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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'BUYING HOME'

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Wright, Newell D. "Consumption and home ownership : the evolving meaning of home /." Diss., This resource online, 1993.

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Sparti, Steve. "Payback information : it's effect on home buyers regarding energy efficiency /." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2006.

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Khoo-Lattimore, Cathryn Suan chin, and n/a. "Home truths : understanding the key motives that underlie consumer home choice." University of Otago. Department of Marketing, 2009.

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This thesis aims to identify the motivating factors driving consumers home purchase decisions from the consumer's point of view. Although there is an abundance of past real estate research, dating back as far as the 1920's, the factors shaping consumers home choice have not been fully explored. Past research has tended to assume that homebuyers arrive at a decision following a logical and rational decision making process. These studies have also tended to focus on utilitarian or economic factors shaping home choice. Although past research has unquestionably added to the understanding of home purchase behaviour, the focus on utilitarian and economic factors does not explain decisions that are underpinned by deep-seated motives. The present thesis extends past research by exploring the less tangible, non-economic aspects of home choice in order to provide a fuller story of why and how people consume homes. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the unsolicited motives underlying consumers' home choices, therefore, a qualitative technique known as ZMET was employed. Based on the notion of unconscious thoughts, ZMET uses visual images gathered and/or generated by consumers to elicit and probe the metaphors that represent their thoughts and feelings. For the present study, 14 consumers who had recently placed an offer on a home took part in the ZMET interview. The present methodology extends past property research which has predominantly taken a quantitative approach. The findings of the study provide a rich insight into the motivations behind consumer home choice. Firstly, it reveals that the pre-purchase checklists used by many homebuyers and real estate agents are inaccurate representation of consumer home choice, and explains why this is so. Secondly, it demonstrates the influence of twenty four motives, including three central constructs (space, nature and views) on consumer home choice and highlights the fact that autobiographical memories underpins many of the motives to impact on choice. Thirdly, it provides a model mapping out the interaction between utilitarian and hedonic motives, which evokes a network of feelings, sensations and emotions that shape consumer home choice. In doing so, the research provides theoretical insight into the link between the rational information-processing model and the experiential view of hedonic consumption in home purchases. This study has shown that a specific set of utilitarian and deep-seated hedonic factors interrelate to culminate upon one's home choice. The findings in this study maintain that while utilitarian factors are significant determinants of home choice, in themselves, they do not always tell the whole story. This new knowledge of how and why homebuyers chose what they did is valuable to practitioners in predicting accurate property demands and value. Real estate agents can-sell more effectively by matching a property to a homebuyer's hedonic needs. The information in this study also helps homebuyers understand that their home choice is guided by internal images and deep-seated motives derived from many years of past experience but more importantly, they can decide if these motives justify the price they pay for the property. Finally, the model gives future researchers a new framework to access meanings necessary for understanding homebuyer choice and allows a closer examination of the mechanics of these influences on the housing market and its demands.
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White, John Howard. "African American Women's Perception of Subprime Lending Practices on Their Home Buying Knowledge and Behaviors." ScholarWorks, 2014.

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The subprime mortgage lending practices from 1995 to 2007 were disproportionately concentrated on minority and low income neighborhoods of the United States. Despite the negative effects of subprime loans, these loans are regaining popularity. The purpose of this phenomenological research study was to bridge the gap in knowledge about their effect on African American women by exploring the home buying knowledge and behaviors of African American women between 2004 and 2007 in a southern state. Ajzen and Fishbein's theory of planned behavior served as the theoretical framework of this study, which explored factors that motivated African American women to buy a home, how the type of subprime loan used was identified, their knowledge of subprime loans, their experience of buying a home, and their postpurchase experience of becoming a homeowner. Data were collected through a demographic questionnaire and semistructured interviews with a snowball sample of 20 participants. Data were analyzed using the phenomenological method of thematic coding. Findings indicated that participants believed they were taken advantage of by realtors and loan servicers, were mostly unaware about the type of subprime loan used to purchase their homes, and later found out about the problems with subprime loans after conducting their own research. The implications for positive social change are directed at policymakers to focus attention and resources on understanding and addressing the experiences of African American women by expanding access to prime lending markets, better regulating subprime lending terms more effectively, and empowering African American women to be knowledgeable and vigilant about the drawbacks of subprime mortgages.
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Chan, Chun-kit, and 陳俊傑. "A study on the effects of recreational facilities on home location decisions." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2009.

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Fan, Chi-sun. "The Consent Scheme in Hong Kong its evolution and evaluation : home buyer behaviour in Housing Society's property transactions before and after the Asian financial crisis /." Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2005.

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Co, Shan-shan, and 許珊珊. "A comparative study on consumer behavior of middle class households toward home ownership in Hong Kong: beforeand after 1997." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2005.

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Miller, Troy Michael. "Reassessing the "American dream house"." Virtual Press, 1998.

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This study presents a detailed and comprehensive overview of the context and domination of the "American Dream House" in the United States of the past one hundred years. Additionally, It investigates the present day status and effects of this dependence. This inquiry uses an alternative method of investigation that involves the use of the popular media and extensive research of the past presentation of the "American Dream House" in it. It also involves research into the effects of promotional campaigns on the public perception of the "American Dream House." The research suggests that there exists a crisis in this country in the form of a severe attachment to the mythological and historical nature of this limited housing form. The investigation further suggests that the characteristics and elements of the "American Dream House" have not substantially changed in the past fifty years. This severe attachment to the characteristics of the past both threatens and confines a search and pursuit for a cure to this country's housing problems of the late 20th and early 2131 century.
Department of Architecture
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Aaberg, Jordan Jerome. "First-Time Homebuyers' Perceived Preparedness: A Realtors' Perspective." DigitalCommons@USU, 2012.

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The purpose of this research study was to identify, from the perception of realtors, how prepared first-time homebuyers (FTHBs) are when purchasing a home and to discover what kind of issues and problems arose during the home-buying process. This study also identified common factors used by realtors to identify: how FTHBs are prepared, usefulness of FTHB workshops, FTHBs' mortgage knowledge, and recommendations to better prepare FTHBs. The goal was twofold: identify areas in the home-buying process where FTHBs are less prepared and provide information to financial educators and real estate agents to help fill the gap in FTHB preparedness. This study covered three main areas of buying a home: pre-purchase preparedness, mortgage finance, and the closing process. Data for this study were collected using an online survey emailed to realtors in the Cache Rich Association of Realtors (CRAR) in Northern Utah. A total of 66 realtors responded to the survey. Descriptive statistics, matched pair t tests, correlations, and simple regression analyses were used. Overall, realtors find their FTHB clients to be less than somewhat prepared. This is evident when the mean percentage of FTHBs that realtors stated were well-prepared for homeownership was only 44.4%. According to realtors' perceptions, many FTHBs did not have their personal finances in order and poorly understood the cost of obtaining a mortgage and its process. The analysis of the data collected from realtors' responses also identified the most frequent problem or issue that arose during the home-buying process was obtaining a mortgage. When asked if FTHB workshops are useful, 60% of realtors perceived them to be more than somewhat useful. Reasons for their usefulness included being educational, beneficial, and preparing FTHBs for buying a home. Results also indicated that the level of mortgage knowledge and knowledge about housing sustainability directly related to the level of pre-purchase preparedness of FTHBs as perceived by realtors. When pre-purchase preparedness levels were low, mortgage knowledge and knowledge about housing sustainability levels were also perceived to be low. In the end, realtors offered their suggestions on how to better prepare FTHBs for homeownership and their answer to this question was to have FTHBs work with a qualified realtor and network of professionals. The second most frequent response was to educate FTHBs on affordability and housing sustainability.
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Lesik, Jana, and Desirée Strandberg. "Konsumenternas köpprocess : En kvalitativstudie om konsumenters informationssökning och köpprocess av hemelektronikprodukter." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Företagsekonomi, 2018.

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Den ökade användningen av internet bland befolkningen har gjort att konsumenterna idag har lättare att införskaffa information om företag, produkter och tjänster samt göra prisjämförelser. På så vis besitter konsumenterna mer kunskaper om produkternas egenskaper. Konsumenterna söker information om produktens egenskaper och gör prisjämförelser genom olika interaktionspunkter. Istället för att påverkas av de traditionella marknadsföringsåtgärderna är det istället konsumenterna som styr sig egen informationssökningsprocess och köpprocess. Våra medverkande respondenters medvetenhet och informationssöknings möjlighet gör att köpprocessen ser annorlunda ut mellan de olika sysselsättningarna. Där pensionärerna tillsammans med arbetarna sticker ut i flera enkätfrågor jämfört med resterande sysselsättningar. Syftet med studien är att analysera hur konsumenternas informationssökning och köpprocess av hemelektronikprodukter ser ut. För att få en ökad förståelse om konsumenternas informationssöknings- och köpprocess av hemelektronikprodukter har material samlats in genom två enkätstudier som har bidragit till studiens genomföranden. Resultatet av studien baseras på informationssökning- och köpprocessen utifrån den moderna cirkulära köpprocessen med hänsyn av de fyra P: n. Resultatet visar att familj och vänner tillsammans med recensioner på internet är de källor som respondenterna förlitar sig mest på och som de anser är mest trovärdiga. Utifrån studiens analys och resultat kan vi dra slutsatsen att reklam på sociala medier är något som majoriteten av alla medverkande respondenter blir påverkade av men däremot är det färre som använder sociala medier vid informationssökningsprocessen. Hemelektronikproduktens miljöpåverkan är en viktig faktor för våra respondenter då flertalet av dessa aktivt väljer att köpa miljövänliga produkter, med kopplingar till att produkten har längre livslängd och lägre elförbrukning.
The increased use of the Internet among the population has made it easier for consumers today to obtain information about companies, products and services as well as price comparisons. In this way, consumers have more knowledge about the properties of the products. Consumers seek information about the product's characteristics and make price comparisons through different interaction points. Instead of being influenced by traditional marketing measures, consumers are instead controlling their own information-seeking process and buying process. The awareness of our participator respondents and the opportunity for information seeking makes the buying process different from the different pursuits. Where the retirees together with the workers stand out in several survey questions compared with the remaining pursuits. The purpose of the study is to analyze how consumers' information search and buying processes of consumer home electronics products look. To gain a better understanding of consumers information- and buying processes of consumer home electronics products, material has been collected through two surveys that have contributed to the study's implementation. The outcome of the study is based on the information- and buying process based on the modern circular buying process taking into consideration of the four Ps. The results show that family and friends along with online reviews are the sources that respondents rely mostly on and which they consider to be most credible. Based on the study's analysis and results, we can conclude that advertising on social media is something that most of all participating respondents are affected by, but on the other hand, fewer people use social media in the information-seeking process. The environmental impact of the home electronics product is an important factor for our respondents, as most of these actively choose to buy environmentally friendly products, coupled with the product's longevity and lower power consumption.
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Shi, Lin. "Housing preferences of residents in Stellenbosch, South Africa. --- An application of the Hedonic Price Model." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2005.

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Thesis (MSc (Consumer Science)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
The issue of housing choice and preferences has been and still is the subject of much academic attention from researchers in many different disciplines. Stellenbosch, the oldest town in South Africa second to Cape Town, is undoubtedly the most scenic and historically well-preserved town in Southern Africa. With this plurality of attractive features, the housing market in Stellenbosch has become one of the most active and expensive housing markets in South Africa. In this specifically booming housing market, it is indispensable to conduct a housing preference and priorities study to determine residents’ tastes and preferences, in order to help those concerned, residents, real estate agents or people related to housing, to make better housing decision. At the same time, considering the affluent housing market in Stellenbosch, sellers and real estate agents are facing the problem of appraising the actual market value of houses. There is an apparent lack of a normative method to evaluate houses, and it is noteworthy that assessments almost always depend on the subjective experience of sellers and real estate agents.
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Changwony, Frederick Kibon. "Three essays in household finance." Thesis, University of Stirling, 2013.

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This thesis explores the impact of two behavioural finance concepts, social psychology and psychology, on household financial decisions. Under social psychology, I investigate whether the variety and intensity of social engagement enhances stock market participation. With regard to psychology, I examine two behavioural biases. First, I investigate whether mental accounting influences portfolio choice in three asset classes and whether financial advice and housing tenure increase (decrease) the effects of mental accounts on portfolio choice. Second, I examine whether households’ self-reported housing wealth are anchored on published house price indices and whether anchoring bias is mediated by market information, mortgage refinancing decisions and social factors. The main contributions and findings in the three studies are as follows. First, although there is an elaborate body of research concerning the relationship between social engagement mechanisms and portfolio choice, most studies investigate specific mechanisms in isolation. Using three waves in the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), I bring together five social engagement measures in one model and show that socially engaged individuals are more likely to participate in the stock market. Consistent with Granovetter’s (1973) theory of social networks I find that a weak tie (measured by social group involvement) has a positive effect on stock market participation whereas a strong tie (measured by talking to neighbours) has no effect. More trusting individuals are more likely to participate in the stock market, as are those who identify with a political party. In contrast, the degree to which religion is important appears to have little impact. These results are robust using different specifications. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate that the likelihood of stock market participation increases with the variety and intensity of social engagement. Second, despite the established theoretical underpinnings of mental accounting in behavioural portfolio theory (BPT) and recent extensions, not much is known about their implications in real life situations. I use a recent UK household survey, the Wealth and Assets Survey (WAS), which has comprehensive information about financial assets to investigate whether there are differences in the ownership and portfolio share of three asset classes among individuals who exhibit no mental account, a single mental account and multiple mental accounts, and the conditional influences of financial advice, housing, cognitive ability, time preference and risk tolerance. Overall I find that mental accounting together with financial advice and housing tenure explain variations in both the probability of ownership and portfolio share in the three asset classes. Households that exhibit a single mental account have low share of investments in, and are less likely to own, a risky asset when compared to those that exhibit no mental account or exhibit multiple mental accounts. I also find that, when compared to having no mental account, exhibiting a single mental account or multiple mental accounts increases both the probability and investment share in a fairly safe asset but decreases portfolio share in safe assets. In addition, among those that exhibit a single mental or multiple mental accounts, financial advice decreases portfolio share in risky assets and fairly safe assets and increases portfolio share in safe assets. Housing tenure increases both the probability and portfolio share in risky assets, decreases portfolio share in fairly safe assets and increases portfolio share in safe assets. These results are consistent using multi-equation regressions, sub-samples, reparametrised variables and poisson regressions. Finally, as little is known about how households derive the self-reported house prices estimates that are commonly used to determine housing wealth, the third study examines whether households are anchored on published house price indices. The key conjecture is that, while assessing the values of their homes, homeowners place more weight on house price news at the expense of property characteristics and other market information. I find support for this hypothesis using sixteen waves of the BHPS, multiple methods, and both regional and national house price indices. I conclude that changes in self-reported housing wealth are anchored on changes in published house price indices. Specifically, ownership through a mortgage and greater financial expectations increase anchoring effects while mortgage refinancing decreases the effects. Moreover, use of money raised from refinancing for home investment, as opposed to other consumption purposes, has a positive association with change in self-reported house value and both uses reduce anchoring bias. In addition, I find that computer use increases anchoring bias and, among social engagement mechanisms, religiosity reduces anchoring while other measures have no effect. These results are robust to internal instrumental variables, national aggregate house prices, alternative indices and sub-samples.
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"Buying a home, buying a dream: meaning systems of home in contemporary Hong Kong." 2000.

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Cheng Hau-ling.
Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 95-100).
Abstracts in English and Chinese.
Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.2
Chapter CHAPTER 2 --- "HOME, SWEET HOME" --- p.17
Chapter CHAPTER 3 --- DREAMY HOME IN ADS --- p.30
Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- RE-DEFINING SEA VIEW --- p.39
Chapter CHAPTER 5 --- CONSUMING HOME --- p.47
Chapter CHAPTER 6 --- CONSUMING SEA VIEW --- p.70
Chapter CHAPTER 7 --- BUYING A DREAM --- p.79
APPENDIX I --- p.88
APPENDIX II --- p.89
APPENDIX IV --- p.92
APPENDIX V --- p.93
APPENDIX VI --- p.94
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"A decision support system for home purchase." Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993.

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Fung Chi Tim.
Thesis (M.Sc.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 53).
Chapter I. --- Introduction --- p.1
Chapter II. --- Objective --- p.4
Chapter III. --- Methodology
Decision Methodology --- p.6
Sensitivity Analysis and Re-iteration --- p.14
Ease of use of the system --- p.22
Chapter IV. --- Test Result --- p.26
Chapter V. --- Future Research Direction --- p.28
Chapter VI. --- Conclusion --- p.32
Chapter VII. --- Appendix A Description of System --- p.35
Chapter VIII. --- Appendix B User's Guide --- p.44
Figures --- p.50
References --- p.53
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Almeida, Erika de Melo Monteiro. "Portuguese online consumer and buying behavior for home products." Master's thesis, 2012.

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The current environment and development of information technology brings out changes in both social and business aspects. Portugal, like the rest of the world is no exception and the clear expansion of the emergent concept of electronic commerce starts feeling. The contribution of this project goes through the explanation and decoding of Portuguese consumer behavior facing this scenario both in regards to information search as well as the purchase itself in digital media. Furthermore, the proposed conceptual model shows the relationship between variables such as perceptions, service quality, interactive marketing and shopping experience, which by the results; seem to be fundamental in determining customer satisfaction that in turn has impact on the online consumer trust and loyalty.
A conjuntura atual do desenvolvimento das tecnologias de informação traz consigo mudanças tanto em termos sociais como dos negócios. Portugal, assim como o resto do mundo não é exceção e começa-se a verificar a expansão do conceito e-Commerce ou das compras online. O contributo deste projeto passa por tentar explicar e descodificar o comportamento do consumidor Português face a este panorama tanto no que diz respeito à procura de informação, como da compra em si em meio digital. Além disso o modelo conceptual proposto mostra a relação entre variáveis como as perceções, a qualidade do serviço, o marketing interativo e a experiencia de compra que pelos resultados obtidos parecem ser variáveis fundamentais na determinação da satisfação do cliente que por sua vez tem impacto na confiança e fidelização do consumidor online.
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Oliveira, Lisa Maria. "Housing trajectories into homeownership : a case study of Punjabi Sikh immigrants in the Toronto CMA /." 2004.

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Thesis (M.A.)--York University, 2004. Graduate Programme in Geography.
Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 220-234). Also available on the Internet. MODE OF ACCESS via web browser by entering the following URL: &rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:MR11873
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Kupke, Valerie Elizabeth Harriet. "Buying a first home: the implications of labour market change." 2007.

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Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University of Adelaide Library.
"This thesis seeks to make a contribution to the understanding of the relationship between housing and labour markets by examining the impact of decreasing job security, that is the increase in casual and contract employment, on the purchase behaviour of first home buyers in Australia." -- Abstract
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, 2007
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Kupke, Valerie Elizabeth Harriet. "Buying a first home: the implications of labour market change." Thesis, 2007.

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"This thesis seeks to make a contribution to the understanding of the relationship between housing and labour markets by examining the impact of decreasing job security, that is the increase in casual and contract employment, on the purchase behaviour of first home buyers in Australia." -- Abstract
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, 2007
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Lu, Tien-Hua, and 盧殿華. "The Research of Customer Impulse Buying Behavior Induced by TV Home Shopping." Thesis, 2008.

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Yet today, many researchers continue to study how customer impulse buying behavior occurs. What factors stimulate customers to purchase immediately at in-store shopping prior to enter the store without any plans to purchase. How does TV Home program use media strategy to stimulate customer impulse buying behavior? This research wants to study the following 3 questions related to industry of TV Home shopping. First, how does TV Home Shopping program use sales promotion methods and program atmosphere to stimulate customer impulse buying behavior and urge customers to take action to purchase? Second, does customer interaction with TV program host influence on customer purchase emotions on TV Home Shopping? Third, does individual impulsive trait have influence on emotional states and impulse buying behavior? As literature discuss, this study uses Mehrabian and Russell’s (1974) Environmental Psychology Model develop framework and to discuss whether promotions and TV program atmosphere will induce emotional responses and then impulsive buying behavior. Additional, this study wants to know the influences of interaction with TV host and impulsive traits on TV Home shopping impulsive buying behavior. A 3(promotions) Χ 2(program atmosphere) factorial experiment design was performed in order to explore the effects of various sales promotions and different program atmosphere on customer emotions and impulse buying behavior. Then this study divided 180 people into 6 groups. The findings provide insights that promotions of time-pressure and low-price will influence on customer’s arousal emotions and atmosphere has influence on pleasure emotions. Moreover, pleasure emotions have positive influences on impulse buying behavior. Interaction with TV host will moderate the promotion of low-price and pleasure emotions. There is no interaction of emotional states between sales promotion and program atmosphere under the TV home shopping environment.
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Smith, Erin Gayle. "Consumer preferences of home textile products an investigation into Hispanic shoppers' buying behavior /." 2004.

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"Determinants of housing tenure choice in Hong Kong." 2004.

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Tsang Hoi Ting Florona.
Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-104).
Abstracts in English and Chinese.
Abstracts --- p.i-ii
Acknowledgements --- p.iii-iv
Table of Contents --- p.v-vii
List of Tables --- p.viii-ix
List of Charts --- p.x-xi
List of Figures --- p.xii
Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1
Chapter 1.1 --- Background of Present Study --- p.1
Chapter 1.2 --- Purpose of the Study --- p.3
Chapter 1.3 --- Organization of the Thesis --- p.4
Chapter Chapter 2 --- Literature Review --- p.5
Chapter 2.1 --- Review of Literatures on Benefits of Homeownership --- p.5
Chapter 2.2 --- Review of Literatures on Tenure Choice --- p.8
Chapter Chapter 3 --- Hong Kong Housing Market --- p.12
Chapter 3.1 --- Why Hong Kong? --- p.12
Chapter 3.2 --- Characteristics of the Hong Kong Housing Market --- p.14
Chapter 3.3 --- Review of the Hong Kong Public Housing Market --- p.19
Chapter 3.3.1 --- Development of the Hong Kong Public Housing Market --- p.20
Chapter i --- The Period 1954-64 --- p.20
Chapter ii --- The Period 1965-73 --- p.22
Chapter iii --- The Period 1973-83 --- p.24
Chapter iv --- The Period 1984-2004 --- p.25
Chapter 3.4 --- Review of the Hong Kong Private Housing Market --- p.29
Chapter 3.5 --- Price and Rent of Private Domestic Units --- p.30
Chapter 3.6 --- Renting versus Owning --- p.33
Chapter 3.7 --- Improvement in the Living Conditions of the Population --- p.35
Chapter Chapter 4 --- Data Description --- p.37
Chapter 4.1 --- Population Census Data Sets --- p.37
Chapter 4.2 --- Sample Selection --- p.39
Chapter Chapter 5 --- Methodology ´ؤ the Tenure Choice Model --- p.41
Chapter 5.1 --- Tenure Choice Function --- p.43
Chapter 5.2 --- Multinomial Logit Model --- p.46
Chapter 5.3 --- Explanatory Variables --- p.48
Chapter 5.4 --- Summary of Descriptive Statistics --- p.58
Chapter Chapter 6 --- Empirical Results --- p.65
Chapter 6.1 --- People who Seek for Government Housing Assistance ´ؤ Subsidized Ownership and Subsidized Rental --- p.67
Chapter 6.2 --- People who Favour the Private Housing Market --- p.72
Chapter 6.3 --- Tenure Choice in Both Public and Private Housing Market --- p.76
Chapter 6.3.1 --- Similarities of Tenure Choice of Both Housing Markets --- p.77
Chapter i --- Who Favours Owning? --- p.77
Chapter ii --- Who Favours Renting? --- p.80
Chapter 6.3.2 --- Unique Features in Each Housing Market --- p.82
Chapter i --- The Public Housing Market --- p.82
Chapter ii --- The Public Housing Market --- p.83
Chapter 6.4 --- Relationship of Residence and Work Place and Internal Migration --- p.88
Chapter 6.5 --- Tenure Choices of Movers and Non-Movers --- p.95
Chapter Chapter 7 --- Limitations of This Study --- p.97
Chapter Chatper 8 --- Conclusion --- p.99
References --- p.101
Chapter Appendix 1 --- Comparison of Previous Literatures --- p.105
Chapter Appendix 2 --- Abbreviations --- p.109
Chapter Appendix 3 --- Description of Variables --- p.110
Chapter i --- Explanatory Variables --- p.110
Chapter ii --- Control Groups --- p.113
Chapter iii --- Notes --- p.114
Chapter Appendix 4 --- Additional Notes of Public Housings --- p.119
Chapter Note 1 --- Eligibility Criteria Set by Hong Kong Housing Authority(HKHA) --- p.121
Chapter Note 2 --- Eligibility Criteria Set by Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS).… --- p.123
Chapter Appendix 5 --- Tables --- p.125
Chapter Appendix 6 --- Charts --- p.150
Chapter Appendix 7 --- Figures --- p.165
Chapter Appendix 8 --- Commands of Computer Programs (STATA) --- p.171
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"A study of the Hong Kong home ownership scheme." Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1986.

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"An econometric approach to the study of the private housing market in Hong Kong." Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1986.

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Lin, Hsiao-Jung, and 林筱蓉. "The Consumer’s Consumption Values, Needs and Buying Intentions of 3D Home Product-A Case Study of Hsinchu City." Thesis, 2011.

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In the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) of 2009, the technology of 3D image display was unexpectedly spectacular. According to Industrial Technology Research Institute report, 3D image has been an important development of display technology in recent years. Hollywood constantly made many 3D movies in the past years. That proves 3D image display technology had greatly advanced; meanwhile, it shows the possibility of customer’s needs from 2D to 3D. Due to the 3D content becomes more and more, eg. TV, movie and game, the 3D field has started to grow up on consumer electronic; including 3D TV, 3D desktop, 3D laptop, blue-ray disc, digital camera and video and digital photo frame. Thus it can be seen 3D home products are potential development in 3D products. Littler and Sweeting (1989) considered that the ratio of technological innovation is high, and customer’s needs are not clear, makes the market is difficult to define. Therefore, market research is important when the new technology products release. The finding of this study shows the consumption values of 27-35 years old male and management group are higher than others, social values and 3D NB buying intention are positive, and emotional values and 3D PC/NB buying intention are positive. The functional needs are major of customer’s needs. In conclusion, the suggestion of this study is the 27-35 years old male and management group / office workers are the target market for business. And refer to customer’s functional, conditional and social needs for 3D technology development.
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林佩萱. "The Influence of High Housing Prices on Home Buying and Childbearing Behaviors– An Investigation of Family Resources, Demands, and Preferences." Thesis, 2016.

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"The interactions between subsidized and private housing market under competitive search framework." 2008.

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Cheung, Ka Shing.
Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 55-57).
Abstracts in English and Chinese.
Abstract --- p.i
Abstract (Chinese Version) --- p.ii
Acknowledgment --- p.iii
Table of Contents --- p.iv
List of Tables ---
List of Figures ---
Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1
Chapter 2. --- HOS and the Comparable Private Housing Market --- p.4
Chapter 2.1. --- History and Policies in Hong Kong Housing Market --- p.4
Chapter 2.2. --- The Emerging Subsidized Housing Market --- p.6
Chapter 2.3. --- The Comparable Private Housing Market --- p.7
Chapter 2.4. --- "A Tale of the 85,000 Policy" --- p.11
Chapter 3. --- Literature Review on the Model Choice --- p.12
Chapter 4. --- The Model --- p.15
Chapter 4.1. --- The Basic Setting --- p.15
Chapter 4.2. --- Basic Assumptions of the Model Setup --- p.18
Chapter 4.3. --- Deal or no deal on a house? --- p.18
Chapter 5. --- Model in Long Run --- p.19
Chapter 5.1. --- Assumptions of Model in the Long Run --- p.19
Chapter 5.2. --- Value Function of Buyers --- p.21
Chapter 5.3. --- What do the Pricing Functions pH and pL depend on? --- p.24
Chapter 5.4. --- Sellers' Value Function in Public Market --- p.26
Chapter 5.5. --- The Key of our Model - Market Tightness of both Markets --- p.27
Chapter 5.6. --- Population Flow of the Model --- p.29
Chapter 5.7. --- Procedure of Solving the Model --- p.30
Chapter 5.8. --- Results of Comparative Static in Long Run --- p.34
Chapter 5.9. --- Discussion of Long Run Model --- p.34
Chapter 5.9.1. --- Change of Public Housing Supply --- p.35
Chapter 5.9.2. --- Change of Population Inflow --- p.36
Chapter 5.9.3. --- Change of Owners' Value --- p.37
Chapter 5.9.4. --- Change of Sellers' Value in Private Market --- p.38
Chapter 5.9.5. --- Change of Search Cost --- p.40
Chapter 5.9.6. --- Change of Bargaining Power of Sellers --- p.41
Chapter 6. --- Model in Short Run --- p.43
Chapter 6.1. --- Assumptions of Model in the Short Run --- p.43
Chapter 6.2. --- Results of Comparative Static in Short Run --- p.45
Chapter 6.3. --- Discussions of the Model in Short Run --- p.46
Chapter 6.3.1. --- Change of Numbers of Sellers --- p.47
Chapter 6.3.2. --- Change of House Owners' Value --- p.48
Chapter 6.3.3. --- Change of Search Cost --- p.49
Chapter 6.3.4. --- Change of Bargaining Power of Sellers --- p.51
Chapter 7. --- Discussions --- p.52
Chapter 8. --- Concluding Remarks and Further Extensions --- p.54
Chapter 9. --- References --- p.55
Chapter 10. --- Appendix --- p.57
Chapter 10.1. --- Various Subsidized Housing Scheme in Hong Kong --- p.57
Chapter 10.1.1. --- The Tenant Purchasing Scheme (TPS) --- p.57
Chapter 10.1.2. --- The Home Purchase Loan Scheme (HPLS) --- p.58
Chapter 10.1.3. --- Eligibility of HOS scheme --- p.58
Chapter 10.2. --- Nash Bargaining Solution --- p.62
Chapter 10.3. --- The Pricing Function in the Private Housing Market pH --- p.64
Chapter 10.4. --- The Pricing Function in the Public Market pL --- p.65
Chapter 10.5. --- The Market Tightness of Private Market θH --- p.65
Chapter 10.6. --- The Market Tightness of Public Housing Market θL --- p.66
Chapter 10.7. --- The Comparative Statics in Long Run --- p.69
Chapter 10.8. --- Comparative Statics in Short Run Equilibrium --- p.74
Chapter 10.9. --- What the Relationship between pi and θi ? --- p.79
Chapter 10.10. --- Flow Chart of the Interactions between Markets --- p.84
Chapter 10.10.1. --- The Long Run Model --- p.84
Chapter 10.10.2. --- The Short Run Model --- p.92
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Chen, Pei-Chun, and 陳沛均. "A Study on Transformation of the Business Model of Home Delivery Service Companies Relating to the Trend of Group-Buying: An Example of TAKKYUBIN." Thesis, 2010.

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As the development of electronic commerce and the change of the life style, the consumers are looking for speedy and convenient mode of consumption and home-delivery commerce. The consumers can surf on the net or exchange their opinions everywhere at any time. The consumers also can buy goods through electronic commerce with strangers who have the same needs in order to get better discounts. The rise of the home-delivery commerce has changed the business model of transportation industry. It is not only bringing more conveniences for consumers, but also bringing more opportunities for enterprises. The home-delivery services have been brought in Taiwan after TECO Group and Uni-President Group collaborated with Japanese transportation companies in 2000. After the home-delivery enterprises refined on their services for ten years, the home-delivery already became a key factor of the electronic commerce. This qualitative research with case study of TAKKYUBIN which belongs to Uni-President Group is based on an interpretive approach, explores the relationship between the electronic commerce and the home-delivery industries and the business model of the home-delivery companies relating to the trend of group-buying. The deeply interview data with the middle management team and analyzed with the important factors of services, marketing, human resources and strategies in order to indicate that the home-delivery companies tried to forge a strategic alliance with difference companies from different business fields in order to benefit the electronic commerce.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

HUANG, CHIU-HUNG, and 黃秋紅. "The study of life style and consumer behavior in buying clothes of vocational senior high school students: a case of students in home economics group." Thesis, 2010.

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The purpose of this research was to examine the difference of lifestyles and the difference of consumer behavior in buying clothes among vocational senior high school students of home economic group with different background variables. Furthermore, we also explored the influence on consumer behavior in buying clothes based on background variables and diverse lifestyles. Quantitative approach and stratified sampling were chosen as the date collection method. 550 questionnaires were distributed to home economics group students among nine vocational senior high schools in Taiwan, and 456 questionnaires were returned. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way Anova, Person product-moment correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analysis as techniques were used to analyze and interpret the data. The results of this study were as follows: 1. There are significant difference between male and female in brand fanaticism, endeavor independent, fame and success, and exercise lover. 2. In terms of the brand fanaticism, the students having over 5000 dollars as monthly disposable pocket money were keener on the pursuit of brand than those who had 1000 dollars and less as monthly disposable pocket money. 3. The students at middle family socioeconomic status were keener on the pursuit of brand than those at low family socioeconomic status. 4. The male students were much more inclined to purchase clothes for the purpose of conspicuousness than the female students. 5. The students who had 4001 dollars and above as monthly disposable pocket money were more inclined to purchase clothes for the purpose of conspicuousness than those who had 1000 dollars and less as monthly disposable pocket money. 6. The students at middle family socioeconomic status were more inclined to purchase clothes for the purpose of conspicuousness than those at low family socioeconomic status. 7. The students who had more monthly disposable pocket money, and who were more fanatical about brand, more interested in fashion hunting, and had prospect at sea were more inclined to buy for clothes the purpose of conspicuousness. On the contrary, the students who were more independent had less motivation to purchase clothes for the purpose of conspicuousness. Above all, the students who were more fanatical about brand purchased clothes for the purpose of conspicuousness significantly. 8. The students as exercise lovers and fame and success chaser were more inclined to buy clothes for functional purpose. 9. The students who loved exercise or were fanatical about brand had higher satisfaction in clothes shopping.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Chou, Chi-Tsung, and 周啟宗. "The Effect of Store Image, Service Quality and Brand Image on Customer’s Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Case of Buying the Large-Scale Electrical Home Appliances." Thesis, 2007.

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With development of national economy, service trade has already become the mainstream of industrial structure of Taiwan. Service quality and customer satisfaction have already become the focal point that every industry has managed. Therefore, how be among keen competition environment, it makes to be competition advantage of price, become the topic that is worth studying. This research was from May 1st 2007 to May 31st 2007, regard general consumers and used convenience sampling, the valid sample are 304. The regression analysis is used to exam the relationship between store image, service quality, brand image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in large-scale electrical appliances industry. In order to improve customers as the industry of the large-scale electrical home appliances the satisfied and reference subject of managing performance. The results show that customer satisfaction has significant relation to customer loyalty. Service quality and brand image are the key driver factor to customer satisfaction. There is no significant relation between store image and customer satisfaction but directly influence customer loyalty. This research also shows in addition, customers satisfaction will moderation the store image, service quality, brand image and customer''s loyalty. Hope this research can provide the large-scale electrical appliances industry a real diagnosis, responders localization their marketing strategies.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Kaljula, Kärolin Lii. "Trender, ett verktyg i heminredningsföretagets marknadsföring? : En fallstudie om relationen mellan trender och marknadsföring på heminredningsmarknaden med huvudfokus på Åhléns hemavdelning." Thesis, 2015.

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Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken roll trender har i heminredningsföretagets marknadsföring och få en större förståelse för hur trender kan användas som ett marknadsföringsverktyg inom heminredningsmarknad. Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade djupintervjuer och observationer. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie om heminredningsmarknaden med huvudfokus på Åhléns hemavdelning.Teori: Studien har insamlat teorier inom områdena trender, kundfokus samt marknadsföring och kommunikation.Resultat: I resultatet visade det sig att trender kan användas som ett marknadsföringsverktyg men trender är inte enbart ett verktyg. Trender är basen för hela marknadsföringen. Samtidigt används trender även i framtagandet av sortiment och är en av grunderna för heminredningskampanjer. Trender kan användas i alla kanaler beroende på vad man vill förmedla till konsumenter.
Ekonomi, teknik och design
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Shih, Hua, and 石華. "A study of how website design influence impulsive buying through hope─ An example of cosmetics online-shopping." Thesis, 2007.

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Hope is everywhere in our daily life. Each day, millions of consumers engage in such behaviors as investing in the stock market, buying lottery tickets, attempting to lose weight, reading self-help books, undergoing cosmetic surgery and visiting therapists. What do all these consumption situations have in common? Among other things — hope. Hope is a positively valenced emotion that will affect consumers’ behavior. Consumer will perform different behavior because of different intensity of hope. So it becomes more important in marketing. MacInnis and de Mello (2005) indicated that hope is a positively valenced emotion evoked in response to an uncertain but possible goal-congruent outcome and will affected by marketing tactics. By example of cosmetics on-line shopping, there is significant relationship between “hope” and “cosmetics” in normal perception. Because of the virtual characteristic, consumers can’t experience the products on-line. So the website marketers do their best to induce and enhance hope towards products in order to promoting sales, such as using images and celebrity recommendation. So this research will investigate whether these website design induce hope, and how website designs influence impulsive buying through hope. Take B2C cosmetics website for example. This research uses “appraisal theory” to explain how products through website design induce hope, and the effects on impulsive buying. We also compare with the differences of website designs inducing hope. The website designs are “resolution of an approach-avoidance conflict”, “ more positive fantasy”, “promoting Attainment of Multiple Goal”, “comparing with ideal future self”, “celebrity recommendation” and “achievement of the goal by others”. This research provides marketers some suggestions in online shopping. The main results are as follows: 1.The website design of “resolution of an approach-avoidance conflict”, “ more positive fantasy”, “promoting Attainment of Multiple Goal”, “celebrity recommendation” and “achievement of the goal by others” have effect on consumers’ hope. 2.When consumers are high product involvement, they are easily induced hopes by marketing tactics. 3.The more hope perceived, the more intention of impulsive buying. 4.With hope as a mediator, website design have effect on impulsive buying.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Combrink, Antoinette. "Comparative odds of variables contributing to non-subsidised homeownership in South Africa." Diss., 2017.

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Homeownership is widely advocated and believed to contribute towards economic activity, employment, wealth creation, economic, political, and neighbourhood stability and financial independence. Despite government’s interventions to advance homeownership there is currently a declining trend in homeownership and an increase in renting experienced in South Africa. As the government does not have the resources to provide adequate housing to all South Africans, identifying the factors which attribute to non-subsidised homeownership will assist in implementing interventions and strategies to increase access to non-subsidised homeownership and reduce reliance on government subsidised housing. The main objective of this study was to determine the comparative odds of variables contributing to non-subsidised homeownership in South Africa from secondary data obtained from a South African household survey. Compared to the heuristic model, the following variables were found to align closely with the expectation created; non-subsidised homeownership attainment was most likely for households within high-income groups and least for households within the low-income groups, more likely for households who have access to credit than those without, more likely for households with no accounts in arrears than those with accounts in arrears, more likely for households with an ability to save than those without, most likely for households consisting of seven or more household members and least likely for single member households, most likely for households where FKP (Financially Knowledgeable Person) has completed a tertiary education level and least likely for households with primary not completed education levels, most likely for households where the FKP is older (aged 65 and older) and least likely for young FKP households (aged between 18 and 24), most likely for households residing in rural areas and least likely for households residing in metropolitan areas, most likely for female FKP households and least likely for male FKP households. Unexpectedly the regression model indicated that non-subsidised homeownership is most likely for households where the Financially Knowledgeable Person (FKP) is not economically active (for example pensioners) and least likely for employed households, most likely for households from the African population group and least likely for Indian households, most likely where the FKP is never married or single and least likely for separated or divorced FKP households (which is expected) and most likely for households residing in Limpopo (which is expected) and least likely for households residing Western Cape.
Financial accounting
M. Phil. (Accounting Science)
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
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