Academic literature on the topic 'Cancer colorectal – Chimiothérapie anticancéreuse'
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Journal articles on the topic "Cancer colorectal – Chimiothérapie anticancéreuse"
Lorcy, Armelle. "« Le goût de manger » pendant une chimiothérapie." Sociologie et sociétés 46, no. 2 (October 28, 2014): 181–204.
Full textDucreux, M., V. Boige, N. Bouarioua, B. Leconte, H. Frikha, T. Boisserie, and D. Malka. "Nouveautés dans la chimiothérapie du cancer colorectal métastasé." Oncologie 10, no. 3 (March 2008): 169–74.
Full textBeziat, C., F. Pilleul, D. Yzebe, C. Lombard-Bohas, C. Mercier, and P. J. Valette. "Détection de métastases hépatiques du cancer colorectal sous chimiothérapie." Journal de Radiologie 85, no. 3 (March 2004): 307–11.
Full textNavarro-Carola, E., A. de Gramont, C. Louvet, C. Varette, B. Demuynck, K. Beerblock, D. Soubrane, JD Grangé, and M. Krulik. "Toxicité du lévamisole dans la chimiothérapie adjuvante du cancer colorectal." La Revue de Médecine Interne 14, no. 9 (1993): 821–24.
Full textSantucci, Raoul, Anne El Aatmani, Aurélie Lescoute, Dominique Levêque, Sébastian Serra, Jean-Pierre Bergerat, Laurence Beretz, and Raoul Herbrecht. "Fréquence des effets indésirables graves imputables à un potentiel défaut d’éducation thérapeutique chez des patients traités par chimiothérapie anticancéreuse." Bulletin du Cancer 98, no. 2 (February 2011): 176–81.
Full textBouché, O., E. Scaglia, and S. Lagarde. "Prérequis avant l'administration et prévention des effets secondaires d'une chimiothérapie pour cancer colorectal." Bulletin du Cancer 97, no. 2 (February 2010): 265–80.
Full textBaumgaertner, I., V. Ratziu, J. C. Vaillant, L. Hannoun, T. Poynard, and T. André. "Toxicité hépatique de la chimiothérapie du cancer colorectal métastatique : revue de la littérature." Bulletin du Cancer 97, no. 5 (May 2010): 559–69.
Full textHebbar, M. "Place de la chimiothérapie palliative de première ligne au cours du cancer colorectal métastatique." La Revue de Médecine Interne 18 (January 1997): 364s—367s.
Full textDousset, B., Ph de Mestier, and C. Vons. "Chimiothérapie néoadjuvante et résection des metastases hépatiques synchrones avant traitement du cancer colorectal primitif." Journal de Chirurgie 143, no. 5 (October 2006): 317–18.
Full textArtru, P., C. Louvet, C. Tournigand, T. André, M. Mabro, F. Maindrault-Goebel, E. Carola, M. Krulik, and A. de Gramont. "Intérêt d'une stratégie thérapeutique comportant trois lignes de chimiothérapie dans le cancer colorectal métastatique." La Revue de Médecine Interne 22 (June 2001): 74–75.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Cancer colorectal – Chimiothérapie anticancéreuse"
El, Ouadrani Belkhiria Karima. "L'exposition prolongée de cellules de cancer colorectal aux agents chimiothérapeutiques induit une Transition Epithélio-Mésenchymateuse (EMT) et une augmentation de l'invasivité tumorale." Paris 6, 2011.
Full textRemy, Stéphane. "Chimiothérapie du cancer colorectal métastatique : étude rétrospective d'une série de 69 patients traités par une perfusion continue de 5-fluorouracile." Bordeaux 2, 1999.
Full textTerret, Catherine. "Optimisation de la chimiothérapie du cancer colorectal métastatique par 5-FU et CPT-11 : données de pharmacocinétique, de chimiosensibilité." Toulouse 3, 2000.
Full textLièvre, Astrid. "Facteurs moléculaires pronostiques et prédictifs de la réponse aux traitements du cancer colorectal." Paris 5, 2008.
Full textWe showed that mutations in the non-coding region (D-Loop) of the mitochondrial DNA were frequent in colorectal tumors, that they occured at an early step (adenoma) of the carcinogenesis and that they were a prognostic factor and associated with resistance to 5-fluorouracil-based adjuvant chemotherapy. Moreover, we showed that KRAS gene mutations were associated with a resistance to cetuximab, an anti-EGFR antibody used in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer, and that they were a poor prognostic factor in patients treated by this antibody, independently of skin toxicity. The expression of the phosphoproteins pP70S6K and pMEKl also seems to be predictive of response to anti-EGFR antibodies and a prognostic factor in patients treated by them, independantly of KRAS mutation status
Poujol, Sylvain. "Pharmacocinétique et pharmacogénétique de l’irinotécan chez le patient atteint de cancer colorectal métastatique." Montpellier 1, 2009.
Full textBaussard, Louise. "Déterminants psychosociaux des trajectoires de fatigue chez des patients traités en chimiothérapie pour un cancer colorectal métastatique." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2018.
Full textCancer-related fatigue is a subjective and pervasive symptom, related to the disease and its treatments, and has a significant impact on patients' quality of life. This study has two fundamental goals: (1) to identify different fatigue trajectories in metastatic colorectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy; (2) to identify psychosocial determinants of these fatigue trajectories. A total of 169 patients were assessed for their level of fatigue at the beginning of a new chemotherapy cycle, and were subsequently followed every two weeks. Psychosocial variables such as anxiety, depression, perceived control, coping strategies, and social support were measured from the start. Four trajectories of physical fatigue were identified: 1) a trajectory of "intense fatigue" (6.51%), 2) a trajectory of "average fatigue" (48.52%), 3) an "increasing fatigue" trajectory over time characterized by non-fatigued patients at the inclusion (11.83%); finally, 4) a trajectory of resilient patients who report "no fatigue" during treatment (33.14%). While it appears that physical fatigue and depression are strongly associated, the results also show that poor adaptation (emotionally-focused coping) and little control over the evolution of the disease contribute to the intensity and the increase of fatigue over time.The identification of transactional variables in the explanation of this symptom makes it possible to envisage adapted psychosocial care, turned towards personalized medicine
Pagès, Pierre-Benoît. "Technique de perfusion pulmonaire isolée de chimiothérapie chez le porc." Thesis, Dijon, 2014.
Full textIntroduction: The isolated lung perfusion (ILP) is an experimental technique which main objective is to deliver high dose of cytotoxic agent to the lung tissue without systemic exposure. The thesis took place in three stages: first stage, setting in vitro the chemotherapy the most efficient against colorectal cancer (CCR) cells in 30 min. Second stage, develop the ILP technique in a pig model. Third stage, lead a dose escalation study with chemotherapy by ILP.Methods: First stage, efficacy of various cytotoxic molecules against a panel of human CCR cell lines was tested in vitro after a 30-minute exposure. Second stage, pigs were treated with chemotherapy delivered by ILP during 30 minutes and kept alive during a month. Third stage, chemotherapy doses were increase in order to obtain acute toxicity or death of animals.Results: Gemcitabine (GEM) was the most efficient drug against CCR cells in 30 minutes. ILP with GEM permit to maintain high concentration in the lung parenchyma and pigs survival during one month. No systemic leaks were detected. Dose increase of GEM conduct to determine the maximal tolerated dose of GEM by ILP to 320 mg. Conclusions: ILP with GEM is a safety and reproducible technique allowing high GEM concentrations in the lung tissue
Demontoux, Lucie. "Rôle de l’hypotonie dans la réponse à la chimiothérapie intra-péritonéale : étude des effets sur les cellules cancéreuses et la mort immunogène induite." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018.
Full textIntraPeritoneal Chemotherapy (IPEC) is commonly used to treat colorectal cancer metastases. However there is no standardized protocol.The aim of this work was to model this chemotherapy in vitro and to understand the role of hypotonic conditions in this model and its impact on cell death.We determined that the optimal treatment parameters on HCT116 human colon cancer cells, were an exposure of the cells for 30 minutes to 400μM of oxaliplatin under hypotonic conditions (G2.5%) at 37 °C. These results have been validated on various human and murine colic cancer cell lines. We have also shown that these treatment conditions are also able to increase the cytotoxicity of other platinum derivatives such as cisplatin and carboplatin.The cell death induced by this treatment in hypotonia is apoptosis, and can be explained by an increase in the intracellular incorporation of oxaliplatin, partly due to the activation and trimerization of the CTR1 copper transporter.Treatment with oxaliplatin and cisplatin (but not carboplatin) in hypotonia also leads to the stigmata of immunogenic death, e.i. exposure of calreticulin at the membrane, release of ATP and HMGB1 in the supernatant, suggesting that hypotonia would entail immunogenic death and an immune system response during this IPEC modeling.Finally, we have been able to demonstrate in vivo that the treatment of intraperitoneal metastases of Balb/c mice by an intraperitoneal injection of oxaliplatin in hypotonia slowed down tumor nodules appearance and increased survival of the mice.Thus, in this work we highlighted that hypotonia is one of the fundamental parameters of IPEC which suggests that its use could make it possible to increase the efficacy of IPEC and maybe to prolong the survival of patients
Boige, Valérie. "Impact des polymorphismes constitutionnels et des altérations génétiques somatiques sur l'efficacité et la toxicité des chimiothérapies anti-tumorales dans le cancer colorectal." Paris 5, 2009.
Full textRoberge, Joannie. "Modulation de la réponse pharmacologique à un agent anticancéreux par les isoformes I2 dérivées de l'épissage alternatif du gène UGT1A." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2012.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Cancer colorectal – Chimiothérapie anticancéreuse"
Bouché, O., E. Scaglia, and S. Lagarde. "Pré-requis avant la mise en route d’une chimiothérapie pour cancer colorectal." In Post’U FMC-HGE, 30–46. Paris: Springer Paris, 2009.
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