Academic literature on the topic 'Cèdre du Liban (Cedrus libani)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Cèdre du Liban (Cedrus libani)"
Renoux, Hélène. "Cedrus libani, un médicament homéopathique issu d’un arbre chargé de symboles. A partir de la pathogénésie, de cas cliniques et d’une réflexion sur les mythes et la botanique du cèdre du Liban." La Revue d'Homéopathie 12, no. 3 (September 2021): 137–43.
Full textCoutin, Rémi. "Une nouvelle espèce de Cécidomyie du genre Dasineura, découverte au Liban, nuisible aux bourgeons de Cedrus libani (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae)." Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 105, no. 5 (2000): 487–90.
Full textDirik, H�seyin. "Effet du stress hydrique osmotique sur la germination des graines chez les provenances de C�dre du Liban (Cedrus Libani A. Rich.) d'origine Turque." Annals of Forest Science 57, no. 4 (May 2000): 371–67.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Cèdre du Liban (Cedrus libani)"
Piola, Florence. "Micropropagation des conifères : étude physiologique et moléculaire du microbouturage du cèdre (Cedrus libani Loudon) et apport de la symbiose mycorhizienne à l'embryogenèse somatique du mélèze (Larix x eurolepis Henry)." Lyon 1, 1996.
Full textNassif, Yaacoub. "Déterminisme des limites climatiques des aires de distribution des essences forestières méditerranéennes. Une approche expérimentale sur quatre espèces au Liban." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, AgroParisTech, 2025.
Full textClimate change has profoundly disrupted natural ecosystems, particularly in the Mediterranean basin, a region characterized by high vulnerability to ongoing climate change. In this context, this thesis aims to study the climatic range of several Mediterranean species and to better understand the role of abiotic, biotic and historical factors in the distribution and persistence of these forest species at the warm and cold margins of their distribution. The thesis also explores whether the altitudinal limits of their natural distribution correspond to their climatic niche. By studying the survival and growth of these species within and beyond their current climatic margins, the study aims to finally formulate recommendations for the reforestation and sustainable management of Mediterranean ecosystems. An experimental device was set up on eight sites regularly distributed between 110 and 2330 meters above sea level in Lebanon to evaluate the survival and growth at the juvenile stage of 4 species: two conifers Cedrus Libani and Pinus brutia and two Mediterranean deciduous trees, one evergreen sclerophyll: Quercus calliprinos and the other deciduous: Quercus infectoria. Several irrigation and plant competition modalities were studied in each site. Soil, the level of light available to plants, herbaceous competition, and consumption by herbivores were controlled and standardized between sites to ensure that only climatic effects were studied. The 4 species were planted at 1 year old according to the same planting methods in all sites. Growth and survival measurements were performed for 3 years. In addition to this system, measurements of the presence and absence of the four species studied were carried out on 1300 sites, in order to specify their altitudinal range under natural conditions. The results show that the "cold" altitudinal limit of species under natural conditions is mainly determined by physiological factors. The survival comparison between irrigated and non-irrigated modalities above the upper limit of distribution highlights the expected effect of low temperatures but also an effect of summer drought as drivers of the upper limit of species. The lower altitudinal limit appears to be more influenced by anthropogenic and biotic factors, such as interactions with other species, competition for water resources, or historical changes brought about by millennia of human activities in the region. Thus, the survival and growth limit of the cedar is nearly 1000 m of elevation drop below its altitudinal limit in the natural ecosystems of Lebanon. In the Mediterranean context, the impact of drought on the "cold" altitudinal limit of species highlighted in this study calls into question the natural colonization patterns of areas located beyond the cold limit of distribution with climate change. The results also show that the predicted regressions at the warm pole of the range are not inevitable for some species because of their ability to survive well below their warm line. These results pave the way for management interventions related in particular to irrigation at the juvenile stage and the control of competition as adaptation measures to the expected impacts of global warming
Hajar, Lara. "Dynamique passée et future de la végétation au Liban depuis la fin du Pléistocène (c. 15000 cal. BP)." Montpellier 2, 2008.
Full textThe vegetation dynamics in Lebanon has been studied in order to : 1) understand the influence of climate change since the end of the Pleistocene on the ecosystems 2) understand the human impact on the vegetation 3) evaluate the influence of futur climate change on Cedrus libani. Results show that the global climate change affected the vegetation similarly in the Eastern Mediterra- nean region. Vegetation dynamics in Lebanon shows similar patterns with forest development during the Bølling/Allerød and the Holocene whereas during the Younger Dryas, Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia steppe expanded. Man had an impact on vegetation through deforestation that is recorded with palynological and archaeological data since the beginning of the Holocene (c. 8000 cal. BP) over Mount Lebanon. Pastoralism began at c. 3200 cal. BP in the Bekaa valley while the beginning of the deforestation of the Anti-Lebanon Mountain occurs during the Roman period (c. 2000 cal. BP). These results are similar to those of the Eastern Mediterranean region where the human impact was recorded earlier in Israel, Lebanon and Syria than in Turkey. Besides, futur climate change is expected to affect even more strongly the ecosystems in Lebanon. In order to understand how these changes will occur, a dynamic vegetation model (CARAIB model) was used to predict futur distribution of Cedrus libani in Lebanon using three differents climate scenarios (A1, A1B and A2). The simulations show that Cedrus libani will regress but its preservation is envisageable. Some current forests could be potentially preserved but the migration of Cedrus libani on more elevated areas will be necessary. Considering the rate of climate change predicted, a reafforestation of Cedrus libani in potential zones for its development is proposed to preserve efficienlty this species
Ladjal, Mehdi. "Variabilité de l'adaptation à la sécheresse des cèdres méditerranéens (Cedrus atlantica, C. Brevifolia et C. Libani) : aspects écophysiologiques." Nancy 1, 2001.
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