Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Canons – Japon – 19e siècle'
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Ohyama, Yumiko. "Introduction des sciences et des techniques occidentales au Japon au milieu du XIXe siècle : construction des fours à réverbère et moulage des canons." Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022EHES0029.
Full textAbstract: In the years 1850 -1860, under the policy of closure to foreigners, the Japanese tried to manufacture cannons from the Dutch book, Het Gietwezen in’s Rijks Ijzer-geschutgieterij te Luik (Description of the making of guns at the Liege Firearms Foundry), written by U. Huguenin. This book was probably introduced in 1836, before being translated into Japanese, as the presence of Western warships demanding the opening of the country became more frequent. The Japanese wanted introduce Western iron-making technology to mold cannons and strengthen the coastal defense. However, doing practical work from the manual was not easy, as the Japanese did not have the same technical background as the Westerners. Theirs attempts were not a simple transfer in the field of metallurgy, but involved the whole technical sector around the production of guns. It was very difficult for them without any prior knowledge of bricks or drills and harboring a completely different concept of metals. Despite the traditional production of iron and bronze cannons, they had to "re-conceive" all the elements involved in the work: raw materials, construction with bricks, furnace temperature, control of melting, iron cannon casting, and so on. It was through a series of "trial and error" that they were able to assimilate these new materials and these new practices thus constituting the later basis of Japanese industry.My research is based not only on archives, but also on archaeological data. Indeed, four reverberator furnaces, having been used to melt iron, are preserved in Nirayama in Japan. It aims to show how scientific and technical concepts can be understood and appropriate from the translation of foreign texts alone
Teramoto, Noriko. "Le "Japon" aux Expositions universelles de Paris de 1867 et de 1878 : la formation de l'image du "Japon" à l'aube de la relation franco-japonaise." Paris 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA010518.
Full textSiary, Gérard. "Les voyageurs européens au Japon de 1853 à 1905." Paris 4, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA040018.
Full textThis thesis is concerned with the image of japan as seen through the eyes of European travellers from 1853 to 1905 and mainly relies on travel narratives. It first shows that at the eve of Perry’s expedition, japan was known to the west from recorded sources and described as a utopian country. It next examines the traveller's personal itineraries as they blended into a collective image of japan. It then proceeds to study the relationship between each separate aspect (i. E. , touristic, literary, scholarly) of the image and the genre of the text which supported it. It appears that the influence of japonism was decisive in the shaping of the image of a picturesque and art-skilled japan, against which stood out the image of a modern and warlike japan though not entirely devoid of any aesthetic hue
Weinberg, de Touchet Elisabeth. "La création de l'arsenal maritime japonais de Yokosuka 1865-1882 : un transfert de technologies de la France vers le Japon." Paris, EHESS, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000EHES0106.
Full textAdams, Henry Thomas. "L'évolution du canon obusier Paixhans et sa place dans la marine française de la première moitié du XIXe siècle." Paris 4, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA040280.
Full textAt the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the french Navy was in a position of marked inferiority in relation to that of the british. Paixhans, an army artillery officer, presented the Navy with a means of overcoming its lack of material strength with his innovative shell gun. Steamers and fast frigates armed with his system would thus be able to combat on equal terms british warships due to the destructive force of the shells. The idea was initially rejected due in part to to the lack of success during the revolutionary wars of a similar system. Nevertheless, Paixhans was able to impose the milited adoption of his shell gun due to the force of his personality and through his contacts in the governmental and military hierarchy. This limited adoption of shell guns aboard french warships resulted from the fact that the french Navy with its program of naval construction and armement (guns of a unique caliber) had already chosen to continue to represent its maritime presence with a classical fleet of ships-of-the-line supported by heavily armed frigates
Levy, Christine. "La formation de l'internationalisme prolétarien au Japon entre la fin du XIXe siècle et le début du XXe siècle." Paris 7, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA070015.
Full textAfter an analysis of the birth of the modern Workers' Movement in its historical links with the Movement for democratic rights and freedom in the 1880s, the theses studies the relationship between nationalism and internationalism and their correlation in early days of the Workers' Movement. The internationalism of unionised Workers is expressed by the way they supported the creation of a social-Democratic Party, which was forbidden the day after, but whose activities were taken over by the members of the Socialist Association. Under these circumstances we can explain the existence of an anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist, peaceful and socialist political trend attracted towards the IInd International. This political trend built itself up around the weekly Heimin shinbun which became the paradigm of the Japanese Socialist Movement until after the First World War; and even later it had political and ideological ramifications until the 1930s. The repression of this Movement in 1911 suppressed their main leaders, but didn't eliminate its two trends: one close to the left and extreme-Left wing of the Second International, the other close to American and European Anarchism. The internationalist character of the first Socialist Movement in Japan was remarkable, emphasizing the "globalization" of ideological trends at the end of the XIXth and at the beginning of the XXth century, before the First World War initiated the "nationalization" of the Labour Movements
Cornaille, Alain. "Le Pouvoir shogunal à travers la correspondance politique de Duchesne de Bellecourt." Paris, INALCO, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991INAL0003.
Full textGalan, Christian. "L'enseignement de la lecture au niveau élémentaire dans le système éducatif du Japon moderne depuis Meiji (1872-1992)." Paris, INALCO, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997INAL0007.
Full textFor each of the eight periods which were taken into consideration (Edo-1872, 1872-1886, 1886-1900, 1900-1912, 1912-1933, 1933-1945, 1945-1958, 1958-1992), we based our research aroud three major axis : official legislation which imposes a standard on the teaching of reading in schools by defining the curriculum, language textbooks which play an intermediary educational role, and the methods or practices which make up the treaching itself. Our work has proved the two originals hypothesis, which were bon out of our previous research on the present day to be correct : 1) the process of teaching reading - method, content, progression - during the initial stages of learning to write and read was very early and conditioned by cultural, political and ideological factors, either directly, or as a result of more general transformations which have ocured within the practice of teaching or the conception of the role of the school
Estèbe, Claude. "Le premier âge d'or de la photographie au Japon (1848-1883 : constitution et analyse d'une base de données iconographique de la fin de la période Edo (période Bakumatsu) au milieu de la période Meiji." Paris, INALCO, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006INAL0017.
Full textSeo, Takashi. "La représentation du Japon dans le cinématographe Lumière." Thesis, Paris 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA010519.
Full textIn this thesis, we address the problem of the interpretation and understanding of the cinematic image, analyzing films by the Cinematograph Lumière, especially films shot in Japan. Here we must confront several points of view to differentiate various translations, such as a historical perspective and a sociocultural perspective. Our current point of view of the images of Japan taken by two French operators in the late 19th century is really far from the point of view of a spectator at the time of the Cinematograph. This distance is a major interest of the thesis, because no one, when confronted with a foreign culture, can escape from his own point of view based on his own culture
Nakamura, Hiroko. "La connaissance et l'interprétation de Hokusai en France dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle." Paris 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA010524.
Full textRoux, Pierre-Emmanuel. "La trinité antichrétienne : essai sur la proscription du catholicisme en Chine, en Corée et au Japon (XVIIe - XIXe siècles)." Paris, EHESS, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EHES0087.
Full textSituated between local and regional history, this dissertation aims to rethink the proscription of Catholicism in China, Korea and Japan from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. In our view, the repression of this religion goes beyond the idea of a supposed clash of civilizations between two antithetical civilizations, Europe and Asia. Our main idea is that the historical trajectory of Catholicism in East Asia was merely the result of much more complex relations involving China, Korea, Japan, Western missionaries and local converts. The attitude of intellectual and political elite~ toward this religion resulted not only from domestic issues, but also from reciprocal influences and particular perceptions of antichristian measures adopted in neighboring countries. Placed under the banner of crossed history, these considerations will allow us to consider the history of Catholicism in East Asia as a whole, and to illustrate the dynamics of exchanges within this sinicized cultural area
Okada, Tomoko. "Le japonisme sur scène en France de 1870 à 1914." Paris 4, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA040248.
Full textThis thesis deals with examples of japonism on the stage (opera, ballet, theatre) at the end of the XIXth century, a field which remains largely unexploited. In the first part, after the two first chapters devoted to the press and the theater and to an historical review of exoticism, japonism will be considered in a global perspective, in literature, the arts and music, in connection with the scenic works and their authors dealt with in the second part. This second part presents specific analyses of each work, using numerous iconographic documents of that time, under three aspects corresponding to the three elements of the first part : the libretto, the scenery and costume, and the music. Besides some still little-known aspects of the geishas or music instruments, the study, always based on historical facts, will highlight some works which are now completely forgotten but were always highly successful at the time
Sastre, Grégoire. "Le phénomène des agents d'influence japonais en Asie (1880-1915)." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCC041.
Full textIn this study, I question the role of a category of non-State related Japanese agents within the evolution of Japanese expansionism. In order to examine the actions of these men, which I call non-institutional agents of influence, a clear definition was needed. Because of the plurality of the phenomenon, I choose to focus on three of its leaders: Uchida Ryōhei, Arao Sei, and Kawashima Naniwa. By analysing the paths of these men, I brought to light their origins, their ideological obedience, as well as the societies they were linked to, the Gen. Yōsha or the Kokuryūkai, for example. I focused my research on the years between 1880 and 1915, and more particularly on events such as the Sino-Japanese war of 1894, the Russo-Japanese war of 1904, the annexation of Korea in 1910 ; the Chinese Revolution of 1911, and the two Movements of Independence of Manchuria and Mongolia in 1912 and 1915. My work is mainly based upon documents produced by the agents themselves such as the ones of the Kokuryūkai. This study demonstrates that the actions of these men, mostly acting in the background, were instrumental in the realisation of Japanese expansion, such as the annexation of Korea in 1910. More generally, they also influenced the evolution of the expansionist policies of Japan
Nuez, Pérez Maria Eugenia de la. "La création de l'identité nationale en Grèce et au Japon aux XVIIIème et XIXème siècles." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013BOR30050/document.
Full textSince Antiquity, people have felt the need to establish difference between them employing various elements. At the time, they try to discover the common elements between them: that is, their identity. Thanks to the reflexion made by 18th century savants, the first definition of cultural identity was accorded. But this definition was born until the elite class and was employed by these elite in reaching their political objectives. However, elite have employed the elements that were common with the lower classes people as well.If we see the national identity as the outcome of a process thus we can compared it is “incomparable”. To montred that this comparative study is possible, we have choised the examples of Greece and Japan because they have specially interesting. Despite of geographical and cultural distance and political and historical difference, these territories showed parallel developpments in their reflexiion of identity. Employing language, history, beliefs, literature and external models, Japanese and Greel intellectuals created in 18th century their own reflexion on cultural identity. This reflexion become the fundament of the national identity at the middle of 19th century whem Japan and Greece become Nation-Etat.With this study, we can try to answer the question of identity creation by examining reasons, actors, elements both internal (distinctives elements) and external (common elements) and outcome into the process
Jun, Hea Young. "Le « corps » dans l’espace littéraire chez quelques écrivains voyageurs en Extrême-Orient (Tibet, Chine et Japon)." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012REN20033/document.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to bring light to the complex relationship between the “body” of the traveller and that of the writer, but also the “corpus” of literary work, in so far as we deal with several travel writers in the Far East from the 19th and 20th centuries. It consists of the works of Segalen, Claudel, Loti, Michaux and David-Néel. Their reflections relate at once to oriental ideograms and the “alternative” religions of the Far East (Tibet, China, Japan), notably Taoism and Buddhism, and, in parallel, to confrontations with the otherness of the “body”.For our problematic of literary space we propose three principal axes, which divide the thesis into three parts, analysing the textual space, the “transcendent” space and then the “interior” space.The interest of this work on the “body” under the exotic gaze is measured against the notion of literary space, which is evaluated in an individual process specific to each of the authors
Yamashiro, Yuka. "Miyazaki Koshoshi (1864-1922) : un pionnier oublié." Paris, INALCO, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004INAL0011.
Full textThe writer Miyazaki Koshoshi (1864 – 1922) was active and famous in the end of the 19th century. His works influenced several writers of the next period. Still, he is scarcely known today. So this thesis aims at analyzing his works (most of them are misknown), and showing his role in the development of Japanese modern literature. Koshoshi's first publication is a text which criticizes society, and he soon feels destined to comfort with his texts, the human beings who live in difficulties. This attitude relies on his independence of mind, owing to his particular education, and also on his faith in Christian religion. In Kisei (The Return to the native land, 1890), he introduces various, past and new, textual elements without hesitating. This work, according to the critics at the time, gives an impression of freshness in his writing. The theme of this story, the return of a young man living in the capital to his native land, arouses the sympathy of the readers who lived in a similar situation, inclined to a great homesickness, especially on the relationship between nature and human beings, appears in his later works. In spite of a that, in 1898 Koshoshi leaves the world of letters and his activities turn towards the religious world. This choice shows us the destiny of an intellectual of that time who tried to preserve with honesty his own identity in a eventful historic period
Haddad, Mouloud. "Les Maîtres de l'heure : moments eschatologiques en islam méditerranéen (1847-1908)." Paris, EHESS, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008EHES0149.
Full textThe present thesis is structured around the following hypothesis: during the last quarter of the nineteenth century, in the Mediterranean Islamic world, reigned an "atmosphere" of eschatological messianism blending hope for a messianic Advent and fear of the Doomsday. The first part explores the eschatological fears -Iosing one's the land and losing one's faith - through the Algerian part of our research. The conquest of Algeria was indeed seen by many observers of that time as the privileged scene of a broader struggle between Christianity and Islam. Thus, we will try to understand the process of a real and / or symbolic deprivation - from the defeated point of view since from the conquerors stand point, their victory was not a conquest but a re-conquest of a lost territory - of a portion of the Dâr al-Islam. The fear of losing one's religion on the other hand, simultaneous with the fear of losing one's land, will be raised through the analysis of some more or less utopian projects of conversion of Muslims to Christianity. The second part will be devoted to considering the mystical and political expectation of the Saviour which characterizes the Messianic rime. We will first try to understand how the issue of the religious orders gave birth to the concept of "the friaries danger" carried away by a colonial literature that forged a worrying but also romantic image of the Algerian Master of the Time. Then, travelling from Eastern Mediterranean Sea to South China Sea, we will discuss how the Caliph-Sultan 'Abdul-Hamîd II has been able to attribute to his pan-Islamism many messianic qualities and how, on the other. Hand, Japan, during the era of Emperor Meiji, that defeated Russia in 1905, had been considered as the Saviour of Islam by some pan-Islamist elite which was against 'Abdul-Hamîd II and Westemised. In the third and final part, we will examine two signs that marked the millenarian lime: martyrdom and exile. .
Shimooka, Erina. "Une convention oubliée : la convention franco-ryûkyû de 1855. Les relations entre la France et le royaume des Ryûkyû durant les dernières décennies de l'époque d'Edo." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2019. https://theses.md.univ-paris-diderot.fr/SHIMOOKA_Erina_va2.pdf.
Full textIn the 19th century, the kingdom of Ryûkyû kingdom (now Okinawa Prefecture in Japan) was both dependent on Qing China and under the rule of Tokugawa shogun (via the Satsuma fief). However, he retained a broad political autonomy.Seeking a fulcrum on the Far East, and unable to access Japanese ports due to Sakoku’s policy, the France of the July Monarchy paid attention to this kingdom and sent military as well as priests of the Foreign Missions of Paris, as a result of which the situation in the kingdom became quite complex; on the one hand, the Ryûkyû closely monitored the foreigners by isolating them from the rest of the local population by all means. On the other hand, the French took advantage of the situation to focus on this barely known region and to try to evangelize it. This first contact led to the conclusion of a convention, on November 24, 1855, between France and the Ryûkyû kingdom. Despite the fact the convention was never ratified, it had as significant impact on the Ryûkyû’s foreign policy. It also affected the first Franco-Japanese relations
19世紀、琉球王国(現・沖縄県)は清の朝貢国であり、また薩摩藩を介し幕藩体制に組み込まれた「二重朝貢国家」であった。しかし、対外的には清(中国)との関係を前面に出すことで対日関係(薩琉関係)を隠蔽し、また国内においても一定の主体性を保持していた。同時期、東アジアにおける拠点を探していた七月王政下のフランスは琉球王国に注目し、1844年 、フランス海軍籍のアルクメーヌ号を派遣、パリ外国宣教会所属の宣教師を留置した。当時、ヨーロッパにおいて琉球王国の存在こそ知られていたものの、王国の特殊性―日中両属、特に薩摩藩との関係―は未だ解明されていない中での進出であった。海洋国家ゆえ、異国船の来航や遭難はままある事態であったが、西洋人の長期滞在は異例のことであり、琉球王府はアルクメーヌ号来琉によって作り出された新たな状況への対応を余儀なくされた。王府は異国人(フランス人宣教師)を隔離、彼らの行動を厳しく監視・制限するとともに、自国民へも異国人との交流や接触を禁じた。一方、フランス人宣教師達は滞琉中に国状の観察、現地語(琉球方言ならびに日本語)の習得に励むとともに、キリスト教の布教も試みていた。1855年11月24日、琉球王国とフランスは琉仏条約を締結した。この条約は結果的に批准されることはなかったが、条約の条項は1840年代におけるフランス人宣教師の滞琉経験を反映したものとなっており、またこの条約の締結によって琉球王府は自国の対外政策に変更・修正を加えた。1840年から1850年代のフランス人宣教師達の滞琉経験は1858年の日仏修好通商条約締結から始まる最初期の日仏関係に影響を与え、また活かされることになった。