Academic literature on the topic 'C.e.a'

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Journal articles on the topic "C.e.a"


Wang, Wei. "Relative enumerability and 1-genericity." Journal of Symbolic Logic 76, no. 3 (September 2011): 897–913.

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AbstractA set of natural numbers B is computably enumerable in and strictly above (or c.e.a. for short) another set C if C <TB and B is computably enumerable in C. A Turing degree b is c.e.a. c if b and c respectively contain B and C as above. In this paper, it is shown that if b is c.e.a. c then b is c.e.a. some 1-generic g.
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Atabek, Rosemarie, Michel Jorda, and R. Andre-jehan. "Programs and means developed by C.E.A. for clay characterization." Engineering Geology 21, no. 3-4 (June 1985): 209–13.

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Roberts, W. Glyn. "C.E.A. Task Force on Public Involvement in Educational Decisions." Journal of Educational Thought / Revue de la Pensée Educative 16, no. 3 (May 16, 2018): 241–42.

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Roca, J. "Barbarà i Cavallé: Guies d'Alcover." Arxiu d'Etnografia de Catalunya, no. 2 (February 12, 2016): 175.

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Ara fa uns mesos que el Centre d'Estudis Alcoverencs celebrava el cinquè aniversari de la seva fundació. D'altra banda, quinze anys enrere, quedava constituït formalment el Museu Municipal d'Alcover. I, amb tot això, veu la llum la «Guia d'Alcover», obra realitzada conjuntament pel president del C.E.A. i el director del Museu. El llibre té com a objectiu fonamental oferir una visió global i sintetitzada dels edificis que els autors han considerat més significatius del poble, ja estiguin ubicats al nucli urbà o es trobin escampats pel terme.
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Dulac, M., and M. Pascall. "Test Facilities for Radioactive Material Transport Packages (C.E.A.-C.E.S.T.A., France)." International Journal of Radioactive Materials Transport 2, no. 4-5 (January 1991): 23–24.

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Arxiu, Revista. "Informació sobre el Centre d'Estudis Alcoverencs i breu ressenya sobre el darrer Butlletí, núm. 15." Arxiu d'Etnografia de Catalunya, no. 1 (February 12, 2016): 196.

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El Centre d'Estudis Alcoverencs neix a Alcover l'any 1977, fruit de l'entusiasme d'un grup de persones interessades vivament per la realitat cultural d'un poble certament prolix en aquest aspecte. Després d'un inici tímid, però valuós per a fonamentar l'entitat, podem dir que avui el C.E.A. ha assolit un grau de maduresa i de repercussió realment importants. El Centre té com a tasca fonamental la de fomentar la investigació, la creació i la divulgació, fites aquestes que queden paleses en la publicació trimestral d'un Butlletí de divulgació que recull, bàsicament, diferents treballs referits a Alcover, la temàtica dels quals és ben diversa: Història, Literatura, Folklore, etc.
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Axisa, F., J. Antunes, and B. Villard. "Overview of Numerical Methods for Predicting Flow-Induced Vibration." Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 110, no. 1 (February 1, 1988): 6–14.

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A predictive analysis of an heat-exchanger design against severe vibration and wear has to cope with experimental data on flow-induced vibration and fretting wear, together with the use of analytical and numerical methods for predicting linear and nonlinear tube response. This paper describes a general approach of the problem currently under development at C.E.A. Attention is especially paid to some key aspects of the numerical techniques, namely, the modelization of flow-induced forcing functions and the modelization of impact and sliding at tube-support gaps. These topics are exemplified by numerical results related to some typical situations including the case of random vibration induced by flow turbulence and fluidelastic vibration.
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Trauchessec, Vincent. "Metrology of Acquisition Chains and Signal Processing of LMJ Experiments." EPJ Web of Conferences 253 (2021): 03001.

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Since the first experiment in 2014, more and more plasma diagnostics are being deployed on the Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) facility manufactured by C.E.A/D.A.M. These diagnostics aim at measuring radiations or particles emitted during laser experiments to study high-energy physics, especially inertial confinement fusion (ICF). Different types of sensors surround the LMJ target chamber and realize the conversion of the quantities of interest to an electric signal. The signal is then transmitted via coaxial cables, acquired by a broadband oscilloscope, and digitally post-processed. Each step of this typical acquisition chain adds measurement errors and increases the global uncertainty. First, a numerical model of the digitizer alongside a specific hardware system designed to perform its metrology in situ will be presented. It computes errors sources such as offset, gain and skew, and provides a measurement of the effective number of bits (ENOB) of the digitizer. The experimental characterization of the electrical chain via its transfer function measurement will also be detailed. Finally, the numerical methods deployed to handle the inverse problem, based on deconvolution processes, will be introduced, including future developments exploiting Bayesian inferences and statistical approaches.
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Tilliette, Z. P. "Advances in Defining a Closed Brayton Conversion System for Future ARIANE 5 Space Nuclear Power Applications." Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 109, no. 1 (January 1, 1987): 92–98.

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The present European ARIANE space program will expand into the large ARIANE 5 launch vehicle from 1995. It is assumed that important associated missions would require the generation of 200 kWe or more in space during several years at the very beginning of the next century. For this reason, in 1983, the French C.N.E.S. (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) and C.E.A. (Commissariat a` l’Energie Atomique) have initiated preliminary studies of a space nuclear power system. The currently selected conversion system is a closed Brayton cycle. Reasons for this choice are given: high efficiency of a dynamic system; monophasic, inert working fluid; extensive turbomachinery experience, etc. A key aspect of the project is the adaptation to heat rejection conditions, namely to the radiator geometry which depends upon the dimensions of the ARIANE 5 spacecraft. In addition to usual concepts already studied for space applications, another cycle arrangement is being investigated which could offer satisfactory compromises among many considerations, increase the efficiency of the system, and make it more attractive as far as the specific mass (kg/kWe), the specific radiator area (m2/kWe), and various technological aspects are concerned. Comparative details are presented.
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Tilliette, Z. P., E. Proust, and F. Carre. "A Four-Year Investigation of Brayton Cycle Systems for Future French Space Power Applications." Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 110, no. 4 (October 1, 1988): 641–46.

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Within the framework of a joint program initiated in 1983 by the two French Government Agencies C.N.E.S. (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) and C.E.A. (Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique), in order to study space nuclear power systems for future ARIANE 5 applications, extensive investigations have dealt with the Brayton cycle, which has been selected as the energy conversion system. Several aspects can be mentioned in this field: matching of the power system to the available radiator dimensions up to 200 kWe, direct or indirect waste heat transfer to the radiator, the use of a recuperator, recent work on moderate (25 kWe) power levels, simulation studies related to various operating conditions, and general system optimization. A limited experimental program is starting on some crucial technology areas including a first contract to the Industry concerning the turbogenerator. Particular attention is being paid to the significance of the adoption of a Brayton cycle for space applications involving a nuclear heat source, which can be either a liquid-metal-cooled or a gas-cooled reactor. For a gas-cooled reactor, direct-cycle system, the relevance to the reactor technology and the concept for moderator thermal conditioning is particularly addressed.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "C.e.a"


Blaizeau, Thomas. "S'adapter ou disparaître, le Service des poudres face au défi atomique (1945 - 1971)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2025.

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Le Service des poudres, ancien organisme d'Etat chargé de la production des munitions et explosifs pour les forces armées françaises, est au cœur des changements institutionnels, techniques et conceptuels de l'armement au cours du siècle dernier. Il se modernise en profondeur, depuis la Première Guerre mondiale, afin de répondre aux défis de la guerre moderne. Cette modernisation bouleverse une institution historique qui se tourne peu à peu vers de nouveaux armements, dont le nucléaire militaire.Cette nucléarisation poudrière participe à un repositionnement du Service des poudres au sein des acteurs de l'armement. La recherche de reconnaissance institutionnelle des ingénieurs militaires des poudres favorise leur rapprochement et leur coopération avec le Commissariat à l'énergie atomique dans le cadre du programme de l'arme atomique, à partir des années cinquante.Cette thèse cherche à saisir les transformations produites par cette orientation poudrière vers le nucléaire militaire sur le Service des poudres, ses acteurs et ses sites (les poudreries du Bouchet dans l'Essonne, de Saint-Médard en Gironde, du Ripault en Indre-et-Loire et le fort de Vaujours).L'enjeu de l'autopropulsion (les propergols) oriente également le Service des poudres vers un renouvellement de ses activités pour répondre à une industrie missilière en plein essor. Cette trajectoire rejoint celle de l'armement atomique à travers les missiles nucléaires.Le sujet amène ainsi à comprendre l'évolution d'un système industriel dans un domaine hautement stratégique. Le Service des poudres s'adapte et parvient à une nucléarité poudrière essentielle pour l'armement atomique. Pourtant, il subit la relégation au sein des acteurs de la Défense et finit par disparaître en 1971. Cette thèse éclaire ce paradoxe
The Powder Service, a former state body responsible for the production of munitions and explosives for the French armed forces, is at the heart of the institutional, technical and conceptual changes in armaments over the last century. It modernizes in a professional form, leading to the first of the world war, which responds to the defeats of modern warfare. This upheaval of modernization is a historical institution which is gradually passing through new armies, and not the nuclear army.This nuclearization powder magazine contributes to a repositioning of the Powder Service within the arms industry. The search for institutional recognition of military powder engineers encouraged their rapprochement and cooperation with the Atomic Energy Commission within the framework of the atomic weapons program, starting in the 1950s.This thesis seeks to grasp the transformations produced by this powder orientation towards military nuclear power on the Powder Service, its actors and its sites (the powder mills of Bouchet in Essonne, Saint-Médard in Gironde, Ripault in Indre-et -Loire and the fort of Vaujours).The issue of self-propulsion (propellants) is also directing the Powder Department towards a renewal of its activities to respond to a booming missile industry. This trajectory joins that of atomic weaponry through nuclear missiles.The subject thus leads to understanding the evolution of an industrial system in a highly strategic area. The Powder Department adapts and achieves powder nuclear power essential for atomic armament. However, he suffered relegation within the Defense players and ended up disappearing in 1971. This thesis sheds light on this paradox
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Neurrisse, André. "Le Franc C.F.A." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987.

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Dozier, Graham Town. "The Eighteenth North Carolina Infantry Regiment, C.S.A." Thesis, This resource online, 1992.

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Ponzoni, Ylenia. "Comportamento differito di travi inflesse in C.C.A." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2008.

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Radley, Kenneth. "First Canadian Division, C.E.F., 1914-1918, Ducimus (We lead)." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.

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Lundberg, John Richard. "Granbury's Texas Brigade, C.S.A. the color brigade of the Army /." Fort Worth, Tex. : Texas Christian University, 2007.

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Touatam, Guendergue Antipas. "Monnaie et développement économique : le cas de la zone C.F.A." Grenoble 2, 2003.

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La monnaie est un instrument du développement économique. Elle joue un rôle essentiel sur l'équilibre macroéconomique (prix, niveaux d'activité, équilibre externe). Le volume et la valeur de la production dépendent de la monnaie. La production est fonction de la demande exprimée en monnaie. Or les approches orthodoxes relatives au financement du développement sont centrées sur le postulat de l'épargne préalable. Ce postulat ne semble plus cadrer aujourd'hui avec la situation monétaire et financière de la plupart des économies en développement. Notre thèse propose une analyse alternative (hétérodoxe) du financement du développement articulée autour d'une approche fondée sur le postulat de la monnaie. Notre thèse s'efforce d'apporterdes éléments de réponse à l'interrogation suivante : sous quelles conditions une stratégie du développement axée sur le financement par création monétaire pourrait s'avérer possible dans le cas des pays africains de la zone CFA ?
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Papaleo, Raffaele. "Dissipazione isteretica e viscosa in edifici intelaiti multipiano in c.c.a." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2011.

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Pompa, Nicola. "Analisi sismica non lineare di telai in c.c.a. con tamponamenti." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012.

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Cabral, Margareth Martins. "Sistemas de avaliação do desempenho: o caso do SIADAP3 na C.M.A." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2011.

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Mestrado em Administração e Gestão Pública
O presente trabalho pretende analisar os efeitos de um sistema de avaliação do desempenho, o SIADAP, tendo em conta o artigo 52 (SIADAP3) da Lei 66- B/2007. Considerou-se importante examinar o estado da arte da avaliação do desempenho, essencialmente, os três componentes que integram este sistema (objectivos, instrumentos e procedimentos), assim como, o seu estado na Administração Pública em Portugal. Averiguou-se os seus efeitos e suas aplicações sobre três dimensões: o desempenho, a identificação das necessidades de formação e desenvolvimento e a motivação. De modo a responder à questão de investigação, recorreu-se à Câmara Municipal de Aveiro para perceber os efeitos reais do SIADAP3. Reflectidos vários factores, concluiu-se que não há um enquadramento directo das necessidades de formação dos trabalhadores nas acções de formação oferecidas. Mas, existe um consenso de que o SIADAP3 permite com maior facilidade a obtenção das informações sobre as necessidades de cada trabalhador. Constatou-se, também que a aplicação do SIADAP3 limita-se aos conteúdos de obrigatoriedade.
This study pretends to examine the effects of a system of performance evaluation, SIADAP, relatively the article 52 (SIADAP3) of the Law 66-B/2007. It was considered important to examine the state of the art of performance evaluation, essentially, three components that comprise this system (objectives, instruments and procedures), as well as their status in Public Administration in Portugal. It was found the effects and application on four dimensions, performance, identification of training needs and development and motivation. In order to answer the research question, we used the methodology of case study in C.M.A. Reflected several factors, concluded that there isn’t a direct framework of the training needs of workers in the training offered. But there is a consensus that SIADAP3 allows more easily obtain information about the needs of each worker. It was also concluded that the SIADAP3 application is limited to content requirement.
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Books on the topic "C.e.a"


Durant, Stuart. C.F.A. Voysey. London: Academy Editions, 1991.

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Moreau, Gérard. La C.E.E.. 5th ed. Paris: Sirey, 1990.

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Moreau, Gérard. La C.E.E. 4th ed. Paris: Sirey, 1989.

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Moreau, Gérard. La C.E.E. 6th ed. Paris: Sirey, 1992.

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Hitchmough, Wendy. C.F.A. Voysey. London: Phaidon, 1997.

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Moreau, Gérard. La C.E.E. 3rd ed. Paris: Sirey, 1987.

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Neurrisse, André. Le franc C.F.A. Paris: Libr. générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1987.

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Guy, Burgel, ed. La C.E.E. méditerranéenne. Paris: SEDES, 1990.

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Association, Care Programme Approach. The C.P.A. handbook. [Chesterfield]: Care Programme Approach Association, 2001.

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Caisse autonome d'amortissement (Côte d'Ivoire). Gestion des dépôts C.A.A. Abidjan: C.A.A., 1998.

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Book chapters on the topic "C.e.a"


Krotz, Joachim. "C.H.A. HOLDING AG — Eine Mittelstandsholding." In Konzernhandbuch, 643–60. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 1993.

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Huang, Ken. "The C.I.A Properties of Web3 System." In A Comprehensive Guide for Web3 Security, 3–29. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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Golding, Rosemary. "C.E.B. Russell and E.T. Campagnac, ‘Poor People's Music Halls in Lancashire’." In Music in Nineteenth-Century Britain, 237–50. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Csönge, Tamás. "Fictionality as a Rhetorical Tool in Political Mockumentary Films: The Interplay of Fictionality and Factuality in C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America." In Truth Claims Across Media, 153–78. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractHow can a mockumentary film like Kevin Willmott’s C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America argue effectively and authenticate its important message about the presence of racism and discrimination in contemporary American society with a narrative that is obviously fictional? Doesn’t this method of presenting an alternative history of the nation create mistrust and suspicion in the audience, instead of giving them profound insight into the actual states of things? The ambiguity of such mockumentaries stems from the simultaneous application of two major types of rhetorical frames: They always utilize some style or variant of the documentary genre (Juhasz et al., F Is for Phony: Fake Documentary and Truth’s Undoing. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2006, 7) (evoking a factual discourse), but—to a differing degree—also undermining, suspending, or putting it between quotation marks (evoking a fictional discourse). In this paper, I want to argue that with the innovative utilization of fictionality and factuality as communicational tools and rhetorical resources, a politically charged fake documentary such as Willmott’s film can explore problematic dimensions of social reality and shed light on its subject matter from a novel perspective.
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Mahler, Gregory S. "Israeli-Palestinian Ceasefire and Security Plan, Proposed by C.I.A. Director George Tenet (June 13, 2001)." In The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 440–42. 3rd ed. London: Routledge, 2023.

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Groult, D., R. Maréchalle, P. Klut, and B. T. H. Bonnema. "Dezincing of Zinc Coated Steel Scrap: Current Situation at Saint-Saulve Dezincing Plant of Compagnie Europeenne de Dezingage (C.E.D.)." In Recycling of Metals and Engineercd Materials, 201–9. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.

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Morowitz, Harold J. "A Living Library." In Entropy and the Magic Flute, 204–7. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1993.

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Abstract BACK IN THE EARLY DAYS of classification of organisms, zoos and botanical gardens kept living type specimens of each species for purposes of identifying and comparing unknowns. For backup, museums kept preserved specimens. As the number of known species began to grow dramatically, the task became increasingly difficult, and the discovery of microorganisms added a whole new dimension to the problem. Preserving strains of microbes requires either continuous cultivation by serial passage or preparation of dried or frozen samples of those cultures that will survive these harsh procedures. At first, in the late 1800s, each investigator maintained his own strains, and other scientists obtained cell lines from the individuals who isolated them. There were serious problems with these procedures. Organisms evolve under continuous laboratory culture, and there is the ever-present danger of contamination. In response to the need for standardized strains for research and commerce, scientists in various countries established type collections. In the United States at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, C.E.A. Winslow founded in 1913 a Bacteriological Collection and Bureau for the Distribution of Bacterial Cultures.
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"Règlement (C.E.E.)." In Die Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung im deutschen, englischen und französischen Recht, 189–94. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1991.

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"Biography of C.W.A. Timmermans." In Compliance with Judgments of International Courts, edited by M. K. Bulterman and M. Kuijer, 150. Brill | Nijhoff, 1995.

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Bieber, R. "Comments on the Article by C.W.A. Ttmmermans." In Reforming the Treaty on European Union, 161–67. Brill | Nijhoff, 1996.

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Conference papers on the topic "C.e.a"


Schmitt, Bernard, Françoise Dufour, Hervé Piombini, and Roger Henry. "Performances of Mirrors with low losses and high laser damage thresholds." In Optical Interference Coatings. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1995.

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For its laser applications, the C.E.A requires visible broadband optical components with very high characteristics in laser damage thresholds and low total losses. The level of performances reached having a direct impact on costs of developed laser systems, the compromise between the laser damage thresholds and total losses must be the best one.
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Beccantini, A., N. Coulon, F. Dabbene, S. Gounand, S. Kudriakov, J. P. Magnaud, and H. Paille`re. "Hydrogen Distribution, Combustion and Detonation for H2 Risk Analysis in Large Facilities." In ASME 2002 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2002.

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The French Atomic Energy Commission (C.E.A.) is developing a hydrogen risk analysis code (safety code) which incorporates both lumped-parameter and multi-dimensional formulations. In this paper we present the governing equations, numerical strategy and schemes used for the lumped parameter approach as well as for the multi-dimensional one. Typical numerical studies will be presented for hydrogen distribution and combustion applications in realistic large geometries.
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Alexandre, S., T. Laguionie, and B. Baccuad. "Realization of an Internal Cold Spray Coating of Stainless Steel in an Aluminum Cylinder." In ITSC2007, edited by B. R. Marple, M. M. Hyland, Y. C. Lau, C. J. Li, R. S. Lima, and G. Montavon. ASM International, 2007.

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Abstract This paper presents a development program carried out at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (C.E.A.), whose objective was to successfully bond a dense coating of stainless steel on the internal surface of an aluminum cylinder with a diameter of 300 mm. To achieve these results, a specific nozzle was designed, with calculations and measurements of the particles velocity using DPV 2000. The influence of key parameters on the coating density was investigated. A prototype was successfully produced by optimizing process parameters.
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Harris, David, and Manfred Jaensch. "Recent Advances in the Handling, Makeup, and Running of C.R.A. Tubulars." In Offshore Europe. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1993.

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Zhu, Haixuan, Sai Liu, Xiaoyu Jia, and Jiang Chang. "Urbanization mechanism study under the dynamic of state capital. A Case Study about Northeast China with the Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway in the Early of 20th Century." In 55th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Beyond Metropolis, Jakarta-Bogor, Indonesia. ISOCARP, 2019.

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Since the industrial revolution of the 18th century, the modern economic system gradually matured and rapidly expanded in the world, especially the state capital investment relying on the railway, which drastically changed the urbanization process and city agglomeration pattern around the world. At the end of the 19th century, due to the important strategic value of the Far East, Russia raised state capital, built the Siberian Railway directly to Vladivostok, especially the C.E.R. across Northeast China, induced capital competition among China, Japan and Russia around the port and railway construction right and management right, formed the SMR system centered on Dalian, the C.E.R. system centered on Vladivostok, and the Chinese railway system centered on Huludao, laid the city structure of the “hub-railway network-hinterland” model centered on the port city in Northeast China, which promoted the development of commercial cities, hub cities and industrial and mining cities. Under the special tariff system, China, Japan and Russia relied on port-railway capital competition, forming the city development dynamic mechanism oriented by the export-oriented economy, that has the important theory value for how to effectively use the state capital advantage to promote the development of the macro-regional city system in the context of economic globalization.
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Mahon, R., P. Frawley, and M. R. D. Davies. "Investigation of Hot Film Calibration for Entropy Generation Rate Calculations." In ASME 2002 Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Division Conference. ASMEDC, 2002.

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The objective of this paper is to investigate in detail the relationship between results obtained from flow over a circular cylinder in cross flow using Hot Film and Hot Wire Constant Temperature Anemometry (C.T.A.). The experimental results are compared with those obtained using numerical methods. The results obtained from Hot Wire Anemometry are used to attempt to calibrate the Hot Film Sensors for the purpose of evaluating entropy generation rates in the boundary layer of the cylinder.
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Bassi, A., F. Arcari, and F. Perrone. "C.E.M.-The Alfa Romeo Engine Management System-Design Concepts-Trends for the Future." In SAE International Congress and Exposition. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 1985.

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Cheia, Florin. "Curriculum adaptation for the integration of children with special educational requirements (S.E.S.) and the changes in perspective generated by the phenomenon of globalization." In Scientific-Practical Сonference ‘FAMILY RESILIENCE PERSPECTIVES IN THE CONTEXT OF MULTIPLE CRISES’. X Edition. Stratum plus I.P., High Anthropological School University, 2023.

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The integration of each child with CES is an issue that must be seriously studied. We must start from the idea that the school has the duty to ensure equal opportunities for all students. Unfortunately, in the case of the C.E.S phenomenon, the reality on the ground only shows us that there is a gap between educational policies and their implementation. The process of educational integration of students with CES includes the development of an individualized intervention plan, in which the use of effective methods of curricular adaptation plays an essential role.
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Kinzel, Holger, Christian Kiess, and Thomas wachs. "New Ways of Handling and Running C.R.A. Tubulars prevent Corrosion in H2S and CO2 Environments." In SPE International Oilfield Corrosion Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2006.

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TOMA, Mihaela. "Inclusive school – theoretical and praxiological aspects of the inclusive education of students with C.E.S. from mass education." In "Instruire prin cercetare pentru o societate prosperă", conferinţă ştiinţifico-practică internaţională, 116–21. Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2024.

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In this article, theoretical and practical aspects regarding the inclusion process are presented of students with special educational needs in mainstream education institutions, being schooled alongside typical students, generates certain challenges both for classroom teachers, in relation to professional training in the field of inclusive education, pedagogical mastery in teaching practice, emphasizing collaboration with all the actors involved in this process, who will work as a team as well as for the educational institution itself, which must become an inclusive school, permanently adapting to the needs of this category of students, at the unit level schools. Equally important is the integration of the student with special needs in the socio-cultural context, in the family environment, in addition to educational inclusion, at the level of the educational institution and the class, because it is necessary to inform, sensitize, respectively awareness of the fact that to get involved in this common process, the students' parents, but also other members of the local community, to contribute to ensuring a favorable educational approach, which during the schooling of the student with special educational requirements, facilitates an adequate development, on all levels.
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Reports on the topic "C.e.a"


Melbourne Project - December 1961-September 1966 - View of building from C.R.A. Building - 13 July 1965. Reserve Bank of Australia, March 2023.

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