Academic literature on the topic 'Chinois (langue) – Indéfinis (linguistique)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Chinois (langue) – Indéfinis (linguistique)"
Cao, Deborah. "On Translational Language Competence." Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 42, no. 4 (January 1, 1996): 231–38.
Full textCao, Deborah. "Strategies in Translating Oral History Between Chinese and English." Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 40, no. 3 (January 1, 1994): 137–45.
Full textDurand-Sun, Chaoying. "Quelques difficultés linguistiques et culturelles dans la traduction de L’Épopée des Trois Royaumes de Luo Guanzhong." Hermēneus. Revista de traducción e interpretación, no. 22 (January 28, 2021): 99–122.
Full textLiu, Jian. "Sur quelques problèmes de la datation linguistique des contes chinois en langue vulgaire." Cahiers de linguistique - Asie orientale 17, no. 1 (1988): 5–23.
Full textJian, LIU. "SUR QUELQUES PROBLEMES DE LA DATATION LINGUISTIQUE DES CONTES CHINOIS EN LANGUE VULGAIRE." Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 17, no. 1 (March 30, 1988): 5–23.
Full textGianninoto, Mariarosaria. "LeTraitéchinois des particules et des principaux termes de grammaire : un exemple de traduction et d’adaptation de la terminologie linguistique chinoise." Histoire Epistémologie Langage 41, no. 1 (2019): 97–113.
Full textElbaz, Pascale. "L’apprentissage du chinois à travers le geste d’écriture." Voix Plurielles 10, no. 2 (November 28, 2013): 43–55.
Full textKim, Hye-Rim. "A Study of Cultures Using Chinese Characters and their Impact on Translation Studies." FORUM / Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation 1, no. 1 (April 1, 2003): 13–40.
Full textMok, Olivia. "Accessibility of Specialized Lexicon as Criterion for Quality Assessment of Legal Translations." Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 41, no. 4 (January 1, 1995): 193–208.
Full textZhu, Chunshen. "Translation studies in China or Chinese-related translation studies." Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation 50, no. 4 (December 31, 2004): 332–45.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Chinois (langue) – Indéfinis (linguistique)"
Xiang, Wei. "Les quantificateurs indéfinis dans les syntagmes nominaux en chinois mandarin." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2019.
Full textThe thesis presents a study of thirteen indefinite quantifiers in Mandarin Chinese noun phrases. Chapter 2 provides an overview of some saillant characteristics of Chinese noun phrases. In Chapter 3, the distributional properties of thirteen indefinite quantifiers, such as (i) their selectional restrictions with different semantic categories of nouns, (ii) their (in)compatibility with classifiers and (iii) their (im)possibility of coocurring with a subject NP without the existential verb yǒu ‘have’. In Chapter 4, the quantifier function of yīdiǎnr ‘a little/un peu’ is opposed to that of the minimizer yīdiǎnr ‘the least/le moindre’. Three tests are used to establish the dichotomy : (i) negation, (ii) focus constructions and (iii) conditionals. It is shown that, only in scale-reversing contexts, can the indefinite quantifier yīdiǎnr ‘a little/un peu’ function as a minimizer ‘the least/le moindre’, i.e. as a typical scalar operator
Chen, Hanzhu. "Défini/indéfini : syntaxe et pragmatique en chinois mandarin et en français (étude de corpus)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textOur thesis focuses on studying the syntax of constructions that contribute to the identification of referents in languages with and without articles, such as Chinese and French. It falls within the framework of Saussurean structuralism, functional typology, and cognitive linguistics. Unlike languages with articles like French, Mandarin Chinese does not possess morphologically marked articles (though it has other determiners). However, it should be noted that definiteness is present in all languages worldwide, including articleless languages like Chinese, but in different ways. To better explain the relationship between syntactic function and definiteness of SN in Chinese, we first clarified several pairs of semantic concepts. Then, by gathering massive corpora, such as interviews, dialogues, and speeches, etc., we thoroughly examined BA sentences and sentences with indefinite subjects. We found that in Chinese, the structure of the noun phrase is not the sole factor that determines the distinction between definite and indefinite reference. The syntax of the entire sentence, as well as the broader context, plays an important role in an articleless language like Chinese. The objective of this research is twofold: it involves reflecting on the relationship between sentence syntax and the expression of definiteness in Chinese and adopting a more applied approach to help Chinese students better grasp the use of articles in French
Russo, Domenico. "A propos des indéfinis en italien contemporain." Paris 7, 1987.
Full textThe analysis of the indefinites in contemporary italian shows that it is necessary to construct the grammatical category of italian's determination. In its first part, the thesis resumes 166 indefinite forms including examples. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the form uno (pronominal), alcuno and qualunque describing them in terms of "marqueurs d'opérations prédicatives et énonciatives" (Culioli)
Fălăuș, Anamaria. "Items de polarité et indéfinis dépendants en roumain." Nantes, 2009.
Full textThis study investigates the distributional and interpretive properties of three classes of semantically dependent items in Romanian: negative concord items, existential free-choice items and the existential dependent determiner vreun, which shares properties of both. I identify a licensing semantic constraint which ties the occurrence of this existential polarity item to the type of alternatives entertained by the epistemic agent. Extending the area of empirical investigation, we consider similar facts (in French and Spanish) which provide support for the existence of a class of epistemic polarity items. I endorse the unified theory of polarity put forward in Chierchia (2006), and argue that polarity sensitivity stems from the domain widening property common to all polarity items. On this account, distributional constraints result from the inferences speakers draw on the basis of the alternatives polarity items introduce, which, crucially, have to lead to an enriched meaning. The interaction with other elements of the landscape of polarity items is shown to play an important part in understanding the licensing constraints of polarity sensitive items and the parameters of crosslinguistic variation
Delen, Nurcan. "Etude des indéfinis en français et en turc contemporain." Paris 5, 1999.
Full textZhu, Lei. "Le syntagme nominal en mandarin et en français : le problème de la quantification." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017.
Full textIn Mandarin Chinese, as in French, nominal determiners (demonstrative and numeral) precede in general the noun. French requires the presence of the article, a grammatical category that is not found in Mandarin Chinese. Rather, in Mandarin Chinese, quantification is carried out through the presence of noun classifiers. As for nominal morphology, in Mandarin Chinese, an isolating language, nouns are preferably formed through the composition of different semantic features. By contrast, in French, considered as mainly flexional, only the nominal root holds the semantic unit. In French, determiner and noun agree in gender and number, whereas in Mandarin Chinese, that does not distinguish gender, number is expressed by noun classifiers. Understanding these differences is essential to the acquisition of these two languages. In order to facilitate the understanding of the functions of these grammatical phenomena, this research proposes accurate analyses and explanations that allow second language learners to overcome more effectively the difficulties of nominal determination
Toussaint, Daria. "Le classificateur chinois à l'oral." Paris 5, 2000.
Full textCartier, Alice. "Problemes de linguistique contrastive indonesien chinois. Transitivite et passivation." Paris 7, 1986.
Full textThis is a contrastive study of two independant languages focusing on their differences but mostly on their common properties. The aim is to discover the underlying properties of transitivity and passivization through an investigation of the morphology and the syntax of these two languages. Passive is viewed as the implication of transitivity. Transitivity is taken in the sense of hopper & thompson (language 1980 : 251-99), i. E. As involving a number of parameters concerned with the effectiveness of the event. According to both authors transitivity operates not only at the sentence level but also at the discourse level. In as much as we are solely dealing with the sentence level, only parameters relevant to this level are taken into consideration. Secondly, both authors did not investigate how the parameters are applied to different languages. Thus the introduction of the concept of transitive structures, in which the presence absence of a parameter x triggers the presence absence of a parameter y is intended as a
Pan, Junnan. "Interrogation et quantification : le rôle et la fonction des particules et des syntagmes interrogatifs en chinois mandarin." Nantes, 2007.
Full textQiu, Haiying. "La négation en chinois et en français : étude comparative." Paris 4, 1995.
Full textThis comparative study is an attempts to bring a logico-semantic approch to bear on the way the negative is expressed in chinese and in french. The choice of the appropriate negative form depends on the respective priorities resulting from the specific features of each system. Thus modern chinese is characterized by an interweaving of the negative and the aspectual systems, whereas in french time-aspect and the negative are intirely separate concerns. French, on the other hand, is characterized by a rich morphology and the various negative morphemes can be classified according to the different levels of the sentence to which they roughly correspond, inversely, some of them can function at different levels of the sentence. The comparison reveals both different attention that each language gives to certains problems and similar aspects that might be of use when thinking of the negative as a universal
Books on the topic "Chinois (langue) – Indéfinis (linguistique)"
Liu, Jianyu. Zi shu zi liao ku de li lun, shi jian yu ying yong. Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju, 2021.
Find full textAlain, Peyraube, Sun Chaofen 1952-, and Mei Tsu-lin 1933-, eds. Studies on Chinese historical syntax and morphology: Linguistic essays in honor of Mei Tsu-lin. Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Centre de Recherches Linguistique sur l'Asie Orientale, 1999.
Find full textKam, Louie, ed. The politics of Chinese language and culture: The art of reading dragons. London: Routledge, 1998.
Find full textHuang, Lihe. Toward Multimodal Pragmatics: A Study of Illocutionary Force in Chinese Situated Discourse. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textToward Multimodal Pragmatics: A Study of Illocutionary Force in Chinese Situated Discourse. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textHuang, Lihe. Toward Multimodal Pragmatics: A Study of Illocutionary Force in Chinese Situated Discourse. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textJiang, Song. Semantics of Chinese Classifiers and Linguistic Relativity. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Chinois (langue) – Indéfinis (linguistique)"
LIU, Michel. "Plurilinguisme et création littéraire en chinois." In Ecrire entre les langues, 107–12. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textLamarre, Christine. "La prise en compte de la variation dans l’enseignement du chinois langue étrangère." In Variation linguistique et enseignement des langues, 125–44. Presses de l’Inalco, 2020.
Full textWANG, Lei. "Les enjeux des cultures régionales chinoises dans la didactique du chinois langue étrangère et les perspectives pédagogiques innovantes." In Formation linguistique des apprenants allophones et pédagogies innovantes, 107–20. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textArslangul, Arnaud. "Contextualisation de l’expression orale en continu." In L'enseignement de l'oral en classe de langue, 29–42. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textGuemkam Ouafo, Diane Armelle. "Multilinguisme camerounais, traitement computationnel et développement." In Multilinguisme, multiculturalisme et représentations identitaires, 303–12. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2021.
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