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Journal articles on the topic "Changements climatiques – Prévision"
Teil, Geneviève. "Les vignerons seraient-ils climato-sceptiques ? Les effets du changement climatique analysés par les vignerons dans les appellations d’origine protégée d’Anjou et d’Alsace." Cahiers Agricultures 29 (2020): 9.
Full textVilleneuve, Claude. "La grande inconnue." Revue des sciences de l'eau 21, no. 2 (July 22, 2008): 129–33.
Full textTILMANT, François, François BOURGIN, Didier FRANÇOIS, Matthieu LE LAY, Charles PERRIN, Fabienne ROUSSET, Jean-Pierre VERGNES, Jean-Marie WILLEMET, Claire MAGAND, and Mathilde MOREL. "PREMHYCE, une plateforme nationale pour la prévision des étiages." Sciences Eaux & Territoires, no. 42 (January 29, 2023): 17–21.
Full textBesancenot, Jean-Pierre, and Michel Thibaudon. "Évolution récente de la répartition géographique des plantes émettrices de pollen allergisant et perspectives en liaison avec le changement climatique." Pollution atmosphérique, NS 6 (June 1, 2013): 150–57.
Full textRandriamifidison, Rindramampionona Fanambinantsoa Ankasitrahana, Daniel Rakotoarisoa, Tsaralaza Jorlin Tsiavahananahary, Tantely Rakotovao, and Lily Arson Rene de Rolland. "Utilisation des ressources en eau dans un contexte de changement climatique : réalités écologiques, sociales et économiques dans les communes Ambositra I et Ambositra II Madagascar." Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 384 (November 16, 2021): 305–12.
Full textTilmant, François, Pierre Nicolle, François Bourgin, François Besson, Olivier Delaigue, Pierre Etchevers, Didier François, et al. "PREMHYCE : un outil opérationnel pour la prévision des étiages." La Houille Blanche, no. 5 (October 2020): 37–44.
Full textAndrieu, Nadine, Eduardo Chia, and Eric Vall. "Recherche et innovations dans les exploitations de polyculture-élevage d’Afrique de l’Ouest Quelles méthodes pour évaluer les produits de la recherche ? Conclusion générale." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 64, no. 1-4 (January 1, 2011): 93.
Full textREIMINGER, Nicolas, Xavier JURADO, Loïc SAUNIER, Loïc MAURER, Eva REIMINGER, Lucie WEBER, Thi Huong Ly NGUYEN, and Cédric WEMMERT. "Évaluation des performances de l’intelligence artificielle et de l’apprentissage automatique pour la prévision des crues : étude de cas du bassin versant de l’Ill." Techniques Sciences Méthodes, TSM 11/2024 (November 19, 2024): 53–71.
Full textKYPREOS, V., G. LACQUEMENT, L. WOLFGANG, and E. LAVIE. "Les objets techniques et l’adaptation de l’agriculture au changement climatique." Techniques Sciences Méthodes 1-2 (February 20, 2023): 19–26.
Full textGuelbeogo, Sidiki, Lucien Ouedraogo, and Sayouba Ilboudo. "Prévision des crues dans le bassin versant du Kou, Burkina Faso." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 17, no. 3 (August 24, 2023): 1131–46.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Changements climatiques – Prévision"
Marchal, Jean. "Prévoir pour mieux s'adapter : sensibilité de l'activité des incendies de forêt aux changements climatiques et de couverture terrestre." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017.
Full textAbstract Wildfire is an extremely widespread natural disturbance on the planet. In Quebec, forest fires have affected between 1990 and 2013 an average of 330,000 hectares per year against an average of 2.3 million hectares for Canada. In these times of climate change, whose effects are reported as very costly to human societies, it is important to develop adaptation strategies to climate change as soon as possible to minimize costs, environmental impacts and impacts on our societies. Climate and weather strongly influence the spatial and temporal patterns of forest fires activity. Land-cover plays an important role in the short term by modulating the effect of weather on fire activity and longer-term changes in forest composition matrix, gradual (forest succession, climate change), or rapid (disturbances). Thus, it is urgent to develop reliable projections of future activity of forest fires while reducing the uncertainty surrounding these projections. Despite the fact that these requirements have been identified for more than a decade, the methods for the preparation of these projections remained to be developed. The ability to forecast or predict how a system might behave in the future has always been a formidable challenge for the scientific community. In my first two chapters, I modeled the influence of climate change and vegetation on the frequency and size distribution of forest fires using statistical models. My third and final chapter uses models developed in the first two to project how the activity of forest fires will evolve in a context where the climate (or weather) and vegetation (or land-cover) are dynamic. Thanks to this work, we can now project what will be the future activity of forest fires in the context of climate and forest changes.
Vidil, Christophe. "Gestion des eaux pluviales et changements climatiques : Étude de deux secteurs urbains." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012.
Full textThiam, Papa Masseck. "Effets des futurs changements climatiques sur la performance à long terme des chaussées souples au Québec." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014.
Full textThe long-term performance of the road network of the province of Quebec (Canada) is strongly influenced by the climate and the weather conditions. Amongst other factors, high levels of saturation in soils and pavement materials are believed to be an important cause of pavement deterioration. According to the climate change scenarios established by Ouranos (2010), the North and South of Quebec will undergo an average precipitation increase from -0.1% to 8.45% in a future horizon of 2010-2039. The purpose of this project is to quantify the effect of these expected precipitation increases on the mechanical behavior of road structures, materials and soils. Based on literature and on data collected on instrumented road sections, a relationship between precipitation increase and saturation level of pavement layers is proposed. The resilient modulus and permanent deformation behavior for various water contents and four different subgrade soils was determined using triaxial tests, which were validated using small-scale heavy vehicle simulator, in order to determine the existing relationship between mechanical properties and moisture contents. Using the precipitation increase scenarios and the preset models, a damage analysis is performed to quantify the decrease of pavements service life caused by climate change. It is found that climate change, and more precisely the increase of precipitation expected in the Province of Quebec, will have a significant impact on pavement performance and that adapted pavement structures and materials, such as improved drainage, increased structural capacity or materials with reduced sensitivity to water, are possible options to reduce the loss of pavement life associated with climate change.
Coulombe, Sébastien. "Détermination de l'incertitude associée à la détection de l'effet des changements climatiques sur le rendement des strates d'épinette noire de la forêt boréale." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2009.
Full textDulac, William. "Méthodes pour l'évaluation de l'activité cyclonique tropicale en changement climatique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse 3, 2023.
Full textGiven their devastating impact on the populations and infrastructures of the countries concerned the future evolution of tropical cyclone activity in the context of global warming is an issue of great importance. Two methods exist for assessing tropical cyclone activity under climate change in climate models: the use of cyclone detection algorithms (trackers) or the use of cyclogenesis indices, which translate statistical relationships linking observed cyclone activity to large-scale atmospheric variables. These two methods tend to provide opposite projections in climate simulations. Motivated by this disagreement, this thesis proposes to explore these two approaches, with the aim of making improvements to each. Firstly, the CNRM tropical cyclone tracker is applied to the ERA5 reanalysis of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, and evaluated using the IBTrACS database of cyclone observations. Its performance is evaluated in terms of detection probability and false alarm rate (POD and FAR), after optimizing detection parameters and applying an appropriate mid-latitude system filter. Several metrics for assessing the similarity of the tracks detected in ERA5 with those observed are then proposed and compared. These innovative metrics are complementary to POD and FAR, and show that optimizing detection parameters is accompanied by a slight improvement in track similarity. New cyclogenesis indices are then constructed on ERA5 by Poisson regression between large-scale thermal and dynamic predictors, and the IBTrACS database. The regressions are run at different spatial and temporal resolutions, as well as on a global scale and for different ocean basins. The increased temporal resolution enables the equatorial bias present in the most commonly used indices to be corrected. However, the interannual variability of the indices appears to be robust to changes in the weighting coefficients of the large-scale variables. Following this observation, the contribution of adding predictors to the regressions is evaluated on ERA5 as well as in the ARPEGE model; on the one hand by explicitly adding a diagnostic of the El Niño (ENSO) variability mode to the index, and on the other hand by replacing the relative humidity at 600 hPa by the integrated moisture saturation deficit on the column (VPD). The addition of ENSO diagnostics improves the interannual variability of the index in most ocean basins. Correlations with observed series are made statistically significant at the 95% threshold in all basins except the North Atlantic. The use of the VPD cancels out the upward trends in the historical period observed in indices based on relative humidity. The resulting index is therefore in better agreement with observations. When applied to very high-resolution ARPEGE climate simulations, under the RCP8.5 scenario, the VPD also amplifies the decrease in cyclonic activity
Barbier, Jessica. "Extrêmes climatiques - les vagues de chaleur au printemps sahélien." Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2017.
Full textNdiaye, Cassien Diabe. "Attribution et prévision des modulations de la mousson ouest-africaine à l’échelle de temps décennale." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textIn West Africa, rainfall during the summer period (July, August and September) has shown strong modulations on decadal time scales during the 20th century. In particular, there was a very wet period in the 1960s followed by a drought in the 1980s and a recovery of rainfall in the 2000s. These modulations have major regional socio-economic consequences. Considered as one of the most important signals of climate change in Africa, they have been the subject of numerous studies in order to understand their origin(s) and to anticipate future changes. These modulations have long been associated with the internal variability of the climate system and in particular with the role of the surface temperature of the Atlantic Ocean. However, recent studies show a significant contribution of external forcings, notably greenhouse gases and anthropogenic aerosols, in particular during the second half of the 20th century, either via Atlantic Ocean surface temperatures or via direct radiative forcing. In all cases, the link with ocean surface temperatures offers prospects for predicting these precipitation modulations. Decadal climate forecasts, i.e. with a 5-30 year time horizon, have been developed to exploit this source of predictability. They are potentially very important for economic and structural planning in West Africa. In this thesis, we propose to attribute, first, the decadal modulations of Sahel rainfall over the time period of 1901-2014. Secondly, we propose to evaluate the prediction of rainfall in West Africa on the decadal time scale over the period 1968-2012. All this study is carried out through the diagnosis of climate simulations carried out from models contributing to the phase 6 of the coupled models intercomparison project. Since coupled models commonly underestimate the maximum rainfall in the Sahel region during the summer period, we first proposed an adaptive rainfall domain for the Sahel. Our results from the first part of this thesis show that external forcings, in particular anthropogenic aerosols, contribute significantly to the timing of decadal modulations of Sahel rainfall. These aerosols indeed modulate the ocean surface temperature which is translated into precipitation modulations in the Sahel by the displacement of the intertropical convergence zone and the Saharan Heat Low. The second part of this thesis focuses on the predictability of precipitation on decadal time scales in West Africa and in particular in the Sahel. Our results show that rainfall is predictable in the Sahel in 5⁄8 of the models studied at lead times between 1 and 10 years. However, only 3 of these 5 models simulate a decadal signal combined with a realistic total variance (signal-to-noise ratio close to 1) at these lead times. The multi-model mean is generally more predictable than the majority of individual models. Initialization of climate variables improves Sahel rainfall prediction skills for the multi-model mean and 3⁄5 of the models showing predictability and forecast reliability for a single model. This relatively small impact corroborates the importance of external forcings inferred from the first part of this thesis. In conclusion, our results suggest that anthropogenic effects on climate become major factors in explaining decadal modulations of mean monsoon rainfall in the Sahel. In perspective, these modulations are associated, during the 20th century, with extreme rainfall events that have become frequent nowadays. It would be interesting to ask whether these extreme events are predictable in West Africa on decadal time scales
Huet, Nathan. "Statistical learning for multivariate and functional extremes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2024.
Full textIn a world where climate change is causing more and more extreme weather events of increasingmagnitude, this thesis explores the modeling of extreme events through statistical methods enhanced by statistical learning. It is divided into two main parts. First, functional extremes are studied, that is, the extremes of data explicitly dependent on a continuous variable such as time. We work in a separable Hilbert space, with a focus on the space L2[0; 1]. Results on regular variation, a fundamental hypothesis in extreme value theory, are developed, along with characterizations and non-trivial examples. Additionally, a dimensionality reduction method tailored to functional extreme data is proposed, with probabilistic and statistical guarantees. In the second part, we develop a probabilistic framework for regression in regions where the input variable is extreme, in contrast to classic approaches that focus on regions where the output variable is extreme. Results on risks and regression functions in extreme regions, as well as an adapted algorithm, are established. This algorithm is compared to classical methods and applied to the prediction of extreme sea levels in Brittany, where the goal is to reconstruct past extreme data to reduce uncertainties associated with certain estimates
Tifafi, Marwa. "Different soil study tools to better understand the dynamics of carbon in soils at different spatial scales, from a single soil profile to the global scale." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.
Full textSoils are the major components ofthe terrestrial ecosystems and the largest organiccarbon reservoir on Earth, being very reactive tohuman disturbance and climate change. Despiteits importance within the carbon reservoirs, soilcarbon dynamics is an important source ofuncertainties for future climate predictions. Theaim of the thesis was to explore different aspectsof soil carbon studies (Experimentalmeasurements, modeling, and databaseevaluation) at different spatial scales (from thescale of a profile to the global scale). Wehighlighted that the estimation of the global soilcarbon stocks is still quite uncertain.Consequently, the role of soil carbon in theclimate dynamics becomes one of the majoruncertainties in the Earth system models (ESMs)used to predict future climate change. Thesecond part of thesis deals with the presentationof a new version of the IPSL-Land SurfaceModel called ORCHIDEE-SOM, incorporatingthe 14C dynamics in the soil. Several tests doneassume that model improvements should focusmore on a depth dependent parameterization,mainly for the diffusion, in order to improve therepresentation of the global carbon cycle inLand Surface Models, thus helping to constrainthe predictions of the future soil organic carbonresponse to global warming
Dinh, Thi Lan Anh. "Crop yield simulation using statistical and machine learning models. From the monitoring to the seasonal and climate forecasting." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022.
Full textWeather and climate strongly impact crop yields. Many studies based on different techniques have been done to measure this impact. This thesis focuses on statistical models to measure the sensitivity of crops to weather conditions based on historical records. When using a statistical model, a critical difficulty arises when data is scarce, which is often the case with statistical crop modelling. There is a high risk of overfitting if the model development is not done carefully. Thus, careful validation and selection of statistical models are major concerns of this thesis. Two statistical approaches are developed. The first one uses linear regression with regularization and leave-one-out cross-validation (or LOO), applied to Robusta coffee in the main coffee-producing area of Vietnam (i.e. the Central Highlands). Coffee is a valuable commodity crop, sensitive to weather, and has a very complex phenology due to its perennial nature. Results suggest that precipitation and temperature information can be used to forecast the yield anomaly with 3–6 months' anticipation depending on the location. Estimates of Robusta yield at the end of the season show that weather explains up to 36 % of historical yield anomalies. The first approach using LOO is widely used in the literature; however, it can be misused for many reasons: it is technical, misinterpreted, and requires experience. As an alternative, the “leave-two-out nested cross-validation” (or LTO) approach, is proposed to choose the suitable model and assess its true generalization ability. This method is sophisticated but straightforward; its benefits are demonstrated for Robusta coffee in Vietnam and grain maize in France. In both cases, a simpler model with fewer potential predictors and inputs is more appropriate. Using only the LOO method, without any regularization, can be highly misleading as it encourages choosing a model that overfits the data in an indirect way. The LTO approach is also useful in seasonal forecasting applications. The end-of-season grain maize yield estimates suggest that weather can account for more than 40 % of the variability in yield anomaly. Climate change's impacts on coffee production in Brazil and Vietnam are also studied using climate simulations and suitability models. Climate data are, however, biased compared to the real-world climate. Therefore, many “bias correction” methods (called here instead “calibration”) have been introduced to correct these biases. An up-to-date review of the available methods is provided to better understand each method's assumptions, properties, and applicative purposes. The climate simulations are then calibrated by a quantile-based method before being used in the suitability models. The suitability models are developed based on census data of coffee areas, and potential climate variables are based on a review of previous studies using impact models for coffee and expert recommendations. Results show that suitable arabica areas in Brazil could decrease by about 26 % by the mid-century in the high-emissions scenario, while the decrease is surprisingly high for Vietnamese Robusta coffee (≈ 60 %). Impacts are significant at low elevations for both coffee types, suggesting potential shifts in production to higher locations. The used statistical approaches, especially the LTO technique, can contribute to the development of crop modelling. They can be applied to a complex perennial crop like coffee or more industrialized annual crops like grain maize. They can be used in seasonal forecasts or end-of-season estimations, which are helpful in crop management and monitoring. Estimating the future crop suitability helps to anticipate the consequences of climate change on the agricultural system and to define adaptation or mitigation strategies. Methodologies used in this thesis can be easily generalized to other cultures and regions worldwide
Books on the topic "Changements climatiques – Prévision"
1959-, Lemmen Donald Stanley, Warren Fiona J, Canada Ressources naturelles Canada, and Canada. Direction des impacts et de l'adaptation liés aux changements climatiques., eds. Impacts et adaptation liés aux changements climatiques: Perspective canadienne. [Ottawa]: Programme sur les impacts et l'adaptation aux changements climatiques, 2004.
Find full textWilliamson, T. B. Climate change and Canada's forests: From impacts to adaptation. Edmonton: Sustainable Forest Management Network, 2009.
Find full textCanada, Canada Environment, ed. The Canada country study: Climate impacts and adaptation, Canadian Arctic summary = Kanataup nunangata gaujisartauj jutitinga : silangata ajjigijuniirsimaninga kanataup ukiurtartungagani, Kanamiutait ukiurtarktumut naiglitirisimajut titirarngit = L'étude pan-canadienne sur les impacts et l'adaptation à la variabilité et au changement climatique, Sommaire de l'arctique canadien. [Ottawa]: Environment Canada, 1997.
Find full textLavender, Beth. The Canada Country Study : Climate Impacts and Adaptation : Ontario summary =: L'Étude pan-canadienne sur les impacts et l'adaptation à la variabilité et au changement climatique : sommaire de l'Ontario. Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada = Environnement Canada, 1997.
Find full textArthur, Louise M. The implication of climate change for agriculture in the Prairie Provinces : a summary of Department of Agricultural Economics reports =: Répercussions du changement climatique sur l'agriculture dans les provinces des prairies : sommaire de rapports du département d'économie agricole. Ottawa, Ont: Environment Canada = Environnement Canada, 1988.
Find full textFlannery, Tim F. Atmosphere of Hope: Searching for Solutions to the Climate Crisis. 2015.
Find full textKohn, Marek. Turned Out Nice: How the British Isles Will Change As the World Heats Up. Faber & Faber, Incorporated, 2010.
Find full textHall, Jane Vise. Long-Term Economics of Climate Change: Beyond a Doubling of Greenhouse Gas Concentrations. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2001.
Find full text(Editor), D. C. Hall, and R. B. Howarth (Editor), eds. The Long-Term Economics of Climate Change: Beyond a Doubling of Greenhouse Gas Concentrations (Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources, Vol 3). JAI Press, 2001.
Find full textSmith, Laurence. New North: The World In 2050. TBS/GBS/Transworld, 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Changements climatiques – Prévision"
"Les prévisions du GIEC." In Changement climatique, 21–24. EDP Sciences, 2020.
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