Academic literature on the topic 'Changements de trajets de déformation'
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Journal articles on the topic "Changements de trajets de déformation"
Greenwood, Nigel. "Canada’s Pacific Gateway to the Arctic." Northern Mariner / Le marin du nord 31, no. 4 (July 19, 2022): 431–48.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Changements de trajets de déformation"
Hoc, Thierry. "Études expérimentale et numérique de la localisation lors changements de trajets dans un acier doux." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1999.
Full textHérault, Diane. "Du formage virtuel à la tenue en service de pièces métalliques : influence des trajets complexes de déformations." Thesis, Lorient, 2021.
Full textIn order to reach an integrated design of car body components, a first step towards an end-to-end chain of simulations is established in this thesis beginning with the sheet metal forming process until the service life prediction of the formed part. The deep drawing of cylindrical cup in one or two stages is considered as a reference able to reproduce complex strain paths occurring during the manufacturing of industrial parts. The selected material is a DP600 dual phase steel with high strength and commonly used for this kind of application in the automotive field. The material behavior is firstly characterized for linear, non-linear and cyclic strain paths in order to calibrate an advanced constitutive law dedicated to sheet metal forming and a fatigue criterion. The deep drawing in one and two stages is experimentally performed and analyzed with measures of the strain field and the residual stresses. A comparison of these different elements with numerical predictions is carried out to highlight the occurrence of strain path changes and their influence. Numerically, the final state and particularly the strain and stress fields obtained after deep-drawing and springback are used as inputs in the fatigue loading simulation. A simplified method, based on the adaptation of uniaxial criteria to multiaxial loads, is then used to estimate the service life of cylindrical cups
Haddag, Badis. "Contribution à la modélisation de la mise en forme des tôles métalliques : application au retour élastique et à la localisation." Phd thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2007.
Full textBarbier, David. "Etude du comportement mécanique et des évolutions microstructurales de l'acier austénitique Fe-22Mn-0.6C à effet TWIP sous sollicitations complexes : approche expérimentale et modélisation." Thesis, Metz, 2009.
Full textThe TWIP steel (Twinning Induced Plasticity) Fe-22Mn-0.6C exhibits outstanding mechanical properties combining a good ductility and a high mechanical resistance thanks to the activation of dislocation glide and mechanical twinning. As the volume fraction of twins increases with the deformation, the mean free path of the dislocations is reduced (dynamical Hall-Petch effect). The goal of this study was to supply a much more precise analysis and understanding of the mechanical behavior of this TWIP steel during different mechanical loadings. We studied the mechanical behavior during different mechanical loadings (tension, simple and reverse shear, strain path changes), and more precisely the strain hardening evolution in relation to the microstructure and texture evolutions analyzed by X-ray diffraction, FEG SEM EBSD and TEM. By combining data obtained by EBSD and X-rays diffraction, we propose an approach that allows us to evaluate the twin volume fraction. The examination of the mechanical and microstructural observations allowed us to show that the different stages of hardening are linked to particular characteristics of the microstructure and texture, the interaction between dislocations and twins leading to an increase of the hardening. The hardening is maintained at a high level by the activation of two twin systems and by the texture evolution. The latter sustains this mode of deformation in the polycrystal. We also observed that the occurrence of the different stages of hardening and of the effect TWIP varies according to the type of solicitation imposed. The analysis of the mechanical behavior during reverse shear tests showed that the steel exhibits a strong Bauschinger effect related to the dynamic Hall-Petch effect. The dislocation piles-up at grain and twin boundaries create local stress fields that influence the mechanical behavior during the reverse deformation. Finally, these experimental results allowed us to check the predictive capacities (mechanical behavior, twin kinetics, texture) of an elasto-viscoplastic micromechanical model incorporating the TWIP effect. The simulations of monotonous deformation are in good agreement with experimental results. To improve prediction of the reverse shear tests and strain path changes, additional developments are suggested
Rigal, Alix. "Déformation des cycles saisonniers de variables climatiques." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2020.
Full textClimate normals are usually calculated as averages over a 30-year observational period. In the context of a changing climate, these normals, even re-evaluated frequently, are "lagging behind" the current climate. The primary objective of this thesis is the estimation of non- stationary normals, in order to acquire an unbiased reference of the present climate. A good property for such normals, which are considered at the daily timescale, is to possess a certain regularity, both on the seasonal component and the secular change. For this reason, normal estimation shall be based on smoothing spline techniques such as proposed by Azaïs et Ribes (2016). The proposed modeling, inspired by a "pattern scaling" assumption, enables the study of the seasonal drift due to climate change. Beyond the mean value (normals), climate considered at a given date and location can be characterized by its distribution of possible values. A natural extension of normal estimation, would be to estimate the entire distribution with regularity constraints on its shape. We thus propose to address this question in a regularized quantile regression framework. In that respect and for a given climate variable, we obtain a detailed description of climate, at a given localization, and of its annual cycle. Both of these aspects lead to a re-examination of the RKHS (Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space) and quantile regression theories. The complexity of the considered models is equally considered for normals and distribution and is meticulously examined. Lastly, we propose to exploit the preceding results to revisit and improve the description of future and past changes in climate, for example via the use of climate analogues
Ayoub, François. "Suivi de changements morphologiques de surface à partir d'images aériennes et satellitaires, sur Terre et Mars." Toulouse 3, 2014.
Full textThe analysis of satellites imagery acquired at different dates allows the measurement of Earth surface displacement (earthquake ground deformation, glacier advance and retreat, sand dunes migration, slow-moving landslide,. . . ) that occured between the images acquisitions. In this thesis we investigate 1) the extension of the processing techniques established for satellite imagery to aerial imagery, and 2) the applicability of Earth-based technique to monitor eolian surface processes on Mars. Aerial imagery, whose first acquisition dates back decades before the satellite era, and whose ground resolution is higher than satellite one, can be relevant to monitor Earth surface displacement. We present a methodological extension of the satellite technique to aerial imagery. Potential and limitations are investigated. Application to the Krafla rift opening in Iceland (1975-1984), using aerial imagery, declassied spy imagery, and modern satellite imagery is presented. Next, we applied the method to Mars imagery taking advantage of the high resolution HiRISE instrument. A pair of HiRISE images is processed to monitor the activitys of a dune field. We measured sand ripple migration and inferred a sand flux comparable to some the Earth dune fields sand flux. We then expand our processing to a time-series of 10 HiRISE images, and characterized the seasonal variability of the sand flux throughout the year. This seasonal sand flux variability is used jointly with a sand flux prediction from atmospheric simulations to constrain the sand mobility threshold
Garcin, Laurent. "Techniques de mise en correspondance et détection de changements." Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2004.
Full textLafilé, Vincent. "Comportement et déchirure de matériaux métalliques : développement d’essais expérimentaux pour l’étude de l’influence de la vitesse de déformation et de l’historique de chargement." Thesis, Lorient, 2018.
Full textThe understanding of thin materials behavior under various stress state is a current issue for security matters. Constitutive models and failure models evolved to take into account stress state and strain rate effect on material behavior. Experimental characterization of materials is necessary to identify models. Mechanical tests are mandatory for the development of numerical tools. The aim of this thesis is the development of experimental techniques for material characterization. This work is performed on two materials, a AA-2024-T3 aluminum alloy and DP450 dual phase steel. Strain rate effect on the equi-biaxial tension behavior and the failure, and on the plane strain tension failure is studied. For this purpose, we improved the analysis of bulge test and a new device is proposed ion order to attain strain rates up to 100 s-1. Hemispheric punch test and a new punch test dedicated to plane strain tension are proposed at high strain rates. Effect of loading path on failure strain is also studied. A new device for uniaxial tension on large specimens is use to apply the first load, a second loading under equi-biaxial tension or plane strain tension is then applied up to failure
Callec, Yannick. "La déformation synsédimentaire des bassins paléogènes de l'Arc de Castellane (Annot, Barrême, Saint-Antonin)." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2001.
Full textMarc, Teodor paul. "Conception et réalisation de structures routières à hautes performances." Thesis, Artois, 2011.
Full textThe doctoral thesis analyses certain factors of influence that, through large temperature variations, frequently have a negative impact upon road pavements, especially the bituminous layers, with a view to determine the thermal-physical properties (thermal conductivity, specific heat, diffusive thermal, thermal effusion and emissivity) and to design and realize asphalt layers with better thermo-physical, and physical and mechanical characteristics.Practically, the studies highlighted in the thesis focus mostly on determining the thermal characteristics of asphalt mixtures, characteristics which help to combat the influence factors resulting from environmental conditions to which road structures are subject continuously road in the construction and repair stages, as well as during their service life. Due to being aware of temperature distribution in each bituminous layer of the road structure, the stresses occurring from variations of temperature can be controlled. The daily and seasonal fluctuations of air temperature, the intensity of solar radiation, the materials that make up the road structure layers by their geometry and surface conditions are some of the most important factors that significantly endanger the stability of the road structure.Positive contributions have been made on improving the thermal characteristics through designing and realizing asphalt mixtures in the composition of which, in addition to basic materials, flying ash was used as partial or total replacement for filler. This helps to obtain higher thermo-physical properties that have a favorable effect on physical and mechanical characteristics.Based on experimental results, some interesting and in the same time extremely valuable conclusions have been formulated opening a range of opportunities for further research in the field of road infrastructures