Academic literature on the topic 'Chantiers de terrassement'
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Journal articles on the topic "Chantiers de terrassement"
Mallet, Thibaut, Denis Chaussée, Mathieu Normand, Marc-Henri Prost, Grégoire Becker, Clément Porciero, and Olivier Masoni. "Digues du Rhône du Symadrem : retour d’expérience de quatre chantiers réalisés entre 1998 et 2018 et évolution de la conception et du cahier des charges des terrassements." Revue Française de Géotechnique, no. 160 (2019): 2.
Full textHemon, A., and F. Drouyer. "Opération de restauration d’une roselière dans le marais noir de Saint-Coulban (35)." Techniques Sciences Méthodes, no. 10 (October 2019): 55–72.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Chantiers de terrassement"
Okalla, Bana Edy-Claude. "L’industrie française du terrassement (1830-1991)." Thesis, Paris 4, 2010.
Full textThe history of the French Industry of Earthworking is an history of entrepreneurs who came to the profession due to the major works program in France setting in place during the July Monarchy in 1830. A new lineage of some entrepreneurs such as Georges Frot, Emile Razel or Firmin Deschiron appeared. The construction of the railway network has given them an important outlet. What was identifying those “men companies” to their peers was, in numerous cases, the establishment and the Generalization of technical innovations on the Roadworks that they were having. The Reconstruction phases that followed the two World Wars enabled to the whole Industry of Earthworking to find an outlet with the different Roadworks of Excavation and clearance of this period, particularly, after 1945, thanks to the Marshall Plan, which enabled some important transfers of Americans technologies in terms of Earthworking machine; During the Thirty glorious, the launching of some politics of major Works by different governments in place continued to maintain the industrial activity to an high level compared with the entire branch of Publics Works. During the years 1980 and 1990, the Industry of Earthworking was introduced in an regrouping and reengineering phase. Some important groups of Publics Works like the Vinci group are still testifying of this change
Le, Vern Mickaël. "Étude expérimentale des mécanismes et des conditions d'envol des poussières. Application aux chantiers de terrassement." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2021.
Full textCivil engineering activities are high emitters of dust. They accounted for 18% of emissions in France in 2018, i.e. about 138,000 tons of suspended particles. Truck traffic during the earthmoving phase is the main cause of emissions. It takes place on unpaved runways built from compacted soils that are gradually degrading. This generates dust plumes that can have health and environmental impacts and reduce visibility. To limit these nuisances, earthworkers water the runways extensively, which wastes water. To date, the mechanisms of appearance, lift and transport of dust particles on construction sites are poorly quantified. This thesis aims to study the processes that lead soil particles, initially bound together within a granular matrix, to become atmospheric aerosols.First of all, the mechanism of dust appearance is studied by simulating the circulation of tires above different soils. In a second phase, the process of particle lift initiation is assessed in a wind tunnel by considering the aerodynamic phenomena at the soil-atmosphere interface. A model based on convective turbulence is implemented to quantify the capacity of soils to emit dust. The transport of dust particles by the trucks in circulation is also highlighted in wind tunnels with scale models. The laboratory tests are completed by in-situ experiments on a test track by measuring the dust emissions of different vehicles with optical particle counters. This work highlights the influence of geotechnical, environmental and aerodynamic parameters which lead to an increase in the concentration of suspended dust during the circulation of haul trucks
Capony, Adrien. "Evaluation environnementale d'un chantier de terrassement : mise au point d'un outil paramétrable de mesure d'émissions relative aux engins de terrassement." Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2013.
Full textUnder the guidance of project managers, the earthwork sector undergoes profound changes. While it has long been conditioned by technical and economic constraints, earthworks have now to consider many environmental issues in order to comply with the French Grenelle Round Table laws and gain access to contracts. From an environmental point of view, current researches aim at creating database representative of the construction sector impacts. As a matter of fact, earthworks characteristics involve very different issues that these concerning pavements, hot mix plants, etc. While comparing to various construction sectors, the large volume of moved earth induces lager fuel consumption by working machines and related emission of toxic compounds. Since nearly one liter of fuel is consumed per cubic meter of moved material, the environmental impacts cannot be neglected. In a first step, we proposed a methodology for analyzing the earthwork activity by identifying elementary tasks and associated fuel consumption so as to probe their relative importance. This based on the extensive survey of earthworks and the development of a basic earthmoving model. In a second step, we constructed a database for earthwork machinery in-situ emissions. There is currently very little data available in the literature. Furthermore, the latter usually base on combusted fuel with average emission factors for heavy duty on-road transports and theoretical combustion equation data. This hardly fit to the specific and highly variable driving cycle of the earthwork machines. Hence, we developed an original approach that allowed measuring in-situ the actual regulated pollutants emissions of working machines. This included the set up of an innovative experimental protocol and use of several analyzers that were not initially designed to endure the extreme conditions typical of an earthwork site. Lastly, once the data have been collected and processed, these were implemented in the new database and a numerical tool dedicated to the calculation of earthwork machines emissions. In spite of the investigated fleet and collection time limitations, this thesis consists of the first stage to a broader environmental assessment of earthwork machines emissions. It thus sets a framework for future cooperation with machines manufacturers, which so far very were cautious over the idea such partnerships
Books on the topic "Chantiers de terrassement"
Steve, Parker. Chantiers et constructions. Paris: Nathan, 1995.
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