Journal articles on the topic 'Chemical tests and reagents. Cyclopropane'
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Burkhardt, A. E. "Chemical assays--new opportunities." Clinical Chemistry 33, no. 9 (September 1, 1987): 1574–78.
Full textYesentai, D. E. "Influence of anti-ice chemicals on reduction of strength properties of cement concrete." Bulletin of Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Construction 79, no. 1 (March 30, 2021): 216–21.
Full textBach, Sylvie, Mohamed Naceur Belgacem, and Alessandro Gandini. "Hydrophobisation and densification of wood by different chemical treatments." Holzforschung 59, no. 4 (July 1, 2005): 389–96.
Full textGrélot, A., C. Machinal, K. Drouet, A. Tazi-Pain, J. C. Schrotter, A. Grasmick, and S. Grinwis. "In the search of alternative cleaning solutions for MBR plants." Water Science and Technology 58, no. 10 (November 1, 2008): 2041–49.
Full textBerth, Mario, and Eugene Bosmans. "Prevention of Assay Interference in Infectious-Disease Serology Tests Done on the Liaison Platform." Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 15, no. 5 (March 12, 2008): 891–92.
Full textBarkovskii, N. V. "Identification of Fe (IV) in oxides by chemical test methods." Industrial laboratory. Diagnostics of materials 86, no. 6 (June 22, 2020): 5–13.
Full textEksperiandova, L. P., S. V. Khimchenko, N. A. Stepanenko, and I. B. Shcherbakov. "Simple Instrumental and Visual Tests for Nonlaboratory Environmental Control." Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2016 (2016): 1–9.
Full textKricka, Larry J., and Jason Y. Park. "Dry Reagent Tests in the 1880s—Dr Pavy’s Pellets and Dr Oliver’s Papers." Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine 6, no. 4 (June 1, 2021): 1025–31.
Full textRzhevskaya, Elena V., Vladlena V. Davydova, and Igor V. Dolbin. "Study of the Influence of the Chemical Resistance of Polyphenylenesulphone from Radel on Mechanical Properties." Key Engineering Materials 899 (September 8, 2021): 245–52.
Full textMonette, Frédéric, François G. Brière, Michel Létourneau, Marc Duchesne, and Robert Hausler. "Traitement des eaux usées par coagulation-floculation avec recirculation des boues chimiques : Influence des réactifs." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 27, no. 4 (August 1, 2000): 719–34.
Full textKuryakova, Tatiana A., Sergey G. Bezryadin, Elena Yu Klyukvina, and Larisa V. Mezhueva. "Research of emulsion properties of oil with selection of effective chemical reagents for destruction of arising emulsions." Butlerov Communications 60, no. 12 (December 31, 2019): 110–15.
Full textRahman, Norbaizurah, and Andri Kusbiantoro. "Investigation on the Degree of Reaction and Strength Performance of Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Binder with Alternative Chemical Reagents." Materials Science Forum 803 (August 2014): 115–19.
Full textSuvorin, А. V., M. N. Shorokhov, M. A. Ozheredova, O. N. Bliznjuk, I. M. Ryshchenko, and N. Yu Masalitina. "Purification of Cr(VI)-containing wastewater by chemical precipitation: test results of an experimental-industrial installation." Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii, no. 3 (May 2021): 121–27.
Full textEdahbi, Mohamed, Raphaël Mermillod-Blondin, Benoît Plante, and Mostafa Benzaazoua. "CIL Gold Loss Characterization within Oxidized Leach Tails: Creating a Synergistic Approach between Mineralogical Characterization, Diagnostic Leach Tests, and Preg-Robbing Tests." Minerals 9, no. 9 (September 16, 2019): 557.
Full textSoliz, Álvaro, Luis Cáceres, Fabiola Pineda, and Felipe Galleguillos. "Erosion–Corrosion of AISI 304L Stainless Steel Affected by Industrial Copper Tailings." Metals 10, no. 8 (July 27, 2020): 1005.
Full textSentat, Triswanto, Henny Nurhasnawati, and Yunita Rachma Dwinand. "DEVELOPMENT OF PAPER-BASED COLOR TEST-STRIP FOR PARACETAMOL DETECTION IN JAMU." Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 7, no. 2 (January 8, 2020): 137–42.
Full textWang, Zi Qiang, Li Xian Sun, Fen Xu, and Xiao Jun Peng. "Hydrothermal Synthesis of MnO2-Loaded Porous Carbons for Supercapacitors." Materials Science Forum 852 (April 2016): 870–75.
Full textBurnat, B., M. Parchańska-Kowalik, and L. Klimek. "The Influence of Chemical Surface Treatment on the Corrosion Resistance of Titanium Castings Used in Dental Prosthetics." Archives of Foundry Engineering 14, no. 3 (August 8, 2014): 11–16.
Full textSurahmaida, Surahmaida, and Umarudin Umarudin. "Toxicity of Miana Leaf (Coleus blumei) Extract Against Houseflies (Musca domestica)." Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education 11, no. 2 (August 17, 2019): 249–55.
Full textMilanovic, Dragan, and Zoran Markovic. "Zeta-potential and flotability of the scheelite mineral in different type of waters, Part 2: Flotability." Chemical Industry 63, no. 5 (2009): 377–85.
Full textBruno, P., G. Acampa, M. G. Giustra, M. De Marchis, C. M. Parisi, and G. Di Bella. "Optimization of management choices of clariflocculation process by means of qualitative multi-criteria analysis." Water Science and Technology 81, no. 5 (March 1, 2020): 1011–28.
Full textSyamsu Nur, Andi Nur Aisyah, Alfat Fadri, Sharfianty, Amriani Sapra, and Fitriyanti Jumaetri Sami. "Comparative study of catechin levels from green tea, oolong tea and black tea product with various treatments." GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences 14, no. 1 (January 30, 2021): 001–10.
Full textNagar S, Mohamed. "Capability of Uranium Heap Leaching From Gattar and El Missikat Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt: A Kinetic Approach." Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Technology 2, no. 4 (December 31, 2020): 1–7.
Full textCollivignarelli, Maria Cristina, Giorgio Bertanza, Alessandro Abbà, and Silvestro Damiani. "Process auditing and performance improvement in a mixed wastewater–aqueous waste treatment plant." Water Science and Technology 77, no. 4 (November 30, 2017): 891–98.
Full textJi, Deng Gao, Su Qin Peng, Yue Wu, and Yang Hui Cai. "Study of Flotation Effect of ST-1 Complex Reagent." Advanced Materials Research 610-613 (December 2012): 3357–61.
Full textJi, Deng Gao, Yang Hui Cai, Xu Long Guo, Su Qin Peng, and Shuang Guo Wei. "Research of Optimize Performance of Coal Flotation Collectors." Advanced Materials Research 361-363 (October 2011): 296–300.
Full textYang, Na, Qin Liao, Qing Li, Peng Zhang, and Longqin Li. "Simple and easy-operated method for filtering eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors." Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 63, no. 2 (March 7, 2016): 73–81.
Full textCarliell, C. M., and A. D. Wheatley. "Metal and phosphate speciation during anaerobic digestion of phosphorus rich sludge." Water Science and Technology 36, no. 6-7 (September 1, 1997): 191–200.
Full textCennamo, Nunzio, Girolamo D’Agostino, Chiara Perri, Francesco Arcadio, Guido Chiaretti, Eva Maria Parisio, Giulio Camarlinghi, et al. "Proof of Concept for a Quick and Highly Sensitive On-Site Detection of SARS-CoV-2 by Plasmonic Optical Fibers and Molecularly Imprinted Polymers." Sensors 21, no. 5 (March 1, 2021): 1681.
Full textXie, Haiyun, Rui Sun, Jizong Wu, Dongxia Feng, and Likun Gao. "A Case Study of Enhanced Sulfidization Flotation of Lead Oxide Ore: Influence of Depressants." Minerals 10, no. 2 (January 22, 2020): 95.
Full textTebogo, Mashifana, and Sithole Thandiwe. "Evaluation of Chemically Treated and Lime Stabilized Gold Mine Tailings: Effect on Unconfined Compressive Strength." Key Engineering Materials 803 (May 2019): 366–70.
Full textWacheux, H., J. L. Million, C. Guillo, and E. Alves. "NH4 automatic analysers for wastewater treatment plant: evaluation test at laboratory and field level." Water Science and Technology 33, no. 1 (January 1, 1996): 193–201.
Full textRangel, Ricardo, Verónica Cedeño, Jaime Espino, Pascual Bartolo-Pérez, Geonel Rodríguez-Gattorno, and Juan Alvarado-Gil. "Comparing the Efficiency of N-Doped TiO2 and N-Doped Bi2MoO6 Photo Catalysts for MB and Lignin Photodegradation." Catalysts 8, no. 12 (December 19, 2018): 668.
Full textda Silva Oliveira, José Carlos, R. A. Sanguinetti Ferreira, and Yogendra Prasad Yadava. "Sintering of Ca2MgWO6 Ceramic and its Stability Test in Crude Petroleum." Materials Science Forum 820 (June 2015): 149–54.
Full textJaturas, Narong, Tooba Mahboob, Nadiah Azman, Tan Tian-Chye, and Veeranoot Nissapatorn. "Malaria in Children: Diagnostic Tools in Resource-Limited Settings." Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 12, no. 04 (June 8, 2017): 249–55.
Full textFrýbort, Aleš, Jana Štulířová, and Jiří Grošek. "Complementary analyses of concrete characteristics performed on cores taken from concrete pavements." MATEC Web of Conferences 310 (2020): 00036.
Full textVanbroekhoven, Karolien, Sandra Van Roy, Ludo Diels, Johan Gemoets, Paul Verkaeren, Ludo Zeuwts, Karel Feyaerts, and Francis van den Broeck. "Sustainable Approach for the Immobilization of Metals in the Saturated Zone: In Situ Bioprecipitation." Advanced Materials Research 20-21 (July 2007): 261–66.
Full textGolovko, A. K., V. F. Kamyanov, and T. A. Filimonova. "The Novelties Producing by Ozonolysis of Petroleum High-Molecular Components." Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 7, no. 2 (July 13, 2017): 89.
Full textAlbrektienė, Ramunė, Mindaugas Rimeika, Elena Zalieckienė, Valentinas Šaulys, and Alvydas Zagorskis. "DETERMINATION OF ORGANIC MATTER BY UV ABSORPTION IN THE GROUND WATER / ORGANINIŲ MEDŽIAGŲ POŽEMINIAME VANDENYJE NUSTATYMAS TAIKANT UV BANGŲ ABSORBCIJĄ." Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 20, no. 2 (June 7, 2012): 163–67.
Full textKamel, Nariman H. M. "The Behaviour of134Cs,60Co, and85Sr Radionuclides in Marine Environmental Sediment." Scientific World JOURNAL 2 (2002): 1514–26.
Full textLagos-Sandoval, José Arturo, Jorge Eduardo Salazar-Zuñiga, and Edwing Oswaldo Berdugo-Romero. "Design and simulation of microfluidic device for the detection of HIV." Visión electrónica 1, no. 2 (August 13, 2018): 192–97.
Full textSkorupska, Malgorzata, Piotr Kamedulski, Jerzy P. Lukaszewicz, and Anna Ilnicka. "The Improvement of Energy Storage Performance by Sucrose-Derived Carbon Foams via Incorporating Nitrogen Atoms." Nanomaterials 11, no. 3 (March 17, 2021): 760.
Full textDewi, Melisa Pramesti, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, and Naoko Okibe. "Recovering Secondary REE Value from Spent Oil Refinery Catalysts Using Biogenic Organic Acids." Catalysts 10, no. 9 (September 20, 2020): 1090.
Full textReiza, Inul Ahmanda, Laode Rijai, and Febrina Mahmudah. "Skrining Fitokimia Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Nanas (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr)." Proceeding of Mulawarman Pharmaceuticals Conferences 10 (October 31, 2019): 104–8.
Full textGuo, Xiaoyan, Jiaqi Liu, Lixia Liu, Suohe Yang, Guangxiang He, and Haibo Jin. "Preparation, Characteristics, and Application of Bifunctional TiO2 Sheets." Materials 13, no. 7 (April 1, 2020): 1615.
Full textRahman, MD Abdur, M. Shamim Hossain, Nabil A. Alrajeh, and B. B. Gupta. "A Multimodal, Multimedia Point-of-Care Deep Learning Framework for COVID-19 Diagnosis." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications 17, no. 1s (March 31, 2021): 1–24.
Full textPaiva, Weslley de Souza, Francisco Ernesto de Souza Neto, Erika de Souza Paiva, and Anabelle Camarotti de Lima Batista. "Fungal chitosan as membranous material modified by atmospheric plasma." Research, Society and Development 10, no. 1 (January 4, 2021): e9210111543.
Full textSchembri, C. T., V. Ostoich, P. J. Lingane, T. L. Burd, and S. N. Buhl. "Portable Simultaneous Multiple Analyte Whole-Blood Analyzer for Point-of-Care Testing." Clinical Chemistry 38, no. 9 (September 1, 1992): 1665–70.
Full textBhatti, Muhammad Arif, Kamran Raza Kazmi, Abdul Ahad, Anila Tabassum, Rashid Mehmood, and Adnan Akram. "Beneficiation Studies on Low-Grade Complex Polymetallic Lead-Zinc Ore of Duddar (Lasbela) Balochistan, Pakistan." Pakistan Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences 59, no. 3 (October 27, 2016): 130–43.
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