Academic literature on the topic 'Cartes de possibilités'

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Journal articles on the topic "Cartes de possibilités"


Belzile, Marcel J. "Aperçu des études menées par la section québécoise de l’Inventaire des terres du Canada." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 17, no. 41 (April 12, 2005): 331–38.

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C'est au cours de la conférence « les ressources et notre avenir » tenue en octobre 1961, que les gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux ont entrepris de procéder à l'inventaire des ressources renouvelables au Canada. Des méthodes de travail basées sur les caractères biophysiques ont été mises au point dès 1964 afin d'obtenir des systèmes de classement uniformes pour tout le Canada, dans les secteurs de l'agriculture, de la forêt, de la récréation, de la faune ongulée et de la faune sauvagine. En septembre 1969, la section québécoise de l'Inventaire des Terres du Canada publie un document intitulé « Les systèmes de classement des possibilités d'utilisation des sols », suivi, en juin 1971, de « La méthodologie du zonage des terres selon leurs potentiels », ouvrage élaboré à partir des cartes originales de potentiel. En mai 1972, paraît une carte d'analyse des terres de la région de l'Outaouais (sud-ouest du Québec) qu'accompagne un rapport d'analyse de la région, considérée comme région pilote. La section québécoise de l'I.T.C. possède maintenant 3 257 cartes dont 662 cartes d'utilisation du sol, 440 cartes agricoles, 407 cartes forestières, 649 cartes de la récréation, 298 cartes de la faune ongulée, 550 cartes de la faune sauvagine et 251 cartes de zonage.
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Miquelon, Dale. "Les Pontchartrain se penchent sur leurs cartes de l’Amérique : les cartes et l’impérialisme, 1690–17121." Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française 59, no. 1-2 (April 27, 2006): 53–71.

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Résumé Les cartes historiques ne sont pas de simples reflets scientifiques de la géographie. Il vaudrait mieux les comprendre comme des « constructions » qui nous révèlent comment les sociétés passées comprenaient leur monde. Elles jouèrent ainsi un rôle important dans la construction d’un « Nouveau Monde de l’esprit » par les ministres français, Louis et Jérôme de Pontchartrain, qui gérèrent le destin du Canada entre 1690 et 1715. Si les cartes de J.-B.-L. Franquelin exposent à la fois le danger et les possibilités d’une politique impérialiste et continentale en Amérique du Nord, les cartes de J.-B. de Couagne nous montrent le choix moins grandiose de Jérôme de Pontchartrain. Ainsi, il nous faut rejeter la thèse d’un impérialisme français de grande envergure dans les dernières années du règne de Louis XIV.
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BIDANEL, J. P., P. LE ROY, L. OLLIVIER, M. BONNEAU, P. CHARDON, J. M. ELSEN, J. GELLIN, and D. MILAN. "Etablissement et utilisation de la carte génétique porcine." INRAE Productions Animales 9, no. 4 (August 17, 1996): 299–310.

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Des programmes de cartographie des génomes des principales espèces animales d’intérêt économique se sont développés depuis quelques années. Cet article fait le point sur l’état d’avancement et les perspectives d’utilisation de la carte génétique porcine. Après une présentation des principes généraux de la cartographie génétique, les résultats des principaux programmes de cartographie du génome porcin sont présentés. Différentes perspectives d’utilisation des cartes génétiques sont ensuite évoquées. Les possibilités et les modalités d’utilisation des marqueurs génétiques pour la détection et la localisation de locus à effets quantitatifs (QTL) sont présentées. L’intérêt de la cartographie comparée pour l’identification des QTL est illustré à partir de l’exemple du système majeur d’histocompatibilité. Quelques perspectives d’utilisation de l’information apportée par les marqueurs dans les programmes d’amélioration génétique (introgression d’un gène, sélection assistée par marqueurs) sont ensuite évoquées. Enfin, les principaux programmes de recherche utilisant la carte génétique porcine actuellement en cours à l’INRA (programmes de localisation de gènes RN et MU, programme de recherche des QTL responsables de la variabilité génétique entre les races Meishan et Large White) sont présentés.
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BIDANEL, J. P., P. LE ROY, L. OLLIVIER, M. BONNEAU, P. CHARDON, J. M. ELSEN, J. GELLIN, and D. MILAN. "Etablissement et utilisation de la carte génétique porcine." INRAE Productions Animales 9, no. 4 (August 20, 1996): 299–310.

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Des programmes de cartographie des génomes des principales espèces animales d’intérêt économique se sont développés depuis quelques années. Cet article fait le point sur l’état d’avancement et les perspectives d’utilisation de la carte génétique porcine. Après une présentation des principes généraux de la cartographie génétique, les résultats des principaux programmes de cartographie du génome porcin sont présentés. Différentes perspectives d’utilisation des cartes génétiques sont ensuite évoquées. Les possibilités et les modalités d’utilisation des marqueurs génétiques pour la détection et la localisation de locus à effets quantitatifs (QTL) sont présentées. L’intérêt de la cartographie comparée pour l’identification des QTL est illustré à partir de l’exemple du système majeur d’histocompatibilité. Quelques perspectives d’utilisation de l’information apportée par les marqueurs dans les programmes d’amélioration génétique (introgression d’un gène, sélection assistée par marqueurs) sont ensuite évoquées. Enfin, les principaux programmes de recherche utilisant la carte génétique porcine actuellement en cours à l’INRA (programmes de localisation de gènes RN et MU, programme de recherche des QTL responsables de la variabilité génétique entre les races Meishan et Large White) sont présentés.
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Prener, Christopher. "Digitizing and Visualizing Sketch Map Data: A Semi-Structured Approach to Qualitative GIS." Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 56, no. 4 (December 1, 2021): 267–83.

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Aux côtés des approches qualitatives de cueillette des données, le croquis cartographique constitue un moyen intuitif de récolter les impressions de participants et de participantes sur l’espace et les lieux. Mais les données recueillies sont souvent difficiles à traiter, en particulier à numériser et à visualiser. Après une description de ces difficultés, cet article présente une approche « semi-structurée » de la cueillette, de la numérisation et de l’analyse des données en vue d’un croquis cartographique, ainsi qu’un progiciel à code source ouvert, QualMap, qui offre des outils de numérisation de ces données en langage de programmation R. Cette approche conserve les cartes de base précises employées dans d’autres travaux préparatoires à des croquis cartographiques. Pour aider à la numérisation et à l’analyse, elle leur surimpose toutefois une unité spatiale, déterminée par la chercheuse ou le chercheur. L’utilisation d’une unité spatiale normée ouvre encore d’autres possibilités de cartographie et d’analyse. L’applicabilité de cette approche est illustrée par un projet d’échantillonnage qui analyse les perceptions de l’espace recueillies auprès d’un échantillon de commodité formé d’étudiants et d’étudiantes de niveau collégial. Le groupement sur les cartes ainsi produites montre, autour du campus, une « bulle » qui rend compte de l’essentiel des déplacements hebdomadaires de la population étudiante. Ces données sont appariées à des données sur la criminalité, ce qui suggère la possibilité d’étendre par des méthodes mixtes cette approche « semi-structurée » du croquis cartographique.
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Taddio, Anna, Anthony Ilersich, C. Meghan McMurtry, Lucie M. Bucci, and Noni E. MacDonald. "Gérer la douleur et la peur : Jouez vos « cartes» pour améliorer l’expérience de vaccination." Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada 47, no. 1 (January 29, 2021): 99–103.

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La plupart des vaccins sont administrés avec une aiguille, ce qui peut provoquer des douleurs et des réactions liées à la douleur, tels que la peur et l’évanouissement. À l’heure actuelle, les interventions visant à prévenir la douleur et les réactions connexes ne sont pas systématiquement intégrées dans le processus d’administration de vaccins, bien qu’elles contribuent aux expériences négatives de la vaccination et à la non-adhésion occasionelle. Cet article examine une nouvelle démarche pour l’administration de vaccins, appelée le système CARDMC. CARD est l’acronyme de Confort, Aide, Relaxation et Distraction, où chaque lettre est associée à une catégorie d’interventions fondées sur des preuves pour réduire la douleur, la peur et les réactions connexes. Le système CARD peut être intégré dans les activités habituelles de planification et d’administration des vaccinations dans de nombreux contextes afin d’améliorer l’expérience de vaccination et de réduire la douleur et la peur qui font obstacle à la vaccination. Les vaccinateurs de tous les milieux et les responsables des organisations sont invités à revoir leurs services de vaccination par rapport au système CARD afin de cerner les possibilités d’améliorer la qualité des soins fournis.
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Casti, Emanuela. "Mythologies africaines dans la cartographie française au tournant du XIXe siècle." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 45, no. 126 (April 12, 2005): 429–50.

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L'article essaie de montrer que, par le biais de la cartographie, sont créées des mythologies à propos de l'Afrique que nous pouvons baptiser « de retour », c'est-à-dire qu'elles sont créées par les Occidentaux et transférées dans le projet de domination comme s'il s'agissait de qualités africaines. La première mythologie concerne la transmission d'une Afrique riche de ressources et de possibilités d'exploitation; la seconde considère que c'est une terre à valoriser dans une perspective colonialiste, car elle semble dépourvue de significations sociale et politique. L'analyse du langage cartographique des cartes des revues du début du colonialisme en Afrique occidentale française (AOF) montre que, à travers les mécanismes sémiotiques concernant les toponymes basiques (originels), on n'accordait pas d'importance au territoire produit par les populations locales. De cette façon, on dotait l'Afrique de valeurs occidentales, justifiant ainsi la légitimité des choix imposés sans tenir compte de sa diversité. Les mythologies « de retour » créées par la cartographie sont donc des interprétations induites, mais aussi des instruments pour exclure une identité originelle.
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Moine, Monique, Henri Giraud, and Anne Puissant. "Mise en place d'une méthode semi-automatique de cartographie de l'occupation des sols à partir d'images SAR polarimétriques." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 215 (August 16, 2017): 13–23.

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Les cartes d'occupation du sol produites à des résolutions spatiales et temporelles élevées constituent actuellement une ressource très importante pour beaucoup d'organismes privés ou publics. Le développement de méthodes de cartographie automatique, fiables et robustes basées sur la classification d'images satellites constitue ainsi un enjeu majeur. Dans ce cadre, l'imagerie radar apporte l'avantage de fournir des images de jour comme de nuit, et quelles que soient les conditions météorologiques. Plus récemment, l'exploitation des informations de rétrodiffusion fournies par les images SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) polarimétriques a permis d'étendre les possibilités apportées par l'imagerie radar. Dans cette étude, une carte d'occupation du sol a été produite sur une partie de la plaine d'Alsace et du massif vosgien à partir (1) de 76 paramètres polarimétriques extraits d'une image ALOS PALSAR en polarisation quadruple et (2) d'une méthode de classification orientée-objet. Plusieurs algorithmes de classification ont été testés et l'algorithme du plus proche voisin est ressorti comme donnant les meilleurs résultats. La méthode mise en place à l'avantage d'être semi-automatique et facilement reproductible. Neuf classes d'occupation du sol ont été cartographiées avec un taux de bon classement de 69%. Plus précisément, trois d'entre elles ont été très correctement détectées : la forêt, l'urbain et l'eau. D'autres classes ont été confondues du fait de la similarité de leur signature polarimétrique : les zones de vignobles, les prairies et les zones de cultures. Enfin, trois classes non visibles sur les données a priori et les images optiques de référence ont pu être identifiées sur l'image polarisée. Ces premiers résultats sont prometteurs pour la cartographie de l'occupation des sols à partir d'images SAR polarimétriques.
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Le Clech, Laetitia. "Archives et géographie : typologie, caractéristiques et perspectives." Archives 47, no. 1 (November 9, 2017): 59–83.

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Dans cet article, Laetitia Le Clech fait le survol de différents enjeux et particularités qui touchent la conservation des archives géographiques. En plus des cartes, ces dernières comprennent également des photographies et images, ainsi que certaines études de terrain. Elle présente dans un premier temps quelques exemples de traitement de documents cartographiques en différents endroits, en plus de nous exposer les défis particuliers que posent ces documents. Les archives géographiques ont de multiples utilités, que ce soit dans le domaine historique, en géopolitique ou même dans le développement de politiques gouvernementales. L’auteure en fait la recension et illustre chacun de ces usages par des exemples. Elle donne ensuite un aperçu de la conservation des documents cartographiques suite à l’avènement de l’ère du numérique. En effet, tout comme pour d’autres types d’archives, ce contexte amène son lot de questionnements et de nouvelles pratiques, que ce soit par la numérisation dans le but de les conserver et de les diffuser, mais aussi par la nécessité de se préoccuper de l’obsolescence des supports et d’établir de nouvelles normes. L’auteure termine son texte en nous présentant diverses initiatives de diffusion et de création qui sont issues de ces nouvelles possibilités qu’offre le monde numérique. Elle ne manque pas en passant de nous mettre en garde contre certains abus et de plaider pour un encadrement renforcé afin de mieux mettre en valeur ces documents bien particuliers.
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Williams, Mark. "Cartels and Collusion: Failing Competition Policy in Hong Kong." World Competition 28, Issue 3 (September 1, 2005): 313–25.

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Hard core cartels have received increased international attention since the 1990s from many developed nations and from international organisations, especially the OECD. Cartel-busting has become a priority for many competition authorities. Penalties have been substantially increased, with many jurisdictions introducing criminal sanctions including the possibility of imprisonment for individual executives who organise cartel activities. The general opprobrium visited upon cartels is not, however, universally accepted. The Hong Kong authorities have an ambivalent attitude to cartel activity that is driven by an ostensible ideological commitment to ``free markets’’ at all costs. The Hong Kong government has a politico-economic agenda that refuses to acknowledge the pernicious effects of cartel activity and, in any event, denies that cartels are a significant problem in the territory. This article seeks to briefly examine the recent trend towards tougher cartel enforcement internationally. Hong Kong’s cartel policy is then contrasted with international developments and critically analysed. Cartel activity in Hong Kong is described and explained. The future development of competition policy in Hong Kong is considered.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Cartes de possibilités"


Ben, marzouka Wissal. "Traitement possibiliste d'images, application au recalage d'images." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2022.

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Dans ce travail, nous proposons un système de recalage géométrique possibiliste qui fusionne les connaissances sémantiques et les connaissances au niveau du gris des images à recaler. Les méthodes de recalage géométrique existantes se reposent sur une analyse des connaissances au niveau des capteurs lors de la détection des primitives ainsi que lors de la mise en correspondance. L'évaluation des résultats de ces méthodes de recalage géométrique présente des limites au niveau de la perfection de la précision causées par le nombre important de faux amers. L’idée principale de notre approche proposée est de transformer les deux images à recaler en un ensemble de projections issues des images originales (source et cible). Cet ensemble est composé des images nommées « cartes de possibilité », dont chaque carte comporte un seul contenu et présente une distribution possibiliste d’une classe sémantique des deux images originales. Le système de recalage géométrique basé sur la théorie de possibilités proposé présente deux contextes : un contexte supervisé et un contexte non supervisé. Pour le premier cas de figure nous proposons une méthode de classification supervisée basée sur la théorie des possibilités utilisant les modèles d'apprentissage. Pour le contexte non supervisé, nous proposons une méthode de clustering possibiliste utilisant la méthode FCM-multicentroide. Les deux méthodes proposées fournissent en résultat les ensembles de classes sémantiques des deux images à recaler. Nous créons par la suite, les bases de connaissances pour le système de recalage possibiliste proposé. Nous avons amélioré la qualité du recalage géométrique existant en termes de perfection de précision, de diminution du nombre de faux amers et d'optimisation de la complexité temporelle
In this work, we propose a possibilistic geometric registration system that merges the semantic knowledge and the gray level knowledge of the images to be registered. The existing geometric registration methods are based on an analysis of the knowledge at the level of the sensors during the detection of the primitives as well as during the matching. The evaluation of the results of these geometric registration methods has limits in terms of the perfection of the precision caused by the large number of outliers. The main idea of our proposed approach is to transform the two images to be registered into a set of projections from the original images (source and target). This set is composed of images called “possibility maps”, each map of which has a single content and presents a possibilistic distribution of a semantic class of the two original images. The proposed geometric registration system based on the possibility theory presents two contexts: a supervised context and an unsupervised context. For the first case, we propose a supervised classification method based on the theory of possibilities using learning models. For the unsupervised context, we propose a possibilistic clustering method using the FCM-multicentroid method. The two proposed methods provide as a result the sets of semantic classes of the two images to be registered. We then create the knowledge bases for the proposed possibilistic registration system. We have improved the quality of the existing geometric registration in terms of precision perfection, reductionin the number of false landmarks and optimization of time complexity
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Bonnefon, Régis. "Extraction d'objets cartographiques à partir d'images de télédétection : possibilité d'application à la mise à jour de systèmes d'information géographique." Toulouse 3, 2002.

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Sundqvist, Sara, and Sandra Gustafsson. "Inter(man)tional Assignments? : - A Study Concerning Women’s Possibilities to Work Abroad." Thesis, Umeå University, Umeå School of Business, 2007.

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Title: Inter(man)tional Assignments?

– A Study Concerning Women’s Possibilities to Work Abroad

Problem: How do women perceive their possibilities to obtain an international assignment?

Purpose: The main purpose with this study is to create an understanding for women’s possibilities to obtain an international assignment. To be able to achieve this and to obtain a more faceted picture two types of sectors have been examined; larger Swedish corporations within the Swedish business world and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. We will further elucidate how women within the two sectors may perhaps learn from each other’s experiences, this to create new knowledge regarding women on international assignments.

Theory: In this study concepts linked to the fields of culture, management and international business are included; more pecifically the areas of international assignments, gender based differences, female characteristics, the glass ceiling and networks. A second theory part has been added after the completion of the empirical data collection to create a better and broader foundation for our study. Dual-careers, male structures, male bonding and old boys’ networks are included in this part. The supplemented theories have been placed previous to our analysis.

Method: We have performed a qualitative study from a gender based perspective with a focus upon female expatriates. The study has an abductive approach and we relate to a hermeneutical epistemology. Telephone interviews have been performed with female respondents who currently possess and international assignment or previously been an expatriate.

Result: The result of our study shows that there is no clear-cut answer to how women perceive their possibilities to obtain a foreign assignment, since their experiences are complex and individual. However, the core of our answer to the research question distinguishes a few aspects which are common among the respondents. The major cause affecting women’s possibilities is the issue of dual-career couples. The spouse’s and family’s situation is the main reason for the lack of women in these assignments. Another aspect which appears to be of great importance is the lack of women in leading positions. More women are needed on each and every managerial level to allow more women to achieve higher positions. If this is accomplished there will be a larger pool of competent and skilled females to choose from when selecting expatriates. Even though we have studied two diverse sectors, the issues and problems for the women seem to be the same. Still, both sectors have something to learn from each other. First, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs should improve their recruitment process. Second, something the Swedish business world can learn from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is to support their expatriates in a better way before and during their assignment abroad.

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Mišinytė, Eglė. "Kineziterapijos studentų karjeros galimybių įvertinimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2010.

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Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti Lietuvos kineziterapijos studentų nuomonę apie jų karjeros galimybes. Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimas atliktas 2010 m. sausio – vasario mėnesiais. Naudotas vienmomentis anoniminės apklausos metodas. Buvo apklausti visi aukštosiose Lietuvos mokyklose kineziterapijos specialybę studijuojantys trečio ir ketvirto kurso studentai. Viso išdalintos 173 anketos tolimesniam tyrimui atgal gautos ir statistinėje analizėje buvo naudotos 154 teisingai užpildytos anketos. Atsako dažnis 89,02 proc. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 13.0 ir MS Excel programą. Rezultatai: Didžioji dalis (78,6 proc.) studentų teigė, kad jiems karjera yra svarbi, tačiau ji nėra svarbesnė už jų asmeninį gyvenimą. Tik kas dešimtas respondentas manė, kad karjera ir asmeninis gyvenimas yra neatsiejami dalykai. Be karjeros savo gyvenimo neįsivaizduoja daugiau vyrų nei moterų. Daugiau nei 64 proc. apklausos dalyvių mano, kad šiuo metu kineziterapeuto specialybė yra perspektyvi, 6,5 proc. respondentų nuomone – prestižinė, ir kas dešimtas teigia, kad kineziterapeuto specialybė šiuo metu yra neprestižinė arba neaiškios paskirties. Net 86,4 proc. studentų progai pasitaikius sutiktų savo specialybę keisti. Tuo tarpu, 87,7 proc. apklausos dalyvių baigę kineziterapeuto studijas planuoja dirbti pagal savo specialybę. 63,6 proc. apklausos dalyvių baigę studijas ketina dirbti Lietuvoje, o 36,4 proc. - ketina darbo ieškotis užsienio šalyse. Daugiau moterų nei vyrų ketina darbo ieškoti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Aim: To evaluate the opinion of Lithuanian physical therapy students about their career possibilities. Methods: The cross-sectional study was carried out in January / February, 2010. The questionnaires were distributed to all (N=173) third and fourth year physical therapy students, who studied at university degree programs . The response rate was 89%. Results: The majority of students (78.6%.) indicated career as important factor in their lives, but not as important as private life. Only every tenth respondent considered career and private life being inseparable and relevant matters. More men than women could not imagine their lives without career. Moreover, career was important for women but not as important as their private life. More than 64% of respondents, considered their specialty as perspective, 6.5% tended to think that it is a prestigious one, and only every tenth respondent stated it not prestigious or with destination in nowadays context. It should be stressed, that 86.4% of students would change their specialty, if they would have a chance. After the graduation of studies, 87.7% of respondents were planning to work in the field of physical therapy. 63.6% participants of the survey were planning to stay and work in Lithuania. Meanwhile, 36.4% of respondents were planning to work abroad. More women than men were planning to find a job in Lithuania. The main reasons for emigration were indentified, as insufficient appreciation of physical therapy... [to full text]
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Naruševičiūtė, Laura. "Ergoterapijos studentų karjeros galimybių vertinimas." Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2008.

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Darbo tikslas: Ištirti Lietuvos ergoterapijos studentų požiūrį į jų karjeros galimybes. Tyrimo metodika: Vienmomentinė apklausa buvo vykdoma Kauno medicinos ir Vilniaus universitetuose bei Kauno, Vilniaus ir Utenos kolegijose 2007 m. rugsėjo - lapkričio mėn. Tyrimo objektas - visi ergoterapijos studentai, studijuojantys Kauno medicinos ir Vilniaus universitetuose, bei ergoterapijos studentai, studijuojantys Kauno, Vilniaus ir Utenos kolegijose. Statistinėje analizėje buvo naudotos 255 teisingai užpildytos anketos (69,1 proc. visų išdalintų anketų). Rezultatai: Didžioji dalis respondentų (75,3 proc.) tikėjosi rasti darbą Lietuvoje. Labiausiai tikėjosi Lietuvoje įsidarbinti Kauno (82,1 proc.) bei Vilniaus (81,5 proc.) kolegijų studentai. Kiek mažiau tuo tiki universitetų studentai. Daugiau nei pusė (59,2 proc.) apklaustųjų pageidavo dirbti reabilitacijos ir sanatorinio gydymo įstaigose. Privačia praktika norėtų verstis 14,1 proc. studentų. Statistiškai reikšmingai daugiau žinančių, kur dirbs baigę studijas, buvo tarp kolegijų (8,6 proc.) nei tarp universitetų (2,2 proc.) respondentų (p<0,05). Kauno medicinos universitete žinančių, kur dirbs baigę studijas, nebuvo nei vieno studento. Dirbti į užsienio šalis galvoja išvykti 29,4 proc. respondentų. Vilniaus kolegijoje buvo daugiausia studentų (35,4 proc.), lyginant su kitomis mokymo įstaigomis, ketinančių baigus studijas vykti dirbti į užsienio šalis. Beveik pusė (44,3 proc.) respondentų kaip pagrindinę išvykimo priežastį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Aim: To evaluate attitudes of Lithuanian occupational therapy students to their career possibilities. Methods: Survey has been carried out at Kaunas University of Medicine Vilnius University and Kaunas, Vilnius and Utena colleges. Questionnaires were distributed to all occupational therapy undergraduate students. In the analysis, 255 correctly filled in questionnaires were used (response rate 69.1%). Results: The biggest part (75.3 %) of respondents expected to find a job in Lithuania. The most optimistic students were in Kaunas (82.1%) and Vilnius (81.5%) colleges. Fewer expectations had students from other Universities. More than a half (59.2%) of the respondents was willing to work in the institutions of rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment. Meanwhile, 14.1% of students expressed the will to start private practice. Statistically significantly more respondents, who knew where they will work after the graduation of their studies, were from colleges (8.6%) than from universities (2.2%) (p<0.05). It was no single student from Kaunas University of Medicine, who knew his workplace after the graduation. The biggest proportion of students (35.4%), which was eager to emigrate after the graduation was in Vilnius college. Almost half of respondents (44.3%) indicated that the higher salary could be the reason for leaving abroad. This was more important for college students than for university students (p<0.05). Second important reason for leaving the country, was better work... [to full text]
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Ingemansson, Louise. "Perceptions of the Future on St. Lucia’s Labour Market - Eight female and male C.A.R.E.-trainees’ perceptions of future career possibilities." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för lärande och samhälle (LS), 2017.

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In the Caribbean, the structures of the countries’ labour markets and a lack of relevant skills or experience are some of the mentioned causes of unemployment among young adults. At the Centre for Adolescent and Renewal Education (C.A.R.E.) in St. Lucia, the trainees aim is, by learning a practical skill, not to become part of the country’s unemployment rate. The purpose with this study is to examine eight C.A.R.E.-trainees’ perceptions of their future and what capitals they find important for personal and career possibilities. The purpose is also to study if there are differences or similarities between the male and female trainees’ perception of the labour market in St. Lucia. The study is built on three questions; “What kind of career goals do the trainees have?”, “What capitals do the trainees view as important for future career possibilities?” and “What differences and similarities are there between the female and the male trainees’ perception of St. Lucia’s labour market?”. The study is built on a qualitative method, based on eight participants, four female and four men aged 18 to 21. The result shows that the majority have a career goal common to their gender and that they think it is important to have good personal characteristics and a skill for future career possibilities. Their similar perception of St. Lucia’s labour market is that it is rough, that it is hard to get a job. The male trainees had a more macro-levelled perspective since they talked about how important it is to have a social and symbolic capital in St. Lucia’s labour market, while the female trainees discussed the meaning of the job-interview. The trainees’ negative perception of St. Lucia has made them, especially the male trainees, want to move to another country.
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L'Espérance, Marianne. "Retrouve-moi à la récréation (récit de fiction), suivi de Suicide du personnage féminin dans les romans Les Particules élémentaires, La Possibilité d’une île et La Carte et le territoire de Michel Houellebecq." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017.

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Ce mémoire de maîtrise comporte trois parties. La première est constituée d’un récit de fiction intitulé Retrouve-moi à la récréation. Le lecteur suit Clara, une jeune enseignante au secondaire qui accepte de retourner dans sa ville natale pour un contrat. Clara retrouve alors la banlieue étouffante de Salaberry. Sa désillusion s’aggrave au rythme des souvenirs d’enfance qui l’assaillent. Un jour, alors que Clara est attablée à l’extérieur de l’école, elle est témoin d’une bagarre. Un élève se fait battre à coups de barre de métal à quelques mètres d’elle. Mais Clara ne réagit pas, et son inertie lui coûte son emploi. Dès lors, la narratrice tente de comprendre sa passivité. Clara part en quête de Maureen, son amie d’enfance. Elle seule pourrait lui expliquer ce qui lui arrive. La deuxième partie du mémoire est consacrée à l’analyse de trois romans de Michel Houellebecq, soit Les Particules élémentaires (1998), La Possibilité d’une île (2005) ainsi que La Carte et le territoire (2010) dans lesquels le suicide féminin est un élément symptomatique du désir de disparition à la source du projet d’écriture de l’écrivain. L’élan explicite de mort de trois personnages féminins est étudié depuis une double perspective poétique et philosophique. Le premier chapitre intitulé « Les suicidées houellebecquiennes » situe et analyse le suicide de Christiane (Les Particules élémentaires), d’Isabelle (La Possibilité d’une île) et d’Anne (La Carte et le territoire). Le second chapitre, « Mises à mort et contrecoups », présente le suicide comme stratégie narrative permettant le recommencement. La troisième partie du mémoire est un essai réflexif s’intéressant à la manière d’écrire la disparition qui innerve l’écriture houellebecquienne et la mienne. La tension entre le souvenir d’enfance et la désillusion y est montrée comme l’un des principaux enjeux communs.
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Maia, Thais Laudares Soares. "Estratégias de enfrentamento e significados de câncer incurável entre usuários de um serviço ambulatorial de oncologia da Baixada Santista." Universidade Católica de Santos, 2017.

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Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira ( on 2017-03-20T19:58:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Thais Laudares Soares Maia.pdf: 2383778 bytes, checksum: 63872173da6a935884954d9df67bf090 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-20T19:58:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thais Laudares Soares Maia.pdf: 2383778 bytes, checksum: 63872173da6a935884954d9df67bf090 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-21
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Cancer is a serious public health problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers in 27 million new cases of cancer by the year 2030 in the whole world. In Brazil, the frequent diagnose of cancer in advanced phase results in a delay of treatment and invalidate possibilities of cure. Nowadays, the Unique Health System (UHS) advocates to the patients with cancer, without possibilities of cure, the approach in palliative cares that is still recent, limited and little consolidated in health services. The study had as objective to analyse the strategies of confrontation and meanings of cancer without possibility of cure in users of outpatient oncology service from UHS. It was done a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with 11 participants of both sexes, age from 18 years old and diagnosed with cancer without possibilities of cure. The results were analysed in the following reaction categories: 1) sadness and hope; 2) process of sickness; 3) ¿I don¿t want these words¿; 4) non-clinical context; 5) God¿s will; 6) family comfort; 7) sickness and losses; 8) organic and existential pain; 9) psychosocial aspects of sickness; and 10) eminence of death in health services. One identified the need of reflecting about the relational aspects and cares that envolve the patients without possibilities of cure, considering the advance of medicine and of technology and on the other hand, the need to rescue the human relation aspects between health professionals and patients.
O câncer é um grave problema de saúde pública. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) estima em 27 milhões de novos casos de câncer para o ano de 2030 em todo o mundo. No Brasil, o frequente diagnóstico de câncer em fase avançada resulta no atraso do tratamento e inviabiliza as possibilidades de cura. Atualmente, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) preconiza aos pacientes com câncer, sem possibilidades de cura, a abordagem em cuidados paliativos, que ainda é recente, restrita e pouco consolidada nos serviços de saúde. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar as estratégias de enfrentamento e significados do câncer sem possibilidade de cura em usuários de um serviço ambulatorial de oncologia do SUS. Foi realizado estudo qualitativo com entrevistas semiestruturadas com 11 participantes de ambos os sexos, idade a partir de 18 anos e diagnosticados com câncer sem possibilidades de cura. Os resultados foram analisados nas seguintes categorias empíricas: 1) Tristeza e esperança; 2) processo de adoecimento; 3) ¿eu não quero essas palavras¿; 4) contexto não clínico; 5) vontade divina; 6) o conforto da família; 7) adoecimento e perdas; 8) dor orgânica e existencial; 9) aspectos psicossociais do adoecimento; e 10) a eminência da morte nos serviços de saúde. Identificou-se a necessidade de refletir sobre os aspectos relacionais e de cuidados que envolvem os pacientes sem possibilidades de cura, considerando o avanço da medicina e da tecnologia e, por outro lado, o necessário resgate aos aspectos humanísticos da relação entre profissionais de saúde e os pacientes.
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Oliveira, Antonia Aleksandra Mendes. "Na terra da luz: O sol nasce para todos, mas a sombra à para poucos. Projetos de vida e campo de possibilidades de jovens das classes populares â Fortaleza â CE." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2015.

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FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do CearÃ
Este trabalho à resultado de uma pesquisa sobre os percursos de vida e as perspectivas de futuro de estudantes do 3 ano do ensino mÃdio da Escola ParÃquia da Paz, instituiÃÃo pÃblica estadual, localizada no bairro Aldeota, em Fortaleza - CearÃ. Procura-se conhecer as intenÃÃes, anseios, e, por conseguinte, dificuldades e possibilidades que os sujeitos tÃm, considerando suas trajetÃrias pessoais e suas experiÃncias escolares. Procura-se conhecer como sÃo elaboradas as estratÃgias para realizaÃÃo de seus propÃsitos de vida em seus cotidianos, a partir da socializaÃÃo que vivenciaram em suas realidades concretas. Para pensar o campo de possibilidades desses jovens, enquanto cenÃrio possÃvel e moldÃvel em que se està inserido, discutem-se, à luz de diferentes autores, diversas categorias de suporte, tais como desigualdades sociais e escolares, acumulaÃÃo do privilÃgio cultural, marginalizaÃÃo e ocultaÃÃo de saberes e prÃticas sociais, currÃculo, inteligÃncia, dom individual e mÃrito pessoal. As ponderaÃÃes aqui traÃadas sÃo frutos de reflexÃes, estudos teÃricos e empÃricos, que revelam o desafio que à romper com as circunscritas oportunidades reservadas aos jovens e adultos das camadas populares. As chances de consumaÃÃo dos projetos ou propÃsitos de vida, escolares ou profissionais, para os menos abastados, sÃo escassas e contundentes. Considerando que o prÃprio sistema social e escolar filtra e classifica desigualmente, a pesquisa se propÃe a desnaturalizaÃÃo das definiÃÃes de sucesso e fracasso de vida, expressas pelas hierarquias de saberes e prÃticas arregimentadas socialmente, como escolha ou competÃncia individual.
This work is a result of a research about the lifeâs ways and the future perspectives of the students of the third year of high school at the ParÃquia da Paz School, public state institution, located in Aldeota neighborhood, in Fortaleza-CearÃ. I research the studentâs intentions, aspirations, and further, their difficulties and possibilities, considering their personal path and scholar experiences. I try to know how the strategies for achieving their life purposes in their daily lives are elaborated, from the socialization that they experienced in their concrete realities. To think about the field of possibilities of these youths, I discuss from the ideas of different authors, several support categories, such as social and scholar differences, cultural privileges accumulation, marginalization and concealment of knowledge and social practices, curriculum, intelligence, individual gift and personal merit. The considerations outlined here are made thought reflections, theoretical and empirical studies, which show the challenge of breaking with the circumscribe opportunities reserved to the youths and adults of popular classes. The chances of consummation of studentâs project or purposes of life, professional or educational to the poorest people are scarce and pointed. Considering that the own social and educational system filter and classify in a unequal way, the research propound the denaturalization of the definitions of success and failure in life, express by the hierarchies of knowledge and practice that are regimented socially as individual choice or competence.
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Crous, Sandra. "Possibility and limits of life design counselling with an abandoned adolescent." Diss., 2011.

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The number of children being abandoned in South Africa is rising steeply. With already existing challenges in the current South African labour market, one must consider the expectations of abandoned adolescents in terms of future careers. It is unreasonable to expect an abandoned adolescent to be guided towards making career decisions using modern career counselling methods, as these were developed for use with individuals from traditional, nuclear families. Most abandoned adolescents are taken in by extended family; grow up in children’s homes or on the streets. One can expect these circumstances to negatively impact the abandoned adolescent’s outlook and hope for the future. There is thus a need for an approach to career facilitation, which takes into account the abandoned adolescent’s subjective experience of his/her context. It was the primary goal of this study to investigate the possibility and limits of life design counselling with an abandoned adolescent. This was done against the background of both the systems theory and social constructionism in order to help the researcher to focus on the experience of the participant within his/her unique context. The study specifically focused on the experience of an abandoned adolescent. In order to better understand the subjective and diverse experiences of the participant, I aimed to investigate, through the lens of social constructionism, the way in which abandoned adolescents in general (and my participant in particular) create meaning through interaction with others as well as his/her environment. Within the qualitative paradigm this study was conducted by means of a case study during which a variety of postmodern techniques were implemented in order to facilitate co-constructive conversations with the participant.
Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2012.
Educational Psychology
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Books on the topic "Cartes de possibilités"


Magherini, Simone, ed. Carte d'autore – il portale. Firenze: SEF - Centro studi "Aldo Palazzeschi", 2022.

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Il portale Carte d'autore online permette la consultazione di otto archivi letterari italiani, rendendo disponibili in rete manoscritti, lettere, foto, filmati, con le relative schede d'archivio (per un totale di circa 90.000 schede archivistiche, 76.000 immagini, 14.000 trascrizioni), con possibilità di un'ampia gamma di ricerche sui dati e sui testi. Nel rispetto dei diritti d'autore, la consultazione e la riproduzione di immagini è soggetta a diversi livelli di autorizzazione.
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Tkacheva, Viktoriya, Il'ya Evtushenko, and Marina Zhigoreva. Career guidance and socialization of students with complex disabilities. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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The textbook deals with theoretical and methodological, legal and socio-humanistic foundations of the system of vocational guidance and socialization of students with complex disabilities, the history of the formation of ideas about career counseling in domestic and foreign science and practice. Presented psycho-pedagogical features of pupils with complex disabilities and conditions that ensure successful mastery of the available professions, work skills. This description of the vocational diagnostic procedure aimed at exploring the possibilities of a child with severe to mastering the profession. The estimation of the level of employment, pre-vocational and vocational knowledge and skills. The possible extent of mastering different kinds of work, professional activities and employment options of persons with complex disabilities. First introduced the variative model of the system of vocational guidance and socialization of students with complex disabilities and the contents of psychological and pedagogical support of their families in the process of career guidance. For students of institutions of secondary vocational education, undergraduate, master degree, post-graduate students studying in areas of training 44.03.01/44.04.01 "Pedagogical education", 44.03.02/44.04.02 "Psycho-pedagogical education", 44.03.03/44.04.03 "Special (defectological) education", as well as professionals working in the system, both General and special education, institutions secondary vocational and higher education.
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Malita, Laura, and Vanna Boffo, eds. Digital Storytelling for Employability. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2010.

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This publication results from the research work undertaken by the partner institutions involved in the KA3-ICT Project Transversal Lifelong Learning Programme, Learn about finding jobs from digital storytelling(143429-2008-LLP-RO-KA3-KA3MP), with the main purpose of enhancing graduates' employability possibilities. For graduating students looking for a job it is perhaps harder than ever to meet success on the job market. They must use every tool they know to express themselves and to reflect their knowledge, competences and skills. The book aims to explain the main aspects of using digital storytelling as a method for employability, career development, reflection, assessment, consultancy, presentation and communication. Through digital storytelling, students begin to comprehend how all the elements of writing a narrative work together and how to manipulate them for the best effects in readers and viewers. Also, sharing and evaluating digital stories among peers is an excellent way to foster self-expression and tolerance and to create an engaged community of learners.
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Career Patterns: A Kaleidoscope of Possibilities. Prentice Hall, 1999.

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Katz, Richard S., and Peter Mair. The Cartel Party and Populist Opposition. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Cartelization has given rise to opposition in the form of anti-party-system or populist parties. While this possibility was clear as early as the 1990s, in the last decade the growth of these parties has led to alarm in some quarters about the continued viability of liberal democratic party government. In contrast to accounts that attribute this rise to the recent policy failures of the political mainstream, this chapter suggests that its roots lie in internal contradictions in the expectations that the parties have raised in the process of cartelization. Rather than being solutions to these problems, models of “the regulatory state” or “consensus democracy” are strikingly similar to democracy under the cartel party model.
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Duffy, Ali. Careers in Dance. Human Kinetics, 2021.

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Never before has a greater variety of careers been available in dance—and never before has such comprehensive, expert guidance on those burgeoning careers been accessible in one book. Careers in Dance is a master guide that will help students navigate the expanding opportunities in dance and familiarize current professionals with potential career choices that best align with their pursuits and strengths. This highly practical text offers a wealth of information on career options in a variety of settings and with a variety of focuses, including commercial ventures, scholarly pursuits, administrative avenues, medical and scientific settings, and interdisciplinary opportunities. Readers are guided in discovering their deepest interests and learning how to translate their unique strengths into rich and fulfilling careers. In keeping with recent trends in higher education dance programs, Careers in Dance spotlights entrepreneurship and leadership opportunities for dancers, delving into an array of options and offering much-needed advice. The book covers some of the social and cultural influences that affect success in the field, and it explores various career opportunities: • K-12 and postsecondary dance education • Dance studios • Performance, choreography, and production • Dance research, analytical writing, and journalism • Dance administration and advocacy • Dance science, therapy, and medical and somatic practices • Private competition companies • Technical theater and related areas The text also helps readers understand the connections between dance and other disciplines. For example, it details the interdisciplinary opportunities involving technology, technical theater, and media. It also notes the possibilities for continued education in graduate school programs and suggests approaches to acclimating to life as a working professional. Careers in Dance offers two recurring elements throughout the book: 1. Profiles of, and interviews with, esteemed professional dancers, revealing their real-world experiences and affording insights into different dance careers 2. Reflection prompts that encourage self-reflection and prepare readers to seek career development and career advancement opportunities This text explores the opportunities dance students and professionals can pursue, helps them pinpoint their areas of interest and strengths, and equips them to create their unique paths to a fulfilling career in dance. In doing so, Careers in Dance provides the advice and strategies dancers need to actualize their own destinies in dance. AUDIENCE Text for undergraduate courses on careers, entrepreneurship, and leadership, and for dance students embarking on careers. Reference for professionals considering career changes in the dance field.
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Hicks, Michael, and Christian Asplund. Vast, Sparse Areas of Possibility: 1960–1969. University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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This chapter documents more experimental changes in Wolff's compositional oeuvre, as well as certain new milestones in his life. While working in the army, Wolff continued to develop his musicianship through prose polemics and new compositional strategies. In 1962, he reached a new threshold in his experimental evolution, as he began a two-year span of writing only pieces with unspecified instrumentation. In addition, Wolff's academic and family moorings had begun to shift. Family-wise, he would marry Hope (“Holly”) Nash at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Royalton in 1965, develop an interest in electric guitar, and witness the birth of his firstborn, Christian Mayhew (“Hew”). Career-wise, Wolff's teaching contract with Harvard would not be renewed, which later provided him with the opportunity to apply for a position teaching classics and music at Dartmouth.
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Garland, Ann F. Pursuing a Career in Mental Health. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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Many people are interested in pursuing a career in mental health but may be uncertain about career options. This book helps to identify the best educational path for their interests and prepare for success. Throughout, mental health professionals share inspiring wisdom to build realistic expectations and highlight key decision points. Comprehensive information about the disciplines of counseling, marital/couples and family therapy, psychology, psychiatry, psychiatric nursing, and social work is provided, along with an expansive array of job possibilities. Practical guidance about master’s versus doctoral degrees, graduate admissions success, educational costs, and salary projections is offered. Readers learn about how diversity and inclusion issues as well as laws and ethics impact mental health and how to prevent career burnout. Thought-provoking chapters promote balanced respect for both the healing art and the science of mental health and forecast innovations that will shape the field into the future. Finally, multimedia resources are recommended to boost career preparedness.
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Lockwood, Dana, Houri Parsi, Wendy Packman, and Bruce Bongar. Legal and Ethical Risk Management with Behavioral Emergencies. Edited by Phillip M. Kleespies. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Working with patients presenting with serious harm to themselves or others is an experience many mental health professionals will have during their careers. The possibility of working with this population might cause some apprehension for treatment providers because of the patient and professional risks involved. In this chapter we review the applicable legal theories of professional negligence and focus on the potential legal and professional ramifications that occur when mental health professionals do not rise to the applicable standard of care when working with suicidal or aggressive patients. Additionally, this chapter provides an outline of the legally imposed duties that treatment providers have to their patients so as to promote effective and ethical treatment of those presenting with the possibility of serious harm to themselves and others.
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MORE magazine 287 secrets of reinventing your life: Big and small ways to embrace new possibilities / MORE Magazine. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley, 2011.

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Book chapters on the topic "Cartes de possibilités"


Gordon Biddle, Kimberly A., Aletha M. Harven, and Cynthia Hudley. "Other Career Possibilities." In Careers in Child and Adolescent Development, 109–17. New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2018.

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Nota, Laura, Salvatore Soresi, Ilaria Di Maggio, Sara Santilli, and Maria Cristina Ginevra. "Career Counseling and Vocational Designing, from the Origins to the End of the Last Century: The Moment of Maximum Possibilities." In Sustainable Development, Career Counselling and Career Education, 1–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Dennis, R. "6. Introduction; Possibilities for Improvements; Recommendations from Working Group on Cart Manufacture; Recommendations from Working Group on Marketing; Recommendations of Working Party on Maintenance and Repair." In Guidelines for Design, Production and Testing of Animal-Drawn Carts, 155–70. Rugby, Warwickshire, United Kingdom: Practical Action Publishing, 1996.

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Real-Dato, José. "In Search of Relevance: The Advisory Roles of Political Scientists in Spain." In The Advisory Roles of Political Scientists in Europe, 253–77. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractThis chapter analyses the involvement of academic political scientists in Spain in political and policy advisory tasks and the factors that account for such engagement. This is done by using data from the ProSEPS COST Action survey collected among political scientists working in Spanish academic institutions during 2018. After describing both the contextual opportunities and limitations affecting the demand and supply of policy and political advice in Spain, the chapter investigates the factors that could explain the frequency and causes of the engagement of political scientists in policy advice activities. Results show that the structure of the state as well as professional norms, the stage in professional career (seniority and tenure), and the level of specialisation influence the participation in advisory tasks. The chapter ends with a reflection about the possibilities to further expand the advisory influence of Spanish political scientists.
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Quiring, Johanna, and Franziska Vogt. "Shared Reading for Valuing Diversity and Fostering Language Acquisition." In Migration, Religion and Early Childhood Education, 3–22. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020.

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Abstract It is not unknown that children with a migration background often have fewer chances for a successful school career. Traditionally, a lack of skills in the common language is considered the cause of this inequality. Current discussions however offer multidimensional approaches and emphasise the fact that there are many more factors that account for this development. Nonetheless, good knowledge of the common language does support school success and thus remains an important factor. From an early childhood education perspective, the approach of incorporating language acquisition into it in everyday activities seems to be auspicious. Specific strategies to foster language skill acquisition in children that can be incorporated into everyday activities have been discerned. Among other methods, dialogic book reading is widely accepted as an evidence-based method to support children in enhancing their language skills. As important as the development of a conductive environment for the acquisition of language skills in institutions is the inclusion of the children’s parents into this discussion. One possibility is to encourage parents to invest in the children’s first language.
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Wilensky, Harold L. "Security and Alternative Career Possibilities in Other Organizations." In Organizational Careers, 402–4. Routledge, 2017.

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Barclay, Katie. "Conclusion." In Caritas, 172–78. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Caritas was an emotional ethic that underpinned many of the ideals and behaviours of early modern peoples. Like the felt judgements of contemporary emotions theory, it guided decision-making through bodily feeling and was manifested in actions performed in and by bodies. This Conclusion draws together the threads of this book to highlight the utility of the concept of an ‘emotional ethic’ in helping us understand the social, economic, and cultural life of the Scottish poor, and suggests its possibilities for interpreting other contexts and future feeling. It concludes by reflecting on the possibilities of love as an ethic for the future.
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Cento, Veljanovski. "Part IV Measurement, 15 Statistical Evidence." In Cartel Damages. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This chapter discusses the econometric approach, and its forensic use and misuse. Econometrics is a set of statistical techniques which estimate the overall and individual effects of variables that affects a variable of interest whether it be prices, output, and so on. The major attraction of multiple regression analysis is its ability to simultaneously account for, estimate, and quantify the myriad factors which influence prices or output. Specifically, in the context of cartel damage, it holds out the possibility of estimating the ‘but for’ price adjusted for the non-cartel factors which affect prices in a systematic and credible way. There are three general multiple regression approaches to estimating overcharges: dummy variable (DVA), predictive, and difference-in-differences. Other statistical techniques can be useful in damages cases such as time series analysis and event studies.
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"Organizational Careers." In Asian Women in Corporate America, 167–99. IGI Global, 2021.

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An organizational career is located within an organization and consists of the positions held by an employee within its structure. The management of organizational careers has been well studied. Career management strategies and approaches had originally assumed that employees wanted not only to remain in their organization but to progress upward in its hierarchy. However, more recent research has noted that this was not true for all individuals; some people were content to remain at a certain level and others were open to moving between organizations. Thus, a view of careers needs to allow for a variety of career motivations and include the possibility of frequent movement across organizations. In this chapter, the authors discuss different patterns and orientations of organizational careers. They also discuss the choice of professions and work experiences of Asian women in the past and the career environments they are likely to experience in the future.
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Deluermoz, Quentin, and Pierre Singaravélou. "The Historical Imagination and Counterfactual Approaches." In A Past of Possibilities, 83–104. Yale University Press, 2021.

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This chapter cites the Carlos M. N. Eire's counterfactual history on the death of Jesus after escaping crucifixion, which reveals the important links between counterfactual history and imagination. The counterfactual detour allows one to disentangle the interrelationship between a nascent belief, a dogma, events, a religious institution and a geopolitical situation. It points out how the process may produce extravagances or useless fantasies, which may even be prejudicial to historical understanding. The chapter considers the imagination as a key element of historical analysis and not an enemy of the examination of the past. It explores the type of imagination proposed by counterfactual history, including what difficulties it poses and under what conditions it might be useful.
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Conference papers on the topic "Cartes de possibilités"


Cybal-Michalska, Agnieszka. "A world of diverse opportunities – on the need for proactive career capital renewal in the globalizing society." In 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). AHFE International, 2022.

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Contemporary discourse on such issues as the quality of the globalizing world providing diverse opportunities, factors determining changes in the social system, and the condition of the human being seeking their place in the reality undergoing permanent change, is one of the most important research orientations. The contemporary social context opens up a wide range of opportunities for individuals to build their own careers. Thus, it seems justified to inquire about the proactivity in the career planning process and to determine whether and how an individual can be prepared to develop, manage, and monitor his/her career to ensure a satisfying experience of oneself and one’s place in the reality of the globalizing world. Contemporary career studies advocate taking into account the process of investing in career capital, the immanent characteristic of which is the subject’s orientation towards proactivity.What becomes an important feature of the individual’s mind is the prospective temporal orientation towards the following: the anticipation of events and their unintended effects, the ability to forecast and plan future actions and to assess the consequences, but above all, the ability to create future desired states of affairs, creating new options of participation and action. Undoubtedly, an important issue that requires inclusion in the course of a person’s life is career development and renewal of career capital. The research on careers means the study of both changes of individuals and changes of organizations, as well as transformations in society. In the discontinuous space-time and heterogeneous system of cultural meanings in the world of global change, career development and the formation of an individual’s own professional identity becomes a cognitive practice based on individual experimentation. The contemporary social configuration in which the search for identity has become a flexible point of reference opens up a range of numerous possibilities for an individual to create his/her own career in the course of life. Continuous development has become an inherent property of career capital renewal. The multiplicity, fragmentation, variability, and complexity, which characterize the organization of social life in the globalizing society, determine changes in the perception of career development and overcoming the tension between the experiences of the past and the possibilities of the future.
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Giang, Nguyen Thi Phuong, Danh Thi Ngoc Anh, and Truong Minh Tuan. "Sentiment Analysis High_School' Feedback for Predicting Career Possibilities." In 2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). IEEE, 2022.

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De Bellis, Mauro, Paul Phamduy, and Maurizio Porfiri. "A Natural User Interface to Drive a Robotic Fish." In ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.

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Interactive control modes for robotic fish based informal science learning activities have been shown to increase user interest in STEM careers. This study explores the use of natural user interfaces to engage users in an interactive activity and excite them about the possibility of a robotics career. In this work, we propose a novel natural user interface platform for enhancing participant interaction by controlling a robotic fish in a set of tasks. Specifically, we develop and characterize a new platform, which utilizes a Microsoft Kinect and an ad-hoc communication protocol. Preliminary studies are conducted to assess the usability of the platform.
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Hopper, Eugenia. "Staying Power: Collective Possibilities to Improve Retention of Black Early Career Teachers." In 2020 AERA Annual Meeting. Washington DC: AERA, 2020.

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Šokinjov, Stefan. "ODGOVORNOST TREĆIH LICA ZA KRŠENjE KARTELNE ZABRANE U PRAVU KONKURENCIJE EVROPSKE UNIJE." In XV Majsko savetovanje: Sloboda pružanja usluga i pravna sigurnost. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Law, 2019.

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Since decision in Italian cast glass case of 17th December 1980 European Commission considers independent service providers liable for facilitation of cartel implementation. Such legal stance of European Commission was confirmed by the judgment of Court of European Union brought in Heat stabilizers case (C-194/14 P so called Treuhand II). This way the scope of cartel prohibition is noticeable extended. Striving to penalize and to prevent creation of new forms of collusion with assistance of undertakings which are not active on the markets concerned by the restriction of competition the Court extensively interpreted elements of cartel prohibition conception especially the notions of undertaking, agreement between undertakings and distortion of competition by object and concluded that nothing in the Article 81(1) EC (now Art. 101(1) of TFEU) limits the scope of cartel prohibition to “(i) the undertakings operating on the market affected by the restrictions of competition or indeed the markets upstream or downstream of that market or neighbouring markets or (ii) undertakings which restrict their freedom of action on a particular market under an agreement or as a result of a concerted practice” (rec. 34). Providing that an agreement between undertakings is the expression of the concurrence of wills of at least two parties, the form in which the concurrence is expressed not being by itself decisive (rec. 28), it follows that scope of cartel prohibition embraces “all agreements and concerted practices which, in either horizontal or vertical relationships, distort competition on the common market, irrespective of the market on which parties operate, and that only the commercial conduct of one of the parties need be affected by the terms of arrangements in question” (rec. 35). Whereas the liability of independent third person is not explicitly prescribed, such judiciary interpretation can be challenged from several reasons. First, it is generally accepted that (Community) legislation, in particular where there is а possibility of imposition of penalties must be clear and precise. With regard to opponent opinions given by Advocate General Wahl and scholars as well, independent service providers’ responsibility for facilitation of cartel implementation is obviously not laid down clearly and precisely. The second objection concerns the accessorial nature of a service agreement to a cartel agreement. Liability of independent service providers should not be dependent on market behavior of cartel participants. It must be regulated as an autonomous infringement. And third, activity of cartel facilitators cannot cause circumvention of the Anti-trust law. Complication of cartel detectability yes but circumvention of Anti-trust law no because the prohibition of the basic anti-trust conduct remains untouched.
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Gayles, Joy. "Exploring Possibilities for Early Career Faculty Success: The Power of Support Structures, Community, and Accountability." In 2020 AERA Annual Meeting. Washington DC: AERA, 2020.

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Blumberga, Solveiga, and Edagars Joksts-Bogdanovs. "POSSIBILITIES OF EDUCATIONAL SUPERVISION USE IN THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL ARMED FORCES PROFESSIONAL SERVICE SOLDIERS." In 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED, 2021.

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Alves, Maxsuel Oliveira, and Gilberto Viana de Oliveira. "Fluxogame: Um jogo para auxiliar no aprendizado de algoritmo e lógica de programação através de fluxogramas." In Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021.

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A necessidade e o emprego de novos métodos de ensino-aprendizagem se tornaram necessários com a mudança da dinâmica do mundo contemporâneo. Ferramentas lúdicas, como jogos oferecem uma solução alternativa para a dificuldade de aprendizado encontrada na área de algoritmos. Este trabalho objetiva apresentar o Fluxogame, um jogo desenvolvido com propósito de auxiliar no processo de ensino-aprendizado de disciplinas que envolvem algoritmos e lógica de programação para ingressantes dos cursos da área de tecnologia. Também tem como objetivo apresentar suas regras e mecânicas. O jogo possibilita a montagem de algoritmos através de um jogo de cartas digitais para dois jogadores.
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Smith, Warren F., Michael Myers, and Brenton Dansie. "F1 in Schools: An Australian Perspective." In ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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The Australian Government and industry groups have been discussing the projected “skills shortage” for a number of years. This concern for the future is mirrored in many countries including the USA and the UK where the risk is not having sufficient skilled people to realise the projects being proposed. Growing tertiary qualified practicing engineers takes time and commitment but without the excitement of the possibility of such a career being seeded in the youth of the world, school leavers won’t be attracted to engineering in sufficient numbers. In response, one successful model for exciting school children about engineering and science careers is the international F1inSchools Technology Challenge which was created in the UK in 2002 and implemented in Australia in 2003. It is now run in over 300 Australian Schools and 33 countries. In the Australian context, the program is managed and promoted by the Reengineering Australia Foundation. It is supported and fostered through a range of regional hubs, individual schools and some exceptional teachers. Presented in this paper are some perspectives drawn particularly from the Australian experience with the program over 10 years — which by any measure has been outstanding. The F1inSchools model has been designed specifically through its association with Formula One racing to attract the intrinsic interests of students. It is based on the fundamentals of action learning. Role models and industry involvement are utilised as motivation modifiers in students from Years 5 to 12. While immersing children in project based learning, the program explicitly encourages them to engage with practicing mentors taking them on a journey outside their normal classroom experience. In this program, students have the opportunity to use the design and analysis tools that are implemented in high technology industries. Their experience is one of reaching into industry and creative exploration rather than industry reaching down to them to play in a constrained and artificial school based environment. Anecdotally F1inSchools has been very successful in positively influencing career choices. With the aim of objectively assessing the impact of the program, doctoral research has been completed. Some key findings from this work are summarized and reported in this paper. The children involved truly become excited as they utilise a vehicle for integration of learning outcomes across a range of educational disciplines with a creative design focus. This enthusiasm flows to reflective thought and informed action in their career choice. As a result of F1inSchools, students are electing to follow engineering pathways and they will shape tomorrow’s world.
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Augustiniene, Aldona. "Interactive Animation`S Possibilities And Limitations For Development Of Environmental Literacy For Pupils." In ECCE 2018 VII International Conference Early Childhood Care and Education. Cognitive-Crcs, 2018.

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Reports on the topic "Cartes de possibilités"


Szymborska, Hanna, and Jan Jan Toporowski. Industrial Feudalism and Wealth Inequalities. Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper Series, January 2022.

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The possibility, first raised by Rudolf Hilferding, of stabilizing a capitalist economy through the operations of a ‘general cartel’, leaving only social and political ‘contradictions’ to disturb the functioning of the system, gave rise to a discussion among Marxists not only on whether such a stabilization was at all possible, but also on the nature and scope of those contradictions. This discussion had been anticipated in the 1890s in the work of the Polish Marxist Ludwik Krzywicki (1859 – 1941). He put forward the idea that, in a capitalist economy stabilized in this way, a state of ‘industrial feudalism’ would prevail, in which society would become stratified into social classes without the possibility of mobility between those classes. This analysis was extended in 1940s by Oskar Lange (1904-1965) as he attempted to make sense of the American New Deal and rediscovered in the 1950s by Tadeusz Kowalik (1926-2012). This paper explains the concept of industrial feudalism and argues that the main mechanism for such a stratification today is the unequal distribution of wealth, in the context of declining welfare provision.
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Erdoğmuş, Nihat. HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE TURKEY OF THE FUTURE. İLKE İlim Kültür Eğitim Vakfı, December 2020.

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This report handles important issues ranging from how to strategically manage the continuously increasing change in higher education to the possibility of a higher education structured on the basis of meeting contemporary demands, from organizing consultancy services suitable to the new career understanding to searches for sustainable sources of finance. This report consists of two primary sections: the need for change in higher education and the vision plan for higher education. The first section addresses preparing for the future in higher education and the need for change, and the second section presents a vision for higher education. The second section contains 12 thematic points regarding the vision for higher education. This section primarily addresses the themes of change and reorganization in higher education while paying attention to its importance, priority, and chain reactions. Afterward, a vision including themes such as access, educational settings, career, and employment skills in a higher education system that centers itself on students is provided. Following these are themes devoted to academicians. The final sub-sections address the themes of social and economic contributions, internationalization, and finance.
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Osadchyi, Viacheslav V., Hanna B. Varina, Kateryna P. Osadcha, Olesia O. Prokofieva, Olha V. Kovalova, and Arnold E. Kiv. Features of implementation of modern AR technologies in the process of psychological and pedagogical support of children with autism spectrum disorders. [б. в.], November 2020.

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The article deals with the actual issue of the specificity and algorithm of the introduction of innovative AR technologies in the process of psychological and pedagogical support of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). An innovative element of theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem and empirical research is the detection of vectors of a constructive combination of traditional psycho-correctional and psycho-diagnostic approaches with modern AR technologies. The analysis of publications on the role and possibilities of using AR technologies in the process of support children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and inclusive environment was generally conducted by surfing on the Internet platforms containing the theoretical bases for data publications of scientific journals and patents. The article also analyzes the priorities and potential outcomes of using AR technologies in psycho-correction and educational work with autistic children. According to the results of the analysis of scientific researches, Unified clinical protocol of primary, secondary (specialized), tertiary (highly specialized) medical care and medical rehabilitation “Autism spectrum disorders (disorders of general development)”, approaches for correction, development and education of children with ASD, AR technologies were selected for further implementation in a comprehensive program of psychological and pedagogical support for children with ASD. The purpose of the empirical study is the search, analysis and implementation of multifunctional AR technologies in the psycho-correctional construct of psychological and pedagogical support of children with ASD. According to the results of the pilot study, the priorities and effectiveness of using AR technologies in the development of communicative, cognitive, emotional-volitional, mnemonic abilities of children and actualization of adaptive potential and adaptive, socially accepted behaviors are made. The possibilities and perspectives of using AR technologies as an element of inclusive environment, with regard to nosology and phenomenology, need further investigation.
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Bilyk, Zhanna I., Yevhenii B. Shapovalov, Viktor B. Shapovalov, Anna P. Megalinska, Fabian Andruszkiewicz, and Agnieszka Dołhańczuk-Śródka. Assessment of mobile phone applications feasibility on plant recognition: comparison with Google Lens AR-app. [б. в.], November 2020.

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The paper is devoted to systemizing all mobile applications used during the STEM-classes and can be used to identify plants. There are 10 mobile applications that are plant identifiers worldwide. These applications can be divided into three groups, such as plant identifiers that can analyze photos, plant classification provides the possibility to identify plants manually, plants-care apps that remind water of the plant, or change the soil. In this work, mobile apps such as Flora Incognita, PlantNet, PlantSnap, PictureThis, LeafSnap, Seek, PlantNet were analyzed for usability parameters and accuracy of identification. To provide usability analysis, a survey of experts of digital education on installation simplicity, level of friendliness of the interface, and correctness of picture processing. It is proved that Flora Incognita and PlantNet are the most usable and the most informative interface from plant identification apps. However, they were characterized by significantly lower accuracy compared to Google Lens results. Further comparison of the usability of applications that have been tested in the article with Google Lens, proves that Google Lens characterize by better usability and therefore, Google Lens is the most recommended app to use to provide plant identification during biology classes.
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Orning, Tanja. Professional identities in progress – developing personal artistic trajectories. Norges Musikkhøgskole, August 2018.

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We have seen drastic changes in the music profession during the last 20 years, and consequently an increase of new professional opportunities, roles and identities. We can see elements of a collective identity in classically trained musicians who from childhood have been introduced to centuries old, institutionalized traditions around the performers’ role and the work-concept. Respect for the composer and his work can lead to a fear of failure and a perfectionist value system that permeates the classical music. We have to question whether music education has become a ready-made prototype of certain trajectories, with a predictable outcome represented by more or less generic types of musicians who interchangeably are able play the same, limited canonized repertoire, in more or less the same way. Where is the resistance and obstacles, the detours and the unique and fearless individual choices? It is a paradox that within the traditional master-student model, the student is told how to think, play and relate to established truths, while a sustainable musical career is based upon questioning the very same things. A fundamental principle of an independent musical career is to develop a capacity for critical reflection and a healthy opposition towards uncontested truths. However, the unison demands for modernization of institutions and their role cannot be solved with a quick fix, we must look at who we are and who we have been to look at who we can become. Central here is the question of how the music students perceive their own identity and role. To make the leap from a traditional instrumentalist role to an artist /curator role requires commitment in an entirely different way. In this article, I will examine question of identity - how identity may be constituted through musical and educational experiences. The article will discuss why identity work is a key area in the development of a sustainable music career and it will investigate how we can approach this and suggest some possible ways in this work. We shall see how identity work can be about unfolding possible future selves (Marcus & Nurius, 1986), develop and evolve one’s own personal journey and narrative. Central is how identity develops linguistically by seeing other possibilities: "identity is formed out of the discourses - in the broadest sense - that are available to us ..." (Ruud, 2013). The question is: How can higher music education (HME) facilitate students in their identity work in the process of constructing their professional identities? I draw on my own experience as a classically educated musician in the discussion.
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Baluk, Nadia, Natalia Basij, Larysa Buk, and Olha Vovchanska. VR/AR-TECHNOLOGIES – NEW CONTENT OF THE NEW MEDIA. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2021.

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The article analyzes the peculiarities of the media content shaping and transformation in the convergent dimension of cross-media, taking into account the possibilities of augmented reality. With the help of the principles of objectivity, complexity and reliability in scientific research, a number of general scientific and special methods are used: method of analysis, synthesis, generalization, method of monitoring, observation, problem-thematic, typological and discursive methods. According to the form of information presentation, such types of media content as visual, audio, verbal and combined are defined and characterized. The most important in journalism is verbal content, it is the one that carries the main information load. The dynamic development of converged media leads to the dominance of image and video content; the likelihood of increasing the secondary content of the text increases. Given the market situation, the effective information product is a combined content that combines text with images, spreadsheets with video, animation with infographics, etc. Increasing number of new media are using applications and website platforms to interact with recipients. To proceed, the peculiarities of the new content of new media with the involvement of augmented reality are determined. Examples of successful interactive communication between recipients, the leading news agencies and commercial structures are provided. The conditions for effective use of VR / AR-technologies in the media content of new media, the involvement of viewers in changing stories with augmented reality are determined. The so-called immersive effect with the use of VR / AR-technologies involves complete immersion, immersion of the interested audience in the essence of the event being relayed. This interaction can be achieved through different types of VR video interactivity. One of the most important results of using VR content is the spatio-temporal and emotional immersion of viewers in the plot. The recipient turns from an external observer into an internal one; but his constant participation requires that the user preferences are taken into account. Factors such as satisfaction, positive reinforcement, empathy, and value influence the choice of VR / AR content by viewers.
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Bano, Masooda. Narratives of Success against the Odds: Why Some Children in State Schools Go Far in Life—Evidence from Pakistan. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), August 2022.

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What makes some children succeed despite studying in failing education systems? Are these children exceptionally gifted, or do other psychological or sociological factors and family circumstances contribute to success? To address the learning crisis in state schools in developing countries, development agencies have primarily focused on identifying inputs that can improve state education provision. Yet, even from low-performing state schools, some children do manage to successfully complete primary and secondary education cycles, pursue higher education, and record upward social mobility, but we know very little about the factors that facilitate this success. This paper addresses this gap in the literature. Tracing life histories of successful alumni of state schools supported by CARE, an education foundation in Pakistan, this paper identifies children’s motivation to succeed as having a major impact on educational performance. However, for most this motivation is not a product of an innate desire to excel, it is a product of contextual factors: parental encouragement; an acute desire to make parents happy and to alleviate their sufferings; the company of friends, cousins, and peers who are keen on education and thus help to create an aspiring, competitive spirit; encouragement given by good teachers; and exposure to new possibilities and role models that raise aspirations by showing that what might appear to the child unachievable is in fact attainable. High motivation in turn builds commitment to work hard. Equally important, however, is the provision of financial support at critical points, especially when transitioning from secondary school to college and university. Without financial support, which could be in the form of scholarships, loans, or income from part-time work, at critical junctures, even highly motivated children in state schools cannot succeed. The paper thus argues that rather than being focused solely on education inputs, development agencies should also seek to explore and understand the factors that can motivate children in state schools to aim high and work hard to succeed.
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Bano, Masooda. Narratives of Success against the Odds: Why Some Children in State Schools Go Far in Life—Evidence from Pakistan. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), August 2022.

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What makes some children succeed despite studying in failing education systems? Are these children exceptionally gifted, or do other psychological or sociological factors and family circumstances contribute to success? To address the learning crisis in state schools in developing countries, development agencies have primarily focused on identifying inputs that can improve state education provision. Yet, even from low-performing state schools, some children do manage to successfully complete primary and secondary education cycles, pursue higher education, and record upward social mobility, but we know very little about the factors that facilitate this success. This paper addresses this gap in the literature. Tracing life histories of successful alumni of state schools supported by CARE, an education foundation in Pakistan, this paper identifies children’s motivation to succeed as having a major impact on educational performance. However, for most this motivation is not a product of an innate desire to excel, it is a product of contextual factors: parental encouragement; an acute desire to make parents happy and to alleviate their sufferings; the company of friends, cousins, and peers who are keen on education and thus help to create an aspiring, competitive spirit; encouragement given by good teachers; and exposure to new possibilities and role models that raise aspirations by showing that what might appear to the child unachievable is in fact attainable. High motivation in turn builds commitment to work hard. Equally important, however, is the provision of financial support at critical points, especially when transitioning from secondary school to college and university. Without financial support, which could be in the form of scholarships, loans, or income from part-time work, at critical junctures, even highly motivated children in state schools cannot succeed. The paper thus argues that rather than being focused solely on education inputs, development agencies should also seek to explore and understand the factors that can motivate children in state schools to aim high and work hard to succeed.
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Tzfira, Tzvi, Michael Elbaum, and Sharon Wolf. DNA transfer by Agrobacterium: a cooperative interaction of ssDNA, virulence proteins, and plant host factors. United States Department of Agriculture, December 2005.

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Agrobacteriumtumefaciensmediates genetic transformation of plants. The possibility of exchanging the natural genes for other DNA has led to Agrobacterium’s emergence as the primary vector for genetic modification of plants. The similarity among eukaryotic mechanisms of nuclear import also suggests use of its active elements as media for non-viral genetic therapy in animals. These considerations motivate the present study of the process that carries DNA of bacterial origin into the host nucleus. The infective pathway of Agrobacterium involves excision of a single-stranded DNA molecule (T-strand) from the bacterial tumor-inducing plasmid. This transferred DNA (T-DNA) travels to the host cell cytoplasm along with two virulence proteins, VirD2 and VirE2, through a specific bacteriumplant channel(s). Little is known about the precise structure and composition of the resulting complex within the host cell and even less is known about the mechanism of its nuclear import and integration into the host cell genome. In the present proposal we combined the expertise of the US and Israeli labs and revealed many of the biophysical and biological properties of the genetic transformation process, thus enhancing our understanding of the processes leading to nuclear import and integration of the Agrobacterium T-DNA. Specifically, we sought to: I. Elucidate the interaction of the T-strand with its chaperones. II. Analyzing the three-dimensional structure of the T-complex and its chaperones in vitro. III. Analyze kinetics of T-complex formation and T-complex nuclear import. During the past three years we accomplished our goals and made the following major discoveries: (1) Resolved the VirE2-ssDNA three-dimensional structure. (2) Characterized VirE2-ssDNA assembly and aggregation, along with regulation by VirE1. (3) Studied VirE2-ssDNA nuclear import by electron tomography. (4) Showed that T-DNA integrates via double-stranded (ds) intermediates. (5) Identified that Arabidopsis Ku80 interacts with dsT-DNA intermediates and is essential for T-DNA integration. (6) Found a role of targeted proteolysis in T-DNA uncoating. Our research provide significant physical, molecular, and structural insights into the Tcomplex structure and composition, the effect of host receptors on its nuclear import, the mechanism of T-DNA nuclear import, proteolysis and integration in host cells. Understanding the mechanical and molecular basis for T-DNA nuclear import and integration is an essential key for the development of new strategies for genetic transformation of recalcitrant plant species. Thus, the knowledge gained in this study can potentially be applied to enhance the transformation process by interfering with key steps of the transformation process (i.e. nuclear import, proteolysis and integration). Finally, in addition to the study of Agrobacterium-host interaction, our research also revealed some fundamental insights into basic cellular mechanisms of nuclear import, targeted proteolysis, protein-DNA interactions and DNA repair.
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HIV voluntary counseling and testing: An essential component in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Population Council, 2003.

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Positive results from clinical trials of the anti-retroviral medications zidovudine and nevirapine created the possibility of offering an affordable and feasible intervention worldwide to reduce HIV transmission from an infected pregnant woman to her infant. Governmental and nongovernmental health services in many highly affected areas of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe have responded by piloting and rapidly expanding programs for the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT). Since their inception in 1999, programs have offered voluntary HIV counseling and testing (VCT) to more than 800,000 pregnant women around the world. An important objective of VCT is to identify which pregnant women are HIV-positive so they can receive antiretroviral drugs to prevent transmitting HIV to their infants. HIV counseling and testing also offer an opportunity to promote HIV prevention, encourage serostatus disclosure, and foster couple communication on HIV and PMTCT. This brief focuses on VCT in the antenatal care setting, examining service utilization by pregnant women, their perceptions of services, client outcomes as a result of undergoing HIV counseling and testing, and strategies for improving quality and coverage of VCT as a key component of PMTCT programs.
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