Academic literature on the topic 'Christianisme – Scandinavie – Moyen âge'
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Journal articles on the topic "Christianisme – Scandinavie – Moyen âge"
Hélary, Xavier. "Réformer l’Église au Moyen Âge." Communio 291-292, no. 1 (February 19, 2024): 31–45.
Full textBoulnois, Olivier. "Religions et philosophies dans le christianisme au Moyen Âge." École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, no. 119 (October 1, 2012): 211–16.
Full textBoulnois, Olivier. "Religions et philosophies dans le christianisme au Moyen Âge." École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, no. 120 (October 1, 2013): 175–86.
Full textBoulnois, Olivier. "Religions et philosophies dans le christianisme au Moyen Âge." École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, no. 122 (September 1, 2015): 313–40.
Full textBoulnois, Olivier. "Religions et philosophies dans le christianisme au Moyen Âge." École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, no. 123 (September 1, 2016): 247.
Full textBoulnois, Olivier. "Religions et philosophies dans le christianisme au Moyen Âge." École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, no. 124 (September 1, 2017): 261–70.
Full textBoulnois, Olivier. "Religions et philosophies dans le christianisme au Moyen Âge." École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, no. 115 (October 1, 2008): 263–75.
Full textBoulnois, Olivier. "Religions et philosophies dans le christianisme au Moyen Âge." École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, no. 116 (November 30, 2009): 249–65.
Full textBoulnois, Olivier. "Religions et philosophies dans le christianisme au Moyen Âge." École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, no. 117 (October 1, 2010): 297–316.
Full textBoulnois, Olivier. "Religions et philosophies dans le christianisme au Moyen Âge." École pratique des hautes études. Section des sciences religieuses, no. 118 (October 1, 2011): 239–49.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Christianisme – Scandinavie – Moyen âge"
Barabino, Victor. "Des guerriers d’Odin aux chevaliers du Christ : la relation combattant/divinité au prisme de la christianisation dans la diaspora scandinave médiévale, IXe-XIVe siècle." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2023.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to study the representations of the relationship between fighters and their gods within the Scandinavian diaspora at the time of the official adoption of Christianity by the emerging Scandinavian monarchies. It examines the transition from a polytheistic to a Christian framework in these representations, in the light of Scandinavian and non-Scandinavian textual sources, as well as archaeological evidence. The study first looks at the representation of the conversion of fighters to Christianity, to show how warriors and warlords gradually made their martial activities part of a devotion to the Christian god. The thesis then examines the various categories of deity with which warriors developed a relationship, whether they be male deities, female deities, or intermediary supernatural figures (heroes, saints). Finally, the interactions between the fighters and the gods that take place directly on the battlefield are studied, from the point of view of the materiality of combat, its proceedings, and its eschatological outcome. By focusing on the cultural transfers that took place within the Scandinavian diaspora, this thesis suggests that the change of religion profoundly altered the relationship that fighters had with the sphere of the divine, leading to the emergence in Scandinavia of the idea of a war waged in the name of God
Coviaux, Stéphane. "Christianisation et naissance d'un épiscopat : l'exemple de la Norvège du Xe au XIIe siècle." Paris 1, 2003.
Full textDahan, Gilbert. "Les intellectuels chrétiens et les Juifs au Moyen Age : polémique et relations culturelles entre chrétiens et juifs en Occident du XIIe au XIVe siècles." Paris 1, 1987.
Full textThe condition of the jews in western europe, xiith-xivth cent. , can be caracterised by its constant degradation : numerous accusations and persecutions, to which could be added exactions from the royal power. The legal status changed as well, from roman citizenship to serfdom, as the jews became a private property. The attitude defined in canon law is ambivalent : if the church tried to keep the life of the jews and forbade forced baptisms, it enacted many decrees and undertook an active policy of mission. We can notice the same duality within the intellectual relationship between christians and jews. First, the contacts were more frequent, about biblical subjects (the critical text of the vulgate as well as the exegesis); hebrew was studied more, with the help of jews, then with converts. In the field of astronomy and medicine, the jews contributed to the transmission in western europe of the improvements of arabic science; in philosophy, the solutions given by maimonides in the conflict between arabohellenic thought and doctrines drawn from the bible were often agreed by christian theologians. However, at the same time, the controversy with judaism was growing, in oral disputations (but instead of free discussions, there were trials) as well as in literary works (contra iudaeos). The method was renewed, notably by an enlargement of the concept of auctoritas (which included then rabbinical literature, well known by some christian polemicists). The polemical themes were always the same : jews do not understand the scriptures, the truths of christianity, the errors of judaism. In the meditation of christian thinkers, we can see once more an ambivalence : some deprived the jews from their own values, whereas others asserted that, though they are guilty, the jewish people must be kept alive. But the problem seems to be often understood only at a theorical level; the image of the jews which appears in their writings is unreal, more and more caricatural, and even bearing features proceeding from popular fantasy
Mouslim, Charafeddine. "La conquête musulmane en France et ses conséquences sociales jusqu'au XIVème siècle." Bordeaux 3, 2003.
Full textThis research paper is concerned with the muslim presence in France during middle age, a presence that was highlighted only through a conflictual aspect, however, numerous documents underlined the fact that it was a period of mutual exchanges and coexistence between muslims, jews and christians. It is only in the 12th century that the history of this presence was revisited in order to make from the muslim or the saracen the other par excellence, so the interest to study the consequence of this presence
Lugt, Maaike Van Der. "Le ver, le démon et la vierge : les théories médiévales de la génération extraordinaire (vers 1100-vers 1350) : une étude sur les rapports entre théologie, philosophie naturelle et médecine." Paris, EHESS, 1998.
Full textPayan, Paul. "Un autre père : l'image de Joseph, époux de Marie, à la fin du Moyen Age." Lyon 2, 2002.
Full textBetween 1413 and 1416, the chancellor of the University of Paris, Jean Gerson, tryes to highlight Joseph and to promote the feast of his wedding with the Virgin. He does this in a complicated political context: the one of the civil war between Armagnacs and Bourguignons, and the one of the Great Schism. To him, the divided powers should follow the example of Joseph, who is a model of union and peace. Before him, the Franciscans were the only persons who were realy interested in Joseph, finding in the earthly father of the Christ their ideal of poverty and service. In the same time, the religious iconography renews the vision of this character, giving to him a place sometimes surprising: we can see him cooking, washing, or warming himself by the fire. But he is also more and more associated with the Virgin, adoring the Children. Therefore, even before the expansion of the feast of Saint Joseph at the end of the XVth century, we can, observe a new interest for a character up till then very neglected. From the analysis of the theological and pastoral production, around Gerson and the Franciscans, and from an iconographical corpus centred on french illumination, this study proposes to think about the meaning of this new image of Joseph for a society confronted with an upheaval of its structures. Through this new image, we can see the construction of a reference for the human paternity, strumbled over lineages fragilisation, and over a feeling of distance to the all-powerful paternity of God. The study of this reference is a way to observe the image of paternity in the Latte Middle Ages. Joseph gives to it a model based on weakness, humility, and obedience to a divine mystery. For a divided society in search of marks, he proposes a model of union and peace, as well as a paternal image allowing to revive a genealogical principle needed by every established society
Bezler, Francis. "Les pénitentiels espagnols : contribution à l'étude de la civilisation de l'Espagne chrétienne du haut Moyen Age." Paris 4, 1988.
Full textFerrand, Jacques. "Enfants et miracles dans le haut Moyen Âge." Paris 4, 1992.
Full textThe study of childhood in the unstable period of the high middle age assesses the sanitary conditions of the young through some one thousand accounts of miracles. The first part centers on a study of the structure of the family, of the living condition of children who were threatened by high mortality rates, of the doubts concerning diet, and of early training in behavior. A hagiographical study endeavors to localize in time and space the activities of 280 saints, the majority of whom were European. These narratives are classified according of several medical categories of differing volumes. To which have been added some non-medical and so-called castigation miracles. In opposition to theses thousand miracles, an investigation of the "official" medicine of the period inherited from the latins and arabs seeks to find parallels in contemporary medical science despite its ever-increasing efficiency may at times require recourse to the request for a miracle
Léonard, Alexis. "Insula Sanctorum Insula Sancta : la construction de la sainteté dans l'Irlande médiévale." Paris, EHESS, 2004.
Full textThis thesis examines how sanctity is constructed in Medieval Ireland, while it tries to place it in the frame of larger reflection about the notion of sanctifity in the Christian world. The study of birth tales of saints shows the ontological component of sanctity, which is particulary salient in Ireland. These texts take all their sense when they are compared to Biblical precedents and various Irish secular stories. On the other hand, the absence of martyrs during the conversion of the island, and the supposed existence of characters believing in God befor the coming of saint Patrick, permit to distinguish the elements of a sanctification of Ireland, which is presented as a new Promised Land and the Irish as a new Chosen People; at the same time, a corpus of legends tries to show an always earlier rise of Christianity in the island, operation that could be defined as ante-Christianization. Thus, a new function arises for the saints who become "historical mediators". The conversion is not anymore the passage from paganism to Christianity at a given time, but becomes a process that reinterprets previous events in order to integrate them into the Biblical History
Salama, Abdel Aziz Mohamed. "Etude comparée des méthodes de spéculation, d'argumentation et de polémique sur les questions relatives à Dieu chez les théologiens chrétiens et musulmans du VIIe S. /1er S. Au XIIIe S. /VIIe S." Lyon 3, 2001.
Full textBooks on the topic "Christianisme – Scandinavie – Moyen âge"
Vannier, Marie-Anne, ed. Judaïsme et christianisme au Moyen Âge. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2019.
Full textPaul, Jacques. Le christianisme occidental au moyen âge: IVe-XVe siècle. Paris: Colin, 2004.
Find full textL'image miraculeuse dans le christianisme occidental: Moyen Âge-Temps modernes. Tours, France: Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2020.
Find full textPelikan, Jaroslav Jan. L' esprit du christianisme oriental, 600-1700. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1994.
Find full textExclusion et tolérance: Chrétiens et juifs du Moyen Âge à l'ère des lumières. Paris: Lieu commun, 1987.
Find full textL'espace rituel et le sacré dans le Christianisme: La liturgie de l'autel portatif dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge. Turnhout: Brepols, 2008.
Find full textDucellier, Alain. Chrétiens d'Orient et Islam au Moyen Age, VIIe-XVe siècle. Paris: A. Colin, 1996.
Find full textMichel, Arrous, Boussard Florence, and Boussard Nicolas, eds. Une liberté orageuse: Balzac, Stendhal : Moyen Age, Renaissance, Réforme : actes du colloque international, Tours, 27-28 juin 2003. Cazaubon: Eurédit, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Christianisme – Scandinavie – Moyen âge"
Mornet, Elisabeth. "Gerson en Scandinavie." In Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 93–108. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 1995.
Full textNissen Jaubert, Anne. "Pouvoir, artisanat et échanges dans le Sud de la Scandinavie durant les IIIe-Xe siècles." In Haut Moyen Âge, 73–88. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2011.
Full textBührer-Thierry, Geneviève. "Qui est le dieu le plus fort ? La compétition entre païens et chrétiens en Scandinavie au IXe siècle d’après la Vita Anskarii." In Haut Moyen Âge, 165–79. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2011.
Full textIogna-Prat, Dominique. "Préparer l’au-delà, gérer l’ici-bas: les élites ecclésiastiques, la richesse et l’économie du christianisme (perspectives de travail)." In Haut Moyen Âge, 59–70. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2010.
Full textHadas-Lebel, Mireille. "Entre judaïsme et christianisme. La frontière des textes." In Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 693–702. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2006.
Full textYuval, Israël J. "La matsa de Pessach et l’hostie de Pâques au Moyen Âge : Relations reconsiderées." In JAOC Judaïsme antique et origines du christianisme, 79–92. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2019.
Full textBrague, Rémi. "Y a-t-il eu au Moyen Âge un dialogue entre l’islam et le christianisme?" In Les relations culturelles entre chrétiens et musulmans au Moyen Age, 15–30. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2005.
Full text"Partie 2. Christianisme et Moyen Âge." In Histoire raisonnée de la philosophie morale et politique, 123–28. La Découverte, 2001.
Full textAlbert, Jean-Marc. "Fiche 15 - L’expansion du christianisme aux Xe-XIIIe siècles." In Petit Atlas historique du Moyen Âge, 66–69. Armand Colin, 2018.
Full textIancu-Agou, Danielle. "Chapitre 9 - Juifs et chrétiens en France au Moyen Âge." In Histoire du christianisme en France, 155. Armand Colin, 2014.
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