Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Chemin de données du pipeline'
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Ait, Bensaid Samira. "Formal Semantics of Hardware Compilation Framework." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023UPASG085.
Full textStatic worst-case timing analyses are used to ensure the timing deadlines required for safety-critical systems. In order to derive accurate bounds, these timing analyses require precise (micro-)architecture considerations. Usually, such micro-architecture models are constructed by hand from processor manuals.However, with the open-source hardware initiatives and high-level Hardware Description Languages (HCLs), the automatic generation of these micro-architecture models and, more specifically, the pipeline models are promoted. We propose a workflow that aims to automatically construct pipeline datapath models from processor designs described in HCLs. Our workflow is based on the Chisel/FIRRTL Hardware Compiler Framework. We build at the intermediate representation level the datapath pipeline models. Our work intends to prove the timing properties, such as the timing predictability-related properties. We rely on the formal verification as our method. The generated models are then translated into formal models and integrated into an existing model checking-based procedure for detecting timing anomalies. We use TLA+ modeling and verification language and experiment with our analysis with several open-source RISC-V processors. Finally, we advance the studies by evaluating the impact of automatic generation through a series of synthetic benchmarks
Tang, Zhao Hui. "Optimisation de requêtes avec l'expression de chemin pour les bases de données orientées objets." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996VERS0009.
Full textMohamed, Saleem Mohamed Ashick. "Pipeline intégratif multidimensionnel d'analyse de données NGS pour l'étude du devenir cellulaire." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015STRAJ072/document.
Full textEpigenomics would help us understand why various cells types exhibit different behaviours. Aberrant changes in reversible epigenetic modifications observed in cancer raised focus towards epigenetic targeted therapy. As epigenetic studies may involve comparing multi-profile sequencing data, thereis an imminent need for novel approaches and tools to address underlying technical variabilities. Wehave developed NGS-QC, a QC system to infer the experimental quality of the data and Epimetheus, a quantile-based multi-profile normalization tool for histone modification datasets to correct technical variation among samples. Further, we have employed these developed tools in an allele-specific analysis to understand the epigenetic status of X chromosome inactivation in breast cancer cells where disappearance of Xi is frequent. Our analysis has revealed perturbation in epigenetic landscape of X and aberrant gene reactivation in Xi including the ones that are associated with cancer promotion
Couchot, Alain. "Analyse statique de la terminaison des règles actives basée sur la notion de chemin maximal." Paris 12, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA120042.
Full textThe active rules are intended to enrich the databases with a reactive behaviour. An active rule is composed of three main components: the event, the condition, the action. It is desired to guarantee a priori the termination of a set of active rules. The aim of this thesis is to increase the number of termination situations detected by the static analysis. We first determine some restrictions of the previous static analysis methods. We develop then an algorithm for static analysis of termination based on the notion of maximal path of a node. The notion of maximal path is intended to replace the notion of cycle, used by the previous termination algorithms. We present some applications and extensions of our termination algorithm. These extensions and applications concern the active rules flot included in a cycle, the composite conditions, the composite events, the priorities between ailes, and the modular design of rules. .
Roudel, Nicolas. "SEEPROC : un modèle de processeur à chemin de données reconfigurable pour le traitement d'images embarqué." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00864180.
Full textPasca, Bogdan Mihai. "Calcul flottant haute performance sur circuits reconfigurables." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00654121.
Full textZhang, Xiaofei. "Contrôle de transmission multi-chemin et gestion de mobilité pour protocoles de transport multihoming." Paris 6, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA066130.
Full textMost of mobile devices today are equipped with multiple network interfaces that could be connected to different network and obtain multiple IP addresses. In this dissertation, we investigate the multihoming problems at transport layer to improve the end-to-end performance in wireless networks. Moreover, the coordination between multihoming and mobility management is studied which permit us to propose a cooperative mobility management for an environment Post-IP. Firstly, we propose a cross-layer solution for performance optimization with the Concurrent Multipath Transfer (CMT) extension of SCTP in wireless networks. Two parameters, Frame Error Rate (FER) at the link layer and Round Trip Time (RTT) at the transport layer are used to evaluate the path conditions. The simulation results show that our proposal improves the goodput. Secondly, we focus on the heterogeneous wireless links. We chose Kalman filter for the estimation of path conditions. The simulation results show that our proposal reduces the reordering degree and increases the total goodput. Finally, a cooperative mobility management architecture is proposed for Post-IP. Multihoming and end-to-end features are analyzed to present the proposal of Multihoming-based Cooperative Mobility Management (MCMM). The cooperative mobility management optimizes the handover delay in the heterogeneous access networks. The MCMM is implemented in C++ under Linux with a test-bed. The experimental results show that the handover delay can be reduced by sending update messages over the interface of the fastest path
Larnac, Mireille. "Gestion de la Condition de Chemin dans la simulation symbolique." Phd thesis, Montpellier 2, 1992. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00866197.
Full textFrancis, Nadime. "Vues et requêtes sur les graphes de données : déterminabilité et réécritures." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015SACLN015/document.
Full textGraph databases appear naturally in various scenarios, such as social networks and the semantic Web. In these cases, the information contained in the database lies as much in the data itself as in the topology of the graph, that is, in how the data points are linked together. This leads to considering traditional database theory questions for query languages that return data nodes based on the paths of the graph connecting them. We focus our attention on the view-based query determinacy and rewriting problems. They ask the question whether a view of the database contains enough information to fully answer a query without accessing the database directly. If so, we then want to express the answer to the query directly with regards to the view. This setting occurs in many applications, such as data integration and query optimization. We start by comparing these two tasks to other common task in this setting: computing certain answers, checking consistency of a view instance and updating it. We then build on these results in two specific cases. First, we show that for regular path queries, the existence of a monotone rewriting coincides with the existence of a rewriting expressible in Datalog. Then, we show that for views that only consider the lengths of the path in the graph, we can decide a weaker form of determinacy, called asymptotic determinacy, and produce first-order rewritings for the queries that are asymptotically determined
Fellahi, Mohammed. "Des réseaux de processus cyclo-statiques à la génération de code pour le pipeline multi-dimensionnel." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00683224.
Full textRocheteau, Frédéric. "Extension du langage LUSTRE et application a la conception de circuits : le langage LUSTRE-V4 et le systeme POLLUX." Grenoble INPG, 1992. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00342092.
Full textZaher, Noufal Issam al. "Outils de CAO pour la génération d'opérateurs arithmétiques auto-contrôlables." Grenoble INPG, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001INPG0028.
Full textRamazani, Abbas. "Étude d'une architecture parallèle de processeur pour la transmission de données à haut débit." Metz, 2005. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/2005/Ramazani.Abbas.SMZ0506.pdf.
Full textThe work presented here is part of a general project within the LICM laboratory, concerning the architectural design of a high data rate transmission system. The main objective is to design a specialized processor for fast processing of the lower layer protocols in the reference models (OSI, Internet, ITU-T/ATM). The technology evolution and increasing of the bandwidth of the physical transmission media have transferred the bottleneck concerning the available data rates of the communication networks towards the network active node equipments. Managing the protocol diversity, the data heterogeneity, and high data rates requires a substantial improvement of the processing power in these equipments. Although this problem has been largely addressed concerning routers and switches, end-user equipments (e. G : modems and network interface cards) are still far from matching the requirement of high data rates. The design of a specialized processor architecture depends strongly on the characteristics of applications to which the processor is dedicated. The architecture selected for the processor is a set of interconnected general processing units (mini processor cores) or specialized modules (auxiliary modules). The goal is to offer a high level of parallel processing capacity. The development of such an architecture requires a suitable design methodology to be defined, which starts by a study of representative network protocols. First of all, the goal is to identify among the principal tasks (operations of the protocols) the most common and the most critical. The critical tasks (from the realtime point of view) are processed by specialized modules (whose study is not our goal). The remaining tasks are performed by the general processing units, whose study is the main subject of this work. Potential performance of these general units is evaluated for various target architectures (CISC, RISC, superscalair, VLIW). The time performance evaluation of architectures is based on the algorithm modelling using Markov chains which was used to implement the simulation tools. In order not to favour a particular architecture, we introduced a virtual processor model to encode the algorithms without introducing any constrains related to actual architectures. The analysis of the simulation results allowed us to find good architectures/algorithms adequacy. The performance of the overall processor architecture (parallel operation of the processing units) was evaluated under various traffic conditions. A simplified interconnection model (compared to the final model) was used which allowed to connect the processing units in a pseudo-pipeline (linear or not) chain. Lastly, two types of general processing units (mini processor cores) have been designed in VHDL at the RTL level and validated on FPGA
Thomas, Féraud. "Rejeu de chemin et localisation monoculaire : Application du Visual SLAM sur carte peu dense en environnement extérieur contraint." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00696256.
Full textFéraud, Thomas. "Rejeu de chemin et localisation monoculaire : application du Visual SLAM sur carte peu dense en environnement extérieur contraint." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00697028.
Full textJachiet, Louis. "Sur la compilation des langages de requêtes pour le web des données : optimisation et évaluation distribuée de SPARQL." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018GREAM038/document.
Full textThe topic of my PhD is the compilation of web data query languages. More particularly, the analysisand the distributed evaluation of a such language: SPARQL. My main contributions concern theevaluation of web data queries especially for recursive queries or for distributed settings.In this thesis, I introduce μ-algebra: it is a kind of relational algebra equipped with a fixpointoperator. I present its syntax, semantics, and a translation from SPARQL with Property Paths (anew feature of SPARQL allowing some form of recursion) to this μ-algebra.I then present a type system and show how μ-algebra terms can be rewritten to terms withequivalent semantics using either classical rewrite rules of the relational world or new rules that arespecific to this μ-algebra. We demonstrate the correctness of these new rules that are introduced tohandle the rewriting of fixpoints: they allow to push filters, joins and projections inside fixpointsor to combine several fixpoints (when some condition holds).I demonstrate how these terms could be evaluated both from a general perspective and in thespecific case of a distributed evaluation. I devise a cost model for μ-algebra terms inspired by thisevaluation. With this cost model and this evaluator, several terms that are semantically equivalentcan be seen as various Query Execution Plans (QEP) for a given query. I show that the μ-algebraand its rewrite rules allow the reach of QEP that are more efficient than all QEP considered in otherexisting approaches and confirm this by an experimental comparison of several query evaluators onSPARQL queries with recursion.I investigate the use of an efficient distributed framework (Spark) to build a fast SPARQL dis-tributed query evaluator. It is based on a fragment of μ-algebra, limited to operators that havea translation into fast Spark code. The result of this has been used to implement SPARQLGX, astate of the art distributed SPARQL query evaluator.Finally, my last contribution concerns the estimation of the cardinality of solutions to a μ-algebraterm. Such estimators are key in the optimization. Indeed, most cost models for QEP rely on suchestimators and are therefore necessary to determine the most efficient QEP. I specifically considerthe conjunctive query fragment of μ-algebra (which corresponds to the well-known Basic GraphPattern fragment of SPARQL). I propose a new cardinality estimation based on statistics about thedata and implemented the method into SPARQLGX. Experiments show that this method improvesthe performance of SPARQLGX
Martin, Patrick. "Conception et réalisation d'un système multiprocesseur, cadencé par les données, pour le traitement d'images linéaires en temps réel." Rouen, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991ROUE5046.
Full textClienti, Christophe. "Architectures flot de données dédiées au traitement d'images par morphologie mathématique." Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2009. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00005758.
Full textDa, Silva Sébastien. "Fouille de données spatiales et modélisation de linéaires de paysages agricoles." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LORR0156/document.
Full textThis thesis is part of a partnership between INRA and INRIA in the field of knowledge extraction from spatial databases. The study focuses on the characterization and simulation of agricultural landscapes. More specifically, we focus on linears that structure the agricultural landscape, such as roads, irrigation ditches and hedgerows. Our goal is to model the spatial distribution of hedgerows because of their role in many ecological and environmental processes. We more specifically study how to characterize the spatial structure of hedgerows in two contrasting agricultural landscapes, one located in south-Eastern France (mainly composed of orchards) and the second in Brittany (western France, \emph{bocage}-Type). We determine if the spatial distribution of hedgerows is structured by the position of the more perennial linear landscape features, such as roads and ditches, or not. In such a case, we also detect the circumstances under which this spatial distribution is structured and the scale of these structures. The implementation of the process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is comprised of different preprocessing steps and data mining algorithms which combine mathematical and computational methods. The first part of the thesis focuses on the creation of a statistical spatial index, based on a geometric neighborhood concept and allowing the characterization of structures of hedgerows. Spatial index allows to describe the structures of hedgerows in the landscape. The results show that hedgerows depend on more permanent linear elements at short distances, and that their neighborhood is uniform beyond 150 meters. In addition different neighborhood structures have been identified depending on the orientation of hedgerows in the South-East of France but not in Brittany. The second part of the thesis explores the potential of coupling linearization methods with Markov methods. The linearization methods are based on the use of alternative Hilbert curves: Hilbert adaptive paths. The linearized spatial data thus constructed were then treated with Markov methods. These methods have the advantage of being able to serve both for the machine learning and for the generation of new data, for example in the context of the simulation of a landscape. The results show that the combination of these methods for learning and automatic generation of hedgerows captures some characteristics of the different study landscapes. The first simulations are encouraging despite the need for post-Processing. Finally, this work has enabled the creation of a spatial data mining method based on different tools that support all stages of a classic KDD, from the selection of data to the visualization of results. Furthermore, this method was constructed in such a way that it can also be used for data generation, a component necessary for the simulation of landscapes
Karabernou, Si Mahmoud. "Conception et réalisation d'un processeur pour une architecture cellulaire massivement parallèle intégrée." Grenoble INPG, 1993. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00343216.
Full textBoufares, Faouzi. "Analyse et conception d'un optimiseur de requêtes dans un système relationnel." Paris 11, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA112356.
Full textThis thesis deals with the analysis and the conception of a query optimizer in a Relational Data Base Management System. We consider the problem of the choice of algorithms for relational operations: selection, sort, projection and join. We established some useful criteria for this choice. We show that the choice of the join execution method depends on: size of the two relations, memory size, average of page tuples, data access path and selectivity rate. Finally, we specify some algorithms for grouped operators to execute join selection and projection simultaneously. Our method of query optimization stands on those algorithms
Pascal, Rémi. "Le peuplement du bassin méditerranéen de 1800 à 2010 : données disponibles, limites et organisations spatiales." Thesis, Avignon, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020AVIG1202.
Full textThe Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding lands have had a central role in the history of the world. These spaces, inhabited or traveled, have greatly evolved over the past millennia, and have gradually structured through the appearance of various geographical objects such as towns, cities, administrative divisions... It is at the crossroads of these spatial, historical, and human settlement dynamics, which is understood as the notion of settlement. To analyze its evolution around the Mediterranean from 1800 to 2010, a database of more than 137 000 localities distributed in all riparian states was built. But are they all "Mediterranean"?The delimitation of the Mediterranean area is an old and recurrent question always present in the researches on this space. To try to answer it, five variables were chosen to construct an index that allowed to propose a limit characterizing the Mediterranean localities. From this set of objects, and taking into account the notion of path dependence, an analysis of the evolution of the population around the Mediterranean Sea was carried out. Revealing cycles, trajectories and various other phenomena, it has brought to light forms of original space organizations
Bulone, Joseph. "Généralisation des méthodes de scan pour le test des circuits intégrés complexes et application à des circuits critiques en vitesse." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1994. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00344980.
Full textHamieh, Ahmed. "Planification automatique de chemins à l'intérieur de bâtiments basée sur un modèle BIM." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018VALE0037/document.
Full textMore than 50% of humans today live in urban areas and spend more than 90 % of their time indoor. This thesis suggests a system, called BiMov, dedicated to automatic path planning in complex building based on their digital mockup (a BIM in IFC format). The process consists in exploiting the semantic, geometric and topologic features of the constituents of a BIM, so as to generate navigation graphs, taking into account the profile of Navigants as well as the operational state of accessibility of spaces and transitions, for finally determining a shortest path. BiMov is based on 4 data models: (1) a building model deduced from the BIM that represents and structures the building features that are relevant for indoor mobility (2) a Navigant model capable to represent its bulk size, abilities for horizontal and vertical displacements and social habilitations (3) a calendar model representing the conjectural state of accessibility of spaces and transitions (4) a navigation graph model with three levels of detail: the Macro level represents a simple graph of connectivity between neighboring interior spaces. It is intended to help architects verify their architectural design in terms of accessibility. The Extern level is used to connect accessible spaces via their horizontal or vertical transitions. This level is intended for Navigants who do not require a detailed path. The Intern level integrates a meshing of each space: a 2D mesh for planar mobility or a 3D mesh for drones. This level is intended for Navigants like bulky objects handlers of mobile robots, needing to validate a reliable path within spaces containing furniture, machinery or equipment. The proposed approach was implemented in a prototype software that allows to illustrate different path planning scenarios in BIM models that were generated externally
Jonglez, Baptiste. "Mécanismes de bout en bout pour améliorer la latence dans les réseaux de communication." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020GRALM048.
Full textThe network technologies that underpin the Internet have evolved significantly over the last decades, but one aspect of network performance has remained relatively unchanged: latency. In 25 years, the typical capacity or "bandwidth" of transmission technologies has increased by 5 orders of magnitude, while latency has barely improved by an order of magnitude. Indeed, there are hard limits on latency, such as the propagation delay which remains ultimately bounded by the speed of light.This diverging evolution between capacity and latency is having a profound impact on protocol design and performance, especially in the area of transport protocols. It indirectly caused the Bufferbloat problem, whereby router buffers are persistently full, increasing latency even more. In addition, the requirements of end-users have changed, and they expect applications to be much more reactive. As a result, new techniques are needed to reduce the latency experienced by end-hosts.This thesis aims at reducing the experienced latency by using end-to-end mechanisms, as opposed to "infrastructure" mechanisms. Two end-to-end mechanisms are proposed. The first is to multiplex several messages or data flows into a single persistent connection. This allows better measurements of network conditions (latency, packet loss); this, in turn, enables better adaptation such as faster retransmission. I applied this technique to DNS messages, where I show that it significantly improves end-to-end latency in case of packet loss. However, depending on the transport protocol used, messages can suffer from Head-of-Line blocking: this problem can be solved by using QUIC or SCTP instead of TCP.The second proposed mechanism is to exploit multiple network paths (such as Wi-Fi, wired Ethernet, 4G). The idea is to use low-latency paths for latency-sensitive network traffic, while bulk traffic can still exploit the aggregated capacity of all paths. This idea was partially realized by Multipath TCP, but it lacks support for multiplexing. Adding multiplexing allows data flows to cooperate and ensures that the scheduler has better visibility on the needs of individual data flows. This effectively amounts to a scheduling problem that was identified only very recently in the literature as "stream-aware multipath scheduling". My first contribution is to model this scheduling problem. As a second contribution, I proposed a new stream-aware multipath scheduler, SRPT-ECF, that improves the performance of small flows without impacting larger flows. This scheduler could be implemented as part of a MPQUIC (Multipath QUIC) implementation. More generally, these results open new opportunities for cooperation between flows, with applications such as improving WAN aggregation
Kamal-Idrissi, Assia. "Optimisation des réseaux aériens : analyse et sélection de nouveaux marchés." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2020. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-03177526.
Full textIn the airline industry, problems are various and complicated. Solving these problems aims at reducing costs and maximizing revenues. Revenues can be increased while improving the quality of service. For example, one way is to catch new passengers on existing flight connections or on new markets. The selection of new markets consists in determining network structure to operate, and to estimate passengers flow, their choice of itineraries as well as incomes and costs incurred by these decisions. Our research is about improving market planner engine. Milanamos develops an application for the analysis and simulation of markets intended for air-ports and airlines. It offers its customers a decision-making tool to analyze historical data andto simulate markets in order to find an economic opportunity. This project takes place earlierin the decision process. Thanks to a thorough data analysis, the air transport network could be modelized as a time-independent graph and stored in the Neo4j graph database. We then defined the Flight Radius problem which resolution allows to determine a sub-network centered around a flight for which market shares of the flight are meaningful. Several methods have beenproposed based on queries or on shortest path algorithms combined with acceleration and parallelism techniques. Our algorithms identify some new markets for a flight. Combining graph theory with databases offers new opportunities for analyzing and studying large networks
Rahmouni, Maher. "Ordonnancement et optimisations pour la synthèse de haut niveau des circuits de controle." Grenoble INPG, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997INPG0028.
Full textBorozan, Valentin. "Proper and weak-proper trees in edges-colored graphs and multigraphs." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00738959.
Full textSalazar, Javier. "Resource allocation optimization algorithms for infrastructure as a service in cloud computing." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCB074.
Full textThe cloud architecture offers on-demand computing, storage and applications. Within this structure, Cloud Providers (CPs) not only administer infrastructure resources but also directly benefit from leasing them. In this thesis, we propose three optimization models to assist CPs reduce the costs incurred in the resource allocation process when serving users’ demands. Implementing the proposed models will not only increase the CP’s revenue but will also enhance the quality of the services offered, benefiting all parties. We focus on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) resources which constitute the physical infrastructure of the cloud and are contained in datacenters (DCs). Following existing research in DC design and cloud computing applications, we propose the implementation of smaller DCs (Edge DCs) be located close to end users as an alternative to large centralized DCs. Lastly, we use the Column Generation optimization technique to handle large scale optimization models efficiently. The proposed formulation optimizes both the communications and information technology resources in a single phase to serve IaaS requests. Based on this formulation, we also propose a second model that includes QoS guarantees under the same Infrastructure as a Service resource allocation perspective, to provide different solutions to diverse aspects of the resource allocation problem such as cost and delay reduction while providing different levels of service. Additionally, we consider the multimedia cloud computing scenario. When Edge DCs architecture is applied to this scenario it results in the creation of the Multimedia Edge Cloud (MEC) architecture. In this context we propose a resource allocation approach to help with the placement of these DCs to reduce communication related problems such as jitter and latency. We also propose the implementation of optical fiber network technologies to enhance communication between DCs. Several studies can be found proposing new methods to improve data transmission and performance. For this study, we decided to implement Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) to strengthen the link usage and light-paths and, by doing so, group different signals over the same wavelength. Using a realistic simulation environment, we evaluate the efficiency of the approaches proposed in this thesis using a scenario specifically designed for the DCs, comparing them with different benchmarks and also simulating the effect of the optical formulation on the network performance. The numerical results obtained show that by using the proposed models, a CP can efficiently reduce allocation costs while maintaining satisfactory request acceptance and QoS ratios
Salazar, Javier. "Resource allocation optimization algorithms for infrastructure as a service in cloud computing." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCB074.
Full textThe cloud architecture offers on-demand computing, storage and applications. Within this structure, Cloud Providers (CPs) not only administer infrastructure resources but also directly benefit from leasing them. In this thesis, we propose three optimization models to assist CPs reduce the costs incurred in the resource allocation process when serving users’ demands. Implementing the proposed models will not only increase the CP’s revenue but will also enhance the quality of the services offered, benefiting all parties. We focus on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) resources which constitute the physical infrastructure of the cloud and are contained in datacenters (DCs). Following existing research in DC design and cloud computing applications, we propose the implementation of smaller DCs (Edge DCs) be located close to end users as an alternative to large centralized DCs. Lastly, we use the Column Generation optimization technique to handle large scale optimization models efficiently. The proposed formulation optimizes both the communications and information technology resources in a single phase to serve IaaS requests. Based on this formulation, we also propose a second model that includes QoS guarantees under the same Infrastructure as a Service resource allocation perspective, to provide different solutions to diverse aspects of the resource allocation problem such as cost and delay reduction while providing different levels of service. Additionally, we consider the multimedia cloud computing scenario. When Edge DCs architecture is applied to this scenario it results in the creation of the Multimedia Edge Cloud (MEC) architecture. In this context we propose a resource allocation approach to help with the placement of these DCs to reduce communication related problems such as jitter and latency. We also propose the implementation of optical fiber network technologies to enhance communication between DCs. Several studies can be found proposing new methods to improve data transmission and performance. For this study, we decided to implement Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) to strengthen the link usage and light-paths and, by doing so, group different signals over the same wavelength. Using a realistic simulation environment, we evaluate the efficiency of the approaches proposed in this thesis using a scenario specifically designed for the DCs, comparing them with different benchmarks and also simulating the effect of the optical formulation on the network performance. The numerical results obtained show that by using the proposed models, a CP can efficiently reduce allocation costs while maintaining satisfactory request acceptance and QoS ratios
Hadachi, Amnir. "Travel Time Estimation Using Sparsely Sampled Probe GPS Data in Urban Road Networks Context." Phd thesis, INSA de Rouen, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00800203.
Full textGlanon, Philippe Anicet. "Deployment of loop-intensive applications on heterogeneous multiprocessor architectures." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPASG029.
Full textCyber-physical systems (CPSs) are distributed computing-intensive systems, that integrate a wide range of software applications and heterogeneous processing resources, each interacting with the other ones through different communication resources to process a large volume of data sensed from physical, chemical or biological processes. An essential issue in the design stage of these systems is to predict the timing behaviour of software applications and to provide performance guarantee to these applications. In order tackle this issue, efficient static scheduling strategies are required to deploy the computations of software applications on the processing architectures. These scheduling strategies should deal with several constraints, which include the loop-carried dependency constraints between the computational programs as well as the resource and communication constraints of the processing architectures intended to execute these programs. Actually, loops being one of the most time-critical parts of many computing-intensive applications, the optimal timing behaviour and performance of the applications depends on the optimal schedule of loops structures enclosed in the computational programs executed by the applications. Therefore, to provide performance guarantee for the applications, the scheduling strategies should efficiently explore and exploit the parallelism embedded in the repetitive execution patterns of loops while ensuring the respect of resource and communications constraints of the processing architectures of CPSs. Scheduling a loop under resource and communication constraints is a complex problem. To solve it efficiently, heuristics are obviously necessary. However, to design efficient heuristics, it is important to characterize the set of optimal solutions for the scheduling problem. An optimal solution for a scheduling problem is a schedule that achieve an optimal performance goal. In this thesis, we tackle the study of resource-constrained and communication-constrained scheduling of loop-intensive applications on heterogeneous multiprocessor architectures with the goal of optimizing throughput performance for the applications. In order to characterize the set of optimal scheduling solutions and to design efficient scheduling heuristics, we use synchronous dataflow (SDF) model of computation to describe the loop structures specified in the computational programs of software applications and we design software pipelined scheduling strategies based on the structural and mathematical properties of the SDF model
Rocheteau, Frédéric. "Extension du langage LUSTRE et application à la conception de circuits : le langage LUSTRE-V4 et le système POLLUX." Phd thesis, 1992. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00342092.
Full textKarabernou, Si Mohamoud. "Conception et réalisation d'un processeur pour une architecture cellulaire massivement parallèle intégrée." Phd thesis, 1992. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00343216.
Full textMorin, Léonard Ryo. "Traffic prediction and bilevel network design." Thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/24801.
Full textThe subject of this thesis is the modeling of traffic in road networks and its integration in optimization models. In the literature, these two topics have to a large extent evolved independently: traffic is predicted more accurately by increasingly complex mathematical models, but this progress has not been incorporated in network design models where road users play a crucial role. The goal of this work is to integrate random utility models calibrated with real data into bilevel optimization models through an efficient Benders decomposition. This particular decomposition generalizes to a wide class of problems commonly found in the literature and can be used to solved large-scale instances. The first article presents a general methodology to use GPS data gathered from a fleet of vehicles to estimate the parameters of a recursive logit demand model. The GPS traces are first matched to the arcs of a network through an algorithm taking into account various factors. The paths resulting from these sequences of arcs, along with their characteristics, are used to estimate parameters of a choice model. The parameters represent users' perception of each of these characteristics in regards to their path choice behaviour. The data used in this article comes from trucks used by a number of transportation companies operating mainly in the Montreal region. The second article addresses the integration of a random utility maximization model in a new bilevel formulation for the general flow capture problem. The proposed model allows for a representation of different user behaviors in regards to their path choice by defining appropriate arc utilities. These arc utilities are stochastic which further contributes in capturing real user behavior. This bilevel model is linearized through the inclusion of a Lagrangian term based on strong duality which paves the way for a particularly efficient Benders decomposition. The numerical experiments are mostly conducted on a network representing the city of Winnipeg which demonstrates the ability to solve problems of a relatively large size. The third article illustrates how the approach used in the second article can be generalized to a particular form of bilevel models which encompasses many different problems. The decomposition is first presented in a general setting and subsequently in a context where the lower level of the bilevel model is a shortest path problem. In order to demonstrate that this form is general, two distinct applications are adapted to fit the required form: hazmat transportation network design and general flow capture. A third application, joint network design and pricing, is also similarly explored in Appendix B of this thesis.