Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Carrier recombination'
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Böhme, Christoph. "Dynamics of spin-dependent charge carrier recombination." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2003. http://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/diss/z2003/0183.
Full textMickevičius, Jūras. "Carrier recombination in wide-band-gap nitride semiconductors." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009. http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:E.02~2009~D_20091121_102304-00016.
Full textDisertacija skirta krūvininkų rekombinacijos tyrimams plačiatarpiuose nitridiniuose puslaidininkiuose bei jų dariniuose. Kompleksiniai eksperimentiniai tyrimai buvo atlikti naudojant kelias skirtingas metodikas. Atlikti krūvininkų dinamikos GaN sluoksniuose tyrimai labai žemų ir aukštų sužadinimų sąlygomis. Pasiūlytas naujas liuminescencijos gesimo kinetikų interpretavimo metodas, siejant liuminescencijos ir šviesa indukuotų dinaminių gardelių kinetikas. Naujas požiūris į geltonosios liuminescencijos juostą GaN sluoksniuose leido susieti geltonosios liuminescencijos intensyvumą su krūvininkų gyvavimo trukme. Skirtingomis technologijomis augintų AlGaN sluoksnių palyginimas suteikė informacijos apie juostos potencialo fliuktuacijas bei krūvininkų gyvavimo trukmę ribojančius veiksnius AlGaN medžiagose. Atskleista naujų krūvininkų dinamikos daugialakštėse AlGaN/AlGaN kvantinėse duobėse ypatumų – vidinio elektrinio lauko bei kvantinės duobės pločio fliuktuacijų sąlygotos lokalizacijos įtaka krūvininkų dinamikai. Dauguma tirtų bandinių buvo auginti naudojant MEMOCVDTM technologiją ir tyrimai patvirtino šios technologijos potencialą siekiant pagerinti medžiagų kokybę.
Reith, Charis. "Spin relaxation and carrier recombination in GaInNAs multiple quantum wells." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/160.
Full textOlszak, Peter D. "Nonlinear absorption and free carrier recombination in direct gap semiconductors." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2010. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/4620.
Full textID: 029050684; System requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.; Mode of access: World Wide Web.; Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Central Florida, 2010.; Includes bibliographical references.
Optics and Photonics
McConville, Daniel. "Carrier recombination in dilute nitride based near infrared semiconductor lasers." Thesis, University of Surrey, 2007. http://epubs.surrey.ac.uk/844606/.
Full textGATTI, ELEONORA. "Recombination processes and carrier dynamics in Ge/SiGe multiple quantum wells." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/28451.
Full textThota, Venkata Ramana Kumar. "Tunable Optical Phenomena and Carrier Recombination Dynamics in III-V Semiconductor Nanostructures." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1451807323.
Full textNaidu, Deepal. "Characterisation of lateral carrier out-diffusion and surface recombination in ridge waveguide devices." Thesis, Cardiff University, 2009. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/54892/.
Full textIvanov, Ruslan. "Impact of carrier localization on recombination in InGaN quantum wells with nonbasal crystallographic orientations." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Optik och Fotonik, OFO, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-214599.
Full textQC 20170919
Sieland, Fabian [Verfasser], and Detlef W. [Akademischer Betreuer] Bahnemann. "Fractal charge carrier recombination kinetics in photocatalytic systems / Fabian Sieland ; Betreuer: Detlef W. Bahnemann." Hannover : Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1172414157/34.
Full textSieland, Fabian Verfasser], and Detlef [Akademischer Betreuer] [Bahnemann. "Fractal charge carrier recombination kinetics in photocatalytic systems / Fabian Sieland ; Betreuer: Detlef W. Bahnemann." Hannover : Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2018. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018112901094242866616.
Full textPattanapanishsawat, Piyapong. "Study of Surface Modification and Effect of Temperature on Charge Carrier Generation and Recombination." University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=akron1281364113.
Full textAmaku, Afi. "A study of the electrical properties of point and extended defects in silicon." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.339355.
Full textBrandt, Matthias. "Influence of the electric polarization on carrier transport and recombination dynamics in ZnO-based heterostructures." Doctoral thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2010. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-61074.
Full textGasparini, Nicola [Verfasser], and Christoph J. [Gutachter] Brabec. "Controlling charge carrier recombination in ternary organic solar cells / Nicola Gasparini ; Gutachter: Christoph J. Brabec." Erlangen : Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 2017. http://d-nb.info/1136473254/34.
Full textMoen, Kurt Andrew. "Modeling of minority carrier recombination and resistivity in sige bicmos technology for extreme environment applications." Thesis, Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/26642.
Full textCommittee Chair: Cressler, John; Committee Member: Citrin, David; Committee Member: Shen, Shyh-Chiang. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.
Michel, Christoph. "Theoretical studies of spin dependent transport phenomena [transport in magnetic semiconductors ; spin dependent charge carrier recombination]." Göttingen Cuvillier, 2007.
Find full textAytac, Yigit. "Time-resolved measurements of charge carrier dynamics in Mwir to Lwir InAs/InAsSb superlattices." Diss., University of Iowa, 2016. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/2039.
Full textTurcu, Mircea Cassian. "Defect energies, band alignments, and charge carrier recombination in polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 alloys." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2004. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:swb:14-1086247686828-95497.
Full textDanhof, Julia [Verfasser], and Ulrich T. [Akademischer Betreuer] Schwarz. "Local charge carrier diffusion and recombination in InGaN quantum wells = Lokale Ladungsträgerdiffusion und -rekombination in InGaN Quantentrögen." Freiburg : Universität, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1123477663/34.
Full textTurcu, Mircea Cassian. "Defect energies, band alignments, and charge carrier recombination in polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 alloys." Doctoral thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, 2003. https://tud.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A24342.
Full textKiermasch, David [Verfasser], Vladimir [Gutachter] Dyakonov, and Christian [Gutachter] Schneider. "Charge Carrier Recombination Dynamics in Hybrid Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells / David Kiermasch ; Gutachter: Vladimir Dyakonov, Christian Schneider." Würzburg : Universität Würzburg, 2020. http://d-nb.info/1214594123/34.
Full textKudriashova, Liudmila [Verfasser], Vladimir [Gutachter] Dyakonov, Sven [Gutachter] Höfling, and Bernd [Gutachter] Engels. "Photoluminescence Reveals Charge Carrier Recombination in Organic and Hybrid Semiconductors / Liudmila Kudriashova ; Gutachter: Vladimir Dyakonov, Sven Höfling, Bernd Engels." Würzburg : Universität Würzburg, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1202013635/34.
Full textRichter, Johannes Martin. "Charge carrier relaxation in halide perovskite semiconductors for optoelectronic applications." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/275568.
Full textIchikawa, Shuhei. "Fundamental Study on Carrier Recombination Processes in AlGaN-related Materials and their Structural Designs toward Highly Efficient Deep-UV Emitters." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/225608.
Full textTurcu, Mircea C. [Verfasser]. "Defect energies, band alignments, and charge carrier recombination in polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 alloys / Mircea C Turcu." Aachen : Shaker, 2004. http://d-nb.info/1170529550/34.
Full textAsada, Satoshi. "Improvement of ON-Characteristics in SiC Bipolar Junction Transistors by Structure Designing Based on Analyses of Material Properties and Carrier Recombination." Kyoto University, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/242510.
Full textRingel, Brett Logan. "Investigation of Mesa Etched Antimonide Detectors Using Time Resolved Microwave Reflectance." The Ohio State University, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1589153635130203.
Full textWehrenfennig, Christian. "Ultrafast spectroscopy of charge separation, transport and recombination processes in functional materials for thin-film photovoltaics." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:1f812413-4a2f-418f-a7fd-d749e88cc2e1.
Full textRoland, Steffen [Verfasser], and Dieter [Akademischer Betreuer] Neher. "Charge carrier recombination and open circuit voltage in organic solar cells : from bilayer-model systems to hybrid multi-junctions / Steffen Roland ; Betreuer: Dieter Neher." Potsdam : Universität Potsdam, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1218402458/34.
Full textMcGarry, Stephen. "Irradiated silicon particle detectors." Thesis, Lancaster University, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.369468.
Full textRauh, Daniel [Verfasser], and Vladimir [Gutachter] Dyakonov. "Impact of Charge Carrier Density and Trap States on the Open Circuit Voltage and the Polaron Recombination in Organic Solar Cells / Daniel Rauh. Gutachter: Vladimir Dyakonov." Würzburg : Universität Würzburg, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1112040021/34.
Full textLópez, Salas José Fabio [Verfasser], Stephan J. [Akademischer Betreuer] Heise, Jürgen [Akademischer Betreuer] Parisi, and Petra [Akademischer Betreuer] Groß. "Modeling and simulation of charge carrier recombination dynamics in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells / José Fabio López Salas ; Stephan J. Heise, Jürgen Parisi, Petra Groß." Oldenburg : BIS der Universität Oldenburg, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1161096841/34.
Full textLópez, Salas José Fabio Verfasser], Stephan J. [Akademischer Betreuer] Heise, Jürgen [Akademischer Betreuer] [Parisi, and Petra [Akademischer Betreuer] Groß. "Modeling and simulation of charge carrier recombination dynamics in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells / José Fabio López Salas ; Stephan J. Heise, Jürgen Parisi, Petra Groß." Oldenburg : BIS der Universität Oldenburg, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1161096841/34.
Full textKulikovsky, Lazar. "Experimentelle Untersuchung der Ladungsträgerdynamik in photorefraktiven Polymeren." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2003. http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2005/130/.
Full textThe ongoing development of information processing requires new materials that are capable of effective light modulation, processing or storage. Photorefractive (PR) materials characterized by a reversible light-induced change of the refractive index have been effectively used for different optical applications. When a photorefractive medium is inhomogeneously irradiated, using for example an interference pattern, the generation, transport and trapping of the charge carriers results in the formation of a space charge field. The spatial modulation of the space charge field is transformed through the electro-optical effect into a modulation of the refractive index.
While photorefractive crystals are well known since the discovery of the PR effect in 1966, the photorefractive effect in polymers has only recently been demonstrated. The flexibility of material composition and thus its parameters along with easy processability of polymer materials essentially extends the range of possible applications of photorefractive materials. The response time of PR polymers is defined by the charge carrier dynamics including generation, transport, trapping etc. But a relation between the charge carriers dynamics and the response time of PR effect has not yet been proven experimentally. In this work a method for the experimental determination of all photo-physical parameters defining the formation of the space charge field in organic photorefractive materials has been proposed for the first time. It is based on the analysis of the photocurrent measured under different irradiation conditions such as continuous and pulse irradiation with different intensities, the variation of the pulse length, the number of pulses or the delay between pulses. Thus, the irradiation with single short pulses allowed to determine the mobility of free charge carriers as well as the characteristic parameters of shallow traps. In order to determine the density of deep traps, the intensity dependence of the steady-state photocurrent was investigated. The determining system of equations was analytically solved and it has been shown that the sublinear dependence of the photocurrent on intensity is primary correlated with the ratio of detrapping and trapping coefficients for deep traps. The detrapping coefficient of deep traps was independently determined from double-pulse experiments in which the delay between two pulses was varied. The dynamics of the space charge field formation has been numerically simulated, using the obtained photophysical parameters, and proven to coincide well with the experimentally determined dynamics of the PR effect. This allowed to relate the parameters of the individual processes participating in the formation of the space charge field to the dynamics of the PR effect in the investigated polymers. These results show that neither photogeneration nor transport of the charge carriers do limit the formation of the space charge field. It is demonstrated that in the investigated PR materials the dynamics of the space charge field is limited by the filling of deep traps with the photogenerated charge carriers.
Zhao, Yunhai. "Interface engineering and absorber with composition gradient for high-efficiency Kesterite solar cells." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Rennes (2023-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024URENS048.
Full textIn this thesis, the transport properties of charge carriers, grain growth process, VOC loss mechanism and efficiency improvement possibilities of CZTSSe solar cells were investigated. The large VOC loss and low FF of CZTSSe solar cells are the main challenges for efficiency improvement. This is mainly due to the poor quality of the rear interface, the non-optimized alignment of the bandgaps and the secondary phases in the absorber. Three approaches were used in this work to improve the performance of this type of PV cells. First, an interlayer of WO3 was introduced into the back interface to inhibit the unwanted reaction between the WO3 layer and the absorber. Second, the alignment of the bands and the presence of secondary phases at the front interface have been improved at the same time by a low temperature sulfurization treatment. Finally, the design and production of a double band-gap gradient absorber layer in CZTSSe facilitated the separation and extraction of charge carriers. CZTSSe solar cells with a photovoltaic conversion efficiency of 13.7% were obtained. These very good results, obtained thanks to a better understanding of the loss mechanism, could be an excellent basis for future improvements
Ihlal, Ahmed. "Analyses quantitatives par sem/ebic des defauts recombinants dans les semiconducteurs polycristallins : influence des traitements thermiques sur l'activite electrique des bicristaux de silicium." Caen, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988CAEN2007.
Full textChaggar, Amrik Richard. "Tunneling injection and recombination of carriers in self-assembled quantum dots." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2009. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/10757/.
Full textSangal, Vartul. "Multilocus sequence typing analyses of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/15883.
Full textSerovars of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica are generally pathogenic to humans and other mammals. In this study, I examined the population structure of one of the most common serovars of this subspecies isolated from humans and food animals, serovar Newport, using a multilocus sequence typing scheme. This scheme was also used to analyze isolates of this subspecies from chronic human carriers and reptiles to determine whether isolates from these sources represent distinct populations than those from other hosts. Multilocus sequence typing has extensively been used to study evolution and population structure of a wide range of organisms. 400-600 bp fragments of 7 housekeeping genes were sequenced and every unique sequence of each gene fragment was given a distinct allele number. Each unique combination of alleles was assigned a distinct sequence type number. The data were used in further analyses. Three lineages, namely Newport-I, Newport-II and Newport-III were identified within serovar Newport which were associated to European humans, animals and humans in North America, respectively. Multidrug resistance phenotypes were most common in Newport-II whereas most isolates in Newport-III were pan-susceptible. When compared to other serovars, the numbers of lineages within Newport were higher than for Enteritidis, Kentucky and Typhimurium but lower than for Paratyphi B. Therefore, serovars of S. enterica subspecies enterica vary greatly in their population structures. The sequence types observed for isolates from chronic human carriers were generally the most common among human-clinical and animal isolates. Most isolates from non-carrier humans plus animals were genetically identical to the carried isolates within most serovars. Genetic diversity was also comparable between isolates from these sources. These results suggest that salmonellae from chronic human carriers belong to the same population as isolates from non-carrier humans and animals. For most serovars, most isolates from reptiles were genetically identical to those from humans or other warm blooded animals. However, in serovars Bovismorbificans, Decatur, Miami and Oranienburg, most reptile isolates were genetically distinct from isolates from other hosts. Only few reptile isolates were tested from Bovismorbificans, Decatur and Miami and only few non-reptile isolates were tested from Oranienburg, and in larger numbers of such isolates would be needed to determine whether these differences are statistically significant.
Haque, Saif Ahmed. "Charge recombination kinetics in dye sensitised nanocrystalline solar cells." Thesis, Imperial College London, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.342251.
Full textDavies, Matthew John. "Optical studies of InGaN/GaN quantum well structures." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2014. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/optical-studies-of-ingangan-quantum-well-structures(f6c6e59b-8366-44aa-b149-9338d3f03dc0).html.
Full text林, 利彦. "高耐圧パワー半導体素子を目指したp型SiC結晶のキャリア寿命に関する研究." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/174947.
Full textVaillant, Frédéric. "Contribution à l'étude du dopage et de la recombinaison dans le silicium amorphe hydrogéné." Grenoble 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987GRE10058.
Full textMcBride, Patrick M. "The Effect of Polarization and InGaN Quantum Well Shape in Multiple Quantum Well Light Emitting Diode Heterostructures." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2012. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/822.
Full textFeix, Felix. "Recombination dynamics in (In,Ga)N/GaN heterostructures: Influence of localization and crystal polarity." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/19134.
Full text(In,Ga)N/GaN light-emitting diodes have been commercialized more than one decade ago. However, the knowledge about the influence of the localization on the recombination dynamics and on the diffusivity in the (In,Ga)N/GaN quantum wells (QWs) is still incomplete. In this thesis, we employ temperature-dependent steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy to investigate the impact of localization on the recombination dynamics of a typical Ga-polar, planar (In,Ga)N/GaN QW structure. In addition, we extend our study to N-polar, axial (In,Ga)N/GaN quantum disks, nonpolar core/shell GaN/(In,Ga)N µ-rods, and Ga-polar, sub-monolayer InN/GaN superlattices. While we observe a single exponential decay of the PL intensity in the nonpolar QWs, indicating the recombination of excitons, the decay of the PL intensity in polar QWs asymptotically obeys a power law. This power law reveals that recombination occurs between individually localized, spatially separated electrons and holes. No unique PL lifetime can be defined for such a decay, which impedes the estimation of the internal quantum efficiency and the determination of a diffusion length. In order to extract useful recombination parameters and diffusivities for the polar QWs, we analyze the PL transients with position-dependent diffusion-reaction equations, efficiently solved by a Monte Carlo algorithm. From these simulations, we conclude that the power law asymptote is preserved despite efficient nonradiative recombination in the nanowires. Moreover, we find that the InN/GaN superlattices behave electronically as conventional (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs, but with a strong, thermally-activated nonradiative channel. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the ratio of localization and exciton binding energy, both of which are influenced by the magnitude of the internal electric fields in the QWs, determines the recombination mechanism to be either dominated by tunneling of electrons and holes or by the decay of excitons.
Walz, Dieter. "Caractérisation de la contamination métallique dans le silicium par des méthodes de durée de vie : application au cas du fer dans le silicium de type P." Grenoble INPG, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995INPG0048.
Full textBrum, José Antonio. "Etude theorique des proprietes electroniques des heterostructures de semiconducteurs." Paris 7, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA077006.
Full textNi, Xianfeng. "Growth and characterization of non-polar GaN materials and investigation of efficiency droop in InGaN light emitting diodes." VCU Scholars Compass, 2010. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/2235.
Full textMüllhäuser, Jochen R. "Properties of Zincblende GaN and (In,Ga,Al)N Heterostructures grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I, 1999. http://dx.doi.org/10.18452/14382.
Full textWhile the earliest report on wurtzite (alpha) GaN dates back to 1932, it was not until 1989 that the first epitaxial layer of metastable zincblende (eta) GaN has been synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on a 3C-SiC substrate. The present work focuses on radio frequency (RF) plasma-assisted MBE growth, microstructure, and optical properties of the eta-(In,Ga,Al)N material system on GaAs(001). Due to their higher crystal symmetry, these cubic nitrides are expected to be intrinsically superior for (opto-) electronic applications than the widely employed wurtzite counterparts. Owing to the difficulties of obtaining single-phase crystals, many important material constants are essentially unknown for the cubic nitrides. The aim of this work is therefore, first, to push the technological limits of synthesizing device-relevant zincblende (In,Ga,Al)N heterostructures and, second, to determine the basic optical and electronic properties of GaN as well as to investigate the hardly explored alloy InGaN. An optimized MBE growth process is presented which allows not only the reproducible nucleation of smooth, monocrystalline GaN layers on GaAs using a high-nitrogen-flow RF plasma source. In particular, thick single-phase GaN layers with smooth surface morphology are obtained being a prerequisite for the synthesis of ternary eta-(Ga,In,Al)N structures. Temperature dependent reflectance and transmittance measurements are carried out on such a GaN film having a RMS surface roughness as little as 1.5 nm. A numerical method is developed which allows to extract from these data the complete set of optical constants for photon energies covering the transparent as well as the strongly absorbing spectral range (2.0 -- 3.8 eV). Inhomogeneities in the refractive index leading to finite coherence effects are quantitatively analyzed by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The fundamental band gap EG(T) of GaN is determined for 5 < T < 300 K and the room temperature density of states is investigated. Systematic studies of the band edge photoluminescence (PL) in terms of transition energies, lineshapes, linewidths, and intensities are carried out for both alpha- and GaN as a function of temperature. Average phonon energies and coupling constants, activation energies for thermal broadening and quenching are determined. Excitation density dependent PL measurements are carried out for both phases in order to study the impact of nonradiative recombination processes at 300 K. A recombination model is applied to estimate the internal quantum efficiency, the (non)radiative lifetimes, as well as the ratio of the electron to hole capture coefficients for both polytypes. It is seen that the dominant nonradiative centers in the n-type material investigated act as hole traps which, however, can be saturated at already modest carrier injection rates. In summary, despite large defect densities in GaN due to highly mismatched heteroepitaxy on GaAs, band edge luminescence is observed up to 500 K with intensities comparable to those of state-of-the-art alpha-GaN. For the first time, thick InGaN films are fabricated on which blue and green luminescence can be observed up to 400 K for x=0.17 and x=0.4, respectively. Apart from bulk-like InGaN films, the first coherently strained InGaN/GaN (multi) quantum wells with In contents as high as 50 % and abrupt interfaces are grown. This achievement shows that a ternary alloy can be synthesized in a metastable crystal structure far beyond the miscibility limit of its binary constituents despite the handicap of highly lattice mismatched heteroepitaxy. The well widths of these structures range between 4 and 7 nm and are thus beyond the theoretically expected critical thickness for the strain values observed. It is to be expected that even higher In contents can be reached for film thicknesses below 5 nm. The potential application of such InGaN/GaN multi quantum wells with x >= 0.4 would thus be diode lasers operating in the green-yellow range. abstract in PostScript
Moroni, Didier. "Etude des proprietes optiques de semi-conducteurs composes iii-v et de puits quantiques par photoluminescence et excitation de la photoluminescence." Paris 6, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA066540.
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