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Belzile, Marcel J. "Aperçu des études menées par la section québécoise de l’Inventaire des terres du Canada." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 17, no. 41 (April 12, 2005): 331–38.

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C'est au cours de la conférence « les ressources et notre avenir » tenue en octobre 1961, que les gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux ont entrepris de procéder à l'inventaire des ressources renouvelables au Canada. Des méthodes de travail basées sur les caractères biophysiques ont été mises au point dès 1964 afin d'obtenir des systèmes de classement uniformes pour tout le Canada, dans les secteurs de l'agriculture, de la forêt, de la récréation, de la faune ongulée et de la faune sauvagine. En septembre 1969, la section québécoise de l'Inventaire des Terres du Canada publie un document intitulé « Les systèmes de classement des possibilités d'utilisation des sols », suivi, en juin 1971, de « La méthodologie du zonage des terres selon leurs potentiels », ouvrage élaboré à partir des cartes originales de potentiel. En mai 1972, paraît une carte d'analyse des terres de la région de l'Outaouais (sud-ouest du Québec) qu'accompagne un rapport d'analyse de la région, considérée comme région pilote. La section québécoise de l'I.T.C. possède maintenant 3 257 cartes dont 662 cartes d'utilisation du sol, 440 cartes agricoles, 407 cartes forestières, 649 cartes de la récréation, 298 cartes de la faune ongulée, 550 cartes de la faune sauvagine et 251 cartes de zonage.
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Miquelon, Dale. "Les Pontchartrain se penchent sur leurs cartes de l’Amérique : les cartes et l’impérialisme, 1690–17121." Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française 59, no. 1-2 (April 27, 2006): 53–71.

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Résumé Les cartes historiques ne sont pas de simples reflets scientifiques de la géographie. Il vaudrait mieux les comprendre comme des « constructions » qui nous révèlent comment les sociétés passées comprenaient leur monde. Elles jouèrent ainsi un rôle important dans la construction d’un « Nouveau Monde de l’esprit » par les ministres français, Louis et Jérôme de Pontchartrain, qui gérèrent le destin du Canada entre 1690 et 1715. Si les cartes de J.-B.-L. Franquelin exposent à la fois le danger et les possibilités d’une politique impérialiste et continentale en Amérique du Nord, les cartes de J.-B. de Couagne nous montrent le choix moins grandiose de Jérôme de Pontchartrain. Ainsi, il nous faut rejeter la thèse d’un impérialisme français de grande envergure dans les dernières années du règne de Louis XIV.
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BIDANEL, J. P., P. LE ROY, L. OLLIVIER, M. BONNEAU, P. CHARDON, J. M. ELSEN, J. GELLIN, and D. MILAN. "Etablissement et utilisation de la carte génétique porcine." INRAE Productions Animales 9, no. 4 (August 17, 1996): 299–310.

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Des programmes de cartographie des génomes des principales espèces animales d’intérêt économique se sont développés depuis quelques années. Cet article fait le point sur l’état d’avancement et les perspectives d’utilisation de la carte génétique porcine. Après une présentation des principes généraux de la cartographie génétique, les résultats des principaux programmes de cartographie du génome porcin sont présentés. Différentes perspectives d’utilisation des cartes génétiques sont ensuite évoquées. Les possibilités et les modalités d’utilisation des marqueurs génétiques pour la détection et la localisation de locus à effets quantitatifs (QTL) sont présentées. L’intérêt de la cartographie comparée pour l’identification des QTL est illustré à partir de l’exemple du système majeur d’histocompatibilité. Quelques perspectives d’utilisation de l’information apportée par les marqueurs dans les programmes d’amélioration génétique (introgression d’un gène, sélection assistée par marqueurs) sont ensuite évoquées. Enfin, les principaux programmes de recherche utilisant la carte génétique porcine actuellement en cours à l’INRA (programmes de localisation de gènes RN et MU, programme de recherche des QTL responsables de la variabilité génétique entre les races Meishan et Large White) sont présentés.
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BIDANEL, J. P., P. LE ROY, L. OLLIVIER, M. BONNEAU, P. CHARDON, J. M. ELSEN, J. GELLIN, and D. MILAN. "Etablissement et utilisation de la carte génétique porcine." INRAE Productions Animales 9, no. 4 (August 20, 1996): 299–310.

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Des programmes de cartographie des génomes des principales espèces animales d’intérêt économique se sont développés depuis quelques années. Cet article fait le point sur l’état d’avancement et les perspectives d’utilisation de la carte génétique porcine. Après une présentation des principes généraux de la cartographie génétique, les résultats des principaux programmes de cartographie du génome porcin sont présentés. Différentes perspectives d’utilisation des cartes génétiques sont ensuite évoquées. Les possibilités et les modalités d’utilisation des marqueurs génétiques pour la détection et la localisation de locus à effets quantitatifs (QTL) sont présentées. L’intérêt de la cartographie comparée pour l’identification des QTL est illustré à partir de l’exemple du système majeur d’histocompatibilité. Quelques perspectives d’utilisation de l’information apportée par les marqueurs dans les programmes d’amélioration génétique (introgression d’un gène, sélection assistée par marqueurs) sont ensuite évoquées. Enfin, les principaux programmes de recherche utilisant la carte génétique porcine actuellement en cours à l’INRA (programmes de localisation de gènes RN et MU, programme de recherche des QTL responsables de la variabilité génétique entre les races Meishan et Large White) sont présentés.
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Prener, Christopher. "Digitizing and Visualizing Sketch Map Data: A Semi-Structured Approach to Qualitative GIS." Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 56, no. 4 (December 1, 2021): 267–83.

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Aux côtés des approches qualitatives de cueillette des données, le croquis cartographique constitue un moyen intuitif de récolter les impressions de participants et de participantes sur l’espace et les lieux. Mais les données recueillies sont souvent difficiles à traiter, en particulier à numériser et à visualiser. Après une description de ces difficultés, cet article présente une approche « semi-structurée » de la cueillette, de la numérisation et de l’analyse des données en vue d’un croquis cartographique, ainsi qu’un progiciel à code source ouvert, QualMap, qui offre des outils de numérisation de ces données en langage de programmation R. Cette approche conserve les cartes de base précises employées dans d’autres travaux préparatoires à des croquis cartographiques. Pour aider à la numérisation et à l’analyse, elle leur surimpose toutefois une unité spatiale, déterminée par la chercheuse ou le chercheur. L’utilisation d’une unité spatiale normée ouvre encore d’autres possibilités de cartographie et d’analyse. L’applicabilité de cette approche est illustrée par un projet d’échantillonnage qui analyse les perceptions de l’espace recueillies auprès d’un échantillon de commodité formé d’étudiants et d’étudiantes de niveau collégial. Le groupement sur les cartes ainsi produites montre, autour du campus, une « bulle » qui rend compte de l’essentiel des déplacements hebdomadaires de la population étudiante. Ces données sont appariées à des données sur la criminalité, ce qui suggère la possibilité d’étendre par des méthodes mixtes cette approche « semi-structurée » du croquis cartographique.
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Taddio, Anna, Anthony Ilersich, C. Meghan McMurtry, Lucie M. Bucci, and Noni E. MacDonald. "Gérer la douleur et la peur : Jouez vos « cartes» pour améliorer l’expérience de vaccination." Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada 47, no. 1 (January 29, 2021): 99–103.

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La plupart des vaccins sont administrés avec une aiguille, ce qui peut provoquer des douleurs et des réactions liées à la douleur, tels que la peur et l’évanouissement. À l’heure actuelle, les interventions visant à prévenir la douleur et les réactions connexes ne sont pas systématiquement intégrées dans le processus d’administration de vaccins, bien qu’elles contribuent aux expériences négatives de la vaccination et à la non-adhésion occasionelle. Cet article examine une nouvelle démarche pour l’administration de vaccins, appelée le système CARDMC. CARD est l’acronyme de Confort, Aide, Relaxation et Distraction, où chaque lettre est associée à une catégorie d’interventions fondées sur des preuves pour réduire la douleur, la peur et les réactions connexes. Le système CARD peut être intégré dans les activités habituelles de planification et d’administration des vaccinations dans de nombreux contextes afin d’améliorer l’expérience de vaccination et de réduire la douleur et la peur qui font obstacle à la vaccination. Les vaccinateurs de tous les milieux et les responsables des organisations sont invités à revoir leurs services de vaccination par rapport au système CARD afin de cerner les possibilités d’améliorer la qualité des soins fournis.
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Casti, Emanuela. "Mythologies africaines dans la cartographie française au tournant du XIXe siècle." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 45, no. 126 (April 12, 2005): 429–50.

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L'article essaie de montrer que, par le biais de la cartographie, sont créées des mythologies à propos de l'Afrique que nous pouvons baptiser « de retour », c'est-à-dire qu'elles sont créées par les Occidentaux et transférées dans le projet de domination comme s'il s'agissait de qualités africaines. La première mythologie concerne la transmission d'une Afrique riche de ressources et de possibilités d'exploitation; la seconde considère que c'est une terre à valoriser dans une perspective colonialiste, car elle semble dépourvue de significations sociale et politique. L'analyse du langage cartographique des cartes des revues du début du colonialisme en Afrique occidentale française (AOF) montre que, à travers les mécanismes sémiotiques concernant les toponymes basiques (originels), on n'accordait pas d'importance au territoire produit par les populations locales. De cette façon, on dotait l'Afrique de valeurs occidentales, justifiant ainsi la légitimité des choix imposés sans tenir compte de sa diversité. Les mythologies « de retour » créées par la cartographie sont donc des interprétations induites, mais aussi des instruments pour exclure une identité originelle.
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Moine, Monique, Henri Giraud, and Anne Puissant. "Mise en place d'une méthode semi-automatique de cartographie de l'occupation des sols à partir d'images SAR polarimétriques." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 215 (August 16, 2017): 13–23.

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Les cartes d'occupation du sol produites à des résolutions spatiales et temporelles élevées constituent actuellement une ressource très importante pour beaucoup d'organismes privés ou publics. Le développement de méthodes de cartographie automatique, fiables et robustes basées sur la classification d'images satellites constitue ainsi un enjeu majeur. Dans ce cadre, l'imagerie radar apporte l'avantage de fournir des images de jour comme de nuit, et quelles que soient les conditions météorologiques. Plus récemment, l'exploitation des informations de rétrodiffusion fournies par les images SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) polarimétriques a permis d'étendre les possibilités apportées par l'imagerie radar. Dans cette étude, une carte d'occupation du sol a été produite sur une partie de la plaine d'Alsace et du massif vosgien à partir (1) de 76 paramètres polarimétriques extraits d'une image ALOS PALSAR en polarisation quadruple et (2) d'une méthode de classification orientée-objet. Plusieurs algorithmes de classification ont été testés et l'algorithme du plus proche voisin est ressorti comme donnant les meilleurs résultats. La méthode mise en place à l'avantage d'être semi-automatique et facilement reproductible. Neuf classes d'occupation du sol ont été cartographiées avec un taux de bon classement de 69%. Plus précisément, trois d'entre elles ont été très correctement détectées : la forêt, l'urbain et l'eau. D'autres classes ont été confondues du fait de la similarité de leur signature polarimétrique : les zones de vignobles, les prairies et les zones de cultures. Enfin, trois classes non visibles sur les données a priori et les images optiques de référence ont pu être identifiées sur l'image polarisée. Ces premiers résultats sont prometteurs pour la cartographie de l'occupation des sols à partir d'images SAR polarimétriques.
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Le Clech, Laetitia. "Archives et géographie : typologie, caractéristiques et perspectives." Archives 47, no. 1 (November 9, 2017): 59–83.

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Dans cet article, Laetitia Le Clech fait le survol de différents enjeux et particularités qui touchent la conservation des archives géographiques. En plus des cartes, ces dernières comprennent également des photographies et images, ainsi que certaines études de terrain. Elle présente dans un premier temps quelques exemples de traitement de documents cartographiques en différents endroits, en plus de nous exposer les défis particuliers que posent ces documents. Les archives géographiques ont de multiples utilités, que ce soit dans le domaine historique, en géopolitique ou même dans le développement de politiques gouvernementales. L’auteure en fait la recension et illustre chacun de ces usages par des exemples. Elle donne ensuite un aperçu de la conservation des documents cartographiques suite à l’avènement de l’ère du numérique. En effet, tout comme pour d’autres types d’archives, ce contexte amène son lot de questionnements et de nouvelles pratiques, que ce soit par la numérisation dans le but de les conserver et de les diffuser, mais aussi par la nécessité de se préoccuper de l’obsolescence des supports et d’établir de nouvelles normes. L’auteure termine son texte en nous présentant diverses initiatives de diffusion et de création qui sont issues de ces nouvelles possibilités qu’offre le monde numérique. Elle ne manque pas en passant de nous mettre en garde contre certains abus et de plaider pour un encadrement renforcé afin de mieux mettre en valeur ces documents bien particuliers.
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Williams, Mark. "Cartels and Collusion: Failing Competition Policy in Hong Kong." World Competition 28, Issue 3 (September 1, 2005): 313–25.

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Hard core cartels have received increased international attention since the 1990s from many developed nations and from international organisations, especially the OECD. Cartel-busting has become a priority for many competition authorities. Penalties have been substantially increased, with many jurisdictions introducing criminal sanctions including the possibility of imprisonment for individual executives who organise cartel activities. The general opprobrium visited upon cartels is not, however, universally accepted. The Hong Kong authorities have an ambivalent attitude to cartel activity that is driven by an ostensible ideological commitment to ``free markets’’ at all costs. The Hong Kong government has a politico-economic agenda that refuses to acknowledge the pernicious effects of cartel activity and, in any event, denies that cartels are a significant problem in the territory. This article seeks to briefly examine the recent trend towards tougher cartel enforcement internationally. Hong Kong’s cartel policy is then contrasted with international developments and critically analysed. Cartel activity in Hong Kong is described and explained. The future development of competition policy in Hong Kong is considered.
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Jayaraman, Dev, Nishan Sharma, Alannah Smrke, Jessica Simon, Peter Dodek, Daren Heyland, and John You (ED). "Process Mapping to Examine How Goals of Care Discussions and Decisions about Life-Sustaining Treatments Occur On Medical Wards: A Multi-Center Observational Study." Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine 15, no. 1 (February 28, 2020): 12–25.

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BackgroundPoor quality communication about goals of care with seriously ill, hospitalized patients is associated with substantial discordance between prescribed medical orders for life-sustaining treatment and patients’ stated preferences. Designing tailored solutions to this discordance requires a better understanding of this communication process. ObjectiveTo acquire a detailed understanding of the process of communication about goals of care and decision making about life-sustaining treatments for hospitalized patients, and to seek opportunities for improvement. SettingMedical wards of three university-affiliated teaching hospitals in Canada. MethodAt each site, we used drop-in sessions and one-on-one interviews to consult with health care workers on eligible wards to create cross-functional (swim lane) maps of the process of communication about goals of care and decision making about life-sustaining treatments. Healthcare workers were also asked about barriers to this process to enable the identification of opportunities for improvement. ResultsA total of 112 healthcare workers provided input into the creation of process maps across the three sites. Common elements across sites were that: (1) physicians play a central role, (2) the full process for a given patient involves several interactions amongst members of the inter-professional team, and (3) the process is iterative. We also noted between-site variations in the location of GoC discussions and the extent to which trainees and multi-disciplinary team members were involved. Finally, we identified several key barriers that may serve as targets for future quality improvement efforts: suboptimal location of conversations, insufficient support of physician learners in goals-of-care conversations, and incomplete engagement of the inter-professional team. ConclusionEfforts to improve the quality of goals-of-care discussions and decision making about life-sustaining treatments in the hospital setting need to account for the central role played by physicians in the process but can be enhanced if they can more fully engage the inter-professional health care team.Resume Contexte Une communication de mauvaise qualité sur les objectifs des soins aux patients gravementmalades et hospitalisés est associée à une discordance importante entre les ordonnances médicales prescrites pour un traitement de survie et les préférences déclarées des patients. La conception de solutions adaptées à cette discordance nécessite une meilleure compréhension de ce processus de communication. ObjectifAcquérir une compréhension détaillée du processus de communication sur les objectifs des soins et la prise de décision sur les traitements de maintien de la vie pour les patients hospitalisés, et rechercher des possibilités d’amélioration. ParamètresLes services médicaux de trois hôpitaux universitaires canadiens affiliés à l’université. MéthodeSur chaque site, nous avons eu recours à des séances d’information et à des entretiens individuels pour consulter les travailleurs de la santé dans les services éligibles afin de créer des cartes interfonctionnelles (couloir de nage) du processus de communication sur les objectifs des soins et la prise de décision sur les traitements de maintien des fonctions vitales. Les travailleurs de la santé ont également été interrogés sur les obstacles à ce processus afin de permettre l’identification des possibilités d’amélioration. RésultatsAu total, 112 travailleurs de la santé ont participé à la création de cartes de processus sur les trois sites. Les éléments communs à tous les sites étaient les suivants : (1) les médecins jouent un rôle central, (2) le processus complet pour un patient donné implique plusieurs interactions entre les membres de l’équipe interprofessionnelle, et (3) le processus est itératif. Nous avons également noté des variations entre les sites en ce qui concerne le lieu des discussions du gouvernement et le degré d’implication des stagiaires et des membres de l’équipe pluridisciplinaire. Enfin, nous avons identifié plusieurs obstacles clés qui pourraient servir de cibles aux futurs efforts d’amélioration de la qualité : le lieu sous-optimal des conversations, le soutien insuffisant des apprenants médecins dans les conversations sur les objectifs de soins et l’engagement incomplet de l’équipe interprofessionnelle. ConclusionLes efforts visant à améliorer la qualité des discussions sur les objectifs des soins et la prise de décision concernant les traitements vitaux en milieu hospitalier doivent tenir compte du rôle central joué par les médecins dans le processus, mais peuvent être renforcés s’ils peuvent faire participer davantage l’équipe interprofessionnelle de soins de santé.
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Hennecke, Raphael. "Ein Erziehungskartell zur «Heilung der Geister»? Ludwig Erhards Bundeswirtschaftsministerium und die gescheiterte Wettbewerbsordnung der Konsumseifenindustrie von 1954/55." Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte 64, no. 2 (September 1, 2019): 187–216.

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AbstractThis article deals with a case study from competition policy and decartelization in West Germany in the early to mid 1950 s. Whereas much research has focused on the discussions about the German cartel law of 1958 and its long process of formation, this article takes a closer look at the possibilities that Ludwig Erhard and his Ministry of Economics already had under the Allied Laws of 1947 that remained in place until 1957. This is demonstrated by a case study about the soap cartel of 1954/55. While Erhard and most of his civil servants were aware that this cartel would not be able to solve the soap industry’s problems, they still decided to push the Allied authorities towards approving it to demonstrate the inadequacy of cartelization. Thereby, they dealt a blow to those leaders of industry associations arguing against a strict ban on cartels. One of Erhard’s most influential opponents, Fritz Berg, had praised the soap cartel, which allowed more internal competition than simple price fixing cartels, as a model for future cartels and an example proving the disadvantages of a flat-out cartel ban. By letting the cartel fail under the conditions of a rapidly modernizing market instead of banning it, Erhard dealt a major blow to Berg’s argument. This way, Berg and his allies could not blame the failure of the soap industry on decartelization.
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Shcherba, T. E. "Meaning of ‘controlled group’ in cartel cases: approaches of the authority and courts." Russian competition law and economy, no. 4 (August 20, 2021): 14–21.

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Recent judicial practice regarding the interpretation of the ‘controlled group’ in order to apply exceptions from prohibition on cartel agreements is controversial. Taking advantage of the uncertainty that has arisen, many participants in cartel cases make attempts (and sometimes successfully) to prove that in fact the conspiracy took place within a controlled group, and, therefore, was permissible. In this article we will consider the most common arguments used by business entities in cases of cartels and evaluate the possibility of their application in modern conditions.
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Peric, Tamara, Dejan Markovic, and Slavoljub Zivkovic. "Dental caries: Therapeutic possibilities." Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo 136, no. 11-12 (2008): 662–66.

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Contemporary tendencies in dentistry are based on the concept of maximal protection of healthy tooth tissues. Caries removal has been done traditionally with mechanical rotary instruments that are fast and precise. However, conventional cavity preparation has potential adverse effects to the pulp due to heat, pressure and vibrations. Moreover, drilling often causes pain and requires local anaesthesia, and these procedures are frequently perceived as unpleasant. Etiology, development and prevention of dental caries are better understood today and new restorative materials that bond micromechanically and/or chemically to dental tissues have been introduced. Thus, development of a new, less destructive caries removal technique is allowed. In the last decades, many alternative methods have been introduced in an attempt to replace rotary instruments. These are claimed to be efficient and selective for diseased tissues and to offer comfortable treatment to the patients. New methods include air abrasion, air polishing, ultrasonic, polymer burs, enzymes, systems for chemo-mechanical caries removal, and lasers. The aim of this paper was to discuss various caries removal techniques and possibilities of their use in clinical practice. Based on the literature review it can be concluded that none of the new caries removal methods can completely replace conventional rotary instruments.
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Jaspers, J. D. "Leniency in exchange for cartel confessions." European Journal of Criminology 17, no. 1 (September 12, 2019): 106–24.

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Leniency offers corporations the possibility to come clean about their involvement in cartel conduct (for example, price-fixing, bid-rigging) in exchange for immunity or reduction of financial penalties. In Europe, nearly 60 percent of detected cartels are discovered through leniency. This makes leniency the most applied detection tool for uncovering cartel conduct violations. What are the considerations in applying for leniency or refraining from doing so? How do those considerations relate to private law enforcement through civil liability regarding business cartels? These questions are discussed based on semi-structured interviews ( n = 34) with cartelists, competition lawyers and in-house legal counsel to study theoretical assumptions underpinning leniency arrangements in the Netherlands. This study investigates four scenarios on the use of leniency suggested in the literature and finds empirical support for only two. Strategic use of leniency and false confessions occur in the Netherlands, but to a lesser extent than the existing literature suggests. Moreover, various disincentives, and especially the rise of private enforcement, make leniency an unattractive and uncertain option for cartelists.
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Jurić, Hrvoje. "Current possibilities in occlusal caries management." Acta Medica Academica 42, no. 2 (November 15, 2013): 216–22.

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Anisimova, Marina, Nadezhda Yurchenko, and Nataliia Kopytets. "Improving antitrust instruments for food security." E3S Web of Conferences 282 (2021): 01005.

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The study aims to substantiate the fact that the development of agro-industrial complex imposes new requirements for the formation of anti-monopoly regulation tools. The authors point out the threat of cartelization of the industry to food security. It is shown that the cartel violations are systemic in the markets of agroindustrial complex. New features typical of cartel behavior of companies have been identified. It was found that the emergence of new software algorithms greatly facilitates collusion on the market, opens up the possibility of changing the nature of competition, which imposes new requirements for the formation of antitrust regulation tools. It has been marked that it is difficult to suppress anticompetitive practices to develop a complex of measures in order to counteract the cartels: modern technologies of data analysis, application of mathematical modeling methods, economic analysis and also prohibition for development and distribution of price algorithms, their use for establishing of price control.
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ABSTRACT During the Covid-19 pandemic, numerous jurisdictions have used Anti-Trust Relaxation, also known as Anti-Trust Immunity (ATI) in the United States, recognized as block exemption, authorization, or dispensation in other jurisdictions. Essentially, this ATI states that collaboration between business actors does not always imply an infringement in competition. There are times when cartels and teamwork can be beneficial to the environment. Many businesses have suffered enormous losses because of the Covid-19 outbreak, and they require assistance and support to survive in this unique scenario. Most likely, survival is only possible when business competitors embrace 'gotong royong' or collaboration. Anti-trust immunity, which allows collaboration-usually defined as cartel in normal situation-will be assessed and authorized accordingly by Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU). Another possibility is to include this ATI in the new bill, which would be even more authoritative. On November 2020, KPPU Regulation No. 3 of 2020 on Competition Relaxation was enacted. However, detailed implementation provision will be required in implementation of the Regulation. Keywords: anti-trust immunity; authorization; block exemption; cartel relaxation; dispensation.
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Wojcik-Checinska, Ilona, Agnieszka Mojsym, Agnieszka Loj-Maczulska, and Renata Chalas. "Specifics of proximal caries and their diagnostics in posterior teeth." Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences 28, no. 2 (June 1, 2015): 92–96.

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Abstract Proximal surfaces are the second in turn after the occlusal surfaces, as being the most exposed places to the carious process. The specificity of changes and location makes the diagnostic of approximal cavities difficult. The aim of the study was to collect information on possibilities of detection, monitoring and assessment of carious lesions located on proximal surfaces, starting from the early stage. On the base of current literature, chosen methods of diagnosis, from conventional, to advanced technologies were presented. Current literature also suggests that none of the diagnostic methods exclude the possibility of misdiagnosis of proximal caries. Therefore, during the diagnosing of doubtful cases, it is advisable to employ several methods of assessment, with simultaneous individual appraisal of caries risk factors, such as oral hygiene, frequency of eating sweets or the number of active caries foci.
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Stojković, Branislava, Marija Igić, Olivera Tričković-Janjić, Simona Stojanović, and Marija Topalović. "Significance and possibilities of caries risk assessment in children." Acta stomatologica Naissi 34, no. 77 (2018): 1832–41.

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Kaskova, L. F., T. B. Mandziuk, L. P. Ulasevych, L. D. Korovina, and M. A. Sadovski. "POSSIBILITIES OF CARIES PROGNOSIS IN CHILDREN OF SCHOOL-AGE ACCORDING TO DATA GAINED FROM THEM AND THEIR PARENTS QUESTIONNAIRE." Ukrainian Dental Almanac, no. 2 (June 19, 2019): 64–69.

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Caries in children is one of the main dental problems that scientists are trying to solve [1, 2, 3]. A considerable number of methods of treatment and prevention of caries have been developed. However, the issue remains unresolved [4, 5]. Much efforts are devoted to the identification of general and local risk factors of caries appearance in children and the possibility of influence on them [6, 7]. Questionnaire is one of the forms of determining caries appearance factors [8]. This method of research allows to identify and compare the significance of factors observed in children and their parents. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to identify the possibility of predicting caries in preschool children according to questionnaires of surveyed children and their parents. We performed survey and questionnaire of 223 children aged from 7 to 12 years. A questionnaire was also offered to the parents of these children. The examination of children was carried out in children’s organized collectives of Poltava. In all children the caries intensity was determined according to the following indices of df, DEF and DEF + def. The quantitative indices obtained during the examination of patients were processed with standard methods of mathematical statistics. For the semi-quantitative and qualitative indices, the frequency tables were built. Since most of the indicators were semi-quantitative and qualitative, Spirman’s coefficient of pair correlation was determined for the analysis of the relationships of the studied parameters. The correlation coefficient was considered significant in the case of of error probability “p <0,05”. Discriminant analysis was conducted in order to determine the factors of classification. Numerous dependencies were observed between the revealed behavior features, habits, peculiarities of parents’ and children’s views concerning dental health surveyed and dental indices of the examined children. Thus, the need for preventive examinations was documented by 87.5% of parents and 92.9% of children without caries and only 63.0% of parents and 74.1% of children with the highest degree of caries affection. The proportion of children who consumed carbonated beverages grew with the development of carious process. Anxiety was also noted more often in children with the high degree caries affection. The received algorithms for analyzing the factors of caries development and the calculation of probability of child assignment to the each of four groups of caries affection provide an opportunity for preventive work with parents and children. According to the questionnaires of parents, it should be noted that there is a frequent underestimation of caries progression in comparison with the algorithms that consider the results of questionnaires of children, particularly, the group of children with low activity of carious process (almost 40% of children with caries). Therefore, it's better to consider data gained from children, rather than stay restrained parental questionnaire. The performed research allowed to identify a group of factors that affect the appearance and development of caries in children. Among these factors (according to the questionnaires of children) the most important are: the amount of complaints about the state of hard tooth tissues, swell of gingiva, the number of toothbrush characteristics considered during its selection (the most important reducing risk factor), circles attending (the highest risk factor), consummation of carbonated beverages (the second most significant risk factor). There are factors with the biggest impact on the appearance and development of caries in children (according to parents questionnaires): income; preventive examinations (the most important reducing risk factor); flossing (an important risk factor); parents' assistance during tooth brushing; toothpaste choice depending on the mechanism of their action; toothbrush choice considering its size and toothbrush head shape (the biggest risk factor); visits of sports sections by parents. Prospects for further research. The obtained results lead to a more detailed study of peculiarities of the revealed factors influence in the development of caries in school-age children. This will be the next aim for the further research.
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Balciunas, Andrius. "The Possibilities for Functionality Research on Interactive Internet Maps." Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 46, no. 2 (June 2011): 66–73.

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Wils, Wouter P. J. "Optimal Antitrust Fines: Theory and Practice." World Competition 29, Issue 2 (June 1, 2006): 183–208.

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This article discusses the use of fines imposed on companies or other corporate entities to enforce antitrust or competition law prohibitions such as Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty or Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act. The article addresses more specifically the questions in what ways these fines contribute to competition law enforcement, on the basis of which factors the amount of antitrust fines should be fixed in theory, and whether it is feasible in practice to calculate or measure such optimal fines. It is argued that the imposition of fines can contribute in three ways to the prevention of antitrust violations: through deterrent effects, through moral effects, and by raising the cost of setting up and running cartels. For violations committed by a single offender, a necessary condition for deterrence to work is that the expected fine, discounted for the probability of detection and punishment, exceeds the gain which the offender expected to obtain from the violation. Because of overconfidence bias, prospective offenders are likely to overestimate the gain and underestimate the probability of detection and punishment. Administrative costs could be saved by adopting an enforcement strategy of very high fines and low probability of punishment, but the possibility to impose high fines is limited by inability to pay, by the social and economic costs of high fines, and by requirements of proportional justice. Cooperation with the competition authority’s investigation should be rewarded through reduced fines. For collective violations, it is a sufficient but not a necessary condition for deterrence to work that the expected fine, discounted for the probability of detection and punishment, exceeds the expected gain, either for all the cartel members taken together or for each of them separately. The cost of setting up and running cartels can be raised by modulating the amount of the fine for each cartel member depending on the active role played in the functioning of the cartel, as well as through a leniency policy. To avoid a deterioration of the market structure as a result of the imposition of fines, where high fines are imposed and where there is a significant difference in the ability to pay of the various cartel members, the amount of the fines imposed on the different companies should be differentiated so as to reflect their respective ability to pay. In practice, it does not appear feasible to measure econometrically the theoretically optimal fine for a given antitrust violation. The theory on optimal fines remains however useful as general guidance for the practice of fixing the amount of antitrust fines.
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Bos, Iwan, and Erik Pot. "On the possibility of welfare-enhancing hard core cartels." Journal of Economics 107, no. 3 (January 3, 2012): 199–216.

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Mityaeva, Tatyana, Galina Skripkina, Evgeniy Ekimov, and Olga Matskieva. "THE POSSIBILITY OF PREDICTION OF DENTAL CARIES IN CHILDREN DURING THE PERIOD OF CHANGEBITE." Actual problems in dentistry 16, no. 3 (November 5, 2020): 113–22.

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Background. Preventive measures that are implemented through the introduction of regional prevention programs have a massive focus and do not lead to a decrease in dental morbidity, because they are based on routine preventive measures without taking into account the individual characteristics of metabolic processes in the patient's oral cavity. All this confirms the need to abandon the mass approach when carrying out preventive measures, and requires the search for modern methods for predicting dental caries, based on predictive diagnostics of the risk of caries, which should be a key element of clinical examination of the pediatric population by a dentist. Purpose of the study: on the basis of a comprehensive clinical and laboratory approach with the use of mathematical analysis of the obtained data on homeostasis of the oral cavity, to establish predictors of the development of the carious process in children in order to determine the possibility of predicting dental caries during the period of mixed bite. Methodology. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of metabolic processes in the oral cavity was carried out in 60 caries-resistant children during the period of mixed bite: from 7 to 12 years. Statistical analysis was performed using the STATISTICA 8.0 software. Results. According to the results of the study, strong relationships were revealed between individual clinical and laboratory indicators-predictors, an optimal set of predictors was established for constructing classification models for patients with different types of MCS, which is a prerequisite for the possibility of predicting the risk of caries development in children during the mixed bite period. Conclusions. An optimal set of predictors has been established for constructing classification models for patients with different types of ISS for creating computer programs aimed at preclinical diagnostics of the subclinical course of the carious process with access to prediction, which will allow planning individual primary preventive measures in children during the period of active formation of hard dental tissues.
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Perederii, Nina, and Andrey Zaytsev. "EVOLUTIONARY GENETIC APPROACHES TO STUDY THE PROBLEM OF DENTAL CARIES." Wiadomości Lekarskie 72, no. 5 (2019): 884–86.

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Introduction: This work has outlined biological aspect in dental caries. Previous research conducted during the XXth century in this direction related to genetic susceptibility of people to tooth caries and gave a positive result. The modern studies on this topic have shown if not impossibility, but the great complexity of genetic factor managing in tooth caries. The aim of the study is to analyze the occurrence of dental caries in an evolutionary aspect and to determine the possibility of using the biological scientific methods for finding the essence of caries phenomenon. Materials and methods: The material was literary sources with information about caries, which can be used in biological methods of study. The method is the analysis of knowledge from them and their integration with other biological disciplines. Conclusions: on the basis of the analysis, in which caries was considered for a long period of human evolution, the possibility of managing the carious process, as well as the directions, that would enable a more thorough understanding of the carious phenomenon, were shown.
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Zaleckis, Romualdas. "UNUSED POSSIBILITIES OF DETECTIVE ACTIVITIES." Administrative and Criminal Justice 2, no. 79 (June 30, 2017): 15.

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Legal regulation of Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian private detectives activities provide additional opportunities for private detectives to create added value in their practice. Special laws of the countries in question that regulate their activities, give private detectives exclusive rights to provide detective services, therefore activities of other entities in this field is considered unlawful, and carries administrative and criminal liability. Another important statutory regulatory aspect of detective activities is that detectives can be recognized by law, within certain boundaries, to legally collect information about another persons private life, which is completely forbidden for any other private individual and collecting another person's private information, caries criminal and civil liability. And so the legislator has strictly limited the amount of entities that can provide services within the scope of detective activities and the content they are allowed to handle. The author presents two types of services as an example: the search of a debtor and his assets, a person's solvency and reliability evaluation. It is recommendable to employ educational measures to expand market demand for legal services that only detectives have the right to provide.
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Sokolova, Iryna I., Svitlana I. German, Tetiana V. Tomilina, Yuliia O. Slynko, Anatoliy M. Potapchuk, Karyna V. Skydan, and Nataliia M. Udovychenko. "POSSIBILITIES OF MODERN X-RAY EXAMINATION METHODS FOR DIAGNOSTICS OF HIDDEN DENTAL CARIES OF APPROXIMAL LOCALIZATION." Wiadomości Lekarskie 72, no. 7 (2019): 1258–64.

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Introduction: In case of hidden carious cavities development on the approximal teeth surfaces, the clinical diagnostics of this process is difficult. Then, the diagnostics of carious lesion is not possible without carrying out X-ray examination. The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of clinical and X-ray diagnostics for hidden caries of approximal teeth surfaces. Materials and methods: Condition of 2 963 teeth of 115 people aged from 19 to 55 was analysed. Additionally, a digital panoramic 2D diagnostics (Planmeca ProSensor, Finland) and Cone Beam Computed Tomography 3D Diagnostics (Morita, Japan) were used for clinical examination of patients. Results: In both variants of diagnostics, the number of caries defects in the upper jaw was higher than in the lower one, and the frequency of caries lesion of various teeth groups had the following sequence in descending order: molar teeth, premolar teeth, incisor teeth and canine teeth. Hidden carious cavities of average depth and deep were detected with almost the same frequency in both variants of the study, which by 1.9 - 2.0 times respectively exceeded the frequency of superficial carious cavities detection (p = 0.0001). According to the results of clinical studies, hidden superficial carious cavities occurred in single cases and X-ray examination improved their diagnostics by 9.6 times (p = 0.0000). Conclusions: X-ray examination allows increasing the effectiveness of diagnostics of hidden carious cavities of approximal localization by 1.2 times on the whole (p <0,05). In such cases orthopantomography (OPG) has reasonably sufficient diagnostic capabilities. Definitely, 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) has much more diagnostic capabilities, but its use can not be justified for the diagnostics of caries only.
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V.V., Gilyazeva. "NEW PARADIGMS OF «DESIGN» OF THE ETIOPATHOGENETIC MODEL OF DENTAL DISEASES." Natural resources of the Earth and environmental protection 2, no. 2 (December 30, 2021): 21–26.

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Annotation. The statistical data of the World Health Organization on the prevalence of diseases of the oral cavity are presented. The relevance of studying the main mechanisms of the occurrence and development of dental diseases with the construction of a new research model is shown. The tactic of applying new data, associated cognitive principles and techniques is substantiated, which allows considering already known mechanisms and phenomena at the molecular, cellular, tissue levels, contributing to the expansion of ideas about the nature and nature of diseases. The aim of the work was to present new, promising methods to form an etiopathogenetic approach to curation of patients with dental caries and its complications. In accordance with the goal, analytical data on the effectiveness of diagnosing dental caries and its complications using immunoindicative methods are given; the prospects for further development of the direction are presented. It is emphasized that effective planning and implementation of dental treatment is based on competent diagnostics, which, at the present level of development, has the possibility of in-depth studies of the immune response, the morphology of cell interaction and the development of pathological processes. Possibilities of assessing the immune response by means of enzyme immunoassay, immunohistochemical analyzes are presented; consistent development of immunohistological interactions based on marker expression in target patients. Keywords: dental caries, complications, pulp, inflammation, cytokines, macrophage, markers, fibrosis.
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Alexandrov, M. T., V. I. Kukushkin, Edita Garnikovna Margaryan, E. P. Pashkov, and G. E. Bagramova. "POSSIBILITIES AND PERSPECTIVES OF RAMAN FLUORESCENCE DIAGNOSTIC APPLICATION IN DENTISTRY." Russian Journal of Dentistry 22, no. 1 (February 15, 2018): 4–11.

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Experimental-theoretic rationale and hardware-software device of application of Raman-fluorescence medical technologies in dentistry were performed. High-sensitive and high-specific express methods of caries and demineralization level of hard tooth tissues diagnostic, species indication of germs and express determination of its sensitivity to medications, verification of medications and drugs, malignant and benign neoplasms express diagnostic were presented. Wide range of method's clinical-diagnostic capabilities and of presented domestic hardware-software complex of Raman fluorescence diagnostic are recommended for clinical application.
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Umemori, Sachi, Ken-ichi Tonami, Hiroshi Nitta, Shiro Mataki, and Kouji Araki. "The Possibility of Digital Imaging in the Diagnosis of Occlusal Caries." International Journal of Dentistry 2010 (2010): 1–4.

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The aim of this study was to assess the possibility of digital image analysis of pit-and-fissure discoloration in order to diagnose caries. Digital images showing pit-and-fissure discoloration in 100 teeth of 19 patients were analyzed to obtain the fractal dimension (FD) and the proportion of the area of pit-and-fissure discoloration to the area of occlusal surface (PA). DIAGNOdent values were measured (DD), and dentists' diagnoses were also obtained. The sensitivity and specificity of FD, PA, DD, and the combination of FD and PA compared to the dentists' diagnoses were calculated. The sensitivities of FD, PA, DD, and the combination of FD and PA were 0.89, 0.47, 0.69, and 0.86, respectively, and the specificities were 0.84, 0.95, 0.91, and 0.86, respectively. Although further research is needed for the practical use, it is possible to use the analysis of digital images of pit-and-fissure molar discoloration as a diagnostic tool.
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Ovrutsky, G. D., and F. Z. Savransky. "Changes in some immunity parameters in dental caries." Kazan medical journal 69, no. 2 (April 15, 1988): 104–5.

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In the process of studying the effectiveness of anti-carious vaccination, developed as a result of establishing the microbial etiology of dental caries, a lot of data have been obtained about the regular dependence of dental caries on the content of secretory IgA in saliva. However, the information about the relationship between dental caries and the content of serum immunoglobulins of the major classes in blood and saliva is very contradictory. Some authors give data that allow to think about the dependence of dental caries on the concentration of serum IgA and, to a lesser extent, IgG I, while other authors reject the possibility of such a connection. The state of cellular immunity in caries remains practically unstudied.
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Matic, Sava, Mirjana Ivanovic, Jelena Mandic, and Predrag Nikolic. "Possibilities to prevent gingivitis during fixed orthodontic appliance therapy." Serbian Dental Journal 55, no. 2 (2008): 122–32.

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Introduction: During orthodontic treatment, the risk of gingivitis, periodontal disease and dental caries is increased. For good gingival health during orthodontic therapy, patients must be educated about the importance of daily oral hygiene and also given instructions on plaquecontrol techniques and how to use plaque removal devices properly. Objectives: The aim of this study was to present risk factors for gingivitis during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances as well as methods and resources for prevention of this widespread disease. Conclusion: Maintaining proper oral hygiene is of great benefit not only for gingival health but also for the success of orthodontic treatment and maintenance of treatment results. Beside healthy gingiva, favorable habits in oral hygiene remain life-long.
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Diniz, MB, LM Lima, G. Eckert, AG Ferreira Zandona, RCL Cordeiro, and L. Santos Pinto. "In Vitro Evaluation of ICDAS and Radiographic Examination of Occlusal Surfaces and Their Association With Treatment Decisions." Operative Dentistry 36, no. 2 (March 1, 2011): 133–42.

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Clinical RelevanceIt has been suggested that occlusal caries detection has become more difficult due to the widespread use of fluoride, which slows down lesion progression and delays cavitation. The ability to detect caries lesions at an early stage has a significant impact on treatment decisions, improving the possibility for a successful preventive intervention. In this investigation, the authors found that the International Caries Detection and Assessment System associated with radiographic examination has the potential to support treatment decisions for occlusal surfaces.
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Polo-Martin, Bárbara. "The Accuracy of Urban Maps in Spain through GIS: The Example of Burgos from the Nineteenth to the Twentieth Century." Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 56, no. 3 (September 29, 2021): 236–50.

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Les documents cartographiques sur la ville de Burgos existent en très grande quantité, à cause de son importance géographique et historique, qui en fait un lieu clé de la configuration politique, militaire et administrative de l’Espagne tout au long de son histoire. Nous avons dû, par conséquent, réaliser en plusieurs étapes distinctes la collecte et l’analyse du matériel cartographique disponible, et la sélection des cartes et des plans que nous allions utiliser pour porter et structurer nos recherches. Comme dans toutes les études, et malgré les avancées technologiques, y compris dans les appareils employés pour numériser les artéfacts, il existe une possibilité d’erreur, qui fait que le document consulté à l’écran n’est pas aussi fiable qu’on pourrait le souhaiter. En tenant compte de l’exactitude hypothétique des cartes réunies et utilisées, nous proposons ici une analyse thématique des documents qui repose sur leur sélection, leur géolocalisation et leur comparaison avec le plan actuel de la ville, en fonction de différents critères. La richesse de la documentation nous permet d’extrapoler les résultats à d’autres villes d’Espagne, et de mieux connaitre le processus d’établissement des cartes qui avait cours aux 19e et 20e siècles.
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Türegün, Adnan. "Immigrant Settlement Work in Canada: Limits and Possibilities for Professionalization." Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 50, no. 4 (October 24, 2013): 387–411.

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Cubas, Caroline Jaques. "Cartas de política, cartas de fé: inserção social e vida religiosa entre 1960 e 1990." Tempo 12, no. 24 (2008): 149–72.

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O presente trabalho apresenta a relação entre política e religiosidade através de uma troca epistolar ocorrida no final da década de 1980. Estas cartas possibilitam perceber impasses dentro da Igreja Católica, os receios em relação à emergência da teologia da libertação e inúmeras divergências entre as formas possíveis de se experienciar a vida institucionalmente consagrada.
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e Rocha Cabral, Renata Maciel, Fausto Medeiros Mendes, José Nicolau, and Denise Maria Zezell. "The influence of pvc seal wrap and probe tips autoclaving on the in vitro performance of laser fluorescence device in occlusal caries in primary teeth." Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 30, no. 4 (July 1, 2006): 306–9.

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The goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of a PVC Seal Wrap as barrier protection and the influence of autoclaving on the in vitro performance of a laser fluorescence device in detecting occlusal caries lesions in primary teeth. The clinical significance of the experiment is to create a protocol to avoid the possibility of underestimating caries in clinical setting.
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Lourenço, Nuno Calaim. "Information exchanges between competitors from a competition law perspective – the problem of premature exchanges of sensitive information in the context of merger control (Gun Jumping)." UNIO – EU Law Journal 4, no. 1 (January 4, 2018): 78–101.

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The topic of information exchanges between competing undertakings is central to competition law. These are practices that enhance market transparency and, as such, can generate significant efficiencies. However, they can also give rise to serious competition concerns, often because they afford competitors the possibility of reaching focal points of coordination. The analysis of information exchanges has traditionally taken place in the context of the legal framework that prohibits cartels. This article reviews, at first, the approach taken in Europe by competition authorities and courts, firmly grounded in the Commission Guidelines and in the most recent case law of the European Court of Justice. After discussing the relevant legal framework and the main criteria for the assessment of information exchanges in detail, the article elaborates on the specific problem that premature exchanges of information between competitors can create in the context of a merger transaction. As the competitors that they are, at least until closing of the deal, it is essential that contracting parties ensure that their due diligence exercise and the planning of the integration of their businesses are carried out in a manner that is consistent with competition rules, avoiding behaviour that can be interpreted as gun-jumping or as a cartel practice and, as a consequence, financial penalties and judicial claims.
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Rosenboom, Nicole, and Daan in 't Veld. "The Interaction of Public and Private Cartel Enforcement." World Competition 42, Issue 1 (March 1, 2019): 87–120.

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The prohibition of cartels is enforced by both public and private legislation, which may interact in a way that reduces their effectiveness. This article investigates these interaction effects specifically for the leniency programme and civil damages claims, by means of a conjoint analysis. Dutch companies and competition lawyers were faced with different enforcement situations containing a mix of public and private enforcement elements and were asked in which case they were most likely to apply for leniency. Their answers are analysed with a nested logit model, allowing for the possibility that respondents would continue the cartel in either of the presented enforcement situation. For firms, the corporate and personal fine and the fine reduction mattered in deciding to apply for leniency. Competition lawyers took the fine reduction, disclosure of leniency and burden of proof into account when advising on self-reporting the agreement. Both groups of respondents answered that in 16–19% of the situations they would continue the agreement and not apply for leniency/advice to so do (The authors thank the participating economists of the Dutch Competition Authority for their input and suggestions. Special thanks to Dr Ron Kemp, the competition lawyers who were willing to discuss the research results with the authors, prof. Dr Barbara Baarsma and prof. Dr Bas ter Weel.).
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Maltz, Marisa, Felipe Lappann Leal, Mario Bernardes Wagner, Julio Eduardo do Amaral Zenkner, Carolina Doege Brusius, and Luana Severo Alves. "Can We Diagnose a Patient’s Caries Activity Based on Lesion Activity Assessment? Findings from a Cohort Study." Caries Research 54, no. 3 (2020): 218–25.

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This cohort study evaluated the fate of sound surfaces and inactive non-cavitated (INC) and active non-cavitated (ANC) caries lesions in a population-based sample of South Brazilian adolescents, in answer to the question: “Is lesion activity assessment a reliable criterion to diagnose a patient’s caries activity?” A total of 801 schoolchildren were examined at baseline (aged 12 years) and after a mean time interval of 2.5 years. Data collection included a questionnaire and clinical examination. Patients were classified as caries-free (patients without any lesion), caries-inactive (patients with only inactive lesions), and caries-active (patients with at least one active lesion). The primary outcome was caries progression (presence of cavity, underlying dentin shadow, filling, or extraction at the follow-up exam). Negative binomial regression models were used to estimate the risk for caries progression. The main predictor variable was status of the surface at baseline: sound, INC, or ANC. Progression rates of 1.0, 9.0, and 12.6% were found for sound surfaces, INC, and ANC, respectively. INC (incidence risk ratio [IRR] 5.37, 95% CI 4.22–6.83) and ANC (IRR 4.96, 95% CI 3.43–7.17) had greater risk for caries progression than sound surfaces. Similar risks for progression were found for ANC and INC (IRR 0.92, 95% CI 0.64–1.32). Progression rates were 0.6, 1.1, and 2.2% for caries-free, caries-inactive, and caries-active individuals, respectively (p < 0.05). The risk for caries progression of sound surfaces was higher among caries-active adolescents (caries-free: IRR 2.78, 95% CI 1.63–4.72; caries-inactive: IRR 2.19, 95% CI 1.65–2.90). Caries-inactive patients behaved similarly to caries-free individuals (IRR 1.27, 95% CI 0.73–2.20). This study demonstrated the possibility of defining a patient’s caries activity profile based on lesion features.
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Cordova, Tania. "REDAÇÕES, CARTAS E COMPOSIÇÕES LIVRES: O CADERNO ESCOLAR COMO OBJETO DA CULTURA MATERIAL DA ESCOLA (LAGES/SC - 1935)." História da Educação 20, no. 49 (August 2016): 209–26.

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Resumo O caderno escolar é um objeto da cultura material que possibilita à História da Educação compreender o cotidiano da escola. Esse trabalho investigou as práticas de escrita em um caderno de produção de textos pertencente a uma ex-aluna da Escola Normal de Lages, interior do Estado de Santa Catarina, no ano de 1935. Nessa investigação o caderno representou um documento que permitiu entrever parte do processo de negociação entre o prescrito pelo currículo, o trabalho pedagógico e os tipos de escritas desenvolvidas pela normalista. Foram analisadas escritas presentes em redações, cartas e composições livres. O uso do caderno como documento possibilitou compreender as apropriações e os usos deste objeto como portador de sentidos ligados ao sistema de valores e representações sociais que ultrapassam a função de objeto destinado, somente, ao registro do processo de aprendizagem.
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Miyamoto, Nao, Tetsuya Adachi, Francesco Boschetto, Matteo Zanocco, Toshiro Yamamoto, Elia Marin, Shota Somekawa, et al. "Molecular Fingerprint Imaging to Identify Dental Caries Using Raman Spectroscopy." Materials 13, no. 21 (October 31, 2020): 4900.

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Tooth loss impairs mastication, deglutition and esthetics and affects systemic health through nutritional deficiency, weight loss, muscle weakness, delayed wound healing, and bone fragility. Approximately 90% of tooth loss is due to dental caries and periodontal disease. Accordingly, early treatment of dental caries is essential to maintaining quality of life. To date, the clinical diagnosis of dental caries has been based on each dentist’s subjective assessment, but this visual method lacks objectivity. To improve diagnostic ability, highly sensitive quantitative methods have been developed for the diagnosis and prevention of dental caries and are gradually becoming a mandatory item in modern dentistry. High-resolution Raman spectroscopy is a suitable tool for recognizing the subtle structural changes that occur in dental enamel in already developed or, more importantly, incipient dental caries. Raman analysis could soon emerge as a breakthrough in dentistry because of its high diagnostic sensitivity. In this study, we build upon our previous findings in a new analysis of dental caries using Raman spectroscopy imaging and discuss the possibility of using Raman photonic imaging in support of objective diagnostics in dentistry. Our findings support the Raman method of caries detection in comparison with other conventional or new approaches.
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Rahman, Md Shoyeb, Md Nahid Khurram Choudhury, Md Ismail Hossain, and Shahina Shoheli. "A Study of Dental Caries Status in Relation with Dental Check-up among Children in Rajshahi." TAJ: Journal of Teachers Association 34, no. 2 (March 8, 2022): 90–94.

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Background: The study aimed to assess the importance of dental check-ups for preventing dental caries among children 5-12 years of age in Rajshahi. Materials & Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in Dental Unit, Rajshahi Medical College, Different Dental Clinics, Dental Chambers in Rajshahi City Corporation from January 2018 to December 2019. A total number of 370 participants were allocated to detect dental caries and history of visiting dental clinics or hospitals for a dental check-up. A cross-sectional survey using a self-structured questionnaire and clinical examination of the oral cavity were conducted among participants to detect dental caries. Results: 8.92% of participants visited dentists for a regular dental check-up, whereas 49.73% visited dentists only when they had pain or problems with their teeth. 40.81% of participants had dental caries who never visited dentists, and 47.57% of participants were suffering from dental caries who went to the dental clinic or hospital only when there were necessary or emergency. Conclusion: Regular dental check-up reduce the possibility of dental caries among children. TAJ 2021; 34: No-2: 90-94
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Badini, Giulia Bortoliero Coli. "Cartas para Nelson." Epígrafe 7, no. 7 (August 28, 2019): 109–30.

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Joel Rufino dos Santos escreveu uma série de cartas destinadas ao seu filho Nelson enquanto esteve encarcerado pelo regime militar brasileiro entre 1972 e 1974. Foi de dentro do presídio do Hipódromo que Joel - pai, carioca, historiador, negro e militante - buscou através das correspondências, repletas de sentimentos, cores, lembranças, sonhos e histórias, manter contato com seu filho e estar presente na vida da criança, numa tentativa de superar a distância e a ausência impostas. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as correspondências enquanto importantes registros de uma memória acerca da ditadura militar e mecanismos de resistência ao regime. Pôde-se então concluir a consolidação tanto de uma memória individual quanto coletiva, bem como da resistência através de mecanismos que garantiram a sobrevivência do preso político e da rede de sociabilidade criada dentro do cárcere. Possibilitou também a apreensão acerca do sistema repressivo consolidado pelo regime militar brasileiro, pensando especificamente na repressão à intelectualidade e aos movimentos negros. Para a compreensão das correspondências, publicadas no livro Quando eu voltei, tive uma surpresa (SANTOS, 2000), foi fundamental a leitura e análise de documentos auxiliares, tais como: entrevista concedia ao Instituto de Estudos Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas (SANTOS, 2010), livros da coleção de livros didáticos História Nova do Brasil, volume 1 (SANTOS, 1965) e volume 4 (SANTOS, 1964), os processos de prisão e soltura de Joel Rufino dos Santos – disponíveis para acesso no Arquivo do Estado de São Paulo, e o livro Zumbi (SANTOS, 1987).
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de Sousa, Frederico B., Pablo J. Mangueira, David R. Tames, Sandra S. Vianna, and Neriede S. Santos-Magalhaes. "Concomitant caries and calculus formation from in situ dentin caries model." F1000Research 2 (January 4, 2013): 3.

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The aim of this study was to test the possibility of the concomitant formation of calculus deposits and caries fromin situdentin caries model for short time periods. Six volunteers wore palatal removal appliances with four polished dentin specimens protected from intra-oral mechanical forces for up to 14 days. Each volunteer applied a 50% sucrose solution (four times a day) on the specimens and performed a daily mouthwash with 0.05% NaF. Samples were removed after 2, 5, 9 and 14 daysin situ. Demineralization was analyzed by stereomicroscopy and SEM (secondary electrons and backscattered electrons modes) and calculus was analyzed by energy dispersive spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy. Seventeen samples, at least one sample from each volunteer, presented dental calculus on both carious and non-carious ones, detected in all time intervals. Ca/P ratios of dental calculus ranged from 1.1 to 1.7. Some large calculus deposits on carious surfaces were confirmed by fluorescence. In conclusion, concomitant caries and calculus formation can be found in dentin caries formedin situ. This has important repercussions on the study of surface phenomena on the interface between hard dental tissues and dental plaque.
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Gulledge, Laura M., and Charlie Scheer. "“No one cares”: Challenges and possibilities for modernizing juvenile detention operations in mississippi." Juvenile and Family Court Journal 73, no. 3 (September 2022): 21–32.

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Igna, Andreea. "Vital Pulp Therapy in Primary Dentition: Pulpotomy—A 100-Year Challenge." Children 8, no. 10 (September 24, 2021): 841.

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Pulpotomy has long been the most indicated vital pulp procedure in primary molars with extensive caries. The success of a pulpotomy is highly technique sensitive and it depends upon many factors, such as diagnosis accuracy, caries excavation method, pulp dressing material, quality of the final restoration and operator experience. This paper provides an overview of the pulpotomy procedure in primary teeth over a century, with reference to advances in technique, medication and restoration possibilities and challenges and controversies surrounding the subject as well as future directions.
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Neuhaus, Klaus W., Florin Eggmann, Jan Kühnisch, Svetlana Kapor, Mila Janjic Rankovic, Ina Schüler, Felix Krause, et al. "STAndard Reporting of CAries Detection and Diagnostic Studies (STARCARDDS)." Clinical Oral Investigations 26, no. 2 (October 8, 2021): 1947–55.

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Abstract Aim The aim of this paper is to present recommendations from an international workshop which evaluated the methodology and reporting of caries diagnostic studies. As a unique feature, this type of studies is focused on caries lesion detection and assessment, and many of them are carried out in vitro, because of the possibility of histological validation of the whole caries spectrum. This feature is not well covered in the existing reporting STARD guideline within the EQUATOR Network. Participants and methods An international working group of 13 cariology researchers was formed. The STARD checklist was reviewed and modified for caries detection and diagnosis purposes, in a three-step process of evaluation, consensual modification, and delivery during three 2-day workshops over 18 months. Special attention was paid to reporting requirements of caries studies that solely focus on reliability. Results The STARD checklist was modified in 14/30 items, with an emphasis on issues of sample selection (tooth selection in in vitro studies), blinding, and detailed reporting of results. Conclusion Following STARCARDDS (STAndard Reporting of CAries Detection and Diagnostic Studies) is expected to result in complete reporting of study design and methodology in future caries diagnosis and detection experiments both in vivo and in vitro, thus allowing for better comparability of studies and higher quality of systematic reviews. Clinical relevance Standardization of caries diagnostic studies leads to a better comparability among future studies, both in vivo and in vitro.
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Antunes, Leonardo Santos, Patricia Nivoloni Tannure, Lívia Azeredo Alves Antunes, Maria Fernanda Reis, Marcelo Castro Costa, Cresus Vinicius Depes Gouvêa, Beni Olej, and Jose Mauro Granjeiro. "Genetic Association for Caries Susceptibility among Cleft Lip and/or Palate Individuals." Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 15, no. 3 (2014): 288–93.

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ABSTRACT Aim To evaluate the association of the polymorphisms in the TGFB3 gene (rs2268626), and the BMP4 gene (rs17563) with dental caries in two different groups (noncleft group and oral cleft group) from a cleft center located at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Materials and methods A total of 486 unrelated children and adolescents with or without caries were evaluated using a cohort design. Data on oral health habits was obtained through a questionnaire and caries data was collected by clinical examination. Genotyping of the selected polymorphisms for TGFB3 and BMP4 were carried out by real-time PCR using the TaqMan assay method from a genomic DNA isolated from buccal epithelial cells of all children and adolescents. Results No association was found between BMP4 polymorphism and caries among individuals from both groups. For TGFB3 polymorphism, significant differences were observed for allele and genotype frequencies between caries free and caries affected individuals in oral cleft group (p = 0.013 and 0.006 for allele and genotype frequencies respectively). Conclusion Our findings provide evidence suggesting that TGFB3 may be involved in caries susceptibility in oral cleft group. Clinical significance In the future, the possibility of identifying genes related to caries susceptibility can lead to counseling of the individual that carries gene alterations, with the aim of working on preventive measures for caries as well as bioengineering treatments. How to cite this article Antunes LS, Tannure PN, Antunes LAA, Reis MF, Costa MC, Gouvêa CVD, Olej B, Granjeiro JM, Küchler EC. Genetic Association for Caries Susceptibility among Cleft Lip and/or Palate Individuals. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014;15(3):288-293.
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