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Journal articles on the topic "C.I. ENGINE"
Jamil, Abdullah, Masri B. Baharom, and Abd Rashid B. Abd Aziz. "In-Cylinder Cold-Flow Analysis - ‘A Comparison of Crank-Slider Engine and Crank-Rocker Engine’." Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 55, no. 2 (April 30, 2022): 229–36.
Full textJi, Yan Ping, Ping Sun, and Si Bo Zhao. "Analysis of Temperature Field of High Speed Diesel Engine Parts and their Structural Optimization." Applied Mechanics and Materials 490-491 (January 2014): 1003–7.
Full textRadchenko, Andrii, Dariusz Mikielewicz, Mykola Radchenko, Serhiy Forduy, Oleksandr Rizun, and Viktor Khaldobin. "Innovative combined in-cycle trigeneration technologies for food industries." E3S Web of Conferences 323 (2021): 00029.
Full textRadchenko, Andrii, Mykola Radchenko, Dariusz Mikielewicz, Anatoliy Pavlenko, Roman Radchenko, and Serhiy Forduy. "Energy Saving in Trigeneration Plant for Food Industries." Energies 15, no. 3 (February 4, 2022): 1163.
Full textLi, Yi, Zhihui Yuan, Yujie Li, and Jing Liu. "Factors influencing search engine usage behavior." Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 46, no. 1 (January 9, 2018): 1–10.
Full textKnauder, Christoph, Hannes Allmaier, David E. Sander, and Theodor Sams. "Investigations of the Friction Losses of Different Engine Concepts. Part 2: Sub-Assembly Resolved Friction Loss Comparison of Three Engines." Lubricants 7, no. 12 (November 25, 2019): 105.
Full textAlbert K. Arkoh, Esther B. Kyere, and Isaac Edunyah. "Comparative analysis of engine running performance with and without thermostat." International Journal of Science and Research Archive 4, no. 1 (November 30, 2021): 047–53.
Full textGalindo, José, Vicente Dolz, Javier Monsalve-Serrano, Miguel Angel Bernal Maldonado, and Laurent Odillard. "EGR cylinder deactivation strategy to accelerate the warm-up and restart processes in a Diesel engine operating at cold conditions." International Journal of Engine Research 23, no. 4 (September 28, 2021): 614–23.
Full textRubino, L., R. I. Crane, J. S. Shrimpton, and C. Arcoumanis. "An electrostatic trap for control of ultrafine particle emissions from gasoline-engined vehicles." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 219, no. 4 (April 1, 2005): 535–46.
Full textSeraj, Mohd, Syed Mohd Yahya, Irfan Anjum Badruddin, Ali E. Anqi, Mohammad Asjad, and Zahid A. Khan. "Multi-Response Optimization of Nanofluid-Based I. C. Engine Cooling System Using Fuzzy PIV Method." Processes 8, no. 1 (December 25, 2019): 30.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "C.I. ENGINE"
Malladi, Rajavardhan. "Recipe search engine using Yummly API." Kansas State University, 2016.
Full textDepartment of Computing and Information Sciences
Daniel A. Andresen
In this project I have built a web application "Recipe Search Engine Using Yummly API". This application is central information hub for the kitchen--connecting consumers with recipe ideas, ingredient lists, and cooking instructions. It will serve best for the people who uses digital tools to plan their cooking, these days almost everyone does. The various features available for users in this application are as following. Users can search for their favorite dishes. The search results contain information about ingredients list, total time needed for cooking, user's rating and cooking directions. Basic search filters are provided to filter out the search results like Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner recipes. The order of displayed results can be sorted according to ratings, total time required to prepare the dish. User can create an account and build their own favorite recipe collection by liking the recipes displayed. The liked recipes are stored into user’s account and user can view, add and delete those recipes anytime from his recipe collection. Users can use their social networking platform Facebook account credentials to log into this application or create a new account in this application. The application will communicate with the Yummly API to consume data from it. The Yummly API is largest recipe information aggregator with over one million recipes data.
Nilsson, Malin, and Linus Engback. "Visualization of a blog search engine index using 3D graphics." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Science and Technology, 2007.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to find ways to make the extent and constant movement in the blogosphere visible. An application has been developed using C# and OpenGL. The application is an interactive screensaver to be run on the Windows platform. It visualizes data combining 3D and 2D elements. Geographical data is rendered using a model of the Earth, where the blog posts are constantly updated. Various statistics are displayed to give information on the current state of the blogosphere.
Saluru, Deepak Chaitanya. "Active Fault Tolerant Model Predictive Control of a Turbofan Engine using C-MAPSS40k." The Ohio State University, 2012.
Full textTosto, Alessio. "vitaQuakeIII: Porting di un engine di gioco opensource da PC su console portatile." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.
Full textМачача, В. Д. "Розробка мережевої 3D відеогри на платформі UNITY." Thesis, Чернігів, 2020.
Full textОб'єктом розробки був прототип ігрового застосунку, що надає зручний інтерфейс користувача з можливістю налаштування деяких параметрів, забезпечує гравцям взаємодію один з одним та демонструє можливості мережевого ігрового процесу. Метою розробки було одержання технічної демонстраційної версії тривимірної мережевої комп’ютерної гри, яка б здійснювала підключення до хмарного серверу та дозволяла одним гравцям створювати мережеві «кімнати», а іншим приєднуватися до вже створених. У ході розробки були отримані: – зручний інтерфейс користувача, який містить в собі головне меню, в якому можна створити чи приєднатися до гри, та меню налаштувань, яке містить деякі налаштування відображення, звуку та керування; – ігровий застосунок, що забезпечує базовий мережевий ігровий процес.
The object of development was a prototype game application that provides a user-friendly interface with the ability to configure some parameters, allows players to interact with each other and demonstrates the capabilities of the network gameplay. The purpose of the development was to obtain a technical demo version of a three-dimensional networked computer game that would connect to a cloud server and allow some players to create networked "rooms" and others to join existing ones. During the development were obtained: – A user-friendly interface that includes a main menu where you can create or join a game, and a settings menu that contains some display, sound, and control settings; – game application that provides a basic network gaming process.
Collier, D. A. "A comparative history of the development of the leading stationary steam engine manufacturers of Lancashire, c. 1800-1939." Thesis, University of Manchester, 1985.
Full textGE, LIN, and DANQING NI. "A MOD Player for GBA." Thesis, Halmstad University, School of Information Science, Computer and Electrical Engineering (IDE), 2010.
Full textThis bachelor thesis describes the development of a MOD music player to run on GBA (Game Boy Advance) for Lypson Game Engine. GBA is a basic platform for embedded development, and the stereo system makes it possible to use the platform as a music player. The sound players of the GBA for Lypson Game Engine were designed to play wave files and the size of typical wave files is in the order of megabytes. MOD files are much smaller when compared with wave ones. Therefore, to avoid consuming the resources of the CPU and memory to process and store wave files, the use of MOD files represents a better alternative.The development took C++ as programming language and the development platform used was HAM. The first step was to obtain samples of music, and then control the hardware of GBA to play sound. After that, came the phase of combining it with Lipson Game Engine. These tasks enabled the acquisition of knowledge about the frame of MOD files; learning how to make the GBA play sound and mastering the operating instruction of GBA hardware by the process of development. In addition, it provided a chance to learn about embedded development, which represented a starting point to learn about embedded programming in general.As for the main result, it was achieved by the successful development of the MOD Player, which is now running on the Lypson Game Engine. As the MOD files are of small size, the music player is more efficient when compared with those previously used.
Ровник, О. С. "Інформаційна система розпізнавання та обробки первинної проєктної інформації." Thesis, Чернігів, 2021.
Full textМетою роботи є підвищення ефективності та прискорення проєктування без втрати якості продукту, динамічне доповнення новою, оновлення застарілої або некоректної інформацій, скорочення часових і фінансових витрат. Об’єктом роботи є процес розпізнавання, обробки та редагування діаграм. Предметом роботи є система, що призначена для розпізнавання та обробки первинної проєктної інформації яка мала би мала наступний функціонал: − вибір типу діаграми для розпізнавання; − створення діаграми за допомогою аналізу фото або рисунка; − редагування, зберігання, видалення та експорт діаграм; − керування камерою та ліхтариком мобільного пристрою; − зміна графічного інтерфейсу та налаштувань додатка. Розроблювана система призначена для операційної системи Android, адже для створення фотографії діаграми необхідна камера. Також, однією з причин була вимога швидкості та мобільності, яку стаціонарний ПК не може забезпечити. Для роботи з системою необхідно мати мобільний пристрій з доступом до мережі Інтернет та основною камерою з мінімальними характеристиками ІР – 12мп та діафрагмою – F2.0. Для реалізації системи використовувались: мова програмування C#, середовище розробки Visual Studio 2019, графічний рушій Unity 2020, платформа доповненої реальності Vuforia, служба для розпізнавання символів Azure Computer Vision API, фреймворк маніпуляції файлами Aspose.Diagram, Emgu CV. Практичною цінністю розробленого додатка є вирішення проблеми розпізнавання ескізів UML-діаграм за допомогою мобільного пристрою з доступом о мережі Інтернет, що надає змогу підвищити ефективність та прискорити проєктування без втрати якості продукту. Наукова новизна полягає в тому, що запропоновано алгоритм розпізнавання ескізу, аналізу зображення та генерування діаграми на основі сучасних ІТ технологій. Подальша розробка системи можлива в напрямку збільшення точності розпізнавання елементів діаграм, розробки нових типів діаграм для розпізнавання та обробки, створення функціоналу експорту діаграм до інших середовищ. Результати дипломної роботи були висвітлені в тезах всеукраїнської конференції.
The object of the work is the process of recognition, processing and redaction diagrams. The subject of the work is a system that is designated for the recognition and processing of the initial design information. The goal of the work is to increase the efficiency and accelerate the design without losing the quality of the product, dynamic addition of new, updating outdated or incorrect information, reducing time and financial costs. The result of the work is the implementation of the following application features: − selection of chart type for recognition; − creating a chart by analyzing a photo or drawing; − editing, storing, deleting and exporting charts; − control of the camera and flashlight of the mobile device; − change the graphical interface and application settings. The developed system is designed for the Android operating system, because a camera is needed to create a photo of the chart. Also, one of the reasons was the requirement for speed and mobility, which a desktop PC cannot provide. To work with the system, it is necessary to have a mobile device with Internet access and a main camera with a recommended IP characteristic of 12MP and an aperture of F2.0. Visual Studio 2019, Unity 2020, Vuforia augmented reality platform, Azure Computer Vision API, Aspose.Diagram tools were used to implement the system. The practical value of the developed application is to solve the problem of recognizing UML diagram thumbnails using a mobile device with Internet access, which allows you to increase efficiency and speed up design without losing product quality. The scientific novelty is that the algorithm of sketch recognition, image analysis and chart generation based on modern IT technologies is proposed. Further development of the system is possible in the direction of increasing the accuracy of recognition of chart elements, development of new types of charts for recognition and processing, creating the functionality of exporting charts to other environments. The results of the thesis were covered in the abstracts of the All-Ukrainian conference.
Yildar, Esra [Verfasser], Johannes [Akademischer Betreuer] Janicka, and C. [Akademischer Betreuer] Hasse. "Large Eddy Simulation Of A Controlled Auto-Ignition Engine Using A Multi-dimensional Tabulated Chemistry Approach / Esra Yildar ; Johannes Janicka, C. Hasse." Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2017.
Full textBooks on the topic "C.I. ENGINE"
Lee, Clarence. The R/C 4-stroke engine. [Sierra Madre, CA] (P.O. Box 487, Sierra Madre 91024): R/C Modeler Corp., 1985.
Find full textVernick, Michael. Programming the Paradox Engine: C++ Windows applications. New York: Windcrest/McGraw Hill, 1994.
Find full textThomas, Finn, ed. C++ database applications with the Paradox Engine. New York: Windcrest/McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Find full textThomas, Finn, ed. C[plus plus] database applications with the Paradox engine. New York: Windcrest/McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Find full textHarrison, Lynn Thomas. Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2003.
Full textLynn, E. Elizabeth. Main propulsion system test requirements for the two-engine shuttle-C. [Marshall Space Flight Center, Ala.]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, 1990.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "C.I. ENGINE"
Sutherland, Bruce. "Building a Game Engine." In Beginning Android C++ Game Development, 33–46. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2013.
Full textPv, Satheesh. "C++ and Unreal Engine 4." In Beginning Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints Visual Scripting, 33–54. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2020.
Full textBoekhold, Maarten, Ireneusz Karkowski, Henk Corporaal, and Andrea Cilio. "A Programmable ANSI C Transformation Engine." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 292–95. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.
Full textSethi, Nikhil, and Clark Barrett. "cascade: C Assertion Checker and Deductive Engine." In Computer Aided Verification, 166–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
Full textChenoy, Antoine, Fabien Duchene, Thomas Given-Wilson, and Axel Legay. "C-SMC: A Hybrid Statistical Model Checking and Concrete Runtime Engine for Analyzing C Programs." In Model Checking Software, 101–19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textHarrison, Lynn Thomas. "Overview." In Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#, 1–28. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2003.
Full textHarrison, Lynn Thomas. "Game Physics: Keeping It Real." In Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#, 303–81. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2003.
Full textHarrison, Lynn Thomas. "Tools of the Trade." In Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#, 383–90. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2003.
Full textHarrison, Lynn Thomas. "User Interface." In Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#, 29–77. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2003.
Full textHarrison, Lynn Thomas. "Hanging Ten: A Ride Through the Rendering Pipeline." In Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#, 79–111. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2003.
Full textConference papers on the topic "C.I. ENGINE"
Ostiguy, J. F., and L. Michelotti. "Mxyzptlk: An efficient, native C++ differentiation engine." In 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC). IEEE, 2007.
Full textRamsay, Barry. "Trends in Regional A/C Engine Development." In AIAA International Air and Space Symposium and Exposition: The Next 100 Years. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003.
Full textLatimer, K., and J. Ross. "C-17 engine-out compensation system testing." In 1999 IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings. IEEE, 1999.
Full textAndrie, Michael J., Samuel D. Hires, Sean C. Milloy, and Terry L. Molewyk. "The New Cummins C Series Diesel Engine." In International Off-Highway & Powerplant Congress & Exposition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1990.
Full textZaremba, Alexander, Philip Lechowicz, and Mark Jennings. "Engine Control Unit Modeling with Engine Feature C Code for HEV Applications." In SAE 2013 World Congress & Exhibition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2013.
Full textYatsuzuka, Shinichi, Yasunori Niiyama, Kentarou Fukuda, Yasumasa Hagiwara, Kazutoshi Nishizawa, and Naoki Shikazono. "A Liquid-Piston Steam Engine." In ASME 2011 Power Conference collocated with JSME ICOPE 2011. ASMEDC, 2011.
Full textBedini, Francesco, Ralph Maschotta, Alexander Wichmann, Sven Jäger, and Armin Zimmermann. "A Model-Driven fUML Execution Engine for C++." In 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2017.
Full textQuick, Robert. "Advanced Diagnostic Engine Management for C-17 Propulsion." In AIAA International Air and Space Symposium and Exposition: The Next 100 Years. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003.
Full textGharibian, Farnaz, and Kenneth B. Kent. "An embedded decryption/decompression engine using Handel-C." In 2008 International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES). IEEE, 2008.
Full textSrsen, M., and T. Orehovacki. "Developing a Game Engine in C# Programming Language." In 2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). IEEE, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "C.I. ENGINE"
Sen, Koushik, Darko Marinov, and Gul Agha. CUTE: A Concolic Unit Testing Engine for C. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2005.
Full textFronapfel, Paul J. C-130 Engine Compressor Wash Study, HQ ACC/CEV. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 1995.
Full textSmalley. L51500c Crankshaft Stress Reduction through Improved Alignment C Vol 3. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), December 1985.
Full textBlau, P. Transient Scuffing of Candidate Diesel Engine Materials at Temperatures up to 600oC. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2003.
Full textAmai, W., J. Jr Espinoza, and D. R. Fletcher. Software requirements specification for the GIS-T/ISTEA pooled fund study phase C linear referencing engine. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 1997.
Full textMerritt, Bernard T., and Louis Broering. Pulsed Plasma Processing of Diesel Engine Exhaust Final Report CRADA No. TC-0336-92-1-C. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2017.
Full textLyford-Pike, E. J. Emission and Performance Comparison of the Natural Gas C-Gas Plus Engine in Heavy-Duty Trucks: Final Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2003.
Full textReynolds, J., and M. Royce. Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide Emission for Lean-Burn Engine Technology Final Report CRADA No. TC-0315-92-C. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2018.
Full textPicard, Mary, and Scott Whitley. F/A-18A/B/C/D F404-GE-400/402 Engine Slotted Spraybar Inlet Flameholder Follow-On Flight Test Evaluation. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2002.
Full textTrubac, Kathryn, Caitlin Callaghan, Caylin Hartshorn, Tyler Elliott, Douglas Punt, and Christopher Donnelly. Cold regions vehicle start : cold performance of ultracapacitor-based batteries for Stryker vehicles. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), October 2022.
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