Academic literature on the topic 'CART POLE SYSTEM'

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Journal articles on the topic "CART POLE SYSTEM"


Jia, Hong Li, Qiang Liu, and Feng Du. "Intelligent Control of a Cart and Pole System." Applied Mechanics and Materials 397-400 (September 2013): 1438–41.

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The paper focuses on the cart-pole system by using fuzzy control, fuzzy mamdan control theory, the fuzzy controller perturbation amplitude simulation and fine-tuning of different linear and nonlinear model. It applicates MATLAB soft which function is so powerful, suitable for a wide range of engineering software system for vehicle simulation intelligent control. And then adjusting fuzzy controller on PID control system, fuzzy control system, the cart-pole system can provide reliable data for our real life and production in the future.
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Wang, Yifan. "PD-Based Control of Cart-Pole System on Inclined Plane with Variable Slope." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2216, no. 1 (March 1, 2022): 012064.

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Abstract For control research, the cart-pole system is one of the basic models. Various controllers for controlling under-actuated systems in unstable postures are available, according to the literature. In this paper, an off-line management of a variable slope cart-pole system is proposed. The system moves on a circular arc surface with a certain radius. The dynamic pattern of the cart-pole system is obtained by Euler-Lagrangian formulation, and the controllability analysis is considered. Initially, a Python model of the proposed system was created, which was then simulated with a PD controller. Based on the required joint angle, we can calculate the required control parameter distribution. By studying the differences in the stability time and steady-state error of the system under different parameters, the efficacy of the suggested method is proved, and the possibility of further parameter optimization is proposed. For the future study, the simulation of a more irregular trajectory would be inspired by this model and control of the cart-pole system on a non-linear trajectory.
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Dadios, Elmer P., Patrick S. Fernandez, and David J. Williams. "Genetic Algorithm On Line Controller for the Flexible Inverted Pendulum Problem." Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 10, no. 2 (March 20, 2006): 155–60.

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This paper presents a real time controller for a highly non-linear system. The Flexible Pole-Cart Balancing Problem (FPCBP) is used as the test case to investigate the learning capability of Genetic Algorithm (GA) in physical application. The controller developed is initially trained using a set of data taken from on line dynamics of the flexible pole cart balancing system. Based from the physical data of the system, the weights W1 to W6 are optimized by the genetic algorithm in order to determine the correct value of the force applied to the cart. The trained GA-based controller then controls the physical Flexible Pole-Cart Balancing system for infinite time. Analysis on the behavior of the GA model developed is presented. Results of the physical experiments show that the controller developed is accurate, adaptive and robust.
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Aguilar-Ibáñez, Carlos, Julio Mendoza-Mendoza, and Jorge Dávila. "Stabilization of the cart pole system: by sliding mode control." Nonlinear Dynamics 78, no. 4 (August 29, 2014): 2769–77.

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Assefa, Alemie. "Reduced Order Observer Based Pole Placement Design for Inverted Pendulum on Cart." Journal of Informatics Electrical and Electronics Engineering (JIEEE) 3, no. 2 (2022): 1–11.

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The inverted pendulum is an under actuated system and unstable system without a controller. In this paper modelling of an inverted pendulum is done using the Euler-Lagrange equation for stabilization of it. The controller gain is evaluated through state feedback and reduced-order observer design techniques and the result for the different initial conditions is compared. The state feedback controller is designed by Pole- placement technique for different desired pole locations. The simulation of the inverted pendulum based on reduced order pole placement design has been done on MATLAB/SIMULINK. It has been observed from the simulation result that the angular velocity and cart speed tracks the system response for different initial conditions by varying the desired pole location for the left-hand plane of the s-plane. In general, if some of the systems are unknown and the other state is known we can design using a re-duced-order observer for any physical system.
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MATSUURA, Katsumasa, and Mitsuharu NAGAMORI. "An Improvement of Uprising Method of Pole in the Fuzzy Control of Cart-Pole System." Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems 8, no. 4 (1996): 749–56.

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Fauziyah, Mila, Zakiyah Amalia, Indrazno Siradjuddin, Denda Dewatama, Rendi Pambudi Wicaksono, and Erni Yudaningtyas. "Linear quadratic regulator and pole placement for stabilizing a cart inverted pendulum system." Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9, no. 3 (June 1, 2020): 914–23.

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The system of a cart inverted pendulum has many problems such as nonlinearity, complexity, unstable, and underactuated system. It makes this system be a benchmark for testing many control algorithm. This paper presents a comparison between 2 conventional control methods consist of a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and pole placement. The comparison indicated by the most optimal steps and results in the system performance that obtained from each method for stabilizing a cart inverted pendulum system. A mathematical model of DC motor and mechanical transmission are included in a mathematical model to minimize the realtime implementation problem. From the simulation, the obtained system performance shows that each method has its advantages, and the desired pendulum angle and cart position reached.
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Nguyen, Hai Van Dong, Tam Minh Nguyen, and Mircea Ivanescu. "A method of sliding mode control of cart and pole system." Science and Technology Development Journal 18, no. 3 (August 30, 2015): 167–73.

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This paper presents a method of using Sliding Mode Control (SMC) for Cart and Pole system. The stability of controller is proved through using Lyapunov function and simulations. A genetic algorithm (GA) program is used to optimize controlling parameters. The GA-based parameters prove good-quality of control through Matlab/Simulink Simulation.
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Liu, Yang, Hongnian Yu, Sam Wane, and Taicheng Yang. "On tracking control of a pendulum-driven cart-pole underactuated system." International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 4, no. 4 (2008): 357.

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Li, Tzuu-Hseng S., and Ming-Yuan Shieh. "Switching-type fuzzy sliding mode control of a cart–pole system." Mechatronics 10, no. 1-2 (February 2000): 91–109.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "CART POLE SYSTEM"


Huamán, Loayza Alex Smith. "Energy-Based Control for the Cart-Pole System in Implicit Port-Hamiltonian Representation." Master's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019.

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This master thesis is devoted to the design, analysis, and experimental validation of an energy-based control strategy for the well-known benchmark cart-pole system in implicit Port-Hamiltonian (PH) representation. The control scheme performs two tasks: swingup and (local) stabilization. The swing-up controller is carried out on the basis of a generalized energy function and consists of bringing the pendulum trajectories from the lower (stable) position to a limit cycle (homoclinic orbit), which passes by the upright (unstable) position, as well as the cart trajectories to the desired point. The (local) stabilizing controller is designed under a novel algebraic Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control (IDA-PBC) technique and ensures the upright (asymptotic) stabilization of the pendulum as well as the cart at a desired position. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme, this work presents simulations and real-time experiments considering physical damping, i.e., viscous friction. The results are additionally contrasted with another energy-based control strategy for the cart-pole system in explicit Euler-Lagrange (EL) representation.
Diese Masterarbeit widmet sich dem Entwurf, der Analyse und der experimentellen Validierung einer energiebasierten Regelstrategie für das bekannte Benchmarksystem des inversen Pendels auf einem Wagen in impliziter Port-Hamiltonscher (PH) Darstellung. Das Regelungssystem erfüllt zwei Aufgaben: das Aufschwingen und (lokale) Stabilisierung. Das Aufschwingen erfolgt auf Grundlage der generalisierten Energiefunktion und besteht darin, sowohl die Trajektorien des Pendels von der unteren (stabilen) Position in einen Grenzzyklus (homokliner Orbit) zu bringen, wobei die (instabile) aufrechte Lage passiert wird, als auch den Wagen in einer gewünschten Position einzustellen. Die (lokale) Regelung zur Stabilisierung ist nach einer neuartigen algebraischen Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control (IDA-PBC) Methode konzipiert und gewährleistet die aufrechte (asymptotische) Stabilisierung des Pendels sowie die Positionierung des Wagens an einem gewünschten Referenzpunkt. Um die Funktionalität des entworfenen Regelungssystems zu veranschaulichen, werden in dieser Masterarbeit Simulationen und Echtzeit-Experimente unter Berücksichtigung der physikalischen Dämpfung, d.h. der viskosen Reibung, vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse werden zusätzlich mit einem weiteren energiebasierten Regelungsansatz für das System des inversen Pendels auf einem Wagen in expliziter Euler-Lagrange (EL) Darstellung verglichen.
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Dadios, Elmer P. "Non-conventional control of the flexible pole-cart balancing problem." Thesis, Loughborough University, 1996.

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Emerging techniques of intelligent or learning control seem attractive for applications in manufacturing and robotics. It is however important to understand the capabilities of such control systems. In the past the inverted pendulum has been used as a test case. The thesis begins with an examination of whether the inverted pendulum or polecart balancing problem is a representative problem for experimentation for learning controllers for complex nonlinear systems. Results of previous research concerning the inverted pendulum problem are presented to show that this problem is not sufficiently testing. This thesis therefore concentrates on the control of the inverted pendulum with an additional degree of freedom as a testing demonstrator problem for learning control system experimentation. A flexible pole is used in place of a rigid one. The transverse displacement of the flexible pole adds a degree of freedom to the system. The dynamics of this new system are more complex as the system needs additional parameters to be defIned due to the pole's elastic deflection. This problem also has many of the signifIcant features associated with flexible robots with lightweight links as applied in manufacturing. Novel neural network and fuzzy control systems are presented that control such a system both in simulation and real time. A fuzzy-genetic approach is also demonstrated that allows the creation of fuzzy control systems without the use of extensive knowledge.
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Usher, Kane. "Visual homing for a car-like vehicle." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2005.

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This thesis addresses the pose stabilization of a car-like vehicle using omnidirectional visual feedback. The presented method allows a vehicle to servo to a pre-learnt target pose based on feature bearing angle and range discrepancies between the vehicle's current view of the environment and that seen at the learnt location. The best example of such a task is the use of visual feedback for autonomous parallel-parking of an automobile. Much of the existing work in pose stabilization is highly theoretical in nature with few examples of implementations on 'real' vehicles, let alone vehicles representative of those found in industry. The work in this thesis develops a suitable test platform and implements vision-based pose stabilization techniques. Many of the existing techniques were found to fail due to vehicle steering and velocity loop dynamics, and more significantly, with steering input saturation. A technique which does cope with the characteristics of 'real' vehicles is to divide the task into predefined stages, essentially dividing the state space into sub-manifolds. For a car-like vehicle, the strategy used is to stabilize the vehicle to the line which has the correct orientation and contains the target location. Once on the line, the vehicle then servos to the desired pose. This strategy can accommodate velocity and steering loop dynamics, and input saturation. It can also allow the use of linear control techniques for system analysis and tuning of control gains. To perform pose stabilization, good estimates of vehicle pose are required. A simple, yet robust, method derived from the visual homing literature is to sum the range vectors to all the landmarks in the workspace and divide by the total number of landmarks--the Improved Average Landmark Vector. By subtracting the IALV at the target location from the currently calculated IALV, an estimate of vehicle pose is obtained. In this work, views of the world are provided by an omnidirectional camera, while a magnetic compass provides a reference direction. The landmarks used are red road cones which are segmented from the omnidirectional colour images using a pre-learnt, two-dimensional lookup table of their colour profile. Range to each landmark is estimated using a model of the optics of the system, based on a flat-Earth assumption. A linked-list based method is used to filter the landmarks over time. Complementary filtering techniques, which combine the vision data with vehicle odometry, are used to improve the quality of the measurements.
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Usher, Kane. "Visual homing for a car-like vehicle." Queensland University of Technology, 2005.

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This thesis addresses the pose stabilization of a car-like vehicle using omnidirectional visual feedback. The presented method allows a vehicle to servo to a pre-learnt target pose based on feature bearing angle and range discrepancies between the vehicle's current view of the environment and that seen at the learnt location. The best example of such a task is the use of visual feedback for autonomous parallel-parking of an automobile. Much of the existing work in pose stabilization is highly theoretical in nature with few examples of implementations on 'real' vehicles, let alone vehicles representative of those found in industry. The work in this thesis develops a suitable test platform and implements vision-based pose stabilization techniques. Many of the existing techniques were found to fail due to vehicle steering and velocity loop dynamics, and more significantly, with steering input saturation. A technique which does cope with the characteristics of 'real' vehicles is to divide the task into predefined stages, essentially dividing the state space into sub-manifolds. For a car-like vehicle, the strategy used is to stabilize the vehicle to the line which has the correct orientation and contains the target location. Once on the line, the vehicle then servos to the desired pose. This strategy can accommodate velocity and steering loop dynamics, and input saturation. It can also allow the use of linear control techniques for system analysis and tuning of control gains. To perform pose stabilization, good estimates of vehicle pose are required. A simple, yet robust, method derived from the visual homing literature is to sum the range vectors to all the landmarks in the workspace and divide by the total number of landmarks--the Improved Average Landmark Vector. By subtracting the IALV at the target location from the currently calculated IALV, an estimate of vehicle pose is obtained. In this work, views of the world are provided by an omnidirectional camera, while a magnetic compass provides a reference direction. The landmarks used are red road cones which are segmented from the omnidirectional colour images using a pre-learnt, two-dimensional lookup table of their colour profile. Range to each landmark is estimated using a model of the optics of the system, based on a flat-Earth assumption. A linked-list based method is used to filter the landmarks over time. Complementary filtering techniques, which combine the vision data with vehicle odometry, are used to improve the quality of the measurements.
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Algers, Björn. "Stereo Camera Calibration Accuracy in Real-time Car Angles Estimation for Vision Driver Assistance and Autonomous Driving." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för fysik, 2018.

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The automotive safety company Veoneer are producers of high end driver visual assistance systems, but the knowledge about the absolute accuracy of their dynamic calibration algorithms that estimate the vehicle’s orientation is limited. In this thesis, a novel measurement system is proposed to be used in gathering reference data of a vehicle’s orientation as it is in motion, more specifically the pitch and roll angle of the vehicle. Focus has been to estimate how the uncertainty of the measurement system is affected by errors introduced during its construction, and to evaluate its potential in being a viable tool in gathering reference data for algorithm performance evaluation. The system consisted of three laser distance sensors mounted on the body of the vehicle, and a range of data acquisition sequences with different perturbations were performed by driving along a stretch of road in Linköping with weights loaded in the vehicle. The reference data were compared to camera system data where the bias of the calculated angles were estimated, along with the dynamic behaviour of the camera system algorithms. The experimental results showed that the accuracy of the system exceeded 0.1 degrees for both pitch and roll, but no conclusions about the bias of the algorithms could be drawn as there were systematic errors present in the measurements.
Bilsäkerhetsföretaget Veoneer är utvecklare av avancerade kamerasystem inom förarassistans, men kunskapen om den absoluta noggrannheten i deras dynamiska kalibreringsalgoritmer som skattar fordonets orientering är begränsad. I denna avhandling utvecklas och testas ett nytt mätsystem för att samla in referensdata av ett fordons orientering när det är i rörelse, mer specifikt dess pitchvinkel och rollvinkel. Fokus har legat på att skatta hur osäkerheten i mätsystemet påverkas av fel som introducerats vid dess konstruktion, samt att utreda dess potential när det kommer till att vara ett gångbart alternativ för att samla in referensdata för evaluering av prestandan hos algoritmerna. Systemet bestod av tre laseravståndssensorer monterade på fordonets kaross. En rad mätförsök utfördes med olika störningar introducerade genom att köra längs en vägsträcka i Linköping med vikter lastade i fordonet. Det insamlade referensdatat jämfördes med data från kamerasystemet där bias hos de framräknade vinklarna skattades, samt att de dynamiska egenskaperna kamerasystemets algoritmer utvärderades. Resultaten från mätförsöken visade på att noggrannheten i mätsystemet översteg 0.1 grader för både pitchvinklarna och rollvinklarna, men några slutsatser kring eventuell bias hos algoritmerna kunde ej dras då systematiska fel uppstått i mätresultaten.
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Kučera, Cyril. "CFD simulace proudění vzduchu v kabině automobilu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2018.

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The diploma thesis deals with CFD simulating the air flow inside the car using the numerical calculation program Star-CCM+. The aim of the thesis was to prepare 3D geometry, resp. realistic model of the real car, preparing boundary conditions including material properties, simulating the steady state of the environment and evaluating the speed and temperature of the car cabin. The paper presents the results of the temperature distribution and air velocities in the cabin during the winter, spring and summer conditions in HVAC on and HVAC off modes. The monitored air temperatures and surface temperatures of the car parts are compared with the measured data. The average difference between simulation and measurement was at air temperatures of 2.3 °C and surface temperatures of 3.4 °C.
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Thorslund, Sara. "Microfluidics in Surface Modified PDMS : Towards Miniaturized Diagnostic Tools." Doctoral thesis, Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2006.

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Schönström, Linus, Anna Nordh, Anton Strignert, Frida Lemel, Jakob Ekengard, Sofie Wallin, and Zargham Jabri. "A process recipe for bonding a silicone membrane to a plastic substrate." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för teknikvetenskaper, 2013.

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A spin-cast silicone membrane has been successfully bonded between two injection-molded microstructured plastic discs. This sandwich structure creates a useful platform for mass production of microfluidic systems, provided that the bonds are leakproof. The bonds were achieved by a silicon dioxide coating deposited on the plastic discs by evaporation. This investigation is concerned with the process and the result only, no theory is discussed.
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Pati, J. R. "Modeling, identification and control of cart-pole system." Thesis, 2014.

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To understand any physical world system, a proper mathematical model is required. With the help of mathematical model, the system can be studied and controlled. There are different ways to develop a mathematical model such as first principle method and system identification method. First principle method is generally used when there is sufficient knowledge of the physical world system but system identification is used when there is no knowledge of the system. System identification is widely used to develop mathematical model of complex, non-linear systems. Cart-pole system is a benchmark problem in control system where the control objective is to balance the inverted pendulum mounted on the cart to a vertical position. This complete system is nonlinear in nature and the mathematical model can’t be efficiently calculated using first principle modeling. So system identification method is used to develop the mathematical model of the said system. This thesis finds out the linearized mathematical model of the said cart-pole system using parametric system identification procedure. Parametric system identification procedure consists of experiment design, model structure selection, parameter estimation and model validation. This thesis also designs linear and non-linear controller for the said system. For linearized model of cart-pole system some of the linear controllers designed are LQR, LQR-Pole-placement-PID, Fuzzy-PID, LQG and H-infinity. For the nonlinear model of cart-pole system, the control techniques discussed are the partial feedback linearization and classical feedback linearization control.
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Ghosh, Sudipto. "Control of Cart-Inverted Pendulum System Using Pole Placement." Thesis, 2016.

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The Cart Inverted Pendulum system has many real life applications like missile launching,balancing systems like human walking,aircraft landing pad in sea etc.Moreover this is a highly unstable and non-linear system and so designing a controller to bring the system to a stable condition is a challenging task.This thesis includes system and hardware description of Inverted Pendulum System,dynamics of the system and its state space model.In this thesis,pole placement methods like two-loop PID and PID+PI have been implemented for Inverted Pendulum System and this control strategies gives stable responses.With the recent devel-opment of LMIs tool,regional pole placement can achieve the goal as well.A regional pole placement controller is also synthesized, where desired specifications are transformed into LMI regions.In present case,a conical sector in the left half plane is taken and the method is implemented. Lastly,a reduced order controller is also designed and its bode magnitude plot is compared with that of the full order controller.The reduced order simplification method has an almost identical frequency response,showing that it can be utilized as well for stabilizing the CIPS.
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Books on the topic "CART POLE SYSTEM"


Gill, Steven J., and Michael H. Nathanson. Central nervous system pathologies and anaesthesia. Edited by Philip M. Hopkins. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Anaesthesia induces changes in many organ systems within the body, though clearly none more so than the central nervous system. The physiology of the normal central nervous system is complex and the addition of chronic pathology and polypharmacy creates a significant challenge for the anaesthetist. This chapter demonstrates a common approach for the anaesthetist and specific considerations for a wide range of neurological conditions. Detailed preoperative assessment is essential to gain understanding of the current symptomatology and neurological deficit, including at times restrictions on movement and position. Some conditions may pose challenges relating to communication, capacity, and consent. As part of the consent process, patients may worry that an anaesthetic may aggravate or worsen their neurological disease. There is little evidence to support this understandable concern; however, the risks and benefits must be considered on an individual patient basis. The conduct of anaesthesia may involve a preference for general or regional anaesthesia and requires careful consideration of the pharmacological and physiological impact on the patient and their disease. Interactions between regular medications and anaesthetic drugs are common. Chronically denervated muscle may induce hyperkalaemia after administration of succinylcholine. Other patients may have an altered response to non-depolarizing agents, such as those suffering from myasthenia gravis. The most common neurological condition encountered is epilepsy. This requires consideration of the patient’s antiepileptic drugs, often relating to hepatic enzyme induction or less commonly inhibition and competition for protein binding, and the effect of the anaesthetic technique and drugs on the patient’s seizure risk. Postoperative care may need to take place in a high dependency unit, especially in those with limited preoperative reserve or markers of frailty, and where the gastrointestinal tract has been compromised, alternative routes of drug delivery need to be considered. Overall, patients with chronic neurological conditions require careful assessment and preparation, a considered technique with attention to detail, and often higher levels of care during their immediate postoperative period.
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Hernandez, Michael R. Tracheoesophageal Fistula. Edited by Kirk Lalwani, Ira Todd Cohen, Ellen Y. Choi, and Vidya T. Raman. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) in the neonate is a complex congenital disorder that may occur in isolation or as part of a larger association of findings (i.e., VACTERL association). Care of these patients must include testing to clarify the anatomic and physiologic characteristics of each finding. This is particularly important for planning of surgical and anesthetic care. Surgical options for TEF repair vary in location of incision and also whether the approach is open or minimally invasive. Patients with severe congenital heart disease, such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome, pose unique challenges to the perioperative caregiver. The anesthesia team must balance the patient’s pulmonary and systemic blood flow while still heeding the need to avoid excessive ventilation via the TEF. Regional analgesia may provide the option of early extubation after TEF repair, but risks must be weighed against the patient’s anatomic and physiologic status.
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IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Systems in Health Care Facilities, 602-1996: IEEE White Book (The IEEE Color Book Series: White Book). Institute of Electrical & Electronics Enginee, 1996.

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Larsen, Timothy. Congregationalists. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The nineteenth century was a period of remarkable advance for the Baptists in the United Kingdom. The vigour of the Baptist movement was identified with the voluntary system and the influence of their leading pulpiteers, notably Charles Haddon Spurgeon. However, Baptists were often divided on the strictness of their Calvinism, the question of whether baptism as a believer was a prerequisite for participation in Communion, and issues connected with ministerial training. By the end of the century, some Baptists led by F.B. Meyer had recognized the ministry of women as deaconesses, if not as pastors. Both domestic and foreign mission were essential to Baptist activity. The Baptist Home Missionary Society assumed an important role here, while Spurgeon’s Pastors’ College became increasingly significant in supplying domestic evangelists. Meyer played an important role in the development, within Baptist life, of interdenominational evangelism, while the Baptist Missionary Society and its secretary Joseph Angus supplied the Protestant missionary movement with the resonant phrase ‘The World for Christ in our Generation’. In addition to conversionism, Baptists were also interested in campaigning against the repression of Protestants and other religious minorities on the Continent. Baptist activities were supported by institutions: the formation of the Baptist Union in 1813 serving Particular Baptists, as well as a range of interdenominational bodies such as the Evangelical Alliance. Not until 1891 did the Particular Baptists merge with the New Connexion of General Baptists, while theological controversy continued to pose fresh challenges to Baptist unity. Moderate evangelicals such as Joseph Angus who occupied a respectable if not commanding place in nineteenth-century biblical scholarship probably spoke for a majority of Baptists. Yet when in 1887 Charles Haddon Spurgeon alleged that Baptists were drifting into destructive theological liberalism, he provoked the ‘Downgrade Controversy’. In the end, a large-scale secession of Spurgeon’s followers was averted. In the area of spirituality, there was an emphasis on the agency of the Spirit in the church. Some later nineteenth-century Baptists were drawn towards the emphasis of the Keswick Convention on the power of prayer and the ‘rest of faith’. At the same time, Baptists became increasingly active in the cause of social reform. Undergirding Baptist involvement in the campaign to abolish slavery was the theological conviction—in William Knibb’s words—that God ‘views all nations as one flesh’. By the end of the century, through initiatives such as the Baptist Forward Movement, Baptists were championing a widening concern with home mission that involved addressing the need for medical care and housing in poor areas. Ministers such as John Clifford also took a leading role in shaping the ‘Nonconformist Conscience’ and Baptists supplied a number of leading Liberal MPs, most notably Sir Morton Peto. Their ambitions to make a difference in the world would peak in the later nineteenth and early twentieth century as their political influence gradually waned thereafter.
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Johansen, Bruce, and Adebowale Akande, eds. Nationalism: Past as Prologue. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2021.

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Nationalism: Past as Prologue began as a single volume being compiled by Ad Akande, a scholar from South Africa, who proposed it to me as co-author about two years ago. The original idea was to examine how the damaging roots of nationalism have been corroding political systems around the world, and creating dangerous obstacles for necessary international cooperation. Since I (Bruce E. Johansen) has written profusely about climate change (global warming, a.k.a. infrared forcing), I suggested a concerted effort in that direction. This is a worldwide existential threat that affects every living thing on Earth. It often compounds upon itself, so delays in reducing emissions of fossil fuels are shortening the amount of time remaining to eliminate the use of fossil fuels to preserve a livable planet. Nationalism often impedes solutions to this problem (among many others), as nations place their singular needs above the common good. Our initial proposal got around, and abstracts on many subjects arrived. Within a few weeks, we had enough good material for a 100,000-word book. The book then fattened to two moderate volumes and then to four two very hefty tomes. We tried several different titles as good submissions swelled. We also discovered that our best contributors were experts in their fields, which ranged the world. We settled on three stand-alone books:” 1/ nationalism and racial justice. Our first volume grew as the growth of Black Lives Matter following the brutal killing of George Floyd ignited protests over police brutality and other issues during 2020, following the police assassination of Floyd in Minneapolis. It is estimated that more people took part in protests of police brutality during the summer of 2020 than any other series of marches in United States history. This includes upheavals during the 1960s over racial issues and against the war in Southeast Asia (notably Vietnam). We choose a volume on racism because it is one of nationalism’s main motive forces. This volume provides a worldwide array of work on nationalism’s growth in various countries, usually by authors residing in them, or in the United States with ethnic ties to the nation being examined, often recent immigrants to the United States from them. Our roster of contributors comprises a small United Nations of insightful, well-written research and commentary from Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia, China, India, South Africa, France, Portugal, Estonia, Hungary, Russia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and the United States. Volume 2 (this one) describes and analyzes nationalism, by country, around the world, except for the United States; and 3/material directly related to President Donald Trump, and the United States. The first volume is under consideration at the Texas A & M University Press. The other two are under contract to Nova Science Publishers (which includes social sciences). These three volumes may be used individually or as a set. Environmental material is taken up in appropriate places in each of the three books. * * * * * What became the United States of America has been strongly nationalist since the English of present-day Massachusetts and Jamestown first hit North America’s eastern shores. The country propelled itself across North America with the self-serving ideology of “manifest destiny” for four centuries before Donald Trump came along. Anyone who believes that a Trumpian affection for deportation of “illegals” is a new thing ought to take a look at immigration and deportation statistics in Adam Goodman’s The Deportation Machine: America’s Long History of Deporting Immigrants (Princeton University Press, 2020). Between 1920 and 2018, the United States deported 56.3 million people, compared with 51.7 million who were granted legal immigration status during the same dates. Nearly nine of ten deportees were Mexican (Nolan, 2020, 83). This kind of nationalism, has become an assassin of democracy as well as an impediment to solving global problems. Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times (2019:A-25): that “In their 2018 book, How Democracies Die, the political scientists Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt documented how this process has played out in many countries, from Vladimir Putin’s Russia, to Recep Erdogan’s Turkey, to Viktor Orban’s Hungary. Add to these India’s Narendra Modi, China’s Xi Jinping, and the United States’ Donald Trump, among others. Bit by bit, the guardrails of democracy have been torn down, as institutions meant to serve the public became tools of ruling parties and self-serving ideologies, weaponized to punish and intimidate opposition parties’ opponents. On paper, these countries are still democracies; in practice, they have become one-party regimes….And it’s happening here [the United States] as we speak. If you are not worried about the future of American democracy, you aren’t paying attention” (Krugmam, 2019, A-25). We are reminded continuously that the late Carl Sagan, one of our most insightful scientific public intellectuals, had an interesting theory about highly developed civilizations. Given the number of stars and planets that must exist in the vast reaches of the universe, he said, there must be other highly developed and organized forms of life. Distance may keep us from making physical contact, but Sagan said that another reason we may never be on speaking terms with another intelligent race is (judging from our own example) could be their penchant for destroying themselves in relatively short order after reaching technological complexity. This book’s chapters, introduction, and conclusion examine the worldwide rise of partisan nationalism and the damage it has wrought on the worldwide pursuit of solutions for issues requiring worldwide scope, such scientific co-operation public health and others, mixing analysis of both. We use both historical description and analysis. This analysis concludes with a description of why we must avoid the isolating nature of nationalism that isolates people and encourages separation if we are to deal with issues of world-wide concern, and to maintain a sustainable, survivable Earth, placing the dominant political movement of our time against the Earth’s existential crises. Our contributors, all experts in their fields, each have assumed responsibility for a country, or two if they are related. This work entwines themes of worldwide concern with the political growth of nationalism because leaders with such a worldview are disinclined to co-operate internationally at a time when nations must find ways to solve common problems, such as the climate crisis. Inability to cooperate at this stage may doom everyone, eventually, to an overheated, stormy future plagued by droughts and deluges portending shortages of food and other essential commodities, meanwhile destroying large coastal urban areas because of rising sea levels. Future historians may look back at our time and wonder why as well as how our world succumbed to isolating nationalism at a time when time was so short for cooperative intervention which is crucial for survival of a sustainable earth. Pride in language and culture is salubrious to individuals’ sense of history and identity. Excess nationalism that prevents international co-operation on harmful worldwide maladies is quite another. As Pope Francis has pointed out: For all of our connectivity due to expansion of social media, ability to communicate can breed contempt as well as mutual trust. “For all our hyper-connectivity,” said Francis, “We witnessed a fragmentation that made it more difficult to resolve problems that affect us all” (Horowitz, 2020, A-12). The pope’s encyclical, titled “Brothers All,” also said: “The forces of myopic, extremist, resentful, and aggressive nationalism are on the rise.” The pope’s document also advocates support for migrants, as well as resistance to nationalist and tribal populism. Francis broadened his critique to the role of market capitalism, as well as nationalism has failed the peoples of the world when they need co-operation and solidarity in the face of the world-wide corona virus pandemic. Humankind needs to unite into “a new sense of the human family [Fratelli Tutti, “Brothers All”], that rejects war at all costs” (Pope, 2020, 6-A). Our journey takes us first to Russia, with the able eye and honed expertise of Richard D. Anderson, Jr. who teaches as UCLA and publishes on the subject of his chapter: “Putin, Russian identity, and Russia’s conduct at home and abroad.” Readers should find Dr. Anderson’s analysis fascinating because Vladimir Putin, the singular leader of Russian foreign and domestic policy these days (and perhaps for the rest of his life, given how malleable Russia’s Constitution has become) may be a short man physically, but has high ambitions. One of these involves restoring the old Russian (and Soviet) empire, which would involve re-subjugating a number of nations that broke off as the old order dissolved about 30 years ago. President (shall we say czar?) Putin also has international ambitions, notably by destabilizing the United States, where election meddling has become a specialty. The sight of Putin and U.S. president Donald Trump, two very rich men (Putin $70-$200 billion; Trump $2.5 billion), nuzzling in friendship would probably set Thomas Jefferson and Vladimir Lenin spinning in their graves. The road of history can take some unanticipated twists and turns. Consider Poland, from which we have an expert native analysis in chapter 2, Bartosz Hlebowicz, who is a Polish anthropologist and journalist. His piece is titled “Lawless and Unjust: How to Quickly Make Your Own Country a Puppet State Run by a Group of Hoodlums – the Hopeless Case of Poland (2015–2020).” When I visited Poland to teach and lecture twice between 2006 and 2008, most people seemed to be walking on air induced by freedom to conduct their own affairs to an unusual degree for a state usually squeezed between nationalists in Germany and Russia. What did the Poles then do in a couple of decades? Read Hlebowicz’ chapter and decide. It certainly isn’t soft-bellied liberalism. In Chapter 3, with Bruce E. Johansen, we visit China’s western provinces, the lands of Tibet as well as the Uighurs and other Muslims in the Xinjiang region, who would most assuredly resent being characterized as being possessed by the Chinese of the Han to the east. As a student of Native American history, I had never before thought of the Tibetans and Uighurs as Native peoples struggling against the Independence-minded peoples of a land that is called an adjunct of China on most of our maps. The random act of sitting next to a young woman on an Air India flight out of Hyderabad, bound for New Delhi taught me that the Tibetans had something to share with the Lakota, the Iroquois, and hundreds of other Native American states and nations in North America. Active resistance to Chinese rule lasted into the mid-nineteenth century, and continues today in a subversive manner, even in song, as I learned in 2018 when I acted as a foreign adjudicator on a Ph.D. dissertation by a Tibetan student at the University of Madras (in what is now in a city called Chennai), in southwestern India on resistance in song during Tibet’s recent history. Tibet is one of very few places on Earth where a young dissident can get shot to death for singing a song that troubles China’s Quest for Lebensraum. The situation in Xinjiang region, where close to a million Muslims have been interned in “reeducation” camps surrounded with brick walls and barbed wire. They sing, too. Come with us and hear the music. Back to Europe now, in Chapter 4, to Portugal and Spain, we find a break in the general pattern of nationalism. Portugal has been more progressive governmentally than most. Spain varies from a liberal majority to military coups, a pattern which has been exported to Latin America. A situation such as this can make use of the term “populism” problematic, because general usage in our time usually ties the word into a right-wing connotative straightjacket. “Populism” can be used to describe progressive (left-wing) insurgencies as well. José Pinto, who is native to Portugal and also researches and writes in Spanish as well as English, in “Populism in Portugal and Spain: a Real Neighbourhood?” provides insight into these historical paradoxes. Hungary shares some historical inclinations with Poland (above). Both emerged from Soviet dominance in an air of developing freedom and multicultural diversity after the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed. Then, gradually at first, right wing-forces began to tighten up, stripping structures supporting popular freedom, from the courts, mass media, and other institutions. In Chapter 5, Bernard Tamas, in “From Youth Movement to Right-Liberal Wing Authoritarianism: The Rise of Fidesz and the Decline of Hungarian Democracy” puts the renewed growth of political and social repression into a context of worldwide nationalism. Tamas, an associate professor of political science at Valdosta State University, has been a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and a Fulbright scholar at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. His books include From Dissident to Party Politics: The Struggle for Democracy in Post-Communist Hungary (2007). Bear in mind that not everyone shares Orbán’s vision of what will make this nation great, again. On graffiti-covered walls in Budapest, Runes (traditional Hungarian script) has been found that read “Orbán is a motherfucker” (Mikanowski, 2019, 58). Also in Europe, in Chapter 6, Professor Ronan Le Coadic, of the University of Rennes, Rennes, France, in “Is There a Revival of French Nationalism?” Stating this title in the form of a question is quite appropriate because France’s nationalistic shift has built and ebbed several times during the last few decades. For a time after 2000, it came close to assuming the role of a substantial minority, only to ebb after that. In 2017, the candidate of the National Front reached the second round of the French presidential election. This was the second time this nationalist party reached the second round of the presidential election in the history of the Fifth Republic. In 2002, however, Jean-Marie Le Pen had only obtained 17.79% of the votes, while fifteen years later his daughter, Marine Le Pen, almost doubled her father's record, reaching 33.90% of the votes cast. Moreover, in the 2019 European elections, re-named Rassemblement National obtained the largest number of votes of all French political formations and can therefore boast of being "the leading party in France.” The brutality of oppressive nationalism may be expressed in personal relationships, such as child abuse. While Indonesia and Aotearoa [the Maoris’ name for New Zealand] hold very different ranks in the United Nations Human Development Programme assessments, where Indonesia is classified as a medium development country and Aotearoa New Zealand as a very high development country. In Chapter 7, “Domestic Violence Against Women in Indonesia and Aotearoa New Zealand: Making Sense of Differences and Similarities” co-authors, in Chapter 8, Mandy Morgan and Dr. Elli N. Hayati, from New Zealand and Indonesia respectively, found that despite their socio-economic differences, one in three women in each country experience physical or sexual intimate partner violence over their lifetime. In this chapter ther authors aim to deepen understandings of domestic violence through discussion of the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of theit countries to address domestic violence alongside studies of women’s attitudes to gender norms and experiences of intimate partner violence. One of the most surprising and upsetting scholarly journeys that a North American student may take involves Adolf Hitler’s comments on oppression of American Indians and Blacks as he imagined the construction of the Nazi state, a genesis of nationalism that is all but unknown in the United States of America, traced in this volume (Chapter 8) by co-editor Johansen. Beginning in Mein Kampf, during the 1920s, Hitler explicitly used the westward expansion of the United States across North America as a model and justification for Nazi conquest and anticipated colonization by Germans of what the Nazis called the “wild East” – the Slavic nations of Poland, the Baltic states, Ukraine, and Russia, most of which were under control of the Soviet Union. The Volga River (in Russia) was styled by Hitler as the Germans’ Mississippi, and covered wagons were readied for the German “manifest destiny” of imprisoning, eradicating, and replacing peoples the Nazis deemed inferior, all with direct references to events in North America during the previous century. At the same time, with no sense of contradiction, the Nazis partook of a long-standing German romanticism of Native Americans. One of Goebbels’ less propitious schemes was to confer honorary Aryan status on Native American tribes, in the hope that they would rise up against their oppressors. U.S. racial attitudes were “evidence [to the Nazis] that America was evolving in the right direction, despite its specious rhetoric about equality.” Ming Xie, originally from Beijing, in the People’s Republic of China, in Chapter 9, “News Coverage and Public Perceptions of the Social Credit System in China,” writes that The State Council of China in 2014 announced “that a nationwide social credit system would be established” in China. “Under this system, individuals, private companies, social organizations, and governmental agencies are assigned a score which will be calculated based on their trustworthiness and daily actions such as transaction history, professional conduct, obedience to law, corruption, tax evasion, and academic plagiarism.” The “nationalism” in this case is that of the state over the individual. China has 1.4 billion people; this system takes their measure for the purpose of state control. Once fully operational, control will be more subtle. People who are subject to it, through modern technology (most often smart phones) will prompt many people to self-censor. Orwell, modernized, might write: “Your smart phone is watching you.” Ming Xie holds two Ph.Ds, one in Public Administration from University of Nebraska at Omaha and another in Cultural Anthropology from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, where she also worked for more than 10 years at a national think tank in the same institution. While there she summarized news from non-Chinese sources for senior members of the Chinese Communist Party. Ming is presently an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice, West Texas A&M University. In Chapter 10, analyzing native peoples and nationhood, Barbara Alice Mann, Professor of Honours at the University of Toledo, in “Divide, et Impera: The Self-Genocide Game” details ways in which European-American invaders deprive the conquered of their sense of nationhood as part of a subjugation system that amounts to genocide, rubbing out their languages and cultures -- and ultimately forcing the native peoples to assimilate on their own, for survival in a culture that is foreign to them. Mann is one of Native American Studies’ most acute critics of conquests’ contradictions, and an author who retrieves Native history with a powerful sense of voice and purpose, having authored roughly a dozen books and numerous book chapters, among many other works, who has traveled around the world lecturing and publishing on many subjects. Nalanda Roy and S. Mae Pedron in Chapter 11, “Understanding the Face of Humanity: The Rohingya Genocide.” describe one of the largest forced migrations in the history of the human race, the removal of 700,000 to 800,000 Muslims from Buddhist Myanmar to Bangladesh, which itself is already one of the most crowded and impoverished nations on Earth. With about 150 million people packed into an area the size of Nebraska and Iowa (population less than a tenth that of Bangladesh, a country that is losing land steadily to rising sea levels and erosion of the Ganges river delta. The Rohingyas’ refugee camp has been squeezed onto a gigantic, eroding, muddy slope that contains nearly no vegetation. However, Bangladesh is majority Muslim, so while the Rohingya may starve, they won’t be shot to death by marauding armies. Both authors of this exquisite (and excruciating) account teach at Georgia Southern University in Savannah, Georgia, Roy as an associate professor of International Studies and Asian politics, and Pedron as a graduate student; Roy originally hails from very eastern India, close to both Myanmar and Bangladesh, so he has special insight into the context of one of the most brutal genocides of our time, or any other. This is our case describing the problems that nationalism has and will pose for the sustainability of the Earth as our little blue-and-green orb becomes more crowded over time. The old ways, in which national arguments often end in devastating wars, are obsolete, given that the Earth and all the people, plants, and other animals that it sustains are faced with the existential threat of a climate crisis that within two centuries, more or less, will flood large parts of coastal cities, and endanger many species of plants and animals. To survive, we must listen to the Earth, and observe her travails, because they are increasingly our own.
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Book chapters on the topic "CART POLE SYSTEM"


Fantoni, Isabelle, and Rogelio Lozano. "The cart-pole system." In Non-linear Control for Underactuated Mechanical Systems, 21–42. London: Springer London, 2002.

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Hong, Gia-Bao, Mircea Nitulescu, Ionel Cristian Vladu, Minh-Tam Nguyen, Thi-Thanh-Hoang Le, Phong-Luu Nguyen, Thanh-Liem Truong, Van-Dong-Hai Nguyen, and Xuan-Dung Huynh. "Trajectory Tracking Sliding Mode Control for Cart and Pole System." In Intelligent Computing in Engineering, 829–44. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Šoberl, Domen, and Ivan Bratko. "Learning Explainable Control Strategies Demonstrated on the Pole-and-Cart System." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 483–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Raya, Agustin, and Dario Maravall. "Contributions to the Control and Stabilization of the Pole-Cart System." In Computer Aided Systems Theory — EUROCAST 2001, 437–49. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Banerjee, Ramashis, Arnab Pal, Aritra Sinha, and Debottam Mukherjee. "Stabilization of Cart-Pole System-A Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control and Robust H-infinity Control Design and Comparative Approach." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 831–45. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Wan, Thomas T. H. "Reduction of Readmissions of Patients with Chronic Conditions: A Clinical Decision Support System Design for Care Management Interventions." In Population Health Management for Poly Chronic Conditions, 165–78. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Brötz, Nicolas, Manuel Rexer, and Peter F. Pelz. "Mastering Model Uncertainty by Transfer from Virtual to Real System." In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 35–44. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractTwo chassis components were developed at the Technische Universität Darmstadt that are used to isolate the body and to reduce wheel load fluctuation.The frequency responses of the components were identified with a stochastic foot point excitation in a hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) simulation environment at the hydropulser. The modelling of the transmission behaviour influence of the testing machine on the frequency response was approximately represented with a time delay of $$10\,\mathrm {ms}$$ 10 ms in the frequency range up to $$25\,\mathrm {Hz}$$ 25 Hz . This is considered by a Padé approximation. It can be seen that the dynamics of the testing machine have an influence on the wheel load fluctuation and the body acceleration, especially in the natural frequency of the unsprung mass. Therefor, the HiL stability is analysed by mapping the poles of the system in the complex plane, influenced by the time delay and virtual damping.This paper presents the transfer from virtual to real quarter car to quantify the model uncertainty of the component, since the time delay impact does not occur in the real quarter car test rig. The base point excitation directly is provided by the testing machine and not like in the case of the HiL test rig, the compression of the spring damper calculated in the real-time simulation.
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Haugan, Gørill, and Monica Eriksson. "An Introduction to the Health Promotion Perspective in the Health Care Services." In Health Promotion in Health Care – Vital Theories and Research, 3–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractCurrently, the world faces a shift to an older population. For the first time in the history, now most people can expect to live into their 60s and beyond. Within this trend of people living longer, many grow very old; 80, 90 and 100 years. Today, 125 million people are 80 years or older; the proportion of ≥80 years increases the most. Age is not an illness, still most chronically ill are older people. Consequently, all countries in the world face major challenges to ensure that their health and social systems are ready to make the most of this demographic shift. Globally, finding new and effective ways to improve people’s health is crucial. Thus, in the years to come, health promotive initiatives will become ever more important. Accordingly, learning how to reorient the health care sector in a health promotion direction is highly needed. The salutogenic approach seems useful for such a reorientation.Salutogenesis is a resource-oriented theoretical approach which focuses on the origin of health along with people’s abilities and capacities for well-functioning and well-being. Salutogenesis is an area of knowledge and learning, a way of relating to others, and a way of working in a health-promoting manner. From the salutogenic point of view, health is a movement on a continuum between ease and dis-ease. In this approach, no one is categorized as healthy or diseased; we are all somewhere between the imaginary poles of total wellness and total illness.This chapter, as well as this book, comprehend the salutogenic health theory as a model of health and a life orientation, representing a vital theoretical basis for the health promotion field. Accordingly, this chapter presents some important points in the development of the health promotion field, followed by the core principles and strategies of health promotion and the promising potential of the salutogenic health theory.
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Mustafa, El, Sat Parmar, and Prav Praveen. "Premalignant Lesions and Conditions of the Oral Cavity." In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician, 1845–52. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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AbstractOral cancer develops in precursor lesions referred to as the group of premalignant disorders (PMDs) by the World Health Organization (WHO). Some lesions are relatively common affecting between 1 and 5% of the population (leukoplakia) and may resemble benign and prevalent mucosal disease. These lesions pose a risk for malignancy that is independent of tobacco or alcohol, with a wide range of transformation rates between 13 and 70%. The commonest types are white patches (leukoplakia), red patches (erythroplakia) and submucous fibrosis. Knowledge of the patterns of clinical presentation of PMDs is important in order to screen patients effectively, identifying those who benefit from a close observation, those who require from targeted biopsy and those who may be safely followed up in primary care. We describe clinical features of the most well-documented premalignant disorders discussing lesion-specific risk predictors and treatment options. We also present a brief outline of the less prevalent group or premalignant systemic conditions including those that predispose to the development of mucosal squamous carcinoma and those that associate with the development of cutaneous squamous carcinoma. Genetic pathways involved in the development and progression of PMDs are outlined, and finally, we describe best practices for carrying out a diagnostic tissue biopsy.
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"Cart Pole System." In Adaptive Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems, 121–32. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2015.

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Conference papers on the topic "CART POLE SYSTEM"


Li, Jen-Hsing. "Fuzzy supervisory control of a cart-pole system." In 2014 11th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA). IEEE, 2014.

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Wang, Y., G. H. Zhang, and D. J. Hill. "Global Control of the Cart and Pole System." In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. IEEE, 2007.

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Wang, Y., G. H. Zhang, and D. J. Hill. "Global Control of the Cart and Pole System." In 2007 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Intelligent Control. IEEE, 2007.

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Surriani, Atikah, Oyas Wahyunggoro, and Adha Imam Cahyadi. "Reinforcement Learning for Cart Pole Inverted Pendulum System." In 2021 IEEE Industrial Electronics and Applications Conference (IEACon). IEEE, 2021.

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Hongnian Yu, Yang Liu, and Tai Yang. "Tracking control of a pendulum-driven cart-pole underactuated system." In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2007.

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Liu, Yang, Hongnian Yu, and Brian Burrows. "Optimization and Control of a Pendulum-driven Cart-pole System." In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control. IEEE, 2007.

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Fernando Henrique Gomes Zucatelli and Magno Enrique Mendoza Meza. "Backstepping controllers for a cart-pole system in two configurations." In 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: ABCM Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2015.

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Siradjuddin, Indrazno, Zakiyah Amalia, Budhy Setiawan, Rendi Pambudi Wicaksono, and Erni Yudaningtyas. "Stabilising a cart inverted pendulum system using pole placement control method." In 2017 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR): International Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering. IEEE, 2017.

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Guowei, Xu. "The Optimal Stabilization of Cart-Pole System: A Modified Forwarding Control Method." In 2009 IITA International Conference on Services Science, Management and Engineering (SSME). IEEE, 2009.

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Liu, Pengcheng, Hongnian Yu, and Shuang Cang. "Modelling and control of an elastically joint-actuated cart-pole underactuated system." In 2014 20th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC). IEEE, 2014.

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Reports on the topic "CART POLE SYSTEM"


Goel, Dr Divanshu, and Dr Manjeet Singh. HYBRID EXTERNAL FIXATION FOR PROXIMAL TIBIAL FRACTURES. World Wide Journals, February 2023.

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Introduction: Intraarticular fractures of the tibial plateau and periarticular fractures of the proximal tibia, caused by high energy trauma pose a therapeutic dilemma. Such fractures are associated with extensive soft tissue damage with or without compound injury. The management of such high velocity injuries become a challenge to the trauma surgeons. The goals of these periarticular fractures management are 1. Restoration of joint congruity by anatomic reduction 2. Stable xation of fractures thus allowing early movements 3. Proper care of injured soft tissues. In earlier days uniplanar external xation were used with various complications like pin track infections and decreased stability. In this study we present the use of hybrid external xation system which includes Ilizarov ring xator and AO rod external xator connected with indigenously manufactured connecting clamps and short shafts augmented with or without minimal internal xation. The purpose of this study is to assess the utility of this hybrid external xation system and to analyse the functional outcome, soft tissue healing and fracture union. To assess the performance of the Hybrid External Fixator Aim and Objective: in the treatment of different types of proximal tibial fractures, to evaluate the functional outcome, soft tissue healing and fracture union and radiological outcome, to evaluate the biomechanical and biological advantage of hybrid external xator, to assess the utility of the indigenously made connecting clamps. Material and Method: The study included 21 cases of periarticular fractures of the proximal tibia which were treated by use of 5/8th Ilizarov ring, AO tubular external xator and with indigenously manufactured connecting clamps & short shaft in a hybrid mode. All cases were prospectively followed up and studied. Almost all the cases (99%) had sustained Road trafc Accidents (high velocity injuries) except one case which had sustained injury by fall of cement wall over her leg. Minimum follow up – 1.5 months, maximum follow up – 12 months, mean follow up – 6.42 months. All fractures were followed according to a protocol. All fractures were treated with either CLOSED REDUCTION AND HYBRID EXTERNAL FIXATION OR WITH MINIMAL OPEN REDUCTION AND A HYBRID SYSTEM. The study group was consisted of 16 males (76%) and 5 females (24%) with an average age for males of 43.06 years (range 25 to 65) and for females of 53.4 years (range 41 to 59). All the patients were in the age group of 26 to 65 years, mean age is 43.09. In the present s Result: tudy of 21 cases, the use of Hybrid external xation, as a denite treatment, for high – energy proximal tibia bicondylar fractures proved to be benecial.
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