Academic literature on the topic 'Charmed B_s^0 decays'

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Journal articles on the topic "Charmed B_s^0 decays"


LIU, JIAFU, LINGDE WAN, and GONGRU LU. "CP-VIOLATING EFFECTS IN SOME TWO-BODY BARYONIC DECAYS OF $B_s^0 - \bar B_s^0 $ MESONS." Modern Physics Letters A 07, no. 34 (November 10, 1992): 3215–27.

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The partial-decay-rate asymmetries indicating the CP-violating effects in [Formula: see text] decays into two-body baryons are examined within the Kobayashi-Maskawa model. The branching ratios of the decays and the numbers of [Formula: see text] pairs needed for testing these effects are estimated. It turns out that the CP violation asymmetries and the branching ratios are generally small and it is difficult to test the effects in experiments.
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JIANG, YUE, GUO-LI WANG, TIANHONG WANG, WAN-LI JU, and HUI-FENG FU. "NONLEPTONIC PRODUCTION OF CHARMED P-WAVE MESONS FROM $\bar B^{0}_s$ AND $\bar B^0$ DECAYS." International Journal of Modern Physics A 28, no. 21 (August 20, 2013): 1350110.

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The nonleptonic decays from [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] to an orbitally excited P-wave charmed meson are studied within the naive factorization hypothesis. Based on the Mandelstam formalism, and under the framework of the improved Bethe–Salpeter method, the hadronic matrix elements of the decays [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are calculated, in which nonperturbative QCD effects are well considered by overlapping integral over the relativistic Salpeter wave functions of initial and final states. Some of these decays have sizable branching fractions and are expected to be detected in the current and near future experiments.
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Abbiendi et al., G. "A study of $\mathrm{B_s^0}$ meson oscillation using hadronic $\mathrm Z^0$ decays containing leptons." European Physical Journal C 11, no. 4 (December 1999): 587–98.

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Barate et al., R. "Study of ${\rm B_s^0}$ oscillations and lifetime using fully reconstructed ${\rm D_s^-}$ decays." European Physical Journal C 4, no. 3 (July 1998): 367–85.

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Amorós, G., S. Noguera, and J. Portolés. "Semileptonic decays of charmed mesons in the effective action of QCD." European Physical Journal C 27, no. 2 (March 2003): 243–54.

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Li, Ying. "Branching fractions and direct CP asymmetries of $$\bar B_s^0 \to K^0 h^ + h'^ - (h^{(')} = K,\pi )$$ decays." Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 58, no. 3 (September 30, 2014): 1–9.

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Maevskiy, A. S. "Measurement of CP-violation parameters in decays of $B_s^0 \to J/\psi \phi $ with the ATLAS detector." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 798 (January 2017): 012095.

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Cui, Bo-Yan, and Ya-Hui Chen. "Contributions of K 0 ∗ 1430 and K 0 ∗ 1950 in the Charmed Three-Body B Meson Decays." Advances in High Energy Physics 2023 (June 7, 2023): 1–10.

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In this work, we investigate the resonant contributions of K 0 ∗ 1430 and K 0 ∗ 1950 in the three-body B s ⟶ D s K π within the perturbative QCD approach. The form factor F k π s is adopted to describe the nonperturbative dynamics of the S-wave K π system. The branching ratios of all concerned decays are calculated and predicted to be in the order of 1 0 − 10 to 1 0 − 5 . The ratio R of branching fractions between B 0 ⟶ D ¯ 0 K 0 ∗ 0 1430 ⟶ D ¯ 0 K + π − and B s 0 ⟶ D ¯ 0 K ¯ 0 ∗ 0 1430 ⟶ D ¯ 0 K − π + is predicted to be 0.0552, which implies the discrepancy for the LHCb measurements. We expect that the predictions in this work can be tested by the future experiments, especially, to resolve R ratio discrepancy.
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Sadhu, Samrangy. "Study of in-Medium Energy Loss with Heavy-Flavour Correlations in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions with ALICE at the LHC." Proceedings 10, no. 1 (April 29, 2019): 43.

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The azimuthal correlations between heavy-flavour hadrons or heavy-flavour decay electrons with charged particles in Pb-Pb collisions give insight on the modification of charm-jet properties in nucleus-nucleus collisions and the mechanisms through which heavy quarks in-medium energy-loss takes place. Studies in pp collisions, besides constituting the necessary baseline for nucleus-nucleus measurements, are important for testing expectations from pQCD-inspired Monte Carlo generators. In ALICE heavy-flavour hadrons are studied via their fully reconstructed hadronic decays (D mesons and Λ c baryon), via semileptonic decays of charmed baryons ( Λ c , Ξ c ) and via leptons coming from heavy-flavour hadron decays. In particular in the central barrel, η < | 0 . 8 | , the electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays are investigated. This proceeding will include the study of azimuthal correlations of D mesons with charged particles in pp collisions and heavy-flavour decay electrons with charged particles in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at different energies available at the LHC. The Experimental results will also be compared with the expectations from POWHEG and PYTHIA event generators.
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Tang, Shi-Shuai, Long-Ke Li, Xing-Yu Zhou, and Cheng-Ping Shen. "Recent Measurements of Decay Asymmetry Parameter and CP Asymmetry for Charmed Baryon Decays at Belle." Symmetry 15, no. 1 (December 29, 2022): 91.

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We review the recent results from the Belle experiment on the measurements of branching fractions and decay asymmetry parameters (α) for the hadronic weak decays of charmed baryons, including Λc+→B+P: Λc+→(Λ,Σ0)h+ (h=π,K) and Λc+→Σ+(π0,η,η′); Ξc0→B+P: Ξc0→Ξ−π+; Ξc0→B+V: Ξc0→ΛK¯*0, Ξc0→Σ0K¯*0, and Ξc0→Σ+K*−. In addition, we present an overview of the searches for CP violation via the α-induced CP asymmetry for Λc+→(Λ,Σ0)h+ and Ξc0→Ξ−π+. Finally, we discuss the promising decay modes of Ωc0 which can be measured in the near future and are indispensable in searching for CP violation in the charm sector.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Charmed B_s^0 decays"


Sazak, Halime. "Measuring the CP Violation Phase γ in open charm B decays at LHCb." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Clermont Auvergne (2021-...), 2022.

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Cette thèse présente l’étude de la mesure de l’angle CKM γ à travers deux analyses possibles à LHCb : première analyse, à partir de la mesure B_s^0→D ~^(┤)0 ϕ désintégration, où la notation D ~^0 désigne soit un D^0 ou un ¯D^0 méson reconstruit en mode de désintégration : Kππ^0, tandis que les ϕ désintégrations vers K^(+K^- ) ; la deuxième analyse, à partir du mode de désintégration plus conventionnel B^(-→D^0 K^- ), où D^0 se désintègre en K^(-π^+ ) (RS), K^(-K^+ ) , π^(-π^+ ) , π^(-K^+ ) (WS) et K^-est reconstruit en K^(-π^0 ). Les deux mesures pour les modes de désintégration utilisant la collision proton-proton sont basées sur une luminosité intégrée de 9.0 〖fb〗^(-1) collectée par le détecteur LHCb pendant les périodes d'exploitation Run 1 & Run 2, accumulées au cours des années 2011 à 2018
This thesis presents the study of the measurement of the CKM angle γ through two possible analysis at LHCb: first analysis, from the measurement of B_s^0→D ~^(┤)0 ϕ decay, where the notation D ~^0 stands for either a D^0 or a ¯D^0 meson reconstructed in sub-decay mode: Kππ^0, while the ϕ decays to K^(+K^- ); the second analysis, from the more conventional decay mode B^(-→D^0 K^- ), where D^0 decays to K^(-π^+ ) (RS), K^(-K^+ ), π^(-π^+ ), π^(-K^+ ) (WS) and K^- is reconstructed in K^(-π^0 ). Both measurements for the decay modes using proton-proton collision based on an integrated luminosity of 9.0〖fb〗^(-1) collected by the LHCb detector during Run 1 & Run 2, accumulated over years 2011 to 2018
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Tonelli, Diego. "First observation of the Bs^0 → K+ K− decay mode, and measurement of the B^0 and Bs^0 mesons decay-rates into two-body, charmless final states at CDF." Doctoral thesis, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2006.

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Neuner, Max [Verfasser], and Ulrich [Akademischer Betreuer] Uwer. "Determination of the b-hadron production cross-section and measurement of CP violation in B_s^0 → φφ decays at the LHCb experiment / Max Neuner ; Betreuer: Ulrich Uwer." Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2017.

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GIUGLIANO, Carmen. "Test of Lepton Flavour Universality using the B_s^0→D_s^- τ^+ ν_τ with 3 prongs τ^+ decays and validation of the new opto-electronics for the RICH Upgrade at the LHCb experiment." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2022.

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The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics assumes that the couplings between leptons and the electroweak gauge bosons are independent of the lepton flavour up to a correction due to the mass. This property is known as Lepton Flavour Universality (LFU). Ideal laboratories to test the LFU are the b-hadron semileptonic decays which can be studied through the ratios of branching fractions between decays with the τ lepton and the ones with the μ lepton in the final state: R(Hc) =B(Hb → Hcτν)/B(Hb → Hcμν), with Hb and Hc the b−hadron which originates the decay and the c−hadron produced in the decay respectively. Experimental results on LFU tests have been obtained by Belle, BaBar and LHCb collaborations and show tension with the SM prediction of about 3.4σ when considering the combination of the measurement of R(D) and R(D∗). Exploiting the abundance of the b-hadron produced in the LHCb environment and the features of the detector, that allow to reconstruct the b-hadron decay vertex with high precision and to perform particle identification, this thesis documents the preliminary studies for the measurement of R(Ds) using the τ decaying in 3 charged pions. The data sample used for the studies corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2 fb^{−1} of proton-proton collision events at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV collected by the LHCb experiment in 2012. Given the request of high precision measurements to further test the SM in many other sectors, the LHCb experiment is currently being upgraded to be able to operate at a luminosity of about 2×10^33cm^{−2}s^{−1} from the start of Run3 in 2022. To cope with the challenge of a five-fold increased instantaneous luminosity, and the need to read-out the full LHCb detector at a rate of 40 MHz, the photon detectors and the electronics chain of both the Ring Imaging CHerenkov (RICH) detectors have been replaced. This thesis also describes the quality assurance and test protocols on the new opto-electronics and reports of the commissioning activities.
ITA: Il Modello Standard (MS) della fisica delle particelle elementari assume che l’accoppiamento elettrodebole tra i leptoni e i bosoni di gauge sia indipendente dalla famiglia leptonica a meno di correzioni dovute alla massa. Tale proprietà è conosciuta come Universalità Leptonica (Lepton Flavour Universality o LFU). I decadimenti semileptonici di adroni b sono laboratori ideali per testare la LFU attraverso il confronto tra i rapporti di diramazione dei decadimenti nel cui stato finale sono coinvolti un leptone τ o un leptone μ: R(Hc) = B(Hb → Hcτν)/ B(Hb → Hcμν), dove Hb e Hc sono rispettivamente l’adrone b da cui si origina il decadimento e l’adrone c prodotto nel decadimento. Risultati sperimentali su test di LFU sono stati ottenuti dalle collaborazioni Belle, Babar e LHCb e mostrano tensioni con le predizioni del MS di circa 3.4σ quando si considera la combinazione delle misure di R(D) and R(D∗). Questa tesi, sfruttando l’abbondanza di adroni b prodotti in LHCb e le caratteristiche del rivelatore, documenta gli studi preliminari per la misura di R(Ds) richiedendo nello stato finale un leptone τ che decade in 3 pioni carichi. I dati analizzati per questi studi sono stati raccolti da LHCb nel 2012, sono relativi a collisioni protone protone con energia nel centro di massa pari a 8TeV, e corrispondono ad una luminosità integrata di 2 fb^{−1}. Data la richiesta di misure sempre più precise per testare ulteriormente il MS, l’esperimento LHCb è stato sottoposto ad un upgrade per essere in grado di operare alla luminosità di circa 2×10^33cm^{−2}s^{−1} dall’inizio del Run3 nel 2022. Per fronteggiare la sfida di una luminosità istantanea aumentata di cinque volte rispetto al Run2 e alla necessità di acquisire i dati ad una frequenza di 40 MHz, i rivelatori di fotoni e l’intera catena di elettronica di entrambi i sottorivelatori Ring Imaging CHerenkov sono stati sostituiti. Questa tesi descrive, inoltre, i protocolli di controllo qualità, i test effettuati sulla nuova optoelettronica, e le attività di istallazione e messa in opera dei nuovi sottorivelatori.
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Books on the topic "Charmed B_s^0 decays"


Leo, Sabato. CP Violation in {B_s}^0 -> J/psi.phi Decays. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Leo, Sabato. CP Violation in {B_s}^0 -> J/psi.phi Decays: Measured with the Collider Detector at Fermilab. Springer, 2014.

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Leo, Sabato. CP Violation in {B_s}^0 -> J/psi.phi Decays: Measured with the Collider Detector at Fermilab. Springer, 2016.

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Leo, Sabato. CP Violation in {B_s}^0 -> J/psi. phi Decays: Measured with the Collider Detector at Fermilab. Springer, 2014.

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Book chapters on the topic "Charmed B_s^0 decays"


Williams, D. C. "D0 Mixing, Lifetime Differences, and Hadronic Decays of Charmed Hadrons." In Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics Ichep 2002, 631–35. Elsevier, 2003.

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Conference papers on the topic "Charmed B_s^0 decays"


Bragagnolo, Alberto. "Measurement of CP violation in ${B_s^0}$ decays at CMS." In 7th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, DISCRETE 2020-2021. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2022.

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Heister, Arno. "Search for $B_s,B^0\rightarrow \mu\mu$ decays at CMS." In The 15th International Conference on B-Physics at Frontier Machines at the University of Edinburgh. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2015.

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Semenov, Sergey. "Study of charmed baryons decays and $D^0\rightarrow K^0 \pi^0$ decay at Belle." In International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2001.

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Liang, Wei-Hong, and E. Oset. "THE f0(980) AND f0(500) PRODUCTION IN B0 AND $B_s^0 $ DECAYS INTO J/ψπ+π−." In 15th National Conference on Nuclear Structure in China. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2016.

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Perazzini, Stefano. "Measurement of time-dependent CP -violating asymmetries in $B^0\to\pi^+\pi^-$ and $B_s^0\to K^+K^-$ decays at LHCb." In 9th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2017.

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Craik, Daniel Charles. "title Studies of Ds** spectroscopy with Dalitz plot analysis of $B_s\rightarrow \bar{D}^0 K^-\pi^+$ decays." In The 15th International Conference on B-Physics at Frontier Machines at the University of Edinburgh. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2015.

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Reports on the topic "Charmed B_s^0 decays"


Williams, David C. D{sup 0} Mixing, Lifetime Differences, and Hadronic Decays of Charmed Hadrons. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2003.

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Baak, Max Arjen. Measurement of CKM-angle γ with Charmed B0 Meson Decays. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2007.

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Leo, Sabato. Measurement of CP violation in $B_s^0\to J/\psi \phi$ decays using the full CDF data set. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2013.

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Jessop, Colin P. First Observation of Inclusive B Decays to the Charmed Strange Baryons {Xi}{sub c}{sup 0} and {Xi}{sub c}{sup +}. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2003.

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