Editorial de Nuevo León, 2009.

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Arias, Lorenzo. Iglesia de San Julián de los Prados: Dibujos del estudio planimétrico. Somió, Gijón: Fundación Museo Evaristo Valle, 1991.

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Botta, Mario. Mario Botta: Public buildings, 1990-1998. Milan: Skira, 1998.

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Botta, Mario. Mario Botta: Public buildings, 1990-1998. Milan: Skira, 1998.

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Downes, Kerry. Sir Christopher Wren: The design of St. Paul's Cathedral : introduction and catalogue. London: Trefoil Publications, 1988.

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Downes, Kerry. Sir Christopher Wren: The design of St. Paul's Cathedral. London: Trefoil in association with the Guildhall Library, 1988.

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Espérandieu, Henry. Henry Espérandieu: Architecte de Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde. Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, 1997.

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Colborne, Allison J. Prints & drawings: Guide and inventory to the papers of Lloyd Wright's Wayfarers' (Swedenborg Memorial) Chapel. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Canadian Centre for Architecture, 1990.

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Botta, Mario. Mario Botta: Architectural poetics. London: Thames & Hudson, 2001.

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Botta, Mario. Mario Botta =: Mario Botta. Tōkyō: Ē ando Yū, 1986.

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Botta, Mario. Mario Botta: Poetica dell'architettura. Milano: Rizzoli, 2000.

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Botta, Mario. Mario Botta =: Mario Botta. Tōkyō: Ē ando Yū, 1986.

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Botta, Mario. Mario Botta: Opere complete. Milano: Federico Motta, 1993.

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