Academic literature on the topic 'BxC'

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Journal articles on the topic "BxC"


Wang, Hongxing, and Yeguo Sun. "On Extremal Ranks and Least Squares Solutions Subject to a Rank Restriction." Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 (2014): 1–7.

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We discuss the feasible interval of the parameterkand a general expression of matrixXwhich satisfies the rank equationr(A-BXC)=k. With these results, we study two problems under the rank constraintr(A-BXC)=k. The first one is to determine the maximal and minimal ranks under the rank constraintr(A-BXC)=k. The second one is to derive the least squares solutions of∥BXC-A∥F=min⁡under the rank constraintr(A-BXC)=k.
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Elvaretta, Bella, and Donna Angelina Sugianto. "Perancangan Stasiun Isi Ulang Air Minum BXCan." Desainpedia Journal of Urban Design, Lifestyle & Behaviour 2, no. 1 (May 31, 2023): 9.

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The existence of public facilities in the Mal aims to provide convenience and satisfaction for Mal visitors. BXC Park is a public space facility used by visitors as a place to exercise and relax. Activities carried out by visitors at BXC Park tend to be draining so that the body will feel thirsty and need fluid intake. However, there is no access for visitors to get drinking water in the BXC Park area. This research was created to provide solutions to the problems experienced by BXC Park visitors so that sports activities become more effective. The method used in carrying out this research begins with observing the problems found in BXC Mal, identifying BXC Mal visitor activities, and in the final stage is determining what kind of tools can facilitate access for Mal visitors to get drinking water after exercising. The final result obtained is to design a BXCan drinking water refill station that complies with post-pandemic standards.
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Saenz, J. R., C. Dumas, B. L. Dresser, M. C. Gómez, R. A. Godke, and C. E. Pope. "89 SURVIVAL OF CAT EPIDIDYMAL SPERM AFTER TEMPORARY COOL STORAGE OR CRYOPRESERVATION IN DEFINED EXTENDERS." Reproduction, Fertility and Development 23, no. 1 (2011): 150.

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A general objective of our studies on cat sperm is to enhance methods for both short- (+4°C) and long-term (–196°C) cryostorage, with particular focuses on improving compatibility with sex sorting and conforming to regulations for international shipment. Here, our specific aims were to a) determine the ability of cat sperm to survive during temporary cool storage in defined extenders (Exp. 1), and b) compare sperm survival after cryopreservation in the optimal defined extender v. TEST buffered extender + 2% egg yolk (TYB, Exp. 2). Testes from local veterinary clinics were transported in HEPES saline. Epididymides were dissected in HEPES 199 medium (He199), repeatedly sliced, and held at 37°C for ∼20 min. The sperm suspension was filtered (40 μm), layered onto a density gradient column (Isolate®, Irving Scientific, Santa Ana, CA, USA), and centrifuged at 650 × g for 20 min. Then, the sperm pellet was resuspended in 1 mL He199 and centrifuged for 5 min at 250 × g. In Exp. 1 (5 replicates), aliquots of the sperm pellet were extended in either of 2 defined extenders, Bioxcell® (BXC; IMV, Minneapolis, MN, USA) or HypoThermosol®-FSR (HTS; BioLife Solutions Inc., Bothell, WA, USA) or in TYB. Motility (Mot, Hamilton Thorne Sperm Analysis System CEROS 12, 37°C), membrane integrity (M.I., SYBR 14-PI), and acrosomal status (A.S., FITC-PNA) were evaluated at days 0, 1, 2, and 3 (Exp. 1), or after cooling (4°C) and post-thawing (p.t.), after 0 and 3 h incubation at 37°C (Exp. 2). In Exp. 2 (10 replicates), the sperm pellet was extended in BXC or TYB and gradually cooled to 4°C. Then, BXC or TYB + 12% glycerol was added (1:1) using a modified fixed osmolarity method (1995 Hum. Reprod. 10, 1109). Samples were loaded into 0.25-mL straws and frozen on a dry ice block (–80°C) for 20 min before storage in LN2. Straws were thawed in air (∼22°C) for 5 s and immersed in a 60°C water bath for 5 s. Samples were diluted by addition of He199 in 7 steps, centrifuged at 800 × g for 5 min, and pellets resuspended in He199. In Exp. 1, sperm in TYB, BXC, and HTS maintained 93, 69, and 56%, respectively, of initial motility (71%) after 3 days at 4°C (TYB > BXC and HTS; P < 0.05, 1-way ANOVA). Initially, 75 and 86% of sperm had membrane integrity and intact acrosomes, respectively. At 72 h, ∼80% of membrane intact sperm retained integrity in the two defined extenders v. nearly 90% in TYB (P > 0.05). At 24 h, all groups had high percentages of sperm with intact acrosomes (87 to 93%), but at 72 h, there was a difference between HTS (96%) and BXC (79%; P < 0.05). In Exp. 2 (Table 1), motility in TYB and BXC at 0 h p.t. was 77 and 70% of pre-freeze values – 77% (TYB) and 73% (BXC), respectively. Motility at 3 h p.t. was similar (BXC = 35% v. TYB = 37%). Membrane integrity and acrosomal status at 3 h p.t. ranged from 60% (BXC) to 72% (TYB) and from 65% (BXC) to 68% (TYB) of pre-freeze values, respectively. At 3 h p.t. M.I. of sperm in TYB was higher (P < 0.05) than in BXC. In summary, we have shown that cat epididymal sperm can be stored temporarily and cryopreserved successfully in a defined extender without animal proteins. Table 1.Motility, membrane integrity, and acrosomal status of cat epididymal sperm after cryo-storage
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Baehner, F. L., J. Anderson, C. Millward, C. Sangli, C. Quale, D. Cherbavaz, A. Goddard, and S. Shak. "The critical role of surgical pathology in personalized medicine: The impact of biopsy cavities in breast cancer samples on recurrence risk when assessed by quantitative RT-PCR." Journal of Clinical Oncology 27, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2009): e22016-e22016.

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e22016 Background: Tumor gene expression analysis using the Recurrence Score (RS) assay is frequently used in ER+ breast cancer. Manual microdissection is performed in cases where biopsy cavities (BxC) are present in the submitted specimen. The objective of this was to characterize by quantitative RT-PCR the impact of BxC on 21 gene expression profiles and the RS. Methods: 48 (15 well, 18 moderate, and 15 poorly differentiated) breast cancers were evaluated for gene expression differences between whole sections (WS; containing BxC) and enriched tumor (ET; BxC excluded). Standardized quantitative RT-PCR analysis for the 21 Oncotype DX genes was performed; reference normalized gene expression measurements ranged from 0 to 15, where each 1-unit reflects an approximate 2-fold change in RNA. Analyses of individual genes and the RS were performed on the entire sample set and stratified by tumor grade. Correlation analyses used Pearson's R, concordance analysis used Lin's sample concordance and paired t- tests to characterize differences. Results: There were statistically significant differences in reference normalized gene expression between ET and WS in 6 genes: BAG1 (ET-WS: 0.13 units, p=0.0025), CD68 (ET-WS: -0.64 units, p<0.0001), ER (ET-WS: 0.29 units, p=0.0012), GSTM1 (ET-WS: 0.18 units p=0.0025), STK15 (ET-WS: -0.18 units, p=0.0041) and STMY3 (ET-WS: 0.62 units, p<0.0001). Expression of the macrophage marker CD68 was higher and expression of ER was lower in WS containing BxC. The correlation (0.95) and concordance (0.92) were generally high between WS and ET for RS overall however among moderately differentially tumors, there was a statistically significant mean increase in RS for WS of 3.3 units (p = 0.0012) while among poorly differentiated tumors there was a trend toward a statistically significant decrease in RS for WS of 2.2 units (p=0.0569). Conclusions: Histologic identification of invasive carcinoma and exclusion of BxC is essential for precise RS assessment. Inclusion of BxC in breast cancer specimens is associated with significant changes in the expression of individual genes and impacts the RS. Removal of BxC from breast cancer specimens assessed for gene expression levels is warranted. [Table: see text]
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Cauwet, François, Yamina Benamra, Laurent Auvray, Jérôme Andrieux, and Gabriel Ferro. "Polarity Effect on the Heteroepitaxial Growth of B<sub>x</sub>C on 4H-SiC by CVD." Solid State Phenomena 362 (August 27, 2024): 1–6.

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The chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth of boron carbide (BxC) layers on 4H-SiC, 4°off substrates was studied. Depending on the polarity of the substrate, different results were obtained. On Si face, the direct CVD growth at 1600°C under a mixture of BCl3+C3H8 systematically led to polycrystalline BxC films, whatever the C/B ratio in the gas phase. On the C face, heteroepitaxial growth was obtained for C/B ratios = 12 or higher with a step bunched morphology. If a boridation step (10 min at 1200°C under BCl3 flow) was used before the CVD growth, then heteroepitaxy was successful on both substrate polarities. To explain these results, a mechanism is proposed which involves the nature of the chemical bonds at the early stage of nucleation. It is suggested that a full B coverage of the SiC surface should favor the nucleation of the B-rich (0001) plane of BxC, promoting thus the heteroepitaxial growth along this direction.
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Liu, Yonghui, and Yongge Tian. "Max-Min Problems on the Ranks and Inertias of the Matrix Expressions A−BXC±(BXC)∗ with Applications." Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 148, no. 3 (November 23, 2010): 593–622.

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Madrigal, O., L. Valencia, M. Vásquez, and J. G. Maldonado. "Análisis y caracterización de la mortalidad en lactancia en ganado cebú comercial y BON x Cebú en la Hacienda La Candelaria (Caucasia, Antioquia)." Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias 11, no. 2 (June 10, 2016): 72–80.

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Resumen Para caracterizar las causas de mortalidad durante la lactancia en la Hacienda La Candelaria de la Universidad de Antioquia y comparar el comportamiento entre ganado BON x cebú (BxC) y cebú comercial (CCO), se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con base en el análisis de los registros desde 1990 hasta 1997. De un total de 475 nacimientos la mortalidad ponderada fue significativamente menor (p < 0.05) en becerros BxC (5.4%) que en becerros CCO (19.6%), con un promedio de 240 días de lactancia. Las causas y edad promedio de la mortalidad detectadas incluyeron: debilidad de la cría, 25.4% (8.9 días); accidente, 15.5% (27.8 días); mortinatos, 15.5% (0.5 días); desnutrición, 11.3% (16.9 días); infecciones, 9.9% (15.3 días); y causa desconocida, 17% (18.1 días). No se encontró efecto del sexo en la mortalidad (p > 0.05). Los resultados sugieren que un alto porcentaje de las causas de muerte podrían asociarse con fallas en el manejo de la cría durante el periparto; causas de mortalidad clasificadas en los grupos de infecciones, debilidad, desconocidas y nutrición, podrían tener alguna relación con eventos de onfalitis. Los resultados demuestran además una notoria reducción de la mortalidad en lactancia en el cruce BxC y se podrían interpretar como un indicador de la rusticidad y adaptación del ganado BON. Estudios adicionales enfocados a caracterizar la respuesta inmune de las vacas y sus crías servirán para someter a prueba esta posibilidad.Palabras clave: mortalidad, predestete, Boss indicus, bovinos. Summary In order to characterize the causes of calving to weaning mortality and to compare BON x Zebu (BxC) and Commercial Zebu (CCO) performance during the lactation period in the Hacienda La Candelaria of the University of Antioquia, a 1990 to 1997 record-based retrospective study was performed. From a total number of 475 calving pondered mortality was significantly reduced (p < 0.05) in BxC (5.4%) than CCO (19.6%) calves, on a 240 days average of lactation. Causes and average age of detected mortality included: calf weakness, 25.4% (8.9 days); accident, 15.5% (27.8 days); stillbirths, 15.5% (0.5 days); undernourishment, 11.3% (16.9 days); infections, 9.9% (15.3 days); and unknown causes, 17% (18.1 days). No association was found between sex and mortality (p > 0.05). These results suggest that a high percentage of mortality could be related to an inadequate management during the neonatal period. Causes of mortality classified as infections, weakness, undernourishment and unknown could be associated to omphalitis. In addition the results show a reduced mortality of BxC crossbred during the lactation and could be argued as a reflection of the rusticity and fitness of BON cattle. Further studies, focused on the characterization of the immune response of cows and calves, should serve to evaluate this possibility. Key words: preweaning mortality, Boss indicus, bovine.
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Maci, Daniela, Rony Keppens, and Fabio Bacchini. "BxC Toolkit: Generating Tailored Turbulent 3D Magnetic Fields." Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 273, no. 1 (July 1, 2024): 11.

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Abstract Turbulent states are ubiquitous in plasmas, and the understanding of turbulence is fundamental in modern astrophysics. Numerical simulations, which are the state-of-the-art approach to the study of turbulence, require substantial computing resources. Recently, attention shifted to methods for generating synthetic turbulent magnetic fields, affordably creating fields with parameter-controlled characteristic features of turbulence. In this context, the BxC toolkit was developed and validated against direct numerical simulations (DNSs) of isotropic turbulent magnetic fields. Here, we demonstrate novel extensions of BxC to generate realistic turbulent magnetic fields in a fast, controlled, geometric approach. First, we perform a parameter study to determine quantitative relations between the BxC input parameters and the desired characteristic features of the turbulent power spectrum, such as the extent of the inertial range, its spectral slope, and the injection and dissipation scale. Second, we introduce in the model a set of structured background magnetic fields, B 0, as a natural and more realistic extension to the purely isotropic turbulent fields. Third, we extend the model to include anisotropic turbulence properties in the generated fields. With all these extensions combined, our tool can quickly generate any desired structured magnetic field with controlled, anisotropic turbulent fluctuations, faster by orders of magnitude with respect to DNSs. These can be used, e.g., to provide initial conditions for DNSs or easily generate synthetic data for many astrophysical settings, all at otherwise unaffordable resolutions.
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Deng, Juan Li, Lai Fei Cheng, Li Ning Gao, and Ke He Su. "The Relationship between the Initial Gas Ratios and the Condensed Phase Composition in the CVD of BxC with BCl3-CH4-H2 Precursors." Advanced Materials Research 239-242 (May 2011): 1761–65.

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For the preparation of the self-healing phase BxC with BCl3-CH4-H2precursors, the production has been examined as a function of the initial gas ratios of BCl3/(BCl3+CH4) and H2/(BCl3+CH4) at given temperature and pressure. The results show that the composition of the condensed phase is quite sensitive to the molar ratio of BCl3/(BCl3+CH4) and H2/(BCl3+CH4). The ideal condition for the deposition of BxC is that the ratio of BCl3/(BCl3+CH4) is 0.8 and the H2/(BCl3+CH4) ratio ranges from 10 to 105.2. The carbon or boron-rich material is mainly controlled by the ratios of BCl3/(BCl3+CH4) and H2/(BCl3+CH4). The deposition condition of carbon-rich phase should be in low BCl3/(BCl3+CH4) (0.0~0.8) and H2/(BCl3+CH4) (10-2<102) ratios, whereas that of the boron-rich phase needs high BCl3/(BCl3+CH4) (0.8~1.0) and H2/(BCl3+CH4) (104~105) ratios.
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DAMM, TOBIAS, and HARALD K. WIMMER. "A CANCELLATION PROPERTY OF THE MOORE–PENROSE INVERSE OF TRIPLE PRODUCTS." Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 86, no. 1 (February 2009): 33–44.

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AbstractWe study the matrix equation C(BXC)†B=X†, where X† denotes the Moore–Penrose inverse. We derive conditions for the consistency of the equation and express all its solutions using singular vectors of B and C. Applications to compliance matrices in molecular dynamics, to mixed reverse-order laws of generalized inverses and to weighted Moore–Penrose inverses are given.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "BxC"


Innis, Neil Richard. "Synthesis and characterization of BxC films deposited via CVD and PE-ALD." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024.

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Les couches minces de carbures de bores (BxC) trouvent diverses applications en tant qu'absorbeurs et détecteurs de neutrons, céramiques réfractaires, armures et protection balistique. Ces applications sont possibles grâce à leur forte absorption des neutrons, à leur grande stabilité chimique et thermique, ainsi qu’à leur grande dureté. En outre, ils présentent un intérêt potentiel pour les industries des semi-conducteurs et de l'optoélectronique en raison de leur conductivité de type p et de leur large bande interdite accordable. En effet, l'absorption nucléaire, les propriétés mécaniques, électroniques et thermiques du BxC dépendent de la composition chimique de ces films, et en particulier du rapport bore-carbone (B/C). Les procédés conventionnels pour obtenir des films de BxC sont la pulvérisation magnétron ou le dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD). Alors que la pulvérisation magnétron pose des problèmes de conformité des films déposés sur des dispositifs structurés, les procédés CVD conventionnels impliquent des températures supérieures à 800 °C pour déposer le BxC à partir de précurseurs d'hydrure ou d'halogénure de bore. Ces précurseurs présentent cependant de forts inconvénients, tels qu'une toxicité élevée et/ou des sous-produits corrosifs. En outre, le contrôle précis du rapport B/C, de l'épaisseur et de la conformité reste toujours un défi. Il faut enfin noter qu'il n'existe pas à ce jour de procédé de dépôt par couche atomique (ALD) pour le BxC. Cette thèse vise à déposer des couches minces de BxC sur des substrats métalliques et isolants, en particulier sur le Si(100), avec un contrôle de la composition et de l'épaisseur à basse température, à partir de précurseurs exempts d'halogénures. Deux voies chimiques sont étudiées, un procédé CVD thermique et un nouveau procédé ALD assisté par plasma. Les deux procédés utilisent du triéthlyborane (TEB) et du gaz H2, et résultent en dépôts de films minces amorphes de BxC hydrogéné. Le procédé CVD thermique utilise une approche efficace de plan d'expériences (DOE) pour six paramètres expérimentaux afin de produire des films minces de BxC, avec un rapport B/C de 1 à 4 et à une température de dépôt de 400 à 600 °C. Le procédé PE-ALD développé, quant à lui, est optimisé pour produire des films de BxC sur Si(100) maintenus entre 112 et 138 °C avec un taux de croissance contrôlé d'environ 0,45 Å/cycle. En outre, en faisant varier la puissance du plasma et le flux de H2, le rapport B/C peut être réglé entre 0,3 et 3
Boron-carbon (BxC) thin films find diverse applications as neutron absorbers and detectors, refractory ceramics, and armours and ballistic protection. This is due to their high neutron absorption, high chemical and thermal stability, and superior hardness. Moreover, they are of potential interest in the semiconductor and optoelectronic industries due to p-type conductivity and a tuneable wide bandgap. The nuclear absorption, mechanical, electronic, and thermal properties of BxC depend on the composition of these films, typically, the boron-carbon (B/C) ratio. The conventional processes to obtain BxC films are either magnetron sputtering or chemical vapor deposition (CVD). While magnetron sputtering suffers with conformality of as-deposited films on structured devices, conventional CVD processes involve temperatures higher than 800 °C to deposit BxC from boron hydride or halide precursors. Such precursors come with challenges such as high toxicity and/or corrosive by-products. Furthermore, tuning of the B/C ratio, and achieving excellent thickness control and conformality is still a challenge. It must be noted that no atomic layer deposition (ALD) process exists for BxC. This thesis aims at depositing BxC thin films on metal and insulating substrates, with a focus on Si(100) with composition and thickness control at low temperatures from halide-free precursors. Two chemical routes are investigated, a thermal CVD process, and a novel plasma-enhanced ALD process. Both routes employ triethlyborane (TEB) and H2 gas and demonstrate the deposition of amorphous hydrogenated BxC thin films. The thermal CVD process employs an efficient design of experiments (DOE) approach to six experimental parameters to produce BxC thin films with a B/C ratio of 1 to 4 within a deposition temperature of 400 - 600 °C. The developed PE-ALD process, on the other hand, is optimised to produce BxC films on Si(100) kept between 112.5 - 138 °C with a controlled growth rate of about 0.45 Å/cycle. Moreover, by varying the H2 plasma power and flux, the B/C ratio can be tuned from 0.3 to 3
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Schofield, Mark. "The equivocation of codes." Thesis, University of Plymouth, 2018.

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Equivocation was introduced by Shannon in the late 1940’s in seminal papers that kick-started the whole field of information theory. Much ground has been covered on equivocation’s counterpart, channel capacity and in particular, its bounds. However, less work has been carried out on the evaluation of the equivocation of a code transmitted across a channel. The aim of the work covered in this thesis was to use a probabilistic approach to investigate and compare the equivocation of various codes across a range of channels. The probability and entropy of each output, given each input, can be used to calculate the equivocation. This gives a measure of the ambiguity and secrecy of a code when transmitted across a channel. The calculations increase exponentially in magnitude as both the message length and code length increase. In addition, the impact of factors such as erasures and deletions also serve to significantly complicate the process. In order to improve the calculation times offered by a conventional, linearly-programmed approach, an alternative strategy involving parallel processing with a CUDA-enabled (Compute Unified Device Architecture) graphical processor was employed. This enabled results to be obtained for codes of greater length than was possible with linear programming. However, the practical implementation of a CUDA driven, parallel processed solution gave rise to significant issues with both the software implementation and subsequent platform stability. By normalising equivocation results, it was possible to compare different codes under different conditions, making it possible to identify and select codes that gave a marked difference in the equivocation encountered by a legitimate receiver and an eavesdropper. The introduction of code expansion provided a novel method for enhancing equivocation differences still further. The work on parallel processing to calculate equivocation and the use of code expansion was published in the following conference: Schofield, M., Ahmed, M. & Tomlinson, M. (2015), Using parallel processing to calculate and improve equivocation, in ’IEEE Conference Publications - IEEE 16th International Conference on Communication Technology’. In addition to the novel use of a CUDA-enabled graphics process to calculated equivocation, equivocation calculations were also performed for expanded versions of the codes. Code expansion was shown to yield a dramatic increase in the achievable equivocation levels. Once methods had been developed with the Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC), they were extended to include work with intentional erasures on the BSC, intentional deletions on the BSC and work on the Binary Erasure Channel (BEC). The work on equivocation on the BSC with intentional erasures was published in: Schofield, M. et al, (2016), Intentional erasures and equivocation on the binary symmetric channel, in ’IEEE Conference Publications - International Computer Symposium’, IEEE, pp 233-235. The work on the BEC produced a novel outcome due to the erasure correction process employed. As the probability of an erasure occurring increases, the set of likely decoded outcomes diminishes. This directly impacts the output entropy of the system by decreasing it, thereby also affecting the equivocation value of the system. This aspect was something that had not been encountered previously. The work also extended to the consideration of intentional deletions on the BSC and the Binary Deletion Channel (BDC) itself. Although the methods used struggled to cope with the additional complexity brought by deletions, the use of Varshamov-Tenengolts codes on the BSC with intentional deletions showed that family of codes to be well suited to the channel arrangement as well as having the capability to be extended to enable the correction of multiple deletions.
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Deon, Rudinéia. "B2C." Florianópolis, SC, 2001.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-18T11:35:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0Bitstream added on 2014-09-25T23:36:06Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 185716.pdf: 1680938 bytes, checksum: c382aab490f84cc0586f9c14347e1d47 (MD5)
Esta Dissertação faz uma análise do estado da arte atual do b2c, e propõe formas, estratégias mais eficientes e eficazes de realizar b2c. É feita uma avaliação dos serviços, vantagens, segurança, logística, e infraestrutura da Internet. Apresenta também uma avaliação das mídias, tecnologias, mercado, negócios, desafios, tendências, estratégias de marketing para atrair clientes, e uma análise do que está acontecendo no comércio eletrônico. Através da análise em alguns sites, e em trabalhos relacionados, busca-se detectar os fatores de sucessos e insucesso em ambientes b2c
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Wong, Wai-yi Winnie, and 黃慧怡. "A study of Empress Lu (241 B.C.-180 B.C.)." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1999.

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Colm, Matilda, and Lina Eriksson. "Adoptivbarn och BVC : Adoptivbarns kontakter med BVC i Uppsala län." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2015.

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Att adoptera och att bli adopterad kan vara en påfrestande livserfarenhet så stöd och hjälp frånbarnhälsovården, socialtjänsten, sjukvården och barnpsykiatrin kan bli nödvändig. Föreliggandestudie är en registerstudie och omfattar 50 221 barn, varav 440 adopterade, som är födda mellan1994-2007 och folkbokförda i Uppsala län. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finnsnågra skillnader i kontakten med BVC för adoptivbarn jämfört med biologiska barn vad gällerantal mottagningsbesök, antal hembesök, MPR vaccinationer, skickade remisser till barnläkare,psykolog, ortoptist, audiolog och logoped samt om barnen genomfört syn-, hörsel ochspråkscreening och utfallet på dessa screeningar. Logistiska- och linjära regressionsanlysergjordes och en del korrigerades för ålder. Adoptivbarnen fick både färre hembesök och färremottagningsbesök. Det var också lägre andel adoptivbarn som blev vaccinerade mot MPR. Vadgäller remisser skickades för adoptivbarnen högre andel remisser till BHV-psykolog, ortoptistoch till logoped. De biologiska barnen genomförde synscreening i högre grad. Adoptivbarnenfick i högre grad utfall på syn- och hörselscreening. Adoptivbarnen får i lägre utsträckning änbiologiska barn ta del av viktiga komponenter i svensk barnhälsovård vilket kan leda till sämrehälsa för gruppen på lång sikt. Vården behöver bli mer jämlik för adoptivbarnen och för attkomma till insikt om varför dessa skillnader finns behövs fler studier på området.
To adopt and to be adopted can be a distressing experience of life, and support from child healthcare, social services, health care and child psychiatry may be necessary. This study is aregister study and covers 50,221 children, of which 440 are adopted, born between 1994-2007 and registered in Uppsala län. The purpose of the study is to investigate if there areany differences in the contact with child health care for adopted children compared withbiological children as regards to the number of clinic visits, number of home visits, children whoare vaccinated with MMR, referrals to pediatricians, psychologists, orthoptist and speechtherapist and if the children perform the visual-, auditory-, and language screening and theoutcome of these screenings. Logistic- and linear regression analyzes were made and some werecorrected for age. The adoptees had both significantly fewer home visits and office visits than thebiological children. There were also a lower proportion of adopted children who were vaccinatedagainst MMR. The adopted children had significantly more referrals sent to the BHVpsychologist,the orthoptist and the speech therapist. Adopted children take a lesser part inimportant childcare components than biological children. This could lead to a worse health forthis group in the long term. The healthcare need to be more equal amongst children, and to getcloser to the cause of these differences more studies is needed.
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Andersson, Annica, and Zarah Stolt. "Möjligheter och hinder för amningsrådgivning på BVC-mottagning : BVC-sjuksköterskors perspektiv." Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper, 2021.

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Bakgrund: Amning har många hälso-, ekonomiska och ekologiska fördelar för barn, föräldrar och samhället, men amningsstatistiken sjunker och beror ofta på otillräckligt amningsstöd. Syfte: att undersöka BVC-sjuksköterskors möjligheter och hinder för amningsrådgivning. Metod: Denna studie genomfördes med Critical Incident som metod. Sex bvc-sjuksköterskor i Sverige intervjuades om sina erfarenheter av att ge amningsrådgivning. Resultat: Resultatet delades in i två huvudincidenter utifrån syftet -Möjligheter och Hinder, med flera beteenden som kunde påverka incidenterna. Under Möjligheter kunde ses lyhördhet för kvinnans behov, att kunna ge enklare rådgivning och att ha tid för detta samt att kunna söka stöd hos andra. Beteenden som var hindrande för amningsrådgivning var bristande lyhördhet för kvinnans behov, att inte ha tillräckligt med djupare kunskaper eller tid, att inte samverka eller ha föräldraförberedande kurser. Konklusion: För att skapa möjligheter för individanpassad amningsrådgivning läggs stor vikt vid sjuksköterskans lyhördhet för kvinnan och barnets behov, förståelse för de förväntningar kvinnan har på amningen och att ha goda kunskaper samt tid. Hindrande för amningsrådgivningen är bristande lyhördhet för kvinnans behov, svårigheter att ge evidensbaserad information samt dåligt med tid. Samverkan mellan verksamheterna och att inte följa riktlinjer är en förbättringspotential för att stärka amningsrådgivningen.
Background: Breastfeeding has many health-, economical and ecological benefits for child, parents and society, but statistics of breastfeeding are declining and are often due to insufficient breastfeeding support. Aim of the study: to examine child health care nurses’ possibilities and hindrance for breastfeeding counselling. Method: This study was conducted using Critical Incident as a method. Six child healthcare nurses in Sweden were interviewed about their experiences of providing breastfeeding advice. Results: The result was divided into two main incidents based on the aim, - possibilities and hindrance, with several behaviours that could affect the incidents. Under Possiblities a sensitivity for the woman’s needs, to be able to give simple breastfeeding advice, having time to give it and look for support when needed was seen. Behaviours that was a hindrance for breastfeeding counselling was a lack of sensitivity for the woman’s and child’s needs, to not have deeper knowledge or time, to not cooperate with others or not provide preparatory courses for parents. Conclusion: To create possibilities for individual breastfeeding counselling a sensitivity for the woman’s and child’s needs is essential, to have an understanding of the expectations the woman has and to have enough knowledge and time. Hindrance for breastfeeding counselling is a lack of sensitivity for the woman’s needs, difficulties to give evidence based information and not enough time. Cooperation between the different facilities and to follow the recommendations are potentials for improvement to strengthen the breastfeeding counselling.
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Loube, Heather. "The "Metz Epitome": Alexander (July, 330 B.C.-July, 325 B.C.). A commentary." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1995.

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This historical commentary on the Metz Epitome, a late fragmentary account of Alexander's exploits, compares the work with the extant early Alexander historians. The sources of the anonymous author have much in common with the Cleitarchan historians, in particular, Diodorus Siculus and Quintus Curtius Rufus. Non-Cleitarchan elements in the text seem to reflect a certain affinity with a Hebraic tradition concerning Alexander. An examination of the author's methodology suggests that "epitome" is not an accurate description of the work in question. The anonymous author has achieved a unique portrait of Alexander and included information not found elsewhere. In view of its late authorship and the few new crumbs of historical fact it offers, the value of the Metz Epitome lies in its interpretation of Alexander's career rather than as a source for it.
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Liu, Xiaohua. "Spin Excitations in BCC, FCC, HCP Cobalt and BCC Fe1-xCox Alloys /." The Ohio State University, 1996.

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Piraccini, Matteo. "Superfluidi, BEC e superconduttori." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020.

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Questo lavoro si concentra sul fenomeno della superfluidità manifestato nell’4He, il primo superfluido scoperto. Dopo una breve introduzione storica, si passa all’esposizione della giustificazione teorica proposta da Landau. Poi si espongono le caratteristiche fisiche che sono coinvolte nell’origine di questo fenomeno. Dopodiché si illustra l’idrodinamica specifica per l’elio superfluido e si passano in rassegna le sue principali proprietà termodinamiche e idrodinamiche. Poi si approfondisce ulteriormente la proposta di Landau e si tratta delle quasiparticelle che possono formarsi nell’elio: i fononi e i rotoni. Dopodiché si passa al capitolo che tratta delle relazioni tra la BEC e l’elio superfluido. Innanzitutto si parte una caratteristica del superfluidi che permette di ricorre a un particolare modello di transizione. Da qui si sviluppa la giustificazione teorica che permette di associare una funzione d’onda macroscopica precisamente come nella BEC e le conseguenze di ciò. Subito dopo si evidenziano le differenze tra i due attraverso l’analisi della distribuzione di momento. Il terzo capitolo espone le somiglianze tra i superfluidi e i superconduttori a partire dal nome. Si comincia spiegando cosa sono i superconduttori e le principali caratteristiche di questo stato. Successivamente vengono presentati i primi due modelli storici proposti per spiegare gli effetti misurati: l’equazione di London e il modello Ginzburg-Landau. Per entrambi verr`a evidenziato quanto questi modelli sono debitori nei confronti della fisica dei superfluidi. In chiusura vengono trattati i vortici, punto di unione di tutti e tre i fenomeni trattati. Prima si spiega in cosa consistono i vortici nell’elio superfluido con una breve e coincisa trattazione dal punto di vista matematico del fenomeno. Poi si passerà brevemente ai vortici nella BEC. Infine si concluderà con i vortici nei superconduttori, le differenze e l’analogia tra questi e i vortici nel superfluido.
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Morgheinstern, Tapia León, and Espinoza Selim Parra. "Plan de negocios : BOXC." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2013.

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Seminario para optar al grado de Ingeniero Comercial, Mención Administración de Empresas
No autorizada por los autores para ser publicada a texto completo
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar el plan de negocios para la empresa Boxc que pretende incorporar, en su modelo negocio, la creación de tiendas de conveniencia mediante la utilización de containers que son transformados para estos fines. Para implementar estas tiendas o “C-stores” Boxc ha usado de respaldo una marca importante que es OK Market, por lo que mediante una franquicia de ésta, la empresa pretende administrar sus locales facilitando tareas importantes como lo son la logística y el posicionamiento ya establecido por esta gran cadena de tiendas de conveniencia. Dentro de las principales oportunidades que presenta la industria de las tiendas de conveniencia en nuestro país, podemos rescatar principalmente que el desarrollo que ha tenido el país ha cambiado a las personas y sus estilos de vida, donde factores como la inserción laboral femenina y los mayores tiempos de distancia de los hogares al trabajo, han causado que las personas cada vez tengan menos tiempo para permanecer y compartir en sus hogares junto a sus familias. En este sentido ingresan las tiendas de conveniencia, permitiéndoles a las personas realizar sus compras de una manera rápida, cómoda y de forma sencilla. La principal fortaleza que posee Boxc al operar estas tiendas con containers radica en la posibilidad de instalarse en lugares en donde el formato tradicional no puede acceder, a un costo mucho menor que un establecimiento normal y con una gran capacidad de adaptación al lugar en el que se requiere funcionar. Boxc deberá competir en base a diferenciación. Efectivamente la empresa está siendo diferente al utilizar esta nueva configuración de tiendas que pueden ser instaladas en lugares en los que la competencia no se encuentra. Además es importante ofrecer una variedad de productos que estén centrados en la calidad, ya que el consumidor chileno está cada vez más exigente y por lo mismo busca productos que cumplan con sus expectativas. También es clave la atención hacia los clientes, por lo mismo Boxc le dará alta relevancia a la preparación de sus trabajadores, para que entreguen un servicio de atención amable y cálido hacia el cliente, de manera que este vuelva a comprar en nuestras tiendas. Para el plan de implantación se especificaron los montos requeridos, las fechas y el financiamiento que espera recibir la compañía para la apertura de 6 tiendas para el año 2013 y lograr en 5 años tener en funcionamiento 30 locales. Además de lo anterior se hizo un análisis financiero con un horizonte a 5 años, estimando los ingresos y costos de operar estas tiendas, el pago por el concepto de la franquicia a OK Market y otros gastos en los que tendría que incurrir la empresa, lo que permite visualizar el atractivo de dar marcha a este emprendimiento.
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Books on the topic "BxC"


Shan, Darren. Bec. New York: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 2008.

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Shan, Darren. Bec. London: HarperCollins Children's Books, 2007.

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Shan, Darren. Bec. New York: Little, Brown, 2007.

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Lionel, Bovier, and Musée des arts contemporains (Hornu, Belgium), eds. BXL. Zurich: JRP / Ringier Kunstverlag, 2008.

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N.Y.) Bowery Residents' Committee (New York. BRC. New York, N.Y: Bowery Residents' Committee, 2004.

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CORPORATION, BRITISH BROADCASTING. BBC: Guide to the BBC. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1990.

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D, Hewins R., Phillips Celia M, Anthony Martin, and University of London, eds. Quantitative methods: BSc(Econ), BSc(Management). (London): University of London, 1994.

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British Broadcasting Corporation. Engineering Training Department. BBC Broadcasting Centre, Newcastle: BBC Northeast. London: BBC Engineering Training Department, 1988.

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Kosinski, Jerzy N. Wystarczy byc. Warszawa: Da Capo, 1993.

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Lê, Thị Thram Vân. Đôi bxo. Milpitas, Calif: The Author, 1993.

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Book chapters on the topic "BxC"


O’Donnell, Emily, and Colin Thorne. "Urban flood risk management: the blue–green advantage." In Blue–Green Cities, 1–13. London: ICE Publishing, 2020.

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O’Donnell, Emily, Shaun Maskrey, Maggie Skenderian, Helen O’Brien, and Jonathan Vann. "Overcoming barriers to innovation in urban flood risk management." In Blue–Green Cities, 15–35. London: ICE Publishing, 2020.

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Kilsby, Chris, Vassilis Glenis, and Robert Bertsch. "Coupled surface/sub-surface modelling to investigate the potential for blue–green infrastructure to deliver urban flood risk reduction benefits." In Blue–Green Cities, 37–50. London: ICE Publishing, 2020.

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Ahilan, Sangaralingam, Mingfu Guan, and Nigel Wright. "Evaluating the hydraulic and hydro-morphodynamic performance of blue–green infrastructure over event and long-term timescales." In Blue–Green Cities, 51–64. London: ICE Publishing, 2020.

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Arthur, Scott. "Performance of blue–green treatment trains and sustainable drainage system ponds in trapping and retaining sediment." In Blue–Green Cities, 65–76. London: ICE Publishing, 2020.

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Mant, Jenny, Colin Thorne, Josh Burch, and Marc Naura. "Restoration of urban streams to create blue–green infrastructure." In Blue–Green Cities, 77–97. London: ICE Publishing, 2020.

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Lamond, Jessica, Glyn Everett, and Kit England. "Citizen and community understanding, preferences and behaviours with respect to blue–green infrastructure." In Blue–Green Cities, 99–114. London: ICE Publishing, 2020.

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Fenner, Richard, and Christopher Digman. "Assessing the benefits of multi-functional urban flood risk management in Blue–Green Cities." In Blue–Green Cities, 115–31. London: ICE Publishing, 2020.

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Mendoza-Tinoco, David, Dabo Guan, Richard Fenner, Colin Thorne, and Emily O’Donnell. "Flood footprint modelling to evaluate the flood risk management benefits of blue–green infrastructure." In Blue–Green Cities, 133–52. London: ICE Publishing, 2020.

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Tyrer, Peter J., Mark Slifstein, Joris C. Verster, Kim Fromme, Amee B. Patel, Britta Hahn, Christer Allgulander, et al. "BAC." In Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology, 195. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Conference papers on the topic "BxC"


Wang, Qin, Guangsheng Yu, and Shiping Chen. "Bridging BRC-20 to Ethereum." In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 264–72. IEEE, 2024.

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Makur, Anuran. "Information Capacity of BSC and BEC Permutation Channels." In 2018 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton). IEEE, 2018.

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Hassani, Hamed, Shrinivas Kudekar, Or Ordentlich, Yury Polyanskiy, and Rudiger Urbanke. "Almost Optimal Scaling of Reed-Muller Codes on BEC and BSC Channels." In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). IEEE, 2018.

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Jose, Sharu Theresa, and Ankur A. Kulkarni. "A linear programming based channel coding strong converse for the BSC and BEC." In 2017 Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC). IEEE, 2017.

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Ghamaty, S., and N. B. Elsner. "Quantum Well Thermoelectric Devices." In ASME 2005 Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Integration and Packaging of MEMS, NEMS, and Electronic Systems collocated with the ASME 2005 Heat Transfer Summer Conference. ASMEDC, 2005.

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Fabrication development of high efficiency quantum well (QW) thermoelectric continues with the P-type B4C/B9C and N-type Si/SiGe films. Si/SiC is being developed to replace Si/SiGe for higher temperature operation. Both isothermal and gradient life testing are underway. One couple has achieved 700 hours at TH of 300°C and TC of 50°C with no degradation. Emphasis is now shifting towards couple and module design and fabrication. Preliminary design calculations regarding the development of actual quantum well modules will be presented for both power prediction and cooling applications. These modules can be used in future energy conversion system as well as air conditioning system designs.
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Chiu, Chui-hui, Nathan Lewis, Dipak Kumar Singh, Arghya Kusum Das, Mohammad M. Jalazai, Richard Platania, Sayan Goswami, Kisung Lee, and Seung-Jong Park. "BIC-LSU." In XSEDE16: Diversity, Big Data, and Science at Scale. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016.

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Xu, Lei, Lin Chen, Nolan Shah, Zhimin Gao, Yang Lu, and Weidong Shi. "DL-BAC." In the 26th International Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2017.

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Garcia, Dan, Mary Fries, Michael Ball, Pamela Fox, Deanna Gelosi, Lauren Mock, Della Dastur, Dave Briccetti, and Bob Kahn. "BJC Sparks." In SIGCSE 2023: The 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2023.

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Krommenhoek, Daniel, Norbert Elsner, Saeid Ghamaty, and Velimir Jovanovic. "Performance of Nanoscale Quantum Well Thermoelectrics." In ASME 2007 2nd Energy Nanotechnology International Conference. ASMEDC, 2007.

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Alternating 10 nm thermoelectric films of N-type Si/SiGe and P-type Si/SiGe and B4C/B9C have been fabricated on various substrates, electrically joined and thermoelectric properties measured from 40°K up to 700°K. These nanoscale thermoelectric films demonstrate excellent thermoelectric power factors significantly higher than current bulk thermoelectric materials. The implications of the measured thermoelectric Seebeck coefficient data and electrical resistivity data for alternating 10 nm films that are grown to thicknesses of one to 10 microns means efficiencies of 15% at 200°C temperature differences and efficiencies of 30% at 400°C temperature differences. Utilizing Seebeck and resistivity data obtained by Hi-Z and UCSD, along with published bulk thermal conductivity data, which is conservative, unique thermoelectric module and generator concept designs for both power generation and cooling are presented over wide temperature and power ranges.
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Samuell, Gemma. "BBC ident "Penguins"." In ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 computer animation festival. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2008.

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Reports on the topic "BxC"


Porru, Sara. Portoscuso-Type Amphorae as an Indicator of a Commercial Circuit. Honor Frost Foundation, October 2024.

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The Portoscuso-type amphorae, identified for the first time in 1990 when the necropolis of San Giorgio was discovered, testify to a Phoenician presence in southwestern Sardinia starting from the eighth century B.C. This type of amphora is similar to the T- classification made by Ramon Torres and to the B2 described by Bartoloni. A new approach based on ceramic paste analysis through macrophotography will be necessary to better identify this pottery type and outline with more precision one of the commercial circuits in the Mediterranean during the eighth century BC.
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Welch, J. BXS Re-calibration. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2010.

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Revill, James, Alisha Anand, and Giacomo Persi Paoli. Exploring Science and Technology Review Mechanisms Under the Biological Weapons Convention. The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, June 2021.

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Since the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) opened for signature in 1972, biology and other converging disciplines have advanced considerably. These changes could have profound implications for a science-based disarmament agreement like the BWC. To address changes in biology and biotechnology, BWC States Parties have established processes to review developments in science and technology (S&T), including annual expert meetings on this topic. However, shortcomings are evident in the current approaches and many BWC States Parties have expressed support for a more systematic review of science and technology under the Convention. This study seeks to inform discussions on establishing a dedicated and systematic S&T review process under the BWC through an examination of existing S&T review-type mechanisms employed in different regimes beyond the BWC, a survey of States Parties views on a possible review mechanism and a study of past and present discourse on this issue in the BWC. Based on the analysis conducted, this study also presents options for BWC States Parties to consider ahead of the Ninth BWC Review Conference.
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Kramer, Mitchell. B2C Ecommerce Evaluation Framework. Boston, MA: Patricia Seybold Group, April 2008.

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Kramer, Mitchell. B2C Ecommerce Evaluation Framework. Boston, MA: Patricia Seybold Group, November 2009.

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Pemba, Dhonam. BTC-NFT Backed Flatcoin. ResearchHub Technologies, Inc., December 2023.

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Cörvers, Frank, Arnold Hendrikse, and Sanne Steens. Macrodoelmatigheid BSc Sustainable BioScience. ROA, 2022.

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Bauer, Stephen J., Gregory Mark Flint, Alexander Urquhart, and Lisa Ann Mondy. Thermophysical properties of BKC 44306 and BKC 44307 PMDI urethane solid and foams. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2014.

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Chamanara, Sanaz, and Kaveh Madani. The Hidden Environmental Cost of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin Mining Impacts Climate, Water and Land. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU INWEH), October 2023.

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Based on a multi-attribute assessment of the environmental impacts and challenges associated with global Bitcoin (BTC) mining activities around the globe, we call for urgent action by the scientific, policy, and advocacy communities. The worldwide BTC mining network consumed 173.42 TWh of electricity during the 2020–2021 period, bigger than the electricity consumption of most nations. The mining process emitted over 85.89 Mt of CO2eq in the same timeframe, equivalent to the emission caused by burning 84 billion pounds of coal or running 190 natural gas-fired power plants. The environmental footprint of BTC mining is not limited to greenhouse gas emissions. In 2020–2021, the global water footprint of BTC mining was about 1.65 km 3, more than the domestic water use of 300 million people in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. The land footprint of the global BTC mining network during this period was more than 1,870 square kilometers, 1.4 times the area of Los Angeles. These striking numbers highlight the heavy reliance of the BTC network on fossil fuels and natural resource-intensive energy sources, resulting in major but unmonitored and unregulated environmental footprints. To mitigate the environmental costs of BTC mining, immediate policy interventions, technological advancements, and scientific research are crucial. Proposed measures include enhanced transparency, economic and regulatory tools, developing energy-efficient alternative coins, and the adoption of greener blockchain validation protocols.
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Cossarini, Gianpiero. Results of the BGC data assimilation. EuroSea, 2023.

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This document presents the results of simulations that include glider profiles assimilation. Simulations are performed with the Marine Copernicus operational biogeochemical model system of the Mediterranean Sea. The deliverable shows that the assimilation of BGC-glider is feasible in the contest of biogeochemical operational systems and that it is built upon the experience of BGC-Argo float data assimilation. Different configuration of the assimilation of glider data have been tested to assess the impact of the physical and biogeochemical glider observations. The deliverable also describes the pre-processing activities of the BGC-glider data to provide qualified observations for the data assimilation and the cross validation of chlorophyll glider data with other sensors (ocean colour and BGC-Argo floats). Results of the simulations show that BGC-glider data assimilation, as already shown for BGC-Argo floats, provides complementary information with respect to Ocean Colour data (which is the only or the most commonly assimilated data in biogeochemical operational systems). Beside their relatively limited horizontal spatial impact, the assimilation of BGC profiles can constrain model simulations for relevant biogeochemical processes in specific periods (summer and transition periods) and layers (surface and subsurface). Results also highlight the importance of the assimilation modelling systems that can efficiently resolve the inconsistencies between chlorophyll observations of different sensors. (EuroSea Deliverable ; D4.10)
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