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Journal articles on the topic "Cartes sans contact"


Mallet, L. "AFPBN–Traitement du trouble conduite suicidaire." European Psychiatry 30, S2 (November 2015): S68.

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Les troubles conduites suicidaires bénéficient d’une reconnaissance officielle dans le DSM-5. L’enjeu actuel vise à identifier les modalités de prise en charge de ces patients. Cette session abordera deux aspects thérapeutiques complémentaires, centrés sur les deux principaux facteurs de risque : tentative de suicide et dépression. G. Vaiva propose d’associer les différents types de recontact du suicidant pour élargir la cible de prévention. Plusieurs dispositifs ont été imaginés et testés, sans qu’aucun à lui seul ne se montre satisfaisant pour une majorité de suicidants en population générale. D’où l’idée d’un algorithme simple (ALGOS) qui pourrait allier les qualités de certains des dispositifs proposés : une carte de crise remise aux primosuicidants, l’appel téléphonique à 15 jours pour les sujets récidivistes, l’envoi de quelques cartes postales aux sujets injoignables ou trouvés en difficulté à l’appel téléphonique… M. Morgiève rendra compte d’une démarche sociologique d’évaluation de ce programme de veille des conduites suicidaires. Il s’agit ici de comprendre comment les différentes catégories d’acteurs (psychiatres, psychologues, généralistes, cellule de re-contact, urgentistes, suicidants eux-mêmes) ont pu se sentir impliqués dans ce programme. Une stratégie plus conventionnelle et familière aux psychiatres consiste à traiter la dépression. Si d’un côté, nombre d’arguments sont en faveur de l’intérêt de l’usage des antidépresseurs, les autorités de régulation nous alertent sur l’aggravation possible du risque suicidaire. Il faut néanmoins reconnaître que l’explosion des prescriptions d’antidépresseurs ne s’accompagne pas d’une diminution en rapport des conduites suicidaires. Où est le problème ? P. Courtet montrera que l’on dispose de facteurs prédictifs de l’aggravation du risque suicidaire dans les premières semaines de traitement. En outre, il présentera des données suggérant que les patients déprimés les plus à risque de suicide répondent moins bien aux antidépresseurs. Ceci indique la nécessité de traitements plus efficaces pour les patients qui en nécessitent le plus !
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Sparling-Pereira, Fátima Beatriz, and Elena María Rodríguez Oliveira. "Expectativas de estudiantes sobre su formación universitaria. Carrera de Obstetricia. Instituto Dr. Andrés Barbero. San Lorenzo-Paraguay. 2018." Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud 19, no. 1 (April 1, 2021): 79–85.

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Desde el ingreso a la universidad cada estudiante tiene ideas y creencias en cuanto a su formación académica, con respecto a la elección de la carrera, a la institución y especialmente sobre las expectativas en cuanto a su futuro profesional, donde la calidad de su formación prevalecerá para la inserción laboral. El objetivo general fue determinar expectativas del estudiante sobre su formación universitaria en la carrera de Obstetricia del Instituto Dr. Andrés Barbero en San Lorenzo-Paraguay en 2018. El estudio tuvo un diseño observacional, descriptivo, corte transversal enfoque cuantitativo. La población original era de 253 estudiantes, pero la muestra fueron todos los estudiantes matriculados (25) del primer curso. El método usado fue la entrevista, la técnica una encuesta, y el instrumento un cuestionario impreso. Con el visto bueno de la máxima autoridad, se contactó con los sujetos de estudio, a fin de realizar la recolección de la información. Los datos fueron cargados en Excel, y analizados con EPIINFO 7.2 usando estadística descriptica. Casi la totalidad correspondió a mujeres del 17 a 19 años, poco más de la mitad era de procedencia urbana, y menos de la mitad tenía una familia nuclear. En cuanto a la motivación poco menos de la mitad ingresó al Instituto Dr. Andrés Barbero por razones personales, optó por la carrera de Obstetricia por motivos profesionales y en cuanto a las expectativas de los estudiantes sobre su formación universitaria predominaron las razones personales.
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Carter, W. G., P. Kaur, S. G. Gil, P. J. Gahr, and E. A. Wayner. "Distinct functions for integrins alpha 3 beta 1 in focal adhesions and alpha 6 beta 4/bullous pemphigoid antigen in a new stable anchoring contact (SAC) of keratinocytes: relation to hemidesmosomes." Journal of Cell Biology 111, no. 6 (December 1, 1990): 3141–54.

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Basal cells of stratified epidermis are anchored to the basement membrane zone (BMZ) of skin via hemidesmosomes. We previously identified integrin alpha 3 beta 1, in focal adhesions (FAs), of cultured human keratinocytes (HFKs) as a mediator of HFK adhesion to secreted BMZ-like extracellular matrix (ECM; Carter, W.G., E.A. Wayner, T.S. Bouchard, and P. Kaur. 1990. J. Cell Biol. 110: 1387-1404). Here, we have examined the relation of integrins alpha 6 beta 4 and alpha 3 beta 1, to bullous pemphigoid antigen (BPA), a component of hemidesmosomes. We conclude that alpha 6 beta 4 in HFKs localizes in a new stable anchoring contact (SAC) that cooperates with alpha 3 beta 1-FAs to mediate adhesion to ECM, based on the following. (a) Comparison of secreted ECM, with exogenous laminin, fibronectin and collagen identified ECM as the preferred ligand for HFK adhesion and spreading and for formation of both alpha 6 beta 4-SACs and alpha 3 beta 1-FAs. (b) Inhibition of HFK adhesion with combined anti-alpha 3 beta 1 (P1B5) and anti-alpha 6 beta 4 (GoH3) antibodies indicated that both receptors were functional in adhesion to ECM while alpha 3 beta 1 played a dominant role in spreading. (c) alpha 6 beta 4 colocalized with BPA in SACs that were proximal to but excluded from FAs. Both alpha 6 beta 4-SACs and alpha 3 beta 1-FAs were in contact with the adhesion surface as indicated by antibody exclusion and interference reflection microscopy. (d) In contrast to alpha 3 beta 1-FAs, alpha 6 beta 4-SACs were present only in nonmotile cells, not associated with stress fibers, and were relatively stable to detergents and urea, suggesting a nonmotile, or anchoring function for SACs and motility functions for alpha 3 beta 1-FAs. (e) alpha 6 beta 4 formed a detergent-insoluble complex with exogenous ECM in an affinity isolation procedure, confirming the ability of an unidentified ECM ligand to interact with alpha 6 beta 4. (f) We suggest that alpha 6 beta 4/BPA-SACs in culture restrict migration of HFKs on ECM while alpha 3 beta 1-FAs form dynamic adhesions in spreading and migrating cells. alpha 6 beta 4/BPA-SACs in culture bear functional and compositional similarities to hemidesmosomes in skin.
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Kruk, Edward. "Grandparent-Grandchild Contact Loss: Findings from a Study of “Grandparent Rights” Members." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 14, no. 4 (1995): 737–54.

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RésuméL'interruption des relations entre les grands-parents et les petits-enfants n'a pas suscité beaucoup d'attention dans le cadre des recherches en sciences sociales et ce, en dépit du fait que l'importance évidente des liens d'attachement entre le grand-parent et le petit-enfant fasse l'objet de nombreuses discussions. Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude exploratoire sur la perte du contact entre grands-parents et petits-enfants réalisée au moyen d'un sondage mené à travers le Canada aupès des principaux membres de cinq groupes préconisant les droits des grands-parents. Comme les préoccupations de ces groupes de grands-parents l'indiquent, il existe quatre principales séries de circonstances associées à la rupture du contact avec les petits-enfants, soit le divorce des parents, un conflit avec les deux parents, la mort d'un enfant adulte et l'adoption de beaux-parents à la suite d'un remariage. Les grands-parents dont les enfants adultes sont des parents sans la garde de leurs enfants (dans la plupart des cas il s'agit des grands-parents paternels) risquent le plus de perdre le contact avec leurs petits-enfants, et les beaux-enfants adultes semblent être les principaux médiateurs dans la relation continue entre les grands-parents et les petits-enfants. L'interruption de l'accès aux petits-enfants est perçu comme ayant de graves conséquences pour les grands-parents, et cette situation influence grandement les politiques socio-juridiques et la pratique thérapeutique.
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Aknouche, Hamid, Giacomo Goli, Rémy Marchal, Jakub Sandak, Abdellatif Zerizer, and Jean-Claude Butaud. "Mesure des efforts de défonçage et de la qualité finale en usinant en différents angles du fil : comparaison entre le pin Douglas et le pin d'Alep." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 313, no. 313 (September 1, 2012): 85.

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Comparaison entre un bois très commun et usiné en Europe comme le pin Douglas et une essence pas très utilisée comme le pin d'Alep de provenance algérienne. Pour cette comparaison, une nouvelle méthode a été mise au point afin d'évaluer les efforts de coupe et la qualité des surfaces usinées dans le processus du défonçage. Cette méthode a été expérimentée sur du pin d'Alep en coupe orthogonale allant de façon continue de 90°/0° à 90°/90° dans le sens du fil et contrefil afin de juger également de l'aptitude à l'usinage de ce bois par rapport à d'autres essences plus communément usinées. L'outil de coupe est une fraise circulaire comportant deux plaquettes en carbure. Elle est utilisée pour usiner le chant de disques de pin d'Alep prélevés dans une planche, ce qui induit une variation de l'angle du fil continue de 0° à 360°. La mesure des forces de coupe a été faite avec l'emploi d'une table piézoélectrique Kistler 9257A à trois axes montée sur la table d'une défonceuse à commande numérique, couplée à un PC et une carte d'acquisition. Les données sont traitées à l'aide d'un logiciel Dasylab. Parallèlement, des tests de qualité des surfaces usinées avec un outil comportant une arête de coupe neuve sur une moitié et usée artificiellement sur l'autre ont été réalisés par une nouvelle méthode sans contact développée par l'équipe de recherche Cnr/Ivalsa. Les résultats indiquent que les efforts de coupe sont un peu plus grands pour le pin Douglas que pour le pin d'Alep. En revanche, la qualité des surfaces obtenues est bien meilleure pour le pin d'Alep que pour le pin Douglas.
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Burns, Victoria F., Tamara Sussman, and Valérie Bourgeois-Guérin. "Later-Life Homelessness as Disenfranchised Grief." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 37, no. 2 (April 2, 2018): 171–84.

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RÉSUMÉBien que l’itinérance chez les personnes âgées soit un sujet qui se soit développé ces dernières années, peu de recherches ont considéré les expériences des « nouveaux » itinérants plus âgés à partir de leur propre perspective. La présente étude, reposant sur la théorie constructiviste, vise à combler cette lacune en explorant les liens entre la perception sociétale de l’itinérance et du vieillissement, d’une part, et l’accès au logement et aux services, ainsi que la perception de soi, d’autre part, pour 15 personnes âgées vivant dans des refuges d’urgence pour sans-abris à Montréal (Québec, Canada). Les résultats démontrent que l’itinérance provoque une réaction de deuil caractérisée par le choc, le désespoir, la colère et, dans certains cas, le soulagement. Le fait d’entrer en contact et de recevoir de l’appui d’autres personnes vivant dans les refuges et du personnel sur place ont aidé les participants à reconnaître et à faire le deuil de leurs pertes. Cependant, les conditions difficiles de la vie en refuge, le stigma associé au vieillissement et à l’itinérance, et la non-reconnaissance ou l’absence de validation des expériences de deuil ont contribué à empêcher la reconnaissance du deuil. La conceptualisation de l’itinérance au grand âge comme un deuil non reconnu contribue aux études concernant le vieillissement et l’itinérance, et trace une nouvelle voie pour améliorer la compréhension et la validation des expériences d’une population vulnérable et âgée en croissance.
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Leach, Belinda, and Gillian Joseph. "Rural Long-term Care Work, Gender, and Restructuring." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 30, no. 2 (May 23, 2011): 211–21.

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RÉSUMÉLa restructuration – l’introduction de changements qui modifient la façon dont les soins de santé sont délivrés pour optimiser l’éfficacité à moindre coût – s’ajoutant à la ruralité et aux idéologies et pratiques sexistes des milieux ruraux produit des établissements de soins longue durée dont les environnements ne sont pas sans conséquences particulières pour leur personnel féminin et pour les résidents et les communautés qu’ils desservent.Cette étude avait pour but d’évaluer dans quelle mesure la ruralité affecte la mise en place de la classification des patients dans les foyers de soins longue durée en Ontario. La méthodologie de l’étude comprenait des entretiens et des groupes de travail avec du personnel de soins longue durée directement en contact avec les patients, des administrateurs et des informateurs clés en première ligne. Les conclusions de l’étude ont montré que l’offre des soins de santé de longue durée en milieu rural a lieu lorsqu’un environnement de travail restructuré rejoint les idéologies et pratiques qui prennent des caractéristiques particulières lorsque celles-ci ont été developpées et soutenues dans un contexte rural. Ces facteurs determinent le marché du travail et les conditions de travail des femmes en milieu rural. Nous défendons que ceci produit une expérience rurale unique pour le personnel des soins longue durée, et nous concluons que ceux qui mettent en place les systèmes de classification doivent prendre en compte les facteurs contextuels tout autant que les exigences pratiques et financières.
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Bhalala, Utpal S., Neeraj Srivastava, M. David Gothard, and Michael T. Bigham. "Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Interfacility Transport: An International Report Using the Ground Air Medical Quality in Transport (GAMUT) Database." Critical Care Research and Practice 2020 (July 10, 2020): 1–5.

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Background. With the regionalization of specialty care, there is an increasing need for interfacility transport from local to regional hospitals. There are very limited data on rates of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) during medical transport and relationship between transport-specific factors, such as transport program type and need of CPR during transport of critically ill patients. We present the first, multicenter, international report of CPR during medical transport using the large Ground and Air Medical qUality Transport (GAMUT) database. Methods. We retrospectively reviewed the GAMUT database from January 2014 to March 2017 for CPR during transport. We determined the overall CPR rate and CPR rates for adult, pediatric, and neonatal transport programs. The rate of CPR per total transports was expressed as percentage, and then, Spearman’s rho nonparametric associations were determined between CPR and other quality metrics tracked in the GAMUT database. Examples include advanced airway presence, waveform capnography usage, average mobilization time from the start of referral until en route, 1st attempt intubation success rate, and DASH1A intubation success (definitive airway sans hypoxia/hypotension on 1st attempt). Data were analyzed using chi-square tests, and in the presence of overall significance, post hoc Bonferroni adjusted z tests were performed. Results. There were 72 programs that had at least one CPR event during the study period. The overall CPR rate was 0.42% (777 CPR episodes/184,272 patient contacts) from 115 programs reporting transport volume and CPR events from the GAMUT database during the study period. Adult, pediatric, and neonatal transport programs (n = 57, 40 and 16, respectively) had significantly different CPR rates (P<0.001) i.e., 0.68% (555/82,094), 0.18% (138/76,430), and 0.33% (73/21,823), respectively. Presence of an advanced airway and mobilization time was significantly associated with CPR episodes (P<0.001) (Rs = +0.41 and Rs = −0.60, respectively). Other transport quality metrics such as waveform capnography, first attempt intubation, and DASH1A success rate were not significantly associated with CPR episodes. Conclusion. The overall CPR rate during medical transport is 0.42%. Adult, pediatric, and neonatal program types have significantly different overall rates of CPR. Presence of advanced airway and mobilization time had an association with the rate of CPR during transport.
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Graf, Peter. "Denise Park and Norbert Schwarz (Eds.). Cognitive Aging: A Primer. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis 2001." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 22, no. 2 (2003): 242–44.

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RÉSUMÉLe côté sombre du développement cognitif est, au début, une diminution inoffensive chez les jeunes adultes qui se voit amplifier au fil des années. Le texte Cognitive Aging : A Primer est à la portée de tous et un premier contact compréhensif à la recherche naissante du vieillissement cognitif. Entre autres, le livre offre une vue d'ensemble des questions méthodologiques qui se produisent dans la recherche du vieillissement cognitif, un résumé des résultats importants et des théories qui les expliquent et un aperçu des répercussions pratiques, personnelles, sociales et sociétales du vieillissement cognitif. Le livre offre un compte-rendu de la plupart des études cognitives tout en accentuant celles qui ont recueilli le plus de recherches. La majorité des chapitres se prêtent à une introduction pour les étudiants du niveau avancé du 1e cycle et des étudiants amorçant leurs études supérieures. Les chapitres mettent au premier plan un portrait fidèle, sans avoir recours au jargon technique que l'on retrouve dans plusieurs revues spécialisées. Un premier livre à l'intention de la prochaine génération de chercheurs, véhicule le développement des recherches futures du vieillissement cognitif. Par conséquent, le livre aurait dû souligner une des questions troublantes que l'on retrouve dans la recherche contemporaine : le fait qu'au dépit de preuves considérables en laboratoire en matière de diminutions cognitives liées à l'âge, les diminutions aux comportements quotidiens sont quand même minuscules, même ordinaires. Afin d'éclaircir cette devinette, les enquêtes futures devraient se pencher sur les bénéfices cognitifs liés à l'âge de même que sur les stratégies d'indemnisation et de débrouillardise. De cette façon, ces recherches serviront de contre poids aux recherches antérieures qui soulignaient les diminutions et les baisses. De plus, afin de créer un portrait plus complet du vieillissement cognitif, les enquêtes futures devraient comprendre un chiffre plus élevé de méthodes d'examen, par exemple, les enquêtes longitudinales et les approches de différences individuelles.
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Kapuran, Aleksandar, and Aleksandar Bulatovic. "Coţofeni-Kostolac culture on the territory of north-eastern Serbia." Starinar, no. 62 (2012): 65–94.

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The settlement of the territory of north-eastern Serbia by the representatives of the Co?ofeni culture began during the second half of the IV millennium, probably under the pressure of invading tribes from Euroasian steppe. This territory extended over Transylvania, Banat, Oltenia and Muntenia (Map 2). On the territory of Serbia they settled from the Djrerdap gorge up to the Mlava river to the west, and through Kucajske mountains, Bor, Zajecar and further to the south, up to Nis. Aspecific symbiosis occurred on the territory of Serbia between the Co?ofeni and the Kostolac cultures. According to the results of the latest project of re-identification, the number of Co?ofeni-Kostolac sites and settlements increased to 76. After all the sites were re-identified and georeferenced, with consideration of the surrounding landscape, hydrography, geomorphology of the terrain and the character of the ceramic production finds, we believe that there is a need for re-analyzing specific aspects of the cultural and geographic development not only of settlements, but of the entire Co?ofeni-Kostolac cultural phenomenon. In this paper we considered three archaeological sites in the Nisava valley, given that re-identification work over the past several years yielded new information (Bubanj-Staro Selo, Velika Humska cuka and Donja Vrezina). The topography of Co?ofeni-Kostolac settlements on the territory of north-eastern Serbia, the Serbian part of the Danube valley and its hinterland, is characterized by diversity of position (location above sea level and landscape placement), types of houses and economic survival. In the 70?s of the last century sites were identified that are located in very inaccessible terrain, which in particular cases has an slope incline of 45?, where the number of such settlements in the meantime increased to nine. They are represented by Kulmja Skjopuluji in Klokocevac and Pjatra Kosti in Crnajka (T. I/1-2; Map 1/9), followed by Vratna -Veliki most (T. I/ 7; Map 1/33), Bogovina-above a cave (T. I/ 4; Map 1/8), Jezero (T. I/ 3; Map 1/12), Kljanc (T. I/3; Map 1/11), Turija-Stenje (T. I/ 6; Map 1/22), Mokranjske stene-quarry (T. I/ 5; Map 1/39) and Bolvan (T. I/ 8; Map 1/66). These settlements have several other common elements, the most important being that each one of the elevated settlements is positioned on the rocky peak of a canyon, in places where smaller rivers or brooks flow into a larger river. We can suppose how the selection of such positions was of strategic importance, given that in the mountainous area of north-eastern Serbia the system of waterways and river valleys represents communicational links from prehistory to modern times. The second common characteristic of these settlements is the rocky massif which provided the foundation for their erection. The rock foundation in the majority of cases is of limestone origin and is well suited to artificial nivelation into terraces atop which surface structures could be built using wood covered with mud (Jezero, Kulmja Skjopuluji, Pjatra Kosti, Vratna, Bogovina). The third shared characteristic is that one or more caves are usually located in the immediate vicinity of settlements. An example of the symbiosis of cave and hill fort Co?ofeni-Kostolac settlements is the vicinity of the Zavojsko jezero near Majdanpek. So far two hill fort settlements, Jezero and Kljanc (T. I/3; Map 1/11-12), were identified in this area, built on limestone cliffs above the Mali Pek river. The Rajkova cave (Map 1/14), Paskova cave and Kapetanova cave (Map 1/13) are located in their immediate vicinity, in which the remains of anthropogenic activity were discovered. The Kapetanova cave provides stratigraphy of over 3 m high, which represents a rare case for Co?ofeni-Kostolac cultural sites. This fact does not only indicate its long-term use, but could provide the answer to the genesis and duration of this cultural phenomenon on the territory of the Serbian part of the Djerdap hinterland. The fourth shared characteristic which links these settlements is their dominant position in the landscape. Given that their position and appearance are readily visible from a considerable distance, they probably were not used for hiding, but for making their position prominent. We suppose that pastoral communities emphasized in this manner their control of mountain crosspass and roads, particularly in places where rivers exit narrow canyons in important communications paths to the Crni and Beli Timok, Pek and Danuber rivers. The other Co?ofeni-Kostolac type settlement on the territory of north-eastern Serbia is represented by settlements that are positioned on smaller hills or on gentle slopes that on the average range between 336 and 210 m above sea level. The only fortified hill fort settlement discovered so far, Coka lu Balas near Krivelj (Map 1/3) belongs to this group. The archaeological sites Velika Cuka i Neresnica (Map 1/23), Smiljkova glavica in Stubik (Map 1/31) and Cetace in Kovilovo (Map 1/38) are located on wide and flat, elevated plateaus that dominate up on river valleys. Judging by the considerable surface that they occupy, their position and surroundings for these two settlements, we can suppose that they could have been used for wintering places or points for gathering of flocks and shepherds during pauses between seasonal migrations. They are primarily characterized by the natural surroundings of smaller hills and larger river valleys, as well as the relatively low above sea level elevation on which they are located. Such ?seasonal stations or checkpoints? on which larger groups of shepherds could gather with their flocks during the winter months represented important locations in the lives of pastoral communities. During the warm summer period, homesteads with stable architecture are abandoned because of migrations into mountain areas, where favourable grazing areas area located. Certain groups of shepherds during autumn returned to these settlements en route to lowlands and river terraces, while other groups probably continued their journey to gathering centres in valleys near the Danube and the Timok rivers. The next type of settlement belongs to high, multi-layered settlements (Arija baba-Kosobrdo, Coka Kormaros, Field of Z. Brzanovic, Varzari and Smedovac-Grabar-Svracar) which represent sunbathed dominant positions, with a good view of the surrounding area, well suited to long-term occupation. Settlements on high elevations of this type are usually linked with landscapes that predominate in grazing areas and in which there are no large forests. The last type of Co?ofeni-Kostolac settlement is characteristic of lowland settlements positioned on river terraces. The settlements on the right bank of the Danube, around Kljuc (Kladovo- Brodoimpeks, Mala Vrbica, Zbradila-Fund, Korbovo- Obala, Vajuga-Pesak, Jakomirski potok estuary, Velesnica, Ljubic evac-river bank, Ljubicevac-Island, Brzi prun, Slatinska reka estuary, Knjepiste, Ruzenjka, Kusjak-Bordjej, Kusjak-Motel, Kusjak-Vrkalj), represented points at which shepherd?s flocks could remain for longer periods, waiting for favourable conditions for crossing to the other side of the river. This assumption is based on old maps predating the construction of the accumulation lake. These maps indicate that in the immediate vicinity of these settlements were located small sand islands linked to the river bank, pointing to shallows and crossing points. These sections of the river bank, during prolonged droughts or during cold winters, when ice was formed, could have been places where the river was crossed from one side to the other. Residential architecture cannot be precisely defined, given that the discovered remains of houses are very meagre and lack sufficient elements for reconstruction. The most recent excavations on the Bubanj-Staro Selo settlemant at Nis, indicate an identical type of architectural construction as discovered at Gomolava and Bordjej which represents structures that are characteristic for lowland areas. Houses in hill fort settlements built on artificial terraces have been mostly devastated by erosion, so that judging by the impressions of wooden structures and wattle and daub, as well as the remains of hearths, it can be asserted that these were residential structures. Numerous studies so far noted that based on the stylistic and typological characteristics of ceramics on archaeological sites in Timocka Krajina it is possible to distinguish between two phases of the Co?ofeni group, where the first is dominated by ornamental techniques of carving that are characteristic of the Co?ofeni group, and a later phase in which this style is mixed with the furchenstich, as well as other Kostolac cultural elements (furchenstich, certain types of ceramics, etc.). The fact is that the majority of Co?ofeni-Kostolac group sites in eastern Serbia have not been excavated, or have only been partially excavated, and that no vertical stratigraphy had been observed, where no stratigraphic relationship between stylistic-topological characteristics of older ceramics (Co?ofeni) and the more recent phase (Co?ofeni-Kostolac) have been established. These are mostly settlements in which ceramics were observed with elements both of the Kostolac and the Co?ofeni group, or only with elements of the Co?ofeni group, while settlements with only Kostolac ceramics have not been identified. Therefore, in Serbia it is only possible to distinguish between sites where furchenstich ornamentation has been observed and those where this type of ornamentation still has not been observed. Still, it is unclear whether this distinction can be applied to period assignment, or whether it is in fact caused by settlement of different populations in different regions of Eastern Serbia - the Kostolac region from the west and the Co?ofeni group from the East. In Romania, however, vertical stratigraphy was observed at several settlements where development phases were observed of the Co?ofeni group, so that based on the stratigraphy at those sites, with certain caution, it is possible to draw conclusions about the development of the Co?ofeni-Kostolac group in eastern Serbia. Settlements without any furchenstich ornamentation would be assigned to the older phase (Co?ofeni group) where ceramics characteristic of the Co?ofeni group have been observed, although observed shapes and ornaments are usually associated with the furchenstich technique and the more recent phase of the group. The most frequent type of vessels at sites in eastern Serbia are amphorae with extended funnel shaped necks, ornamented below the neck with carved lines or with stamped ornamentation (fig. 6, 21, 38, 64, 71, 89, 98-100, 104, 109, 115, 116, 134), fishbone shape impressions (fig. 4, 28), and in the more recent period furchenstich ornamentation or point impressions (fig. 9, 20, 25, 140), with a tongue shaped or vertically perforated handle, tunnel shaped or horse-shoe shaped handle below the rim (fig. 6, 9, 20, 21, 51, 63, 100, 126, 134, 88, 115 ). The second characteristic type of vessel are semi-spherical bowls with deeper recipients, with flat rims (fig. 11, 12, 23, 27, 29, 52-54, 57, 59-60, 74, 79, 81, 82, 90, 91, 95, 113, 124, 125, 131 and 145), or with shallower recipients, with a slanted, triangular rim or T-shaped profiled rim (14, 19, 133 and 146). Such vessels are characteristic for both phases, because they are ornamented, besides vertical ribs, with carves, and with furchenstich ornamentation (fig. 23, 68, 81 and 82). The third type of vessels are semi-spherical bowls with contracted rims creating a nearly spherical shape. They can be ornamented with vertical ribs on rims (fig. 148) in combination with pinholes (fig. 17), carves (fig. 61, 84, 85) or line impressions (fig. 132). Less frequent vessels on the territory of northeastern Serbia are biconical or spherical goblets, followed by pare-shaped goblets with a single handle, larger pare-shaped amphorae with an extended or conical neck, with small handles below the rim, ornamented with a series of carves (fig. 39, 86), as well as barrel or spherical pots ornamented with carves, horizontal tapes or circular impressions (fig. 45-47, 141, 142). The appearance of ropeshape ornaments is very significant, given that they appear in Rumanian finds in the second phase of the Co?ofeni group, and most frequently in the third phase. This ornament was sporadically observed in the far south, on the Dikili Tas site on the northern shore of the Aegean sea, in level 6, which according to the author belongs chronologically to the Bubanj-Hum II group and the Kostolac group. Its presence at sites in eastern Serbia can be linked to the older phase at the majority of settlements, except in the case of Grabar-Svracar, as these ceramics were not found alongside ceramics with furchenstich. The largest number of sites with only Co?ofeni elements on ceramics have been observed (34), but it is indicative that only a few have been excavated. 28 sites with Kostolac group elements were noted, while 17 unspecified sites in which the period cannot be precisely defined have been identified. According to the stratigraphy of several of the mentioned sites in western Bulgaria, in the Morava valley and in southern Romania it can be concluded that the Co?ofeni group (northeastern Serbia and Romania) and the Co?ofeni-Kostolac group (Morava valley and western Bulgaria), in all of the mentioned regions, was preceded by the Cernavoda III group, and was superseded by the Vucedol culture and the Bubanj-Hum II group in the Morava valle and the Struma valley, and the Glina II-Schnekenber group in Oltenija and the territory of Transylvania and the southern Carpathians. Analysis of the distribution of settlements and stylistictopological characteristics of ceramics from all of the settlements led to the conclusion that the oldest settlements, without ceramics with furchenstich ornamentation, were established in Kljuc in Negotinska Krajina, leading to the assumption that the representatives of the Co?ofeni group came from Oltenia and from the southern Carpathians. A large number fo sites west of Kljuc, along the Danube, at which ceramics with furchenstich ornamentation were noted, point to the direction of expansion of Kostolac elements, from Banat, Branicevo and Stig. The influence of the Kostolac group was very strong starting in the Co?ofeni II phase, even in Romanian sites, given that in Transylvania and in the southern Carpathians a large number of ceramic finds were found with furchenstich ornamentation, while it is interesting that only sporadic appearances were noted in Oltenia. It is clear that Co?ofeni group settlements represented a certain barrier to the expansion of these elements to the east. With the formation of the Co?ofeni-Kostolac group which was created through contacts between representatives of the Co?ofeni to the east and the representatives of the Kostolac group to the west and north-west a short period of coexistence occurred on this territory. Absolute dating of the chronological framework of the Co?ofeni-Kostolac group in the Danube valley and in eastern Serbia can only be assigned indirectly, as there is no carbon dating available from these sites. According to J. Bojacijev, phase II-III of the Co?ofeni group (4400-4300 bp) can be assigned chronologically approximately to the same period as the Kostolac group (4500-4100 bp), and if we suppose that the Co?ofeni-Kostolac group occurred a little while after the occurrence of the Kostolac group, it can be concluded that the Co?ofeni-Kostolac group existed at the end of the IV and the first half of the III millennium BC, although it is possible that it continued even later in particular regions. The results for the oldest and the middle phase of the Kostolac cultural group at Gomolava range between 3038-2903 BC and 3108-2877 BC, while the Kostolac culture at the Streim and Vucedol sits was dated 3310-2920 BC, as is the approximate dating of settlements of this group in Pivnica (3042-2857 BC). All the dating of Kostolac group sites indicate that this cultural group occurred and developed in the period of the last quarter of the IV and the first half of the III millennium BC, which would chronologically assign the Co?ofeni-Kostolac group in the Morava valley and Timocka Krajina to the end of the IV and the start of the III millennium BC, and to the ensuing period.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Cartes sans contact"


Vartin, Joel. "Cartes a memoire sans contact." Paris 11, 1990.

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Cette these presente l'etude de faisabilite d'une carte a memoire sans contact galvanique. Le but est de realiser, au format d'une carte d'identification (norme is 7810, format id-1) avec des caracteristiques proches de celles d'une carte a memoire avec contacts (norme is 7816), une carte ayant un micro-controleur assurant la securite des donnees placees dans sa memoire. L'analyse des diverses techniques de communication sans contact a abouti au choix d'un systeme passif: un champ electromagnetique alimente la carte et lui permet de dialoguer avec le monde externe. Cette solution, peu couteuse, permet de completer le micro-circuit de la carte a memoire classique, comprenant deja un micro-controleur et sa memoire associee, par des circuits de modulation, de demodulation, d'horloge, d'alimentation stabilisee et de remise a zero
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Bouazzouni, Mohamed Amine. "Processus sécurisés de dématérialisation de cartes sans contact." Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2017.

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Au fil des années, la technologie sans contact NFC s'est imposée dans notre quotidien au travers des différents services proposés. Les cas d'utilisation sont nombreux allant des cartes de fidélité, des cartes de transport, des cartes de paiement sans contact jusqu'aux cartes de contrôle d'accès. Cependant, les premières générations des cartes NFC ont une sécurité minimale reposant sur l'hypothèse de leur non-clonabilité. De multiples vulnérabilités ont été découvertes et leur exploitation a permis des copies frauduleuses. Afin de remédier à ces vulnérabilités, une nouvelle génération de cartes à la sécurité augmentée a vu le jour. Ces cartes permettent une authentification avec un lecteur basée sur des algorithmes de chiffrements symétriques tels qu'AES, DES, et 3DES. Elles sont plus robustes que la première génération mais ont subi des également une attaque en reverse-engineering. Pour garantir et améliorer le niveau de sécurité du système de contrôle d'accès, nous proposons dans le cadre de l'opération neOCampus, la dématérialisation sécurisée de la carte sans contact sur un smartphone muni de la technologie NFC. Cette dématérialisation nous permet d'exploiter la puissance de calcul et la capacité de stockage du smartphone afin de déployer des algorithmes d'authentification plus robustes. Cependant, l'OS du smartphone ne peut être considéré comme un environnement de confiance. Afin de répondre à la problématique du stockage et du traitement sécurisés sur un smartphone, plusieurs solutions ont été proposées : les Secure Elements (SE), les Trusted Platform Module (TPM), les Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) et la virtualisation. Afin de stocker et de traiter de manière sécurisée les données d'authentification, le TEE apparait comme la solution idéale avec le meilleur compromis sécurité/performances. Cependant, de nombreux smartphones n'embarquent pas encore de TEE. Pour remédier à cette contrainte, nous proposons une architecture basée sur l'utilisation de TEEs déportés sur le Cloud. Le smartphone peut le contacter via une liaison Wi-Fi ou 4G. Pour se faire, un protocole d'authentification basé sur IBAKE est proposé. En plus de ce scénario nominal, deux autres scenarii complémentaires ont été proposés permettant d'accompagner le développement et la démocratisation des TEE non seulement dans le monde des smartphones mais aussi sur des dispositifs peu onéreux comme le Raspberry Pi 3. Ces architectures déploient le même algorithme d'authentification que le scénario nominal. Nous proposons aussi une architecture hors ligne permettant à un utilisateur de s'authentifier à l'aide d'un jeton de connexion en cas d'absence de réseaux sans fil. Cette solution permet de relâcher la contrainte sur la connectivité du smartphone à son Cloud. Nous procédons à une évaluation de l'architecture de dématérialisation et de l'algorithme d'authentification en terme de performances et de sécurité. Les opérations cryptographiques du protocole d'authentification sont les plus coûteuses. Nous avons alors procédé à leur évaluation en nous intéressant en particulier aux opérations de chiffrement IBE et à la génération de challenges ECC. Nos implémentations ont été évaluées pour l'infrastructure Cloud et l'environnement mobile. Nous avons ensuite procédé à une validation du protocole d'authentification sur les trois architectures sélectionnées à l'aide de l'outil Scyther. Nous avons montré, que pour les trois scenarii, la clé de session négociée via le protocole d'authentification restait secrète durant tout le protocole. Cette caractéristique nous garantit que les données d'authentification chiffrées avec cette clé resteront secrètes et que la phase d'identification de la personne est protégée tout en préservant l'ergonomie du système existant.
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Barbu, Stefan. "Conception et réalisation d'un système de métrologie RF pour les systèmes d'identification sans contact à 13,56 MHz." Université de Marne-la-Vallée, 2005.

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Les systèmes "sans contact" à 13,56 MHz deviennent de plus en plus performants en termes de vitesse, capacité mémoire, sécurité, etc. De nouveaux axes de recherche traitent de ces aspects, imposant une maîtrise complète de la couche physique, donc une connaissance approfondie de la partie RF. Avec la diversification des produits électroniques grand public et l'arrivée de nouveaux standards tels que le NFC, de plus en plus de systèmes électroniques se dotent d'une interface "sans contact" à 13,56 MHz. Afin de maximiser les capacités d'intégration et de contrôler l'interaction entre la partie "RFID" et le reste du système, il faut maîtriser tous les paramètres RF. L'essor des applications du type "sans contact", telles que le contrôle d'accès, la télé-billettique, les passeports et les visas, les cartes d'identité, pour ne citer que les plus répandues, impliquent de volumes de production élevés. Du point de vue industriel, la connaissance approfondie de la partie RF est indispensable autant pour l'optimisation des coûts de production, que pour le traitement des retours terrain. Le contexte normatif actuel fournit un minimum d'éléments pour assurer le bon fonctionnement des systèmes "sans contact". Dans ce cas, l'interopérabilité ne peut être assurée. De plus, le respect d'un gabarit ne permet pas une expertise du fonctionnement du système, les problèmes rencontrés autant en production que sur le terrain ne pouvant être diagnostiqués de manière précise. Le sujet de la présente thèse est la conception et le développement d'un système de métrologie pour la partie RF des dispositifs "sans contact" à 13,56 MHz. Nous nous sommes proposés de mettre en place une méthodologie et des outils qui permettent la caractérisation radio fréquence du comportement des systèmes RFID à couplage inductif, notamment les cartes à puce sans contact. La contribution personnelle peut être synthétisée au travers de trois approches : 1. Exhaustive – analyse approfondie du système et de son fonctionnement 2. Curative – résolution des problèmes de fonctionnement 3. Préventive – conception et simulation La problématique du fonctionnement est mise à plat, l'analyse mettant en évidence la plupart des problèmes rencontrés dans la partie RF des dispositifs "sans contact". Au travail orienté vers la résolution de problèmes s'ajoute une composante liée à la conception de tels dispositifs
The 13. 56 MHz "Contactless" systems become more and more efficient in terms of speed, memory capacity, security, etc. New research axes deal with these aspects, imposing a complete control of the physical layer, thus a thorough knowledge of the RF part. With the diversification of the consumer electronics products and the arrival of new standards such as the NFC, more and more electronic systems become equipped with a 13. 56 MHz "contactless" interface. In order to maximise the integration capacity and to control the interaction between the "RFID" part and the rest of the system, we need to control the RF parameters. The boom of "contactless" applications, such as access control, ticketing, electronic passports and visas, ID cards, for mentioning only the most widespread, imply large production volumes. From an industrial point of view, the thorough knowledge of the RF part is essential, not only for optimising manufacturing costs, but also for treating the field return. The current standardisation context provides a minimum of elements for assuring the good functioning of the "contactless" systems. In this case, the interoperability cannot be assured. Moreover, respecting a gauge does not allow an expert appraisal of the system functioning, the problems encountered in production and in field not being diagnosed in a precise manner. The subject of the present thesis is the design and the development of a metrology system for the 13. 56 MHz "contactless" systems' RF part. We have proposed ourselves to establish a methodology and some tools allowing to characterise the RF behaviour of inductive-coupling RFID system, and particularly contactless smartcards. The personal contribution can be synthesized through three approaches : 1. Exhaustive – thorough analysis of the system and its functioning 2. Curative – solving the functioning problems 3. Preventive – design and simulation The functioning problematic is analysed, emphasising most of the frequently encountered problems with the RF part of the "contactless" systems. To the problem-solving oriented work we added a component linked to the design of such devices
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Camara, Youssouf. "Four essays on empirical economics in the era of high-frequency data." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2022.

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Cette thèse utilise des données de transaction de paiement par carte bancaire dites données à haute fréquence pour identifier les effets causaux d'innovations technologiques et de la pandémie de COVID-19. Le premier chapitre évalue l'impact causal de récentes innovations dans les paiements numériques, et plus particulièrement, la carte de paiement sans contact. Nous montrons que l'adoption de la technologie de paiement sans contact affecte significativement l'activité économique des commerces qui adoptent cette technologie par rapport à ceux qui ne l'adoptent pas à travers notamment des effets d'entrainement. Les effets sont particulièrement marqués pour les petites et les nouveaux commerces, et montrent l'impact réel des innovations technologiques. Le deuxième chapitre explore le rôle de la technologie de paiement sans contact dans l'atténuation de l'impact d'un choc économique tel que celui de la pandémie de COVID-19, et étudie donc la résilience des commerces. Les résultats indiquent que les commerçants disposant de la technologie de paiement sans contact ont mieux résisté aux chocs de la COVID-19 que celles qui ne l'utilisent pas encore. Ce travail fournit une preuve solide que l'acceptation des paiements sans contact pendant un choc épidémique aide les commerçants à acquérir davantage de nouveaux clients. A l'image du premier chapitre, nous soutenons l'idée que la technologie de paiement sans contact continue de soutenir la croissance des ventes des commerces et accélère la substitution entre les paiements numériques et non numériques. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous estimons l'impact de la COVID-19 sur la mobilité et les dépenses des consommateurs. Nous examinons également le rôle du commerce en ligne dans la reprise rapide de l'activité commerciale lorsqu'une économie est frappée par un choc inattendu qui paralyse l'activité des commerces physiques. Nous montrons que les mesures sanitaires visant à limiter la propagation de l'épidémie COVID-19 ont réduit de moitié la mobilité des consommateurs et les dépenses de consommation. En ce qui concerne la baisse des dépenses, nous constatons qu'elle est environ deux fois plus importante que la baisse des dépenses en ligne. Les analyses au niveau sectoriel soulignent le rôle prépondérant du commerce en ligne pour combler les lacunes et rendre l'économie plus résiliente en cas de fermeture totale des points de vente physiques. Le dernier chapitre quant à lui se concentre sur l'analyse du comportement de consommation spatiale et sur l'impact du développement du commerce en ligne sur les liens commerciaux régionaux. Il montre que les transactions en ligne, en plus de se produire plus fréquemment en dehors de la région d'origine du consommateur, sont plus concentrées dans les régions déjà développées. Le développement du commerce en ligne a augmenté la concentration de l'activité économique globale, et peut avoir des implications importantes pour le développement économique régional
This thesis uses card payment transaction data known as high-frequency data to identify the causal effects of technological innovations and the COVID-19 pandemic. The first chapter assesses the causal impact of recent disruptive innovations in digital payments, specifically, the contactless payment card. We show that the introduction of contactless payment technology significantly affects the economic activity of businesses that adopt this technology compared to those that do not, notably through spillover effects. The effects are particularly strong for small and new businesses, and show the real impact of technological innovations. The second chapter explores the role of digital payment technologies in mitigating the impact of shocks through improving business resilience. The results indicate that businesses with the latest digital payment technology were more resilient to COVID-19 shocks than those not yet using it. They also show that accepting contactless payments during an epidemic shock helps businesses acquire more new customers. Like the first chapter, we argue that digital payment technology continues to support sales growth and accelerates the substitution between digital and non-digital payments. In the third chapter, we estimate the impact of COVID-19 on consumer mobility and spending. We also examine the role of online commerce in the rapid recovery of business activity when an economy is hit by an unexpected shock that paralyzes offline activity. We show that public health measures to limit the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic sharply reduced consumer mobility and spending by more than half. Concerning the decline in spending, we find that it is about twice as large as the decline in online spending. Sector-level analyses highlight the key role of online commerce in filling gaps and making the economy more resilient in the event of total off-line retail closure. The last chapter focuses on the analysis of spatial consumption behavior and the impact of online trade development on regional trade linkages. It shows that online transactions, in addition to occurring more frequently outside the consumer's home region, are more concentrated in already developed regions. The development of online commerce has increased the concentration of overall economic activity and may have important implications for regional economic development
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El, Madhoun Nour. "Towards more secure contact and NFC payment transactions : new security mechanisms and extension for small merchants." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018.

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EMV est la norme implémentée pour sécuriser une transaction d'achat avec contact ou sans contact (NFC) entre un appareil de paiement d'un client et un PoS. Elle représente un ensemble de messages de sécurité échangés entre les acteurs de la transaction, garantissant plusieurs propriétés de sécurité importantes. En effet, plusieurs chercheurs ont analysé le fonctionnement de la norme EMV afin de vérifier sa fiabilité: ils ont identifié plusieurs vulnérabilités de sécurité qui représentent aujourd'hui des risques majeurs pour notre sécurité au quotidien. Par conséquent, nous sommes intéressés à proposer de nouvelles solutions qui visent à améliorer la fiabilité d’EMV. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons un aperçu du système de sécurité EMV et nous étudions ses vulnérabilités identifiées dans la littérature. En particulier, il existe deux vulnérabilités de sécurité EMV, qui mènent à des risques dangereux menaçant à la fois les clients et les commerçants. Par conséquent, nous sommes intéressés dans la deuxième étape à répondre à ces deux faiblesses. Nous examinons d'abord une sélection des travaux qui ont été conçus pour résoudre ces vulnérabilités. Ensuite, afin d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats par rapport à ces travaux, nous proposons un nouveau système pour le paiement avec contact et NFC qui intègre 4 mécanismes de sécurité innovants. Enfin, dans la troisième étape, nous adaptons notre premier mécanisme de sécurité dans le contexte d'une nouvelle architecture de paiement NFC. Cette architecture est particulièrement destinée aux petits commerçants, leur permettant de profiter de leurs smartphones NFC pour une utilisation directe en tant que des lecteurs NFC
EMV is the standard implemented to secure the communication, between a client’s payment device and a PoS, during a contact or NFC purchase transaction. It represents a set of security messages, exchanged between the transaction actors, guaranteeing several important security properties. Indeed, researchers in various studies, have analyzed the operation of this standard in order to verify its reliability: unfortunately, they have identified several security vulnerabilities that, today, represent major risks for our day to day safety. Consequently, in this thesis, we are interested in proposing new solutions that improve the reliability of this standard. In the first stage, we introduce an overview of the EMV security payment system and we survey its vulnerabilities identified in literature. In particular, there are two EMV security vulnerabilities that lead to dangerous risks threatening both clients and merchants: (1) the confidentiality of banking data is not guaranteed, (2) the authentication of the PoS is not ensured to the client’s device. Therefore, our interests move in the second stage to address these two weaknesses. We first review a selection of the related works that have been implemented to solve these vulnerabilities, and then, in order to obtain better results than the related works, we propose a new secure contact and NFC payment system that includes four innovative security mechanisms. Finally, in the third stage, we adapt our first security mechanism in the context of a new NFC payment architecture. This architecture is especially destined for small merchants, allowing them to take advantage of their NFC smartphones for use directly as NFC readers
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Books on the topic "Cartes sans contact"


Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture., ed. Children of coyote, missionaries of Saint Francis: Indian-Spanish relations in colonial California, 1769-1850. Chapel Hill: Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina Press, 2005.

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Paret, Dominique. Identification radiofréquence et cartes à puce sans contact : Applications. Dunod, 2003.

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Christoforidis, Michael, and Elizabeth Kertesz. Carmen and the Staging of Spain. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Carmen and the Staging of Spain explores the Belle Époque fascination with Spanish entertainment that refashioned Bizet’s opera and gave rise to an international “Carmen industry.” Authors Michael Christoforidis and Elizabeth Kertesz challenge the notion of Carmen as an unchanging exotic construct, tracing the ways in which performers and productions responded to evolving fashions for Spanish style from its 1875 premiere to 1915. Focusing on selected realizations of the opera in Paris, London, and New York, Christoforidis and Kertesz explore the cycles of influence between the opera and its parodies; adaptations in spoken drama, ballet and film; and the panorama of flamenco, Spanish dance, and musical entertainments. Their findings also uncover Carmen's dynamic interaction with issues of Hispanic identity against the backdrop of Spain's changing international fortunes. The Spanish response to this now most-Spanish of operas is illuminated by its early reception in Madrid and Barcelona, adaptations to local theatrical genres, and impact on Spanish composers of the time. A series of Spanish Carmens, from opera singers Elena Sanz and Maria Gay to the infamous music-hall star La Belle Otero, had a crucial influence on the interpretation of the title role. Their stories provide a fresh context for the book's reappraisal of leading Carmens of the era, including Emma Calvé and Geraldine Farrar.
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Butler, Jan. Clash of the Timbres. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter explores the conflict between live- and studio-centered aesthetics in the context of the San Francisco and Los Angeles rock scenes in the late 1960s. Bands such as Jefferson Airplane, who had spent their careers playing live concerts, were faced with new challenges of working in a more technical setting. By the same token, the technological capabilities of studio recording practice allowed for increased creative opportunities. Contributors to nascent rock magazines such as Crawdaddy often disagreed about the true meaning of “authentic” rock and roll, some advocating for a more polished and produced sound while others argued that rock should imitate live performance, even in a recording studio. Over time, artists and producers developed means to oscillate between live and recorded styles depending on their artistic intention.
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Fiala, Michele L., and Martin Schuring. Great Oboists on Music and Musicianship. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This volume contains interviews with twenty-six of the most prominent oboists from around the world. The chapters are in prose format and highlight different aspects of each musician’s career, focusing on musicianship and pedagogy in ways that are applicable to all musicians. The interviews contain topics such as creating musical interpretations and shaping phrases, the relationship of vocal to instrumental music, taking orchestral auditions, and being a good ensemble player/colleague. The subjects describe their pedagogy and their thoughts on breathing and support on wind instruments, developing finger technique, and creating a useful warm-up routine. The oboists discuss their ideals in reed making, articulation, and vibrato. They also share stories from their lives and careers. The oboists and English hornists profiled from North America are Pedro Diaz, Elaine Douvas, and Nathan Hughes (Metropolitan Opera Orchestra); John Ferrillo (Boston Symphony Orchestra); Carolyn Hove (Los Angeles Philharmonic); Richard Killmer (Eastman School); Nancy Ambrose King (University of Michigan); Frank Rosenwein and Robert Walters (Cleveland Orchestra); Humbert Lucarelli (soloist); Grover Schiltz (formerly Chicago Symphony); Eugene Izotov (San Francisco Symphony, originally from Russia); Allan Vogel (Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra retired); David Weiss (formerly Los Angeles Philharmonic); Randall Wolfgang (New York City Ballet and formerly Orpheus Chamber Orchestra); Alex Klein (Brazil, formerly Chicago Symphony and currently Calgary, Canada); and Sarah Jeffrey, Toronto Symphony Orchestra. The performers based in Europe are Neil Black, Nicholas Daniel, and Gordon Hunt (England); Maurice Bourgue and David Walter (France); Thomas Indermühle (Switzerland); László Hadady (Hungary and France); and Omar Zoboli (Italy). From Australia is Diana Doherty of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.
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Hackel, Steven W. Children of Coyote, Missionaries of Saint Francis: Indian-Spanish Relations in Colonial California, 1769-1850. University of North Carolina Press, 2012.

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Hackel, Steven W. Children of Coyote, Missionaries of Saint Francis: Indian-Spanish Relations in Colonial California, 1769-1850. Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture, 2017.

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Withy, Katherine. Heidegger on Being Self-Concealing. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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Heidegger on Being Self-Concealing is the first dedicated study to systematically address the question of what phenomenon Heidegger is talking about when he says that being conceals itself. It proceeds by analysing texts across Heidegger’s philosophical career and sorting the various phenomena of concealing and concealment discussed in them into a highly-structured taxonomy. The taxonomical structure makes it easy to determine what is and is not a self-concealing and what is and is not a self-concealing of being. Along the way, various other phenomena of concealing and concealment are identified, including speaking falsely, talking idly, secrets, mysteries, seeming, and inauthentic discovering. The self-concealing of being—or, as Heraclitus puts it, phusis’s (being’s) love of kruptesthai (self-hiding)—is distinguished from lēthē (forgottenness), the nothing revealed in angst, earth, excess, the backgrounding of the world, un-truth, and other closely related phenomena. Being is shown to be self-concealing in that it appears to us lacking the sorts of contrast cases that render entities determinate and intelligible for us—namely, contrasts with its ground and what it is other and rather than. This novel interpretation of the self-concealing of being explains why the secondary literature to date has discussed the phenomenon in the vague and metaphorical terms that it has, as well as why Heidegger tends to collapse being’s self-concealing into the phenomenon of lēthē. The interpretation is both a clarification of and corrective to Heidegger’s notoriously difficult and sometimes misleading discussions of being as self-concealing.
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Book chapters on the topic "Cartes sans contact"


Fisher, Robert Leslie. "Increasing Education's Return Rate for Public Interest Professionals." In Handbook of Research on Modern Educational Technologies, Applications, and Management, 573–87. IGI Global, 2021.

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The author argues that the student loan debt crisis is, in fact, a shortage of public interest professionals. Solving this problem requires replacing the Becker Human Capital Model with a new post-secondary finance model, based on a suggestion of Carolyn Hoxby. The new model says that if the social benefits exceed the upfront costs, get the education. This is in contrast to the previous model that says if the lifetime income exceeds the upfront costs, get the education. The new model suggests counseling to help students be efficient in their college careers and back end debt forgiveness for people recruiting to public interest professions. Pell Grants tied to particular career paths would be used to attract non-traditional students to prepare for public interest careers.
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Alvesson, Mats. "Higher education—triumph of the knowledge-intensive society?" In The Triumph of Emptiness, 68–87. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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Education, says the marketing, paves the way for success in life. With the passing of time, this has become a well-established truth. There are no other options—unless you have exceptional talent in the arts, sports, or the entertainment context. The higher education sector has developed rapidly in recent decades and so have promises of a fantastic career resulting from a degree of the right kind, achieved at the right place. If an institution is not ‘world class’ it is often described in terms of ‘excellence’. Educational institutions perhaps support the lofty career aspirations of today’s students. If the department in question succeeds in recruiting a large number of students, it is perhaps the less realistic self-images that will be reinforced. At a more collective level, education is now also considered to pave the way for national greatness.
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Maun, Anwar, and Dianne Fahselt. "Dune systems in relation to rising seas." In The Biology of Coastal Sand Dunes. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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Beaches and associated dunes are constituted of unconsolidated materials, such as sand, and thus are low-strength land forms less robust than rocky cliffs (van der Meulen et al. 1991). It is estimated that 70% of sand-based coastlines in the world are presently subject to erosion (Bird 1985; Wind and Peerbolte 1993). However, natural dune systems are inclined to adjust after stress without permanent damage (Brown and McLachlin 2002), and when stabilized by plant cover they offer a first line of coastal defence against assault from wave action (Wind and Peerbolte 1993; Broadus 1993; De Ronde 1993). Natural self-sustaining dune systems interact with the sea and closely reflect changes in sea levels. At any given time no single sea level characterizes all oceans, that is, the resting position of the ocean surface, or geoid, is not uniformly elevated over the earth. Eustatic sea levels, free of influence from tides, waves and storms, thus vary from place to place as well as over time. Satellite altimetry, which permits more accurate as well as more numerous observations than older tide-gage methods of measuring sea levels, shows that the ocean is actually a spheroid modified by depressions and elevations. For example, in parts of the Indian Ocean sea levels are as much as 70 m lower than the global mean and in the North Atlantic 80 m higher (Carter 1988). Climate is governed by long-term periodic variations in the earth’s orbit that effect changes in solar radiation and, consequently, also in sea levels (Bartlein and Prentice 1989; Woodroffe 2002). As a result, ice ages repeatedly alternate with periods of interglacial warming in which ice masses contract and sea levels increase. Most of the time that has passed since the Cambrian period—approximately 500 million years—sea levels, although fluctuating on several timescales, have been higher than they are today. Because of the difficulties in documenting conditions so far in the distant past estimates of these sea levels vary considerably, but those shown in Fig. 13.1, based on different kinds of evidence, are representative of attempts at reconstruction (personal communication RA Rohde 2008).
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Apolloni, Alexandra M. "Sounding Like Liverpool." In Freedom Girls, 79–108. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Cilla Black sang and spoke with a pronounced Liverpool accent. Despite attempts to eliminate it, this quality remained, ultimately becoming a point of identification for listeners. This chapter explores how Black’s voice defied class-marked notions of respectability. Her voice—and persona—were a problem for music critics. Unlike the cool ordinariness embodied by singers like Sandie Shaw, Black communicated a different ordinariness, one rooted in working-class identity, which complicated her position in hip, modern, Swinging London. Her first hit, “Anyone Who Had a Heart,” reveals how this plays out musically. The chapter considers Black in the context of Merseybeat and the ideology of authenticity that characterized rock and roll and places her performances in the context of the mid-1960s boom in popular linguistic and quasi-ethnographic publications purporting to document Liverpool culture. The chapter concludes with reflections on Black’s early TV career and considers how contemporary Liverpool musicians contend with her legacy.
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Furumoto, Rosa RiVera. "Mexican-American Parents Using Critical Literacy to Address Climate Change." In Research Anthology on Environmental and Societal Impacts of Climate Change, 1398–419. IGI Global, 2022.

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This chapter is an in-depth examination of a critical literacy project implemented by immigrant Mexican-American parent leaders that employed culturally relevant Latina/o and Native American children's literature to create dialogue and promote social action focused on environmental concerns. The Good Heart Chicana/o and Native Science after-school enrichment project was held weekly in elementary schools in the San Fernando Valley. Critical pedagogy served as the conceptual framework and informed the critical literacy strategies. Creative dialogue questions based on the children's literature promoted social action among children and families. Hands-on activities deepened the families' connection to environmental science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (E-STEAM) content and careers. Children's interest in science and nature increased. Parent leaders grew in their leadership and ability to address environmental issues in communities.
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Ingle, Hrishikesh Sudhakar. "Kolhapur, Pune, and the Studios." In Marathi Cinema, Cultural Space, and Liminality, 29–60. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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This chapter presents a critical narrative of early Marathi filmmaking as it took root in the studios such as Maharashtra Film Company and Prabhat Film Company. It elaborates on the artisanal, social, and ideological aspects of studio filmmaking in provincial spaces. It identifies instances of Marathi filmmaking in the silent period by briefly considering the career, works, and contribution of Baburao Painter. Then, the chapter elaborates on Prabhat Film Company by explaining its trajectory from Kolhapur to Pune. The coalescing of a Marathi regional cinema is shown in the context of concepts such as regional modernity, vernacular affiliations, bilingual filmmaking, and social respectability, through a textual and contextual analysis of the films: Ayodhyecha Raja, Sant Tukaram, and Manoos. The historical transition of the studios, from artisanal concerns to a modern industrial setup, forms the general theme of the chapter, to develop the argument that the studios forged a networked regional cultural space.
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Holden Reid, Brian. "Unfortunate Civilian, 1853–1861." In The Scourge of War, 52–72. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This chapter examines William T. Sherman’s experience as a banker in San Francisco, California. With his customary thoroughness, Sherman studied business practices carefully. He viewed the trust placed in him with an elevated sense of moral responsibility not widely shared by other San Francisco bankers. The system knew no regulation; laissez faire in its most extreme form prevailed. So, in the best military fashion, Sherman laid down a series of principles to determine his conduct. These reveal the workings of his mind and broader mental affinities. Sherman had really re-dedicated himself to the military code he had imbibed at West Point; rather than rejected it by entering the business world. However, a financial crisis put him off banking. Sherman entered into a law partnership with Tom Ewing Jr., and they opened an office in Leavenworth. He also ran a farm for Thomas Ewing Sr. that, he recalled, “passed the time but afforded little profit.” This phase of his career ended without success when he returned to Lancaster in July of 1859, oppressed by his inability to earn a living for his family. The chapter then looks at Sherman’s appointment as the superintendent and chair of engineering at the Louisiana State Seminary (later Louisiana State University). In Louisiana, he failed in his efforts to recreate a military life in an academic context.
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Hai-Jew, Shalin. "Career Retooling in a Pandemic-Recovery Phase." In Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, 51–64. IGI Global, 2022.

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The SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic has been disruptive of various industries globally, due to the need for social distancing in the absence of effective vaccines and treatments in the first year and counting. As humanity has racked up losses, many people have been sidelined from the workforce, which was already under pressure with the incursions of high technology in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). To survive, people have had to raid savings, liquify whatever they have of value, and rely on family and friends and public charity to survive. Many have left bills unpaid, for rent, for auto loans, for credit card debt, and others. As the world slowly comes out of the pandemic, thanks to multiple effective vaccines (by BioNTech and Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, stateside), many are starting to reenter the job market, with varying outcomes. This work explores various career retooling paths in this moment based on content analysis of available formal and informal data. There is primary research from the Social Web.
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Watkin, Sara, and Andrew Vincent. "Getting the Job—What Next?" In The Consultant Interview. Oxford University Press, 2011.

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Congratulations. You were successful at your consultant interview and you are now looking forward to the next phase of your career. So what happens next? It’s easy to think of the journey as being essentially complete at this point, but we strongly advocate using this period—between acceptance and starting—productively to ensure that your interview success turns into a fulfilling consultant career. This chapter outlines some of the key things to consider during the period leading up to starting as a consultant and in those very first few days and weeks in your new post. The chapter starts by looking at some of the immediate considerations: • When should you resign? • When should you start? • Should you take a break? It then moves on to think about how you start to establish yourself in the first 90 days as a new consultant—probably the most important period you have to face yet! It is very tempting, having been offered a consultant post, to immediately resign your StR or SAS post—don’t! Your offer of a post no doubt came with some conditions. These might include: • Subject to references • Subject to a satisfactory health check • Subject to confirmation of your qualifications Until you have confirmation that all of the conditions have been satisfied, hold back from handing in your notice. We’re not being pessimistic and you are probably reasonably certain that everything will be fine, but until you actually hand in notice, you have full employment rights with your present employer, even if they know that you intend to leave. Until you have the security of employment confirmation without conditions, it is just safer to be cautious. Depending on factors such as the remaining length of your post, etc., it is usual to have to give 3 months’ notice if you are resigning from an StR or SAS post. If you are in a locum consultant position, check your contract and if necessary seek advice from Medical Staffing. Before deciding on your resignation date consider what this might mean for your starting date.
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Gross, Alan G. "Richard Feynman: The Consensual Sublime." In The Scientific Sublime. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Richard Feynman was a fox, not a hedgehog: he did not know one big thing; instead, he knew many things. He was an inspired tinkerer, a Thomas Edison of theoretical science. Still, like Leo Tolstoy, he yearned to be a hedgehog. Feynman’s vision was like Tolstoy’s: “scrupulously empirical, rational, tough-minded and realistic. But its emotional cause is a passionate desire for a monistic vision of life on the part of the fox bitterly intent on seeing in the manner of the hedgehog.” This difference extends to method and attitude. While the great physicist Hans Bethe, Feynman’s frequent working companion at Los Alamos, proceeded deliberately in any argument between them, Feynman “was as likely to begin in the middle or at the end, and jump back and forth until he had convinced himself he was right (or wrong).” It was a contest between “the Battleship and the Mosquito Boat,” a small, lightly armed torpedo vessel. From 1948 to 1958, Feynman enjoyed triumph after triumph. To a former student, Koichi Mano, Feynman wrote: “You met me at the peak of my career when I seemed to you to be concerned with problems close to the gods.” Working on these problems, Feynman reflects a general conviction typical of successful scientists. Another scientist says what Richard Feynman might have: “There’s nothing I’d rather do. In fact my boy says I am paid for playing. He’s right. In other words if I had an income I’d do just what I’m doing now. I’m one of the people who has found what he wanted to do. At night when you can’t sleep you think about your problems. You work on holidays and Sundays. It’s fun. Research is fun. By and large it’s a very pleasant existence.” Problems close to the gods are their gift, but the gods are capricious. This is why for many geniuses, being a genius is a career as brief as an athlete’s. For most, as for Feynman, a dreaded day arrives: the great insights stop coming. The marvelous decade having passed, Feynman tells his student Mano that he turned to “innumerable problems you would call humble.”
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Conference papers on the topic "Cartes sans contact"


White, Paul F., Gerti Kola, Ash Siddiq, and Alan Ng. "OCS Rehabilitation and Kevlar Contact Wire Fall Prevention VTA San Jose, CA." In 2021 Joint Rail Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.

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Abstract Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) required their original overhead contact system (OCS) along North 1st Street between interstate highway I-880 and West San Carlos Street at the Guadalupe River (opened in 1987) to be rehabilitated. HNTB was chosen to assist with the project and the first task included an overall inspection of the line to ascertain condition, operational deficiencies, and safety concerns. From this inspection, VTA prepared a scope of work for HNTB to perform and then prepare design documents for contractor bidding. During the inspection process, VTA further requested an evaluation of pole deflection in their Guadalupe Yard. Of interest is the line from Younger Street to the Guadalupe River at West San Carlos Street being joint pantograph and trolley pole compatible as VTA operates heritage streetcars during their Christmas holiday season. The inspection of the OCS revealed deficiencies and safety concerns due to the age and type of equipment in use, most of it being original. Trolley frogs, crossover pans, and section insulators had field constructed gliders that were non-standard or inconsistent between assemblies. Trolley wires were suspended by clamps with no insulation requiring span wire insulators which made the span wire between the insulators alive at 750 volts. An open faced disconnect switch was too close to an apartment balcony with the possibility of the live parts being touched by people on the balcony, and some OCS poles were too short to raise span wires for adjustment. During inspection, a trolley wire broke at a trolley frog anchor tip and fell to the street at the pedestrian mall in downtown San Jose. VTA systems engineering had the idea of supporting the single contact wire supported and clamped to a Kevlar messenger wire. This support system in theory was proven to prevent the broken contact wire to hang 3.047m [10 feet] above ground, a CPUC G.O. 95 requirement. Similar Kevlar restraining supports were used by VTA to prevent the contact and messenger wires from falling down as a result of in-span insulator failure. VTA directed HNTB to use VTA’s idea to design a system of wire constraint using Kevlar synthetic rope to prevent wires from falling. This paper describes the deficiencies and safety concerns discovered during inspection and how they were eliminated through creative OCS design. It further describes the process of inspection, direction, design, and operation of the rehabilitation project and how the use of Kevlar synthetic rope was used to keep trolley wire from falling during wire breaks both in theory and actuality. It also describes the issues encountered during construction, stagger issues from joint operation, pole extension implementation, and general improvements made to the OCS.
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Húšťavová, Jana, Vít Černý, and Rostislav Drochytka. "Study of the influence of the secondary raw materials on microstructure and properties of calcium silicate composite." In The 13th international scientific conference “Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques”. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2019.

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Calcium silicate composites are a widely used building material, especially autoclaved aerated concrete or sand-lime bricks. The physico-mechanical properties of these materials depend on their microstructure. Microstructure is characterized by the content of crystalline calcium silicate compounds that arise during autoclaving. This is in particular the tobermorite mineral, which carries the mechanical strength of the composite. This paper focuses on the influence of secondary raw materials on properties and microstructure of the calcium silicate composite. Secondary raw materials were selected as slag from the combustion of lignite and ground glass. Mixtures of composites were selected with respect to the required C/S molar ratio of 0.73. The hydrothermal treatment was carried out at a temperature of 190 °C and a residence time of 4, 8 and 16 hours. The microstructure of calcium silicate composites and autoclaved aerated concrete was studied. The use of slag resulted in an increase in the intensity of the diffraction line of tobermorite by X-ray diffraction analysis as well as the use of glass. The difference was particularly evident in the shape of the tobermorite crystals. Long strong crystals were detected in the sample with slag, while the sample with glass exhibited low tobermorite leaves. Porous structure of autoclaved aerated concrete with slag was uniform, unlike samples with glass. Both materials have a positive effect on the increase in compressive strengths of the samples.
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Leitch, Brian W. "Deformation Behaviour of a Transversely Loaded Garter Spring." In ASME/JSME 2004 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2004.

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The CANDU power generation system is based on a natural uranium fuelled reactor with a heavy water moderator. A unique feature of the CANDU reactor is the horizontal fuel channel that allows on-line re-fuelling and fuel management. Pressure tubes containing the fuel bundles and pressurized heavy water coolant are the in-core component of the fuel channel assemblies. Calandria tubes span the length of the reactor core and provide passageways for the pressure tubes through the reactor core. The calandria and pressure tubes are each approximately 6 meters long. The calandria tube separates the heavy water moderator (∼80°C) from the pressure tube (∼300°C). Both tubes are subjected to gravity loads but the pressure tube carries the additional load of the fuel bundles as well as experiencing high temperature and irradiation induced material effects. The pressure tube deflects under the combined loading and areas of the pressure tube could come into contact with the calandria tube. This contact would limit the operating efficiency and lifetime of the fuel channel. To maintain a gap between the pressure and calandria tubes, helical springs manufactured from rectangular cross-section wire are placed over the pressure tube. These helical springs are known as garter springs and four such springs are spaced along the pressure tube. Initially, there is no contact between the springs and the calandria tube, but as gravity forces and creep effects begin to act, the pressure tube sags and garter spring/calandria tube contact occurs. As the pressure tube continues to deform, a portion of the pressure tube weight, fuel and coolant is transmitted through the garter spring onto the calandria tube. The calandria tube, in turn, begins to deflect under the applied stresses. This creep deformation of the fuel channel takes place over many thousands of operating hours. Eventually, creep induces a permanent vertical deformation (sag) in the fuel channel. The sag of a fuel channel is an important factor in the operation of the structure and many methods are used to determine the general response of the pressure tube/calandria tube/garter spring system. These methods assume the garter spring is a rigid component. This paper specifically examines the garter spring behaviour with respect to the non-linear material and contact response between the pressure tube/garter spring/calandria tube components. A three dimensional (3-D) finite element solid model of the garter spring is used to determine the non-linear response of the helical garter spring to the transverse forces applied from 3-D shell finite element models of the pressure and calandria tubes. Comparison with experimental, crushing tests on garter springs illustrate the analytical model is well behaved. Applying the operating load to the 3-D model shows that the garter spring’s transverse deformation is small and that assuming the garter spring is a rigid component is valid.
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Childs, Dara W., and Clint R. Carter. "Rotordynamic Characteristics of a 5 Pad, Rocker-Pivot, Tilting Pad Bearing in a Load-on-Pad Configuration: Comparisons to Predictions and Load-Between-Pad Results." In ASME Turbo Expo 2009: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2009.

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Rotordynamic data are presented for a rocker-pivot tilting-pad bearing in load-on-pad (LOP) configuration for (345–3101 kPa) unit loads and speeds from 4k to 13k rpm. The bearing was direct lubricated through a leading-edge groove with 5 pads, .282 preload, 60% offset, 57.87° pad arc angle, 101.587 mm (3.9995 in) rotor diameter, 0.1575 mm (.0062 in) diametral clearance, and 60.325 mm (2.375 in) pad length. Measured results were reported for this bearing by Carter and Childs in 2008 in the load-between-pad (LBP) configuration. Results for the LOP are compared to predictions from a bulk-flow Navier-Stokes model (as utilized by San Andres in 1991) and to the prior LBP results. Frequency effects on the dynamic-stiffness coefficients were investigated by applying dynamic-force excitation over a range of excitation frequencies. Generally, the direct real parts of the dynamic-stiffness coefficients could be modeled as quadratic functions of the excitation frequency and accounted for by adding a mass matrix to the conventional [K][C] model to produce a frequency-independent [K][C][M] model. Measured added mass terms in the loaded direction approached 60 kg. The static load direction in the tests was y. The direct-stiffness coefficients Kyy and Kxx depend strongly on the applied unit load, more so than speed. They generally increased linearly with load, shifting to a quadratic dependence at higher unit loads. At lower unit loads, Kyy and Kxx increase monotonically with running speed. The experimental results were compared to predictions from a bulk-flow CFD analysis. Stiffness orthotropy was apparent in test results, significantly more than predicted, and it became more pronounced at the heavier unit loads. Measured Kyy values were consistently higher than predicted, and measured Kxx values were lower. Comparing the LOP results to prior measured LBP results for the same bearing, at higher loads, Kyy is significantly larger for the LOP configuration than LBP. Measured values for Kxx are about the same for LOP and LBP. At low unit loads, stiffness orthotropy defined as Kyy / Kxx is the same for LOP and LBP, progressively increasing with increasing unit loads. At the highest unit load, Kyy / Kxx = 2.1 for LOP and 1.7 for LBP. Measured direct damping coefficients Cxx and Cyy were insensitive to changes in either load or speed in contrast to predictions of marked Cyy sensitivity for changes in the load. Only at the highest test speed of 13 krpm were the direct damping coefficients adequately predicted. No frequency dependency was observed for the direct damping coefficients.
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Reports on the topic "Cartes sans contact"


Goren, Talia, Itai Beeri, and Dana Rachel vashdi. Trust in government and compliance with health instructions during respiratory epidemics and pandemics: A systematic review protocol. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, October 2021.

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Review question / Objective: We will use the Condition-Context-Population (CoCoPop) framework (Munn et al., 2015) in this review, which aims to explore the following question: Do the features of respiratory epidemics and pandemics (e.g., magnitude, duration) impact the associations between (types of) trust in government and compliance with health guidelines? Condition being studied: The association between trust in government and authorities and civic compliance with health guidelines during respiratory epidemics and pandemics. Eligibility criteria: 1. Studies that explore the relationship between trust in government and authorities and civic compliance or compliance intentions with real or simulated health guidelines, during respiratory epidemics and pandemics; 2. Studies that focus on the following pandemics: avian influenza (H5N1), swine influenza (H1N1), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and COVID-19; 3. Studies on the general healthy population (excluding health care professionals) 4. Studies that were published since 2002 to present.
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