Academic literature on the topic 'Caractère de Dirichlet'
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Journal articles on the topic "Caractère de Dirichlet"
Louboutin, Stéphane. "Quelques Formules Exactes Pour des Moyennes de Fonctions L de Dirichlet." Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 36, no. 2 (June 1, 1993): 190–96.
Full textOukhaba, Hassan, and Gilles Robert. "Étude d'un idéal particulier, d'indice fini dans le carré de l'idéal d'augmentation, associé à un caractère de Dirichlet d'un groupe fini." Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 3, no. 1 (1991): 117–27.
Full textBarrucand, Pierre, and Stéphane Louboutin. "Minoration au point des fonctions L attachées à des caractères de Dirichlet." Colloquium Mathematicum 65, no. 2 (1993): 301–6.
Full textVignéras, Marie-France. "Moyennes Galoisiennes des Valeurs de Fonctions L." Canadian Journal of Mathematics 41, no. 1 (February 1, 1989): 1–13.
Full text"Majoration au point 1 des fonctions L associées aux caractères de Dirichlet primitifs, ou au caractère d'une extension quadratique d'un corps quadratique imaginaire principal." Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 1991, no. 419 (August 1, 1991): 213–19.
Full textPolo Bautista, Luis Roberto, and Karen Vanessa Martínez Acevedo. "Algoritmo para el análisis temático de documentos digitales." Investigación Bibliotecológica: archivonomía, bibliotecología e información 35, no. 89 (September 27, 2021).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Caractère de Dirichlet"
Mehrabdollahei, Mahya. "La mesure de Mahler d’une famille de polynômes exacts." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2022.
Full textIn this thesis we investigate the sequence of Mahler measures of a family of bivariate regular exact polynomials, called Pd := P0≤i+j≤d xiyj , unbounded in both degree and the genus of the algebraic curve. We obtain a closed formula for the Mahler measure of Pd in termsof special values of the Bloch–Wigner dilogarithm. We approximate m(Pd), for 1 ≤ d ≤ 1000,with arbitrary precision using SageMath. Using 3 different methods we prove that the limitof the sequence of the Mahler measure of this family converges to 92π2 ζ(3). Moreover, we compute the asymptotic expansion of the Mahler measure of Pd which implies that the rate of the convergence is O(log dd2 ). We also prove a generalization of the theorem of the Boyd-Lawton which asserts that the multivariate Mahler measures can be approximated using the lower dimensional Mahler measures. Finally, we prove that the Mahler measure of Pd, for arbitrary d can be written as a linear combination of L-functions associated with an odd primitive Dirichlet character. In addition, we compute explicitly the representation of the Mahler measure of Pd in terms of L-functions, for 1 ≤ d ≤ 6
Nunes, Ruikson Sillas de Oliveira [UNESP]. "Discriminante mínimo de corpos de Abelianos de grau primo." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2009.
Full textCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Dado um número inteiro positivo d, encontrar um corpo de grau d que tenha, em valor absoluto, o menor discriminante é um problema clássico e poucos resultados se tem até hoje no sentido de se resolver tal desafio. O principal interesse deste trabalho consiste em estudar o problema acima sobre os corpos de números Abelianos, particularmente aqueles de grau primo. Para tanto será preciso dominar algumas técnicas referentes ao cálculo do discriminante de corpos de números, em especial, dos corpos Abelianos.
Given a positive interger d, finding a field of degree d which has, to absolute value, the smallest discriminant it is a classical problem and few results has been got until at present time, to solve this challenge. The main purpose of this paper it is to study the problem above on Abelian numbers fields in special that ones of prime degree. However, it is necessary to know any techniques for calculating the numbers fiel discriminant, specially, to Abelian fields.
Bujold, Crystel. "Long large character sums." Thesis, 2019.
Full textThis thesis deals with a central topic in analytic number theory, namely that of characters and more specifically, that of character sums. More precisely, we will develop a result concerning the maximal value that can be attained by some long character sum. In Chapter 1 are discussed the notions and techniques that will be necessary in the elaboration of the proof of the main result. We will discuss notions of harmonic analysis, classical number theoretic techniques, as well as give an overview of smooth numbers. Chapter 2 will serve as an introduction to the theory pertaining to Dirichlet characters and character sums. Basic properties and classical theorems will be covered and we will provide a survey of recent results closely related to the main topic on interest in this thesis. We will give in Chapter 3 a first result which will lead this thesis to diverge into the field of lattices. It comes up as an auxiliary result to the main result, but bares an interest independent to characters. We will discuss the order of magnitude of multiples of a chosen lattice vector, when the multipliers lie in prescribed congruence classes. Chapter 4 will serve as a bridge between lattices and characters and we will study the consequences of applying the theorems we proved in Chapter 3 to characters. We will derive results that will be key to the proof of our main theorem. In Chapter 5, we will prepare the ground for the proof of our main theorem by unveiling some preliminary estimates that will be needed. In particular, the chapter will consist of two parts: one treating of exponential sums, while the other one will be concerned with smooth numbers. Finally, Chapter 6 will be the apex of this thesis and will provide the proof of our main result on character sums. The argument built in this chapter will allow us to prove a lower bound for the maximal value that can be reached by a character among the characters modulo a prime number q.