Academic literature on the topic 'Century XIX'

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Journal articles on the topic "Century XIX"


Bottazzini, Umberto. "X for XIX century." Lettera Matematica 5, no. 2 (July 10, 2017): 209–12.

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Adhamjonovich, Urmonov Ulugbek. "Recources Of Livestock In Tukistan In The Late XIX Century- Early XX Century: Comparative Analysis." American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations 02, no. 11 (November 30, 2020): 491–95.

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In the late XIX – early XX century the recourses of livestock in the Turkistan is examined and analyzed comperatively. Author noted that periodical information, documentas of archive and statistics plays main role on studying field of livestock
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Lavrov, L. P., A. F. Krasnopolskiy, and E. G. Molotkova. "Reconstruction of building facades in Saint Petersburg: XIX-XXI century." Вестник гражданских инженеров 14, no. 4 (2017): 26–36.

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Эзри, Г. К. "Европейский теизм XIX в. и диалогическая интенция в европейской персоналистической философии XX в." Гуманитарные исследования в Восточной Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке 53, no. 3 (2020): 174–82.

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В статье исследуется влияние европейского теизма XIX в. на становление диалогизма в европейской персоналистической философии XX в. в контексте антропологического поворота. Автор прослеживает диалогическую интенцию в европейском теизме XIX в. и в европейском персонализме XX в., а также рассматривает аксиологическую сторону диалога Я и Ты, субъекты и объекты диалога в европейской персоналистической философии XX в. Данная проблематика изучается в контексте анализа антропологического поворота Хайдеггером: в европейском теизме XIX в. и европейском персонализме XX в. можно обнаружить индивидуально-субстанциальное Я, диалогизм, ценностность. Автор приходит к выводу, что полноценное раскрытие диалогической и ценностной сущности личности состоялось в европейском теизме XIX в., а исследование социальной сущности личности – только в европейском персонализме XX в. Ключевые слова: европейский теизм, европейский персонализм, личность, монада, субстанция, ценность, диалогизм, антропологический поворот The article examines the influence of European theism of the XIXth century on the formation of dialogism in the European personalism of the XXth century in the context of the anthropological turn. The author traces the dialogical intention in both intellectual stances and considers the axiological side of the dialogue between I and You, the subjects and objects of dialogue in the XXth century European personalism. The issue is studied in the context of Heidegger’s analysis of the anthropological turn. The author comes to the conclusion that the full disclosure of the dialogical and value essence of personality took place in the European theism of the XIXth century, and the study of the social essence of personality took place only in the European personalism of the XXth century. Keywords: European theism, European personalism, personality, monad, substance, value, dialogism, anthropological turn
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Эзри, Г. К. "Европейский теизм XIX в. и диалогическая интенция в европейской персоналистической философии XX в." Гуманитарные исследования в Восточной Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке 53, no. 3 (2020): 174–82.

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В статье исследуется влияние европейского теизма XIX в. на становление диалогизма в европейской персоналистической философии XX в. в контексте антропологического поворота. Автор прослеживает диалогическую интенцию в европейском теизме XIX в. и в европейском персонализме XX в., а также рассматривает аксиологическую сторону диалога Я и Ты, субъекты и объекты диалога в европейской персоналистической философии XX в. Данная проблематика изучается в контексте анализа антропологического поворота Хайдеггером: в европейском теизме XIX в. и европейском персонализме XX в. можно обнаружить индивидуально-субстанциальное Я, диалогизм, ценностность. Автор приходит к выводу, что полноценное раскрытие диалогической и ценностной сущности личности состоялось в европейском теизме XIX в., а исследование социальной сущности личности – только в европейском персонализме XX в. Ключевые слова: европейский теизм, европейский персонализм, личность, монада, субстанция, ценность, диалогизм, антропологический поворот The article examines the influence of European theism of the XIXth century on the formation of dialogism in the European personalism of the XXth century in the context of the anthropological turn. The author traces the dialogical intention in both intellectual stances and considers the axiological side of the dialogue between I and You, the subjects and objects of dialogue in the XXth century European personalism. The issue is studied in the context of Heidegger’s analysis of the anthropological turn. The author comes to the conclusion that the full disclosure of the dialogical and value essence of personality took place in the European theism of the XIXth century, and the study of the social essence of personality took place only in the European personalism of the XXth century. Keywords: European theism, European personalism, personality, monad, substance, value, dialogism, anthropological turn
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Matkhanova, N. P. "Officials-Intellectuals in Siberia XIX Century." Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History 25 (2018): 21–35.

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Šinkūnaitė, Laima. "Christian Iconography: Changes in the 19th Century – first half of the 20th Century." SOTER: Journal of Religious Science 54 (2015): 69–81.

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Bondareva, D. K. "NATURE PROTECTION ACTIVITIES IN THE YENISEI PROVINCE IN THE LATE XIX CENTURY – EARLY XX CENTURY." Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 02, no. 01 (2018): 19–27.

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This article analyzes agricultural and land-water relations in the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries of Samarkand region on the basis number of sources, literature and research studies. The article provides information about the Zarafshan River, which was the region's main source of irrigation its tributaries and other water systems. There were presented traditions of irrigated agriculture in the region, types of agricultural products, rules of their cultivation, irrigation procedures and harvest time. The article also analyzes the agrarian policy of the Russian Empire which is connected with colonial interests in the Samarkand region and its consequences.
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Liu, Yawei. "XIX century in the history of European and Russian opera: points of intersection and differences." Философия и культура, no. 1 (January 2021): 54–64.

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The development of opera genre in Europe and Russia in the XIX century is of particular interest for the Chinese and Russian art historians. The subject of this article is the history of European and Russian opera in the XIX century. The object of this research is the works of the leading opera composers and the novelties introduced by each of them into the opera genre. The goal consists in examination of the following aspects of the topic: specificity of emergence of opera in Russia in the XVIII century, establishment of the national opera schools – Italian, French, German and their prominent representatives, as well as peculiarities of the Russian opera tradition of the XIX century. The novelty lies in determination of similarities and differences between the European and Russian opera in the XIX century from the perspective of of Chinese art history. The author's special contribution consists in the attempt to discuss the subject matter in the context of Chinese art historians who take interest in the peculiarities of opera of the XIX century. The acquired results demonstrate that the development of opera within the framework of the vocal and musical performance in the XIX century is a unique sociocultural phenomenon, which manifested through the system of spiritual values and spiritual life of the Russian and European nations.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Century XIX"


Kononova, Olena. "Evolution of Kharkov concert life in XIX century." Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Musikgeschichte in Mittel- und Osteuropa an der Universität Leipzig, 2012.

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XIX century turned to be significant for formation of concert life of Kharkov; that was caused by variety of stimulus among which was the opening of the University (1804), short functioning of the first branch of the Imperial Russian Music Society (IRMS, 1864–1866) and socially-educational activity of Ilya Slatin (1845–1931), the head of a new branch of the IRMS (1871–1918).
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Skuolis, Andrius. "XIX a. pradžios kultūrinis gyvenimas Vilniuje." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2014.

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Magistro darbe nagrinėjamas Vilniaus kultūrinis gyvenimas XIX a. pr. Istoriografijoje retai kada nagrinėjama pati Vilniaus visuomenė, kuri dalyvavo miesto kultūriniame gyvenime, dėmesys fokusuojamas į konkrečias tam tikros meno šakos technines detales bei jų technikų evoliuciją. Tad, šis darbas yra bandymas pažvelgti į tai, kaip visuomenė reagavo, būdama kultūrinio gyvenimo įvykių žiūrovė ir aktyvi dalyvė. Vilniuje aptariamu laikotarpiu didžioji dalis renginių vyko miesto teatre. Čia buvo pristatomi naujausi spektakliai, koncertai. Teatras suteikė progą visuomenei pažinti profesionalų meną. Kita vertus, dalis meno gerbėjų turėjo progą pamatyti scenos meno kūrinius ir kituose miestuose, tokiuose kaip Varšuva, San Peterburgas ar Vakarų Europos sostinės. Šie asmenys dažniausiai tapdavo teatro scenos renginių kritikai. Jie rašydavo savo straipsnius į įvairius kultūrai skirtus leidinius. Šiose recenzijose pradėjo ryškėti ne tik kultūrinės minties progresas, bet ir kultūrinių interesų kova. Vieni kritikai palaikė labiau klasicizmui būdingą, dvarų aplinkos mėgėjiško teatro laikais populiarių scenos renginių tipą, kiti aukštino naujoves teatre, kurios dažniausiai buvo susijusios su XIX a. pr. sparčiai visoje Europoje plintančia romantizmo banga. Šie straipsniai skatino tiek scenos meno tobulėjimą, tiek meno gerbėjų gero skonio puoselėjimą. Labdara užsiimantys žmonės taip pat organizavo ne vieną kultūrinį renginį, kuris dažnai spaudoje būdavo liaupsinamas, nes pasižymėdavo prabanga... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
The goal of this master thesis is to research cultural life in Vilnius in the beginning of 19th century. The society of Vilnius, which participated in the cultural life of the city, is very rare subject for researchers. Usually, their attention is focused on the concrete details and the evolution of techniques of particular art’s branch. This thesis is an attempt to take a glance to reaction of society, when it was a spectator and active participant of the events of cultural life in 19th century. The biggest part of all the events during the aforementioned period of time took place in Vilnius municipal theatre. The newest spectacles and concerts were represented in there. The theatre gave an opportunity for the society to know professional art. On the other hand, the part of art admirers had had the opportunities to see the creations of scene’s art in the other cities, such as Warsaw, Saint Petersburg or Western Europe’s capitals, as well. These persons usually had become the critics of events of scene’s art in Vilnius. They had written their articles to various editions. In these articles started to emerge not only the progress of cultural thought, but also the strife of different cultural interests and tastes. While many critics supported more classicism type of events, which was popular during the times of manor’s amateur’s theater; others celebrated the novelties of theatre, which seldom related with wave of romanticism, which spread expeditiously in the whole Europe in... [to full text]
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Lopes, Rodrigo Freitas. "Nos currais do matadouro público: o abastecimento de carne verde em Salvador no século XIX (1830-1873)." Programa de Pós- Graduação em História da UFBA, 2009.

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Submitted by Suelen Reis ( on 2013-04-22T19:38:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Rodrigo Lopesseg.pdf: 6101495 bytes, checksum: b7c89ccd1c5eda9de5eec5c37b07bb18 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles( on 2013-05-24T11:27:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Rodrigo Lopesseg.pdf: 6101495 bytes, checksum: b7c89ccd1c5eda9de5eec5c37b07bb18 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-24T11:27:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Rodrigo Lopesseg.pdf: 6101495 bytes, checksum: b7c89ccd1c5eda9de5eec5c37b07bb18 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009
Esta dissertação analisa o abastecimento de carne verde em Salvador, no século XIX, tendo como objetos principais de análise, a Superintendência do Matadouro Público da Bahia - criada em 1866, sob administração provincial e municipal - e a prática de atravessamento e formação de monopólio sobre o comércio de carne verde, referendados freqüentemente nas fontes documentais, como principais fatores responsáveis, pelo alto custo da carne vendida em Salvador. Para tanto, busca as origens das dificuldades que cercavam o abastecimento, nos caminhos percorridos pelos rebanhos, na fiscalização deficiente dos Registros de gado e nos abusos cometidos pelas pessoas que negociavam diretamente a carne verde no mercado de Salvador.
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Puodžiukienė, Dalė. "Evolution of wooden architecture of manor houses in Lithuania (from the middle of the 16th century till the middle of the 19th century)." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2011.

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Doctoral thesis Evolution of wooden architecture of manor houses in Lithuania (from the middle of 16th century till the middle of 19th century) explore and present an evolution of the wooden architecture of manor houses since the middle of the 16th century till the middle of the 19th century. The thesis investigates the existing and not existing (known from the sources) wooden residential buildings of Lithuanian nobility, identifies their dominant types and reasons, which influenced the change of architecture, and reveals the singularities of the architecture and the relation of a manor’s house with ethnic and professional architecture. The research has shown that the architectural evolution of the manor house owned by nobility of different rank was developing differently. The development of great and middle-class nobility’s manor house was intense, especially influenced by the changes in style architecture. The small noblemen‘s houses were changing a little, their construction followed the ethnic traditions. According to the layout and shape of structures and forms of the buildings set on the manors of great and middle-class nobility, three stages of their architectural evolution were singled out: the period of early formation (till the middle of the 17th century), “baroque” period (from the middle of the 17th century till the seventh decade of the 18th century) and the “classicism” period (from the end of 18th century till the end of the 19th century). The doctoral thesis... [to full text]
Disertacijoje nagrinėjami Lietuvos bajorijos mediniai gyvenamieji pastatai, darbe vadinami ponų namais. Darbo tikslas – išaiškinti ir pateikti Lietuvos bajorų namų medinės architektūros raidą nuo Valakų reformos iki 1861 Valstiečių reformos. Darbe tirti esami bei neišlikę (žinomi dėka šaltinių) mediniai bajorijos namai, nustatyti vyravę pastatų tipai, priežastys, lėmusios tipų kaitą, atskleidžiami architektūros ypatumai, ponų namo santykis su etnine ir profesionaliąja architektūra. Tyrimai parodė, kad skirtingų bajorijos sluoksnių ponų namų architektūros raida vyko skirtingai. Stambių ir vidutinių bajorų namų raida buvo intensyvi, ją ypač veikė stilinės architektūros pokyčiai. Smulkių bajorų namai kito mažai, statyboje laikytasi etninių tradicijų. Pagal stambių ir vidutinių bajorų XVI a. vidurio– XIX a. vidurio pastatų planines ir tūrines –erdvines struktūras ir formas, išskirti trys architektūrinės raidos etapai: ankstyvasis- formavimosi (iki XVII a. vidurio), „barokinis“ (XVII a. vidurio – XVIII a. septinto dešimtmečio); „klasicistinis“ (XVIII a. pabaigos – XIX a. vidurio). Pirmajame etape iš esmės pakito gyvenamosios erdvės sankloda ir namo įvaizdis: vietoje kelių skirtingų funkcijų namų, skirtų bajoro šeimai ir jo svečiams (gyvenamojo, pokylių namo, ir kt.) susiformavo vienas daugiafunkcinis, parterinis, simetriškos kompozicijos ponų namas. Antrajame ir trečiajame etapuose daugiafunkcinis ponų namas buvo tobulinamas pagal etiketo (gyvenimo būdo) ir vyravusių stilių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Oelsner, Miriam Bettina Paulina Bergel. "A gênese do nacional-socialismo na Alemanha do século XIX e a autodefesa judaica." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017.

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O objetivo desta tese é o estudo da vida dos judeus na Alemanha, a partir de msua saída do gueto ao final do século XVIII. Tive a preocupação em contextualizar a história do antijuda-ísmo, desde a chegada dos romanos na antiga Germânia no século II, ressaltando os momentos mais críticos, como a Primeira Cruzada em 1096 e o enforcamento do judeu Süß em 1738, por razões de animosidades políticas. O estudo rastreia o antissemitismo a partir dos acontecimen-tos da primeira metade do século XIX, permitindo compreender a eclosão dos horrores da Shoá, como o auge de um processo que se desenvolveu durante um longo período. Foram observadas tentativas de integração à sociedade alemã, envolvendo progressos curtos, entremeados por re-cuos, pontuados por movimentos dos próprios judeus, evidenciando o paradoxo entre a liber-dade adquirida pela saída do gueto, com a entrada na vida urbana, e os crescentes sentimentos antijudaicos, agora no seio da sociedade alemã, ocasionando o agravamento desses sentimentos, com os quais os judeus tiveram de conviver. O trabalho demonstra como essa integração se tornou estímulo para o recrudescimento de tendências antijudaicas latentes. O antissemitismo foi tomando, progressivamente, forma mais política e serviu de sustentação ao crescimento do na-cional-socialismo, que o tomou como bandeira, para dar sentido ao ódio gerado pelas tensões vigentes na nação germânica. A insatisfação decorrente da humilhação acarretada pela derrota da Primeira Guerra Mundial e pelo Tratado de Versalhes fez com que o movimento crescente em direção à Segunda Guerra Mundial ficasse aí determinado. A imagem dos judeus ficou as-sociada ao que passou a ser visto pelos setores reacionários e nacionalistas, como intimamente ligados à República de Weimar, levando os arianos a declarar guerra a tudo o que fosse oci-dental, judaico, liberal e iluminista. A maldição estava posta. Houve tentativas de reação judai-cas, objeto central deste estudo, a partir da fundação do Central Verein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens em 1893, que existiu até 1938, e é a reafirmação da identidade alemã dos judeus. A insistência dos judeus em constituir-se como parte integrante da sociedade alemã pôde ser verificada a posteriori. Foi uma tentativa derradeira, condenada ao fracasso, porém corajosa. A abertura dos arquivos de Moscou permitiu conhecer este processo e alimentou de informações preciosas o estudo aqui apresentado.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the life of the German Jews after leaving the ghetto at the end of the 18th Century. There was a concern to put the History of Anti-Judaism in con-text, ever since the Romans entered Ancient Germania, emphasizing critical moments such as the 1st Crusade and the hanging of the Jew Süss in 1738 because of political animosities. The study tracked Anti-Semitism from the events of the first half of the 19th century, allowing an understanding of the outburst of the horrors of the Holocaust as the peak of a long progressing process. Attempts of the Jews to become integrated in the German society were observed, with momentary progresses interspersed with retreats, punctuated by movements of the Jews them-selves in this integration process. There is a paradox between the freedom conquered by exiting the ghetto and entering the urban life and the growing anti-Jewish feelings within the German society with which they had to live. It is shown in this work how this integration became a stimulus for anti-Jewish revivals. Anti-Semitism became more and more political, supporting the growth of National Socialism that adopted it as a flag, in order to give a meaning to the hatred arising from the tensions present in the German population. Then the dissatisfaction re-sulting from the humiliation caused by the defeat in World War I and the Treaty of Versailles determined the increasing movement towards World War II. Reactionary and nationalist sectors associated the image of the Jews with the Weimar Republic and so the Arians declared war against everything considered Western, Jewish, liberal and enlightening. The curse was on. Jewish attempts to react, also featuring a confirmation of their German identity and their insist-ence in belonging to the German society, were the core of this study. In retrospect, the founda-tion of the CV can be considered a last and brave attempt, yet destined to fail. The opening of the Moscow archives allowed getting to know this process, providing valuable information for the present study.
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Portela, Rafael Davis. "Pescadores na Bahia do Século XIX." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFBA, 2012.

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Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná ( on 2013-06-03T18:05:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Rafael Portela com termo.pdf: 10624701 bytes, checksum: 9476f6515d4b6168484c8ad4630168fb (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Ana Portela( on 2013-06-04T19:26:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Rafael Portela com termo.pdf: 10624701 bytes, checksum: 9476f6515d4b6168484c8ad4630168fb (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-04T19:26:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Rafael Portela com termo.pdf: 10624701 bytes, checksum: 9476f6515d4b6168484c8ad4630168fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012
Busquei nesta dissertação contribuir para a superação de uma importante lacuna da historiografia brasileira, que pouco produziu sobre os trabalhadores do mar. Tratei aqui dos pescadores da Bahia, na segunda metade do século XIX. O trabalho foi dividido em três partes. No primeiro capítulo, discuto o contexto e os objetivos da criação da Capitania dos Portos, e as consequências disso para os pescadores. Problematizo a questão das matrículas dos pescadores, diretamente ligadas às novas estratégias de recrutamento de mão de obra para a Marinha de guerra, e as estratégias e opções deles para escapar do serviço. No segundo capítulo procuro traçar um perfil dos pescadores baianos através de documentos da capitania, censos, listas eleitorais, inventários etc, e trago o caso de Francisco Xavier de Santana, pescador da povoação do Rio Vermelho, que por alguns anos teve que driblar uma série de ataques e sabotagens a ele dirigidas para poder fazer sua pescaria com redes. Durante a análise dos sentidos do caso, procuro entender lógicas das relações entre pescadores, suas articulações políticas e redes de amizade e solidariedade. O capítulo final cuida de conflitos no mar ligados à questão dos territórios marítimos. De como os pescadores instituem divisões territoriais no mar, por eles mesmos continuamente disputadas e transgredidas. Trago a luta da capitania em fazer valer leis que nem sempre estavam de acordo com os costumes e/ou interesses de alguns pescadores e a oposição entre duas concepções distintas acerca do direito ao uso e controle de “partes” específicas do mar. In this thesis I contribute to overcome a relevant shortcoming of Brazilian historiography, which produced little about sea workers. The subject of this study are the fishermen of Bahia, in the second half of the nineteenth century. The work is divided into three parts. In the first chapter, I bring the context and objectives of the creation of the Capitania dos Portos [Port Captaincy], and the consequences of that to fishermen. I discuss the fisherman enrollment policy, directly linked to new strategies for recruiting manpower for the Marinha de Guerra [Navy], and the strategies and options to avoid the mandatory service. In the second chapter I draw a profile of Bahian fishermen through documents of the captaincy, censuses, electoral lists, inventories etc, and bring up Francisco Xavier de Santana's case, a fisherman from a village called Rio Vermelho, who for some years had to overcome a series of attacks and sabotages made against him in order to be able to keep on doing his fishing with fishnets. In the analysis of this case, I establish the relations among the fishermen and their friendship, solidarity and political networks. The final chapter is dedicated to the sea conflicts linked to issues concerning maritime territories. It explains how the fishermen used to establish territorial divisions at sea that were sistematically contested and transgressed by themselves. I hereby present the effort of the captaincy to enforce laws that weren't always in accordance to the customs and/or interests of some fishermen, and also the contrast between two different perspectives towards the right to use and to control specific "parts" of the sea.
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Trindade, Cláudia Moraes. "Ser preso na Bahia no século XIX." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFBA, 2012.

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Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná ( on 2013-06-04T13:01:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SER PRESO NA BAHIA NO SÉCULO XIX - FINAL.pdf: 4820589 bytes, checksum: ae65fa6504044b5ff91f20ed6e90536f (MD5)
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Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-04T18:15:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SER PRESO NA BAHIA NO SÉCULO XIX - FINAL.pdf: 4820589 bytes, checksum: ae65fa6504044b5ff91f20ed6e90536f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012
Esta tese estuda o cotidiano dos presos da Casa de Prisão com Trabalho na segunda metade do século XIX. A instituição, primeira penitenciária da Bahia, inaugurada em 1861, foi o principal símbolo da reforma prisional e do aprisionamento moderno da província. A partir das petições e cartas de presos identifico a existência de uma ordem costumeira na prisão com igual ou, em alguns aspectos, maior força do que a oficial, mas que não anulava a arbitrariedade e a violência desta última. Mas essa ordem paralela podia ser rompida a qualquer momento, fosse por confrontos entre os próprios presos ou entre estes e os funcionários. Dentre os meios de protesto, a escrita foi um dos mais utilizados pelos presos e, dependendo da estratégia sugerida nas cartas, era possível conquistar espaços sem romper com a ordem prisional. O recurso à escrita foi utilizado por presos, letrados ou não, de diferentes condições jurídicas - escravos, libertos e livres -, independentemente do tipo de pena que estivessem cumprindo. Para entender mais apuradamente esses temas, reconstituo as trajetórias de Francisco Ribeiro de Seixas, condenado pela morte de sua cunhada-amante, e de Julio Cesar Guanaes do Alfa, condenado pela morte de um padre. Suas biografias nos remetem à de muitos outros presos que percorreram caminhos parecidos, e permitem deslindar as complexas relações sociais que teciam o dia-dia da prisão e sua interação com a sociedade envolvente. This dissertation is a study of the daily life of prisoners in the Casa de Prisão com Trabalho (Prison- Workhouse) in the second half of the 19th century. This institution, Bahia's first penitentiary, inaugurated in 1861, was the main symbol of prison reform and modern imprisonment in the province. Based on petitions and letters written by inmates, I was able to unveil the existence of a customary order in the prison that existed side by side with, and in some aspects stronger than the official order, which, nevertheless, did not obliterate the arbitrariness and the violence of rooted in the latter. This parallel order could be broken any time by conflicts involving prisoners, or between the latter and jailers. Among the different means of protest, writing was among the most used by prisoners and, depending on the strategy suggested in letters and petitions, it was possible to conquer breathing space without breaking with the prison order. Be they literate or not, enslaved, freed or free, regardless of the kind of setence they were serving, prisoners resorted to writing. In order to understand these issues more accurately, I reconstructed two life stories: that of Francisco Ribeiro de Seixas, convicted for killing his lover and sister-in-law, and that of Julio Cesar Guanaes do Alfa, convicted for killing a priest. Their biographies remind us of many other prisoners who walked on similar paths, and allow us to unravel the complex social relationships that wove the everyday life of the prison and its interaction with the surrounding society.
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Židonis, Giedrius. "Pozityvizmas ir lietuvių proza. XIX amžiaus antroji pusė." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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Disertacijoje pristatomi pozityvizmo filosofijos ir pasaulėžiūros pagrindai, nagrinėjama lietuviškojo pozityvizmo sklaida Lenkijoje ir Rusijoje vyravusio pozityvizmo kontekste, nuosekliai apžvelgiamas pozityvizmo paieškų ir interpretavimo kelias lietuvių grožinės literatūros kritinėje mintyje. Studijoje keliams klausimas, ar apskritai galima kalbėti apie literatūrinių modelių perimamumą (didaktika  pozityvizmo literatūra), šalia pasirinktų skirtingų krypčių, skirtingo laikotarpio atraminių kūrinių (atstovaujančių lietuvių didaktinės literatūros pradžiai ir Atgimimo užuomazgoms; didaktinės literatūros brandai ir Atgimimo pradžiai; pozityvistinei literatūrai ir Atgimimui) aptariami ir spaudos draudimo laikotarpio pozityvistinių bruožų turintys kūriniai, aiškinamasi, kaip XIX a. pabaigos lietuvių literatūroje veikia personažai pozityvistai, kokioms jie priklauso profesinėms / socialinėms grupėms, rekonstruojama jų estetinė pozityvistinė programa. Disertacija apie pozityvizmo sklaidą lietuvių XIX a. pabaigos prozoje yra pirmoji tokio pobūdžio studija lietuvių literatūrologijoje. Išsami pozityvistinės gyvenimo sampratos programa Lietuvoje nebuvo suformuluota, tačiau ją galima rekonstruoti iš teiginių ir minčių, išsisklaidžiusių literatūros ir kultūros darbuotojų publicistiniuose, kritiniuose, sociologiniuose darbuose, o šio tyrimo atveju – grožinės literatūros kūriniuose. Disertacijoje siekiama nuosekliai apžvelgti ir apibendrinti pavienius pasisakymus ir įžvalgas pozityvizmo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
This dissertation will attempt to present the foundations of the positivist philosophy and worldview. It will also attempt to show the spread of Lithuanian positivism in the context of the dominant positivism of Russia and Poland, and to thoroughly examine the exploration and interpretation of positivism in the mind of Lithuanian fictional literary criticism. This study raises the question as to whether one can in general speak of the adoption of certain models of literature from didactic literature to positivist literature. Aside from discussing different time periods and different literary styles of the nineteenth century (the beginning of Lithuanian didactic literature, while the Lithuanian Cultural Renaissance was still in its embryonic stage; the maturation of didactic literature and the beginning of the Lithuanian Cultural Renaissance; and positivist literature as well as Lithuania's Cultural Renaissance in full force) this work also discusses the pieces having the characteristics of the positivist literature written during the prohibition of the press. The work will also attempt to explain what positivist personalities were significant during the second half of the nineteenth century, and to what professional and social groups these people belonged, along with reconstructing their aesthetic positivist program. This dissertation about the spread of positivism in the prose from the end of the nineteenth century is the first of its kind done in Lithuanian literary... [to full text]
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Souza, Carolina Lima de. "As primeiras experiencias com o trabalho livre imigrante em Campinas no seculo XIX." [s.n.], 2008.

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Orientador: Jefferson Cano
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
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Resumo: Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as conflituosas relações de trabalho entre proprietários campinenses e colonos estrangeiros nas primeiras experiências com o emprego de mão-de-obra livre imigrante na Província de São Paulo no século XIX. Para tal, buscamos entender os anseios e posturas destes trabalhadores e de seus patrões através de um conjunto de fontes que consideramos imprescindíveis para nos aproximarmos um pouco mais do universo dessas colônias. Assim, a partir da análise das ações judiciais entre colonos e proprietários, tentamos compreender como essa nova forma de relação de trabalho se construiu através da mediação da Justiça
Abstract: The present work aimed to analyze the conflicting labour relationships between farmers from Campinas and foreigner workers in the early experiences of immigrant free labour in the XIX century São Paulo. In order to do so we intented to understand the longings and postures of these workers and their employers. We used several documents that we considered essencial for the research, such as the lawsuits involving farmers and immigrants. From the analysis of these documents we tried to understand how this new form of relationship was built through the justice system
Historia Social
Mestre em História
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Sousa, Moizeis Sobreira de. "As fontes setecentistas do romance português." Universidade de São Paulo, 2014.

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O romance tem sido perpassado e indelevelmente marcado pelo signo da instabilidade, traço que se estende do arcabouço teórico ao engendramento e manifestação dessa forma. Não obstante essa compleição móvel, a crítica e historiografia literárias têm sedimentado o equívoco de totalizar o romance realista, mais especificamente aquele fixado na França e Inglaterra entre os séculos XVIII e XIX, como modelo acabado. No âmbito do espaço cultural português, essa abordagem tem gerado inúmeros equívocos, já que a história do romance não se processa no lado oeste da Península Ibérica como na Inglaterra, onde o surgimento de estruturas sociais tributárias do individualismo, o capitalismo industrial e a ética protestante repercutem na forma como os suportes ficcionais são forjados. Também não se desenrola tal como na França, onde os processos históricos resultantes da Revolução Francesa consolidam o estiolamento do Ancien Régime e fomentam as bases de uma matriz cultural calcada na mundividência burguês-liberal. A aplicação dessa abordagem impossibilita considerar as questões específicas e os caracteres que o romance adquire no processo de elaboração estética das contingências inerentes ao espaço cultural lusitano. Além disso, traz como consequência ignorar a produção romancística portuguesa do século XVIII, tida como inexistente, uma vez que não corresponde ao modelo referido. Essa ideia, no entanto, revela-se sem fundamento. Não só existem romancistas portugueses nesse período, como eles exercem influências sobre os escritores conterrâneos que se ocupam dessa forma no século XIX, como comprovam diversos romances de Camilo Castelo Branco, responsáveis pela recuperação de diversas narrativas pátrias setecentistas
The novel has been passed by and indelibly marked by the sign of instability, which is an aspect that extends from its theoretical frame to the begetting and manifestation of this aesthetic form. Despite this moving complexion, literary and historiographic criticisms have established the misconception of totalizing the realist novel as a finished model, more specifically the production set in France and England between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Taking into account the Portuguese cultural scenery, this generalist approach has generated numerous biases, since the story of the novel does not take place on the west side of the Iberian Peninsula as in England, where the rise of social structures based on individualism, industrial capitalism and the Protestant ethic resonate in how fictional forms are forged. Nor unfolds as seen in France, where historical processes resulting from the French Revolution consolidate the shading of the Ancien Régime and underpin the foundations of a cultural matrix grounded in the bourgeois-liberal worldview. The use of this generalist approach makes it impossible to consider the specific issues and elements the novel acquires during the elaboration of its aesthetic contingencies which were inherent in the Lusitanian cultural process space. Moreover, as a result it ignores the Portuguese romancistic production of the eighteenth century, presupposed as non-existent, since the model does not match the generalist model. This idea, however, proves to be unfounded. Not only are there Portuguese novelists in this period, as they exert influences on fellow writers who deal in this way in the nineteenth century. This is evidenced in several novels written by Camilo Castelo Branco, who is responsible for the recovery of several eighteenth-century homeland narratives
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Books on the topic "Century XIX"


Deakin, Joseph. Loughborough in the XIX century. Loughborough: Reprint, 2000.

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Bazilevich, K. V. The Russian posts in the XIX century. [U.S: Rossica Society of Russian Philately], 1987.

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Gallery, Lefevre. Important XIX & XX century works of art. London: Lefevre Gallery, 1997.

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Seis miradas al Tabasco del siglo XIX. Villahermosa, Tabasco: Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, 2009.

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Alicia del C. Contreras Sánchez. Seis miradas al Tabasco del siglo XIX. Villahermosa, Tabasco: Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, 2009.

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Łaniec, Stanisław. Białoruś w drugiej połowie XIX stulecia. Olsztyn: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna, 1997.

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Banco de México (1925- ). Estampas mexicanas del siglo xix: Mexican 19th century prints. México]: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, 1999.

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Muḥammad, Ḥasan. Thought patterns of XIX century literature of North India. Karachi, Pakistan: Royal Book Co., 1990.

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XIX century British working-class autobiographies: An annotated bibliography. New York: AMS Press, 1985.

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Mironov, Boris Nikolaevich. Khlebnye t︠s︡eny v Rossii za dva stoletii︠a︡, XVIII-XIX vv. Leningrad: Nauka, Leningradkoe otd-nie, 1985.

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Book chapters on the topic "Century XIX"


Capecchi, Danilo. "Mathematical Physics in Italy in the XIX Century: The Theory of Elasticity." In History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 59–78. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012.

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Foce, Federico. "The Theory of Elasticity between Molecular and Continuum Approach in the xix Century." In Entre Mécanique et Architecture / Between Mechanics and Architecture, 301–16. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 1995.

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Girón, J. "Drawing and understanding Gothic architecture in the first half of XIX- century England." In Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage 2021, 339–44. London: CRC Press, 2021.

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Chebukov, Dmitry E., Alexander D. Izaak, Olga G. Misyurina, Yuri A. Pupyrev, and Alexey B. Zhizhchenko. "Math-Net.Ru as a Digital Archive of the Russian Mathematical Knowledge from the XIX Century to Today." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 344–48. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Saade, William M. "In the Footsteps of Pierre Duhem: How a Modern Theory of Value Relates to XIX Century Physics." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 15–27. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Gudkov, A. А. "Some aspects of urban planning practice of the Russian Empire in the first third of the XIX century." In Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage 2021, 34–38. London: CRC Press, 2021.

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Ulitsky, V. M., and A. G. Shashkin. "The invisible legacy of Augustine Betancourt in Saint Petersburg monuments of the first half of the XIX century." In Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage 2021, 388–92. London: CRC Press, 2021.

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Andreev, Vsevolod V. "Study of Development of the Largest Now Russian Cities Since the End of XIX Century to the Present Time." In Software Engineering Perspectives in Intelligent Systems, 554–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Rubio, Francisco J., and J. Ignacio Cuadrado. "Development of ‘Course of Machines’ at the Ecole Polytechnique from Its Origin to the Middle of the XIX-th Century." In International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms Proceedings HMM 2000, 271–79. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2000.

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Petukhova, N. "Placement of the first railway stations of St. Petersburg in the city structure in the middle of the XIX century." In Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage 2021, 96–101. London: CRC Press, 2021.

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Conference papers on the topic "Century XIX"


AMOGOLONOVA, A. A. "BUDDHISM IN RUSSIAN POLITICAL PRACTICES (LATE XIX – EARLY XX CENTURY)." In Scientific conference, devoted to the 95th anniversary of the Republic of Buryatia. Publishing House of the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 2018.

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Bautin, Denis Aleksandrovich. "Social and political students' activity in the XIX century." In VIII International Research-to-practice conference. TSNS Interaktiv Plus, 2017.

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Shkurskaya, E. A. "Variations Of Vivified Ekphrasis In Foreign Prose Of XIX Century." In SCTCGM 2018 - Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism. Cognitive-Crcs, 2019.

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Avliev, Vyacheslav. "Nomadic System Of Kalmyks In Late Xviii–Early Xix Century." In SCTCMG 2019 - Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism. Cognitive-Crcs, 2019.

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Lavrent'ev, M. V., and E. B. Bychkunova. "Mettre - a French colony for juvenile delinquents in the XIX century." In SCIENCE OF RUSSIA: TARGETS AND GOALS. "Science of Russia", 2019.

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Galashova, E. S., and A. A. Pashkova. "Charity in Sortavala in the XIX beginning of the twentieth century." In ТЕНДЕНЦИИ РАЗВИТИЯ НАУКИ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ. НИЦ «Л-Журнал», 2018.

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Smolenskaya, Oksana Alekseevna. "Russian Labor Protection Legislation Of Women And Children Of Xix Century." In RPTSS 2017 International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences. Cognitive-Crcs, 2018.

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Sergeevna, Perevozchikova Larisa. "Russian Orthodox Church In Views Of F.M. Dostoevsky In Xix Century." In RPTSS 2017 International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences. Cognitive-Crcs, 2018.

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Sukardi, Tanto. "Social Dynamics Rural Society in Banyumas in the XIX th Century." In 4th Asia Pacific Education Conference (AECON 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2017.

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Reports on the topic "Century XIX"


Vakhnina, I. L., V. A. Obiazov, and L. V. Zamana. DYNAMICS OF MOISTURE IN THE STEPPE ZONE OF THE SOUTHEAST ZABIKALYA FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE XIX CENTURY ACROSS PINE CORNS ORDINARY. Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, 2018.

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Halych, Valentyna. SERHII YEFREMOV’S COOPERATION WITH THE WESTERN UKRAINIAN PRESS: MEMORIAL RECEPTION. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2021.

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The subject of the study is the cooperation of S. Efremov with Western Ukrainian periodicals as a page in the history of Ukrainian journalism which covers the relationship of journalists and scientists of Eastern and Western Ukraine at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Research methods (biographical, historical, comparative, axiological, statistical, discursive) develop the comprehensive disclosure of the article. As a result of scientific research, the origins of Ukrainocentrism in the personality of S. Efremov were clarified; his person as a public figure, journalist, publisher, literary critic is multifaceted; taking into account the specifics of the memoir genre and with the involvement of the historical context, the turning points in the destiny of the author of memoirs are interpreted, revealing cooperation with Western Ukrainian magazines and newspapers. The publications ‘Zoria’, ‘Narod’, ‘Pravda’, ‘Bukovyna’, ‘Dzvinok’, are secretly got into sub-Russian Ukraine, became for S. Efremov a spiritual basis in understanding the specifics of the national (Ukrainian) mass media, ideas of education in culture of Ukraine at the end of XIX century, its territorial integrity, and state independence. Memoirs of S. Efremov on cooperation with the iconic Galician journals ‘Notes of the Scientific Society after the name Shevchenko’ and ‘Literary-Scientific Bulletin’, testify to an important stage in the formation of the author’s worldview, the expansion of the genre boundaries of his journalism, active development as a literary critic. S. Yefremov collaborated most fruitfully and for a long time with the Literary-Scientific Bulletin, and he was impressed by the democratic position of this publication. The author’s comments reveal a long-running controversy over the publication of a review of the new edition of Kobzar and thematically related discussions around his other literary criticism, in which the talent of the demanding critic was forged. S. Efremov steadfastly defended the main principles of literary criticism: objectivity and freedom of author’s thought. The names of the allies of the Ukrainian idea L. Skochkovskyi, O. Lototskyi, O. Konyskyi, P. Zhytskyi, M. Hrushevskyi in S. Efremov’s memoirs unfold in multifaceted portrait descriptions and function as historical and cultural facts that document the pages of the author’s biography, record his activities in space and time. The results of the study give grounds to characterize S. Efremov as the first professional Ukrainian-speaking journalist.
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De Amo, Julio, and Jr. XXI CENTURY: Veiled Threats towards the National Security Strategy. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 1997.

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Dille, Mark W. Improving Our Strategic Mobility Posture for the XXI Century. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 1996.

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Commenda, Othmar. OSCE: New Tasks and Options in the XXI Century. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1996.

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Fazio, Maria Victoria, Raquel Fernández-Coto, and Laura Ripani. Apprenticeships for the XXI Century: A Model for Latin America and the Caribbean? Inter-American Development Bank, October 2016.

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Díaz Nosty, B., and RA de Frutos García. Murders, harassment and disappearances. The reality of Latin American journalists in the XXI century. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, November 2017.

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Bornacelly, Iván, and Sabine Rieble-Aubourg. CIMA Brief #8: Barbados: Does the education system prepare young people for the XXI century? Inter-American Development Bank, December 2017.

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