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Journal articles on the topic "Church buildings – Kentucky – Designs and plans":


Boutros, Ramez. "Dimensions and Proportions in Egypt’s Byzantine Religious Architecture." Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies 12 (December 3, 2020): 35–57.

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In the study of Egypt’s Byzantine religious architecture, modern scholarship has been focusing essentially on es- tablishing the typology of plans and their relative chronology. Church building activity has also been studied by using the written sources complimented by the archaeological evidence. is abundant Christian archaeological material shows an amazing variety and complexity in church designs. ere is a need of a rationalized analysis of the proportion ratios of the church buildings, and a necessity to focus on the dominant factors dictating its size, the type of its structure, and the quantities of materials used in its construction. e study of geometric shapes and the evolution of their sacred perceptions is yet another interesting facet of this type of architecture. e purpose of this paper is to explore new approaches in studying the proportion ratios and its correlation with the measuring units used in Byzantine church architecture and the existence of any symbolic concepts.

Zherdiev, V. "The First Church of Russian Emigration in Berlin: The Fate of the Masterpiece." Vìsnik Harkìvsʹkoi deržavnoi akademìi dizajnu ì mistectv 2021, no. 1 (February 2021): 95–100.

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This article dwells upon the tragic history of the architecturally unique Russian Community House with a church. It was built by the design of an architect Nikolai Vasilyev (1875–1958). The presentation of the material in the article begins with the history of the Orthodox embassy house churches in Berlin. Despite the long historical and matrimonial ties between Russian and Prussian Reigning Royal Houses, there was no separate capital Orthodox church edifice in Berlin. The rector of the embassy church A. Maltsev advocated the construction of it, but the First World War interfered with the plans to build a new Orthodox church in Berlin. However, the increase of the Orthodox community after 1917 at the expense of the emigrants made the construction of a new church edifice even more essential. The design was developed by N. Vasilyev. Considering the need to create a multifunctional building, which should be located among a dense urban development and blend in style with the neighboring buildings, the architect embodied his old designs for monastery structures in the Neo-Russian style, carrying the idea of the “Temple-Castle” (designs of the Metochions of Kalyazinsky Alexander Nevsky Monastery and Feodorovsky Gorodetsky Monastery in St. Petersburg). The building, which included premises for various purposes, was crowned with a church in the spirit of Novgorod ecclesiastical architecture with an open gallery for processions. This unique architectural monument suffered a sad fate – the building was sold for debts and bought by German Labor Front (DAF). The former community house was a subject of a complete reconstruction in accordance with the plans for the administrative development of the district. However, a plot of land was allocated to the Russian community for the construction of a new church edifice, which was consecrated in 1938, but that new church was no longer as interesting and unique from an architectural point of view as the first temple. Thanks to the analysis of archival materials it was found out that the reconstruction was not completed and the former community house survived in its original form (only the domes were dismantled) during the Second World War. The building was converted to a hotel only in the late 1950s or early 1960s.

Danielisz, Dóra. "Spatial Formation in 16-19th Century Calvinist Church Architecture: The Calvinist Churches of Sepsiszék." Periodica Polytechnica Architecture 48, no. 1 (April 12, 2017): 35–44.

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One of the less-known and less researched regions of the Carpathian Basin is Sepsiszék, which as part of Háromszék County, was one of Greater Hungary’s southeastern frontier-guard areas. After the Reformation, the population of the region became almost exclusively the followers of one of the Protestant tendencies with Calvinism gathering the most members. Due to the location of the area, Sepsiszék and its vicinity – the former territory of the county - is home to Europe’s easternmost Protestant communities to this day. Thanks to the unique cultural, religious and social environment, the unique development of local church designs notably enriches the history of Protestant religious architecture.The survey documentation of the area’s 32 Calvinist churches along with the schematic analysis of architectural history was carried out during the summer of 2015. The central question of the research was how did the assessed churches accommodate the spatial demands of the new liturgy, and what tendencies can be identified regarding the shaping of the space. The interior layout, galleries, additions to the buildings, the proportions in the floor plans and spatial ratios will be the topics through which these questions will be answered. After tracing the locally observable main characteristics of Protestant spatial formation, similarities with Hungarian and international examples will also be explored.

Abel Vilela, Adolfo de. "Dos posibles obras de Melchor de Velasco : las iglesias de las agustinas y dominicanas de Lugo." Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, no. 11 (January 1, 1998).

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En 1662 se funda en Lugo el convento de las Agustinas Recoletas instalándose en unas casas de la Plaza Mayor. Entre 1663 y 1667 construye la iglesia Antonio Rodríguez Maseda siguiendo las trazas de un arquitecto desconocido. Se propone como autor a Melchor de Velasco Agüero, encargado de tasar y reconocer la obra en 1668. Tanto el convento como la iglesia fueron derribados en 1840. Se hace la reconstrucción a partir de la información facilitada en el contrato de la obra. El convento de Santa María A Nova fue fundado en 1363. La iglesia gótica fue sustituida por una construcción ejecutada en dos fases. La primera entre 1681 y 1688, posiblemente siguiendo trazas de Melchor de Velasco, autor de las de la iglesia de Santa Bala de Arealonga en Vilagarcía de Arousa (Pontevedra), por las semejanzas existentes entre las puertas de ambas.In 1662 the convent of Las Agustinas Recoletas was founded within a few homes on the main square of Lugo. Between 1663 and 1667, Antonio Rodríguez Maseda, following the designs ofan unknown architect, constructed the church. It is thought that this unknown architect is Melchor de Velasco Agüero, who was in charge ofappraising and officially recognizing the building in 1668. Both the convent and the church were knocked down in 1840. Reconstruction ofthese buildings is made possible by Information found in original building contracts. The convent of Santa María A Nova was founded in 1363. The gothic church, which was a part of the convent, was replaced by a building constructed in two phases. The first of them between 1681 and 1688, probably by following the plans of Melchor de Velasco, the creator of the church of Santa Bala de Arealonga in Vilagarcia de Arousa (Pontevedra).

Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Church buildings – Kentucky – Designs and plans":


Rebholz, Mark Edward. "Gathering Between Walls: A Catholic Church in 12 Mile, Kentucky." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2014.

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The following is a design for a new Catholic church for the Sts. Peter and Paul parish in rural 12 Mile, Kentucky. The existing church building is set into a hillside, mostly underground. It was originally intended to be the basement but had to be used as the church once funding ran low during construction. Through my design I wanted to create a space that would be both welcoming for the parishioners to gather each Sunday yet feel spiritual even when mass is not taking place. To achieve this I wanted to make a space used for nothing but the functions of the Liturgy, any circulation, bathrooms, mechanical services or even confessionals should not detract from the space. By using two massive double concrete walls that would encompass all of the non-essential functions of the church, the space between the walls was freed up to be used as the body of the church where nothing but the Liturgy of the Eucharist would take place.
Master of Architecture

Hassett, Valerie Jane. "Creating sacred space: a Spiritualist church." Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1994.

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When contemplating the history of religious architecture several typologies become apparent. There is the refinement of Gothic cathedrals where the volume and use of material not only reinforced the liturgy but gave breath to a tempo of chant. There also is the small New England chapel steeple and modest gable which provide such a compelling image that it has become an icon in American culture. This thesis explores the design of a sacred space independent of traditional symbolism. Rather than attempting to refine an existing typology this design explored what is fundamental in creating a sacred space. A church for a congregation of Spiritualists, who currently are renovating a Methodist church in Georgetown. [2] This design is centered on a few elements. In response to Spiritualist liturgy which is devoid of an altar there is an exploration of defining void thus creating a focal point by the enclosure of space. The importance of views is emphasized, expressly views to sacred areas that are not actually touched. Layering of transparency is explored which provides a vehicle for information between discrete areas.
Master of Architecture

Taranto, Michael Edmund. "A wall between the sacred and the profane." Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988.

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The city of Blacksburg, Virginia, has moved its boundaries farther and farther west of U.S.460. Though a large amount of commercial and residential architecture has accompanied this growth, there has been no sacred architecture to complement any of this secular construction. With this in mind, a rolling pasture along Price's Fork Road west of U.S.46O was chosen as the site for a new religious/community center for the residents of Blacksburg's expanding boundaries. The design scheme, for a Roman Catholic church, consists of a K fellowship hall, meditation garden, and sanctuary surrounded by a protective wall. This scheme responds to the traditions of the Church as well as the spiritual needs of the surrounding community.
Master of Architecture

Hove, Graul Nancy E. "Rhythm and structure: a church for Old Town Alexandria, Virginia." Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1993.

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The site is in Old Town Alexandria which lies outside of the metropolitan area of Washington DC in northern Virginia. The project is a church, and it sits looking over the Potomac River on Union and Queen Streets in the historic district of Alexandria. My initial idea was that a church can relate to nature because an individual's memory is commonly related to the elements of nature and is associated with familiar patterns. Building designs formed by patterns in nature are sensitive to what the users have previously experienced. The user can then understand the language created by the architect. The means for achieving this idea was through a study of the structure for the church, the rhythm of the structure, and how it relates to Old Town. It is this order that now provides the church's relationship to nature and allows the users to feel as if they are within a garden.
Master of Architecture

Yue, Sam Sing Bai. "Developing a dialogue between old and new: North Carolina University Center for Art and Architecture." Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1991.

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In the preservation of a small historic church, a state-wide education center for the arts is proposed due to the similarity of their inherent and adaptive nature in function. A similar sized, new building mass with a contemporary design style is added to the old church; it will also utilize a competitive contrast to the old church in its design. The integration of the old and the new buildings will find new meanings within historic preservation.
Master of Architecture

Spencer, Edward G. S. "The sacred way." Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1994.

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The real task of architecture begins once functional and behavioral needs have been satisfied. Its essence is to give poetic form to the pragmatic. My work is only interested in the discovery, not the recovery of ideas; the invention, not classification. In working this way the search is for the essential and lasting principles in architecture, the origins of which must lie in the psychological experience of a building which is physically realized in the mind through one's senses. Thus architecture's manifestation begins as a set of intended experiences which begin to write a narrative or fable for a building. In writing a fable rather than a theoretical essay something basic has been found; fables remain immutable long after theories have disappeared. The invention of these writings is central to the work and not merely literary accessory, for it is this narrative that gives a building its ritual of experience, and it is to the support of these rituals that most of my work addresses itself. Thus the poetic form begins in the composition of experiences; the narrative.
Master of Architecture

Kyrus, Nicholas Byron. "A Greek Orthodox chapel." Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1986.

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My intention is to examine the evolution of early Christian architecture and redefine the role of the building type today, proposing an alternative design for the setting of the liturgy in the Greek Orthodox tradition.
Master of Architecture

Maduna, Thandeka. "The influence of Protestant doctrine on the development of church architecture." Thesis, 2011.

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Church architecture has evolved dramatically since its inception. It has changed shape, size and form, from simple houses converted to meeting places, to grand Gothic cathedrals, to high-tech auditoriums and modern structures of various shapes and sizes. Throughout the ages there have been many factors that have played a role in this evolution. Not only religious factors, but also economic, social, and political factors, have all contributed to the dynamic changes in church architecture. This thesis focuses on the manner in which the Protestant doctrine has influenced the development of church architecture. This research explores the validity of the idea that spaces and forms of architecture are influenced by the values and beliefs of the people they belong to. There are many movements within Protestantism; because of this there are a variety of architectural forms for their buildings, therefore there is no particular Protestant church architectural style. This study determines how different doctrines and values have influenced church design throughout the ages, through examining various examples of religious architecture, focusing on the doctrinal issues that have played a major part in the design. This is not a comprehensive survey of the history of church architecture. Theoretical discussions on place, meaning and the concept of function are directly relevant this study, which seeks to find ordering principles that inform the creation of functional and meaningful places for people. The main principle that arose from this research is that people, their beliefs and values, and the site need to be the primary design generators in the design of a church complex as they are in any other building.
Thesis (M.Arch.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.

"Public places in dense urban fabric: insertion of churches within housing in Tai Wai." 2005.

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"A place to worship: from paths to node." 2008.

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Lam Wing Yan Millie.
"Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2007-2008, design report."
Includes bibliographical references.
Chapter - --- Situation Review
Chapter - --- Hong Kong Church Studies
Chapter - --- Interivew with Christian
Chapter - --- Objective
Chapter - --- Fellowship
Precedent Studies
Chapter - --- Early Christian Architecture
Chapter - --- Other Religions
Chapter - --- Modern Church (Monastery of La Tourette)
Chapter - --- The Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary
Chapter - --- The Danteum Project
Chapter - --- 70 churches visited in Europe
Chapter - --- Matrix of Path
Chapter - --- Experience Light
Chapter - --- Fellowship Cell
Chapter - --- A Matter of Time
Chapter - --- Worship in Nature
Chapter - --- Symbolic Element
Chapter - --- Conclusion
Site Analysis
Chapter - --- Site Selection
Chapter - --- Matrix of Paths
Chapter - --- Paths Analysis
Chapter - --- Lighting Analysis
Design Concept
Design Process
Chapter - --- Organization of The Paths
Chapter - --- Organization of Curve
Isometric of the Main Worship Area

Books on the topic "Church buildings – Kentucky – Designs and plans":


Turner, Fred H. Building plans: For medium/large churches. Nashville, Tenn. (127 9th Ave. N., Nashville 37234): Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1991.

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Nicholson, Gary. Building momentum. Nashville, Tenn: Lifeway Press, 2010.

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Dunk, Thomas von der. Pantheon voor Apeldoorn: De plannen voor de bouw van een simultaankerk op het Loo onder Lodewijk Napoleon. Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2001.

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Chiavoni, Emanuela. Il disegno di oratori romani: Rilievo e analisi di alcuni tra i più significativi oratori di Roma. Roma: Gangemi, 2008.

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Vidal, Javier Ortega. El Escorial: Dibujo y lenguaje clásico. [Madrid: Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoración de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V], 2000.

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Gibbons, Robin. House of God: House of the people of God. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2006.

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Heathcote, Edwin. Church builders. Chichester: Academy Editions, 1997.

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Scricco, Francesco. Tipo, forma e struttura nelle architetture di Bernardo Antonio Vittone: Le chiese a pianta centrale delle "Istruzioni diverse". Roma: Gangemi editore, 2014.

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Martínez, Jaime Vega. Arquitectura religiosa en Santiago de Querétaro: Siglo XVII. Querétaro: Archivo Histórico del Estado, 1997.

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Romero, Esperanza Ramírez. Arquitectura religiosa en Morelia. Morelia, Mich., México: Instituto Michoacano de Cultura, 1994.

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