Academic literature on the topic 'Calcul interactif'
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Journal articles on the topic "Calcul interactif"
Rocher, P., and C. Cavelier. "Production d'éléments orbitaux de comètes sur PC." Symposium - International Astronomical Union 172 (1996): 357–60.
Full textBovas, Magali, Etienne Chabloz, and Vanessa Lentillon-Kaestner. "Projet « Lü_Move & Learn »." L'Education physique en mouvement, no. 5 (December 18, 2022): 23–26.
Full textDouady, Régine. "Géométrie, graphiques, fonctions au collège." Revista Electrónica de Investigación en Educación en Ciencias 6, no. 1 (October 15, 2015): 1–7.
Full textMilner, Robin. "Calculi for interaction." Acta Informatica 33, no. 5 (August 1996): 707–37.
Full textMilner, Robin. "Calculi for interaction." Acta Informatica 33, no. 8 (November 1, 1996): 707–37.
Full textLong, Olivier. "L’intelligence artificielle, une idiotie? Quelques loopings avec Claude Closky." Figures de l'Art. Revue d'études esthétiques 6, no. 1 (2002): 313–37.
Full textNeumann, Rebecca D., Annette L. Ruby, Gerald V. Ling, Peter S. Schiffman, and Deedra L. Johnson. "Ultrastructure of selected struvite-containing urinary calculi from cats." American Journal of Veterinary Research 57, no. 1 (January 1, 1996): 12–24.
Full textDomingo-Neumann, Rebecca A., Annette L. Ruby, Gerald V. Ling, Peter S. Schiffman, and Deedra L. Johnson. "Ultrastructure of selected struvite-containing urinary calculi from dogs." American Journal of Veterinary Research 57, no. 9 (September 1, 1996): 1274–87.
Full textCohn, A. G., S. Li, W. Liu, and J. Renz. "Reasoning about Topological and Cardinal Direction Relations Between 2-Dimensional Spatial Objects." Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 51 (October 29, 2014): 493–532.
Full textDai, Jianhua. "Generalized Rough Logics with Rough Algebraic Semantics." International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence 4, no. 2 (April 2010): 35–49.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Calcul interactif"
Perrotte, Lancelot. "Algorithmes robustes de lancer de rayons pour calcul de dose interactif." Toulouse, ISAE, 2011.
Full textFournier, Gabriel. "Caches multiples et cartes programmables pour un calcul progressif et interactif de l'éclairement global." Lyon 1, 2005.
Full textZidi, Kamel. "Système interactif d’aide au déplacement multimodal (SIADM)." Ecole Centrale de Lille, 2006.
Full textThe objective of this work is the realization of a system allowing to assist the travellers, and to facilitate their movement in normal and degraded functioning of the transport network. This system aims to minimize the waiting time of the travellers, in degraded mode, at exchanges stations and to assure them, as well as possible, the continuity of their journey in the multimodal transport networks. So it improves the quality of the service returned to the travellers in order to inform them. A first part of the work in this thesis concerns conception, development and validation of our approach which allows giving optimal or almost optimal solutions for a normal and disrupted transport system. This approach uses a multi-objective method of search for optimal route which leans on a hybridization between a modified Dijkstra algorithm and a genetic algorithm. The modified Dijkstra algorithm gives us a set of solutions serving as initial population for the genetic algorithm. The modelling of the transport system is represented by multi-zones architecture. This architecture shows us the distributed aspect of the system, and the interactions and the relations which can take place among various zones. We present in this work a Multi-agent system of Help to the Movement. These agents use the module of optimization developed in the first part. Our work is realized within the framework of the "VIATIC-MOBILITE" project, which is the project 6 of the I-Trans Competitiveness cluster
Hoarau, Romain. "Rendu interactif d'image hyper spectrale par illumination globale pour la prédiction de la signature infrarouge d'aéronefs." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2019.
Full textSensor dimensioning is a major issue for the aircraft detection field. In this vein, it is appropriate to simulate these sensorsvia models and a consequent set of spectral images. The acquisition of these images via an airborne measure campaign is unfortunately costly and difficult. A robust and fast simulation of these data is hence very appealing.In order to answer these needs, global illumination methods in high spectral dimension are used. In these circumstances,these methods raise serious issues in term of memory consumption and of computing time. Our research project focuses on these problematics.In the first instance, we have focused on the Path Tracing method and its GPU parallelization for the spectral image rendering. We have investigated at first the issues of this kind of rendering on the GPU. Then we have proposed a new method and an efficient spectral parallelization pattern which allows us to reduce significantly the memory consumption and thecomputing time.In the second phase, we have investigated how to reduce the spectral computational load of the simulation. Inthat sense, we have proposed to generalize the stochastic spectral rendering of color (XYZ) image to the stochastic spectral image rendering. This new method renders directly the channels of a sensor which allows us to reduce the memory andthe computing requirements by reducing the spectral computational load of the simulation.To sum up, the works of this thesis allows us to simulate accurately multi, hyper and ultra spectral images. The interactive time can be achieved in our case in multi and hyper spectral resolution
Yan, Sen. "Personalizing facial expressions by exploring emotional mental prototypes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., CentraleSupélec, 2023.
Full textFacial expressions are an essential form of nonverbal communication. Nowfacial expression manipulation (FEM) techniques have flooded our daily lives. However,in the application context, there are several requirements that need to be addressed. Diversity: facial expression prototypes should be multiple and different between different users. Flexibility: facial expressions should be personalized, i.e., the system can find the facial expression prototype that can meet the need of the users. Exhaustiveness: most FEM technologies can only deal with the six basic emotions, whereas there are more than 4000 emotion labels. Expertise-free: the FEM system should be controllable by anyone withoutthe need for expert knowledge (e.g., psychol-ogists). Efficiency: the system with interactionshould consider user fatigue. In this thesis, to fulfill all the requirements,we proposed an interdisciplinary approach by combining generative adversarial networks with the psychophysical reverse correlation process. Moreover, we created an interactive microbial genetic algorithm to optimize the entire system
Del, vecchio Stefano. "Algèbres de processus dans la Ludique : une interprétation du Calcul des Systèmes Communicants." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.
Full textStarting from works aimed at extending the Curry-Howard correspondence beyond the functional world, in particular to process calculi, thorugh linear logic, we give another Curry-Howard counterpart for Milner's Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS), by taking Girard’s ludics as the target system
Allard, Jérémie. "FlowVR : calculs interactifs et visualisation sur grappe." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2005.
Full textUn nouveau modèle de couplage est présenté, conçu selon des critères de modularité, simplicité, efficacité et extensibilité. La construction des applications repose sur une séparation entre la programmation de modules parallèles réutilisables et la définition de l'application sous forme de graphe de flux de données contenant des mécanismes de filtrage et de synchronisations, permettant d'exprimer des schémas de communication collective et des politiques de couplage avancées.
Ce travail sur le couplage interactif est complété par une extension haut niveau concernant le rendu distribué. En exploitant une description modulaire de la scène 3D en primitives indépendantes basées sur l'utilisation de shaders, des réseaux de filtrage permettent de combiner plusieurs flux pour acheminer efficacement les informations aux machines de rendu. Ce système est très extensible et permet la création de nouvelles applications exploitant la puissance des cartes graphiques pour décharger certains calculs des processeurs et réduire les transferts réseau.
De nombreuses applications nouvelles sont ainsi développées, combinant des algorithmes de vision parallélisés immergeant l'utilisateur dans l'environnement virtuel, et des interactions avec des objets contrôlés par des simulations physiques distribuées (poterie, collisions, fluides).
Aymer, de la Chevalerie Dominique. "Interaction onde de choc-couche limite modélisation et calcul." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986.
Full textBetermin, Laurent. "Energies de réseaux et calcul variationnel." Thesis, Paris Est, 2015.
Full textIn this thesis, we study minimization problems for discrete energies and we search to understand why a periodic structure can be a minimizer for an interaction energy, that is called a crystallization problem. After showing that a given Bravais lattice of R^d submitted to some parametrized potential can be viewed as a local minimum, we prove that the triangular lattice is optimal, among Bravais lattices of R^2, for some energies per point, with or without a fixed density. Finally, we prove, from Sandier and Serfaty works about 2D Coulomb gases, Rakhmanov-Saff-Zhou conjecture, that is to say the existence of a term of order n in the asymptotic expansion of the optimal logarithmic energy for n points on the 2-sphere. Furthermore, we show the equivalence between Brauchart-Hardin-Saff conjecture about the value of this term of order n and Sandier-Serfaty conjecture about the optimality of triangular lattice for a coulombian renormalized energy
Mayo, Michael E. "Interaction of laser radiation with urinary calculi." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2009.
Full textBooks on the topic "Calcul interactif"
McDill, Jean Marie. Interactive calculus with applications. Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006.
Find full textAman, Bogdan. Mobility in Process Calculi and Natural Computing. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Find full textS, Sideman, Beyar Rafael, Landesberg Amir, and New York Academy of Sciences, eds. Interactive and integrative cardiology. Boston, Mass: Blackwell Pub. on behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2006.
Find full textChi, Alice Sut Ying. Calcium-gonadotropin interaction and their regulation of adenylate cyclase in rat luteal membranes. [New Haven: s.n.], 1985.
Find full textSoper, Jean. Mathematics for economics and business: An interactive introduction. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.
Find full textP, Castéran, ed. Interactive theorem proving and program development: Coq'Art : the calculus of inductive constructions. Berlin: Springer, 2004.
Find full textWake up your call center: Humanizing your interaction hub. 3rd ed. West Lafayette, Ind: Ichor Business Books, 2000.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Fonctions avancées et introduction au calcul différentiel mcb4u cours préuniversitaire. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textThe language of outsourced call centers: A corpus-based study of cross-cultural interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2009.
Find full textOntario. Esquisse de cours 12e année: Sciences de l'activité physique pse4u cours préuniversitaire. Vanier, Ont: CFORP, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Calcul interactif"
Milner, Robin. "Graphical calculi for interaction." In Automata, Languages and Programming, 1. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.
Full textHaven, Emmanuel. "Quantum Calculus (q-Calculus) and Option Pricing: A Brief Introduction." In Quantum Interaction, 308–14. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
Full textMabille, Etienne, Marc Boyer, Loïc Fejoz, and Stephan Merz. "Towards Certifying Network Calculus." In Interactive Theorem Proving, 484–89. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textYagi, Koichi, Michio Yazawa, Mitsuhiko Ikura, and Kunio Hikichi. "Interaction Between Calmodulin and Target Proteins." In Calcium Protein Signaling, 147–54. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1989.
Full textGratzl, Norbert. "Sequent Calculi for Multi-modal Logic with Interaction." In Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, 124–34. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textWalukiewicz-Chrząszcz, Daria, and Jacek Chrząszcz. "Inductive Consequences in the Calculus of Constructions." In Interactive Theorem Proving, 450–65. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
Full textPeterson, James K. "Predator–Prey Models with Self Interaction." In Calculus for Cognitive Scientists, 355–79. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.
Full textChen, Jinsheng, and Minghui Ma. "Labelled Sequent Calculus for Inquisitive Logic." In Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, 526–40. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.
Full textShimamura, Shuhei. "A Nonmonotonic Modal Relevant Sequent Calculus." In Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, 570–84. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.
Full textPollard, Carl. "The Calculus of Responsibility and Commitment." In Ludics, Dialogue and Interaction, 174–87. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Calcul interactif"
Mahalat, Mahabub Hasan, Mrinal Goswami, Subhranil Mondal, Anindan Mondal, and Bibhash Sen. "Design of fault tolerant nano circuits in QCA using explicit cell interaction." In 2017 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON). IEEE, 2017.
Full textChatterjee, Anirban, Sindhunil Bhaumik, Anisha Naskar, Nikhil Mondal, Debashis Chatterjee, and Susanta Ray. "A Transformer-less Grid Interactive Converter Topology for PV based Micro Generator." In 2020 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON). IEEE, 2020.
Full textLee, Ho, Jeehyun Kim, Bernard Choi, Joel M. H. Teichman, and A. J. Welch. "High-Speed Photographic Evaluation of Retropulsion Momentum Induced by a Laser Calculi Lithotriptor." In ASME 2001 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.
Full textAlsaiari, Hamad Amer, Sujin Yean, Mason B. Tomson, and Amy T. Kan. "Iron Calcium Carbonate: Precipitation Interaction." In SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2008.
Full text"Interaction of Polymer With Calcium Hydroxide and Calcium Trisilicate." In SP-119: Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete. American Concrete Institute, 1989.
Full textAbeysinghe, Bhashithe, and Rajshekhar Sunderraman. "An Interactive Lambda Calculus Execution Engine." In CompEd 2023: ACM Global Computing Education Conference 2023. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2023.
Full textCai, Guoyong, Ji Gao, Junyan Qian, and Lingzhong Zhao. "Formalizing interactive institution with RBA calculus." In International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering 2007. Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2007.
Full textWinkler, Christian, Christian Reinartz, Diana Nowacka, and Enrico Rukzio. "Interactive phone call." In the ACM International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011.
Full textSHI, Qing-wen, Qiao-bo SONG, Hui-xin WANG, Chun-ming BAI, Di WU, Qi-ping DONG, Xin CHENG, Xiao-ri HAN, and Yi-fei LIU. "Research Progress of Plant Calcium Nutrition and Calcium / Cold Signal Interaction." In 2nd International Conference on Biomedical and Biological Engineering 2017 (BBE 2017). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2017.
Full textLimerick, Hannah. "Call to interact." In PerDis '20: The 9th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Calcul interactif"
Levy, Maggie, Raymond Zielinski, and Anireddy S. Reddy. IQD1 Function in Defense Responses. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2012.
Full textChalutz, Edo, Michael Wisniewski, Samir Droby, Yael Eilam, and Ilan Chet. Mode of Action of Yeast Biocontrol Agents of Postharvest Diseases of Fruits. United States Department of Agriculture, June 1996.
Full textHwa, Yue-Yi, and Lant Pritchett. Teacher Careers in Education Systems That Are Coherent for Learning: Choose and Curate Toward Commitment to Capable and Committed Teachers (5Cs). Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), December 2021.
Full textWicker, Louise, Ilan Shomer, and Uzi Merin. Membrane Processing of Citrus Extracts: Effects on Pectinesterase Activity and Cloud Stability. United States Department of Agriculture, October 1993.
Full textRafaeli, Ada, Russell Jurenka, and Daniel Segal. Isolation, Purification and Sequence Determination of Pheromonotropic-Receptors. United States Department of Agriculture, July 2003.
Full textAstafieva, Mariia M., Oleksii B. Zhyltsov, and Volodymyr V. Proshkin. E-learning as a mean of forming students' mathematical competence in a research-oriented educational process. [б. в.], July 2020.
Full textKoduru, Smitha, and Jason Skow. PR-244-153719-R01 Quantification of ILI Sizing Uncertainties and Improving Correction Factors. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), August 2018.
Full textWilson, Charles, and Edo Chalutz. Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases of Citrus and Deciduous Fruit. United States Department of Agriculture, September 1991.
Full textNelson, Nathan, and Charles F. Yocum. Structure, Function and Utilization of Plant Photosynthetic Reaction Centers. United States Department of Agriculture, September 2012.
Full textKidder, J. A., M. B. McClenaghan, M I Leybourne, M. W. McCurdy, P. Pelchat, D. Layton-Matthews, C. E. Beckett-Brown, and A. Voinot. Geochemical data for stream and groundwaters around the Casino Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit, Yukon (NTS 115 J/10 and 115 J/15). Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.
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