Academic literature on the topic 'Califes – Histoire'
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Journal articles on the topic "Califes – Histoire"
Richarté, Catherine. "La mer des califes. Une histoire de la Méditerranée musulmane (viie-xiie siècle), written by Christophe Picard." Studia Islamica 110, no. 2 (October 19, 2015): 272–76.
Full textMorhange, Christophe. "M. BALLARD et C. PICARD, La Méditerranée au Moyen Âge. Les Hommes et la mer et C. PICARD, La mer des califes. Une histoire de la Méditerranée musulmane." Méditerranée, no. 123 (December 20, 2014): 150–51.
Full textMichienzi, Ingrid Houssaye. "Christophe Picard La mer des califes. Une histoire de la Méditerranée musulmane (viie-xiie siècle) Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2015, 439 p." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 76, no. 2 (June 2021): 385–88.
Full textSabourin, Lise. "Gérard de Nerval, Le Harem, suivi de Histoire du calife Hakem." Studi Francesi, no. 181 (LXI | I) (March 1, 2017): 167.
Full textBarraza Ibarra, Jorge. "Breve historia de los caballeros templarios." Entorno, no. 15 (September 1, 2000): 65–71.
Full textCanto García, Alberto, and Isabel Rodríguez Casanova. "Nuevos datos acerca de la inscripción califal atribuída al Castillo de Baños de la Encina (Jaén)." Arqueología y Territorio Medieval 13, no. 2 (December 30, 2006): 57–66.
Full textMartín Benito, J. I., and F. Regueras Grande. "El Bote de Zamora: historia y patrimonio." De Arte. Revista de Historia del Arte, no. 2 (August 14, 2014): 203.
Full textFathurrahman, Ayief. "MEMAHAMI KEBIJAKAN EKONOMI POLITIK TIGA KHALIFAH (Sebuah Kajian Historis Tiga Fase Peradaban Islam)." JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) 2, no. 2 (March 5, 2018): 156–67.
Full textJimenez-Castillo, Pedro, and Manuel Pérez Asensio. "Cerámicas emirales y califales de Murcia, calle Pascual (siglos IX-XI)." Arqueología y Territorio Medieval 25 (October 16, 2018): 67–106.
Full textPerlman, Yaara. "The Bodyguard of the Caliphs During the Umayyad and the Early Abbasid Periods." Al-Qanṭara 36, no. 2 (December 30, 2015): 315–40.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Califes – Histoire"
Kadib, Abdou. "L'époque des quatre premiers califes dans l'historiographie francophone entre la fin du XIXe siècle et le début du XXIe siècle." Thesis, Nantes Université, 2022.
Full textThe era of the first four caliphs is a founding era in the history of Islam. According to Muslim sources, it was during this period that the Caliphian institution was born, that Arabia really submitted to Islam, that Islam left its territories, that the Koran was collected in a Muṣḥaf, that the first divisions within Islam took place. This period has caused much ink to flow among researchers in the East and in the West. We limit ourselves here to studying it in francophone historiography. We aimed in this research to analyze the way in which was written, by francophone researchers, the history of the first caliphs and the way in which these researchers exposed the circumstances in which the religion of Islam was born. We examine the sources on which they base their writing of the first times of Islam, the methods and the sources of the sources of the francophone researchers
Vogt, Matthias. "Figures de califes entre histoire et fictionAl-Walid b. Yazid et al-Amin dans la représentation de l'historiographie arabe de l'époque abbaside." Paris 4, 2004.
Full textThe present study deals with conceptions of history and their narrative realisation in the Arabic historiography of ÞAbbÁsid times. First, the structural intersections of historical and fictional narration and their distinctive characteristics are analysed. For the purposes of this study, the results of structural discourse analysis (R. BARTHES) are considered and combined with P. RICŒUR's studies of the functions of mimesis. Following these theoretical considerations and using the representations of the caliphs al-WalÍd b. YazÍd (743-744) and al-AmÍn (809-813) in Arabic medieval historiography, the study demonstrates how the narratives of single events (a¿bÁr) are linked to a paradigmatic level turning these representations into a complete expression of a conception of history. In the second part, the study treats the narrative arrangement of single a¿bÁr and seeks to answer to which degree the historiographer feels authorized to give a narrative form to a transmitted set of events. Next to the purely narrative structures, references to other textual levels or to other story elements are of particular interest. Like narrativity, the referenciality of the texts proves that historical narrations are not a mere reproduction of a given set of past events, but that the historian also provides the events with meaning. The historian presumes, however, that the reader of his work interprets this meaning as inherent to the events rather than as the historian's construction. Linked with the studies of W. ISER on the function of the real, the fictive and the imaginary and on the reader's contract with the author, one can deduce from these considerations that the reader of a historical work does not consider the world described by the historian to be a possible world, but to be the real world, containing by itself the reference to the imaginary
Zehbei, Moussa al. "Les modes de la description dans la poesie arabe des origines jusqu'a l'epoque des califes omeyyades." Paris 3, 1986.
Full textThe bedouin of the pre-islamic period were cotinuosly moving in space. This displacent han been the usual way of life in the desert. The characteristic of the bedouin (nomadic arabs) can be defined as a mouvement which will w. The jahilite "bedouin" poetry is born in a desertic land, and the main elements that characterizid the pre-islamic poetry are: man, woman, animal, camel, hors, antelope, fauna, extensive: space, land, ruins, water, rain, clouds, ligt. Bedouinism, sedenterism, religion, clothes, law. The descriptio is synonymos of narration, painting, ornament, drawing, sculpting, exposition, imagination. The word "mode" signifies : taste, form, method ande gener ande manner. Applied method : synchranical structural study. The description modalities of pre-islamic poetry contain the following: the real: a tendency of poets to remain natrual and not look for figures of rhetoric. Imagination : tendecey lased on comparison (science of figures). A rhetoric tendecy. A tendency : looking for figures and rhetoric. A tendency : recourse to metaphor. A tendency of ideas (science of ideas)
Nam, Mehmet. "La crise de la fin de l'empire Ottoman : Le combat politique et religieux de Mustafa Sabri." Paris, INALCO, 2009.
Full textThe broad object of this study is to examine the end of the Ottoman Era. It pays close attention to the Islamists' proposals to pull the State out of the prevailing political crisis and it also follows the fierce political debates that emerged during the different steps leading to the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. This study brings to light the conflict between modernization and conservatism. In order to have a better understanding ot the views expressed by, on the one hand, the conservative islamists defending tradition and the calliphate, and on the otherhand, the modernists whose goal was the foundation of the Republic, this study was conducted with a Sabrian perspective-Mustafa Sabri being first a leader of an opposition party and then a Cheih ul islam. The paralell drawn between today's debates and those occuring then (the calliphate, the separation between religion and State (laïcité), nationalism, women's place in society, the prayer in national language) seems to allow for the élaboration of solutions concerning these issues, since they still exist today
Zubani, Alessia. "Les machines du pouvoir : technique et politique entre l’Iran sassanide et le califat abbasside." Thesis, Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2020.
Full textIn the Antique world, research on technology and applied sciences allowed for the construction of the very first ingenious devices, i.e. apparatuses which, through external stimulation and hidden mechanisms, can perform a series of actions and movements. Political and religious organisms quickly came to appreciate the communicative power of such devices, thus actively sponsoring their production. The Sasanian Empire (224-650) is no exception. In fact, at least since the late period, Iranian rulers devoted remarkable attention to the conception and material deployment of ingenious devices. Similar efforts seem to have been taken about a century later by the Abbasids (750-1258). The continuity between these two empires in various domains, such as political theory and administration, is widely acknowledged. However, the issue of the recovery of the ancient – and, particularly, Sasanian – technical and scientific heritage by the Abbasid court is still largely neglected. The study of a various corpus of historiographic, geographic, poetic, and literary sources, as well as of scientific treaties, allows shedding light on various aspects regarding the production and political use of machines at the Abbasid court. Both at the Sasanian and the Abbasid court, ingenious devices prove themselves to be a preferential vehicle of representation and diffusion of political ideology. Through their public display, they substantially contributed to the definition of the space of power, taking part in the creation of an image of the court as a microcosm in which the King of kings, and later on the Caliph, hold the cardinal place of universal world-rulers. The Sasanian-Abbasid continuity in the realm of technology and science thus is not limited to the recovery, by Abbasid scholars, of Sasanian scientific knowledge, but rather takes the form of a true reactivation of a symbolic heritage
Munt, Thomas H. R. "The sacred history of early Islamic Medina : the prophet, caliphs, scholars and the town's Ḥaram." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011.
Full textPomerleau, Catherine A. "Among and between women: Califia Community, grassroots feminist education, and the politics of difference, 1975-1987." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2004.
Full textBalbale, Abigail Krasner. "Between Kings and Caliphs: Religion and Authority in Sharq al-Andalus (1145-1244 CE)." Thesis, Harvard University, 2012.
Full textChaouech, Salah Ddin. "Les relations de l'Espagne musulmane avec le Maghrib : à l'époque de l'Emirat et du Califat Umayyade de Cordoue : 138-422 h - 756-1031 j.c." Toulouse 2, 1987.
Full textThis thesis deals with the relationships between muslim spain and the magreb ? at the time when the emirate and the umayyad's cordoue caliphate existed. My work is composed of an introduction, of two parts and of a conclusion. We have begun the introduction by doing a critical study about the sources and the modern arab works, then we have given a brief historical account about the magreb and al andalus from the muslims' conquest to the end of the 10th century. As for the first part headed "the political relationships", we have tried to explain what they political relationships on the one hand between the umayyad's cordoue emirate and the numerous powers in the magreb in the 9 th century and on the other hand, between umayyad's cordoue caliphate and the magrib powers in the 10 th century in particfular the fatimides. The second part de'als with the religious, cultural economic and social relationships between al andalous and the magrib in the 9 th and 10th century. In the second chapter we have tried to prove how interesting at that time trade between al andalus and the magreb could be in the third chapter dealing with the social relationships, we have tried to underline, the social links which existed between al andalus and the magrib at that time. In our conclusion, we have discribed the political crisis which began around at the end of the 10th century and the beginning of the 11th century. This crisis led to the fall of cordoue caliphate and the breaking up of the political union though thye creation of little kingdoms in several areas of the iheric peninsule. Last, we have brought up the conclusion of our study
Devienne, Elsa. "Des plages dans la ville : une histoire sociale et environnementale du littoral de Los Angeles (1920-1972)." Paris, EHESS, 2014.
Full textThis dissertation explores the history of the Los Angeles shoreline and, more specifically, the city's famous beaches, from the 1920s through the early 1970s. I examine Los Angeles beaches not only as tourist attractions, but as urban spaces. Indeed, as vast public accommodations which attracted millions of people every year, the beaches generated heated debates regarding their development, accessibility, policing, and racial segregation. Contributing to environmental, cultural and social history, this dissertation takes into account the multiple historical actors - engineers, scientists, urban planners, local officials and homeowners - who attempted to transform and regulate the beaches according to competing visions, as well as the ordinary men and women who claimed their right to occupy and appropriate this space. My conclusions are divided into three main categories. First, I demonstrate that the beaches of Los Angeles are today mostly artificial; between the 1930s and the 1960s, the beaches were vastly enlarged thanks to the development of new techniques. Second, I show that the beaches were a place where the traditional social and racial hierarchies could momentarily be challenged. However, the postwar modernization of the beaches and the surrounding neighborhoods led to the eviction of the so-called undesirable public from the shores. Third, the beaches were the birthplace of multiple subcultures which contributed to the emergence and diffusion of new values and bodily norms, whether at the beach or in the city
Books on the topic "Califes – Histoire"
Figures de califes entre histoire et fiction: Al-Walīd b. Yazīd et al-Amīn dans la représentation d'historiographie arabe de l'epoque ʻabbāside. Beirut: [Orient-Institut], 2006.
Find full textNerval, Gérard de. Histoire du Calife Hakem. Paris: L'Esprit frappeur, 1998.
Find full textThe conquest of Iran. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994.
Find full textLos califas de Córdoba. Málaga, Spain: Editorial Arguval, 2009.
Find full textCalifas y reyes: España, 796-1031. Barcelona: Crítica, 2013.
Find full textKhan, Majid Ali. The pious caliphs. 3rd ed. Safat: Islamic Book Publishers, 1987.
Find full textKhan, Majid Ali. The pious caliphs. 4th ed. Safat: Islamic Book Publishers, 1995.
Find full textAbdülhamid II: Le sultan calife (1876-1909). [Paris]: Fayard, 2003.
Find full textJakober, Marie. Le calice noir. Québec: Alire, 2004.
Find full textCalifas, guerreros, esclavas y eunucos: Los moros en España. Pozuelo de Alarcón: Editorial Espasa Calpe, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Califes – Histoire"
Banister, Mustafa. "The Trouble with Caliphs: Some Remarks on Sultan Barqu¯q and the Late Fourteenth-Century Caliphal Office in Late Medieval Cairo." In History and Society during the Mamluk Period (1250–1517), 89–106. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2021.
Full textMicheau, Françoise. "Histoire du califat, histoires de califes." In Pouvoirs et autorités en Islam, 7–17. Diacritiques Éditions, 2020.
Full text"Introduction. Califia Community in Social Movement History." In Califia Women, 1–11. University of Texas Press, 2013.
Full textSénac, Philippe, and Patrice Cressier. "Chapitre 7. Le califat fatimide." In Histoire du Maghreb médiéval, 77–87. Armand Colin, 2012.
Full text"THE CALIPHS OF BÁGHDAD." In Literary History Of The Arabs, 278–308. Routledge, 2013.
Full text"A History of the Fatimid Khuṭba." In Orations of the Fatimid Caliphs. I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2009.
Full textBessard, Fanny. "Introduction." In Caliphs and Merchants, 1–12. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full text"Islam under the First Four Caliphs." In A History Of Persia (Volume 1), 603–15. Routledge, 2013.
Full textTullberg, Jacob. "Caliphs, Popes, Emperors, Kings, and Sultans." In The Oxford World History of Empire, 597–620. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textBessard, Fanny. "The Historical Context." In Caliphs and Merchants, 13–30. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Califes – Histoire"
Salsbury, James. "The New American Standard for Digital, Dial, and Vernier Calipers." In NCSL International Workshop & Symposium. NCSL International, 2018.
Full textCuevas del Barrio, Javier. "El retablo de San Pelayo del Maestro de Becerril y la construcción de la norma sexual a través de la imagen." In III Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales :: ANIAV 2017 :: GLOCAL. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.
Full textWei, Zhigang, Pingsha Dong, and Thomas P. Forte. "A Rapid Convex Hull Algorithm for Implementing Path-Dependent Multi-Axial Fatigue." In ASME 2010 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division/K-PVP Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textAlexander, Chris, and Eelco Jorritsma. "A Systematic Approach for Evaluating Dent Severity in a Liquid Transmission Pipeline System." In 2010 8th International Pipeline Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textZiadat, John, and Karim H. Muci-Küchler. "Development of a Computational Model to Visualize Air Flow Into Surrogate Ballistic Wounds." In ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.
Full textLong, Robert W. "Design and Testing of a Piezoelectrically Driven Airspike System on a .40 Cal Supersonic Projectile." In ASME 2008 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. ASMEDC, 2008.
Full textHolliday, Chris, Andy Young, Terri Funk, and Carrie Murray. "The North Saskatchewan River Valley Landslide: Slope and Pipeline Condition Monitoring." In 2020 13th International Pipeline Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.
Full textSa, Mariana Moreira Soares de, Emanuelle Ferreira Barreto, Marina Soares Vilela, Roberta Kelly Netto Vinte Guimarães, Vanessa Alves Lobato, Renato Pereira da Costa Junior, Antonio Pereira Gomes Neto, and Paulo Pereira Christo. "Spondylodiscitis and early diagnosis: a case report." In XIII Congresso Paulista de Neurologia. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.
Full textSchumacher, Lauren N., and Ronald M. Barrett. "Guided Munition Adaptive Trim Actuation System for Aerial Gunnery." In ASME 2018 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.
Full textChishti, Sadaf Shoukatali, Steven H. Craig, Edward Jason Wheatley, Saeed Mohamed Aldhuhoori, Mohamed Abd Elrahman Bukhari, Sima Li, and Prajakta Dilip Kulkarni. "Novel Application of Abrasive Jet Perforating to Restore Productivity of a High Potential Inactive Horizontal Oil Producer." In SPE/ICoTA Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2022.
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