Academic literature on the topic 'Céramique métallisée'
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Journal articles on the topic "Céramique métallisée"
Beau, Aurélien, Denis Bossard, and Sarah Gebeile-Chauty. "Les appareils orthodontiques collés doivent-ils être déposés systématiquement avant un examen d’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) ?" L'Orthodontie Française 88, no. 2 (June 2017): 131–38.
Full textDebéda, H., A. Gracia, M. Dematos, I. Favre, B. Plano, J. Tomas, R. Tan, C. Rouabhi, and M. Respaud. "Procédé de fabrication d’un circuit redresseur de puissance : de la fabrication de diodes Silicium à leur assemblage sur substrat métallisé d’alumine." J3eA 21 (2022): 1016.
Full textAlachkar, Sawssan. "La céramique métallique dans le haut Khabur : l’apport de nouvelles données issues de prospections." Syria, no. 94 (December 15, 2017): 157–79.
Full textBrissaud, C., P. Lenain, J. P. Smaha, X. Muneret, G. Reumont, and J. Foct. "Mécanique des assemblages plomb métallique-céramique d’oxydes de plomb : application aux batteries au plomb." Revue de Métallurgie 91, no. 9 (September 1994): 1358.
Full textGrimaud, A., M. Bouneder, S. Menecier, and M. ElGanaoui. "Faisabilité d'une méthode d'évaluation de la résistance thermique de contact entre une lamelle céramique écrasée sur un substrat métallique." Mécanique & Industries 8, no. 1 (January 2007): 71–75.
Full textSmall, Jocelyn Penny. "A conference on Etruscan vases - JEAN-RENÉ JANNOT (actes réunis par), VAISSELLE MÉTALLIQUE, VAISELLE CÉRAMIQUE. PRODUCTIONS, USAGES ET VALEURS EN ÉTRURIE (Table ronde, Université de Nantes) = Revue des Études Anciennes tome 97 (1995) 1-2 [1996]. Pp. 249, figs. ISSN 0035-2004." Journal of Roman Archaeology 11 (1998): 408–12.
Full textSilva, Fábio Tenório, Franciolli da Silva Dantas Araújo, Amanda Alves Fecury, Euzébio Oliveira, Carla Viana Dendasck, and Claudio Alberto Gellis de Mattos Dias. "Vue d’ensemble mondiale et nationale de l’étain entre 2010 et 2014." Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento, September 25, 2018, 12–21.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Céramique métallisée"
VALAUD, MIREILLE. "Liaison céramique-métal : comportement en frottement à sec de matériaux céramiques déposés sur un substrat métallique." Limoges, 1989.
Full textHarajli, Zeinab. "Synthesis, characterisation and thermal evaluation of a new generation of metalised ceramic materials." Thesis, Lyon, 2022.
Full textEfficient thermal management is often considered a key step towards a successful technological system. The fast removal of excess heat from electronic systems exposed to temperature extremes improves the reliability and prevents the premature failure of these systems. Nowadays, the usual approaches to evacuate heat and maintain the system at the desired temperature consist in using a semiconductor heat sink or a complex fan speed control system that relies on continuous temperature measurement. However, the optimization of a highly efficient semiconductor heat sink requires the control of diverse intrinsic and extrinsic properties at different scales because the macroscopic thermal flow and heat transport depend on microscopic vibrational properties. Besides, widespread use of highly efficient semiconductor heat sinks requires the ability to metalize them and form multilayer structures. Due to its high phonon group velocities, Aluminium Nitride (AlN) appears to be one of the best candidates for the manufacturing of efficient semiconductor heat sinks. In this PhD. thesis work, we intend to develop a new substrate technology Metal/AlN/Metal structures with high thermal diffusivity for integrated power systems for high-temperature applications (>300°C). This PhD. Aims at developing highly efficient, integrated and reliable power electronics technologies operating at high temperatures for automotive, aeronautic, and energy applications
Allard, Yves. "L'empress : une nouvelle céramique sans armature." Lyon 1, 1991.
Full textAlachkar, Sawssan. "La céramique au Bronze Ancien du Khabur à la vallée de l'Euphrate : la céramique métallique et les catégories apparentées." Thesis, Paris 1, 2015.
Full textThis thesis is a study of the so-called "metallic ware" pottery of the Early Bronze Age in northern Mesopotamia (3rd millennium BC). After a detailed overview of research history and terminological problems, all these high-quality ceramics were grouped into three related categories: North Mesopotamian Metallic Ware, Red Euphrates Ware and Black Euphrates Ware. By applying a uniform descriptive system to a corpus of 446 complete vessels, it was possible to define the morphological and stylistic traits of these categories. Analysis of the geographical distribution (2 605 vessels) revealed some differences between the four main regions: the Khabur, Balikh, Syrian Euphrates and Turkish Euphrates. Examination of finds contexts (1 456 vessels) showed no particular relationships between vessel type or sub-type and domestic, public or burial contexts. The chronological study (1 231 vessels), based on 21 sites with reliable stratigraphic sequences, provided evidence for the appearance and duration of the three ceramic categories. These results rectify, confirm or complement earlier research on chronological questions. North Mesopotamian Metallic Ware could thus be seen as reflecting the appearance in the upper Euphrates of a new tradition of pottery manufacture, implying a new mastery of firing techniques that one is tempted to relate to the onset of bronze metallurgy in this same region
Charmond, Sylvain. "Développement d'un four micro-ondes monomode et frittage de poudres céramique et métallique." Grenoble INPG, 2009.
Full textFor almost 30 years, microwave processing has been applied to sinter various ceramic powders, and most recently to sinter metallic powdered parts. However, such heating process, which results from the absorption of an oscillating electromagnetic field, remains not fully understood. A single-mode microwave cavity was developed for a better understanding of the microwave/material interactions. In this furnace, the green parts can be heated up under predominent electric or magnetic field. A new microwave heating procedure was proposed to control a thermal cycle. Microwave sintering of ceramic (yttria-doped zirconia 2Y-TZP) and metallic (pure nickel) powders was compared to conventional processing. The effects of the electromagnetic field on the kinetics of densification and on the microstructure development were analysed and discussed
Chahid, Youssef. "Application en catalyse hétérogène et en électrocatalyse d'un dépôt métallique sur une membrane céramique." Poitiers, 1997.
Full textJaffrelot, Marie-France. "Difficultés et erreurs de la prothèse céramo-métallique." Bordeaux 2, 1988.
Full textChabanne, Delhia. "Le Décor de lustre métallique des céramiques glaçurées (IXème - XVIIème siècles) : matériaux, couleurs et techniques : principales étapes de diffusion d'une invention mésopotamienne." Bordeaux 3, 2005.
Full textThe metallic lustre of glazed ceramics is a very special type of decoration where metallic copper and silver nanoparticles embedded in glaze compose lustre decoration. It can present "red", "brown", "ochre yellow" or "green" colours in scattered light but shows, in specular reflection, coloured metallic shines (blue, golden, yellow, orange, pink. . . ). The technique of lustre decoration applied to the the glazed ceramics appears to the ninth century AD in Mesopotamia. It spread to Egypt (XIth-XIIth AD), Syria (XIIth-XIIIth AS), Persia (XIIIth AD) and Spain (XIIIth-XVIIth AD) during medieval times. The aim of this study is to understand lusterware spreading. In order to light technological evolution in principal workshpos, analytical investigations were performed on ceramics (texture and composition), glazes (colour, texture and compostion) and lustre decoration (colour and composition). Conclusions are : change of ceramic nature (terracotta, protostonepaste and stonepaste), losing of polychrome lustre decoration, in fact, potters will use colored glazes and other decorations (turquoise and blue), losing of color diversity for lustre decoration (scattered light and colored metallic shines), use of copper more important than silver in Orient since XIth AD and in Spain as early as XVth AD. . Moreover, change of nanotexture decoration between the beginning (IXth AD) and the end (XVIIth AD) of this production can explain the "surface metallization" for last productions
Leone, Anaïs. "Revêtements au lustre métallique dans l'architecture religieuse et funéraire de l'Iran Ilkhânide (1256-1335)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021.
Full textThe production of Kashan's luster ceramic workshops (Central Iran) boomed during the Ilkhanid period (1256-1335). Luster tiles played an important role within a larger repertory of the decorative schemes in the architecture developed during the reign of this Mongol dynasty. Regrettably, the removal of Ilkhanid-period luster tiles from their original location occurred in most sites and tiled ensembles that remain in situ are now exceedingly rare. Indeed, the stripping of an important number of buildings led to the arrival of thousands of tiles of unidentified or incomplete provenance in public and private collections. Therefore, each tile provides context about its creation but also about the removal of its original walls. Considering tile revetments could clarify issues concerning the forms, functions, and significations of the original decorative schemes.This study formulates new proposals about the luster tilework in nine ilkhanid religious and funerary monuments. These reconstitutions are based on data collected at surviving monuments and on an inventory of surviving luster elements preserved throughout the world. By cross-referencing of these two types of information it is possible to unite formerly isolated elements. These ensembles, more coherent as a whole, allows to investigate some general topics of the Ilkhanid period. These original decorative scheme are fundamental to identify typologies, epigraphic choices, or the presence of specific motifs on these architectural programs.Further investigations will be required to complete and increase our knowledge. Nevertheless, these propositions provide data and analyzes which instigate new approaches to these pieces
Billot-Bride, Magalie. "Le Bronze moyen dans la plaine du Rhin supérieur : étude typochronologique du mobilier métallique et céramique." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017.
Full textThe renewal of documentation about the preventive archaeology dynamism, as well as the systematic recovery of datas from old or unpublished excavations have resulted in a fresh perspective at the Middle Bronze Age of the upper Rhine’s south plain. The corpus, joined in this work, gives varied datas (metallic, resinous objects, pottery), from various sources (settlements, graves, deposits, isolated objects), which is not limited to Haguenau’s cemeteries, anymore. Metallic materials and pottery had been examined individually. The determined typology, combined with statistical analysis show seven stages since the end of the Early Bronze Age (BA III/Bz A2b) to the beginning of Late Bronze Age (BF 1/Bz D2). The middle phase of the Middle Bronze Age (end of BM I-beginning of BM II/Bz B2-C1) remains uncleared and seems not to be in the Upper Rhine. The correlation with well-known absolute dates in the Upper Rhine comes to a time interval between 1600 and 1300 Before J-C, approximately. During the first stage, the interactions are located in the South of Baden-Württemberg, in the Swabian Alb and in the western Switzerland. Then, interactions continue to intensify, become more diverses towards the North, near the Middle Rhine
Books on the topic "Céramique métallisée"
Centro universitario europeo per i beni culturali di Ravello, ed. Décor de lustre métallique et céramique glaçurée. Bari: Edipuglia, 2005.
Find full textCarbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites: Metal and Ceramic Matrices. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2009.
Find full textCarbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites: Metal and Ceramic Matrices. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2009.
Find full textTjong, Sie Chin. Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites: Metal and Ceramic Matrices. Wiley & Sons, Limited, John, 2009.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Céramique métallisée"
Tassinari, Suzanne. "Bouillir, mijoter et cuire, porter et mesurer : le rôle de la vaisselle métallique dans les cuisines de Pompei." In Les céramiques communes de Campanie et de Narbonnaise (ie s. av. J.-C. - iie s. ap. J.-C.). La vaisselle de cuisine et de table, 113–19. Publications du Centre Jean Bérard, 1996.
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