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Kadib, Abdou. "L'époque des quatre premiers califes dans l'historiographie francophone entre la fin du XIXe siècle et le début du XXIe siècle." Thesis, Nantes Université, 2022.

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L’époque des quatre premiers califes est une époque fondatrice dans l’histoire de l’Islam. Selon les sources musulmanes, c’est pendant cette époque que l’institution califienne a vu le jour, que l’Arabie s’est réellement soumise à l’Islam, que l’Islam est sorti de ses territoires, que le Coran a été collecté dans un Muṣḥaf, que les premières divisions au sein de l’Islam ont eu lieu. Cette époque a fait couler beaucoup l’encre des chercheurs en Orient et en Occident. Nous nous limitons ici à l’étudier dans l’historiographie francophone. . Nous visions dans cette recherche à analyser la manière dont a été écrite, par les chercheurs francophones, l'histoire des premiers califes et la manière dont ces chercheurs ont exposé les circonstances dans lesquelles est née la religion de l’islam. Nous examinons les sources sur lesquelles ils fondent leur écriture des premiers temps de l’Islam, les méthodes et les sources des sources des chercheurs francophone
The era of the first four caliphs is a founding era in the history of Islam. According to Muslim sources, it was during this period that the Caliphian institution was born, that Arabia really submitted to Islam, that Islam left its territories, that the Koran was collected in a Muṣḥaf, that the first divisions within Islam took place. This period has caused much ink to flow among researchers in the East and in the West. We limit ourselves here to studying it in francophone historiography. We aimed in this research to analyze the way in which was written, by francophone researchers, the history of the first caliphs and the way in which these researchers exposed the circumstances in which the religion of Islam was born. We examine the sources on which they base their writing of the first times of Islam, the methods and the sources of the sources of the francophone researchers
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Vogt, Matthias. "Figures de califes entre histoire et fictionAl-Walid b. Yazid et al-Amin dans la représentation de l'historiographie arabe de l'époque abbaside." Paris 4, 2004.

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Ce travail s'intéresse aux conceptions de l'histoire et à leur réalisation narrative dans l'historiographie arabe de l'époque ÞabbÁside. D'abord, sont étudiés les entrecroisements, au niveau structural, entre récits historique et fictionnel, et les caractéristiques par lesquelles ils se distinguent. Pour cette étude, est tenu compte, parmi d'autres, des résultats de l'analyse structurale du discours ainsi que des considérations de P. RICŒUR à propos de la notion de mimèsis. Suivant ces considérations théoriques, ce travail montre, à travers les représentations des califes al-WalÍd b. YazÍd (743-744) et al-AmÍn (809-813) dans l'historiographie arabe médiévale, comment les récits à propos d'événements isolés (a¿bÁr) sont liés à un niveau paradigmatique qui donne à ces représentations le caractère d'un tout, étant l'expression d'une conception de l'histoire. Dans un deuxième temps, l'analyse traite l'arrangement narratif d'a¿bÁr isolés et essaie de répondre à la question de savoir en quelle mesure l'historiographe se sent autorisée à donner une forme narrative à une suite transmise d'événements. A côté de la structure purement narrative des textes, la référence à un autre niveau du texte ou à un autre élément du récit est d'intérêt. Ce sont donc de la narrativité et la référencialité des textes qui montrent que les récits historiques ne sont pas la simple reproduction d'une suite donnée d'événements du passé, mais que l'historien donne aux événements une signification particulière. Cependant, l'historien présuppose que le lecteur de son ouvrage accepte l'idée que cette signification n'est pas apportée aux événements par l'historien, mais qu'elle leur est inhérente. Combinées avec les études de W. ISER sur la fonction du réel, du fictif et de l'imaginaire, ces considérations permettent la déduction qu'on entre en lecture d'un ouvrage historique en acceptant l'idée que c'est le monde réel qui contient par lui-même le renvoi à l'imaginaire
The present study deals with conceptions of history and their narrative realisation in the Arabic historiography of ÞAbbÁsid times. First, the structural intersections of historical and fictional narration and their distinctive characteristics are analysed. For the purposes of this study, the results of structural discourse analysis (R. BARTHES) are considered and combined with P. RICŒUR's studies of the functions of mimesis. Following these theoretical considerations and using the representations of the caliphs al-WalÍd b. YazÍd (743-744) and al-AmÍn (809-813) in Arabic medieval historiography, the study demonstrates how the narratives of single events (a¿bÁr) are linked to a paradigmatic level turning these representations into a complete expression of a conception of history. In the second part, the study treats the narrative arrangement of single a¿bÁr and seeks to answer to which degree the historiographer feels authorized to give a narrative form to a transmitted set of events. Next to the purely narrative structures, references to other textual levels or to other story elements are of particular interest. Like narrativity, the referenciality of the texts proves that historical narrations are not a mere reproduction of a given set of past events, but that the historian also provides the events with meaning. The historian presumes, however, that the reader of his work interprets this meaning as inherent to the events rather than as the historian's construction. Linked with the studies of W. ISER on the function of the real, the fictive and the imaginary and on the reader's contract with the author, one can deduce from these considerations that the reader of a historical work does not consider the world described by the historian to be a possible world, but to be the real world, containing by itself the reference to the imaginary
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Zehbei, Moussa al. "Les modes de la description dans la poesie arabe des origines jusqu'a l'epoque des califes omeyyades." Paris 3, 1986.

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Les bedouins de l'epoque pre-islamique se deplacaient continuellement ce va-et-vient, ils en avaient fait leur mode de vie dans le desert les traits caracterisant la vie du bedouin sont definis comme un mouvement qui va encadrer son existence. La poesie pre-islamique est nee dans un terre de sable. Les elements qui ont caracterise la poesie pre-islamique sont : l'homme: femme homme l'animal: chamelle cheval, la faune: antilope, zebre, loup, autruche, le mal de l'autruche la gazelle, le mal de l'antilope. L'etendu: espace, terre, ruines, eaux, la pluie, les nuages, la nuit, les tenebres, la lumiere. La societe: bedouinite, sedetarisme, les religions: l'idolatrie, le christianisme, le judaisme, l'islam methode suivie: etude stucturale synchronique. La description est synonyme de: narration, peindre, parer, dessiner sculpter, exposer, imaginer. Le mot "mode" signifie: le gout, la forme, la methode, le genre, la maniere, les modes de la description dans la poesie pre-islamique contiennent: le reel : une tendance de poetes de demeurer naturelle et de ne pas rechercher les figures de rhetorique. L'imagination : -une tendance fondee sur les comparaisons: (science des figures). Une tendance "rhetoricienne". Une tendance cherchant des figures et de rhetorique. Une tendance de recours a la metaphore et a la comparaison: (science de l'expose). Une tendance de recours au l'idee et a la rhetorique: (science des idees)
The bedouin of the pre-islamic period were cotinuosly moving in space. This displacent han been the usual way of life in the desert. The characteristic of the bedouin (nomadic arabs) can be defined as a mouvement which will w. The jahilite "bedouin" poetry is born in a desertic land, and the main elements that characterizid the pre-islamic poetry are: man, woman, animal, camel, hors, antelope, fauna, extensive: space, land, ruins, water, rain, clouds, ligt. Bedouinism, sedenterism, religion, clothes, law. The descriptio is synonymos of narration, painting, ornament, drawing, sculpting, exposition, imagination. The word "mode" signifies : taste, form, method ande gener ande manner. Applied method : synchranical structural study. The description modalities of pre-islamic poetry contain the following: the real: a tendency of poets to remain natrual and not look for figures of rhetoric. Imagination : tendecey lased on comparison (science of figures). A rhetoric tendecy. A tendency : looking for figures and rhetoric. A tendency : recourse to metaphor. A tendency of ideas (science of ideas)
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Nam, Mehmet. "La crise de la fin de l'empire Ottoman : Le combat politique et religieux de Mustafa Sabri." Paris, INALCO, 2009.

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Cette thèse s'intéresse à la fin de l'ère ottomane. Elle étudie notamment les propositions des islamistes pour sortir l'Etat de la crise politique régnante ainsi que les querelles politiques qui sévirent lors des différentes étapes de la fondation de la république. Il y est question de la lutte entre la modernisation et l'esprit conservateur. Afin de mieux comprendre le point de vue des islamistes conservateurs défendant la tradition et le califat ainsi que cela des modernistes dont l'aboutissement fut la fondation de la république, nous avons choisi d'analyser ces avis et ces combats à travers la perspective sabrienne, Mustafa Sabri ayant été d'abord leader d'un parti d'opposition puis cheikh ul-islam. L'association des débats d'aujourd'hui à ceux d'autrefois: le califat, la séparation de la religion et de l'État (laïcité), le nationalisme, la place de la femme, le culte en langue nationale, permet, nous semble-t-il, de contribuer à l'élaboration de solution les concernant puisqu'ils perdurent jusqu'à nos jours
The broad object of this study is to examine the end of the Ottoman Era. It pays close attention to the Islamists' proposals to pull the State out of the prevailing political crisis and it also follows the fierce political debates that emerged during the different steps leading to the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. This study brings to light the conflict between modernization and conservatism. In order to have a better understanding ot the views expressed by, on the one hand, the conservative islamists defending tradition and the calliphate, and on the otherhand, the modernists whose goal was the foundation of the Republic, this study was conducted with a Sabrian perspective-Mustafa Sabri being first a leader of an opposition party and then a Cheih ul islam. The paralell drawn between today's debates and those occuring then (the calliphate, the separation between religion and State (laïcité), nationalism, women's place in society, the prayer in national language) seems to allow for the élaboration of solutions concerning these issues, since they still exist today
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Zubani, Alessia. "Les machines du pouvoir : technique et politique entre l’Iran sassanide et le califat abbasside." Thesis, Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2020.

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Dans l’Antiquité, la recherche et la réflexion sur la technique permettent les premières réalisations de dispositifs ingénieux, tels que des appareils qui accomplissent une série d’actions par le biais de stimulus externes et de mécanismes cachés. Les organismes politiques et religieux saisissent rapidement la puissance communicative de ces machines, en devenant les promoteurs et patrons privilégiés de leur production. L’Empire sassanide (224-650) ne constitue pas une exception. En effet, les souverains perses consacrent, au moins à l’époque tardive, une grande attention à la conception et au déploiement de dispositifs savants et ingénieux. De même, un siècle plus tard, dans le milieu du califat islamique, les Abbassides (750-1258) semblent également s’entourer de tels dispositifs. La continuité entre les deux empires dans plusieurs domaines, de la théorie politique à l’administration, est bien connue. Cependant, la question de la réutilisation du patrimoine technique et scientifique ancien, et notamment sassanide, par la cour abbasside, demeure encore largement inexplorée. L’étude d’un corpus de sources, aussi vaste qu’hétérogène, rassemblant des ouvrages historiographiques, géographiques, poétiques et d’adab, ainsi que des traités scientifiques et techniques en plusieurs langues, permet d’analyser différents aspects de la production et de l’usage politique des machines. Au sein de la cour sassanide, comme de la cour abbasside, la machine s’avère constituer un véhicule préférentiel de représentation et de diffusion de l’idéologie politique. À travers sa mise en scène publique, elle contribue de manière substantielle à la définition de l’espace du pouvoir, en participant à la création d’une image de la cour comme un microcosme au cœur duquel le Roi des rois, et plus tard le calife, occupaient le rôle cardinal de maître incontesté du monde. La continuité entre l’empire sassanide et l’empire abbasside dans le domaine technique ne se limite donc pas à une récupération de savoirs, mais s’opère aussi sous la forme d’une véritable réactivation d’un patrimoine symbolique
In the Antique world, research on technology and applied sciences allowed for the construction of the very first ingenious devices, i.e. apparatuses which, through external stimulation and hidden mechanisms, can perform a series of actions and movements. Political and religious organisms quickly came to appreciate the communicative power of such devices, thus actively sponsoring their production. The Sasanian Empire (224-650) is no exception. In fact, at least since the late period, Iranian rulers devoted remarkable attention to the conception and material deployment of ingenious devices. Similar efforts seem to have been taken about a century later by the Abbasids (750-1258). The continuity between these two empires in various domains, such as political theory and administration, is widely acknowledged. However, the issue of the recovery of the ancient – and, particularly, Sasanian – technical and scientific heritage by the Abbasid court is still largely neglected. The study of a various corpus of historiographic, geographic, poetic, and literary sources, as well as of scientific treaties, allows shedding light on various aspects regarding the production and political use of machines at the Abbasid court. Both at the Sasanian and the Abbasid court, ingenious devices prove themselves to be a preferential vehicle of representation and diffusion of political ideology. Through their public display, they substantially contributed to the definition of the space of power, taking part in the creation of an image of the court as a microcosm in which the King of kings, and later on the Caliph, hold the cardinal place of universal world-rulers. The Sasanian-Abbasid continuity in the realm of technology and science thus is not limited to the recovery, by Abbasid scholars, of Sasanian scientific knowledge, but rather takes the form of a true reactivation of a symbolic heritage
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Munt, Thomas H. R. "The sacred history of early Islamic Medina : the prophet, caliphs, scholars and the town's Ḥaram." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011.

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This thesis investigates the emergence of Medina in the Ḥijāz as a widely-venerated holy city over the first three Islamic centuries (seventh to ninth centuries CE) within the appropriate historical context, with special attention paid to the town’s ḥaram. It focuses in particular upon the roles played by the Prophet Muḥammad, Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs, and early Islamic legal scholars in this development. It shows that Medina’s emergence as a widely-venerated holy city alongside Mecca was a gradual and contested process, and one that was intimately linked with several important developments concerning legitimate political, religious, and legal authority in the Islamic world. The most important sources for this study have been Medina’s local histories, and Chapter One investigates the development of a tradition of local history-writing there. The Prophet Muḥammad first created a form of sacred space, a ḥaram, at Medina, and Chapter Two seeks to provide the context for this by investigating some forms of sacred and protected space found in the pre-Islamic Arabian Peninsula. Chapter Three then examines a rare early document preserved in the later Islamic sources, which deals in part with Muḥammad’s creation of Medina’s ḥaram, the so-called “Constitution of Medina”, and investigates why and how Muḥammad created that particular form of sacred space at Medina. The remaining two chapters deal with the history of Muḥammad’s ḥaram at Medina after his death as its original raison d’être disappeared. Chapter Four analyses some aspects of Muslim legal scholars’ discussions concerning Medina’s ḥaram, and demonstrates that certain groups disputed its existence. Chapter Five then seeks to understand why caliphs and other scholars invested so heavily in actively promoting its widespread veneration and Medina’s status as a holy city. It concludes that caliphs from the late first/early eighth century patronised Medina to associate themselves with legitimate political authority inherited from Muḥammad, and that from the late second/eighth century certain legal scholars argued for the continued existence of Medina’s ḥaram because of its association with the Prophet and his Companions who had come to be for them the ultimate source of legal authority.
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Pomerleau, Catherine A. "Among and between women: Califia Community, grassroots feminist education, and the politics of difference, 1975-1987." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2004.

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This dissertation assesses a Los Angeles-based feminist educational alternative called Califia Community in the context of a cultural war between Second Wave feminists and members of the New Right. Analysis of oral histories with thirty-two participants (narrators) is supported by archival sources and narrators' personal files to historicize U.S. divisions over cultural mores and to shed light on the diversity and tactics among Second Wave feminists. In contrast to foundational scholarship, a reevaluation of National Organization for Women sources in association with California participants' actions and writings clarifies that the lesbian-straight split continued to divide the movement well into the 1980s and that the role of eastern leadership in feminism has been overstated. Califia Community demonstrates that lesbian feminists engaged in a complex attempt to combat multiple oppressions and to address the whole person in relation to society. Califia's diversity of attendees and education on sexism, homophobia, racism, and class bias reveals that a grassroots group could sustain heterogeneity but that identity-based politics exacerbated problems.
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Balbale, Abigail Krasner. "Between Kings and Caliphs: Religion and Authority in Sharq al-Andalus (1145-1244 CE)." Thesis, Harvard University, 2012.

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This dissertation focuses on how the Marrakech-based Almohads and their independent Muslim rivals in eastern al-Andalus contested spiritual and temporal power. The rulers of Sharq al-Andalus opposed Almohad claims to a divinely granted authority rooted in a new messianic interpretation of the caliphate. Instead, they articulated a vision of legitimacy linked to earlier Sunni forms, and connected their rule more closely to the Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad than any previous Andalusī dynasty had done. One minted coins that included the name of the Abbasid caliph, and another received official permission from the Abbasids to rule as governor of al-Andalus. This dissertation examines the written sources, coins and architecture produced in the courts of Andalusī and Almohad rulers to explore how they legitimated their authority. It argues that the conflict among these Muslim rivals in many ways superseded their battles against Christians. The Almohads saw anyone—Muslim, Christian or Jewish—who did not submit to their rule and their conception of Islam as infidels, and said that jihad against non-Almohad Muslims was more important than jihad against Christians. Nevertheless, later Arabic sources attempted to cast the conflict between the independent rulers of al-Andalus and the Almohads as part of a broader Christian-Muslim clash. The alliances Andalusī rulers made with Christian kings, and, in some cases, their Christian roots, made their religious allegiance to Islam suspect. This attitude has continued in modern scholarship as well. This dissertation instead argues that the independent rulers of al-Andalus and their Almohad counterparts were engaged in a broader debate, common to the wider Islamic world, about what constituted righteous Islamic authority. As the population of the territories ruled by Muslims became majority Muslim, new groups began to gain power, eroding the primacy of the Arab caliphate. Like their Persian and Turkic contemporaries to the east, the Berber and Andalusī rulers of the Islamic west struggled to negotiate between the caliphal ideal of Islamic unity and the increasingly decentralized political world they encountered. Analyzing the conflicts among these rivals illuminates the questions that animated the Islamic world as new spiritual and political forms were emerging.
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Chaouech, Salah Ddin. "Les relations de l'Espagne musulmane avec le Maghrib : à l'époque de l'Emirat et du Califat Umayyade de Cordoue : 138-422 h - 756-1031 j.c." Toulouse 2, 1987.

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Le sujet traite les relations de l'espagne musulmane avec le maghrib a l'epoque de l'emirat et du califat umayyade de cordoue. Mon travail est compose d'une introductiom, de deux parties et d'une conclusion. Dans l'introduction nous avons commence par une etude critique des sources et des ouvrages arabes modernes, puis dans un second lieu nous avons donne un apercu historique sur le maghrib et al andalus depuis la conquete musulmane jusqu'a la fin du 10e siecle. Dans la premiere partie intitulee les relations politiques, nous avons essaye de demontrer les relations politiques qui existaient d'une part, entre l'emirat umayyade du maghrib au 9e siecle, et d'autre part, entre le califat umayyade de cordoue et les puissances maghribines du 10e siecle, notamment avec les fatimides. La deuxieme partie traite les relations religieuses, culturelles, economiques et sociales. Dans le premier chapitre nous avons etudie les relations religieuses et culturelles entre al andalus et le maghrib au 9 - 10e siecle. Dans le deuxieme chapitre nous avons essaye de voir jusqu'a tel point les echanges commerciaux entre al andalus et le maghrib etaient interessants a cette epoque tandis que le troisieme chapitre consacre aux relations sociales, a travers lequel nous avons essaye de montrer les liens sociaux qui existaient a cette epoque entre les andalous et les maghribins. Dans la conclusion, nous avons donne une idee sur la crise politique dans al andalus de la fin du 10e siecle et du 11e siecle qui avait pour consequence la chute du califat de cordoue, et la desintegration politique avec la consti- tution des petits royaumes dans les differentes regions de la peninsule iberique apres quoi, nous avons presente les resultats de notre etude
This thesis deals with the relationships between muslim spain and the magreb ? at the time when the emirate and the umayyad's cordoue caliphate existed. My work is composed of an introduction, of two parts and of a conclusion. We have begun the introduction by doing a critical study about the sources and the modern arab works, then we have given a brief historical account about the magreb and al andalus from the muslims' conquest to the end of the 10th century. As for the first part headed "the political relationships", we have tried to explain what they political relationships on the one hand between the umayyad's cordoue emirate and the numerous powers in the magreb in the 9 th century and on the other hand, between umayyad's cordoue caliphate and the magrib powers in the 10 th century in particfular the fatimides. The second part de'als with the religious, cultural economic and social relationships between al andalous and the magrib in the 9 th and 10th century. In the second chapter we have tried to prove how interesting at that time trade between al andalus and the magreb could be in the third chapter dealing with the social relationships, we have tried to underline, the social links which existed between al andalus and the magrib at that time. In our conclusion, we have discribed the political crisis which began around at the end of the 10th century and the beginning of the 11th century. This crisis led to the fall of cordoue caliphate and the breaking up of the political union though thye creation of little kingdoms in several areas of the iheric peninsule. Last, we have brought up the conclusion of our study
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Devienne, Elsa. "Des plages dans la ville : une histoire sociale et environnementale du littoral de Los Angeles (1920-1972)." Paris, EHESS, 2014.

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Cette thèse explore l'histoire du littoral de Los Angeles, et plus spécifiquement des plages qui font la renommée de la région, des années 1920 au début des années 1970. Il s'agit d'étudier les plages non pas seulement sous l'angle de l'histoire du tourisme et des loisirs, mais dans une perspective d'histoire urbaine. En effet, l'aménagement, l'accessibilité, la surveillance, la réglementation et la ségrégation raciale de ces vastes espaces publics font l'objet de multiples débats au cours du siècle. À la croisée de l'histoire environnementale et de l'histoire socio-culturelle, ce travail prend en compte les différents acteurs - ingénieurs, scientifiques, urbanistes, élus et propriétaires locaux - qui ont cherché à transformer et réguler le littoral suivant des visions concurrentes, voire contradictoires, ainsi que les hommes et les femmes qui ont fait valoir leur droit d'occuper et de s'approprier ce lieu. Trois conclusions principales se dégagent de cette étude. D'abord, les plages de Los Angeles sont aujourd'hui largement artificielles ; elles ont notamment été élargies de manière spectaculaire entre les années 1930 et 1960. Ensuite, elles sont le théâtre de multiples remises en cause des hiérarchies sociales et raciales qui prévalent en ville. Toutefois, dans l'après-guerre, un mouvement de modernisation des plages et des quartiers environnants engendre l'élimination partielle des publics et des pratiques jugés indésirables par les autorités. Enfin, les plages sont le lieu de naissance de plusieurs sous-cultures, qui contribuent à façonner un modèle balnéaire original et influencent les manières de montrer et mettre en valeur son corps, à la plage comme à la ville
This dissertation explores the history of the Los Angeles shoreline and, more specifically, the city's famous beaches, from the 1920s through the early 1970s. I examine Los Angeles beaches not only as tourist attractions, but as urban spaces. Indeed, as vast public accommodations which attracted millions of people every year, the beaches generated heated debates regarding their development, accessibility, policing, and racial segregation. Contributing to environmental, cultural and social history, this dissertation takes into account the multiple historical actors - engineers, scientists, urban planners, local officials and homeowners - who attempted to transform and regulate the beaches according to competing visions, as well as the ordinary men and women who claimed their right to occupy and appropriate this space. My conclusions are divided into three main categories. First, I demonstrate that the beaches of Los Angeles are today mostly artificial; between the 1930s and the 1960s, the beaches were vastly enlarged thanks to the development of new techniques. Second, I show that the beaches were a place where the traditional social and racial hierarchies could momentarily be challenged. However, the postwar modernization of the beaches and the surrounding neighborhoods led to the eviction of the so-called undesirable public from the shores. Third, the beaches were the birthplace of multiple subcultures which contributed to the emergence and diffusion of new values and bodily norms, whether at the beach or in the city
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Abts, Marvin Lynn. "The life history strategy of the saxicolous desert lizard, Sauromalus obesus." PDXScholar, 1985.

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An investigation of the life history of the western chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus, was undertaken in the Colorado Desert of southeastern California during a 7-year period. The study provided for a test of current life history theory and the modeling of population dynamics from environmental parameters. Colorado Desert S. obesus were mainly active February through September, but feeding occurred throughout the year. Coyotes were this species' primary predator. Home range sizes of males and females were correlated with adult female activity and nutrient requirements, respectively. The breeding status of females was determined by the presence of preovulatory follicles, oviductal eggs and copora lutea. The breeding status of males was best determined by the presence of sperm in the vas deferens and by levels of spermatogenic activity. Adult females always oviposited during the first half of July. Size at reproductive maturity for both sexes was about 125 mm snoutvent length. Age at maturity for males and females was 2 and 3 years, respectively. Mean annual reproductive frequency was 51%. Reproduction occurred in 6 of 7 years. Mean clutch size was 6.9 eggs. Clutch masses and egg masses averaged 34.3% and 5.3% of total body mass, respectively. For a given body size, there was no annual variation in clutch size, egg mass, or reproductive effort. The consistency of these traits indicates adaptation to a predictable environment. Relatively high egg masses are an adaptation to counter the harsh environment. Annual recruitment was about 20%, almost exclusively due to reproduction. First year and subsequent annual survivorship rates averaged 40% and 75%, respectively. Most individuals lived no longer than 10 years. Compared with Mojave Desert populations, Colorado Desert S. obesus demonstrated earlier maturity, higher reproductive rates, higher first year survival and lower adult survivorship. High reproductive rates and first year survival were attributable to the predictability of mild winters and summer rainfall. Such conditions promoted lower adult survivorship because of associated costs of reproduction and predation. Attempts were made to predict population age class structure from winter precipitation regression models. Such a procedure appears reliable for predicting age-specific fecundity and therefore is a useful tool for management practices.
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Newton, Maury Claiborne III. "Tectonostratigraphic history of the southern Foothills terrane." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1990.

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As a tool in discriminating basic rocks from different tectonic settings, a type of diagram was developed that employs three ratios of trace elements. The diagram separates basic rocks formed in mid-ocean ridge, intra-plate, and volcanic arc settings. It can be used to differentiate basalts from marginal basin, forearc, and arc rift zone settings. A second application of this type of diagram, employing major elements, distinguishes tholeiitic, calcalkaline, and boninitic series volcanic rocks. The southern part of the Foothills terrane, western Sierra Nevada, California, is composed chiefly of Jurassic-Triassic(?) metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of lower greenschist grade. Major tectonism affecting the terrane, associated with the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Nevadan orogeny, was sinistral transpression with shearing along the Bear Mountains and Melones fault zones. The line of slip in high shear strain regions is approximated by the modal stretching lineation, which is at a rake of approximately 45° SE to the general shear zone orientation, suggesting sub-equal components of strike slip and dip slip. The sense of shear from kinematic indicators is consistently east side to the northwest. The terrane hosts three types of syngenetic massive sulfide deposits: Cyprus-type Cu deposits, Kuroko-type Zn-Cu-Pb deposits, and Besshi-type Cu-Zn deposits. The Cyprus-type deposits lie at the top of a Triassic(?) tholeiitic - basalt sequence in the lower Penon Blanco Formation. The deposits are part of an ophiolitic sequence that appears to have formed in an open-ocean spreading center environment. Felsic lava facies host the Kuroko-type deposits at the top of the Middle to Late Jurassic upper Gopher Ridge Formation, a dominantly bimodal sequence of meta-rhyolitic lavas and tuffs and meta-basaltic lavas. The tectonic setting appears to have been an arc-rift zone that formed during the transition from arc volcanism forming the lower Gopher Ridge Formation to younger basinal sedimentation forming the Mariposa Formation. The Besshi-type deposits are sediment-hosted in the Late Jurassic Mariposa Formation. They appear to have formed in the median part of a long linear basin between rifted arc segments. The inferred tectonic setting of the sulfide deposits was an early back-arc or interarc basin, which may have been related to transtensional tectonics.
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Sill, Bärbel. "Le star system, du cinéma hollywoodien classique (1930-1960) à sa renaissance dans les années 80." Paris 3, 2004.

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L'histoire du star system cinématographique américain a donné lieu à un mythe : celui de sa mort autour de 1960. Bien qu'il s'agisse là d'un réel mythe, certains théroriciens et journalistes continuent de prétendre que le star system n'existe plus. Une nouvelle conceptualisation du terme « star system » propose une solution à ce conflit : une qui différencie entre un « star system classique » et un « néo-star system ». Autre aspect central relié à ce phénomène : la relation entre la mode et la beauté d'un côté, et le fonctionnement du star system de l'autre. En traitant la star de « système de mode et de beauté » en rapport avec l'histoire du star system, il est évident que ce dernier persiste nécessairement au-delà des années 60
The history of the American star system has given rise to a myth: the system's death around 1960. Even though it really is nothing else but a myth, certain theorists and journalists continue to pretend that the star system does not exist anymore. A new conceptualization of the term « star system » proposes a solution to this conflict: one that distinguishes between a « classical star system » and a « neo-star system ». Another central aspect linked to the phenomenon is: the relation between fashion and beauty on the one hand, and the function of the star system on the other. In dealing with the star as a « fashion and beauty system » as related to the American star system, it is obvious that this system necessarily continues to exist after the 60s
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Eid, Hadi. "Histoire de la controverse religieuse entre Byzance et l'Islam pendant la première époque Abbasside." Paris 1, 1990.

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L'épitre d'Ibn al-Layât adresse au nom du calife Haroun al-Rasid (786-809) à l'empereur byzantin Constantin six que j'ai exhumée est un des éléments majeurs de notre étude intitulée : "histoire de la controverse religieuse entre Byzance et l'Islam pendant la première époque Abbasside". Elle apparait comme le premier ouvrage d'apologétique musulmane que nous possédons, et la seule correspondance royale à cette période. Dans cette lettre, le calife engage une vive polémique en abordant de nombreux points : ce qui dépend de l'unicité de dieu, le caractère prophétique de Muhammad ; le caractère inimitable du coran ; les miracles et les prophéties du Muhammad ; le dogme de la trinité avec ses trois hypostases ; la filiation divine de Jésus, les miracles opérés par lui, et l'annonce de Muhammad par l'ancien et le nouveau testament, et de la falsification des écritures par les chrétiens. A travers toutes ces discussions religieuses, le calife invite l'empereur à choisir entre : la conversion à l'Islam ou, le paiement de la gizya qui doit lui apporter beaucoup d'avantages. Comme auparavant, en cas de refus de celui-ci, l'unique choix pour le calife est la guerre sainte (jihad) contre les byzantins
The epistle which Ibn al-Layt has addressed on behalf of the caliph Harun al-Rasid (786-809) to the byzantine emperor Constantine six, and which i have unearthed,is one of the major elements of our study entitled : "history of the religious controversy between byeantium and Islam during the first abbasid era". It stands out as the first work of muslim apologetic which we possess, and the only royal correspondence from that period. In that letter, the caliph engages in a lively polemic discussing numerous points : what depends on the uniqueness of god, the prophetic character of Muhammad ;the inimitable character of the Coran ; the miracles and prophetics of Muhammad ; the dogma of the trinity with its three hypostasis ; the divine filiation of Jesus, the miracles which he effected, the announcement of muhammad by the old and new testament, and the falsification of scriptures by the christians. Through all these religious discussions, the caliph invites the emperor to choose between the conversion to Islam or the payment of the gizya which should bring him a lot of advantages. In the case of the emperor's refusal, then, as in the past, the only choice for
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Kenney, Miles Douglas. "Emplacement, offset history, and recent uplift of basement within the San Andreas Fault system, Northeast San Gabriel Mountains, California /." view abstract or download file of text, 1999.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 1999.
Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 251-279). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users. Address:
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Hoorelbeke, Mathias. "Se faire poète : le champ poétique dans les premières années du califat abbasside d’après le Livre des chansons." Thesis, Paris, INALCO, 2013.

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Ce travail porte sur le champ poétique dans les premières décennies de l’époque abbasside, en se concentrant non pas sur les trajectoires individuelles des poètes, mais sur les contraintes et les logiques collectives auxquelles ils sont soumis. Il s’appuie sur l’analyse de près de 70 notices du Livre des chansons d’al-Iṣbahānī (m. ca. 360/970). La première partie porte sur la contrainte la plus évidente et la plus étudiée : le rapport du poète au prince. Elle postule que la force du verbe poétique dérive d’un lien plus vaste, celui du walā’, qui implique des devoirs réciproques, inscrits dans le temps. La parole poétique n’est dès lors qu’une modalité particulière de la négociation de la distance entre le patron et son protégé. Cette négociation permanente influe sur les déplacements et les modes d’expression du poète.La seconde partie examine comment les poètes se positionnent face à la multitude d’acteurs qui prétendent dire ce que la poésie doit être. Elle analyse comment les rapports des poètes avec leurs pairs ou avec les savants sont déterminés par l’histoire cumulée du champ. L’accent est ensuite mis sur les modalités de ces multiples positionnements : comportements précodés, mise en scène et en texte de l’être social et charnel du poète, autant de coups dont le Livre des chansons est non seulement le témoin mais aussi le théâtre
This study deals with the poetic field in the first decades of the Abbassid era. It does not focus on the poets’ individual biographies but on the logics they obey and the constraints that weigh on them as a group. It is based on the analysis of about 70 chapters taken from the Book of Songs by al-Iṣbahānī (d. ca 360/970). The first part examines the most conspicuous and most studied constraint: the connection between the poet and the prince. It assumes that the strength of the poetic word derives from a wider relation: the walā’, which implies enduring mutual obligations. Poetic speech is therefore just a particular aspect of a negotiation of the distance between the patron and his protégé. This negotiation affects the poets’ moves and modes of expression.The second part investigates how poets position themselves when interacting with the multitude of protagonists that claim the right to say what poetry should be. It analyses how the poets’ relations with their peers or with scholars are determined by the cumulated history of the field. Emphasis is then laid on how poets position themselves in the field by playing precoded roles, by “staging” their personae and giving the episodes of their lives a textual expression. As a result, the Book of Songs cannot be seen as a neutral record of these struggles ; it is also the battlefield where they take place
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Cox, Beatrice Reynolds. "The archaeology of the Allensworth Hotel : negotiationg the system in Jim Crow America /." [Rohnert Park, Calif.], 2007.

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Hjalmeby, Erik J. Medhurst Martin J. "A rhetorical history of race relations in the early Pentecostal movement, 1906-1916." Waco, Tex. : Baylor University, 2007.

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Shaw, Rachel Dayton. "Evolving ecoscape : an environmental and cultural history of Palm Springs, California, and the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation, 1877-1939 /." Diss., Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 1999.

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Heidenreich, Linda. "History and forgetfulness in an "American" county /." Diss., Connect to a 24 p. preview or request complete full text in PDF format. Access restricted to UC campuses, 2000.

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Bousquet, Franck. "Hollywood et l'idéal national : de la démocratie de l'homme du peuple à la technocratie." Toulouse 2, 2002.

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Le cinéma est ici considéré comme un fait social et comme un produit culturel susceptible de véhiculer des positions idéologiques. De plus, en ce qui concerne les Etats-Unis, une liaison intime entre film et nation se dégage de l'histoire du pays. Il s'est alors agi de déterminer si, durant deux décennies charnières, les années 30 et les années 90, Hollywood a développé une vision homogène de l'idéal national. Ainsi, malgré l'existence de nombreux débats concernant la forme de l'Etat fédéral ou la définition de la citoyeneté, la démocratie de l'homme du peuple paraît avoir été érigée en un absolu politique et social par le cinéma des années trente. De la même manière, alors qu'ils sont souvent décrits comme ne possédant aucune cohérence thématique ou stylistique, les films hollywoodiens de la dernière décennie du vingtième siècle se sont révélés porteurs d'une image unifiée de la société idéale, essentiellement définie par les caractéristiques idéales typiques d'un modèle technocratique
Cinema here is considered as a social event and as a cultural product liable to convey ideological stances. Moreover, as regards the United States, an intimate connection between film and nation emerges from the very story of the country. It has therefore been a matter of determining whether, during two transition decades, the 30's and the 90's, Hollywood developed an homogeneous vision of the national ideal. Thus, in spite of the existence of numerous debates concerning the form of the federal state or the definition of citizenship, the democracy of the common man seems to have been raised to the status of a political and social absolute by the cinema of the 30's. In the same manner, although they are often described as devoid of any thematic or stylistic coherence, Hollywood movies from the last decade of the XXth century have actually proved to be conveying a unified picture of the ideal society, perfectly defined by the typical ideal characteristics of a technocratic model
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Swetnam, Thomas W. Baisan Christopher H. Brown Peter M. Caprio Anthony C. Harlan Thomas P. "Giant Sequoia Fire History: A Feasibility Study." Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 1988.

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McCloskey, Erin J. "The Pope Estate historic preservation plan : Tallac Historic Site, south Lake Tahoe, California." Virtual Press, 2006.

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This creative project focuses on the Pope Estate, a part of the Tallac Historic Site in South Lake Tahoe, California. This preservation plan includes a history, architectural description and condition assessment for the nineteen buildings located on the estate, owned and operated by the United States Forest Service. The purpose of the architectural investigation is to document and assess the condition of the existing buildings and develop a set of recommendations for immediate and future work. The document will serve as a preservation tool for the Tallac Historic Site management team.
Department of Architecture
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Scharfe, Patrick. "Portrayals of the Later Abbasid Caliphs: The Role of the Caliphate in Buyid and Saljūq-era Chronicles, 936-1180." The Ohio State University, 2010.

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Molia, François-Xavier. "Un cinéma de la destruction : approches esthétique, historique et industrielle du film-catastrophe hollywoodien." Paris 10, 2007.

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Apparue dans les années 1970, l’expression disaster movie désigne d’abord un cycle de fictions hollywoodiennes, comme L’Aventure du Poséidon, 747 en Péril ou La Tour Infernale, qui racontent les aventures de personnages confrontés à un désastre ou sa menace : crash aérien, incendie, naufrage, tremblement de terre. Dans les années 1990, un second cycle de films-catastrophe se constitue, dont le succès culmine avec le Titanic de James Cameron. Inspirée par les travaux de Rick Altman, notre étude cherche à cerner l’identité synchronique du genre, puis à faire son histoire. Les films-catastrophe prolongent, en les reconfigurant, plusieurs traditions hollywoodiennes : le spectacle de la destruction, le mode mélodramatique et l’exhibition du corps performant. Dans ces fictions de la communauté en crise, le récit thérapeutique de la catastrophe donne lieu à une surenchère spectaculaire où s’exprime la logique de puissance d’un nouveau «cinéma des attractions»
First coined in the 1970s, the term disaster movie was primarily used to refer to a cycle of Hollywood fictions such as The Poseidon Adventure, Airport 1975 or The Towering Inferno, that recount the adventures of characters who are faced with a catastrophe, or the threat of one : plane accident, fire, shipwreck, or earthquake. A new cycle of disaster movies then developed in the 1990s, culminating with the unprecedented success of James Cameron’s Titanic. Inspired by Rick Altman’s work, our study sets out to detail the synchronic identity of the genre, before charting its history. Disaster movies prove to be a continuation, and at the same time a reorganization, of several Hollywood traditions : spectacles of destruction, melodramatic mode and exhibitions of the performing body. These are fictions about communities in crisis, in which the therapeutic disaster narrative is conducive to an escalation of spectacle, thus allowing a new « cinema of attractions » to demonstrate its power
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Kurahashi, Yuko. "Asian American culture on stage : the history of the East West Players /." New York [u.a.] : Garland, 1999.

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Kusnierz, Simon. "Systeme b : une théorie de la production B à Hollywood 1931-1956." Paris 7, 2013.

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Notre thèse est une théorie de la production B à Hollywood entre 1931 et 1956, fondée sur une étude historique et économique précise de ses structures, qui tâche de comprendre les phénomènes d'expérimentation du B. Nous étudions ainsi les modes de transferts du champ de l'avant-garde au champ du B et réciproquement, ainsi que la manière dont l'industrie hollywoodienne absorbe les formes spécifiques que produit le cinéma d'avant-garde pour les recycler dans la production mainstream. Nous examinons les formes particulières qui en résultent et proposons plusieurs concepts pour rendre compte de leur spécificité. Nous définissons à partir de là le cinéma B comme une production où l'expérimentation se déploie par intermittences seulement. Ce cinéma où l'expérimentation est toujours fragile est en réalité contre-culturel ; il se déploie à l'intérieur de la culture dominante, mais pour en défier les cadres et les frontières
This dissertation is a theory of Hollywood B movie production from 1931 to 1956, build on a historical and economical survey of its structures, aiming to understand the esthetics of experimentation in B movie. We study the multiple transfers between avant-garde and B movie, and the way Hollywood absorbs expérimental forms into mainstream cinéma as well. We study the specific forms that are born from these transfer and define several concepts in this purpose. B movie is a cinema where experimentation is only sporadic. It's a subcultural cinema, which takes place into the Hollywood mainstream culture, but to defy its boundaries
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Wojtach, Dorota. "La communauté coréenne de Los Angeles, les rapports interethniques." Paris 3, 2003.

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Les violences urbaines de 1992 mettent en évidence la complexité grandissante des relations raciales en Amérique. Elles imposent une relecture des rapports bipolaires qui focalisent l'attention des médias et du pouvoir politique de l'époque. La présente thèse vise à étudier l'évolution de la communauté coréenne de Los Angeles et à examiner les facteurs qui ont contribué à l'émergence des hostilités entre les entrepreneurs coréens et les Noirs américains. Après avoir retracé les débuts de l'immigration coréenne sur les îles Hawaii, l'analyse se déploie à exploiter la dimension économique de la présence coréenne pour démontrer sa forte contribution dans la montée des conflits avec les résidents noirs. Elle se termine par l'interrogation sur l'impact des émeutes sur l'avenir de la communauté coréenne
The urban riots of 1992 bring to the fore the growing complexity of racial relations in America. They cast à new light on the bipolar relations that are at the center of the attention of the media and the political leaders of the time. The aim of this thesis is to study the evolution of the Korean community in L. A. And to examine the factors that have contributed to the emergence of hostilities between Korean entrepreneurs and African-Americans. After having traced the beginnings of the Korean immigration on the Hawaii islands the analysis proceeds to explore the economic dimension of the Korean presence in the U. S. In order to prove its inevitable contribution to the escalation of conflicts with African Americans. It ends with the treatment of the impact of the riots on the Korean community
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Mahdi, Falih. "Les fondements et les mécanismes de l'état en islam : le cas de l'Irak jusqu'à la fin du 4e -10e siècle." Paris 10, 1987.

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Aborder un sujet aussi complexe que celui de l'état en islam à ses débuts implique de balayer au préalable un certain nombre de préjugés sur l’Orient en général et sur l'islam en particulier. Ainsi ne résiste pas à la critique l'idée reçue que l'Orient doit être considéré dans le cadre du despotisme oriental, ou celle qui consiste à le classer parmi les catégories du mode de production asiatique (m. P. A. ). Mais pour comprendre les mécanismes de l'état islamique des premiers siècles, nous avons jugé indispensable de faire référence à ses antécédents. C'est pourquoi nous avons examiné les codes mésopotamiens, l'économie babylonienne, l'esclavage, le rôle du temple. C'est seulement après cette rétrospective que le domaine islamique peut devenir objet d'une étude équilibrée : structures juridiques (surtout la problématique constitutionnelle), politiques (le khilafat), administratives (notamment les fonctions du premier ministre, du juge, du contrôleur des marches), enfin socio-économiques (couches sociales, commerce, artisanat, condition des paysans, la terre et sa fiscalité, etc. ). Pour conclure, si la théorie du m. P. A. N'est pas de taille à expliquer les fondements de l'état en islam, la théorie d'Ibn Khaldun qui assied le pouvoir sur la solidarité tribale n'en rend pas plus entièrement compte
When dealing with a complex subject such as state in Islam one must shed away prejudices concerning the orient in general, Islam especially. These prejudices which mainly represent the orient in terms of despotism (an absolute master over a group of sheep) had been adopted by the literature concerning the Asiatic mode of production (a. M. P. ). The lack of reference to the background of the Islamic state is a handicap to the understanding of its mechanisms. We have therefore analyzed the Mesopotamian law, Babylonian economy, slavery, the role of the temple, etc. We then examined basic structures within the Islamic domain: jurisprudence (especially the problem of the constitution in the Islamic law), politics (the khilafate theory), administration (the function of the prime minister, the judge and the «market controller"), finally the socio-economic structure (social layers, urban economic activities, merchants, craftsmen, industry, peasants, land and land taxes). We conclude that the a. M. P. Theory is not solid enough to help us understand the mechanisms of the Islamic state and that Ibn Khaldun's theory of the tribal solidarity explains only partially the foundation of the state
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Schierenbeck, Frances. "Caspar Woods Schoolhouse historic structures report." Virtual Press, 1996.

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The purpose of the Historic Structures Report on the Caspar Woods one-room schoolhouse is to document the structure and provide information for its preservation and restoration. Built in 1915 by the Caspar Lumber Company, it is an excellent example of a one-room schoolhouse. Constructed during a period of reform in the education movement the Caspar Woods schoolhouse exemplifies the movements ideal of a standardized school building. This schoolhouse also has a unique feature of having been built on a support structure of skids and beams. This allowed i t to be moved i n three sections to different logging camps.The Historic Structure report looks at the history of this one-room schoolhouse, the Caspar Lumber Company and local factors that influenced the building if this school. The report also documents the existing condition of the building and provides suggestions for its preservation and restoration.
Department of Architecture
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Emenaker, Ryan Eric. "Corporations and resistance in the Redwood Empire : towards a corporate history of Humboldt County (1579-1906) /." [Arcata, Calif.] : Humboldt State University, 2005.

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Hauser, Mark. "Vaudeville, Popular Entertainment and Cultural Division in the Inland Empire, 1880-1914." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2013.

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This paper discusses the emergence of vaudeville in California’s Inland Empire region of San Bernardino and Riverside counties. It will consider the social changes underway in late nineteenth-century America and their impact on attitudes towards popular entertainment. This paper will draw on Lawrence Levine’s observations of cultural hierarchies that emerged during the late nineteenth century and shaped American understandings of culture. Entertainment of the nineteenth century will be examined for the ways it was unable to match urban trends, and contrasted with vaudeville’s appeal to a diverse urban populace. The cities of San Bernardino, Redlands and Riverside were home to a number of opera houses and theaters to serve rapidly growing communities, and a review of the performances offered in these communities and at these venues will demonstrate these shifts in popular entertainment.
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Briles, Christy Elaine 1976. "Holocene vegetation and fire history of the floristically diverse Klamath Mountains, northern California, USA." Thesis, University of Oregon, 2008.

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xiv, 227 p. : ill. (some col.) A print copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call numbers: KNIGHT QE720.2.K53 B75 2008
The Holocene vegetation and fire history of the Klamath Mountains (KM), northern California, was reconstructed at three sites based on an analysis of pollen and high-resolution macroscopic charcoal in lake-sediment cores. These data were compared with five existing records to examine regional patterns. The objective was to determine the relative importance of climate history, substrate, and disturbance regime on the development of the Klamath vegetation. In the first study, two middle-elevation sites were compared along a moisture gradient in the northern KM. The pollen data indicated a similar vegetation history, beginning with subalpine parkland in the late-glacial period, and changing to open forest in the early Holocene and closed forest in the late Holocene. However, the timing of these changes differed between sites and is attributed to the relative importance of coastal influences and topography. The second study examined the effect of substrate and nutrient limitations on the vegetation history. The pollen data suggest that ultramafic substrates (UMS), containing heavy metals and low nutrients that limit plant growth, supported drier plant communities than those on non-ultramafic substrates (NUMS) for any given period. For example, between 14,000 and 11,000 cal yr BP, cooler and wetter conditions than present led to the establishment of a subalpine parkland of Pinus monticola and/or Pinus lambertina, Tsuga, Picea on non-ultramafic substrates (NUMS). On UMS, an open Pinus jeffreyi and/or Pinus contorta woodland developed. In the early Holocene, when conditions were warmer and drier than present, open forests of Pinus monticola/lambertina , Cupressaceae, Quercus and/or Amelanchier grew on NUMS, whereas open forest consisting of Pinus Jeffreyi/contorta , Cupressaceac and Quercus developed on UMS. In the late Holocene, cool wet conditions favored closed forests of Abies, Pseudotsuga , and Tsuga on NUMS, whereas Pinus jeffreyi/contorta , Cupressaceae and Quercus forest persisted with little change on UMS. The charcoal data indicate that past fire activity was similar at all sites, implying a strong climatic control. The results of both studies suggest that the influence of Holocene climate variations, disturbance regime, and substrate type have helped create the current mosaic of vegetation in the KM.
Adviser: Cathy Whitlock, Patrick Bartlein
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Augé, Étienne F. "L'illusion culturelle : le monde de Hollywood 1990-2000." Paris, EHESS, 2002.

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Durey, Virginie. "L' Amérindienne dans la fiction hollywoodienne : entre vérité historique et prisme cinématographique." Angers, 2011.

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Notre thèse se fonde sur plusieurs axes de recherche majeurs tels que la civilisation nord-américaine, l'histoire et le cinéma autour de la figure de l'Amérindienne, personnage à part voire délaissé dans l'univers hollywoodien. Dans la fiction cinématographique nord-américaine - et plus spécialement dans un corpus composé majoritairement de westerns - de 1895 à 2010, la représentation de l'Amérindienne tend à suivre l'évolution socioculturelle américaine et ne s'en éloigne que pour finalement s'assimiler à une idéologie plutôt figée dans l'histoire et le sociologie du continent ; une sociologie fondée sur des normes et valeurs ancrées dans les mentalités au cours du XXè siècle. Le métissage y est un thème obsessionnel pour des cinéastes qui utilisent des procédés récurrents uniformisant les Amérindiennes et les immobilisant dans le temps de la Conquête de l'Ouest. Exotisme universalisant, caricature à l'appui du divertissement font, au fil du temps, émerger une image standardisée d'une Pocahontas mise à l'épreuve du rélaisme historique
This doctoral dissertation deals with several research subjects, such as Cultural Studies, American history and cinema. In Hollywood cinema, and especially in westerns from 1895 until 2010, the representation of the American Indian woman tends to follow the American sociocultural changes during the twentieth century. However, American ideology, norms, conventions, ideals and values are dictating the eternal same portraits of American Indian women. Miscegenation is always forbidden, as evidenced in the death of most heroines at the end of westerns. Moreover, film directors standardize the "Pocahontas image" by universalizing exoticism and adding entertainement, thus confronting historical truth with cinematic distortion
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Smith, Abigail A. "A Footpath through Time and Space: The Emergence of Trail Culture along the Appalachian and Sierra Nevada Ranges, 1876-1916." Fogler Library, University of Maine, 2006.

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Waterstone, Penny Brown. "Domesticating universal brotherhood: Feminine values and the construction of utopia, Point Loma Homestead, 1897-1920." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1995.

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The Point Loma Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society Homestead, a utopian experiment established near San Diego, California, in 1897, created a distinctly feminine version of the "perfect community" by drawing on aspects of Theosophy that emphasized values that during the 19th century were closely identified with women--selflessness, connectedness, morality, and purity of body and mind, while deemphasizing those generally associated with male character--intellectualism, rationality, individualism, and aggression. Bolstered by the almost limitless authority of the community's founder, Katherine Tingley, the women of Point Loma Colony embraced an ideology of woman's morally superior nature, and used that ideology to expand woman's "natural" sphere of influence. Point Loma's emphasis on selfless service to others required a material base that freed women from the demands of narrow, isolated family units by providing communal childcare and kitchens, economic security, and access to education regardless of gender. This limited feminine commonwealth created a space for improvisation in which brotherhood was equated with sisterhood, fictive family bonds replaced blood ties, and childless mothers took the place of real ones.
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Budd, Kevin G. "An adult elective for Redeemer Covenant Church tracing our roots from Pentecost to our present congregation /." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1997.

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Bishop, Elsa. "Le New Age aux Etats-Unis, 1980 à 2000 : le cas de San Diego." Lyon 2, 2007.

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Face à un "objet " qui paraît insaisissable et éclaté, nous faisons l'hypothèse que le New Age est organisé en trois "niveaux", correspondant à trois types de participants, qui se distinguent par leur statut socio-démographique, par leurs orientations théologiques, et par les fonctions que joue le New Age pour eux. Les utilisateurs sont issus de classes sociales défavorisées et ethniquement variées. Le New Age est alors un outil d'acquisition de pouvoir, dont l'astrologie, les pratiques magiques et le "self-help" sont caractéristiques. Les consommateurs, public aisé, majoritairement blanc, forment une clientèle qui s'intéresse à un produit, et dont les objectifs sont la "réalisation de soi"'et l’harmonisation entre des idéaux de simplicité et d'égalité et la réalité. Les acteurs du New Age, qui en sont aussi les praticiens, ont un profil socio-culturel intermédiaire et constituent les "intellectuels" du mouvement, par lesquels s'exprime la créativité de la nouvelle conscience comme ensemble de pratiques. Ici le New Age représente une source de revenus et un cadre professionnel. Cette analyse nous permet de mettre en lumière une organisation et une structure complexe, de montrer l'isomorphie entre le New Age et la société américaine, et comment s'opère la construction textuelle, voire auto-historiographique, du mouvement par les auteurs du New Age. Nous appliquons cette hypothèse à l'étude de San Diego, Californie, avant de proposer des éléments de résolution à trois questions centrales : la relation à la modernité, à la nature, et l'idéologie du changement
The New Age appears as an elusive and split object. We make the hypothesis that it is organized in three "layers", corresponding to three types of public, that are socio-demographically and theologically distinct, and for whom the New Age plays different functions. The users come from economically disadvantaged and ethnically mixed social backgrounds. For them, the New Age is a tool of empowerment, of which astrology and the magical and "self-help" practices are typical. The consumers, a wealthy and mostly white public, are interested in the New Age as a product, and their objectives are "self-realization" and reconciliation between ideals of simplicity and equality, and a reality often complex and unjust. The players, who are also the practitioners of the New Age, are socio-culturally intermediate and constitute the "intellectuals" of the movement. They express the creativity of the movement as a set of practices. Here the New Age is an income source and a professional framework. This analysis helps us understand a complex organization and structure. It shows how the New Age is isomorphic to the American society, and how the auto-biography of the movement is constructed by New Age authors. We apply this hypothesis to the study of San Diego, California, and we offer elements of answers to three major questions : the relationship to modernity, to nature, and the revolutionary ideology
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Beuré, Fanny. "Let's face the Music and Dance : la comédie musicale hollywoodienne classique au prisme de l'entertainment." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015.

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Cette thèse propose d'étudier la comédie musicale hollywoodienne classique à travers la notion anglo-saxonne d'entertainment. Combinant l'étude thématique du genre à des analyses détaillées d'extraits, elle porte un intérêt particulier aux numéros musicaux. Après avoir exploré différentes approches scientifiques de l'entertainment, nous comparons plusieurs genres cinématographiques d'entertainment pour dévoiler des principes communs ; par l'analyse de discours de spectateurs, nous précisons l'entertainment trouvé dans les comédies musicales. Une étude des représentations du musical hollywoodien montre comment les thèmes et les valeurs abordées redoublent d'efficacité par leur traduction en musique et en danse. L'entertainment apparaît, enfin, comme un processus performatif qui fonctionne en matrice et reconfigure les représentations issues des matrices socioculturelles fondamentales. L'agencement du spectacle conformément aux principes de l'entertainment façonne un monde organisé selon certaines normes sociales et genrées. Si la comédie musicale semble un terrain favorable à l'exercice d'un regard dominant (masculin, blanc et hétérosexuel), cette primauté du spectacle crée des possibilités de réceptions alternatives. Certains interprètes emblématiques participent aux principes de l'entertainment, tout en apparaissant en rupture avec ses normes coercitives par leur manière de chanter ou de danser. A travers des études de cas nous montrons comment ces figures recomposent de façon variable les stéréotypes genrés. Le concept d'accordance, défini comme la capacité du couple vedette à produire l'entertainment, permet de repenser les relations se jouant dans le chant et la danse
In this research, I investigate the notion of entertainment to understand how Hollywood musicals provide a specific pleasure and prescribe distinctive values. I use feminist, gay and queer theories in order to develop an alternative to historical and aesthetic approaches to the Hollywood musical that characterize French research. I focus on musical numbers: the translation mechanisms in song and dance they imply have remained largely under-investigated. I first outline the fundamental principles of entertainment by discussing scientific approaches and looking into film genres. I also characterize the specificity of entertainment in musicals by analyzing audience reactions. I then demonstrate through representation analyses how themes and prescribed values gain intensity in musicals because they are enacted using music and dance. Finally I indicate how musicals influence entertainment itself. I show how entertainment runs as a performative matrix, reconfiguring representations based on fundamental socio-cultural matrices. Performances organize the world following certain social and gendered norms. If musicals are fertile ground to enact a dominant gaze (male, white, heterosexual), they also create opportunities for alternative ones because they put show above narrative. Some iconic performers entertain their audience through unique singing or dancing techniques, thereby subverting norms. I detail how such performers reshuffle gender stereotypes using case studies. Finally I analyze how relationships develop through song and dance using the concept of accordance, i. E. Star couples' ability to entertain
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Didier, Sophie. "Une île dans la ville ? : invention, négociation et mise en pratique du modèle de ville Disney à Anaheim (Californie), 1950-2000." Paris 1, 2000.

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La problématique porte sur la question des enclaves ludiques prises dans leur relation avec la ville. Elle tente de montrer la nécessite de prendre en compte les questions d'échelle et de temps pour comprendre cette articulation. Ainsi, les parcs à thème occupent une place privilégiée dans l'analyse de la ville postmodeme qui fonctionnerait comme un ensemble d'enclaves dont la localisation serait guidée par le libre jeu du secteur privé. Cette lecture passe en revanche largement sous silence l'articulation à l'échelle locale de ces enclaves avec leur environnement immédiat, et notamment les systèmes originaux de relations auxquels elles ont donné naissance entre secteur public et secteur privé. La constatation de la multiplication récente de ce type d'enclaves dans la ville nécessite par ailleurs l'identification des raisons de ce basculement, au travers de la prise en compte du contexte historique dans lequel il opère : les changements d'image de la ville des acteurs publics, le rétrécissement progressif de leur marge de manœuvre et l'émergence récente de la contestation du modèle Disney par les résidants paraissaient jouer autant que la dynamique propre des compagnies de loisirs. La thèse veut dès lors montrer que l'analyse d'une enclave ludique en milieu urbain est indissociable de la prise en compte de l'évolution constante de ces relations entre secteurs public et privé, évolution guidée par les intérêts changeants des différents acteurs qui contribuent à l'invention et à la négociation locale du modèle de ville Disney. La ville d’Anaheim (Californie), site d'accueil de Disneyland depuis 1955, a semblé un site témoin idéal : on se rend compte du glissement progressif d'une situation d'isolat du parc aux marges de la ville vers le redéveloppement d'un tiers de la surface communale autour du pivot Disneyland, comme en attestent les changements de discours et d'arguments des différents acteurs publics et privés accompagnant cette mutation.
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Alvarez, Luis Alberto. "The power of the zoot : race, community, and resistance in American youth culture, 1940-1945 /." Thesis, Full text (PDF) from UMI/Dissertation Abstracts International, 2001.

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Gerdes, Marti M. "Nevada Fall Corridor : a cultural landscape report." Thesis, University of Oregon, 2004.

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xv, 298 p. ; ill. (chiefly col.), maps (chiefly col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: AAA F868.Y6 G47 2004
This study describes existing conditions, evaluates significance and historic integrity, and recommends treatment strategies to preserve historic elements of the Nevada Fall Corridor cultural landscape in Yosemite National Park. It reports findings from field investigation that examined and inventoried landscape features such as stone retaining walls, treadway material, bridges and causeways, and water features on both current-use and abandoned trail segments. The site was examined numerous times over a three-month period, with a followup visit one year later. Libraries and other archives were consulted for written and photographic historic documentation, which were analyzed against current conditions. The process also involved review of comparison documents as well as national guidelines set forth by the National Park Service.
Adviser: Melnick, Robert Z.
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Pieri, Jean-Etienne. "Hollywood et Hong Kong : transferts culturels, de 1979 à nos jours." Paris 3, 2008.

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Cette thèse est consacrée aux échanges entre le cinéma hongkongais et Hollywood. Depuis le début des années 90, un certain nombre de réalisateurs, d’acteurs et de chorégraphes de scènes de combat originaires de Hong Kong sont effectivement venus travailler aux États-Unis. Les films tournés à Hollywood par ces artistes hongkongais ne représentent cependant que la part la plus manifeste des transferts entre les deux industries cinématographiques. Ces transferts n’ont en fait cessé de prendre de l’ampleur depuis l’émergence, en 1979, de ce que l’on a appelé la « Nouvelle Vague » hongkongaise (un mouvement de jeunes réalisateurs ayant pour la plupart étudié dans des pays anglo-saxons). Dans cette thèse sont analysés les tentatives d’hybridation (notamment sur un plan générique), les remakes et les différentes formes d’emprunts narratifs et stylistiques qui ont contribué à cette circulation des formes entre les deux cinématographies
This thesis examines the exchanges between Hong Kong cinema and Hollywood. Since the beginning of the 1990s, several Hong Kong directors, actors and fight scenes choreographers have indeed emigrated to the United States. But the movies made in Hollywood by these filmmakers and stars from Hong Kong only represent the most obvious part of the transfers between the two film industries. These transfers have actually constantly increased since the emergence, in 1979, of what have been called the “New Wave” of Hong Kong (a movement of young directors, mostly educated in North America and England). In this thesis are studied the attempts to create hybrid works (especially on a generic level), the remakes and the different kinds of narrative and stylistic borrowings which contributed to the circulation of forms between the two film industries
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Bailey, Taylor Michael. "Delphinids on Display: the Capture, Care, and Exhibition of Cetaceans at Marineland of the Pacific, 1954-1967." PDXScholar, 2018.

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When Marineland of the Pacific opened in 1954 on the Palos Verdes Peninsula in greater Los Angeles, it was the second oceanarium in the world and the first on the West Coast. An initial investment of $3 million by Oceanarium Inc., owners of the popular Marine Studios park located near St. Augustine, Florida, ensured that Marineland was built with the same state of the art facilities needed to produce an authentic representation of the ocean floor on land. Building on Marine Studios' success exhibiting bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Marineland's central draw was its performing cetaceans. During the park's early years, its collectors pioneered the capture of Pacific dolphin species, such as the Common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and the Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens), the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus), and were the first to capture a live killer whale (Orcinus orca) in 1961. By exposing audiences to previously unknown species through circus-like performances, Marineland played a central role in changing public perceptions of small cetaceans in the post-World War II era. However, with few prior studies to consult, Marineland curators experimented with their own methods of capture, husbandry, and veterinary care that often resulted in the harm or death of cetaceans under their care. Caretakers contended with animal aggression and sexual behavior, the refusal of animals to perform in show routines, and high mortality. Despite the difficulties posed by exhibiting cetaceans, advertisements, press interviews, and films advanced a contrary narrative that animals under Marineland's care enjoyed the conditions of captivity and performing for an audience. This thesis explores the tension between entertainment and animal care that defined the early years of cetacean captivity in North America.
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Vernet, Apolline. "L'habitat urbain au Proche-Orient, de la fin de la période byzantine aux premiers temps de l'Islam (VIè-s. - VIIIè s.)." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018.

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Théâtre de la conquête des troupes musulmanes au début du VIIe s., le Proche-Orient (Bilād al-Shām) offre un terrain d’étude solide pour interroger la transition entre l’époque byzantine et l’époque islamique. Les données archéologiques, associées aux recherches historiques récentes permettent d’évaluer l’impact de la conquête musulmane sur les villes du Proche-Orient. Cette thèse propose donc d’étudier l’habitat urbain comme marqueur privilégié des transformations sociales à l’œuvre entre la fin du VIe s. et le milieu du VIIIe siècle. Le recensement de la documentation des habitats présents dans les villes entre le VIe s. et le VIIIe s. nous permet dans un premier temps de définir les formes d’habitats et leur implantation durant cette période. Ensuite, l’étude archéologique apporte une analyse technique de l’architecture et des installations domestiques, mais permet également au travers de la typologie d’éclairer le polymorphisme de l’habitat urbain. La thèse envisage finalement de comprendre l’habitat urbain comme révélateur des transformations sociales. En effet, l’évolution des modes de consommation et la mutation des activités hébergées dans les exemples du corpus témoignent d’un changement du cadre de vie du citadin entre le VIe s. et le VIIIe s. au Proche-Orient. L’archéologie nous offre donc les indices nécessaires pour déterminer les cadres de vie urbain et domestique à la fin de l’époque byzantine ainsi que les transformations à l’œuvre suite à la conquête musulmane du Proche-Orient. Ainsi, l’analyse des changements de l’habitat urbain nous permet d’entrevoir une nouvelle société après la conquête islamique
The Near East, also known as Bilād al-Shām, underwent major transformations between the 6th and 8th centuries, corresponding with the shift from the Byzantine to the Umayyad period. Archaeological data, associated with recent publications in History, allows one to evaluate the impact that the Islamic conquest had on the urban settlements of the Near East. This thesis offers to analyse urban dwellings as a marker for social transformations between the 6th and 8th centuries. The first part of the thesis gathers archaeological data pertaining to urban transformations and to households in Near East between 6th and 8th c. that allows us to define the particulars of urban dwellings during the period in question. The second part gives a technical analyse of architecture and domestic structures, in addition, the typology highlights different sorts of dwellings standing in urban contexts. The third step of this study aims to underline how urban dwellings can highlight transformations in living-habits. Indeed, the evolution of consumption practices and the variation of activities within dwellings reveal a profound change in habitation strategies among cities between the 6th and the 8th centuries. During a period where there is little textual data that concerns housing, this thesis shows how archaeological data can give us access to the transformations of everyday life from the end of the Byzantine period to the Islamic period. It also gives us new evidence about how urban society transformed after Islamic conquest in the Near East
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Walker, Jon Jeffrey. "The Intellectual Grounding of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851." PDXScholar, 1993.

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Vigilantism has a long history in the United States stretching back to the Regulator movement in South Carolina in 1767. These extralegal movements are distinguished from spontaneous and ephemeral mob activity by their regular organization and limited life-span. The San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1856 was the largest vigilante movement in American history. After a summer of vigilantism that included four hangings, the committee turned to politics and formed the People’s Party which dominated San Francisco's city government for the next decade. The 1856 committee is generally considered the great exemplar of American vigilantism and has received considerable attention from scholars. San Francisco’s 1856 vigilance committee regarded itself as a reorganization of that city's 1851 Committee of Vigilance. Like its more illustrious offspring, the 1851 committee hanged four men and banished many others. The vigilantes of 1851 did not, however, form a political party. Because of this some scholars have considered the work of the 1851 committee to be incomplete and have deemed it less worthy of attention than the committee of 1856. But in attempting to understand the intellectual grounding of San Francisco's vigilantes, this view is incorrect. The vigilantes in 1856 felt they were carrying on the work of the 1851 committee. Thus, to comprehend the events of 1856 it is necessary to understand the inspiration for the 1851 vigilance committee. The key to vigilantism in San Francisco lies in 1851. An understanding of the spirit which animates vigilantism is valuable because of what it reveals about American concepts of self-government. Vigilantes conceive of their their authority as springing from the same source as does that of the government: the people. San Francisco provides an extraordinary case for the study of notions about popular sovereignty in antebellum America. In order to make sense of what happened in San Francisco in 1851 this thesis first analyzes the political thought and philosophy that had developed in America to that time. It also examines the changing social ethos that came to emphasize equality. The two vigilance committees of San Francisco were a consummation of the political and social developments of antebellum America. I have relied on the extensive secondary literature for my interpretation. San Francisco in 1851 was in the midst of a singular episode in American history: the gold rush. The promise of riches made California the reification of the ideals of equality and opportunity that matured during the antebellum era. For the exploration of California and San Francisco I have used secondary sources and some primary sources, especially the Alta California, one of San Francisco’s newspapers. This reliance on the Alta was in part due to its availability. The attitudes toward vigilantism expressed by the 표L후르 were similar to other California newspapers. All of them supported the vigilantes in 1851. The episode of vigilantism in 1851 was a formative experience for the city of San Francisco. It served as an example of popular action and helped to define the limits of such action for the city's residents. The relationship between popular action and government was illuminated in San Francisco. Because of the way in which the people were endowed with power, they could create government and later defy that same government without destroying their creation.
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Delaporte, Chloé. "Genres et socialisation a Hollywood : sociologie des films américains des réalisateurs de cinéma d’origine européenne expatries aux États-Unis entre 1900 et 1945." Thesis, Paris 3, 2011.

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Cette thèse consiste en une sociologie des films américains des réalisateurs de cinéma d’origine européenne expatriés aux États-Unis entre 1900 et 1945. Le corpus, exhaustif, a été établi à partir d’une population d’étude circonscrite à 77 réalisateurs, et comprend 2657 films. Ce travail renseigne un aspect particulier du transfert culturel transatlantique : la socialisation professionnelle à Hollywood par le biais du système de catégorisation de la production cinématographique en « genres ». Le genre est envisagé comme produit d’une construction sociale, dans une perspective pragmatique. C’est donc en sociologie des arts que nous inscrivons nos travaux et à l’histoire du cinéma et que nous empruntons ses objets d’étude. Deux approches sont combinées. La première est microsociologique, en cela que les films du corpus donnent lieu à une analyse qualitative, cherchant à les inscrire dans un contexte de! production et à retracer leur processus interprétatif. La seconde est macrosociologique, car les films sont ensuite analysés de façon quantitative, notamment au moyen d’outils statistiques. L’ambition n’est pas d’offrir une comparaison de la socialisation par le genre entre les réalisateurs d’origine européenne et « les autres », mais bien d’opérer une comparaison interne, soit de mesurer les similitudes et divergences entre les nombreux réalisateurs de la population d’étude, aux parcours et carrières variées. Cette thèse fait ainsi apparaître le caractère déterminant de certains éléments dans la dynamique de socialisation à Hollywood. Il en est ainsi du statut professionnel lors de l’expatriation américaine, que nous démontrons être un facteur prévalent
This thesis consists of a sociology of American films by European émigré directors expatriated to the United States between 1900 and 1945. The corpus, exhaustive, has been elaborated from a group delimited to 77 directors, and includes 2657 films. This work informs a particular aspect of the transatlantic cultural transfer : professional socialization in Hollywood through the categorization system of movie industry into « genres ». Genre is viewed as a product of social construction, in a pragmatic way. Thus, our research falls within sociology of arts and borrows its subject from the film history. Two approaches are mixed. The first is microsociological, meaning films of the corpus are analyzed using a qualitative method, seeking to investigate their production context and reception process. The second is macrosociological, for films are next analyzed using a quantitative method, particularly by having recourse to statistic tools. Our a! mbition is not to offer a comparison of socialization through genre between the European émigré and « the others », but definitely to conduct an inner one, by measuring similarities and differences between the group’s numerous directors, these having varied careers and trajectories. This thesis brings into light the effective impact of a certain number of things on socialization dynamic in Hollywood. We demonstrate therefore that professional status at the time of American expatriation is a prevalent factor
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Gün, Gülsenem. "Migration et métissage au cinéma : l'exemple du cinéma turc." Paris 7, 2014.

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La relation entre le cinéma et l'immigration est complexe. D'un côté, le cinéma témoigne des histoires de migration et crée des images de migrants, de l'autre, la migration est un fait important pour le développement du cinéma avec ses dimensions démographique, sociologique, politique et culturelle. Dans notre recherche, nous essayons d'analyser les composantes de cette relation très riche entre cinéma et migration. Nous voulons surtout questionner, dans une perspective socio-historique, le rôle transformateur des migrations sur le cinéma. Il est intéressant d'étudier ce rôle dans un cinéma occidental et hégémonique comme le cinéma hollywoodien qui domine l'industrie cinématographique dans le monde entier et aussi dans un cinéma d'un pays comme la Turquie qui fait un effort d'occidentalisation et de modernisation depuis le début de son histoire. Traités de façon superficielle dans les films commerciaux, les migrants acquièrent une dimension sociologique dans les films des réalisateurs du cinéma classique comme Halit Refij et Lutfi Akad, approfondie par des réalisateurs reconnus sur la scène internationale comme Fatih Akin
The relationship between cinema and migration is complex. On the one hand, cinema reflects the stories of migration and creates images of migrants, on the other; migration is an important fact for the development of cinema with its population size and sociological, political and cultural dimensions. In our research, we try to analyze the components of this rich relationship between cinema and migration. We especially want to question in a socio-historical perspective, the transformative role of migration on cinema. It is interesting to study this role in a Western hegemonic cinema as Hollywood cinema that dominates the film industry worldwide and also in a cinema of a country like Turkey which is an effort of Westernization and modernization since the beginning of its history. Treated superficially in commercial films, migrants acquire a sociological dimension in the films of classic film directors like Halit Refià and Lutfi Akad, deepened by filmmakers recognized on the international scene as Fatih Akin
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