Academic literature on the topic 'Chauffe laser'
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Journal articles on the topic "Chauffe laser"
Dang-Nhu, M., and A. S. Pine. "Intensités des raies d'absorption dans la bande chaude ν8 + ν11 − ν11 de l'aliène 12C3H4." Canadian Journal of Physics 64, no. 3 (March 1, 1986): 289–96.
Full textSETZKORN, R., D. BETEILLE, L. DUSSEAU, H. PRÉVOST, J. FESQUET, and J. GASIOT. "Dosimétrie des particules "chaudes" utilisant la thermoluminescence par chauffage laser et la luminescence par stimulation optique." Radioprotection 31, no. 1 (January 1996): 83–90.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Chauffe laser"
Dolo, Guillaume. "Étude expérimentale et modélisation du procédé de placement de fibres avec chauffe laser." Thesis, Lorient, 2017.
Full textAeronautic industry demonstrates a growing interest in composite materials and development of quick and automated manufacturing processes. Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) process is a certified technology to achieve laminate structure with thermoset composites. Coriolis Composites Company develops robotic cells for fiber placement enabling the laying of continuous fibers in all directions and on complex geometrical surfaces. Thermoplastic (TP) matrix composites are currently a promising alternative for making structures for transport applications. They do not actually require long and expensive curing step in autoclave and would meet the sustainable requirements and expect thermo-mechanical behavior. AFP process bases on high power diode lasers required to melt the TP polymers. The presented work is located at the crossroads of three technologies with a bright future: AFP process, TP matrix composite and diode lasers. It have been carried out within the framework of the IMPALA project with the aim of modeling process by experiments and numerical simulations. APC-2/AS4 from Cytec Engineering Materials is the composite material of the study. It consists of a pre-impregnated composite with carbon fibers and TP PEEK matrix. Three models developed in this study are: (1) an optical model based on a raytracing algorithm to quantify the laser distribution on materials, (2) a thermal model to calculate the thermal field in laminate structure during layup, and (3) a rheological model in order to study the squeezing and bonding of plies. These models base on a characterization of the process, including the laser beam (that heats both fed tows and previous layed plies) and the compaction system (formed by a deformable roller that molds the lay-up surface). Material data like refractive index, emissivity or viscosity are determined by experiments or homogenization method. Experimental measurements are simultaneously realized with thermocouples and infrared cameras to understand thermal phenomena in heating zone and laminate. These measures correlate well with numeric predictions. The optical-thermal model is used to study the influence of process parameters and suggest loops between laser power and lay-up velocity. A FTIR spectroscopic study have finally improved in transient condition for thermal degradation
Asensio, Victor. "Influence de la vitesse de montée en température sur les mécanismes de dégradation et de transferts de composites fibres de carbone et matrice biosourcée." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textAtmospheric re-entry is a decisive stage in the return to earth of a space module, since it involves severeflthermal and thermomechanical stresses. The modules are fitted with insulating shields that dissipate theflhigh heat flows. This thesis work focuses on understanding the physical phenomena that occur within theflmaterials that make up the thermal protection. Composite materials are composed of carbon fibres and aflthermodegradable polymer matrix. During application, the rise in temperature causes pyrolysis of the matrix.flThe aim of this thesis is to identify and quantify the evolution of degradation and transfer mechanisms duringflthe pyrolysis process of a composite with a bio-based matrix as a function of the heating rate. The first part offlthis work is devoted to analysing the physico-chemical characteristics of the composite and its constituentsflat temperature. Thermal tests (TGA-FTIR; TGA-SM; TMA; TDA) are carried out under conditions offlhomogeneous heating of the sample surfaces, for heating rates ranging from 5 to 1000 Kmin−1 . A kineticflanalysis and a five-stage description of pyrolysis are presented. Changes in thermal and morphologicalflproperties as a function of heating conditions are monitored at each stage. The second part of this workflproposes an original methodology for characterising the behaviour of materials subjected to high heat flows.flA new laser heating method was developed. The heating is carried out under heterogeneous conditions,flexposing only one side to the flux, to get closer to the real conditions of the application. A numericalflmethod for identifying the thermal properties of a stabilised material by inverse calculation is presented.flFinally, an overall understanding of physicochemical transformations and thermal and thermomechanicalflphenomena as a function of heating rate is proposed
Chassende-Baroz, Philippe. "Application du chauffage laser à la dosimétrie par thermoluminescence." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986.
Full textDupont, Pierre. "Etude expérimentale des champs turbulents dans une couche limite supersonique fortement chauffée." Aix-Marseille 2, 1990.
Full textRivière, David. "Ecoulements thermogravitaires et thermocapillaires induits par chauffage laser dans des couches liquides." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2016.
Full textThis thesis work is dedicated to thermocapillary and thermogravitary flows induced bylaser-heating in liquid layers. The laser-heating of a two fluids system induces two thermaleffects. The first effect come from the variation of the density with temperature andthe second one is due to the variation of the interfacial tension with the temperature.In a first part, we study separately these two mechanism. With a comparison betweenexperiments, theory and numerical simulations we demonstrated that the morphology ofthe flows depends on the thickness of the layer and the width of the temperature field.Then, we studied numerically and theoretically the thermocapillary effect. That revealedit is possible to understand the flows from the interface deformations. We highligth theseare two deformation regimes depending the thickness ratio and the sign of the interfacialtension gradient. Finally, we studied the competition between the two mechanism and theexperiments revealed a transition between two flow regimes. The comparison of these resultsand a theoritical model showed there is a transition from a thermocapillary regime to athermogravitary regime. In addition, we showed the possibility to induce an instibility bythermogravitary effect which can lead to the formation of a liquid bridge
PAILLOUX, AGNES. "Fluorescence induite par laser sur des plasmas fortement magnetises, chauffes par resonance cyclotron ionique." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1997.
Full textPatin, David. "Le chauffage stochastique dans l'interaction laser-plasma à très haut flux." Paris 11, 2006.
Full textThis thesis takes place in the field of high intensity laser-plasma interaction. The aim was to highlight the stochastic heating effect. This phenomenon comes from the chaotic behavior of the plasma electrons. In order to have a simple theoretical model, two assumptions were made : underdense plasma and high intensity laser. The second one is equivalent to a>1 (where a is the normalized vector potential, a=eE0/mcw0 with (-e) the electron charge, E0 the electric field of the laser, m the electron mass, c the speed of light in vacuum and w0 the pulsation of the laser), so we need a relativistic approach of the system. The hamiltonian formalism is used in order to get information from our system. Using the Chirikov criterion, a set of parameters was deduced in order to get global stochasticity. Then, particle in cell simulations were performed in order to validate theoretical predictions. The influence of several parameters on the energy gain has been studied. Finally, a first numerical test was performed for protons acceleration
Salat, Jacques. "Contribution à l'étude de la convection naturelle tridimensionnelle en cavité différentiellement chauffée." Poitiers, 2004.
Full textThis experimental and numerical study is interested in the three-dimensional low level turbulence flows of natural convection in an air filled differentially heated cavity at a Rayleigh number of 1. 48. 109. Dimensions of the cavity are 1m x 1m x 0. 32m. It consists of two vertical active walls at uniform and imposed temperature, two insulating horizontal walls and two assumed adiabatic side walls. The resolution of an inverse problem allows the precise determination of the thermal boundary conditions relative to the horizontal walls, and measurements by infra-red camera provide a temperature cartography of the side walls. A characterization of the thermal fields by microthermocouples, and dynamic fields (measurement of the 3 velocity components) by LDV, in several plans of the cavity is proposed as well as the coupled fields velocity-temperature in the median vertical plan. A comparison of these measurements to the numerical results obtained by DNS-3D Chebyshev spectral method is presented. Both depth of the cavity and lateral walls emissivity influences is examined. Finally, a simulation performed with the experimental thermal boundary conditions on the 6 faces of the cavity makes it possible to explain complex mechanisms of boundary layers supply
Benzirar, Mohammed. "Modélisation numérique et validation expérimentale de la propagation d'un rayon laser dans un milieu turbulent chauffé." Lyon 1, 1992.
Full textMoreau, Florian. "Évaporation et dispersion d'un spray bi-composant dans un écoulement de canal chauffé fortement turbulent : une approche expérimentale." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2010.
Full textThis work aims to understand the phenomena that occur in a combustion chamber. Due to the complexity of the phenomena encountered, simplifications are made. This study only focuses on multicomponent droplet evaporation in turbulent flows. Many evaporation models exist, but the influence of turbulence on a spray is yet not well understood. On one hand, turbulence increases the droplet evaporation rate. On the other hand, it may generate clusters, in which saturation stops the process. This study aims to give a database that can be used to improve the physical understanding of the process and to improve model performances. This is an experimental approach. The objective is to measure evaporation and dispersion of droplets and vapour mixing in a well-known turbulent flow. In the simplified test case studied here, the temperature is lower than in a real case and the pressure is atmospheric. The droplets are bi-component(octane/3-pentanone). The experimental set-up is divided into two parts. The first part, at the top, consists in a turbulence flow generator and a droplet injection device. The second part is a channel in which the two- hase flow is analysed. The carrier flow is measured using Laser Doppler Anemometry. The main flow properties are : high turbulence levels, flat profiles for the mean velocity and velocity fluctuations. The turbulence decreases and isotropic properties are close to those of grid turbulence. The dispersed phase is measured using Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA) and Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The velocity and diameter of each droplet passing through the measurement volume is measured by the PDA technique. There is a large variety of droplet behaviours due to the large polydispersion and turbulence. Droplet clusters are measured. Their amounts decrease with the distance from the injector. The concentration of 3-pentanone can be measured with the LIF technique. The evolution of the liquid concentration, mass flux and droplet clusters is described. The mean vapour concentration and its fluctuations are measured along the axial and radial axis. The mixing of the vapour is characterised
Books on the topic "Chauffe laser"
Marah, Mohamed. Etude expérimentale et théorique de la thermoluminescence stimulée par chauffage LASER: Application à la dosimétrie. Grenoble: A.N.R.T. Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble 2, 1986.
Find full textLaser Heating of Metals. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textProkhorov, A. M. Laser Heating of Metals. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Chauffe laser"
C, Lohith, Amaresh A M, Pundalik Chavan, and Triveni N. "CHAUFFEUR BEHAVIOR RECOGNITION USING FACE RECOGNITION AND DEEP LEARNING." In Futuristic Trends in Artificial Intelligence Volume 3 Book 10, 155–67. Iterative International Publisher, Selfypage Developers Pvt Ltd, 2024.
Full textSnider, Jill D. "A Dream Finds Allies." In Lucean Arthur Headen, 60–75. University of North Carolina Press, 2020.
Full textAgrawal, Ravi. "The Great Indian Currency Scramble: Digital Money." In India Connected. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Chauffe laser"
Escaravage, Claude, Dominique Bonne, Odile Gelineau, Morello Sperandio, and Bernard Drubay. "Recent Developments of RCC-MR Code for High Temperature Reactor and ITER Projects." In ASME 2008 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2008.
Full textMarie, S., B. Drubay, M. N. Berton, O. Gelineau, C. Escaravage, D. Bonne, and M. Sperandio. "Presentation of RCC-MR Code 2007 for High Temperature Reactor and ITER Projects: General Overview." In ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.
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