Academic literature on the topic 'Chroniques historiques'
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Journal articles on the topic "Chroniques historiques"
Dembowski, Peter F. "Meliador de Jean Froissart, son importance littéraire : le vrai dans la fiction." Études françaises 32, no. 1 (March 15, 2006): 7–19.
Full textBelleville, Arnaud, Federico Garavaglia, Damien Sevrez, Véronique Mary, Aloïs Tilloy, Didier Scopel, and Hélène Combes. "Réanalyse des chroniques patrimoniales de débit. Évaluation de l'impact et valorisation." La Houille Blanche, no. 5-6 (October 2018): 29–35.
Full textAdrian, Dominique. "Dracula à Augsbourg ou les savoirs de Sigismund Meisterlin. À propos d’un manuscrit des Archives Municipales d’Augsbourg." Scriptorium 70, no. 1 (2016): 91–103.
Full textGuiot, Joël. "Le traitement statistique et l'interprétation de longues chroniques historiques d'indicateurs climatiques." La Houille Blanche, no. 6-7 (October 2002): 121–25.
Full textBeauregard, Ludger. "Les étapes de la mise en valeur agricole de la vallée du Richelieu." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 14, no. 32 (April 12, 2005): 171–214.
Full textParent, E., F. Lebdi, and P. Hurand. "Gestion stratégique d'un système de ressources en eau : l'exemple du système NESTE." Revue des sciences de l'eau 4, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 543–68.
Full textYonglin, Jiang. "In the Name of “Taizu”: The Construction of Zhu Yuanzhang's Legal Philosophy and Chinese Cultural Identity in the Veritable Records of Taizu." T'oung Pao 96, no. 4 (2010): 408–70.
Full textLaugier, Françoise, Anastasia Toliou, and Vassilis Kapsambelis. "L’accueil des patients psychotiques au long cours dans le système français de psychiatrie publique." Santé mentale au Québec 37, no. 1 (October 3, 2012): 103–17.
Full textNeppel, L., C. Bouvier, M. Desbordes, and F. Vinet. "Sur l'origine de l'augmentation apparente des inondations en région méditerranéenne." Revue des sciences de l'eau 16, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 475–94.
Full textBoulègue, Jean. "A la naissance de l'histoire écrite sénégalaise: Yoro Dyao et ses modeles (Deuxieme Motie Du XIXème Siecle, Debut Du XXème Siecle)." History in Africa 15 (1988): 395–405.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Chroniques historiques"
Lozerand, Emmanuel. "Récits et chroniques historiques d'Ôgai Mori Rintarô (1912-1921)." Paris, INALCO, 1991.
Full textLéziart, Françoise. "La chronique au Mexique : un genre littéraire ?" Paris 3, 1992.
Full textThe chronicle is a constant feature of the mexican literary tradition. Linked with history, in it's contemporary form, the chronicle has been adapted over the years and used in shorter forms of journalism. Speaking out against silence, the chronicle is, moreover, a reflection of the innovation characteristic of a period, as much by the contents as by the form. It is a literary medium, without being exclusively so. More than a genre, the chronicle is highly simbolic in mexican literary production
Monnier, Nolwena. "Arthur dans les chroniques historiques de l'Espace Plantagenêt : émergence, construction et utilisation d'un personnage de légende à la cour d'Angleterre." Marne-la-Vallée, 2003.
Full textDantand, Dominique. "Chronique de Richer, moine de Senones (XIIIe s. ) : présentation, édition et traduction." Nancy 2, 1996.
Full textThe Senones chronicle -written around 1250-1267- is attributed to richer, a monk from the Senones abbey. For this edition, it has been possible to use manuscripts unknown until now. It is worth reading this work. It deals with events connected to monastic history based on hagiography. It is also related to history through the reigns of Philippe-Auguste, Frederic of Hohenstaufen, Saint-Louis, and finally to regional and local histories (counts of Salm). Apart from the information it provides, this chronicle is a valuable testimony to the mentalities and ways of life at that time
Wilk, Mateusz. "Le discours historique d'al-Andalus depuis la conquête arabe jusqu'à l'époque des taifas." Paris, EHESS, 2008.
Full textThe thesis contains an analysis of Arabie chronicles of al-Andalus from the Kitab al-ta 'rih of 'Abd al-Malik b. Habib, until two anonymous chronicles entitled Ahbar magmu 'a and Fath al-Andalus, which entails the period from the IXth until the beginning of the Xllth century. The main object of the study are the mutations of how the Andalusi history was perceived by the inhabitants of al-Andalus. The most ancient sources présent this country as a real « land of the end of the world », while later ones break with this tradition - Umayyad chroniclers endeavour to link al-Andalus with Syria - thus incorporating the former country into the known and « tamed » Islamic world and history. Finally, postcaliphal sources break with the Umayyad ideology, but they cannot abandon entirely the models established by the califal historiography
Vejrychová, Věra. "La construction de la réalité historique chez le chroniqueur Jean Froissart." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017.
Full textJean Froissart´s historical project falls within a specific discourse on historical genres, on relationships between form and truth which an account of deeds is expected to convey, on the manner in which the authority of a story being told is constructed. It is on the very intersection of this context and the individuality of the author that I based my search for the chronicler’s perspectives on the writing of history. Froissart was from the outset concerned with the issues of impartiality and credibility of his account and created a system of references, which grew more and more complex, designed to authenticate his version of important events which had been shaking the West for almost a century. The historical reality which Jean Froissart recreates in his Chronicles is dependent on personal factors which determined his understanding of the world as well as his self-identification within the society of his time. It is undeniably recreated with great storytelling talent, but also – and this has often been overlooked – with growing desire to discover and expose the relations of causes which were at work in the course of the events. Nonetheless, Froissart’s literary means, which are often associated with his artistry as a storyteller, do contribute, for their part, to the authenticity of the story. For if the chronicler presents himself as the one who eternalizes deeds worthy of remembrance, he refuses at the same time to write any other history than the true and truthful one. This primary concern of his should not be obscured by the fact that his approach and methods do not correspond to our contemporary criteria of historical writing
Serra, Eric. "La nosographie des delires chroniques : presentation historique et theorique : illustrations cliniques selon la licet-s et le dsm-iii-r." Amiens, 1989.
Full textLis, Isabelle. "La Chronique de Juan de Santacruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua : regard historique et mythologie sur la civilisation inca." Paris 3, 1985.
Full textDiabang, Mamadou. "L’Epopée de Bakari II : approche littéraire de la chronique historique du "Roi perdu" de l’empire médiéval du Mali." Thesis, Limoges, 2015.
Full textThis thesis is assigned, as the terms and conditions of research to define specific modes of appearance and operation of the epic in the historical Chronicle and the songs of exaltation in honour of Emperor Bakari II, represented as the "discoverer" of America before Columbus. The text is a bilingual version consisting of a transcript in Mandinka language and a French translation. Singing its achievements, the griot is the praise of the heroic qualities of the character and nature of the emotions aroused by his daring to go to the onslaught of the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. A text that presents itself as a simple appearance, epic intonation is assigned to it even though it can be called 'neo epic’. Certainly the epic was necessary with regard to the choice of an aesthetic of orality that allows to establish 'unadorned' history, the heroic and wonderful deeds. We have here, the definition of epic registry and noble style associated with it in the rhetoric, which is followed by the work. First of all, we have tried to look on the Foundation of the Mande, from the origins to the advent of Sundiata Keita, founder of the empire and the social composition and the political organization of the Mali Empire. This thesis confirms, along with other ethnographic studies, that medieval Mandingo society is organized around three poles strongly hierarchical, endogamous and specialised: the horon, the nyamakala and the jon. Before transcribing malinke language, then translate them into French songs-rhythms of praise of Fa Bukari, we revisited Maghan Sundiata epic cycle which is accompanied by the Chronicle of the Emperor of Mali, Aboubakari II. To conclude, we discussed stylistic and semantic properties that revolve around the figure of the epic poet, poetry form, epic speech, the special rhythmic of epic speech, without concealing the prospects of many research that open in the field of oral literature, in general and the epic of Bakari II, in particular that contains an entire domain to explore
Sabatier, Claude. "Les chroniques parisiennes et politiques d'Emile Zola (1865-1872) : un témoignage historique aux confins du journalisme et de la littérature : laboratoire des Rougon-Macquart." Paris 10, 2012.
Full textFrom 1865 to 1872 , as a young, ambitious and outraged man who came to Paris from Aix, Emile Zola goes through the basics of journalism and prepares for war thanks to the contacts he established at the publishing house Hachette with writers, critics and journalists. He becomes a contributor to anti-establishment newspapers such as L'évènement illustré, but above all, La Tribune, Le Rappel, La Cloche. He adopts and echoes in his articles the opposition movement against the Second Empire which, with its liberalization in 1868, comes to its end. Similarly, with the advent of the Third Republic, he reflects, as a Parliament columnist in Bordeaux then in Versailles, the political practices and debates of this transition period during which democracy is hard to set up. His columns show a wide range of themes from political gossip to contemplative stroll. They especially display an extensive set of literary forms ( dialogues, speeches, letters ) and styles ( from pamphlet to satire ) we analyse in the main part of our study. The third part of the thesis tries to show through references to four novels: La Curée, Nana, La Conquête de Plassans, Son Excellence Eugène Rougon and some incursions in other works from the Rougon-Macquart saga, how the young journalist tested and worked patterns, situations and characters out, that will be more or less unconsciously reinvested develloped and adapted by Zola as a novelist. In short, the press will have been ( above all? ) a kind of processing room for Zola's major work too. It gave this major work its lively aspect
Books on the topic "Chroniques historiques"
Doucet, Alain. La famille Doucet: Chroniques historiques et généalogiques. [L'Assomption, Québec]: Alain Doucet, 2010.
Find full textJean, Sécheresse, ed. Chroniques historiques de Saint-Vincent de Néons. [Néons-sur-Creuse]: Association touristique de Néons sur Creuse, 1994.
Find full textSoukupová, Věra. La construction de la réalité historique chez Jean Froissart: L'historien et sa matière. Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur, 2021.
Find full textPerdrix, Alain. Chronique des rois du siècle dernier (1901-1945): Chronique historique. Aix-en-Provence: Editions Persée, 2007.
Find full textPerdrix, Alain. Chronique des rois du siècle dernier (1901-1945): Chronique historique. Aix-en-Provence: Editions Persée, 2007.
Find full textPerdrix, Alain. Chronique des rois du siècle dernier (1901-1945): Chronique historique. Aix-en-Provence: Editions Persée, 2007.
Find full textRusso, Simona, ed. Comunicazioni. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2022.
Full textChartier, Jean. La taupe: Chronique d'un référendum : roman historique, collages, récit lyrique. Québec: L'Instant même, 2005.
Find full textDemay, Georges Charles. Le travailleur sans histoires: Paris-Berlin-Paris (1943-1948) : chronique historique. Yerres: G.C. Demay, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Chroniques historiques"
Évrard, Olivier. "Chapitre 2. Héritages politiques et dynamiques historiques." In Chroniques des cendres, 63–84. IRD Éditions, 2006.
Full textSerrie, A. "Historique." In Réadaptation du Handicap Douloureux Chronique, 3–9. Elsevier, 2019.
Full textBergez, Daniel, Christiane Lauvergnat-Gagnière, Anne Paupert, Yves Stalloni, and Gilles Vannier. "Le récit historique : premières chroniques en prose (XIII e siècle)." In Précis de littérature française, 61–62. Armand Colin, 2023.
Full textBaudewyns, Claire. "Critique de sources narratives (annales, chroniques et vitae) originaires du diocèse de liège entre les VIIe et XIIe siècles." In La critique historique à l’épreuve, 67–72. Presses de l'Université Saint-Louis, 1989.
Full textBuron, Emmanuel. "Chronique d’une soumission. Lecture historique de Cleopatre et Sophonisbe de Nicolas de Montreux." In Le duc de Mercœur, 237–57. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009.
Full text"§. II. Différents ouvrages de Michel; livres qui lui sont attribués. — Valeur historique de sa Chronique." In Texts and Translations of the Chronicle of Michael the Great (10 of 11 volumes), edited by George Anton Kiraz, Andrea Schmidt, and Victor Langlois, 7–16. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2011.
Full textAurell, Jaume. "Le Livre des faits de Jacques Ier d’Aragon (1208-1276) : entre la chronique historique et la fiction autobiographique." In Autobiographies souveraines, 159–77. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2012.
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