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Sawestri, S., N. K. Suryati, D. Muthmainnah, and Y. P. Pamungkas. "Capture Fishery Resources of Citanduy River, West Java." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 934, no. 1 (November 1, 2021): 012076.

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Abstract Citanduy river is one of the priority watersheds in West Java. Information on capture fisheries resources in Citanduy, however, river is limited. The aim of this study was to assess the information of capture fisheries resources in that river. The method used in this study was a survey method, by collecting data in the field, and then analyzed it in the laboratory. This research was conducted in 2018. Samples of fish were collected through the active participation of fishers with various types of fishing gear. The identification of fish and fishing gear used some references. Some fish caught were preserved in formalin solution and identified. The dominant catch in Citanduy River is Mystacoleucus marginatus and Cyprinus carpio. Other economic fishes catch in Citanduy river are Oreochromis niloticus, Osteochilus vittatus, O. mossambicus, Trichogaster trichopterus, Hemibragus nemurus, Hampala macrolepidota, Channa striata, Moolgarda seheli, and Glossogobius giurus. The fishing gears used by fishers are hooks and lines, cast nets, scope nets, traps, and gill nets. The inland capture fishery in Citanduy river is still a secondary sector for the interests of local government.The current condition of capture fisheries in Citanduy is not the main livelihood for fishers. The inland capture fisheries in Citanduy is still using a simple fishing gear and do not have more complex tools. Citanduy river has potential source of economic and protein food, particularly for local community. Regarding in these potential, management of environment could be the major domains in fisheries management. The policy of local government in handling non-selective fishing gear and restocking activity could be maintain the sustainable fish resources in Citanduy river.
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Kusdiantoro, Kusdiantoro, Achmad Fahrudin, Sugeng Hari Wisudo, and Bambang Juanda. "The Policy Strategy for Sustainable Capture Fisheries Development." Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine Journal 007, no. 02 (April 26, 2020): 131–41.

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The sustainability of capture fisheries development in Indonesia faces various challenges, such as climate change, pollution, resource degradation, and pressure from fluctuating commodity prices. Furthermore, a policy breakthrough with proper strategy is needed in realizing sustainable capture fisheries development. This study aims to formulate the most appropriate policy from several existed alternative policies to achieve sustainable capture fisheries development. Primary and secondary data are used in this study. A prospective analysis (SMIC-Prob-Expert) approach is used to formulate priority policy scenarios for capture fisheries development in Indonesia. As results, the analysis brings about six main priority alternative policies, namely: (1) increasing utilization of fisheries resources (SDI), (2) increasing capture fisheries productivity, (3) increasing fishermen household income, (4) providing fisheries insurance/social security, (5) improving status utilization of SDI, and (6) increase in the value of capture fisheries non-tax state revenue (PNBP). The analysis shows that policy scenario 01 (111111) or by implementing all alternatives policy simultaneously is the best choice. If the policymakers are faced with options, then the policy scenario becomes the last option to be taken simultaneously is not to choose a policy of providing insurance/social security to fishermen; or in the in this case policy scenario 05 (111011).
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Welcomme, Robin L., Ian G. Cowx, David Coates, Christophe Béné, Simon Funge-Smith, Ashley Halls, and Kai Lorenzen. "Inland capture fisheries." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365, no. 1554 (September 27, 2010): 2881–96.

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The reported annual yield from inland capture fisheries in 2008 was over 10 million tonnes, although real catches are probably considerably higher than this. Inland fisheries are extremely complex, and in many cases poorly understood. The numerous water bodies and small rivers are inhabited by a wide range of species and several types of fisher community with diversified livelihood strategies for whom inland fisheries are extremely important. Many drivers affect the fisheries, including internal fisheries management practices. There are also many drivers from outside the fishery that influence the state and functioning of the environment as well as the social and economic framework within which the fishery is pursued. The drivers affecting the various types of inland water, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and wetlands may differ, particularly with regard to ecosystem function. Many of these depend on land-use practices and demand for water which conflict with the sustainability of the fishery. Climate change is also exacerbating many of these factors. The future of inland fisheries varies between continents. In Asia and Africa the resources are very intensely exploited and there is probably little room for expansion; it is here that resources are most at risk. Inland fisheries are less heavily exploited in South and Central America, and in the North and South temperate zones inland fisheries are mostly oriented to recreation rather than food production.
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Kusdiantoro, Kusdiantoro, Achmad Fahrudin, Sugeng Hari Wisudo, and Bambang Juanda. "PERIKANAN TANGKAP DI INDONESIA: POTRET DAN TANTANGAN KEBERLANJUTANNYA." Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan 14, no. 2 (December 10, 2019): 145.

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Perikanan tangkap di Indonesia memiliki peran strategis, namun dalam pelaksanaannya tidak terlepas dari kompleksitasnya pemasalahan yang dihadapi. Ancaman terhadap keberlanjutan sumber daya ikan dan kapasitas pelaku usaha menjadi perhatian utama dalam mewujudkan perikanan tangkap berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan unutk mengkaji kondisi pembangunan perikanan tangkap yang telah dilaksanakan di Indonesia, yang difokuskan pada pada dua aspek utama, yaitu komoditas utama perikanan tangkap tuna, tongkol dan cakalang (TTC) dan pelakunya serta bagaimana strategi keberlanjutannya. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mencoba merumuskan indikator prioritas yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur keberlanjutan pembangunan perikanan tangkap. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi dan untuk mengetahui prioritas indikator digunakan pendekatan metode urgency, seriousness and growth (USG). Hasil kajian memberikan gambaran bahwa manfaat dari perikanan tangkap di Indonesia belum merata dirasakan. Struktur perikanan tangkap di Indonesia masih didominasi nelayan skala kecil dan berpengaruh terhadap produksi komoditas utama (TTC), Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF) menjadi ancaman terbesar bagi keberlanjutan perikanan tangkap. Kondisi sumber daya ikan dan perikanan skala kecil menjadi indikator prioritas utama untuk mengukur keberhasilan perikanan tangkap yang berkelanjutan, sehingga kedepannya diperlukan perbaikan terhadap pengelolaan perikanan yang dapat ditempuh melalui pengelolaan sumberdaya ikan berbasis WPP melalui penguatan kelembagaan dan dukungan sarana prasarana. Title: Capture Fisheries in Indonesia: Portraits and Challenges of SustainabilityCapture fisheriy in Indonesia has a strategic role, though its implementation encounter such a complex problem. The threat on the sustainability of fish resources and fisher capacity are the major concern in creating sustainable capture fisheries. This study aims to examine the condition of capture fisheries development in Indonesia that focused on two main aspects: (1) the main commodities of tuna, little tuna and skipjack (TTC) and its fishers, and (2) the strategy for its sustainability. In addition, this study tries to formulate priority indicators to measure the sustainability of capture fisheries development. The research used content analysis method as well as Urgency, Seriousness and Growth (USG) method to determine priority indicators. Results of the study showed that the benefits of capture fisheries in Indonesia are not evenly distributed. Small-scale fishers dominate the structure of capture fisheries in Indonesia and affect the production of major commodities (TTC). In addition, Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF) is the biggest threat to the sustainability of capture fisheries. The condition of fish resources and small-scale fishers is a top priority indicator to measure the success of sustainable capture fisheries, so it is necessary to improve future fisheries management based on WPP through institutional strengthening and infrastructure support.
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Wattimury, Margie. "EFISIENSI DAN KEBERLANJUTAN USAHA PURSE SEINE DI KABUPATEN MALUKU TENGAH DAN KOTA AMBON." PAPALELE (Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan dan Kelautan) 3, no. 1 (June 1, 2019): 38–51.

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The level of purse seine business income is determined by the efficient allocation of resources for alternative capture fisheries activities. If resources are not used efficiently, there will be unexploited potential to increase income and create surpluses. Conversely, if resources are allocated efficiently, additional capture fisheries can be obtained through growth-oriented development efforts. Therefore, it is important to identify the efficient use of resources to determine the existence of purse seine fisheries. The results show that the estimated technical efficiency of the catch with SPF (Stochastic Production Frontier) analysis for purse seine fisheries in Central Maluku Regency and Ambon was influenced by the length and width of fishing gear, number of fishermen, amount of investment value and time of capture operations. The minimum value of catch technical efficiency is 0.10 and the maximum is 0.99 with an average 0.48. Factors influencing the technical inefficiency of fishing are the experience of captain and the education level of fishermen. Purse seine fishery business in Central Maluku Regency and Ambon City is feasible to be developed, showing by NPV value Rp. 30,514,684 / year, IRR 23.97% and B / C ratio 5.85. The average return on investment (PP) based on the analysis is 2.16 years, with BEP price Rp. 6,606 and BEP production 3,765 kgs. The main priorities of purse seine fisheries development policy strategy in Central Maluku Regency and Ambon are the development of assistance to fishing groups, the development of appropriate technology to handle catches, increase fisheries production, and infrastructures development.
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Malik, Jamaludin, and Hendi Kristiana. "Sustainability Strategy for Small-Scale Fisheries Management: Case Study in Semarang City Coastal, Indonesia." Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management 5, no. 2 (December 18, 2021): 83–90.

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Small-scale fisheries in Semarang City have complex problems. In the existing condition, overcapacity and over-exploited have occurred. At the level of sustainability, each aspect of management (environment, fish resources, facilities and technology, socioeconomic, institutional and governance) is a challenge to achieve sustainable fisheries management in Semarang City. This study aims to formulate a sustainability strategy for small-scale fisheries management in Semarang City. The sustainability strategies for small-scale fisheries management in Semarang City that can be formulated are: (1) increasing efforts to conserve fish resources and ecosystems; (2) increasing the income and welfare of fishermen and poverty alleviation; (3) increase the productivity of capture fisheries; (4) improve law enforcement/fisheries regulations.
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Firoz Khan, A. K. M., M. G. Mustafa, and M. Niamul Naser. "Effective supervision of inland capture fisheries of Bangladesh and its hurdles in managing the resources." Bandung: Journal of the Global South 3, no. 1 (January 4, 2016): 1–12.

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Community-based approaches have gained significant attention in inland open water fisheries management in Bangladesh. This article focuses on the challenges and opportunities of the inland open water fishery resources under community-based management approaches. The present study employed management information of waterbodies between 1991 and 2014 across a range of geographical locations and habitats. The study reveals that coordinated management of water bodies is essential given common management issues of waterbodies. Present study also reveals that complexity of different property rights and the diversity of users within individual clusters have had cumulatively adverse effects on fisheries. The study shows that different fisheries management policies promoted by the government of Bangladesh over time to have varied in strength and appropriateness. This study concludes that open water fisheries management through fishers’ community involvement is promising approach in Bangladesh but a variety of socio-economic factors that affect the governance in its implementation.
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Kurniawan, Kurniawan. "Strategi Pengembangan Perikanan Tangkap di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan." Akuatik: Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan 12, no. 2 (February 15, 2019): 93–101.

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Capture fishery in South Bangka Regency has the prospect to be developed as one of the leading sectors in regional economic development. The purpose of this research is to know and provide fish resource development plan in South Bangka Regency. The method used is descriptive method, with the taking of survey data, survey and study of relevant literature. SWOT analysis was conducted to make capture fisheries development strategy in South Bangka Regency. The results showed that South Bangka Regency has potential of fishery potential. While capture fisheries development strategy in South Bangka Regency are social, economic and sustainable development strategy, human resources strategy and development, promotion strategy for potential resources for development and development of facilities and infrastructure. supporters of fisheries development.
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Matondang, Muhammad Ridho, Muhammad Ridwan Lubis, and Heru Satria Tambunan. "Analisis Data mining dengan Metode C.45 pada Klasifikasi Kenaikan Rata-Rata Volume Perikanan Tangkap." Brahmana : Jurnal Penerapan Kecerdasan Buatan 2, no. 2 (June 30, 2021): 74–81.

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Increasing the amount of demand for natural resource needs is increasing. One of them is natural resources in the sea and coast. The current condition of capture fisheries in Indonesia is not yet optimal. This is indicated by the increase in the volume of capture fisheries production which is very slow. The purpose of this study is to make data classification for the prediction of the average volume increase in capture fisheries with data mining techniques. Data mining techniques are applied to determine the data patterns of the capture fisheries dataset, so the results of the classification can be applied to evaluate the factors that affect the volume of capture fisheries. The classification algorithm used is C45. The results of the classification were tested with rapidminer in classifying data. The level of performance is indicated by the accuracy value. The accuracy value is obtained by testing the results of the classification of training data and testing data. Comparison of accuracy values between the algorithms used can be seen the best algorithm in making the classification of capture fisheries data.
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Poernomo, Achmad, and Endang Sri Heruwati. "Industrialization in fisheries: a challenge to change." Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology 6, no. 3 (March 20, 2014): 7.

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To manage with the Indonesian vision as the biggest producer of fisheries in 2015, capture,aquaculture, and post-harvest fisheries should be ready to operate at large or business scale.Consequently, industrialization should be promoted since this is the most appropriate way tomanage fisheries in business manner. Though it has a positive goal to maximize the utilization offisheries resource for the improvement of economic and prosperity of Indonesian people, however,industrialization undoubtedly retains a negative impact in terms of threats on the sustainability offishery and other natural resources. This article summarises review and analysis aiming to developan ideal model in order to strengthen the fisheries industrialization in Indonesia. Based on previousweaknesses, the ideal model is the one that reflects an inclusive and holistic manner, suitable forvarious characteristics of industries in each typical areas and people of Indonesia, with the emphasison competitive advantage, untraditional, and commercial basis, especially in respect to thedevelopment of a strong fisheries business. This kind of model should also maintain harmonizedand coordinated programs and actions between involved related institutions. Research supportsare needed to develop and test the most appropriate model. Also, in technical basis, innovationson fish capture, aquaculture, as well as processing technologies are urgently needed as acomplement to the developed model of fisheries industries. One thing that should be kept in mindis the importance of management and conservation of natural resources, including resource forfisheries capture and aquaculture, germ plasms and genetic fish resources, as well as marinemicroorganisms, as these all are the main assets for the development of marine and fisheries inIndonesia.
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Susilowati, Indah. "MEMBANGUN SUMBERDAYA PERIKANAN: PELUANG DAN TANTANGAN." Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan 3, no. 2 (January 1, 2007): 206.

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Indonesia as an archipelago country has a great endeavor in fisheries and ocean resources. The strategy outlined by Indonesia in developing fisheries resource is by controlling the capture fisheries and extensification for inland fisheries. The code of conduct for responsible fisheries as stipulated by the global market should be fulfilled in all channels, such as production, processing, and distribution. Therefore, it is indeed need for all stakeholders to prepare and to anticipate any possibilities for the future market.
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ANNA, ZUZY. "An analysis of capture fisheries resource depletion in Cirata Reservoir, West Java, Indonesia." Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 19, no. 3 (May 1, 2018): 927–35.

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Anna Z. 2018. An analysis of capture fisheries resource depletion in Cirata Reservoir, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 927-935. Fisheries in public waters such as the Cirata Reservoir in West Java, Indonesia are potential economic resources that should not be ignored. They play an important role in food security for the surrounding communities. Unfortunately, natural capture fisheries in Cirata Reservoir have received less attention in the past than aquaculture which dominates economic activity in the waters. Recently, the condition of the dam has deteriorated as a result of major aquaculture activity with extensive use of artificial feedstock; an increase in industrial and domestic waste entering the waters; and open access fisheries management that has allegedly caused depletion of the natural fish resources of the waters. From time to time there have been observed declines in the natural capture fisheries production. The research reported in this paper aimed to estimate the extent of this depletion and associated economic depreciation of capture fish resources in the Cirata Reservoir. Bio-economic methods were used to calculate the potential sustainable utilization of the resources. The analytical model of Logistic Gordon-Schaefer (GS) and Fox models provided the framework for the analysis. The fish depletion was calculated by comparing the potential sustainable utilization and the value of the actual utilization, based on quarterly data for the years 2011 up to 2016. Depreciation was calculated in terms of unit rent loss as a result of the depletion. The analysis showed that depletion of fish resources occurred in certain quarters between years of 2011 to 2016. The value of the total depletion over this period for the GS model amounted to 835.13 tons with an estimated value for depreciation of IDR 5.93 Billion, or IDR 84.71 Billion in Present Value term. For Fox Model, the depletion reaches 1421.35 Ton, with a value of IDR 10.09 Billion, or 144.17 Billion in Present Value term. This value represents the economic loss due to depletion of the fisheries resource in Cirata Reservoir. The policy implication of this fish depletion is that there is a need for better management of the aquatic habitat, by reducing water pollution load, and by regulation of capture fisheries through input/output restrictions based on the conceptual tools of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and Maximum Economic Yield (MEY).
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Damayanti, Herna Octivia. "Management Strategy of Purse Seine Net Fisheries in Pati Regency." Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine Journal 008, no. 02 (April 25, 2021): 166–80.

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The matter of fishery resources is one of the important problems in the capture fishery development because the condition of most capture fisheries is over exploitation. The research objectives were (1) to analyze the utilization level of fishery resources with Purse Seine nets, and (2) determine the strategy for managing fishery resources with purse seine nets in Pati Regency. The sampling method used simple random sampling with 56 Purse Seine fishermen as a sample size. The research locations consist of Bajomulyo Village and Bendar one in Juwana Subdistrict, Pati Regency. Data analysis used (a) Total Allowable Catch (TAC) calculation, (b) AHP to determine strategy priorities. Research results: the utilization rate is 102.48%, meanwhile management strategies based on the aspect priority order of management for capture fishery resources are human resources, fish resources, infrastructure and institutions, while the priority order based on alternative criteria are the improvement of human resources expertise of ship masters, protection of the stability of fishery commodity prices, improvement of fishing gear operating skills for the boat crews and making adequate boat moorings around the fish auction.
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Suadi, Suadi. "DARI PETANI MENJADI NELAYAN: KAJIAN HISTORIS PERIKANAN TANGKAP PANTAI SELATAN YOGYAKARTA." Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada 4, no. 1 (January 26, 2002): 5.

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The aims of this research were to know the history and development of fisheries activity and its contribution to coastal community welfare at South Coast of Yogyakarta Special Territory Province. To examine these issues the research was conducted by combined survey and descriptive analytic methods. Fisheries in area could be categorized as new activity and historically community does not have a high dependency on marine capture fisheries. Fishers were farmers who become fisherman due to several reasons such as limitation of land and lack of other job opportunity. Since the activity began in the end of 1970’s at Baron, marine capture fisheries have altered income sources, improve community houses, and attracted young people as well as provide productivity activity for rural women. In the recent time, marine capture fishery has dispersed to all of Yogyakarta South Coastal area at 19 fish-landing places with vary intensity of resources exploitation. Marine capture fisheries are still limited in the coastal zone. Although CPUE tend to increase, the activity should be extended to province management zone and ZEEI. The integrated policy and management are needed to solve these problems and to avoid the tragedy of the commons.
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Bush, Simon R. "Contextualising fisheries policy in the Lower Mekong Basin." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 39, no. 3 (September 11, 2008): 329–53.

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AbstractDevelopment policies for fishery resources within the Mekong River Basin are increasingly divided between aquaculture and capture fisheries. The modern production orientation of aquaculture has been adopted by government and NGOs and justified by the rhetoric of poverty alleviation and rural development. In contrast, capture fisheries has been subjugated as an activity that reaffirms the dependency of the rural poor on natural resources. This paper critically analyses the division between aquaculture and capture fisheries in Cambodia, Thailand and Lao PDR by tracing the emergence and influence of ‘development narratives’ used to justify contemporary policy and practice.
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Simeulue Islands are the farthest area in West Indonesia that have potency in fisheries and marine science sectors. One of the marine resources from Simeulue Island are Octopus. The octopus price in the market were prospective than other fisheries commudity. However, we have no strategy to increase the Octopus sustainability. Thus, the research about the socio-economic were very important. The aim of this research was to determine the increasing strategy of small scale fishermen sustainability through the utilization of Octopus potency at Simeulue Island. The research method by using descriptive method with sampling method that used accidental sampling. Subsequently, those samples were analysed by using SWOT Analysis. The result showed that the internal factor in our study are togertherness in capture operational system with value as much as 0,58. Moreover, the weakness generated the lack attention from institutional as much as 0,31. In external factors showed the opportunity from fisheries resources abundantly as much as 0,61. However, the threats showed mostly local fishermen catch the fisheries resources by using unfriendly fishing gear. According to the scoring I grand matrix of small scale fisheries in Simeulue Islands. Thus, this grand strategy in the first kuadran. It means that the small scale fisheries have high opportunity for developing with utilize the strength and grab the opportunity. Keywords :small scale, fisheries, octopus, Simeulue
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Lannan, James E., Graham A. E. Gall, John E. Thorpe, Colin E. Nash, and Brenda E. Ballachey. "Genetic resource management of fish." Genome 31, no. 2 (January 15, 1989): 798–804.

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The diverse global ichthyofauna represents a wealth of genetic resources for adaptive evolution, for the development and harvest of present and future sources of human foods, and for germ plasm for aquaculture. Fish make an important contribution to human nutrition worldwide and the demand for fisheries products is increasing. Several production systems are employed in producing and harvesting fisheries products, including capture fisheries, aquaculture, and culture-based fisheries. There are risks of losing genetic variation inherent in each production system. However, genetic considerations are not widely applied to the management of fisheries. It is imperative that global strategies for the conservation of fish genetic resources be developed and implemented to ensure the richness of diversity for future generations.Key words: fish, genetic resources, management, fisheries.
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Arkham, M. Nur, Yudi Wahyudin, Novit Rikardi, Agus Ramli, and Arif Trihandoyo. "SOCIAL ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF COASTAL OMMUNITIES IN BATUI DISTRICT, BANGGAI DISTRICT, CENTRAL SULAWESI PROVINCE." Coastal and Ocean Journal (COJ) 4, no. 1 (June 15, 2020): 1–14.

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Most of the people who live in coastal villages are fishermen and are very dependent on marine resources and coastal ecosystems. The purpose of this study was to determine the socio-economic conditions of coastal communities that exploit the potential of the coast in Batui District, Banggai District. This research was conducted in the coastal area of Batui District, Central Sulawesi Province. Data were collected by means of surveys and interviews. The data analysis was done qualitatively and descriptively. The social conditions of the coastal communities in Batui District mostly live on the coast with less dense population density. The aspect of education shows that the average coastal community with a Bachelor degree is 40% with the human development index (HDI) in the medium category. It is seen from the economic condition that the livelihoods of the coastal communities in Batui District are dependent on the fishery sector, namely partly as fishermen. The fishing gear and fishing fleet used for fisheries in the research location are small-scale fisheries. Keywords coastal communities, small-cale fisherie, capture fisheries and Batui District
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Mendonça, JT, and IC Machado. "Mangrove oyster (Crassostrea spp.) (Sacco, 1897) extractivism in Cananéia estuary (São Paulo, Brazil) from 1999 to 2006: capture and management evaluation." Brazilian Journal of Biology 70, no. 1 (February 2010): 65–73.

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The oyster Crassostrea spp. is one of the main fisheries resources in the southern portion of São Paulo State. This paper aims to evaluate the extractivism of that resource, supplying subsidies to the implementation of management regulations. This study was developed in Cananéia, from February 1999 to December 2006. The oyster production data in dozens was obtained through weekly or monthly interviews. The annual and average CPUE in dozens per day was analysis to verify significant differences along years. There are no regulations that limit the fishing effort or organize the admission in the fishermen. The admission is controlled by the condition of the market and there is a risk of increasing the fishing effort above the sustainable yield, which demands measures that control the number of fishermen enganged in the activity. Those measures, to be effective, must be created in discussion with the fisheries sector, based on technical information.
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Anugrah, Angga Prasetya, and Ida Busneti. "PENGELOLAAN SEKTOR PERIKANAN TANGKAP MENURUT EKONOMI ISLAM DAN PEMBANGUNAN BERKELANJUTAN." Media Ekonomi 26, no. 1 (August 15, 2019): 11.

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<em>This study aims to analyze the condition of capture fisheries in Indonesia, the role of government in the management of capture fisheries, as well as the Islamic view of capture management in Indonesia. <em>The method used is descriptive analysis with a literature study approach with variables consisting of capture fisheries, government policies, management, sustainable development, and Islamic perspectives. </em><em>The results of this study are that the capture fisheries environment in Indonesia is in critical condition, but the potential of Indonesian fisheries is still quite large. The role of the government in fishing management is to crack down on fisheries IUU (Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated), prohibiting the use of fishing gear that damage the environment, and setting limits on catch size for certain marine species. In an Islamic perspective, the government in managing fisheries resources is in accordance with Islamic teachings, due to the prohibition of exploitative actions, damaging the environment, and managing the environment so that it is renewable and sustainable.</em></em>
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Kaczan, David J., and Pawan G. Patil. "Potential Development Contribution of Fisheries Reform: Evidence From Pakistan." Journal of Environment & Development 29, no. 3 (June 3, 2020): 275–305.

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Mismanagement threatens the productivity and sustainability of an increasing number of capture fisheries globally, hindering these resources’ ability to contribute to socioeconomic and environmental outcomes such as those embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals. Using Pakistan as a case study, we assess the contribution that improved management of Pakistan’s marine fisheries can make to development through economic growth, productivity, employment, and resource sustainability. Using a bioeconomic model based on a recent stock assessment, we find large projected benefits of fisheries reform relative to business as usual. However, projected production volume is not higher than current output, which is inflated by ongoing overfishing. Aquaculture is found to have potential for substantial and complementary socioeconomic benefits. We highlight how Pakistan’s fisheries mirror global trends of plateauing wild capture and falling productivity and suggest key policy changes and investments along the value chain that can underpin more productive and sustainable fisheries in this context.
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Ha, Vu Viet. "BÀN VỀ ĐIỀU TRA NGHỀ CÁ THƯƠNG PHẨM Ở BIỂN VIỆT NAM." Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Biển 18, no. 1 (June 21, 2018): 52–59.

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In fish stock assessment, two approaches have been used to collect data: Fisheries independent survey and fisheries survey. Fisheries independent survey provides scientific information on species composition, catch rate, density, distribution, standing stock biomass and biological information of certain species while fisheries survey supplies primary data for a wide variety of statistical analysis of fisheries performance. In Vietnam, fisheries survey was first developed by project “Assessment of the Living Marine Resources in Vietnam” with the support of DANIA since 1998 as the pilot study in 11 coastal provinces with the purpose of establishing the fisheries statistical system in Vietnam. After the pilot stage, it has been extended to all of 28 coastal provinces and worked effectively since 2000. In 2006, when the project ended, the fisheries statistical system collapsed due to no finance support to continue. Since July 2014, the fisheries data collection network has been recovered with the collaboration of Directorate of Fisheries, Research Institute for Marine Fisheries and Provincial Departments of Capture Fisheries and Marine Resources Protection. The survey design was the logbook base with applying the sampling in space and in time method. This is an overview of the capture fisheries survey in Vietnam with its limitations and challenges.
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Nasution, Zahri, and Armen Zulham. "PRAKIRAAN DAMPAK ANCAMAN DAN GANGGUAN DALAM PERIKANAN TANGKAP DAN PENGAWASAN SUMBERDAYA KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN." Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan 3, no. 1 (December 16, 2015): 67.

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Ancaman dan gangguan dalam pembangunan perikanan tangkap dan pengawasan sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan perlu diantisipasi guna mencapai manfaat sumber daya perikanan secaratepat bagi masyarakat nelayan. Studi ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis prakiraan dampakkeamanan (AMDAK) pada setiap program perikanan tangkap dan pengawasan sumber daya kelautandan perikanan pada Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP). Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatankualitatif. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah data sekunder dan data primer. Datayang didapat diolah dan dianalisis secara deskriptif serta diinterpretasikan secara logis. Hasil studimenunjukkan bahwa pada kegiatan yang tercakup dalam program pengembangan dan pengelolaanperikanan tangkap terdapat potensi gangguan dan ancaman faktual mulai dari konflik antar kelompokmasyarakat hingga gangguan dari adanya kapal asing. Disamping itu, terdapat pula potensi konflikpenggunaan alat tangkap antar nelayan dan gangguan kapal asing. Luasnya wilayah perairan yangdimiliki Indonesia dan keterbatasan sumber daya manusia dan pengawasnya, menyebabkan masihbanyaknya terjadi pelanggaran dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan. Pengawasan secaraterpadu dapat memberikan dampak positif dalam meningkatkan perekonomian, karena porsi kekayaansumber daya perikanan tidak berkurang akibat adanya kegiatan penangkapan ikan yang illegal.Title: Threat and Interference Impact Forecasting in Capture Fisheries andMarine and Fisheries Resources MonitoringThreats and disruptions in fisheries development and marine and fisheries resources monitoringare necessary to be anticipated toachieve appropriate benefits of fishery resources to fisher. This studyaimed to identify and analyze security impact forecasts (AMDAK) on each program and surveillanceof fisheries resources and marine fisheries in the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF).This study used a qualitative approach. Types of datas used in this activity are secondary data andprimary data. Data obtained were processed and analyzed descriptively and logically interpreted. Thestudy results showed that the activities included in the program of development and capture fisheriesmanagement was potentialy for interference and threats factual conflicts ranging from community groupsto interference from the presence of foreign vessels. In addition, there are potential conflicts betweenfishers, fishing gears and interference of foreign vessels. The wide of territorial waters were owned byIndonesia and human resource limitations and a supervisor, causing still many violations in the utilizationof fisheries resources. Integrated surveillancecan provide a positive impact to the economy, because theportion of the fishery resource wealth is not reduced as a result of illegal fishing activities.
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Islam, Md Monirul, Chandan Kar, Goutam Kumar Kundu, Gouri Mondal, and Mohammad Shahneawz Khan. "Current status and barriers to fisheries comanagement: Evidences from an Oxbow lake of Bangladesh." Bangladesh Journal of Zoology 46, no. 2 (December 1, 2018): 105–16.

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Co-management of common property aquatic habitats are increasingly implemented with a view to increasing fish production, ensuring fishers’ rights and to conserve biodiversity. This study investigates the current status and identifies barriers to fisheries management in an oxbow lake (baor) at Jessore district, Bangladesh. Using interviews, focus group discussions and secondary data, this study revealed that both capture and culture fisheries are practised at the same time at the same water-body. As the wetland was used solely for capture fisheries before, the introduction of aquaculture practice has increased the total fish production and income for some people. However, it has reduced the access to poor fishers and fish biodiversity. Particularly the biodiversity of Channa sp, Puntius sp, Mastacembelus sp, Mystus sp, and Colisa fasciatus has been reduced. A range of climatic, institutional, economic and social barriers have facilitated the reduced access of poor fishers and biodiversity. To overcome the barriers and ensure sustainable management of the baor this study proposes to implement a fair leasing system, increase financial and human resources together with an ecosystem-based approach to baor management. Bangladesh J. Zool. 46(2): 105-116, 2018
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Saragih, Jef Rudiantho, Janidar Lela, and Ummu Harmain. "Peran Subsektor Perikanan dalam Pembangunan Wilayah dan Strategi Pengembangannya di Kabupaten Dairi." Jurnal Ilmiah Membangun Desa dan Pertanian 6, no. 6 (January 31, 2021): 221.

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Dairi Regency has natural and human resources and supports relatively adequate facilities, but fisheries do not significantly contribute to the regional economy. This study aims to describe the condition of fishing, analyze the role of the fishery subsector, and offer strategies for developing the fishery subsector. The research was conducted in Dairi Regency with 65 fish cultivators samples as the primary data source. Data and information were obtained through FGD from 7 resource persons from specialized agencies, the legislative, and other stakeholders in the fisheries subsector. Secondary data were obtained from several relevant institutions. The current condition of fisheries was analyzed descriptively, the role of the fishery sector was analyzed by Location Quotient, and development strategies were analyzed through SWOT analysis. In the 2010-2017 period, the fishery subsector contributed 2.10% to Dairi Regency's GDP. The most significant fish production is obtained from aquaculture in ponds, Minapadi, and floating nets. Capture fisheries come from lakes and rivers. The fishery subsector is a non-basic activity (LQ=0.97). Aquaculture is a primary activity with LQ=2.19, while capture fisheries are non-basic (LQ=0.49). Fishery development can be planned with a diversification strategy through: increasing utilization of natural and human resources and institutions to improve the efficiency of feed procurement and control of fish diseases; making local policies to improve the competitiveness of fisheries; and diversifying the fishery into Minapadi, ponds, and rivers; and lake capture fisheries. Regional strength can be optimized to respond to opportunities through the strategies: increasing fish production; responding to increased fish consumption as consumer demand; making policies that support institutional capacity building based on entrepreneurial activities, and improving the experience of fish cultivators and facilities and infrastructure.
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Ikhsan, Suci Asrina, and Muhammad Nur Arkham. "KARAKTERISTIK PERIKANAN TANGKAP DI KEPULAUAN KANGEAN, KABUPATEN SUMENEP, MADURA." Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan 10, no. 2 (December 29, 2020): 107.

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Perikanan skala kecil sangat penting di negara berkembang, dimana ketergantungan pada sumber daya pesisir sangat tinggi dan dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap ketahanan pangan dan peningkatan pendapatan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi saat ini adalah adanya kebutuhan pangan yang sangat penting namun belum tereskplorasinya perikanan tangkap untuk daerah ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik dan pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan skala kecil di Kepulauan Kangean. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Kepulauan Kangean, tepatnya di Kecamatan Raas. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan pengarsipan data pendukung. Analisis deskriptif kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa karakteristik perikanan tangkap yang ada di pulau-pulau di Kecamatan Raas adalah nelayan skala kecil. Nelayan skala kecil yang ada di lokasi penelitian melakukan aktivitas penangkapan hanya di sekitar pantai dan tidak jauh dari pantai. Alat tangkap yang digunakan oleh nelayan kecil di lokasi penelitian adalah pancing tonda, pancing gurita, gillnet, pancing ulur, dan bubu lipat. Armada penangkapan yang digunakan adalah kapal tanpa motor (sampan) sebanyak 62% dan kapal motor dengan kapasitas <5GT sebanyak 30%. Musim penangkapan nelayan kecil ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh musim dan kondisi ekosistem perairan disekitar.Title: Characteristics of Capture Fisheries In the Kangean Islands of Sumenep, Regency MaduraSmall-scale fisheries play an important role in developing countries where they highly depend on coastal resources. Moreover, small-scale fisheries make a significant contribution to food security and income enhancement. The problem occurs when the capture fisheries have not been explored in this area while there are a significant needs of food. The purpose of this research was to analyze the characteristics and utilization of small-scale fisheries resources in the Kangean Islands. The location of the research was in District of Raas, Kangean Islands. Data were collected from interviews, observation, and supporting data archives. The study used qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study identified that the characteristics of capture fisheries in the District of Raas, Kangean Islands, are small-scale fishers. The fishing activities of those small-scale fishers are conducted around the beach. They use trolling, octopus fishing rod, gillnet, fishing line, and folding traps. The fishing fleet used by the small-scale fishers are mostly non-motorized boats (canoe) as much as 62% and motorboats with capacities <5GT as much as 30%. The fishing season of these small-scale fishers is highly influenced by the season and condition of the surrounding aquatic ecosystem.
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Santi, Yulia, Sutrisno Anggoro, and Suryanti Suryanti. "PENGELOLAAN PERIKANAN TANGKAP DI KAWASAN TAMAN NASIONAL KARIMUNJAWA Management of Capture fisheries in the Area of Karimunjawa National Park." Management of Aquatic Resources Journal (MAQUARES) 8, no. 2 (July 25, 2019): 102–10.

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ABSTRAKPerikanan tangkap di kawasan Taman Nasional Karimunjawa dikelola oleh lebih dari satu instansipengelola. Setiap instansi diduga mempunyai peran masing- masing sesuai tupoksinya. Saat ini belum diketahui secara nyata instansi apa saja yang mengelola beserta perannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi instansi pengelola yang berperan dalam pengelolaan perikanan tangkap di kawasan TNKJ, persepsi, aspirasi dan partisipasi nelayan terhadap pengelolaan perikanan tangkap serta bagaimana strategi pengelola dalam pengawasan perikanan tangkap. Metode penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan analisis deskriptif, dimana pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan studi pustaka. Penentuan responden menggunakan metode purposive sampling, responden terdiri dari nelayan dan instansi pengelola. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa instansi yang mengelola perikanan tangkap adalah Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Karimunjawa, Balai Taman Nasional Karimunjawa, Dinas Perikanan, Polisi Air dan Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut dan Satuan Kerja Pengawasan Sumberdaya Kelautan dan Perikanan. Pembagian peran masing- masing instansi pengelola sudah sesuai dengan bidang masing-masing serta tidak terjadi tumpang tindih kewenangan. Sinkronisasi dan koordinasi sudah dilakukan, hal ini terbukti dengan adanya Nota Kesepakatan Bersama. Sebanyak 80% nelayan setuju dengan peraturan yang diterapkan. Partisipasi nelayan terhadap sosialisasi dan pelatihan rendah yaitu 35% dan 19%. Strategi pengelola dalam pengawasan perikanan tangkap adalah dengan membentuk dan memberdayakan Pengawas Perikanan dan Kelompok Masyarakat Pengawas secara sinergi. Strategi untuk meningkatkan partisipasi nelayan dalam sosialisasi dan pelatihan adalah dengan memberikan penyadaran motivasi dan apresiasi berupa penghargaan dan pendampingan. ABSTRACTCapture fisheries in Karimunjawa National Park are managed by more than one management institutions. Each institution is assumed to have their respective roles according to their basic tasks andfunctions. It is not yet known exactly what institutions are managing along with their roles. The purposes of this study were to know what institutions were involved in the management of capture fisheries in TNKJ areas, perceptions, aspirations and participation of fishermen on the management of capture fisheries and how the management strategy in the supervision of capture fisheries. This research method was case study with descriptive analysis, where data collected by interview and literature study. Determination of respondents used purposive sampling method, respondents consist of fishermen and manager institution. The results showed that the institutions that managed capture fisheries were Technical Implementation Unit Karimunjawa Fishery Port, Karimunjawa National Park Office, Fisheries Official, Water Police and Indonesian National Army – Navy and Work Unit of Supervision of Marine and Fisheries Resources. The division of roles of each institution agency was in accordance with their respective fields and there was no overlapping authority. Synchronization and coordination had been done, it was proved by the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). As many as 80% of fishermen agree with the regulations applied. The participations of fishermen on socialization and training were low at 35% and 19%. The management strategies in the supervision of capture fisheries were by establishing and empowering Fisheries Supervisor and a group of supervisor community (PokMasWas). The strategies to increase the participation of fishermen in socialization and training were by giving awareness of motivation and appreciation in the form of recognition and assistance.
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Faisal, La Ode M., Nevrita Nevrita, and Dony Apdilah. "Capture Fishery Production in Bintan Regency." Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan 26, no. 2 (June 21, 2021): 98.

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The waters of Bintan Island are included in the deep sea waters of the South China Sea, within the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone, the potential for fish resources in the territorial waters and the South China Sea reaches 378.2 tons, with the allowable catch of 302.5 thousand tons. From this potential, the potential for fish resources that enter the territorial waters of Bintan Regency is 106,018 tons with a allowable catch of 50,287 tons. The purpose of the preparation of this scientific article is to provide information about capture fisheries production in Bintan Regency. The preparation of this scientific article was carried out in April 2021 in Bintan Regency using a descriptive analysis based on a literature review using secondary data as a source of information. The volume of fishery production originating from fishing efforts in Bintan Regency was recorded at 53,338.45 tons in 2017, while in 2018 and 2019 it was 54,682.27 tons and 55,604.40 tons, respectively. The amount of capture fisheries production in Bintan Regency has increased over the last 3 years (2017 - 2019).
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Friend, Richard M., and David J. H. Blake. "Negotiating trade-offs in water resources development in the Mekong Basin: implications for fisheries and fishery-based livelihoods." Water Policy 11, S1 (March 1, 2009): 13–30.

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A revitalised hydropower development narrative is emerging in the Mekong in which the concept of ‘trade-offs’ plays a central role. The importance of and risks to capture fisheries in the Mekong is such that any degradation has huge social, economic and environmental implications. While potential impacts of hydropower development on capture fisheries are acknowledged in this emerging narrative, it is argued that these are less than anticipated previously, that impacts can be assessed, mitigation measures introduced and trade-offs negotiated. The concept of trade-offs has an immediate appeal but it is also problematic. It draws attention away from considering development objectives and options towards focusing on impacts, and infers a technical approach as opposed to a political process of decision making. This paper draws on anthropological approaches to development policy to consider the implications of a hydropower narrative based on trade-offs in light of experience in the Mekong Basin, and to consider alternative ways of framing debate on hydropower and capture fisheries.
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Chen, Jyun-Long, Yao-Jen Hsiao, and Kat-Kau Yip. "Risk Management of Marine Capture Fisheries under Climate Change: Taking into Consideration the Effects of Uncertainty." Sustainability 13, no. 7 (April 1, 2021): 3892.

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Multiple changes in marine resources (e.g., abundance, movements, distribution, biomass) caused by climate change are critical operational risks, leading to production uncertainty for capture fisheries. Therefore, risk management measures of coastal and offshore fisheries are critical issues in terms of operational sustainability. In this study, a questionnaire survey data set collected from fishers was analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and a structural equation model (SEM) to examine fishers’ perceptions and the relationships among risk sources, production uncertainty, and adaptation measures. The results revealed that significant negative impacts existed between risk sources and adaptation measures, which means risk sources cannot directly influence risk management measure selection. However, production uncertainty could be an important mediator for risk management, thus most respondents think that mitigating production uncertainty is necessary. Eventually, the results could provide managerial implications for the fishery operators, policymakers and the government agencies.
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Nur Bambang, Azis, Imam Triarso, and Abdul Kohar Muzakir. "Excellent Commodity of Capture Fisheries and Preservation of Fish Resources in Pekalongan City." E3S Web of Conferences 202 (2020): 06042.

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Pekalongan City is a coastal area on the north coast of Central Java Province, which has a fairly large fishing port, namely Pekalongan Archipelago Fishery Port.. This research objective to determine the exellent commodities of capture fisheries and efforts to preserve capture fisheries resources. Descriptive research methods have been used in this research. The data taken is secondary data from literature studies and related institutions, because the time of the research was still in the Covit 19 pandemic. Analysis of the data used is quantitative descriptive analysis. The research results showed that the dominant fishing gear was Purse seine and Gillnet. Purse seine vessels used are mini purse seine (<30GT) and pursein (> 30GT). Exellent commodity include Layang (Decapterus sp), Tonngkol (Thunnus tonggol) and Tembang (Sardinella fimbriata). Efforts to preserve fish resources in the City of Pekalongan are done by regulating the number of fishing gear and limiting the number of production and the number of fishing trips. The government policies in the effort to maintain the sustainability of fish resources include: banning the use of trawl and seine net, determination of Fisheries Management Areas (WPP) and limitation on the amount of catches allowed (JTB), as well as establishing fishing lanes.
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Arief, Andi Adri, Harnita Agusanty, and Muh Dalvi Mustafa. "Fishermen Conflict and the Resolution for Using Fisheries Resources Utilization at Selayar Islands, South Sulawesi." Economic and Social of Fisheries and Marine Journal 007, no. 02 (April 26, 2020): 228–38.

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This research aims to analyze the existence of fishermen conflicts in using of fisheries resources and settlement conflict resolution. The method used is qualitative research through grounded research that explores various cases and forms of conflict between fishermen (hulle fishermen communities (migrants) with local fishermen. Data analysis refers to the functional structural theory and conflict theory. The result of the research shows that the fishermen or groups of fishermen with their capture technologies (traditional, semi-traditional, and modern) must compete freely and be competitive to get fishery resources. The orientation and utilization of spatial aspects also be a type of conflict that extends to primordial conflict aspects. Conflict resolution through co-management strategies by involving various stakeholders in conflict resolution. Strategic steps must be an emphasis on conflict resolution shape that adaptive and responsive through systematic analysis for acceleration the resolution of fisherman conflict issues that developed so far. The formation of fishermen institutions conflict management is needed that involves government elements (related institution), community leaders, fishermen representative, NGO, and universities in charge of potential analyzing fishermen conflicts and handling strategy.
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Atkinson, Joel, and Luisa Cools. "Sustainability of Capture Fisheries and SDG 14: Life Below Water." International Studies Review 18, no. 1 (October 19, 2017): 23–50.

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Unlike the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the new United Nations (UN) post-2015 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include a goal related to conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources—Sustainable Development Goal 14: “Life Below Water” (SDG 14). Inter alia, the goal aims to increase the sustainability of capture fisheries. For the most part, the sub-goals and targets emerging from this process are not new. Still, for the first time, fisheries have moved toward the center of the sustainable development discourse and the high profile of the SDGs may contribute to increased accountability. However, unless rhetoric translates into the political will to set measurable targets and enforce them, the goal alone cannot generate sustainability in capture fisheries.
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Nurhayati, Atikah, Titin Herawati, Walim Lili, Ayi Yustiati, and Isni Nurruhwati Matindas. "Enviromental Socio-Economic Value for Capture Fisheries Resources at Jatigede Reservoir, Sumedang, West Java Province." Jurnal Penyuluhan 16, no. 1 (April 12, 2020): 122–33.

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Sumedang District is one of the areas where Jatigede Reservoir is built, which is primarily for hydroelectric power generation and other derivative functions such as drinking water supply, irrigation, flood control, tourism, and capture fisheries. Research aims to examine how the potential of capture fisheries resources and socio-economic values for local communities. This method used quantitative description of the performance of costs and benefits. The data used in this reserach are primary data and secondary. Primary data with judgment sampling as many as 30 respondents. Based on the research gap analysis for the social aspects of the local communities affected by the construction of reservoirs Jatigede contradiction between the expectations of the people to utilize the reservoir Jatigede based derivative function with local government regulations, so there is still social conflicts in society.Results of Analytic Network Process levels of jatigede reservoir function based on economic value the main function of hydroelectric power plants is socio-economic value for residents affected by the construction of Jatigede reservoir, one of which is capture fisheries, which should be given by the local government regulations regarding catchment zones, types of fishing gear are allowed and security protection for fishing in reservoirs Jatigede, institutional strengthening Jatigede fishing in reservoirs.Environmental aspects by taking into account the aquatic habitat in the Jatigede reservoir,which can be used for fisheries with due respect to the conservation of fishery resources, especially for endemic fish by periodically restocking, so that socio-economic and environmental values can be synergistic in utilizing the Jatigede reservoir.
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Cumplido, Mariano, Carmen Marinho, and Gregorio Bigatti. "Nutritional composition of Patagonian marine gastropods during reproductive seasonality." Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 100, no. 4 (June 2020): 567–76.

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AbstractMarine gastropods are consumed worldwide due to their nutritional quality, having important economic value in international markets. In the gulfs of Northern Patagonia (Argentina), marine gastropods are captured as complementary resources during bivalve artisanal fisheries. In this study, we determined the biochemical composition during the reproductive cycle of four edible marine gastropods abundant along the South-western Atlantic coast: Odontocymbiola magellanica, Buccinanops deformis, Buccinanops cochlidium and Trophon geversianus. All the studied species presented high protein (36–70.8%), low lipids (0.02–1.50%) and intermediate glycogen content (3.22–14.08%). The main oviposition season was during spring and summer. The mean nutritional values indicate that the species studied provide a good source of nutrients appropriate to the human diet, reaffirming their value as a commercial resource. Taking into account the nutritional contribution and the reproductive season, the best period for the capture of these resources is during summer for O. magellanica and T. geversianus, and during autumn for B. deformis and B. cochlidium. This work will help promote the consumption of Patagonian gastropods while ensuring their responsible capture, contributing to the sustainability of these valuable resources.
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Yusfiandayani, Roza, Mulyono S. Baskoro, and Daniel Monintja. "IMPACT OF FISH AGGREGATING DEVICE ON SUSTAINABLE CAPTURE FISHERIES." KnE Life Sciences 2, no. 1 (February 1, 2015): 224.

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The use of rumpon, a type of Fish Aggregating Device (FAD), has been traditional in Indonesia, particularly in eastern Indonesia waters since time immemorial (Reuter 1938; Nasution et al. 1986; Monintja 1976). The traditional tuna fishermen in Mamuju waters in the Province of South Celebes have used rumpons for a long time, although there is no record when the device was first used (Nasution et al. 1986). Any structure designed or made to attract free schooling fishes: rumpon (Indonesia), tendak (West Java), uncang (Sumatera), rompong (Sulawesi), payaos (Philippines). Local fishermen claimed that they learned how to construct the rumpon from their ancestors, but did not apply the device extensively until 1985 because of the low profitability of catching the swift swimming fishes. The use of rumpon for fishing activities has improved the effectiveness and efficiency of several fishing gear. However, the fast growing of rumpon utilization has raised a great concern on the sustainability of the fish resources. The rumpon management for responsible fisheries should consider the aspects of biology, location, environment, fishing gear, social and economic. The existing condition of rumpon has not fully understood and its usage in a responsible manner further elaboration also needed. For that purpose, the information of the past and present situation of rumpon in Indonesia will be important for further management. The main data were collected and compiled from various references, annual report of the Directorate General of Fisheries and research report of Central Research Institute for Fisheries. Additional data were made available from local fisheries agencies or related institutions. Structure of the rumpon installed in the Provinces of North Sumatera, West Sumatra, Lampung, West Java, East Java, North Celebes, Central Celebes, South Celebes, maluku and Papua are given in detail. There are 2 types of rumpon : the deep sea rumpon and shallow water rumpon. The differences among the rumpons in those areas are mostly found in material of mooring line, shape and material of float and structure of the attracting components. The mooring line is mostly made of polyethylene of 12-25 mm in diameter or nylon of 5-10 mm in diameter. There are wide variations of shape of floats. Generally they are divide into pontoon type or box shape made of steel and raft type made of bamboos. Attractors are made of coconut leaves, nipah leaves and pinag leaves. Some attractors are attached to the mooring line and the others are hung down from the float. They are operated in wide range of water depth from 20 to 1500 m. The fishing ground conditions, bottom topography and bottom configuration are among the factors considered for the rumpon design and construction. The differences in construction are mainly due to the rumpon location, target species in each area and the fishing gear applied. Keywords : fish aggregating device, rumpon, sustainable fisheries, Indonesia
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Sulistiyawan, Edy, Alfisyahrina Hapsery, and Lucky Junita Ayu Arifahanum. "PERBANDINGAN METODE OPTIMASI UNTUK PENGELOMPOKAN PROVINSI BERDASARKAN SEKTOR PERIKANAN DI INDONESIA (Studi Kasus Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia)." Jurnal Gaussian 10, no. 1 (February 28, 2021): 76–84.

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The fisheries sector has an important role in supporting the food security chain, where the world's protein needs can be met by fisheries resources, both from capture fisheries and aquaculture. There are several fisheries sectors including fishing companies, capture fisheries production, number of ships, types and size of cultivated land. Therefore a statistical analysis is needed to increase the potential of fisheries in Indonesia. Data on the fisheries sector used in this study from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency in 2018, which included the 2016 fisheries sector with 34 observation units in Indonesia. By using cluster analysis K-Means aims to group provinces in Indonesia based on the fisheries sector so that several groups are formed which will show the characteristics of each group. There are three determinations of the optimum number of clusters, namely the Elbow method, Silhouette method, and GAP Statistics. The results showed that optimum clusters were formed in 2 clusters, with the best Elbow and Silhouette methods. Where the first cluster is a region that shows a low value of the fisheries sector consisting of 30 provinces this is due to inadequate infrastructure and use that is not optimal while cluster 2 regions that have great potential in the Indonesian fisheries sector in 2016 as many as 4 provinces namely West Java, Java Central, East Java, and South Sulawesi as dominating capture fisheries production and aquaculture. Keywords: Fisheries Sector, K-Means Cluster Analysis, Elbow Method, Silhoutte Method and GAP Statistics.
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Rehman, Abdul, Zhang Deyuan, Sehresh Hena, and Abbas Ali Chandio. "Do fisheries and aquaculture production have dominant roles within the economic growth of Pakistan? A long-run and short-run investigation." British Food Journal 121, no. 8 (August 5, 2019): 1926–35.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate and explore the connection between aquaculture and capture fisheries production and economic growth in Pakistan. Fisheries play an important role in Pakistan’s national economy, and Pakistan has sufficient fishery resources to be developed. Most of the population in the coastal areas depends on fisheries for their livelihood. Design/methodology/approach This research was based on time series data of aquaculture and capture fisheries production and the analysis of their relationship with economic growth in Pakistan. The study used an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach to check the dynamic causality between the study variables. Findings The results showed that aquaculture and capture fisheries production have had a positive effect on the economic growth in Pakistan. Practical implications Better infrastructure for the fishing industry, increased government expenditure on facilities and financial support for the fish farmers could contribute to economic growth in the future. Recommendations for improvements in these areas have been made. Originality/value By using an ARDL bounds testing approach, this study contributes to the literature regarding fisheries production and economic growth in Pakistan.
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FREITAS, Carlos Edwar de Carvalho, Vandick da Silva BATISTA, and Antonio José INHAMUNS. "Strategies of the small-scale fisheries on the Central Amazon floodplain." Acta Amazonica 32, no. 1 (March 2002): 101–8.

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A multivariate approach was applied to data of small-scale fisheries developed in Central Amazon, using information about catch composition, environment, fishing gear and season of the hydrological cycle. The correspondence analysis demonstrated to be a good tool for the analysis related multispecies fisheries. The analysis identified patterns of use of fisheries resources by the riverine communities, showing the correlation between the environmental factors and the fishing strategy for the capture of target fish species, indicating the high level of empiric knowledge about the environment and fisheries.
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Wiadnya, D. G. R., P. J. Mous, R. Djohani, M. V. Erdmann, A. Halim, M. Knight, L. Pet-Soede, and J. S. Pet. "MARINE CAPTURE FISHERIES POLICY FORMULATION AND THE ROLE OF MARINE PROTECTED AREAS AS TOOL FOR FISHERIES MANAGEMENT IN INDONESIA." Marine Research in Indonesia 30 (May 11, 2018): 33–45.

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The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries states that conservation and management decisions for fisheries should be based on the best scientific evidence available. Studies show that most of Indonesia's capture fisheries are either full or over-exploited. However, the fishery sector is still expected to contribute to the increase of Indonesia's GNP through an increase in total catches. Furthermore, the current practice of using catch-effort data and Maximum Sustainable Yield models to inform Indonesia’s fisheries policies is flawed, putting sustainability and long-term profitability of Indonesia's fisheries at risk. In this paper, the authors argue that to ensure the survival of Indonesia's fish stocks and fisheries: fisheries policy must shift from development-oriented management towards management for sustainability. Furthermore, fisheries managers must accept that 'untapped resources' may not exist or cannot be exploited profitably, and that any transfer of fishing effort between fishing grounds may contribute to collapse of local fisheries. Also, fisheries managers should change the management paradigm from MSY models to eco-system based management, wherein Marine Protected Areas should play an important role.
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This study aims to (1) analyze the institutional capacity of fisheries surveillance in Barito Kuala regency; (2) analyze community participation in addressing the problems of illegal fishing; and (3) comparing the level of income of fishing communities before and after the formation of Pokmaswas against illegal fishing in Barito Kuala regency. The study activities carried out at Jejangkit Pasar Village, Jejangkit District, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan, with the object of research of Pokmaswas Berkat Bersama. The data collected were data sourced directly from the observation in the study location and other supporting data related to the study object. Data analyzed with descriptive and paired t – test to compare the capture production before and after illegal fishing. The results showed that Barito Kuala regency had facilities that were intended for fish resource monitoring through patrols, conducting enforcement by regulatory authorities for fisheries, socialization of surveillance system of society based (SISWASMAS) but violations still occurred so that they gave the impression of ineffectiveness or not optimal surveillance activities undertaken in the prevention and treatment of illegal fishing, due to the lack of public understanding factors as well as economy factors. The level of participation of fishermen of Pokmaswas Berkat Bersama in the supervision of fishery resources was quite high, judging from the attitude of fishermen of Pokmaswas Berkat Bersama who mostly reported to the supervising apparatus when they saw illegal fishing activities, rebuked and advised, and ever discussed the issue of illegal fishing with their friends and were willing if they are involved in a meeting that discussed the illegal fishing. Results of the statistical analysis showed highly significant differences in capture production between before and after the occurrence of illegal fishing, where the fishermen average capture production of Pokmaswas Berkat Bersama of 2005 was 12.631 kg; after illegal fishing in 2014 it was 3.642 kg, so it was decreased by 58%.
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Junker-Andersen, C. "The Eel Fisheries of the St. Lawrence Iroquoians." North American Archaeologist 9, no. 2 (October 1988): 97–121.

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Recent zooarchaeological analyses of faunal materials recovered from the Steward (BfFt-2), Beckstead (BfFt-1), and Driver's (BeFu-2) archaeological sites in Eastern Ontario have demonstrated that the late prehistoric Iroquoian peoples who inhabited the upper St. Lawrence River valley depended to a great degree upon the exploitation of freshwater fish resources. Among the fish species found to be of primary importance to these peoples was the American Eel ( Anguilla rostrata [Lesueur]). The author examines both the ethnographic evidence and the available archaeological data concerning the native exploitation of this species to reconstruct the methods used in its capture and preparation, as well as its role in the St. Lawrence Iroquoians' seasonal cycle of faunal resource exploitation activities.
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Sutaman, Sutaman, Yusli Wardiatno, Mennofatria Boer, and Fredinan Yulianda. "Assessment of Sustainable Use of Coastal Resources of Regional Waters Conservation Area Biak Numfor Regency, Papua Province, Indonesia." ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 22, no. 2 (June 5, 2017): 75–84.

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Efforts to exploit fish resources optimally, continuous and sustainable is an urgent demand for the greatest prosperity of the people, especially to improve the welfare of fishermen and fish farmers. The level of sustainable use of coastal resources in water conservation is very important, so that the utilization does not exceed the carrying capacity of the environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of sustainable use of coastal resources Biak Numfor, associated with the utilization of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism. The study was conducted in June to December 2015 and October to November 2016. The primary data obtained by interview and direct discussion through Focus Group Disscution (FGD) with fishermen community, tourist and tourist entrepreneurs as well as related officials in the Office of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, and Tourism Office of Biak Numfor Regency. Methods of data analysis approach sustainability analysis conducted by the method of MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling) with the help of software Rapfish. Based on the survey results revealed that the value of fisheries ordinated to achieve 57.66%, 44.80% aquaculture, and tourism 46.25%. With these achievements ordinated value, it can be concluded that the use of sustainable capture fisheries are still classified by the lever sustainability attributes include; the type of fishing gear, vessel types used and the catch per unit effort (CPUE). Meanwhile the relatively less sustainable aquaculture with the sustainability lever attributes include; cultivation technology, the number of business units with different types and species of fish. For tourism utilization is still considered less sustainable with levers sustainability attributes include the number of tourists, the type and number of amenities and facilities and infrastructure Keywords: Sustainability, utilization, waters conservation area (KKPD), MDS-Rapfish
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Hermanto, Djamarel, Tridoyo Kusumastanto, Luky Andrianto, and Supartono Supartono. "Management of Capture Fisheries Resources Based on Environmental Support Capacity in WPPNRI 711." Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management) 9, no. 1 (March 1, 2019): 105–3.

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Garcia, Serge M., and Andrew A. Rosenberg. "Food security and marine capture fisheries: characteristics, trends, drivers and future perspectives." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365, no. 1554 (September 27, 2010): 2869–80.

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World population is expected to grow from the present 6.8 billion people to about 9 billion by 2050. The growing need for nutritious and healthy food will increase the demand for fisheries products from marine sources, whose productivity is already highly stressed by excessive fishing pressure, growing organic pollution, toxic contamination, coastal degradation and climate change. Looking towards 2050, the question is how fisheries governance, and the national and international policy and legal frameworks within which it is nested, will ensure a sustainable harvest, maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functions, and adapt to climate change. This paper looks at global fisheries production, the state of resources, contribution to food security and governance. It describes the main changes affecting the sector, including geographical expansion, fishing capacity-building, natural variability, environmental degradation and climate change. It identifies drivers and future challenges, while suggesting how new science, policies and interventions could best address those challenges.
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Pane, Andina Ramadhani Putri, Reza Alnanda, Prihatiningsih Prihatiningsih, Hufiadi Hufiadi, and Ali Suman. "The Fishing Ground of Bottom Longline Vessels and Exploitation Rate of Tiger Grouper (Epinephelus aerolatus) in Arafura Waters." Omni-Akuatika 16, no. 3 (December 30, 2020): 33.

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As excessive capture activity adversely impacts fisheries sector, fish resources management is a necessity. This study was conducted as a scientific contribution for the managements of bottom longline fisheries in Arafura Waters and areolate grouper (Epinephelus areolatus) as one of the target catches. It was carried out from February to December 2017 and in November 2018. Data on the fishing grounds of eight bottom longline vessels were obtained from the vessel monitoring system (VMS) of Probolinggo Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervisory Unit, Mayangan Probolinggo Fishing Port, and Marine and Fisheries Resources Surveillance (PSDKP) Tual Station. Based on the analysis of the coordinates from the VMS, the fishing grounds of the bottom longline vessels in Arafura waters were found around Dolak until the border with Merauke and around Timika until Aru Islands. The composition of dominant catches consisted of croaker (Pennahia spp.) and snapper (Lutjanus spp.), as well as grouper (Epinephelus spp.) in a smaller proportion. The size structure of the areolate grouper caught with bottom longlines was 21.5–54.5 cmTL; its length at first capture (Lc) was 33.9 cmTL; and its asymptotic length was 70.5 cmTL. Its growth rate (K) was found 0.26 per year. The fishing mortality (F) of the species was found higher than its natural mortality (M), and its exploitation level (E) was 0.74, meaning that the species was already overfished. The exploitation should be reduced by 40–50% to keep the fish resources in Arafura sustainable, especially for areolate grouper. Keywords: fishing ground, bottom longline, exploitation level, tiger grouper, Arafura
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Rusmilyansari, Rusmilyansari, B. Wiryawan, J. Haluan, and D. Simbolon. "MODEL PENGELOLAAN SUMBER DAYA PERIKANAN TANGKAP BERBASIS RESOLUSI KONFLIK." Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management 1, no. 2 (February 21, 2012): 65.

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Capture fishery conflicts is one issue that requires serious attention. The government has tried to overcome the fisheries conflicts by issuing various regulations, but the results have not been effective. This study aims to create a model of conflict management. The research method used the perception survey. Primary data collected through using a structured questionnaire done purposively to some respondents. Analytical survey of perceptions using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The results showed: (i) Simultaneously, the better the ability to identify the causes of the conflict the better the ability to determine the conflict resolution techniques. Furthermore, the better the ability to determine an appropriate conflict resolution techniques will increase support for the management of fisheries resources is responsible (ii) Partially causes of conflict are determined by the indicators of competition, opposition, economic, actors and cultural (ii) facilitation techniques, negotiation, litigation and avoidance can be used as an appropriate conflict resolution techniques (iii) an understanding of community participation and conservation of fishery resources determines the creation of sustainable fisheries resource management is responsible.
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Ivars, Benoit, and Jean-Philippe Venot. "Claiming and re-claiming the Ayeyarwady Delta, time and again: the case of Nyaungdone Island, Myanmar." Journal of Political Ecology 27, no. 1 (June 21, 2020): 517–38.

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Since 2011 and the transition to civilian government, Myanmar and the Ayeyarwady Delta in particular are witnessing swift and dramatic changes in the modalities of access and use of natural resources. Drawing from political ecology, and on the basis of ethnographic work conducted in Yeinek village tract in the Nyaungdone Township of the Ayeyarwady Delta, this article places recent resources dynamics in a historical perspective. Rather than seeing natural resources as a 'given', we see them as resulting from socially embedded strategies of resource-making. These strategies contribute to a constant redefinition of the "resource-frontier" the delta has historically been for multiple actors. Notably, we show how land for rice cultivation, and water for capture fisheries and aquaculture, have been made into key resources over time, often in an exclusionary way. Post-2011 land and fishery reforms are the most recent examples of resource-making dynamics; they have certainly triggered significant resource re-allocation, but existing cross-scale patronage networks still largely shape how this takes place in practice. Finally, in this deltaic environment where resources are part water, part land, part rice, part fish, and the legitimacy of one's claims often hinges on proving prior use of a specific resource, it is the nature of the resource to be reallocated that is contested. In the newly politicized context of Myanmar, resources and institutional fluidity is in itself a frontier to navigate.Keywords: Ayeyarwady Delta; Myanmar; fisheries; land; resource making; frontier; exclusion
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Rusmilyansari, Rusmilyansari. "KELEMBAGAAN PENGELOLAAN SUMBER DAYA PERIKANAN TANGKAP BERBASIS RESOLUSI KONFLIK DI KALIMANTAN SELATAN (Institutional of Capture Fishery Resources Management Based on Conflict Resolution in South Kalimantan)." Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management 2, no. 2 (January 23, 2013): 201.

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<p>Management of fishery resources can be hampered by destructive conflict. A fairly long period of conflict, due to the institutional implications of conflict management is not effective, therefore this studyaimed to 1) map the institutional management of fishery resources, 2) reveal on the role of institutional management of fishery resources management, 3) develop a concept institutional management of capture fisheries. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach and was analyzed in narrative. The result showed that the institutions that played role in conflict management consisted of formal, non formal and community institution of traditional societies. Institutions were in a synergy in community based monitoring system of fisheries and marine resources - which consisted of society groups and have a network ranging from district to central government levels. They played a role in making operational policy for supervising and controlling fishery resources, coordinating and harmonizing the programs and activities among institutions, as well as taking actions to follow up the allegations based on the information from society groups.. Conflict resolution can be done effectively with the negotiation and facilitation techniques known as ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution). Thus, conflict management was conducted cooperatively by prioritizing on acceptable and long term output. . Application of ADR was conducted by involving the whole of law functionaries. Its application was believed could smooth the various institutional functions.</p><p><strong>Key words:</strong> capture fisheries, conflict, institutions, management, resolution</p>
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Sampantamit, Tiptiwa, Pavarot Noranarttragoon, Carl Lachat, and Peter Goethals. "Evolution of Fish and Shellfish Supplies Originating from Wild Fisheries in Thailand Between 1995 and 2015." Sustainability 11, no. 24 (December 16, 2019): 7198.

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Fisheries resources play a crucial role in economic development, food security, and healthy nutrition for humans. Consequently, fisheries are of paramount importance for several Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDGs 1 and 8, which are related to poverty and economic growth, as well as SDGs 2 and 3, which are about zero hunger and good health. On the other hand, fisheries can also negatively influence the ecosystem (SDG 14, life below water). Thailand is one of the world’s most significant producers and exporters of fisheries products. This present work describes the evolution of wild fisheries production in Thailand for over twenty years and discusses its impact on fish and shellfish supplies. The present overview uses mainly the official statistical catch data of Thailand. From 1995 to 2015, Thailand’s marine fisheries production gradually decreased from approximately 2.8 million tonnes to 1.3 million tonnes per year. Concerning taxonomic composition of the catches, no dramatic shifts were recorded during the 20-year period. The main observation seems that for less abundant taxa, such as Chirocentridae, Sillaginidae, Ariidae, Sharks, and Psettodidae, their part in the catch was halved between 1995 and 2015. On the other hand, inland capture fisheries remained constant at 0.2 million tonnes per year. The annual value of wild fisheries production was, on average US$1.7 billion. Notably, trawl fishing systematically reduced during these two decennia, resulting in a fishing efficiency of approximately 140 tonnes of demersal fish per trawl unit per year in 2015. During 2008–2015, the number of registered gill net fishing boats drastically increased from 2,300 to 6,600, and this has led to a dramatic decline in fishing efficiency to about 10% in 2014–2015. More in general, Thailand’s continuous decline in marine capture production was linked to increased fuel prices, tightening restrictions by neighbouring countries for access into their exclusive economic zone, and the depletion of resources due to overfishing and illegal fishing. Against rising concerns about the sustainability of intensive fishing practices in recent years, Thailand is ramping up efforts to reduce the exploitation of fishery resources to levels that would achieve maximum sustainable yields. In particular, the intensity of fishing based on gill nets needs to be addressed in the future. Hence, Thailand’s fisheries production faces the pressure of realising the importance of sustainable fisheries resources management and its impact on marine life and biodiversity, in addition to its role as a significant food source for a healthy population.
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