Journal articles on the topic 'Causal fields'
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FABBRI, LUCA. "CAUSAL PROPAGATION FOR ELKO FIELDS." Modern Physics Letters A 25, no. 03 (January 30, 2010): 151–57.
Full textHolland, P. R. "Causal interpretation of Fermi fields." Physics Letters A 128, no. 1-2 (March 1988): 9–18.
Full textSverdlov, Roman. "Bosonic Fields in Causal Set Theory." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 60, no. 4 (March 31, 2021): 1481–506.
Full textAmbjorn, Jan, Zbigniew Drogosz, Jakub Gizbert-Studnicki, Andrzej Görlich, Jerzy Jurkiewicz, and Dániel Németh. "Scalar fields in causal dynamical triangulations." Classical and Quantum Gravity 38, no. 19 (September 16, 2021): 195030.
Full textPham, Viet Son. "Lévy-driven causal CARMA random fields." Stochastic Processes and their Applications 130, no. 12 (December 2020): 7547–74.
Full textPinotsis, D. A., R. J. Moran, and K. J. Friston. "Dynamic causal modeling with neural fields." NeuroImage 59, no. 2 (January 2012): 1261–74.
Full textFabbri, L. "Errata: "CAUSAL PROPAGATION FOR ELKO FIELDS"." Modern Physics Letters A 25, no. 15 (May 20, 2010): 1295.
Full textBergqvist, Göran, and José M. M. Senovilla. "On the causal propagation of fields." Classical and Quantum Gravity 16, no. 10 (August 27, 1999): L55—L61.
Full textYousefi, S., and N. Kehtarnavaz. "Generating symmetric causal Markov random fields." Electronics Letters 47, no. 22 (2011): 1224.
Full textDappiaggi, Claudio, and Felix Finster. "Linearized fields for causal variational principles: existence theory and causal structure." Methods and Applications of Analysis 27, no. 1 (2020): 1–56.
Full textHicks, Raymond, and Dustin Tingley. "Causal Mediation Analysis." Stata Journal: Promoting communications on statistics and Stata 11, no. 4 (December 2011): 605–19.
Full textWang, Aiguo, Li Liu, Jiaoyun Yang, and Lian Li. "Causality fields in nonlinear causal effect analysis." Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 23, no. 8 (August 2022): 1277–86.
Full textKämpke, T. "Inferencing the graphs of causal Markov fields." Mathematical and Computer Modelling 25, no. 3 (February 1997): 1–22.
Full textSaller, Heinrich. "Realizations of causal manifolds by quantum fields." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 36, no. 12 (December 1997): 2783–826.
Full textGalea, Sandro, and Miguel A. Hernán. "Win-Win: Reconciling Social Epidemiology and Causal Inference." American Journal of Epidemiology 189, no. 3 (October 3, 2019): 167–70.
Full textWawrzycki, J. "Bogoliubov’s causal perturbative QED and white noise. Interacting fields." Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 211, no. 3 (June 2022): 775–816.
Full textLindeberg, Tony. "Time-Causal and Time-Recursive Spatio-Temporal Receptive Fields." Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 55, no. 1 (December 7, 2015): 50–88.
Full textFrances, Charles. "Causal conformal vector fields, and singularities of twistor spinors." Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 32, no. 3 (February 24, 2007): 277–95.
Full textBrandt, Howard E. "Lorentz-invariant quantum fields in the space-time tangent bundle." International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2003, no. 24 (2003): 1529–46.
Full textBelenchia, Alessio, Dionigi M. T. Benincasa, Marco Letizia, and Stefano Liberati. "On the entanglement entropy of quantum fields in causal sets." Classical and Quantum Gravity 35, no. 7 (February 28, 2018): 074002.
Full textSchrader, Robert. "Finite propagation speed and causal free quantum fields on networks." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42, no. 49 (November 20, 2009): 495401.
Full textSENOVILLA, J. M. M. "CAUSAL TENSORS AND RAINICH'S CONDITIONS." International Journal of Modern Physics A 17, no. 20 (August 10, 2002): 2775.
Full textSaigo, Hayato. "Quantum Fields as Category Algebras." Symmetry 13, no. 9 (September 17, 2021): 1727.
Full textDütsch, Michael. "Slavnov–Taylor Identities from the Causal Point of View." International Journal of Modern Physics A 12, no. 18 (July 20, 1997): 3205–48.
Full textTon, Jean-François, Dino Sejdinovic, and Kenji Fukumizu. "Meta Learning for Causal Direction." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35, no. 11 (May 18, 2021): 9897–905.
Full textWawrzycki, J. "Erratum to: Bogoliubov’s causal perturbative QED and white noise. Interacting fields." Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 212, no. 3 (September 2022): 1312–14.
Full textSverdlov, Roman, and Luca Bombelli. "Dynamics for causal sets with matter fields: a Lagrangian-based approach." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 174 (June 1, 2009): 012019.
Full textBuchholz, Detlev, and Stephen J. Summers. "String- and brane-localized causal fields in a strongly nonlocal model." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40, no. 9 (February 14, 2007): 2147–63.
Full textQiu, Jiangnan, Liwei Xu, Jie Zhai, and Ling Luo. "Extracting Causal Relations from Emergency Cases Based on Conditional Random Fields." Procedia Computer Science 112 (2017): 1623–32.
Full textStavraki, G. L. "Discrete operator fields as carriers of causal spacetime structure. Internal symmetry." Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 84, no. 3 (September 1990): 911–20.
Full textMarsan, David, Daniel Schertzer, and Shaun Lovejoy. "Causal space-time multifractal processes: Predictability and forecasting of rain fields." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 101, no. D21 (November 1, 1996): 26333–46.
Full textSaller, H. "Causal order and quantization. Quantized fields with and without particle interpretation." Il Nuovo Cimento A 95, no. 4 (October 1986): 358–83.
Full textPlimak, L. I., and S. Stenholm. "Causal signal transmission by quantum fields. III: Coherent response of fermions." Annals of Physics 324, no. 3 (March 2009): 600–636.
Full textFewster, Christopher J., and Rainer Verch. "Quantum Fields and Local Measurements." Communications in Mathematical Physics 378, no. 2 (July 27, 2020): 851–89.
Full textBARCI, D. G., C. G. BOLLINI, L. E. OXMAN, and M. ROCCA. "HIGHER ORDER EQUATIONS AND CONSTITUENT FIELDS." International Journal of Modern Physics A 09, no. 23 (September 20, 1994): 4169–83.
Full textCuriel, Erik, Felix Finster, and José M. Isidro. "Two-dimensional area and matter flux in the theory of causal fermion systems." International Journal of Modern Physics D 29, no. 15 (October 1, 2020): 2050098.
Full textPaunković, Nikola, and Marko Vojinović. "Causal orders, quantum circuits and spacetime: distinguishing between definite and superposed causal orders." Quantum 4 (May 28, 2020): 275.
Full textTan, Fiona Anting. "To Know the Causes of Things: Text Mining for Causal Relations." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38, no. 21 (March 24, 2024): 23425–26.
Full textBOLLINI, C. G., and L. E. OXMAN. "UNITARITY AND COMPLEX MASS FIELDS." International Journal of Modern Physics A 08, no. 18 (July 20, 1993): 3185–98.
Full textBodory, Hugo, Hannah Busshoff, and Michael Lechner. "High Resolution Treatment Effects Estimation: Uncovering Effect Heterogeneities with the Modified Causal Forest." Entropy 24, no. 8 (July 28, 2022): 1039.
Full textOhta, Nobuyoshi. "Causal fields and spin-statistics connection for massless particles in higher dimensions." Physical Review D 31, no. 2 (January 15, 1985): 442–45.
Full textPeel, Tyler R., Ziad M. Hafed, Suryadeep Dash, Stephen G. Lomber, and Brian D. Corneil. "A Causal Role for the Cortical Frontal Eye Fields in Microsaccade Deployment." PLOS Biology 14, no. 8 (August 10, 2016): e1002531.
Full textFabbri, Luca. "Non-causal Propagation for Higher-Order Interactions of Torsion with Spinor Fields." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 57, no. 6 (February 20, 2018): 1683–90.
Full textPlimak, L. I., and S. Stenholm. "Causal signal transmission by quantum fields. I: Response of the harmonic oscillator." Annals of Physics 323, no. 8 (August 2008): 1963–88.
Full textHu, Yaowei, Yongkai Wu, Lu Zhang, and Xintao Wu. "A Generative Adversarial Framework for Bounding Confounded Causal Effects." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35, no. 13 (May 18, 2021): 12104–12.
Full textFABBRI, LUCA. "THE SPIN-TORSION COUPLING AND CAUSALITY FOR THE STANDARD MODEL." Modern Physics Letters A 26, no. 27 (September 7, 2011): 2091–100.
Full textJensen, David D. "Improving Causal Inference by Increasing Model Expressiveness." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35, no. 17 (May 18, 2021): 15053–57.
Full textWahl, Jonas, Urmi Ninad, and Jakob Runge. "Vector Causal Inference between Two Groups of Variables." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37, no. 10 (June 26, 2023): 12305–12.
Full textBerra-Montiel, Jasel, Alberto Molgado, and César D. Palacios-García. "Causal Poisson bracket via deformation quantization." International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 13, no. 07 (July 25, 2016): 1650104.
Full textJordan, Elizabeth, and Amy Javernick-Will. "Determining Causal Factors of Community Recovery." International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters 32, no. 3 (November 2014): 405–27.
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